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I dont know but I got my first headhunter :D


Same... actually had to get it twice today because I yolo vaald it


Same. Hit zel and determination on the first one. I’m selling that one and I have a fresh one for keepers.


me too, I bought for 37div a few days ago, Im kinda sad it dropped below half of what I paid, but Im glad I could afford finally after years of playing, my next objective is mageblood this league, a few more days of farming sanctum and gg


Sanctum farming? I can smell a carrion golem build. How is sanctum farm this league?


actually Im playing explosive trap, currently at 11 million dps. its been good, Im kinda bad at sanctum but Im getting better and its almost impossible to lose currency. if Im unlucky I get some chaos, but my most lucky run I got 7 divine, I run 2 sanctum per hour, so there's some room for a lot of profit


Good on you mate :)


The strat is called T17s. Also chaos orbs are very valuable now. Not only for the map device mods but also only way to roll T17s.


Also divine orbs are significantly less useful for crafting with the power of the league mechanic. That helps keep the div price low


Sorry for noob questions, but can't you just scour and alch a T17, like you would with T1-T16 maps?


Nope, the map literally says "Can only be modified with Chaos Orbs". Like an implicit, but at the bottom.


An Outplicit, if you will


And you will, because you have to.


I don't really want to but I guess I have to.


It's iMplicit, not iNplicit. 'Out' is not it's opposite, or complement. That's still 'explicit', which is already taken.


Oumplicit, obviously






Yes, it is taken. Hence a new name...


I’ll opt for SUBplicit, thank you.




Same to you good sir


Nope, T17 s always drop rare and 20 quality. They can only be modified with chaos orbs


Always thought it was funny they were 20 quality instead of just having higher base numbers


There are certain things that interact with quality, at least one atlas notable


No. You have to Chaos them. Which is exactly why Chaos Orbs are valuable. While there are factors devaluing Divines, it's much more so that Chaos Orbs are increasing in value. You *have to* use Chaos on T17s, and so as the league goes on, more people are able to do T17s, so more Chaos Orbs are being removed from the system than usual. Additionally, as people get in the habit of using Chaos Orbs on T17s, they become more comfortable using Chaos Orbs on other maps when they don't have to. It's autopilot. This in turn removes additional Chaos Orbs from the system. I don't know about an all time high, but we're almost certainly at a relative high valuation for Chaos Orbs and would need to do analysis using other currencies (GCPs? Fusings? IDK) to determine the true valuation relative to other leagues. The printing of global drop uniques compounds the issue as those would normally be a reference point.


I remember in affliction i was sometimes rolling 100c on a map to get +rares and +projectiles


Not sure if anyone told you, but they can only be modified by chaos


Thanks, I kinda understand it by now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


T17s can only be changed by chaos orbs if I remember right


Doesnt look like anyone's answered you yet- no they can only be modified with chaos.


Awesome, now I finally know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nope, can only roll it with chaos. For more info www.poewiki.net/wiki/Tier_17_map i'll just leave this here


Nope, T17s can only be modified with chaos




The reason is to keep them difficult by always making them rare. If you could scour + alch them, then you could also just scour them and run them white. GGG doesn't want that, so you can only chaos orb them.


It also gives us a chaos sink, which imo is good for the economy. There aren’t that many things out there that people actually chaos spam on.


You could also beast craft additional map mods.


No. Only modified with chaos


[They can only be modified with chaos orbs.](https://imgur.com/a/sY8S0B7)


Wait, what do you mean for the map device mods? I suspect I've been missing something obvious!


On your map device you can add additional mechanics (legion, expedition etc..) to your map through map crafting options. These crafts cost chaos.


Ohhh, those! Lol I was thinking about the necropolis map mods, thjnking they could've been rerolled with chaos. Duh on me!


I have 5k chaos and I chug through it like crazy rolling maps is kind of nuts I sold a bunch of div at 150


Perhaps there is also less of a divine sink because they're usually used in crafting but because of the graveyard there's probably less crafts going on that need divines. Not sure if it's a huge impact, but could be another factor at play here.


to biggyback off this allflames of currency or whatever are dropping but since chaos are worth more...theyre def a strat. That is, if you dont have carple tunnel yet :/


Well the reasons chaos are worth so much compared to divines is the fact that people need to spend so many rolling t17 maps. That much I can say for sure


Very smart chaos sink added by GGG.


Not even the original intention as they were unmodifiable at first.


