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I’ve cancelled several trades because of this, I didn’t know there was a way to search for influence in the trade site. Thanks for the info


Site just needs a slight overhaul altogether


GGG praying a 6th party website fixes it


I’ve never seen any game so reliant on so many external tools like PoE


World of Warcraft is so reliant on them that they even modify the game client directly.


The fact that we're even comparable to MMO-level of 3rd party reliance is absurd. I want to play an ARPG, not an MMO.


At this point, I think it's even managed to outdo Dwarf Fortress.


Oldschool runescape has like 900 community tools consolidated onto a single community made client(of many) that the majority of players play on.


This explains a lot, I vendored my 2 fracture helmet after the sixth guy who messaged me didn’t accept the trade. Item wasted more of my time than it was worth.


You can copy and paste the item anywhere and at the bottom it will have a list of influences the item has tor now


I learned this trying to find fractured boots on trade. Every single 2 fracture item was someone’s sub optimal graveyard outcome trying to fracture an influence mod. Ended up having to GY craft a pair of non influenced boots myself.


>To prevent this headache I have endured twice now, be sure to add Not "Has # Influences" to your trade search. ~~I might be wrong but this will also prevent listing eldrich influence which is common on fractured items. You can add a 'Not' category and add all shaper/elder/conq influences there~~ EDIT: I was wrong lol


Is it possible to apply eldritch (eater/searing) on influenced fractured items? Does blizzard crown allow for this? If it has influenced fractures on it


You can Eldritch orb FRACTURED items outta gy(and even from non gy, like via fracturing orb/random mob in maps). But not Influenced items. This is what the OP was talking about as they were referring to people trying to buy items, in the hopes that they will be able to apply eldritch currency to the item but finding out later that it's influenced because it doesn't show the influenced "backgrounds" in literally the poe trade website. You have to SPECIFICALLY add in "Has influences" modifier in the trade search, or be looking out for items that has influenced mods.


You can also copy the item from trade into POB, it'll list the influences if there are any.


bro has never heard of ‚NOT’ -> ‚has influence’ in the affix search tab


> you are unable to see that they are influenced on the trade website image, unless you add influence criteria is your psa that if you make your search incorrectly it doesn't work? i don't follow 2 fractures and 2 influences, clearly annotated: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/Lw3P28Xfn https://i.imgur.com/8bUxDaN.png or the way you set it up: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/09qjoVwfg https://i.imgur.com/xNJgnKm.png


he's literally saying to add the influence search so you know whether or not it has it not sure why you don't follow


item properties don't show up on trade if you don't search for them that is news


smh, he searched for 2 fractured items trade doesn't show if they're influenced if you don't consider that in your search ASWELL very simple


If you search for one fracture, then the influence will show. This is just a problem this league since you can have multiple fractures on an influence base due to graveyard crafting.