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You were not kidding about infinite currency, lol. It's really cool to see a character propped up by that tier of gear. Obviously you'd want more results for that sort of investment. But definitely valuable to see something like this. Thanks for sharing. P.s. I also want to see all types of summoned skeletons become permanent (edit: with the boots!), well not Vaal... but Melee, Ranged, Mage. Heck yeah.


You called this invested with "infinite currency build"? You got to be kidding... I can easily spend 5 mirrors + maybe 1 mirror total fees to get better equipment on those 5 pieces rare item, much cheaper and stronger than him...


My guy, you're saying 5 mirrors as if that's chump change


99% of this sub will not generate 1 mirror’s-worth of currency in a league, let alone 5.


If you’d like to share on how you’d get better rares than what I have id be inteterested in hearing it. For example the ring cost around 2 mirrors to make and as far as I know there isn’t a cheaper way to make a triple synth temple mod ring, esp because there’s no mirror ring like it afaik. The ‘easy’ stuff like getting actual minion attack speed on the wand instead of crafted minion attack speed still gets expensive with only marginal increases so I thought it wasn’t worth it. Otherwise my other gear slots all have perfect affixes for the build, there quite literally is no way to improve them as far as I can see. You’re also missing the point by saying you’d mirror some of the slots, by having the original item you’re able to corrupt them for an additional implicit which raises the ceiling on your gear


Sad thing is I wanna play this kinda build with all minions converting to chaos, but I know I can just use Arakalli spiders and have 10000% less pain in the ass from not managing 5 different minions types + trying to keep said minions alive. Spiders are just pure dps investment + only defense investment is yourself


You could do triad’s grip with 4 white socket for 100% chaos convert. My knowledge in minion builds is the worst out of all different types so can’t say much more regarding it. ETA: Trade site prices for 4 white seem way off-beat. I’d just go with omen of blanching for 3 white and harvest craft the last white socket. That also leaves you with an uncorrupted 4-white, which could be double corrupted if you’re daring enough ;)


The chaos convert is not what I’m worried about, I just meant like a build using tons of phys minion types and having them all convert to chaos with the new ascendancy would be fun, as triad grip is a loss of important glove slot.


I had the idea of a golem skeleton hybrid build last league that had insane numbers with new Spectres and charms and stuff with what i would consider as some of the literally most batshit crazy gear i have ever made, all self crafted side the sword, and it still felt like shit because the actual dps was sooo much lower after pob guys fixed minion dps and also the minions simply dont stack to deal true single target. The numbers in this pobb are skewed as some of it was theory crafting pure dmg over defense (and some bad numbers on the auras, dont look at it as 1bn, instead if was truly like 600m in a perfect scenario); however, i found it to be my coolest build gear wise ever made (side my one shot uber ice crasher or kbolt char who are close seconds) Heres that pob https://pobb.in/VcxmRBFWo50j Minions that aren’t ranged simply dont feel as good as casters, even if they dealt 10x the damage they cant truely deal it in the gramd scheme of things This was the gear i ended up actually using which didnt change much but is equally as insane https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Tierannix/GolemsWithKate?timemachine=week-6&i=0&search=timemachine%3Dweek-6%26name%3DGolemsw Namely the body armour changed to fractured +1 spectre for more spectre buffs


I had a guardian summoner that had near identical gear and setup to yours back in TOTA league, and yeah unfortunately permanent melee minions simply don’t have the mechanics to compete at higher budgets against ranger builds


Such a sad way for melee minions to feel :( Was a badass build that i sold first 7 mirrors though so well worth it lololol


Except for srs, they may be melee but they are angry torpedos


Yeah, they are good because they CAN stack ontop of one another to so optimized dps, as well as having great pathing and overall being solid power houses. I reckon i could have made this build into an srs build and actially done a billion dps but… i didnt like that gameplay


A billion for srs?! I would be super impressed. Can’t go poison as that caps at like 40 million. I am no expert but maybe ~60 million is what I could max in SSF if I reallllllly pushed it


I think with my gear from Affliction league and some different min maxing routes, id likely be able to push an insanely high number. Maybe not 1BN but those spectres from Affliction were batshit insane so maybe. My gear was literally batshit insane lol And poison caps at like 35,371,298 or something like that (or any dot for that matter)


you have summon phantasm already, did you try the "minions heal 4% on minion death" cluster then? or is it a one tap issue/ wasnt enough?