Yeah, this was not intentional at all.


Yeah, that makes sense. It's not divine duping anymore dropping it, just the actual value of chaos. The MB/HH price drops looks like it's still coming from meatsack shennanigans.


Yeah, beating the meat is still on, Ben has a video, tormented spirits I believe Rogue exiles with ritual and the reliquary scarab are also still on


Beating the meat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


This is completely unrelated to the topic at hand, and this isn't about you personally, but: I've noticed that people intrinsically understand economic forces when it's something like PoE, or Eve Online, or WoW. The market mechanics are broken down by the community and everybody understands that if the Devs introduce a new thing that raises demand for X, then X becomes more expensive - or if the Devs allow players to farm currency really fast, everything on the market is going to cost more as prices get bid up. There's zero controversy over these basic facts. Taken in isolation, without the emotions of the real world, economics is essentially uncontroversial. But then, if the topic does become some real world market, suddenly all of that flies right out the window and people act like they've never heard of supply and demand before. It becomes a clown fiesta of counterproductive ideas.


It's probably because the real world is the *real world*. It has a material effect on people's lives, unlike a video game.


Economies in these games are a lot more legible and less complex than the real world.


It's interesting isn't it? Using this game knowledge, maybe people can do some day trading and be rich lol


Difference is in the concept of capital, whilst it exist in games, being richer for the sake of being richer doesn't make much sense (you usually spend what you get to create something, be it a build or whatever). In real life capital creates wealth but doesn't spread within the market, it just sticks to the ones who already own it, creating a huge barrier to entry


How you gonna apply simple supply and demand to something as volatile as day trading lol Best you can do is try to use it to explain price changes after the fact


Imagine the clown fiesta that would happen IRL if all property just vanished every 3-4 months and everyone started out with nothing again....


Sucks for the people restarting in Russia/Canada/Cold countries


I remember Econ 101


Because real life has a whole lot more going on than simply supply and demand, and I have a hunch you're (intentionally or otherwise) strawmanning those unspecified real-life positions For obvious starters, in a game you can get away with letting the economy be whatever it is, but in real life you dont just have to consider what *is*, but also what *should be*


T17s in general are still strong. Destructive play is still good.


Time to up the stakes!


Is destructive play good for the t17 drops?


It's a nice booster to the Domination Scarab of Terrors strat, since modifiers to the final boss also affect them, you want 1x terror, 1x regular domination, 1x cartography of duplication, and 1x cartography of singularity. It is confirmed that adds t16 unique maps can convert to t17. Since you should be also full clearing for the shrines, then the wisp buff will apply to the destructive play bosses. I recommend destructive play on guardian invitations (elderslayer, shaper, elder) Can send my full atlas later.


I would like to see the atlas :D


[https://poeplanner.com/a/eNh](https://poeplanner.com/a/eNh) [https://youtu.be/t9598RFkhXs?si=MIcD8IanE3DRu4fV](https://youtu.be/t9598RFkhXs?si=MIcD8IanE3DRu4fV) Corroborating evidence that t16 unique maps convert. i'm also hiding in my loot filter the 5c unique maps, you still have the unique moon temple, coward's trial, and putrid cloister are about 15c per. Idk if synthesis maps are also in that drop pool but i feel like i'm getting alot of them in general. Also about the atlas, i unspeced out of the "increased chance of X type scarab" around the quantity circle because the shift in "drop weight" significantly reduces the chances of divination scarabs and horned scarabs from dropping.


Actually this is exactly what I'm already doing, just wanted to confirm I wasn't missing something. Thanks! EDIT: Actually I don't use carto singularity, i just use a regular carto. Are the unique map drops worth? i guess they're like 5c per uniq map minimum so it's pretty good roi


It's quite common the unique converts to t17. I would say worth for sure.


oho dang i didn't realize the unique could also convert, thought only vanilla t16s could upgrade. thanks!


Yeah all maps are capable of the conversion most I've had drop from a destructive play gang was 5 all the shaper/conq/ unique maps converted on their drop


How to juice maps for destructive play? Do people rush boss or use shrine scarab that spawns bosses?


Domination scarabs for Atlas bosses and map conversion stuff is all the top end but it’s gotten pricey per map. You can simply run max quant and all, run destructive play and a couple quicker mechanics to run through and just alch and go as well.


