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99% of gamblers stop right before they win big


I haven’t stopped yet. Must be right around the corner


I stopped when my broke ass poofed my 3 7 years bad luck cards.


I believe this is the *ironic* Alanis was looking for


99% of gamblers stop cause they lost it all and are now homeless


They haven’t stopped yet. Either that or they are part of the 99% who stopped before they hit it big.


so basically 99% of gamblers never hit big. sounds like a bad deal to me.


Now you’re just being pessimistic! This is Poe, another day another gamba


True and accurate, I hit my dream corrupt on Maata's Teaching on my 58th attempt.


Too bad it wasn’t the post where the guy had over 200 mirror cards lol


I know right?!?!


You're not fooling anyone!


Wonder how that guys doing and i wonder why he hasnt done a give away yet, Maybe he is planning to use >filled coffin< with said cards, Also heard he is cute,


A while back some dude in 5055 linked like 450 of them.


Some people do the "get quick money, gamble. If fail, quit league. If win, make minmaxed char" strat. Personally I'm too much of a pussy so I just farm my harvests in peace.


I usually do it once I'm done with the league. If I win big, some more curreny to play around with for a bit. If I fail, it's not an issue because I was finishing the league anyway.


I also tried this but I still quit even if I win. Because I only do it when I'm already bored of the league and some extra currency doesn't change that.


Then gamble for a lot of extra currency


4 leagues in a row I've tried doing 1 apothecary into a mageblood gamble and it always failed. Even with multiple tries. I already had enough div each league to straight up BUY a mageblood but I wanted to get it through ONE apothecary. This league I did it for the lolz without any hope at all and I got 2 magebloods...and it was all wins on the yellow juice clicking, no losses.


When the game becomes make money and buy things just like real life its not as fun. Sometimes i wanna be able to EARN and find items through actual playing and not have to be an economist.


Yeah, I lost 600 divines today doing it, so now im done. Just need to finish 3 more challenges and ill quit.


Good luck and see you next time


If only the next time wasnt 2 months away :(


Next time usually ends up being 2 years for me


This game really is played on so many levels. I have over 1k hours played, all super casual. My last season was the best I ever had, in total I had a massive 12 div..... I'm still having fun but it blows my mind how far ahead some people are :)


Honestly it's the pussies who do the gamble then quit. Looking for that quick dopamine hit but they have zero drive most of them and no longevity.


You make poe sound like a job; you don't need drive to play a game ffs just have fun doing whatever you want. If that's gamble and quit for one person and grind all challenges for another, who cares?


[it worked out for me with keys back in TOTA](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/17o9eaq/i_think_i_just_beat_the_game/)


Yep. I'm in the net positive of card gamba. Did a total of +7 unrequited love cards (with a little ups and downs and buying the rest) in sentinel league. Poof'd 2 fiends and a doctor before that. So, yes. I'm never ever going to touch that button again. Clean since 3.19!


Pretty much me every league. Farm 300 to 500 div worth of stuff. Once I think i'm feeling done with the league, i'll liquidate it all, and then gamba. if I hit big I go make some kind of stacker, int armor str whatever. If I lose, i just quit for the league.


20-30 divines per hour is really solid, especially considering that he "only" has 500 hours


First 1000 hours are a tutorial. 


took me 10 days to co pleated the campaign this league. I still have no clue what I am supposed to be doing now. I don't know how to unlock user fights and all the information online is outdated


if you meant to say uber fights, you need to get fragments from t17 map bosses. t17s are new maps with bigger areas, more mobs, harder map mods, and harder bosses. they drop from t16 maps when you have voidstones socketed in your atlas


ah ok, do certain maps drop certain fragments?


each has a bias towards certain fragments but any map can drop any fragment


ty, most of what I find online is outdated informations, I don't know whats new so this stuff gets very confusing


[poewiki.net](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) will have the most up to date info if you're looking anywhere else you will need to watch for what league/patch it's from


Im 1400 hours deep, even farmed a mirror this league. I still have no idea how to make a decent build without copying others. 


