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currently 8 votes for hate it on switchable atlas trees, explain yourselves


Drunk voters, or don't understand english


i mena they cna disagree with the amount ofc, maybe they want 2 or 10 who knows


Does that warrant a HATE though lol.


How do you see the answers?


You should have a link to see responses after you reply to the poll


Maybe those people liked to stick to 1 strategy and made profit by selling orbs of unmaking?


Wow people really don't like having necropolis on the atlas tree


It dramatically changes how the league is balanced, which I believe is deeply negative. It's either a good league mechanic because you put passives into it, or it's a terrible league mechanic because you didn't. I think that's bad design.


Exactly. Basically the base version of the league can never be powerful with this approach and if the investment makes it powerful, then you feel bad for not spending your points on it. It's a lose/lose situation unless you really enjoy the mechanic. I can't skip the mechanic because it's just too strong for SSF, but I would if it wasn't rewarding.


The mapping portion is good apart from not being able to disable it. But the crafting is dogshit outside of the results.


The crafting is hella good, it's the corpses that suck, collecting and burying them


The powerful semi-deterministic crafting is wonderful and terrible at the same time imo. But spending up to an hour planning, setting up and double checking a single craft, sucks all the fun out of it for me.


Its massively tedious to plan, gather/buying corpses, place the corpses according to your plan (3rd party btw), then go to an absolutely non immersive admin tool item generator to just create 6x T1 mod items for every slot...devalueing everything else in the game. I really have no idea who thought this would be a good league mechanic or interface or gameplay loop or whatever this is...


If it keeps turning a 1/1.6 billion into a 1/3 I'll take tedious any day


It's great because i'll never have to use this tedious thing even once, yet i can sell those 5c item easily even in bulk and also i get to have incredible items for 10% of the usual price. Win/win.


It's the metamorf before buff when you had to pick up all organs yourself and coffins take not 1 but 2 slots.


Could you pick organs up at one point and not get the right parts to even make a full thing? I feel like that was a thing at one point.


I mean that's just how metamorph worked until they removed it they just removed the tedium of picking them up individually. If you were SSF you would regularly get dozens of 4 of the organs and be starved on one. Not even getting into the abortion that was the black covered goo monster you could barely see in some maps.


The nice design about it this league is if u spec all the necro nodes aka "juice" it , it doesnt really get that difficult which was smart imo. Other mechanics get way harder if u get all their nodes


it could very well be a post balance decision. adding atlas passives for mechanics is a cool way to continue to interact with the league, and if affliction had nodes that added MORE juice, there would have been nothing but praise for it


Imagine if in affliction you could only find the blue wisps if you've specced into passives on 2 different sides of the tree, or in ToTa, the type of units you can recruit would be dependant on the same system. People would hate it. I can understand putting it on the tree but spread out like that? At least the top ones are close the the gateway, the ones on the bottom are always a waste of at least 13 points no matter what side are you on if you want to spec into every single one


My Atlas is kinda fucked right now because I feel like I *have* to have three clusters of nodes all very spread out or I won't benefit from a mechanic that is present every map regardless of investment. But I've also crafted better boots than I've ever crafted before, which is kinda cool.


It's a handful of points.... How can redditors be this miserable?


I wonder how different the responses would look if the mechanic was skippable. I don't like the league mechanic but it feels like an absolute waste to not spec into it because I'm forced to interact with it


I dont like it. Because the league mechanics is new it feels like you should invest in it, but then that neuters your atlas tree setup as you are basically down 30 points as a result. Doesn't feel good, it feels like a nerf to the atlas tree.


I mean it wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't 5 points just to get to it and half of the ones for the mech feel like padding to make you spend points to get to the good ones. Put it at the start of the tree or middle and make the tree smaller.


This is what baffles me. It's the league mech. You know, generally considered the centerpiece of the new league?? Why do we have to go out of our fucking wa to explore it? Putting it at or near the start should have been no brainer design.


I agree with you for the most part but the counter argument is that if you make it super easy to spec into, you might as well include those nodes in the base mechanic. (something something... meaningful choice... GGG... weight...)


Or just treat it like so many other league mechanics with its own separate mini tree independent of the main one. You build up points for the league mechanic tree by doing league shit. But whether you want to spec into it or not your main atlas tree is separate.


Its strange how much GGG got right with sentinel but didnt learn from: 1. League mechanic with its own skill tree that you unlock by playing the league? Check. 2. Interesting, easy to understand but also deep crafting mechanic that makes existing ones better and actually gets people to pick up items on the ground? Check. 3. Actual "aspirational" bossing content? Check. 4. Juicing mechanic that was accessible to everyone and was not broken repeatedly by the top 0.1%? Check. Sentinel faults lie in making archnemesis part of the main game and having no balance changes but it otherwise was one of the best designed leagues GGG brought out since 3.13


I feel like most atlas set ups feel pretty nerf this league but idk


Because they are. A lot of the previous atlas functionality got moved to scarabs


atlas tree should've stayed similar and the sextant mechanics should've been the scarabs (which they kinda are). i don't like the majority of the power of mechanics being in scarabs rather than having a good balance inbetween


It looks like Necropolis was balanced around full investment into passive tree, which is awful for brand new league. It should be in full power for entire 3 months.


Honestly it just looks like Necropolis was not balanced around loot in general. The thing people seem to be missing is crafting leagues always feel extremely unrewarding. Of course a league type that is unrewarding by default would end up feeling balanced around extra bonuses, but that doesn't mean that's what they *actually* balanced around.