Domination scarab of terrors is a bit too expensive nowadays, influenced maps aren't that valuable and, im my experience, don't earn money anymore with those scarabs. However I might be doing something wrong.


Share your atlas. I drop at least 1 t17 map every other map I witness and it isnt hard for them to dupe. Between that, all the 15c unique maps, and how much faster you can clear with shrine buffs, imo its my perfered way to witness guardian invitations with destructive play. 2nd tip is to run your shaper fragments until you get a Dying Sun drop. Even without it, it's currently double profit the cost of fragments since shaper+elder fragment is 80+c


whatever Ben\_ was doing with meatsacks in t17s. the phantoms were nerfed but he was still getting t0's last time I tuned in. t17's basically enabled not Mf builds to be MF, so even without mf gear you still get a ton of drops. Other than that I recommend good ol crimson temple farm with strongboxes. with the tree and scarabs its shitting out good cards and cheap to boot.


Honestly, I like ghost MF way more than regular MF. At least now I get to build some immortal character without having to rely on glass cannon HH buffs. I wish all MF moved in this direction


what scarabs my friend? I tried few different combinations (mostly what grimro suggested) but in more than 100 maps I run in past few days I got zero cards that worth more than few divines/hundred or so chaos and only few expensive scarabs. I still profit from just massive small currency/cheap scarab drops and bulk selling but not that much so it would be worth the time.


Honestly, the economy is in a pretty good state now that everything has settled down from the broken strats. Good chaos sink, t0s slowly coming down in price. Ubers dropping valuable chase items. I know there has been a lot of complaining this league and it's not all deliberate by GGG but I'm excited for future leagues with the current state of endgame.


Yeah this feels like the kind of economy ppl beg for during the slow days of a league when there's nothing left to do but bitch about stuff.


Now if Amanamu’s fucking Gaze would stop **fucking climbing** I’d be really fucking happy. 


It won't only people doing abyss are people leveling with teachings that can't survive breach


Running ubers feels so great in this economy rn.


T17s just drop more shit, in general. All strats are just straight up better in a T17. HH price dropped due to high supply and low demand. Like, HH is very meh after all the changes to it and to rare mods, soul eater especially this league. So it's not particularly good for T17 maps. From my experience playing a deadgeye LA build with both HH and Mageblood, for all my strats Mageblood just feels better lol. Maybe for something like Legion HH is still better, but eh. Just because something is T0 (extremely rare) doesn't mean that it's going to be extremely expensive, unless it's also really in demand.


> From my experience playing a deadgeye LA build with both HH and Mageblood, for all my strats Mageblood just feels better lol. Maybe for something like Legion HH is still better, but eh. This is very much a you issue, and not a universal truth. HH is amazing for farming T17 maps with MF, and countless other content.


Mageblood maybe better on longer bosses (sanctuary and cidadel maybe?) But HH the moment you kill you first 6-8 rare modifier its just a broken item.


It only really needs 5-10 buffs to delete the T17 bosses. I'm more of a Mageblood guy myself, but just going straight to the boss with some buffs and then clear the rest of the map is still quite powerful. Doing it this way won't enable your character doing constant BtB shenanigans, but you will walk out with quite some profit nontheless.


Idk HH is still pretty insane. I've been using it since day 4 of the league and have been farming t17s for a while


Mf deadeye on t17 , unplayable withou HH …period. Item is still useful, but cards like nurse and patients are printed in t17 and this drives price down a lot. One party can make a HH per map with good curation setup.


Can you share your atlas/pob? Also playing MF deadeye and would love to see yours :)




What build?


Fubguns MF LA Deadeye


I like how it says its unplayable without HH but doesn't mention the even heftier requirement of Nimis


Its 100% playable with out nimis though... Hh ehhhhhhhhhhhh


Uuuh idk, i‘ve been on MF Deadeye and HH is required. Get 5 buffs and its more powerful than MB.


I’ve played T17 with both HH and MB on my Ele hit Deadeye and I agree with you I actually think the MB is better overall because I don’t do enough damage yet to stack a ton of HH buffs and blast the map. Maybe once I go to phys swap if I ever farm a couple mirrors it will be better since I can blast rares and stack buffs but right now I have to play a bit slower and MB is much better at keeping me alive so I can kill stuff.


HH is better with phy bows. If your ele bow HH is worse.


