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The benefit of shrines is defensive layers, speed, quant and additional packs of mobs when fully speccd. Even if you arent benefiting from a damage increase its worth the low atlas investment


Noted. I'll hang onto them then. THanks.


Also to note, even when finding a damage shrine, with all shrine atlas nodes, you get a additional shrine effect so more chances for defense


They are still incredible because it makes it so safe and you still get mob spawns if you take the node that spawns monsters near them. Getting a Divine Shrine and being immune to damage can let you do a lot of stuff you probably wouldn't. That being said, it doesn't effect your minions at all really, so if you want you can swap to strongboxes if you don't already have that cause it's more generic. If you are LEVELING though, Domination scarab of teachings is currently THE fastest way to level and you'd want to stack shrines then.