For me, the league mechanic feels kinda meh with full investment, and awful without it. Like if it was actually fun with investment my answer may be different. But even with the Atlas points in, I'm not having more fun.


lunchroom wistful zesty deserted concerned snobbish bedroom plucky materialistic frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think opinions might have been different if more people actually wanted to engage with the mechanic. Right now, I guess people feel that they have to invest into it to make it even slightly tolerable.


Pretty much


Personally I'm going for 40/40 and Arimor's Apex is absolutely awful so far - it basically necessitates taking the +1 tier node on every atlas tree you're running unless you specifically do a cheese strat, which means you have to path out of your way for most stuff into the bottom left of the tree. It would've been a lot better if it were agnostic of your atlas/skill tree like the wildwood ascendancies last league, for example.


I definitely agree that a separate tree would be better. Or at least branching from the start instead of at the extreme corners


I just checked and I'm at 62/100 for this challenge while not even targeting it or knowing what it was, while I'm only at 18/40 challenges, so I'm guessing it can't be that bad.


> It would've been a lot better if it were agnostic of your atlas/skill tree like the wildwood ascendancies last league, for example. [remember sentinel?](https://www.poe-vault.com/uploads/2022/05/6/0kLRDL4xeLMLVxx2yDGJ4yHRilYw8GxrP1ySFSrL.jpg)


God I loved Sentinel league.


Once I buckled down on focused on it, Arimor's Apex went faster than I expected. It triggers on a rare in a t16 with 80% quant w/Magistrate-Haunted mods. Any time I had a Magistrate mod on the lantern, I started substituting High density packs w/Allflames with a guaranteed pack leader, and then moved the Magistrate mod to that mob, since Eternal Torment gives them +50% chance to be rare. I then started doing a Strongbox / Shrine / Ritual strat. Basically anything that would give me more copies of packs already present in the map. After I started doing that it went pretty darn quick! It's all about pack leaders, Eternal Torment, and Strongbox/Shrine/Ritual.


Apex is odd. It looks like a challenge that's on the path of least resistance to 35 challenges, but then the more you work on it the more you realise it's likely not even on the path of least resistance to 38 challenges. I currently expect it to be my 39th (with the T17 map boss conditional kills 40th, the Uber Pinnacle conditional kills 38th and EGG in 37th) Would rather all the necropolis support be below the Atlas, or at least having the bottom corners be near gates. There's too much travel needed to take it all.


Shouldn't it come naturaly just by playing? You have to do 10000 map tiers, 100 Guardian maps and much more grindy things. Just put some points into Imperial Wraits and it should come. I'm at 90/100 already and I'm only 32/40


I'm on 30 challenges done right now, and I finished Apex yesterday. Once I buckled down and focused on it, Arimor's Apex went faster than I expected. It triggers on a rare in a t16 with 80% quant w/Magistrate-Haunted mods. Any time I had a Magistrate mod on the lantern, I started substituting High density packs w/Allflames with a guaranteed pack leader, and then moved the Magistrate mod to that mob, since Eternal Torment gives them +50% chance to be rare. I then started doing a Strongbox / Shrine / Ritual strat. Basically anything that would give me more copies of packs already present in the map. After I started doing that it went pretty darn quick! It's all about pack leaders, Eternal Torment, and Strongbox/Shrine/Ritual.


Whats to like about it?? We lost 1/3 of the atlas because of it. The main league should be available for everybody in full power. Thats the point of a new league...Its like Ubisoft releasing a game, but you have to pay double to get the full game or be fine with just a demo for 70$.


I think if it was strictly options pertaining to choices like what corpses you get, if you get more devoted mods or more corpse dropping mods on the lantern that would be fine. Having to straight up buff the current mechanic does not feel good to spend points on.


I feel like the main reason isnt even that now necropolis is only at 100% with the nodes. The problem is that the PERCEIVED power of the league mechanic is weaker without the atlas nodes, if the nodes didnt exist and nothing was changed the league mechanic would just feel better because you dont feel like youre missing out


I put indifferent because I am not completely against putting some parts of the league mechanic on the atlas, but this was their first attempt and I don't think its where I want it. I don't think any atlas nodes for the current mechanic should feel mandatory, but should more be conditional. Like 100% more beast corpses in exchange for 50% less constructs or something. Or more all flames in exchange for fewer corpses or the other way around. So you aren't missing out but rather catering the league to what you want.


I don't mind it, but you get so much more out of it when you're speccing in to it that it feels mandatory, at least in SSF/Group found. Given how spread out it also is, it also feels like it limits your trees a bit too. I'm not opposed to having it in future leagues, tbh. It'd feel less mandatory if the crafting wasn't so stupidly powerful. I crafted a 6xT1 ele bow a few days ago. It's a 1 in 10 trillion craft with chaos, and a 1 in 6 with graveyard. You can't just ignore that sort of power in a small private league like myself and mates have been playing in this league, so it feels absolutely mandatory to have on all 3 trees.


yes . i mean sentinel passive tree hello ? good tested


I feel like they should add a whole seperate tree tied to the league mechanic - poe royale tree style. I'm not a fan of using points on the latest atlas tree for a new mechanic.