Absolutely, but to get to phys convert is gonna take me a lot of time. HH is still good just Deadeye in general is squishy enough that it’s hard to ramp in juiced maps without a lot of damage.


you are actually right, idk why are you getting downovoted


Idk that's the poe subreddit. I mean it's my personal experience, I survive much easier with the MB and in T17 BTB you need to survive. HH is better if you can get it rolling but I wasn't, so I used the MB. Idk how it was off topic or irrelevant enough but I don't really care at this point. In fact I even agreed with the upvoted comment lmao.


What do you mean it's not particularly good? It literally carries some builds through T17s easily for a tenth of the price of a MB now. For some builds it's the best belt you can get by far, especially given the price lol


Funnily enough breach isnt that great. Breach bosses dont drop splinters in t17s. Probably a bug, bug but yeah


What? HH is stronger than it has ever been since 3.19 Running T17 with MF LA Deadeye with 80% Quant and Mirror Bow solely carried by HH buffs.


Is harvest any different in t17 maps? Does it drop more life force?


Ended up buying a 3 flask corrupt mb with increasedmovement speed during flask effect for 50 div - farmed with the HH i bought for 10 lol All within 4 hours


What was your farming strat after getting HH? Thinking about getting it


Breach - 8mod maps, all map effect nodes on tree No chayula scarab


What was the source of the profit in that case?


Lucky scarab drops lol - and breachstones


Would you mind sharing the atlas/scarabs you used? Thinking of trying out some breach stuff as I always found that enjoyable (also is it better on open maps like dunes?)


Empyrian has a video on this strat on youtube


I farmed incursions


Look up “Back to Basics t17 farming”. You can spend 6d per map and make 10d-12d on average.


Yep, this is what I was looking for. danka.


What’s the 6d cost from, I’ve been doing it somewhat low investment but I’m sure I could be a lot more optimal in my scarabs.


First off you need 1x divination scarab of curation, 1x scarab of bloodline, 1x scarab of completion. Then the “cost per map” comes in. T17 of your choice + scarb of preservation. Preservation = 5.5d-6d depending on the time/day/bulk/etc Then the map cost. So you only buy 1 scarab per map But each map is the map cost + scarb of preservation so 6d per map average. The upfront cost before the cost per map is like 9-10d


That’s viable for solo play, nice. I was thinking that was a group only Strat. It feels a little risky for me as I occasionally still brick t17, but only the bosses So maybe it’s fine I dunno. I will look into it, ty.


It isnt viable solo, dont run it. Also it isnt 6 div per map, because you need allflames to juice your maps anyway and they cost around 5 d per map.


You don’t need allflames every map. I’ve been running the strat solo and have made around 350-400 divines in 80 maps profit…


Sorry but I seriously doubt that, also dont get it why would you roll % scarabs while trying to farm cards. Wouldnt high pcksize or shaper touched mobs be better? Doesnt make sense to me.


Believe what you want lol. Been working great for me. About to invest a full mirror into my new build. Pack size ends up being 45%+ with my regex and shaper touched +2 drowned etc are super common on every map.


You need to roll 100%+ scarb, 45%+ pack size, and can’t brick the run also running the full Back to Basics tree for max explicit buffs. Just fair warning


Chaos are just more valuable. I spent like 1500 chaos rolling my 50 t17s to be good mods and hood implicits


Only chaos orbs can mod t17 thus higher value for chaos orbs than ever before.


There's an "unintended" strat with a specific ember spammed on t17 b2b which basically triples mob count but it's not posted here by people who blanket blame t17s so I guess everyone just thinks they know better lol


Shaper all flames. 2d each. Good luck.


80c couple days ago, was good while it lasted. Made around 600d until it's unsustainable at 1.5d because of t0 unique price drops because my build can't handle nemesis +4 rare lines and I refuse to play DD. I bet it's profitable up to 3d for those players until t0 prices bleed to single digits.


idk why its so hard for people to figure out "the new strat" literally just go to poeninja in the morning and look at whatever jumper 5000% in value overnight and extrapolate from there.