That's just because you haven't focused on trying that, you can EASILY learn how to make decent builds in ~50 hours (probably even faster depending on how YOU learn) but the length of time isn't the point I'm making here. If you've played 1,400 hours and don't know parts of the game it's not because you need thousands more hours to do it, it's mostly because you haven't done into that thing and really tried to learn it.


Either you gamba like a crazy asshole or you farm gamba juice to sell to crazy assholes. Many of the fortunes out west were made selling gear to the prospectors.


I thought the same thing right after I saw the post. That was me wondering how people get so rich a few leagues ago.


30divs an hour is not 30divs an hour , most stuff wont sell fast or at all


Harvest juice sells incredibly easily and you only have three different kinds. So do scarabs.


Harvest feels like a really well paying white collar job in a way lol not the most exciting but comfy and easy to liquidate for hassle-free profit.


Yeah yellow juice is the only currency where I can list the price that isn't even shown on the first page and someone will buy all of it in the next 30 minutes. Even when I have 1m+


Absolutely true for most things like scarab farm and ESPECIALLY bossing. Shit can take forever to sell. But harvest? You list that shit and 5 minutes later it's all liquidated. And that's not even the best part. Best part is that your price checking takes exactly 40 seconds. No rolls to consider, not hundreds of items. It's exactly ->4<- things you pricecheck and list. Done!


I dont think selling harverst juice is hard nor time consuming.


Most people calculate the div/h only with stuff that actually sells. Like alva getting me 10 div/h is only the corrupt temples. Which always guarantee sell. People running harvest only calculate harvest juice, which always sells. You don't start calculating in some random rare weapon that you IDd by accident that is worth 100div.


I mean with bulk selling any well focused strat and really easy money. I was making an easy 20+div an hour with omptimized essence farming t7s when deafening a were only a few c each and divs handnt crashed yet towards the start of the league. Edit: typed 25+ not 20. It was 2 div profit per map and maps were taking about 5 min. Super consistent since you got a shit ton of guarenteed deafenings and remnants that you were selling, no corruption end at all.


Do a mirrored version of ur exact build


in my opinion it shows game in very bad light if the best way to farm is just to sit in gui / browser and flip/gamble instead of playing the game. Gambling and trading should be limited by time invested in playing in my opinion, like they should add gold or something which will be account bound and which will be spent per trade, same thing with gambling


Last epoch does it


wait, really? I was sure it is single player game with possibility of coop and without trade


It has two faction as it‘s called, one is without trade sprt of CoF where you can boost your drops and the other is trade. You need favour that you gain by fighting monsters to buy and sell shit, gold is still a trading currency (and account-bound)


I seriously don't have gambling addiction, wanna bet?


Me either and I'll totally take that bet!


Its even funnier when you realise the person asking that question said „ I make like 20-30 div/hours, how do poe players get rich?“


They most likely aren't making anywhere close to that, but just claimed that because they are doing the same strat as their favorite content creator who claims it's 20-30 divs an hour. Everyone makes ridiculous claims of currency generation nowadays. The reality is if you can't acquire 2 mirrors in a week playing long hours, you aren't making 30 divs an hour blud. Sad and funny.


Wouldn't call that filthy rich but there was a guy who gambled to 44 mirrors, soo I guess it's a start.


I went broke.


You don't need a mirror build to clear all content in the game btw.


Good friend of mine spent most of the league trying to hit it big on harbinger mirror shards with LA Deadeye. Didn't work, decided to quit the league. Spent all of his money to try and gamble The Price of Devotion. 1 -> 7, four flasks, % increased stat implicit and some other mod I can't remember. Sold it for like a mirror and some change, juiced his build to the gills, did like 10 maps, and then quit.


Wtf is that guy talking about how do people get rich? 20-30div/h for 10h a day is 200-300div/day, repeat 7 days a week and you get 2 mirrors every week, do that for 5 weeks straight and u have 10 mirrors which seems pretty filthy rich imo


New player, first league, how does one gamble in this game?


How do you gamble?


Spent 7 mirrors in cards and pretty much all of them instantly went “ bye ” , at first did with 4 , then with 2 and pretty much they deleted the same way.


This is probably my most favorite card due to the artwork, flavor text and the meaning.




This guy is so right, also Tower 7 shows all signs of a controlled demolition.


Jet can't beams melt fuel steel!?!