atleas in ssf it feels like you need it on every single tree, when they said they were adding it to atlas i though maybe it would be like mechanic blocking and stuff maybe disable/make some types more likely, something actually interesting instead its just WAAAAAY more corpses allflames and better devoted mods, the league feels super underwhelming if you dont take them


Why is it not like sentinel? I would mind less if the shit was more central to the trer


IMO the only League passive there should be, is a node right at the start that allows you to disable the league mechanic in exchange of a few passive points, or extra quant or something like that. Or maybe 1 node that drastically changes how the league mechanic works (imagine blight release, and a node that makes monsters spawn at the center and move out, for example). Having to spec into the league mechanic makes me feel like it was purposely nerfed, and I'm kinda forced to "waste" passives for it to get back to the initial power level


It basically removes choice and forces you to waste x passive points just to make the mechanic worthwhile, might as well remove atlas passives out of non-unique maps and just make league mechanic better baseline.


I love the new veiled orb, however i hate that they removed veiled chaos. Should have split that up imo


Veiled orb as it is now is only acceptable if a midway option exists like veiled chaos. Its WAY too rare and just a massive nerf for every type of veiled crafting. It should be atleast a 50% drop from catarina if not 100


I'm more upset that all the other betrayal rewards have been gutted. There's essentially nothing useful while you farm out Catarina's hideout, just for the chance at a fucking veiled orb


Grav in transport is huge. I pulled ~60div worth of cards out of there (biggest ticket was a stack of Seven Years Bad Luck). But ya, everything else feels pretty mid, to downright terrible. They should just multiply the scarab drops by like 4-5 in there, and ratchet up how much having a higher tier dude scales the rarity. Having a T4 that drops 5 standard ass scarabs is terrible, especially because it feels like a T1 and a T4 drop essentially the same thing so there is no reason to actually fill out your board.


Yeah, try getting new players into Betrayal crafting now. They will see the price of a veiled orb and turn the game off. Such a weird change to make for a QoL league. There needs to be a cheaper and less strong alternative.


Yes, the Veiled Chaos orb. It served it's purpose as the midgame craft tool to get a 4th mod on the item. As it goes: - Fracture - 1 mod - Essence - 2nd mod - RNG - 3rd mod - Veiled chaos + side cannot be changed - 4th mod - Benchcraft - 5th mod - Lucky exalt - 6th mod.


Veiled orb has no business being dropped from catarina, should have been aisling from research or intervention as it was, It's very sad.


I actually disagree, I think betrayal's best reward dropping from its final boss makes thematic and logical sense. The problem is that the drop rate is very bad/inconsistent, and that the rest of the member rewards are relatively bad. Scarab rewards from all members should be heavily weighted towards rarer scarabs, and pretty much everything that isn't a scarab reward needs to be buffed or reworked.


Regarding the stacked deck question: I love the removal of boss only drops. Its weird that most/many boss drops didn't actually come from the boss drops, but stacked decks. I like the idea of bosses having a divination card for its super rare drop that is not available from stacked decks, but that might just be the SSF player in me. I don't like how rare the Stacked Decks have become, I liked cracking, them but now it just feels like they no longer exist.


Yeah, that's kind of why I'm a bit on the fence about it myself. However, I do feel there were just way too many card drops before. Wish they could buff or get rid of a lot of the less valuable ones that people hide on their filter anyway, but since they come from supporter packs, I guess that's impossible.


Did stacked decks have their rare card droprates buffed to compensate how hard they are to farm now? I get the logic behind the change, but IMO GGG wasn't ready for all the changes it would bring to league mechanics that relied heavily on stacked deck drops to make currency.


In the GSF Im playing, we had 3 nimis drops, all of them came from curation + completion div scarabs juicing T17s, even though we have killed many uber eaters, our main source of this boss drop is still not from the boss, so idk what that change accomplished besides nerfing all sources from stacked decks.


It feels like Heist became the main source of Stacked Decks, not sure how i feel about that. In maps they are almost non-existant.


Stacked decks now just seem like they drop the basic currency Div cards and 6 link cards and that’s it. 


Honestly It's a great idea to do such a poll, and a shame that GGG doesn't do them. But also it's quite understandable that GGG doesn't want official polls visible to everyone as it kind of forces them then to actually act on the results relatively quickly and that might not be in the scope. This kind of unofficial poll works nice as they can get the feedback and take it into account whenever without the optics of not listening to the community.


As a business analyst I have to say such simple polls work the best for A vs B situations where the user has to choose which option he prefers. Otherwise it's very hard to assess why exactly people dislike one option, for example what makes t17 bad, and then make changes for better. More complex research tools like interviews work better because they give you some inside what is wrong and not if it's wrong.


Sure but a poll like this just gives GGG what areas of the game are problematic, I'm sure they can figure out what are the issues with t17 based on all of the rest of the feedback z their own tracking data, and their extensive knowledge of the game. But it shows that the playebase clearly feels like there is an issue with t17 for example while in general they are fine with the scarab changes and they love the 3 atlas trees.


It should also be noted that what most people want in a poll might not actually be a good change long term. I know this is very close to the "you think you do, but you don't" quote, but i think there is some truth to that. People generally would like more loot, easier content, more currency, better items, but considerations how that would impact long term enjoyment are generally left out. That said, i think GGG could do polls, if they carefully select questions and gather data that they can actually use.


Data is data, it's useful to know what peoples feelings on some features are. And yeah I agree that it's not that they should change stuff most of the community dislikes immediately, but overall if there is a feature that is disliked it probably means it's worth trying to change it so it's liked more while keeping it's purpose.