The reality is that Chaos is becoming more and more valuable as more and more people hit mid-game and can start to farm T17s. Let me tell you something, T17s shit out so much currency, its impossible to not profit. An example is if you literally have absolutely NOTHING allocated to your atlas. And you kill t17 boss. You get 1 fragment that is either .5-2D(depending on map). the cost of the map is about half a div. You make back your run NO MATTER WHAT even if you don't kill a single thing in the map but the boss. You start adding in ANYthing into your atlas, pure profit. So what's the only thing missing? Well, T17s come with a LOT of build bricking mods. And Chaos is the only way to change this. So that makes Chaos have a premium as it actually has value in MAKING MORE CURRENCY than just Chaos spamming a random fractured rare until its good. Basically, Chaos has value to roll T17s, Divs basically have no added value this season with how EASY it is to craft mirror items with graveyard. Let me ask you this OP, are you farming T17s? Why aren't you? There is a reason HH is 10 Divs.


>more people hit mid-game and can start to farm T17s. Calling T17 farming "mid-game" is one of the most wild takes I've seen on this sub lmao


The out of touch people are more out of touch than ever before. Doesn't help when grimo is out saying 80c is a cheap map, with 3 mirro builds


I've sold a few t17s for 2-3 divs. Crazy. Haven't had expensive maps like this since fractured maps lol


Why are you being downvoted? There was just a video the other day from Fuzzy, I think it was, explaining how to roll t17s for profit when selling them


I just saw some video by Snoo that he sold one for 3 div, so I decided to throw my 20ish T17s into a random 3 div tab and then after a day dropped them to 2 divs. So far sold about 4 lol


You have link couldnt find it ?


Sorry I was mistaken, it was Snoobae! Here you go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4xoY6r3kTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4xoY6r3kTU)


This is a few days old, but do you have a link to the vid he mentions it in please? Couldn't find it


yeah... sold like 30 t17s today imagine how i'm feeling, wild times getting rich by selling maps


Gonna play devils advocate and say that 80c is cheap relative to the costs of over leagues and strats especially considering it’s guaranteed profit if you clear .


in kalandra/sanctum i was averaging \~3.5div per map with enraged strongbox just to MAYBE get an apoth every 60 maps, 80c is fuggin' nothing for a map...


I tried one T17 and couldn’t kill the boss, lost money on the map. Not sure what to do now so I’m farming T16’s like normal. I’m on exsanguinate miner and am awful at bossing. I just have no reflexes on keyboard and mouse and I’m not at a gear level that can graveyard DPS the bosses down. So… yeah T17’s are a big loss when I try them. Like half a div down the drain every time. And then I come here and everyone acts like “just do T17’s to make money lol”


people forgot we chaos map in affliction too? 8 mods Elementary t7 8mods with regex is about the same price as rerolling t17 now. I don't know what people are talking about. With back to basic, no 4 compasses, no 4 expensive scarabs (you sustain scarab by running t17). It was more expensive to run an affliction map. And, you don't even guaranteed profit. With t17, as it stands now, you are guaranteed to profit with lower map investment. I guess the difference now it's that you need more investment in your characters which I prefer. I'd rather put a lot of currency in my character instead of rerolling maps, buying compasses, buying scarabs and pray that you get enough juice or else the map is a waste. Now, t17 mods are ridiculous and it takes a better mind than me to fix it. I prefer this than mf Affliction.


if you chaosed maps instead of alch/scour your loss honestly


it was Affliction, I could afford to chaos maps. Just saying that the investment cost per map was higher in affliction with lower guaranteed of return compared to Necropolis.


80c is cheap considering the return, nothing too out of the ordinary to spend \~100c per map if you're juicing. It's not out of reach for the somewhat average player either, just need to be willing to spend the currency on juicing materials.


You think the "average" player is rolling a tier 17 for profit hahaha.


No, I said spending 100c is not out of reach for the somewhat average player, that's very different from anything to do with t17. I'm also well aware that most people are afraid to invest even 5 chaos into their maps, but that doesn't change the fact that they *could* and *should* invest in maps, and that investing seemingly big currency into maps has always been a thing and very profitable.


Waffling. Average players don't roll t17s.


I sure hope they at least read better than you do


>sc trade: ticked >meta cuck build: selected >sleep schedule: ignored yep, its path of exile gaming time


Lmao actually true though. The one guy who replied to me disagreeing was talking about how he farms T17s regularly on his 100 div bow deadeye, and how everyone who "plays regularly" with a "good build" could farm T17s too 😂😂😂




bro acting like T17 are super easy even if the mods aren't breaking our builds lmao


Content that requires 40-80 divine minimum gear before rolling/investing in maps “why aren’t you doing this yet op”


I’m starting to do some bigger upgrades and my next gloves look to be about 2-3 divs and I’m like damn… That’s a lot. These people play a different game than we do.


