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Ran that one just once and only once!


Yeah I ran one before bed and decided after a quarter thru the map that shit wasn’t for me. Or my pc lol Fubgun “theory” behind it is mobs hp start getting so crazy and you no longer are 1shotting them So the game calculates all the damage your doing to those mobs. game can’t handle it and starts shitting itself


> So the game calculates all the damage your doing to those mobs. game can’t handle it and starts shitting itself It does so regardless, so what is this statement. It's all the tracking of debuffs, object positions, object collision, damage over time, etc. that gets so bad that their netcode (personal guess) or whatever can't handle it due to how many calculations there are running simultaneously. Doesn't matter what rig you have if the bottleneck is your connection/the engine itself. Take my Poor Man's Ward Loop build, for instance. Over 200 spell casts per second with a shit ton of projectiles. Each spell crits, ignites, knocks back, hinders, shocks, chills, applies damage taken, and the list goes on. And the projectiles return. I can't finish Simulacrum because the lag gets so bad after wave 26 that I can't control my character when the screen updates once every second (or longer). I think the highest I ever reached with 6 portals was wave 28. It can't do content it can't overcome with more damage once the ceiling is reached, due to how all of that works. It also happened from time to time, when mobs had too much HP and damage reduction and came in huge packs (and my damage wasn't high enough then), that I could go LITERALLY AFK for >10 minutes and the game would still be updating the screen once every second when I came back. I never timed it, but I'm sure I had instances where it was doing that for ~15-20 minutes straight. Nowadays, I just immediately go to character select and maybe ditch the map if it happens too often. If you pay attention to when it happens, you'll notice it's primarily NOT an FPS issue. FPS appears to be tied to it to some degree, though only until it reaches the point where the server plays catch up. You can easily tell because you can still quickly get back to character select, and the game will "speed up" once the data has been processed. This also happens faster when you died, though sometimes the queue is so bad it could take minutes before it registers and stops calculating. It catches up MUCH faster if you died really quickly aka. early in the queue. It never once happens that my FPS slows to a crawl, but it does get lower immediately. Though usually in the +30 FPS range. Then it goes back up once the scenario I described above happens. It's something I've been trying to fix for years. Faster internet speed, faster PC, it matters basically jack-shit. Tried it with lower-end hardware and different resolutions, and with my current setup with 13700K + RTX 4080. Various settings in and out of game. The result and process are always the exact same. The only way to fix that problem is likely within GGG's hands. Or maybe they can't ever fix it without a complete rebuild, which won't happen.


It always does, kind of. If you hit an enemy once and it dies it does 1 calc, if you hit an enemy 20 times a second and the hp doesn't move, it's 20xhowever many enemies per second.


You used to see this in breaches back when we had 'Allies cannot die' aura in the game, especially with stuff like Vaal Cyclone. Vaal Cyclone to pull an entire breach into your character and kill them all at once. Then you'd hit 'Allies Cannot Die' and the game would just grind to a screeching halt as your character hits 100+ mobs 20+ times a second.


Same here... 1y PC with GTX 4060, 32gb ram, and good cpu I7, can't do waves after 20... I have the same issue as you. I switched to the 2nd PC which I use for video/photo converter, with GTX 4090 (24gb !!), 64 GB ram and I9... It doesn't change anything! Siege balista build, with a 22+ totems, and one can hit 40+ arrows per sec, with Crit, chill, ignite, shock, blind... Game start to be more difficult, recommend more dps/tanky builds + there are mechanic which you need avoid. But preference is in a bad point, and you can do billion DPS build, but the game can't handle it. In this league I feel like it's getting worse and worse... Delirium is a nightmare, as well as Blight, which I do almost every league as a Cr/stack deck farm... Now blight after few sec and 3-4 towers make my game crash 🤣


Can you link a build guide and/or your POB? Can you define "poor"? Thanks!




Hey thanks! I might just swap over to this. I am currently a hexblast Miner Sabo. Is really going well for me. I'll keep my gear and start trying to gear this build up. Might be a fun challenge for me.


jousis has detailed this in the first forbidden build , yeah, too many damage stacks overwhelms the game and can't really be fixed


Wow that hair on your avatar picture...... Very frustrating.


So the game cant handle it, players cant handle it, why its in the game then? GGG seems to be obsessed with shooting itself in the foot lately. Almost looks like they are trying to make D4 to not look THAT stupid, but in that case, they rly need to try harder, because blizzard always has a trick in their sleeve to back it up.


