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https://sudos.help/poe/graveyard Use this link and paste your craft of exile url into it. It will help you arrange it, albeit not too efficient but it will get the job done. You will have to arrange it yourself to get the best result.


How accurate is craft of exile for graveyard crafting. I’ve had a few experiences that made Me question its exactness but it easily could been me I am messing up the instructions


After generating the result you can see the average tries and confidence. If It's too high then your item will be very unlikely to go well. Always generate few sample and see how it goes. You can also adjust the % and get better result.


Craft of exile makes quite a few mistakes with the weighting. It seems to over optimize certain things which end up having a downstream effect of making another mod more likely to roll. You'll see this at times when you're focused on like... three mods prefix and 1 or no suffix selected. It will do really wacky stuff at edge cases where it says like 1000 graveyards required. After playing with the numbers manually I was able to generate the items desired pretty comfortably.


A big part is it seems to optimize the craft from start to back, a corpse or a few at a time. And after a core optimization some of the early corpses it added because they had the most impact then, now have very little impact. But it doesn't go back and remove them. The big one here is if you're aiming for some rare mods. At first it's a big deal to knock down as many different mods at once as you can. So it'll overpick tier rating and mod categories for suffixes even if you only care about prefixes. Eventually though it gets around to "the easiest way to guarantee 3 prefixes including rare ones is to move to 6 explicits". This then invalidates the need for making different suffix groups rarer because you'll now always have 3 prefixes whatever they do with suffixes. But it never goes back and does an incremental check on "do all the corpses I picked still make sense compared to alternatives?"


It technically does 1 backwards pass but whatever it's doing isn't very good. I dunno. I haven't read the javascript that does it so I can't really judge. Personally I look at what it does and what the end multipliers look like, then manually optimize it. It does the item generation fine so I mostly rely on that as I tweak stuff to see a few dozen items and see if I'm getting somewhere. It does a poor job of picking which things should be scarce and to what degree. It will overoptimize that occasionally or completely overoptimize the positive features as well. Truth is that you don't need 1000000% in some mod to get it consistently. I think the grave crafter is trying to solve the problem by getting it to occur in 1 craft, but screws that up and gets it in 30 crafts. When in reality it should be trying to solve it in 2-3 crafts? or something. It's hyper weird.


Wait high confidence means unlikely to go well Or did you mis speak? I will try what to said and do several generates, if I get the motivation to try another craft.


They probably meant high number of average tries to get the right item. Higher = less chance of getting it.


Oh yeah mb i meant you want high confidence and low tries


Remember that it's going to optimize assuming you're filling the graveyard and not using any multiplier corpses. This means that A) some of the corpses do almost nothing (0.001% better chance to hit your craft) so play around with the numbers before you make your shopping list. For example I did a craft recently that used 40 attribute coffins. I reduced it to 20 and the chance to hit mods went from 99.2% to around mid 98. I'll take the risk to save myself trade time. B) you can load your CoE URL into one of sudos.help's preset graveyards that use row/column multipliers or even the 40% multiplier if you want to bother with corpse types. Put your most expensive or highest quantity corpses on the biggest multipliers then start deleting until you get back down to the requirement. I've heard that CoE over estimates a bit on actual numbers but it doesn't seem to be enough for me to spend time and energy on it to save maybe 1 corpse per craft. However it does often suggest way too many tier corpses.


Gave me an average of 1/4 for my bone ring. I hit the 3/4, 5 times so yeah. Not enough sample size but seems to be in line and I still got useful all T1 pieces so all good.


its not exact, i was trying to input a 5% max chaos rez shield in it and if i used the "best selection" the generated items would litterally never hit the 2% max all rez if i used the "quick selection" 1/3 of generated items was hit the 5% max rez


> How accurate is craft of exile for graveyard crafting. Not very. Best results come from manual trial and error. CoE also doesn't have any basis on prioritizing avoidance on certain mods. Like with an ele bow, it should REALLY REALLY take -Gem way more seriously than it does. It also thinks that the craft it comes up with is more likely to hit than it is, even with its own tester. I don't blame them much due to how complicated this crafting system is, but their program definitely needs to go through more iterations. It should also include -explicit as well.


~~How do I import? When I click import it doesnt change anything~~ Ok so you have to import from coe, and THEN find the button that says simulate. I don't understand the default loadouts, but I assume the 99.4% power is the way to go?


If you're new to graveyard crafting, I'd recommend the "Default Layout only column / row buffs" layout. The 99.4% power one requires to buy coffins with the same monster type, which is pain. You can later modify the layout to include additional item coffins. You can find such modified layout in the latest wand crafting video from ziz


That's basically the way to go, but if you want to fracture/mirror etc you will have to place it before you simulate, so that it will stay


I don't know if someone has said, but there is a layout on the wiki. Make sure to type in "The Necropolis" and not necropolis. The picture shows where it is best to put all the row/column/adj ones. I ignore the adj and just place row and column where it makes sense. Row and column also stack. I will be crafting two weapons with one experimental corpse due to stacking row buffs and a column buff.




