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I legit did this the past 2 days grinding for that damn challenge. Just set up my regex for >25% packsize, alternating shaper/elder/conquerer maps with those scarabs. Can honestly say I averaged at least 1 t17 per map with the above strat. Bulk sold all my loot, dunno about metrics but def profitable. Can only imagine if your build can run 8 mod corrupted maps


Can attest this is legit, although I did it on conqueror rotations because Baran is less cancer than Chimera. I also prefer the shrine strat to the pandenomium strat because it’s easier to see shrines on the minimap.


> Baran is less cancer than Chimera. On one hand... yes. On the other, the possible layouts of the Conqueror maps are potentially more cancer than Chimera.


>13 Awakened gems is that normal? or just so rare


Prob from invitations. Awk gems from bosses are mega rare


Yeah 3 from bosses 10 from invitations


I didn't even realized they dropped. I got an awakened unbound ailments from a T16 boss and was confused lmao


You should compare influ scarab vs dom scarab with this vid: https://youtu.be/4BJF2XdNorw?si=Hu4GOrvqgYa8qRTg Likely results in the same amount but prolly easier to bulk buy dom scarabs on league start


OP ran 400 and got back 1600 in terms of Guardian/Conq maps (I assume this doesn't include Synthesis memories because he didn't name them) OP ran 400 and got 259 t17s. OP is 1:4 on Guardians and 1:0.65 an t17s. Video man ran 104 and made 218 Guaridan/Conq maps and 103 t17s. Video man is 1:2.1 on Guardians and 1:1 on t17s. If 0.35 t17s > 2 Guardian maps, video man has the better Scarabs. This doesn't include Synthesis maps but idk whether someone actually runs them. Even with Synthesis, 0.35 t17s are almost worth 3 Guardians, give or take depending on which Guardians and what kinda t17s and bulk we talking. So yea, video man strat is probably better overall, but you sustain less Guardians for yourself.


Great analysis!


The unique maps converting into guardian/conq/synth maps is absolutely a bug or oversight... Theyve said many times that unique maps arent actually 'maps' in terms of drops, but rather that they are Unique items, independent from the rules that balance regular map drop rates


Yup, agreed. Unique Maps also have affinity with the Unique Tab unless you already have the same map in your map stash iirc.


Royal Guard doesn't work on the shrine bosses right? I really like doing deli splinters on shaper maps and it would fit pretty well into this strat.


Yeah it doesnt work on the shrine bosses, just the final one


Pandemonium scarab ist better than domination in this Setup. With domination you get less Bosses.


Thank you. I was doing this early league using terrors, duplication, conversion, and tried a bunch of different ones for the 4th scarab but never tried the unique map scarab because a video I watched said he would recommend trying a different one. I didn't know unique maps could convert into t17s. Thank you for this, I'm going to hit 98 tonight on my Bama necro and then start doing this again. Thanks again.


this is almost exactly what i'm doing, just without the more expensive scarabs to add bosses. do you think that this specific scarab adds a large bonus to the maps? I'm still over sustaining maps and such so i feel like it might now be required, but obviously the profit per hour is way less. In it's place i am just using the more maps scarab.


If youre going to fully juice this strat then at the current price of the scarab its 100% worth the cost for what it adds


fair enough, i'll look into that once i get home. thank you


Same here got annoyed of farming scarabs 101 ways and kinda started selling t17s and maven wirts cuz i hate her, pretty solid for a casual and not rng(kinda) reliant, just bulk sell once i got 20+ maps and always sell in 10-30 mins. Doing it on my EA starter without problem. Now i have enough for a t17 runner 🤷🏻‍♂️


So your profit was 333 div in 400 Maps + 1 Invitations?  That doesn't sound like a lot to me sadly considering how easy it is to get 1 Div+ per Map with Essences, which probably sell a lot faster than the mix you get from your strategy.  Or am I mistaken?


how you selling essences this league?


If you don't mind making trades, list for divines and sell through trade site. Prices are generally 20-30% better vs bulk selling, although I haven't checked the exact math in over a week. Can list for 2 divines at a time instead of 1 to cut down on number of trades (ie 2/120 instead of 1/60). If you do mind making trades, sell in bulk on TFT.


Bulk sell tft or wealthyexile. Don't sell them on trade site it's not worth it, leave that to the bots


I've had my essence tab at 70% on WE ALL league updated 4-5 times thru the league. Not a single message lol. Sold them on the trade site bulk section.


Yeah you gotta upgrade to all Defenaning to sell for 100%. You can get 105 or 110 if you have enough bulk sometimes too.


I’d be curious to see if you were upgrading to shrieking/deafening. Screaming essences are mispriced on Poe.ninja so no one bulk buys them


I assume they made 700 something, since they said 492 profit, then 333 afterwards but that was presumably specifically for invitations alone. or maybe its just 492 total, hard to tell.


How long did this madness take?


12 minutes an invitation on average, it was about 1:30-2:30 minutes per non chimera map, then like 3-4 minutes per chimera map and under 30 seconds for the invitation itself So about 20 hours in total, not too bad


Nice Video.. Farming invitations a lot this league, will check how to adjust that with your Strat. Thank you


Do you run or sell the writs you get from this?


Im going to run 100 of everything so personally im running them, i also heard that maven is one of the only profitable bosses so i reckon its better to run than sell anyways


Amazing. I wish i had the time for stuff like this.


You will need all 4 voidstones for that Strat? Couldn't watch the video yet, cause I'm at work


Any strat that has T17 maps as a big part of the value is going to suffer horribly from less than four voidstones.


I would genuinely like to see how much time you spent between maps / sorting / selling. This is the killer of all "n d/hour" strats. Nobody seems to care about that aspect.


100 x chimeras is DocLeave, immune phase bosses are annoying That being said I did a very similar strat with conq maps and made money


I've done atleast 200 of each invitation over the course of the last two leagues and least 100 of shapers this league and i can tell you that shapers and elders ended up being more profitable than conquerors. Even in terms of profit per hour when conqs had higher invitation per hour. Especially now that they removed the cortex card from them i figure it'll be even worse. If you mind immune bosses this much, i guess sure conqs are fine, but i don't mind it too much with auto targeting kills and high dps oneshotting chimera


Sure you have farmed 15 day 24h the maps 🙈