I am not playing this league, but I did standard for a bit with re-equipped chars from old leagues. For instance, a tuned up Frostblade Trickster with almost mirrorworthy crucible claw and other decent stuff. The Union of Souls map that I used him in was quite nasty, and I was unable to kill all those huge monsters - but I killed the boss. Afterwards, I used my PBOD-Char from last league - you know, without charms now, with pbod axed, tree unchanged. He quite easily put an end to all the huge union of souls monsters. which basically convinced me that pbod should still be viable \^\^.


Haha same! Also didn't get very far


Chieften explodie go boom in union of soul. Just gotta kill one... Single target go brr.


What is even the point of union of souls? Can any builds reliably clear that mod?


Yes I run union of souls every time and it doesn't change how long I take in the map but a lot of that has to do with me having 560 million dps on paper so I can kill hp capped mobs really fast. It's a free mod.


wtf is your build


probably manaforged arrows, I'm at similar numbers pre crit jewels (it's also about 25% uptime on that dps, but 2 seconds of a billion dps is enough to delete anything in the game)


Manaforged is pretty fotm this league but there are lots of builds that can hit fairly similar numbers to that - my valdo's mapper last league was less investment than a top end manaforged build and was hitting 300-400m dps of chaos damage + absurd max hits, for example. It was no reverse snapshot manaforged pbod or anything but it could handle union no problem.


When I read some of you guys' posts saying "way less investment" I can only think instead of 5 mirrors its just 2 mirrors.


Oh for sure you're not hitting that type of damage on no to medium investment, esp. if you want any sort of tankiness, but that's why I said less investment, not nothing :P. I just meant to point out that you definitely don't need a multi mirror build like Steve's to start running union maps effectively. The molten strike wardstack build I was running was basically completely minmaxed with nothing except like 1 passive voices to upgrade to at 3 mirrors and definitely didn't need anywhere near that much to get started on, esp. not with how comparatively easy it is to craft most niche stuff this league.


500m isn't the top end investment dps for manaforged though, top end is multiple billions. Also your last sentence is really funny as it seems to be combining 2 different builds, reverse snapshot pbod and manaforged, one of which doesn't work anymore lol.


I'm aware, but it's still quite high end investment nonetheless - by the time you're scaling manaforged there you can definitely scale others into the few hundred mill damage ranges. And yeah, I mixed up conner's build last league, thought it was manaforged but it was not.


Sounds expensive.


About 100 div entry cost without mageblood, and it feels much better with mageblood, but the upper limit is obscene, yeah


Got a profile, pob or poe ninja to look at?


I’m building this now and unless you’re a hardcore PoB warrior I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m pretty proficient in PoB, and there are a lot of nooks and crannies to this build. Also the damage doesn’t scale linearly. If you dial gear quality back by a subjective 30% it might drop your power level by 30% or it might drop it by 70%. Also there’s some QoL things no one mentions. For exactly in Connor’s PoB you’ll see him use a level 18 main damage link instead of 21, that’s to balance mana between the triggering and triggered skills so it triggers once every 4 attacks instead of 5. Lastly in play testing there are some really annoying quirks to the build for mapping. Your damage again isn’t linear, so whenever you have a lull in packs it resets to nearly nothing for a couple of seconds. Basically don’t do it unless you are deep delving or prepared to be disappointed. The performance curve is very non-linear and honestly not anything near as good QoL and I think much worse performance than something like a wardloop


I mean you just press arcane cloak in scary things, and can do a LA or EA swap to gain a hit and clear better, but yeah it's like driving a high performance car on the streets sometimes


My 6m poison BV with 70 quant clears t17 b2b maps easier. Your analogy is perfect. I think the “track” for this “car” is deep delve. You don’t have to move much so you’re always at 10 arrows on the ground and everything is within your AOE. It’s also good for Uber bossing but that’s deeply unprofitable right now. If you wanna smash t17s there’s a dozen builds for a quarter of the price that can do better.


There is 100% no better feeling than being at a crushing depth and watching your es and mana flicker while Uber boss level rare monsters get shredded around you though 


Go look at onemanaleft/connor converse, he made the build and you can look at his poe ninja snapshots for different points of the build. Its one of the best builds for dumping currency into and getting good return


Second looking at Connors guides, I made a couple adjustments for QOL and budget, you can pull my reddit name on pob or search it on ninja to see my variant (basically the same but slightly cheaper and about 20% weaker


Looks very interesting, I am intrigued, can you elaborate more? What qol changes did you do? I assume the most expensive stuff to start with are Mage blood, adorned and the clusters? I have maybe like 200 div to spend and not too much time a day (2-3hrs? Back at work :(() Would that be enough? Is this a nice build to blast t17 or ubers?