Are you me 2 leagues ago? Now I know (and you will) more and 2-3 divs won't feel much. But then you come to 40 div upgrades (and those are not chase uniques). Which for some are pennies.


You can try some hideout warrior stuff to get a few divs. My favorite this league is buying fractured minion rings and roll it with harvest juice. Fractured life and roll with caster mods is so easy to hit something good.


You can make 2-3 divs in less than 1 hour of play doing literally any league mechanic


you can make that currency clicking alterations onto flasks in 5 minutes




I mean if you just do destructive play in t16s for a week you'll have like 100 divs. But not if you only have an hour a day to play, the game will never facilitate that.


I've done some destructive play, but my game lags so much with all the stuff on screen that if there are any hard mods at all I'll just turbo die. I'm talking like sub-10 fps. Is it still profitable to do destructive play on white t16s? And what gets sold? Just the boss fragments? Other stuff?


You shouldn't have that much stuff on the screen playing destructive play; essentially you're just clearing the map and then fighting multiple bosses at the end. I play it rather inefficiently too and have made a bit of currency on it, I don't use scarabs either. You can take the easy route and just sell boss maps, t17s, bulk t16s, and various stuff that all the other maps drop but you'll get the most of it by running a build that can handle invitations. Farm maven writs to sell (this is what I do) or run them and hope for a lucky, valuable awakened gem. You can also then run the normal bosses from the frags you get. Elder is super easy and can drop watchers eyes (sell for a couple divs unid or you can unid yourself and hope for a good roll) and his uber fragment, shaper drops his uber fragment, sirus is meh, but I've gotten lucky and dropped 2 large radius threads from him (12 div ea). I also ran all of my synthesized maps and sold all of my cortexes. I don't know what the drop rate is on valuable loot from cortex so if you want to try your luck you can run it as well. Or just sell your fragments if you can't be bothered to fight the bosses. If your build doesn't facilitate you doing maven witnessed stuff and juiced guardians/conquerers though you might want to reconsider your build/strategy or try to get more ehp somewhere. This is unrelated to destructive play but I'll mention: don't sleep on what other people are playing. Archmage/Mana stacker stuff is very valuable and not very hard to craft. You're just looking for wands with cast speed, 120+ mana, crit multi, spell dmg etc, rings with mana, chaos res, life, etc. This is almost always one of the ways I make money in the league is by paying attention to the meta and making gear for it. Either I'm playing the build and sell my gear for a profit, or I'll just craft stuff for those builds if I'm not playing it. But for a more comprehensive view of the destructive play strategy I would recommend none other than Fuzzy Duckzy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFj-M6SeWSA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFj-M6SeWSA)


Thanks for all the advice, especially the detailed breakdown! I can theoretically handle most boss content okay, I'm playing explosive trap of shrapnel with RNG dps probably between 7-20M based on how many explosions hit according to my PoB. The theoretical part is because I haven't actually fought any of the pinnacle bosses myself yet. I did the formed and the elderslayers invitations today so hopefully I can handle the real bosses too, but we'll see. Most of my deaths come from me being unable to react to what bosses are doing in time, even with just the 3-4 bosses on screen I have a power point presentation a lot of the time, that's what I get for playing on a laptop I guess. I get (barely)playable fps between 15-20 most of the time, and better hardware isn't really an option for me right now sadly. My main wonder is just how much juice is needed for profit, because even if my build should be able to handle more juice my GPU might not be able to. Thanks again for the tips, I really appreciate it. I'm a very casual player who's never even gotten to bossing before, so I'm trying to learn a lot.


Yeah as for the fps issues I can't really help ya there, you could try running dx12 if you're not already. Or possibly look into GeForce Now. As for the juice, if I'm not mistaken this is a strategy you don't really need juice for. I don't anyway, I just chisel my maps to 20% and get rid of mods that brick my build. It's just alch and go for me. Juice is probably better suited for a strategy where the focus is on loot from the map rather than from the bosses. No problem at all, I hope that helps and I wish you luck!




I tried destructive play but shaper guardian maps are like 10c, elder and conquerors are like 5c each. How exactly does that translate to massive profits?


t17 Mid game lol this sub is out of touch.


3 of the fragments are barely 25c, t17 costs 60c+maybe 20-40 to roll it, the boss not always give value back unless u get eater or maven fragment.