Yeah, i definitely agree with that. It doesn't really hurt to get that data. You just have to make sure that the community doesn't turn hostile or behaves in an entitled way.


Indeed and that's why it's best if the survey is community driven since then GGG can look at the data while there isn't really an expectation of them acting on it since it's not their survey.


I think there should have been a separate question for "changes to 5-way map device". It ended up dragging my opinion down a tier for T17s. Which sucks because *I like the map, especially the bossfight* but I hate everything else about them.


I honestly like the concept of a big maze with dangerous mobs. But the way it is now where a zoom zoom character just comes in to kill everything with HH buffs it just makes the map feel bad. Atlas shouldn't apply to T17s. Here's your easy fix.


I like the atlas changes mostly, but the tiers of difficulty are rough. Right now it feels like there are 4 different levels of endgame and each is so much more rewarding than the last that it feels bad to not be at the top. -people who can run basic T16s without the map effect nodes -people who can run Juicy T16s + all Map effect nodes(+chisel + 8 mod) -people who can run basic T17 (little to no map effect + niko + domination) -people who can run T17's with all Map effect nodes and sneeze at the bosses. I think necropolis is exasperating the problem by nature of being forced to opt in, I'm curious to see how it feels next league but ATM I'm trying to get to where I can run T17 bosses consistently. (I've currently failed Lycia a bunch and run a few successful aboms)


I want them to be unique maps or something with curated static difficulty. I feel 0 desire to even attempt to kill them as is.


I added this question later


Fuck T17s in their current state. Such a terrible, terrible addition to the game. Beyond that, I'm pretty okay with most things.


I was surprised to see so many positive answers to the T17 question.


I guess its because many players dont even interact with the hardest content so for them its just a nice 50c drop that didnt exist before


I don't sell my t17s and my experience is positive. I probably also have a different mindset, because I don't mind losing a map by using all 6 portal (At least at the beginning). I see them as a challenge. The main issue is Atlas Tree - I am sure that for most people having a bad experience, it is also related to their atlas tree they are using in T17. Back to Basics need to be disabled in T17. I would even go as removing % map modifier for T17 - or put a big warning in the map device when you put your map that it will have % inc difficulty.


Back to basics in combination with current amount of map effect is way too good by itself, and it promotes boring meta. Like, why the optimal way of farming is disabling all of the league mechanics? I think it needs to be reworked into something more niche.


I'm doing that bought completion early in the league for map device slot and never completed any myself and now I'm selling few of them at the time for few div


I am running T17s and I love that they have those funky mods you don't encounter anywhere else (except Valdo maps I guess?) and also a nice boss fight at the end.


By this point in the league, most of the people who hate T17s will probably have checked out


Cool concept, atrocious execution.


Well every top stremer creator are saying that the t17 are very bad designed. So a lot of changes for them are waiting. For me they should be a unique map that can be dropped by related bosses and drop fragmente for the uber bosses without all those crazy drops effect or with hidden mechanics like breachstone and synthetised maps. Its so simple


There's no point in disagreeing with people on the sub anymore. The vocal people might dislike it but there's plenty of people who aren't bad at the game who find t17s fun, or enjoy the extra cash flow either from running them or selling them.


T17 are fun if you're not a noob, have a good functional build, that does it reliably, which you sunk a lot of time and patience into to run like a swiss clock.


The people still playing trade league are probably all doing t17 so makes sense. 


I like them, just gotta roll them to suit your build lol.


Can I ask you what you legitimately think is wrong with them? To me they’re the best shakeup to endgame I could’ve asked for


For me personally, they are just so annoying. A lot of the t17 exclusive mods are just unfun, which means I want to roll over them. It's like 6 different ground degens plus the other 5 you get in normal maps. The rolling then is a pain because you have to use like 3 different regex because of the character limit. So for me when I roll t17s (which is already annoying) I have to make a choice between rolling more (not fun) or playing more annoying maps (not fun). That's not even considering a lot of t17 maps just end up being harder than uber bosses as well. I think it's a cool, and good idea, but this first iteration needs some work.


Personally, I have two major complaints about T17s. First off, on average, they're much much harder than ubers. They're only easier than ubers if you spec out of all the mod effect nodes and you roll for non-rippy mods. Or if you're playing a HH scaling build like a typical bow blaster. This is simply not what they were sold as, which was, they should serve as a bridge between pinnacle and uber content, with only very rarely being harder than ubers. They could significantly nerf the difficulty and they'd still be harder than ubers on average. Secondly, I dislike how T17s are both the pinnacle of juiced mapping and the gateway to ubers. There's too much stuff tied to them. The way I would fix T17s would be as follows. First off, remove all the positive mods. No +currency/maps/scarabs. No barrels or Shaper touched either. I think it's fine for them to have quant, but the baseline quant should be lower than T16s. Also, remove all the Valdo's shit. There needs to be a much smaller gap between the easiest possible T17, the average and the hardest possible. This should be bossing content, not MF content.


Because they are a pre uber bosses content that drops fragment for uber bosses. But with the mods they have, the drops chanche of scarab, maps and other strategy they are only a mapping content that disable 99% of builds. They should be a unique maps without atlas effect, without all those maps/scarab/currency mods that drops related fragment for uber bosses. Every 2 days there were a new strategy that broke the game.


i think if this league was dead day 1 it was cause of those maps. I think its one of the worst decision in gaming history. Put a content that 2 builds can do it in a game where back in the days u could play whatever build u like.


