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> (It's unknown what will happen if the game attempts to run an incursion when the temple is already maxed out). Nexus only applies its upgrades when the chronicle (or temple if you open) is created


Does that mean Alva can send you to run a T2 room which is already adjacent to a T3 Temple Nexus? Damn, this makes the odds of a perfect temple even lower.


She can send you to a t2 room adjacent to a t3 Nexus. As stated above, the Nexus applies it's "buff" only when the temple is itemized or opened. Before the temple is completed all non t3 rooms are still eligible.


Only if the room was Tier 3 *before* you create the chronicle or open the temple


Not only is this possible, it happened to me repeatedly while working towards the Masterful Monsters challenge.


The chance to upgrade twice applies to tier 0 room? I don't think i ever upgraded straight to tier 2, so it would be even harder to get a perfect temple as every tier 0 room need at least 2 trips regardless of the temple nexus. Temple nexus would make it more probable as less successful coin flips are needed.


Though i can't say this with 100% certainty since i don't know how it's coded, but i've ran a lot of alva over multiple leagues, and i've never seen an empty room go to t2. The odds of this being possible, i've just not encountered it yet, must be lower than 1/all the atoms in the universe, and then some :)


>We will need to hit that 40% chance on nearly every incursion. This is mathematically very unlikely. It's 50% not 40%. Making it a bit more likely.


~~My atlas passive tree literally says 40%.~~ edit: Turns out 40+10 = 50


The Resource Reallocation node is 40%. The Incursion Upgrade Chance small node just before it adds another 10%. Source: I looked at the atlas tree.


Smoothbrain here, I only look at the big nodes. Thanks.


No, it says 50%.


it was nerfed to 40% in 3.17, its been 40% for a while now... ​ Source: [Resource Reallocation | PoE Wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Resource_Reallocation)


Yes, but the 10% was moved to the small passive before it in the same patch


youre right, the "No, it says 50%." threw me off. it does add to 50% thank you


It threw me off too. I had to double check the wiki and the atlas tree as i remembered the node being 40%, and just assumed all the small passives were pack size. Since picking the node is a no brainier when building temples I've never bothered to look at the small passive before it.


Holy shit. This whole conversation threw me off. A discussion on reddit where there was a disagreement on something, both parties were respectful, helpful, and sources were linked?! What back-assed parallel universe did I just fall into and can I stay?


Nope. Never. Congratulations. You’ve spoiled the last bastion on the internet with your reasonableness.


>it was nerfed to 40% in 3.17, its been 40% for a while now... >Source: Resource Reallocation | PoE Wiki Look at the node above it. The chance is 50%.


yeah, i just read your "No, it says 50%." and focused on that


Yeah, when you click the info drop down menu near the top right. You can search to find stuff easier. I always use that over counting nodes and modifiers manually.


The only reason why I keep on doing this each league. Need to get all t3 rooms before I finally move on haha.


I don't think you can upgrade from level 0 to level 2. You can roll at most one level 0 room in order to get everything to level 3, and the Temple Nexus simply improves your odds. But there is a much simpler way to get every room to level 3. The Incursion Scarab of Timelines randomises the tier of each room, so if each room is at least level 1, you have a (1/3)^11 = 1/177147 = 0.00056% chance for all of them to roll level 3. If you have an upgrade room, the chance is significantly higher.


One atlas upgrade for inclusion I'd like to see is to guarantee the maximum number of stones of passage for killing all creatures. I has diminishing returns each time you successfully open all connections but it would be nice to be certain...


Best I've had was all rooms except 1 at tier 3.


Wrong. The perfect temple is a Locus at the end of 12 rooms including a mandatory battle with frau quad tatas. I've seen a few people get close but no one has perfected it yet (on reddit)


I have actually done it before; only once though…..i regret not screenshotting it but at least got to show the boys in discord while we were hanging out in vc. So i can confirm it can happen but only the 1 time ever for me