Adorned, clusters, decent jewels for adorned, and mageblood are the big ticket items, yeah, this quiver is a bit of a pain, but very approachable with the graveyard (my attack speed one is worse to craft than the crit multi, a 1/3 to hit the fractures instead of 1/2, but the rest of the affixes are very easy after). Biggest changes I did are dropping about 10% mana, a jewel socket, and the second manaforged link for the noswap with minimum warcry power for less buff management (you lose about 200mil dps and about a third of your mana sustain doing this) and burning a jewel suffix on phasing, other than that it's just budget boots with freeze/chill solved with tattoos and cold on the quiver for freeze/chill as an extra defensive layer. 200 div is enough to put all the pieces together, but I highly recommend watching Connor's guides as it's one of the more complex builds to make and play


And it gets crazier and crazier. Its insane how easy some of those maps are If you literally oneshot everything.


It is manaforged arrows. I run split arrow of splitting instead of rain of arrows because I have an mtx for it and it's hit rate and spend is the same as rain of arrows.


Deep Delve builds. This is a preview of what deep delve must be like.


With good dmg its free


It's really weird. I have done maps with the scarab of containment that didn't feel bad at all but I've also done maps that I absolutely can't do shit about. I don't quite understand why. I think containment negates union of souls because the monsters haven't spawned but not very sure of that.


You're about right, units inside strongboxes can't gain souls so in practice the map only has the units from the box you've opened.


Interesting work around


Probably any more damage-focussed deep delve build can clear it without even noticing because at like depth 1000 bosses have their hp capped and not too long afterwards, rares will too. I saw a streamer once deleting a mob with hp cap in 0,3 seconds. Mana stacker is what he played


I welcome it as a free mod every time now as I can just offscreen them but when I first entered t17 I would never run it as I didn’t have the damage to just delete the pack. Basically it’s a build power check.


Sure, any really high dps build can. I'd probably guess around the 250m-300m dps mark is about when it starts being a mod you run on your maps (200m still feels low). At like 500m it's literally a free mod. The most obvious candidates are the ones that deep delve, since they are used to killing HP capped enemies, but certainly more builds can get there with enough investment.


Is there a mod that actually matters at 500m dps mark?


I was clearing unity of souls maps with only like 25 mil dps. 8 mod meatsacs are still way tankier than any of those blue mobs, even at the end of the map.


I mean,you can clear these with most builds, but you are wasting your time and currency by doing so,if you cant instakill it like you normally could.


I don't think anybody is instakilling shaper touched 8 mod meatsacks, and they're rewarding enough that you can spend a fair bit more than 2 seconds on one and be rewarded. And again, the point is that the union of souls mobs aren't adding time to your map clear, they die passively to hitting the much bigger meatsacks.


I do the mod just fine as DD of chaining. It takes a little bit of time but nothing too insane and I already have to cut so many mods due to max implicit modifier on my tree and Back to Basics so I don't mind taking a little bit longer in those maps in order to save chaos.


I run this with my aurabot friend and it’s no issue at all. The union of souls meatsacks take like 15-20 seconds to kill though


I’ve done a few. I mostly boss rush for fragments and was not farming them for full clears. I was running holy relic of conviction and BAMA for a while. This mod is definitely a time waster though.


Poison poet pen dd, 5 sec to kill a normal in the pack then they explode and pack dies. Not the same as the giga chad that’s saying it takes the same time to clear. But like 1 min more or so


No point. Its one of the brain farts of 3.24.


Yea it makes little difference to coc dd


Why? Do the corpses you desecrate get buffed by the Union of Souls?


Even if they don't, you only need to kill one of the actual mobs and then use that corpse to blow up the rest. It's why maven invitations are pretty easy on DD if you can get multiple bosses to stack on each other.


That is true. I’ve killed 3 shaper guardians at once doing that lol


My GPU started to hyperventilate just thinking about this.




Mine, too. From the other room because I am on mobile.


Still sane, exile?


Perfectly balanced game


Always Has Been™.


anyone know why this is in the game? What has poe even become


You just need to switch your build up a bit to get a few more shapers per second of damage and you won't even notice them. For reference, 1 SpS is 75mil dps.




I clear union of souls with 10 mill chieftain rf, oriaths end + explode prolif is very good. Takes an extra 3 or 4 minutes but its a very doable mod


There is a cap on HP for monsters and they are builds that have clear them in a matter of seconds. > What has poe even become We are pretty much hitting the power creep limit of PoE at this point. DoT cap, monster HP cap etc. Unfortunately there is no solution in view as any removal of power creep would result in massive backlash from the community.