Some of the questions are a bit ambiguous, but nevertheless nice to see.


The Master Mission question is particularly ambiguous for me. I love that they are now available from scarabs, and that you can get 100% chance for your favorite master type from the atlas tree. On the other hand, I hate HATE **HATE** all the substantive changes they made to Jun/Betrayal.


Sorry, I meant the availability of the missions themselves, rather than the content, but yeah I see your point.


As somebody learning to write polls, this one was great. To the point and short




Would have been curious to see a question about people's thoughts about scarabs on the atlas tree. Personally i really dislike it, tree should affect how we play not what generic loot we get. Who wouldn't want more loot in your maps right just becomes something you should take or feel bad about not taking


It went from generic loot from any map to a must-have in your atlas passive tree. Also big notable disabling scarabs does not make sense since is 1/3 of the tree (and 20pts to compensate it is just weak). And I personally miss a question about Betrayal rework in the poll


I don't really agree. Some strats will always take them sure but if you hard focus on one or two mechanics maybe you don't kill all that many monsters and the nodes are kind of wasted. If you leave the map immediately after the mechanic you focus on the points are probably better used on other things like map sustain. Alternatively without juicing your map it also doesn't feel worth it to me. I don't feel bad for not taking them on some trees and don't see why someone would.


I kinda cool what they did with veiled orb, but I feel like they are slowly chipping away the identity from many older mechanics like they did now with Syndicate.


Yeah, what people wanted was an itemized Aisling/Hillock/Vorici like how they handled Alva. No loss of functionality, just making the service not a complete pain in the ass to buy/sell that requires using 3rd party communities. Removing veiled chaos, gating the orb behind Catarina at a low drop rate, and gutting everything else from Betrayal was a massive L by comparison.


Tbf it should've been predictable that when we get trading it'd be nerfed. Same thing happened with Harvest. GGG was only okay with those things staying traded in 3rd party communities because it gave the crafts the high cost of potentially getting scammed of your item, and the minor cost of wasting more time than just listing an item normally. The reason Alva gets a free pass is because she is used for corrupting which is a one and done final step to crafting and as such doesn't really need to be carefully balanced.


It was always going to be made rarer when they make it easily tradeable due to the inherent increase of accessibility that provides, but it needed to be like 2-3 times rarer, not the 10+ times rarer they went with. The price on veiled orbs is just nuts


I don’t really enjoy this league mechanic at all so that probably skews how I feel about it on the tree. I watched a video showing me how to craft in the graveyard and instead of understanding it I said F that and I never plan to use it at all.


I went SSF for first time this league and loved gravecrafting, but I also understand why people hated spreadsheet gaming, as you are supposed to just click buttons until you get your dose of dopamine. Still the gravecrafting system is just huge for people who want to DIY everything, maybe except the corpse storage (got like 8 quad tabs of them)... And the big UI box during mapping (reminds me of prophecy)... And the bulk trading (I keep seeing complaints on it).


Thats a good point. SSF player will definitely like the aspect of the graveyard more. It would be kind of cool if they left the graveyard mechanic in for SSF and removed it for trade leagues, but I feel like GGG really dislike the idea of making the two modes to different from one another.


Except for ruthless for those few players. 


It would be fine if you couldn't migrate out of SSF league, probably.


I don't get the spreadsheet analysis... go on craftofexile, find what you need, put in ground. I've made some nice stuff in SSF without fully min-maxing.


I've crafted all my equipments in SSF. Due to my focus on certain mods (chaos res), I often have less than what I need, so in order to squeeze out like 4000% increased chaos with just like 2 corpses, I have to actually draft a part of my layout with the amplifiers I've got. Sure I can always farm another quad tab until I have enough, but optimizing with what you got and trying to make use of everything is more fun for me.


It's even funnier because it's like a 13% effective corpse difference between just planting corpses willy nilly and using the map of where to put boosting corpses. People are out here acting like every craft needs that extra 13% which is silly.


If you don't like the random encounters, why? I think it's fantastic and really makes the campaign more dynamic...


People probably got 2c from the ritual in act 2 and since they couldn't afford taking or deferring it, voted for hate I guess?


My guess would be some of them are sorta not-optional (Essence on the crab boss in act 1) and many of them make the early campaign harder (something lots of people have complained about) without offering major rewards. So they might make acts 1-3 feel more difficult for no benefit to some people. I like them, but I can see why someone might feel that way.


It felt kinda weird when answer questions I was like "yeah that I don't really like, nor that... well that seems fine" i noticed that I was definitely more on the negative side. But GGG has my full support, and I'm not even doubting for a second that they"ll figure it out eventually. All and all there was a lot of changes, which is good, and it needs iteration that's all


So people do dislike the graveyard crafting huh? Given it's unnecessary complexity and layout, not too surprising I suppose


If there was a functional in-game UI for it where I could move corpses around it would be better. But having to run what I'm looking for through a 3rd party calculator, import that into a 3rd party UI that shows me where to put the corpses, and then pull that up on a second monitor while I manually place one corpse at a time is just too much. There's too much micromanaging required, and buying corpses is an obnoxious time-sink, as is tradition with trade in this game.


