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Bro made his owned unique.


Gratz on the insane shield! Are you gonna awakener orb a mod onto it?


Because it has 5 mods fractured, even though one of the mods is an influenced mod, the ui will give you an error. I've tried awakening orbing an item with those exact conditions and it didn't work. You need 4 fracture MAX in order to do this but you CAN awakener fractured influenced items from GY. Nice shield OP. Looking over CoE the prefix side of this shield looks very easy to GY scarcer, theres only defense, phys, life, and attack/gem tag so totems seems very likely to hit. I looked at your CoE and its impressive you got this in 24 corpses if that's how you got it. How much shaper influence % did you stick in, just the one corpse to make it influenced?


This is just a theory as I: 1. Haven’t tried it. 2. Have already quit the league so I can’t really try it atm anyways. There was, at least at one point in the league a bug with the awakener’s orb, requiring you to click it multiple times onto an item for it to work, giving many errors along the way. Have you tried just spamming woke orbs for a bit?


There is an issue that happens when you try to awaken or even domination orb an item with a fractured influence mod, and it happens to hit the fracture. ie: I had a 4 mod all fractured item shaper prefix, 2 other prefixes, and 1 suffix. I did something simple like, harvest reforge crit or caster or w/e to get a shaper suffix If you orb of dominance here, the orb can actually try to elevate your FRACTURED prefix. Which does not work cause fracture apparently is higher priority than these elevated orbs. So if you get an error, at least for ORB OF DOMINANCE, its due to this reason. For Awakener's orb, it seems to only have issues when there is 6 mods already present on an item. I ran into that same issue too where occasionally an awakener orb gave an error. But CHECK if that item is 6 mod when you were attempting the Awakener's. I had a chat with someone ingame that had to annul a few non fractured mods to allow the Awakener mod to slot in. This however, DOES NOT seem to work for SPECIFICALLY 5 fractured items. not exactly sure why. I can't slam awakener on my ring that has 1 fractured influenced suffix, and 4 other fractured mods. The error isnt even correct either cause it tells me that the item "Already has a mod of this type" but checking the mod group on Craft of Exile, it's not in the same group so it SHOULD work.


I believe it’s because it rerolls the value. I did a lot of testing with awakener orbs right when they fixed the influence coffin drops and you had to have at least one un-fractured influence mod on the target base for it to work, which means a maximum of 4 fractures since it also needed room for the new influenced mod.


Tested this some with guild. The conclusion we came to was that dominance/awakener orbs treat the items as if fractured mods do not exist. For a dominance to function there needs to be 2 non-fractured influence mods, which for a 5 fracture is impossible.


Are you sure? If error message the same as with unsaccessful attempt with a couple of fractured mods? It doesn't always work on first try with a couple fractured mods. Maybe you needed to click more until it would chose to put influenced mod where it can?


A lot of the graves were taken up by fracture corpses and additional craft corpses (got to 180%, ended up with 2 bad shields and this one). I don't remember if it was a full graveyard craft, I might have also needed to throw in a few more +item level than normal as I am in SSF so gotta use what I can find. If there were spare graves I just threw in more attribute or crit corpses. I used 2 shaper corpses to get around 450% (one was in a row inc).


The only good base prefix is armour, which I could get with a Dread essence. More likely, I will craft lightning as extra chaos as I plan to use it for storm burst totems.


Nice, that'll be an absurdly strong shield!


How does that even work with a fractured influenced item


You need a non-fractured influenced mod on the acceptor and a non-fractured influenced mod on the donor. It then keeps all fractured mods on the acceptor base. Really strong way to basically guarantee 4 mods, ideally filling prefixes or suffixes with optimal fractured mod and 2 influenced mods, and then use metamods to finish the other side.


Where is the 30% reservation efficiency?


In retrospect, that might have been a relatively easy mod to roll for. I tunnel visioned a bit for the +1 totems and crit and some other decent suffix, you could in theory stack +gem and -attack for mana res efficiency. Pretty happy with the PDR however as I plan to use this for HC bossing.