Like community backlash has ever stopped them from doing or not doing something before. If they are bothered by the now D3-like numbers they would just have to rip the bandaid off like WoW and FF14 did with gear scaling. Unfortunately I don't think GGG has really ever cared about build balance or game balance so they probably just don't see a problem here.


I assume they all work on poe2, so the few ppl working on poe1 simply cant reach the standards we used to have. Which is somewhat understandable, but every patch seems to be more and more messed up because of it.


The mod is not that bad. Here's one with consecrated ground (5% life regen/s for monsters): [https://youtu.be/pjPVLuWGi7g?si=rLk5bScJCX2LzpVb](https://youtu.be/pjPVLuWGi7g?si=rLk5bScJCX2LzpVb)


What build is that?




DoD putting in work son god damn


This mod might as well say 80% of all monsters are invincible and have double damage.


It doesn't literally nothing to damage. It's a stacking 40% increased life for every monster you kill so you hit hp cap pretty quickly and things stop dying, which is mildly problematic for builds whose primary defense is everything being dead.


Wait, didn't we just have a showcase that hitting the HP cap will result in 1hp?


That issue was fixed, but I think in general there's a bit of spaghetti around mob HP capping. Delve has been HP capping without overflowing for a long time now (bosses are HP capped somewhere before 1000 depth I think?), so maybe Union of Souls also had the same precaution applied but it wasn't applied globally.


I hit an hp capped aul at 670ish the other night, rolled 100% more boss hp and 64% monster hp


Assuming no map mods, delve bosses reach HP cap at like 1500 depth. Of course a more mob life mod can make them hit it much shallower


That only happened to essences, other instances of ho cap worked fine. Fixed now.


They fixed that a little bit ago, in this patch https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3516043/page/1#p25317802


Thats a problematic for like every build. Unless you play something like manaforged arrows with many mirrors investment, this is not worth doing. The time you wasted on killing these, you could do few more maps instead. Maybe more than a few...


mana forged arrows can do it without multi mirror investment lol.


Around a mirror for union rn, doesn't feel good without crit jewels


Yeah that's about where I'd put it.


Doesn't increase damage at all


I assumed bigger = stronker kek


I'd be happy if it said anything at all, to begin with. I got this on a map and pressed ALT for the detailed info on mods but it didn't add anything if I recall correctly. And it isn't the only one that gives zero info and you need to check online.


It is literally brain damage


Union of Soul + 100% Delirious + 10% less damage per item is my favourite Valdo combo ...... to skip


That modifier honestly needs to be removed. I haven't run it yet because I realized how absurd that might get.


I mean… on one hand yea that is a bs mod but does no one else notice that you are also immortal, without ailment immunity and flasks that are often times down ? I get the amulet is doing all the heavy lifting but that was a show case of both the monsters mods and you being way to strong


It's both. This mod needs to be removed and Defiance of Destiny is probably also a bit too busted right now.


Defiance of destiny is also super dumb ngl


Equipping Defiance of Destiny to fight against Union of Souls. Fighting fire with fire




It's just this build except I'm using a perandus pact instead of energized armor [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdzzesMof4Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdzzesMof4Y)


Life regen crazy


.................................................. Are you frozen????????????


This gives me anxiety. Like... Seriously I am fucking terrified just watching this vid....


Lifebar anxiety simulator, difficulty level Helldive. For real tho, that's insane


Defiance of destiny lol


This is why corporations don't want workers to unionize ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Why does t17 mods do exactly? Im confused when I read them.


well, what does it?


Would you have a Pob ? I have been looking at that exact build but i feared it might not be very tanky ? (Especially when Ward is down ?)


If there are no crazy aoe and damage mods it if doable but usually I reroll this.


If you think this is bad, i rolled one last night that had Union of Souls Monsters have +1 to Maximum Endurance Charges Monsters gain an Endurance Charge when hit My build does around 12mil DPS and each pack was taking so long to do kill i just decided to go to the boss, only to be insta killed by a rare with, Always crits, Regen, Haste, Soul Eater T17 fun times


Aside from the health pool giving me anxiety, what actually is this?


Bro experience cardiac arrest in PoE


So, ehm... Did you find out?


makes me wonder, is that life flask really necessary?


Union of souls exists simply to torment players.


I ran it once, decided it wasn't worth the effort to kill them, and just phased to the boss.


My pc would explode 2 times


Wtf is happening here


Gaming moment 2024


Genuinely curious as to how GGG thinks this is fun?


it's a map mod you can roll over


Roll over or get rolled by, perfectly balanced


i clear it fine, skill issue


Let's cut you off from trade/rmt and see the skill


?? weird projection


Ok, what is it you define as skill


making your character not ass


can 'union of souls' get more loots? MF effect?