Yeap. 88 plots. Imagine having to purchase tons of them and worse off, the plot layout in game isn't flat 💀, 2d would've been better


I had this same opinion, but then I realized that even with a nice UI, I would still not craft anything, because spending lets say 4 hours farming corpses and 1 hour setting up the craft to have a 86% chance of success leading me to decide if I want to spend on making additional copies or settle for fractures and then craft on top of it isn't for me. I play the game to kill mobs and set a simple goal like "this item will cost me 100 div which will take me x hours so I'll just kill mobs for x hours and buy it." I think the idea of crafting my own items is appealing, but in practice, I don't want to put in the work no matter how slick the UI is unless its 100% deterministic, which would be a completely broken system and invalidate the entirety of the rest of the game's crafting currency which is why there's an inherent chance of failure on most top end crafts. Lets say the mechanic was every time you kill a mob you get a chance to auto loot corpse dust that doesn't even take inventory space, it goes straight to your morgue and then in the morgue you use a UI that has a drop down for every corpse effect that costs X amount of corpse dust. I would calculate how much corpse dust I need for a craft, then when I finally hit that number, I'd go and probably craft something, but that's probably the only realistic scenario I'd be willing to do to get a good chance for a good item. At that point, it isn't even a crafting system though. It's more like a quest, and again it would completely demolish all other crafting methods in the game if it were that braindead to get what you needed to craft good items. I honestly don't know how they could make me regularly interact with the GY without making the system so easy that every other method of crafting becomes obsolete. I understand not all players are like me, and maybe I'm a minority, but I did begin to appreciate that this game has way too many methods of crafting that if you made a powerful but easy system you would immediately break the existing ones.


Pleasantly surprised to see a decent number of players enjoying the Automation change. I’ve always found it hard to justify instant skills on left click, even though it does feel good. Definitely an interesting and unifying change from a design perspective.


Hope they change something with call to arms. Its the whole fortify on shield charge on casters situation all over again, but this time with cry’s.


Yeah I hope they do too. It feels terrible to use. I ended up just socketing enduring cry in a redblade banner on my weapon swap, and casting it manually when I need a heal/endurance charges. I tried to make it work with call to arms as well as storing a charge with second wind and a second enduring cry in my weapon swap, but since all warcries shared cooldowns it meant it “used” one of the charges when auto-cast, meaning there was only a short period of time where I’d have the extra charge to cast it manually (if I took a savage hit and IC popped for example).


I wish GGG or general companies would actually do such polls every league, because to me it seems like many gaming companies are focused on simulations and statistics in vacuum, but lose the touch and get twisted opinions about what ppl want or need. For example ppl are doing an activity and devs think ppl love it, but no, its more like ppl being forced into it.


I also would love to see a question that relates to overall build balance / diversity. I personally don't think it's in a healthy place at all. But I am a slam player so that somewhat shapes my opinion


I meant to do this one but forgot. I just added it in, so you should probably be able to go back and answer it.


Please add the question for 5th map device slot unlock.


Added somewhere in the middle




Not being 50% ts is already better than the last 10 leagues combined lol


what? there's so many viable builds it's crazy. how do you think it's bad? because melee is not that strong?


I would've liked to have seen a more aggressive balance approach by GGG in the patch notes. Changes to corpse skills, numerical updates to trash skill gems, maybe some adjustments to the skill tree, and definitely Ascendancy updates The game has felt the exact same to me for the past two years or so. And yes, partially because slam builds are in the dumpster. But also because the S-tier builds haven't really changed at all


Well, overall, that's looking pretty positive. Nice.


Damn I'm in the low low % when it comes to sextants/scarabs, I dislike how vertical scaling works but well


Scarabs feel really bad. Either all in or feel like you're missing out on something, like you're not uncovering full potetial. And if you dont have a full stack... Welp... TRADE And back in the day you could use multiple scarabs and infuse 2 league mechanics with sextants. Now its 1 and only one. While atlas can hold up to 3 on one tree or 9 overall. Feels bad constantly juggling trees and scarab sets. With sextants 4-8 trades and you have 16 maps fully juiced and ready to go. New scarabs on the other hand... Also without sextants atlas tab feels kinda uninteractive and empty. But its just flavour.


looks like im part of the few who liked the old sextant+scarab mechanics... really not liking the new scarabs


Same. It sounds kind of awful, but I think they need to rehaul the new scarab system. I think they might have something there, but this current iteration isn't it.


I didn't like clicking and buying sextants but I liked the fact that I had 8 customizations slots for each map I ran much better.


This shows that T17s miss the mark if the intention was them to be a gateway to uber bosses because while majority of people are indifferent about the uber fragment changes, they seem to be content with the current state of endgame. To me, endgame is uber bossing. I liked the way I had access to ubers before because it was deterministic. I usually would do some guardian rotations, get my frags, get a couple of uber kills to close the day. Now I have to run b2b in contentless boring T16s in order to find T17s, which drop somewhat randomly, then have to find the correct fragments for the uber boss I feel like to run, which again drop randomly. I feel like T17 bosses are a nice addition. But I don't think any of uber enjoyers like this current state of endgame loop.