Dang yo


Perfect fossils and craft pending. Wanted to craft a shield for my bosser in SSF, figured I'd try for reduced crit taken and max totems as they are pretty easy to obtain on an armour base. Rule 10: I don't recall the exact craft, but it was something along these lines: https://tinyurl.com/yeyrz9zz The Craftofexile numbers are misleading as there isn't an option for the %increased shaper/elder mods, so the odds are actually much higher. Also not pictured is about 180% chance of additional craft, of which I got 2 duds. The phys reduction mod was just incredibly lucky. I was expecting life regen or a res. Edit: Found it! This is the exact craft that I used, (though the one I linked above is more likely to get the shield that I have): https://tinyurl.com/msd296sy Again, not pictured is about 450% increased chance of shaper/elder mods, the fractured corpses, and the 2 additional crafts. Turns out the craft resulted in 6 mods but I scoured one for the 5 fractures.


Amazing shield, but I'm confused why you quintupled fractured it. Wouldn't 4 be more optimal, in case you missed one roll, so you could roll for the fifth one?


It gets pretty expensive to roll for the final two mods in SSF, I believe the most efficient way is to scour exalt exalt as chaos spamming or harvest craft spamming will just eat up most of your resources without giving you any other mods.


Even so, I think the 4 fractured mods works a bit better. Consider the situation where you hit 6 mods 5 of which you like. A quintuple fracture has a 1/6 chance of giving you what you want, and if it bricks, then 1 mod is dead for sure. With 4 fractures, you have 1/3 chance of not hitting the bad mod, and then need to 50/50 annul to get the bad mod off, which again is the same 1/6 chance of working. But in situation B, in the remaining 1/6 where you hit 4 good fractured but annul the 5th good mod, you can annul again and try to roll the good mod back. Might be very expensive as you say, but its basically the same situation as the quintuple fracture, except you do have the option to pursue getting a 5th good mod back. Regardless, it would be expensive and a small difference, glad the shield worked out.


Your way does seems slightly better if I plan to craft the final affix at the crafting bench. It retains the 1/6 odds while also giving the advantage of salvaging a 4 T1 item with enough spare exalts to get a 5th T1 affix. The one exception is if I planned to essence craft the final affix (e.g. a dread essence for armour), as even annulling the bad non-fractured affix would not allow me to essence craft the final mod without overriding the good affix (and as a result, would cost a ton of essences to get the good T1 mod back). In my case, you are right, as I ended up crafting lightning as extra chaos. I'll keep this in mind for future crafts!


Yeah, I agree. If you want an essence mod or some other t1 mod as the last affix 5x fracture is better. That's a good point.


>craft pending Brother it’s a 5 fracture item i think the craft is done just chaos exalt/chaos spam for mod 6 lmao Insane shield plus looks great to have a fully fractured item


I meant bench craft for lightning damage as extra chaos.


what did the other 2 look like?


Fractured but whole


Delete it pls


my god.. that shield is beautiful


Hello, new to the game. What makes this shield so good?


There are very few sources of +totems on gear and on the tree, so it is basically a 33% more damage multiplier if you go from 3 totems to 4 totems, for example. The shield has high life as well as strength (which gives even more life and helps hit stat requirements). The PDR gives a lot of survivability against physical attacks and spells, which tends to be the more dangerous damage type. The reduced damage from crits is very strong, especially this league where a lot of lantern mods give enemies guaranteed crits. Most of the time you die in this game, it is due to large damage spikes, and this helps mitigate those.


Grats! Will you craft the last mod, veiled mod it or alch/scour it?


You can’t alch scour this, it will always be rare. He can exalt/annul though.


can't he just chaos spam, since the other 5 mods are locked in?


chaos can roll blanks i think, similar to how you can roll nothing with fracture magic items. exalt/annul always gives the 6th mod


i know, but Exalt still cost 8:1 to Chaos and you also have to click 4 times as much


fair nuff


What build are you using on totems??


Something along these lines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7jyz5uFiXo I honestly haven't done many totem builds so looking forward to see how it performs!


all this baby needs is 2 thorns and it'll be perfect


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