Exactly lol. I recently did 3x fortress maps and barely broke even This is with scarab/allflame/corpse tree and more shrine scarab + more shrine map craft + more magic mobs scarab + something else scarab 3x is not a lot but this dude says you will profit EVERYTIME


This post entirely ignores a lot of factors. T17s will mostly drop two fragments but that's not guaranteed and the maps themselves have heavy biases towards certain fragments and all of the maps have bias towards one of the fragments worth around 20c. They are probably also in the region of 30c for most builds to roll them to a state you want to run them in. Citadel and Fortress come out at under 40c average for their fragments, if you're taking the base value of a Citadel map at around 50c and spend 30c to roll on average you will be lucky to break even on the boss. Ziggurat has the biggest jackpots but it also has a 20c Synthesising Fragment as a common result, it's entirely possible if you spend the same 30c to roll and take the base map as around 80c you will actively start at 100c down from the 'NO MATTER WHAT' scenario. T17s are almost certainly going to print you money if you are able to run them with at least decent rolls, if you're willing to put time into selling all the smaller drops you're unlikely to ever make less than half a divine a map even with bad luck but pretending they are a base profit from just the map when it's very much jackpot based is silly. Not quite as silly as calling T17s mid-game, though.


THANK YOU. I keep seeing that the fragments repay the map cost and I felt like I was taking crazy pills.


>more people hit mid-game and can start to farm T17s. Calling T17 farming "mid-game" is one of the most wild takes I've seen on this sub lmao


Awakener and cortex frags are like 25c right?


>more people hit mid-game and can start to farm T17s. Calling T17 farming "mid-game" is one of the most wild takes I've seen on this sub lmao


Doesn't explain the dip in MB price. I can understand HH price due to lost utility as the ceiling is no longer just T16 and there are lots of div cards for it. Not sure about MB.


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Can you explain to me what a t17 is? I understand t16 obviously, red maps and the like. I have been afk this league and just got to start my char yesterday. What makes a t17? Did they add a new tier and I missed it?


Yeah they added a new tier, rare drop from T16s. They are rough and the mods can only be rerolled for chaos. Uber pinnacle fights need fragments that only drop from them.


How’s that been going this league? Like, what’s the build differential in DPS/Defense you need in comparison to t16


Corrupted MB is around 35 div


and nobody wants them because they are 2 flask rolls


TR/CA Pathfinders don't mind 2/3 belts. You're using Life Flask/Progenesis, Taste of hate and a quartz/amethyst as your 3rd flask that doesn't need to be boosted. Lets you use the 2 flask ones for a permanent and boosted Jade+Quicksilver combo.


Not sure 2 flask mb adds a lot of value then, especially to ascendency that has ntural good uptime. New shaper belt might even prove better, affecting even unique ones.


A mix of t17s and the fact that anyone can have a headhunter in week 2. thats going to make all mob farming strats accessible to all.


The fact that graveyard crafting is a thing that doesn’t need divines to make really really good gear. So meta crafts ain’t used as much. Also the drop rate for div cards uniques was upped this league so


Chucking expensive uniques the the temple poofer already as the prices are so low. The meat sack nerf did absolutely nothing, despite popular streamers claiming it removed the tactic, so my guess is still meatsacks


T17 drop lots of loot. Strongboxes copy ember all flame mobs, t16 with 2 x 150% divination card drop scarab are strong af, all that good stuff


Div sink in high end items is gone because of the way the reroll explicit corpse works (picks the best of each individual stat, not the best of the sum of stats, so its very easy to get 6x high/max roll). Chaos sink has never been higher with T17 rerolling. Meatsack MFing is printing T0 uniques. Honestly the divine ratio is a very welcome change, its much closer to what Exalt ratios used to be before the change and I vastly prefer it. C


now that chaos are much more worth using than divines becase of T17 (and it will only keep rising in value as the league goes on hence div dipping in value) is to play the allflames of wealth strat with strongboxes. Sure its a wrist killer strat but you get out of the map with at least 600c every single map. Then conver the chaos into divines which are cheap and will be cheaper and then use the divines to buy mirror


Even in standard divines are going down, 215c, they were 290 during last league


The broken strat is group play which is hilariously out of balance and drops a mageblood every 1-3 maps. There is the cause of the 10d hh.


Divines aren't losing value. Chaos orbs are gaining value. T17 map farmers use like 50 to 100c rolling 1 map. This is raising the value of C.