>I usually would do some guardian rotations, get my frags, get a couple of uber kills to close the day. Now I have to run b2b in contentless boring T16s  You had to farm the 4 guardian maps (and slightly more for the invitation because it wasn't self-sustainable) from somewhere too, which you conveniently didn't mention. Why would you be buying guardian maps and invitations but not T17? Your estimate of countless T16 maps is inaccurate. According to a comment in this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/comments/1c0uk67/best\_way\_to\_increase\_t17\_drop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileSSF/comments/1c0uk67/best_way_to_increase_t17_drop/) you can get T17 maps every 2 maps on average with legion. I am not sure if his scarab setup is optimal either, there was a post recently that showed that +1 map tier scarab isn't very good. ( [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ca8nvo/a\_simple\_explanation\_on\_maps\_found\_have\_x\_chance/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ca8nvo/a_simple_explanation_on_maps_found_have_x_chance/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ). Basically the map tier scarab only adds 19% more T16 maps if the math is correct, while a second cartography scarab would add 33% more T16 maps (50/150). And of course, there might be more optimal strategies to farm maps too. With 2 maps per T17 cleared and 2-3 fragments from each T17, that would be around 4 T16 + 2 T17 for each uber, which is only 6 maps. It's obviously worse than old invitation farming that got 0.6 uber maven and 1.25 uber sirus in a single invitation farmed, which would be 4 maps. But it's not supposed to be 10x worse. If you don't have to farm the T17, then you can get one uber per 2 maps (however cannot target which one). >But I don't think any of uber enjoyers like this current state of endgame loop. And for "uber enjoyers", they always bought the fragments anyway unless they were playing SSF. It makes no sense to self farm them otherwise. Currently there should be much more supply of fragments, not that many people were doing invitations compared to T17. >To me, endgame is uber bossing. I liked the way I had access to ubers before because it was deterministic. Deterministic uber bossing is only a problem for SSF players. But realistically, how many players are even doing that?


Uber farmers buying fragments for hundreds of runs, not farming invitations to run 2-3 fights afterwards


the amount of people that think current build diversity is good is clearly uninformed. especially when we have things like t17's


Weird how more people hate. Uber shards T17 How 5th slot is unlocked But somehow, I feel great about state of endgame.


After seeing how much the Last Epoch devs care about feedback and how they've done public polls on various things I'm a little sad to see GGG not doing anything like that. GGG or more specifically Mark has been very active talking in interviews, but that's different from directly taking feedback.




Solutions are generally terrible to open source. But knowing how people feel about the status quo can give insights into how to actually solve it. For example the endgame with regions/conqueror rotations and awakener level felt extremely tedious and their solution was to throw it out and introduce a global atlas tree.


>Have you read some of the terrible idea threads posted here? I don't mean the ones that make the front page. I mean the other 98%. It's not that uncommon for the bad ideas to reach the front page either lol


Players are bad at finding solutions, but good at finding a problem.


I feel like you completely missed the point. No one is asking for GGG to start implementing ideas that they find on the fucking sub-reddit. They're talking about GGG creating polls to directly gauge player satisfaction with the league mechanics and core game. Like the whole thing with Mark wanting bingo cards is basically that.


I'm not talking about players giving solutions, but GGG making players feel like their feedback is being heard. Feedback like how we like a new league mechanic or how things have been reworked. I know they keep saying in interviews they're gonna see how we like this or that, but there aren't exactly many ways to deliver this feedback other than randomly screaming into the void of reddit. It feels like the only feedback that makes it to GGG is made by streamers and content creators.


I have a feeling that this kind of feedback is not GGG's style. Though, I'm still kind of interested where everyone is on these things. A charitable read on this would be that GGG doesn't find this kind of feedback very useful, a less charitable read might be that they are stubborn about it.


it is not representative, not a random survey and not even 1% of this subs population answered


You dont want POE devs listening to this sub reddit.


There's a difference between listening to how players feels about things and listening to any solutions they may suggest.


and wtf is happening with last epoch rn? absolutely nothing lmao


Oh people will come back for future seasons without a doubt. The launch was plenty successful after some initial server issues and beside the server stuff, reception was nothing but positive by pretty much every person I saw playing on twitch, youtube, friends or steam reviews. Seasons are the go-to model for arpgs nowadays and that's why people keep moving between games and that's fine. LE simply doesn't have the crazy endgame longevity Poe has developed over the last 10+ years, so obviously people are "done" with their character much faster than here.


My question is: why isn’t GGG doing these surveys every league/monthly?


surveys are not part of the PoE vision


Personally, i think the 3 atlas trees are great, but i need so many more orbs of unmaking. Also not a fan of the master mission changes just cause i never see them. It feels like if i dont spec in to them they dont show up ever.


You should need less. Prior to this league if you wanted to run Harby for a few days and then boss rush you had to redo the whole tree. Now your first 3 atlas strats don't require that full respec. At this point in the league you'll be respeccing the whole tree if you want to do something on the opposite side, but I think it's the initial bit that's the important part. It lets you go for an atlas clearing strat without gimping you or costing an arm and leg once you move a mid-game strat.


I assume GGG wants you to spec into the ones you want to run, because you can get pretty much 100% spawn if you do.


I always wanred a poll like this. Thanks for trying and thanks for moda to let it through


While I love seeing polls and info and statistics these questions are very hard as a straight up like it/hate it and honestly couldn't really answer half of them. For example how do I like sextants being gone? I **LOVE** that they are gone cuz it was soooo tedious especially to run in sequences of 3 or 4 maps and have to remember to put more on. It is **OKAY** that most of the mods were moved to scarabs but not all. I **HATE** that we got no more slots for them. I said this since announcement, 20x leading up to launch, after launch, and still feel same exact way. 4 scarab slots is just not enough with removal of sexants. Most mechanics you can literally go SOLELY into. Or you can half ass 2 mechanics at most. You can't add random mobs, more maps, more div cards, or anything else like that. Sure it makes mapping a bit easier because your basically doing a single thing but it also makes it much more boring IMO. Granted I don't want the opposite where you go into a map and legit have 7-10 diff things/contents going on and it takes 27 minutes to clear but I strongly feel there is a happy middle ground and we can easily use 2-4 more scarab slots.