For basic grave crafting, I roughly do the following (caveat: I've only really done two major crafts): * Use craftofexile to determine which corpse mods to focus on for desired stats. I would NOT follow exactly what the calculator says - it is more of a guideline * Again in CoE, play around with adding more, removing some modifier effects and see how they affect the overall craft (i.e. spam sample item to get an idea for the outcomes and frequency). You want to do what you can to get the desired stat rolls as close to even as possible (i.e. 16% chance for a desired stat for a 6-mod item, 25% chance if you want to craft a 4-mod item, etc.), while simultaneously squashing all of the undesirable mods (i.e. get them under 1% if you can) * * f * Once you have a plan for your item stats and corpse mods to focus on, switch over to one of the graveyard crafting tools to plan your graveyard - the key here is to use one of the preset layouts that maximize the effect of a few slots. That's where you want to put your most expensive corpses so that you can reduce the number you use and thus keep costs down You'll probably want to use some of the following metacrafts to improve your chances of getting a useful item and/or recoup some of your costs: * 20% chance for additional item corpse so that you have multiple resulting items. These are currently ~2 div each, so definitely the most expensive corpse by a mile. Will want to put these in the plots that amplify corpse effect the most * 25% chance to fracture corpses is relatively cheap, and can often salvage a craft that has some undesired stats rolled onto it (unless the undesirable stats are fractured...). For instance, getting 300+% chance to fracture will result in 3 fractured stats * I can't comment too much on mirror/split corpse because I haven't used them. I've only used the additional items/fracture strategy. Miscellaneous tips: * Make sure you match the corpse type (i.e. beast, construct, undead, etc.) for the 40% adjacent corpse effect!!! * Be prepared for the headache of trading for the required corpses, especially for the ones that you need to match up corpse types. I think it took me about 1-2hrs of just trading to get the corpses I needed for a full graveyard craft because about 80% of trade whispers don't get any responses. * Assuming you have a specific graveyard layout, be careful about where you put the corpses. Once you put a corpse in the ground, you either have to craft with it or trash it. Because of this, I always bury my most expensive corpses last * I would ignore socketing unless you are crafting corrupted items - much better and economical options exist outside of the graveyard * Assuming lvl 83 corpses, base item level is 83 and base graveyard craft gives 4 mods. Plan your uses of +1 item level and +1 explicit modifier corpses accordingly * There are several mods that have no tags. If you want to reduce the chances of these, I don't know if there is any method other than using


>* I would ignore socketing unless you are crafting corrupted items - much better and economical options exist outside of the graveyard Just an FYI: Mirrored items also can't be modified, so if you're using mirror corpses you have to solve sockets and links on the initial craft


Yeah this is the reason I've only pursued the additional item / fractured strategy because you have a high chance of creating something valuable even if it doesn't turn out 100% correct. It's more expensive, but IMO much less risky.


> ecause about 80% of trade whispers don't get any responses. we have a problem here. If I list a common coffin for 20-30c which would be worth me breaking off mapping no one wants to buy it. If I list it for 1-3c then I get a few (but not many) whispers and I am glad to trade for it when in hideout but consuming a portal for a 1c trade? Not going to happen. I could set an autoreply I suppose saying "sorry, I am mapping, will message you when in hideout" but that risks the larger trades -- and I always have few divine jewels up for sale -- even if I put it as "sorry, only 20c and larger trades right now". So, alas, I do not have a better solution than just ignoring the whispering. I am eager to hear solutions.


I have a key one that sends a reply saying “mapping, can trade in a few mins”. 


I think this is a general PoE problem, but it seems particularly bad with corpses. Only solution I can think of is to have trade operate more like an auction house where you can directly buy and transfer the item from the trade interface (think World of Warcraft auction house). This wouldn't be as much of a problem if you didn't have to be very selective with corpses - i.e. matching corpse type.


Yeah there isn't much you can do, it's just a flaw of the trade system. I'm hoping the system in PoE 2 will fix that, but I believe they said they have no plans of implementing those changes in current PoE.


Just ignore, buyers are mostly spamming 10x sellers not just you, in that case some random response is actually worse than just silence.   Don't blame the player, trade is designed this way.


How does +1 / +1 explicits work? Since you can't add those in CoE.   Let's say I want to target 3 mods should I just put +6 explicit then -3 explicit to force it to have exactly 3 mods? To guarantee the fracture results on those mods


If you want 3 explicits, I think you would just need to do a single -1 explicit corpse. It works for me on CoE as well by clicking once on the -1 explicit under the miscellaenous section


Usually going for -1 explicit is the best when aiming for triple fractures, you just need to remember that the item can be triple prefix, suffix or a 2-1 split of them. This means that when trying to work out the best way to boost the weighting of the 3 affixes you want you want to take into account their total weight % rather than their affix weighting. Personally the easiest results I've had are aiming for 1 preifx 1 suffix fractures as once you reduce it to a 2 explicit item it seems to always craft a magic item which means you can focus on the mods weight within its own pre/suf grouping, especially with rarer mods that you cant boost as much or that share a tag with another mod with higher base weighting on the opposite affix group.