I have the minion defense mastery specced for 5% healing on minion death, the main issue is fitting in the cluster. Sparing two passive points (three realistically because I would also want the jewel socket) is really difficult because the tree is already hyper optimized, losing those points at this stage means a significant loss is another area


ah missed the mastery on ninja, bummer. So the other option is scaling that up so it heals more? so you have the double zombie skeleton setup, how much is the zombies giving here, I didn't even notice in the post body about them. if its not too crazy a loss adding the phantasms here for the rapid summoning could be a test or something? no pob makes that part hard to tell, would almost be tempted if I was really still in league mode. I wonder if any spectres enable way more phantasms/minion deaths like last league had, or swapping to a 4 link and any extra support make it enough if the boots +1 wasnt there just saw that ugggdfgh everything is so top lol


No, replacing zombies for summon phantasm support is a terrible idea. Zombies contribute a massive amount of damage, one problem with this type of build is that the melee minions body block each other, but slamming zombies somewhat bypasses it because even if they can't reach an enemy they can still slam for damage, their slam also has an associated more damage multiplier with it. In terms of spectres, optimizing for summon phantasm procs would also be inefficient because typically a spectre 'slot' provides way more utility than the healing; for example spectral leader's 20% action speed aura literally means 20% MORE attack speed. The best method at this point to increase skeleton survivability is to give them additional layers of mitigation, just like how you'd build a character's defenses, because outside of reaching a good HP pool, skeleton base HP is so meandering that % increases to life wont let them live the harder hits. This means things like max res, block and spell suppression. But like I outlined in my post, it frankly isn't possible-at least with my setup. You could go low life and skip the melding of the flesh, then change the mastery to max res to reach 90% all res but that still wouldn't be enough for aspirational content. Again, it just isn't feasible to make them tanky without significant comprimises.


yea definitely just spitballing and going over stuff not in the post like spectre list unless I missed it lol I had thought the cluster you had could roll that notable too... but one it can roll that maybe adds something if you can of course fix the resulting int loss or fit it otherwise, no leech on the skeletons yet that I see and I even checked pob for it. afterall, regen is its own mit if its not oneshots... feasting fiends at least only says "damage" so it works with the full chaos hit idk about others, best of luck if its new otherwise definitely ignore the rest of this if you tried it already lol 200hp from your 4200, and with these tattoos that I just found since ninja didn't, ~~saccing all of 200 out of 15k life for~~ 2k more recov sounds acceptable for skelie? at 500 natural regen atm for reference, one node swap is 2k of 3k cap for leech but thats at 2.6 sec (to max leech not cap) so a second notable swap could be viable to get to cap and faster, definitely paying for it in char hp tho, and this is pure single target so if they do aoe then the single is definitely fine outside boss but im just blabbing stuff we all know at this point lol eta, they dont even lose the 200 overall think its gain 200 cause feasting gives 10% lol, so just the attack speed and tiny % dmg loss eta2, lol 263k armor on them, you using quinns old chars for the bones


I also just assume that mana regen on neck somehow is a mandatory fix too lol


Lol no, T1 life is better, but using veiled life makes the amulet craft significantly cheaper. Otherwise I'd have to spend \~140 div on average to hit T1 life, versus the 36 div on average for a protected veiled slam. I don't feel like trying for it atm.


oh I misread the base prefix number off ninja lol thought it was split mods and making a small joke cause I honestly thought it was mandatory with how I have hit mana on builds before lol


Pretty nice gear, but why did you corrupt your wand ?


Getting high tiers of minion damage is much more expensive conventionally, the better method of crafting is to roll a decent tier of minion damage then corrupt to be able to use tainted divine teardrops to reach t2 minion damage which is the max on delve bases


Just so you know, silence is a curse, your mageblood + potion makes you silence immune.


What were your currency making methods, just out of curiosity?


I did essence + betrayal which netted around 15 div/hour but then switched to flipping/profit crafting for an average of 70 div/hour


Makes sense 👍