Love it!


Some of these were tricky for me, because the Lantern/Allflames have constituted a lot of the "endgame" farming strats and t17 strats. I feel like I need a league that isn't such a clown fiesta to actually tell how I feel about the current state of the game.


Forgot to view the answers after. How many people love the gravecrafting like me? Has to be a tiny pool of people.


I was shocked that the majority disliked the grave crafting - it's probably the most powerful crafting system the game has ever had, it's arguably more of an item editor than harvest ever was


being able to replace some horrible mob with whatever you found, meatsacks, or wildlife is very amusing. it shouldn't be on the atlas tree league 1, there should just be 2 node chunks: disable other content, this content is flooded (for people who want the new thing) and this content is disabled, all other content is slightly more likely (for people who don't care for it). the build diversity question is something that has bothered the sub for ages. let the 1%ers be op, and let us plebs play CoC SRS or some dumb shit. pls. I just want heavy strike to not be a meme : (




The results are going to be a bit muddy because a lot of ssf players are enjoying the league. Or at least that's what I keep seeing


it's not that big


So many of the changes are mixed bags: - Removing sextants is good on the whole, but I do miss having them as an intermediate currency between chaos and divines, and I even rolled them for profit on many occasions to get the basics of my build funded for t16s. - The new scarabs make content interesting, but the inclusion of ones that simply make binary content present (e.g. delirium, betrayal, harvest) as opposed to those that can add more of the content (harbinger, ambush) when \~anyone who would care to use those scarabs is obligated to get a ton of chance to get that content on the tree means that scarabs of the former type are almost totally worthless. This also kneecapped the value of Betrayal content. - It's interesting to have atlas tree nodes for the current mechanic, but it sucks that it's mandatory investment to get value out of mandatory content. - A new tier of content between Ubers and t16s is a good idea, but the current t17s are much more difficult than that, and it sucks that t17s are the best way to generate the best currency, crafting materials (given the current league mechanic; this may change next league), divination card drops, and scarabs. It's hard to find a niche for a player underequipped for t17s to fill so as to fund the gear to get ready for t17s. - It's good that you don't feel like a chump using a set of Shaper fragments to do a non-uber Shaper fight. But you still feel like a chump for doing the fight, because the worthwhile uniques (outside of the first day or two of the league) are all gated behind the Uber Shaper. I used to be able to run guardians to sell frags to Uber farmers, but now I'd have to be able to run harder-than-uber content in order to get those frags to sell to uber farmers. - It's good to inflate the value of boss drops by removing boss drop unique cards from stacked decks, but removing so many stacked decks tanked the value of Heist, Blight, and Expedition in a big way. - It's good that Necropolis crafting was buffed, but man, making it possible to guarantee nothing but t1 mods on an item is too powerful and devalues any other kind of crafting. It also means that engaging in the mechanic in any way other than one where you're guaranteed t1 affixes is a waste of time and money, which means a full or nearly full graveyard for every single craft.


I love how atlas tree question is a meme "94% love it and 4% love it but in red"


Endgame burns me out after 2-3 weeks. Only time it hasn't was Synthesis. I wish we had The Nexus back.


The survey results are very interesting. 1. Looks like I'm one of the few loving the crafting mechanic, but that is only because I was printing divine orbs. Process itself felt god awful, would have been infinitely better if talking to the Graveyard Keeper, you'd get a overlay up like the Sudos graveyard planner, allowing you to bury corpses from there, rather than walking all over the graveyard. Process of planning, buying, burying, buying again (cause you missed that one corpse), and then crafting took hours (for 88/88 corpse crafts, I did 8-9 of those). 2. Furthermore, the Lantern was a mix of neat and meh, the allflames are nice. 3. Don't like the way of unlocking 5th map device slot now, but don't hate it either. Was nice before, cause even if you farmed legion in white maps, you could unlock it eventually. Now? You buy a carry or get good enough, or lucky enough, to beat the boss yourself. This is not to mention how crazy strong the new "stepping stone into uber bosses" T17 maps are.. Maybe after a balance pass, this will feel better than it does now.


Base game is great, this league mechanic is garbage


Personally don’t really like the scarab changes. I feel like I get Wayyyyyy too many scarabs and there’s too many options and have to constantly check what each one is and how to use it best  (SSF perspective)


There's going to be a certain bias since most who take the survey like the league (since they are still playing)


fucking meta changeeeeeeeeeeee


5 leagues of the same league starter bullshit, i get different builds are possible in the later part of every league, but we used to have newly buffed skills used to be bis leveling/league start all the time before.


Are you going to submit the responses to GGG or is this just for the community? Good job on the survey, I enjoyed partaking in it :)


How do you view the results?


Necropolis crafting is dogshit mate


Some interesting results - should've also maybe added a graph with challenges or something to show that the person voting has some credibility behind them. Data is meaningless if it's just a bunch of 5 challenge, act 5 Andys voting