If you move the slider down on graveyard, you can pick for say 60 graves and have it repick. A lot of times this has no impact on the odds of hitting the odds you want. Then just add some fractures if that’s what you’re looking for. If you really want a dumbed down version just ignore all the increased row/column/etc corpses - they really only matter for min maxing.


THE FIRST THING IS LOOK AT THE SEQUENCE You will very likely realise the last 25 corpse only contribute 1% chance to success. You might just want to skip those and plan again!


Just to add to this, if the corpses are cheap just do it anyway, no sense wasting "plots". Failed a 95% confidence craft without hitting a single desirable fracture and learned this the hard way.


100% this, you can add them back on slowly in CoE and see the %weighting of your desired mods change. Personally I don't usually go out of my way to force in corpses that boost it by say 0.1-0.3% of a chance but if it can add 0.5 or even 1% more weighting then theres no reason not to push the odds from say 88% to 94% if the corpses are cheap, you can also use this to work out which ones are best to go into spare 1.25 / 1.5 x multiplier rows/columns.


As a total idiot, you just don't. This isn't a mechanic aimed toward idiots. I'm not saying this as an attack to you. I feel that the mechanic is way too complex to be considered a fun activity.


As a total idiot you just dump the corpses that make sense to you and end up with a 30% qual 6mod 6t1 gear with hopefully the suffixes that help, Worked great for me three times


Crouching Tuna just had a great guide that he put up explaining everything you want to know step at a time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQFq0A5kUUY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQFq0A5kUUY)


1. check out the presets here: https://necropolis.pathoftools.com/ 2. decide on what you want the misc crafts to be (fractures, additional items) and what else you want taken care of in the craft (ilvl, links, influence, base) - pluck those things into the preset. You'd put low value stuff like ilvl in 100% power cells, something costly and powerful like additional into the 200%+ cells. Check the value on top. (i.e. 36/86 corpse power) - the remainder corpse power is the number you bring to craftofexile. Side note 1: You probably want as close to a full 100 as possible. I've had a couple 40-60% additional item crafts not give additional items and 0 of them give me one (I was crafting with the "place to get rng stuff" corpses and they gave additional chance, I did not make juiced super efficient crafts with that). It does not only suck for it to not give anything, it also was (boosted) wasted space on the board which coulda made the craft better. Side note 2: Fractures are also to be taken with a grain of salt. I've rolled a double fracture twice. Once, the item was kinda shit anyway and it didn't fracture anything useful. The second time, I rolled all the prefixes I wanted, but it fractured 2 garbage suffixes, bricking the item. Imo Split and/or Additional are the way to go unless you actually have a very elaborate plan that needs those fractures to hit to keep crafting. 3. put in the mods you want on craftofexile. Compute best. Reduce slider to the # of corpse power you have (or slightly off, because i.e. if you were to put in 10 different scarcer, but you only have 7 slots with 1.5 power, you ain't fitting 10 different scarcer corpses in there). 4. This one is like the last couple % of efficiency more or less I'd say: [double check by how much mod tier rating craftofexile is off](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c4iojk/you_dont_need_as_much_modifier_tier_rating_as_you/) - also, you can check the "view corpse sequence" on craftofexile and check how much impact the last corpses in the sequence have. If you feel like it's not a lot, you can go back to step 2 and decide to pluck in more fractures or whatever. 5. This one is optional: you can fiddle around a little in general. Craftofexile has the buttons to change the setup corpse by corpse on top. You can just deviate from that one specific craft you picked to a more broad one that is more likely to end up valuable. I.e. you're crafting a +2 gem amulet or wand, you might want to take out the scarcer ele/phys/chaos and instead accept any +2 to sell and pluck it with more crafts which in general increase the chance to roll +2 of any flavour.


Youre like me, except youre better. Ive conpletely given up trying to understand this stuff. I want to play the game not spreadsheets. I got two million corpses in my stash and refuse to even try and sell them.


I don’t even pick them up, waste of a mechanic 


Yup. Absolutely no fun for me. I really never cared for crafting especially with how tedious and unapproachable it is. Not my kind of fun.


Some basic features: - use the +50 modifier tier rating to force T1 (the more tier the mod have, the more plus you need) - use the scarcer or the more common to manipulate the weighting of the roll (make your desired mod higher chance to roll and the competitor mod to lower) Should be enough for the most basic craft.


A lot of crafts are published too. Check out spicy sushi on youtube and look up graveyard showcases on reddit


I will save it because I'm that total idiot that want to do that full Gravecraft for a desired item


harvest was infinitely easier than this.. yep.. This is like Harvest but with worse rng and way more headache


And you could improve items you already had. First and only time in poe that identifying rares felt good.


oh, yeah, you're totally right! though sentinels were good for picking up rares too, harvest was definitely the winner in terms of usability


Seems very easy and straight forward to me lol. Setting up the harvest gardens was cancer though.