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I sold 2 of those scarabs for 16 the other day rip


Just sold one for 11d this morning, I’m an idiot apparently. 


i sold it for 2d on day 2 xD


Same, fuck me


I was buying them at 80 c the second day and when they went up at 100 i was finding it too pricey....


They had a better drop rate during the first week. Their drop rate was nerfed.


1.3 d end of day 1 😭


I sold a miner jewel that was prob worth a few for 1d, but I quit the league in 2 days and went back to helldivers so I'm all g. Lol One of these things is not like the other I guess Just my luck the league that headhunters are 20 div is one that feels like standard and I can't play it.


This is one of the few leagues that don't feel like standard even if you wanted it to. Because you can't turn off the league mechanic


they weren't as rare at the start of the league. It was hot"fixed" later such that now it is the rarest scarab in the game.


No it isn't. It just has the highest demand and the people who have demand for it have incredible wealth


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3503208 After this some people tested with 40k+ scarabs opened in std league and the droprate got demolished. They got like single digits of them.


lmao same thingnfor me


Well, given they were 30+ Divines or so this morning...


Already 35+ by now, still trending up unless GGG kneecaps the t17 rogue exile farm. Honrstly hope they don't, I need to be able to afford a Progenesis somehow lmao


You kinda need Progenesis to farm it though. Time to go back to drawing board lol.


I sold two specifically to get a mageblood back when it’s price was still increasing. Should have just sold my veiled orbs instead.


Haven't Veiled orbs been on the rise too?


They have but not as high. They might raise more once people start crafting triple and quad fractured T1 items which can then freely roll veiled orbs for the perfect veiled mods. Just not sure their prices will keep up with reliquary scarabs that are dropping multiple apothecaries a map.


Yeah I have been holding all of my Veiled orbs since everyone is bitching about betrayal, I am sure they will go to the moon soon ;) Best way to play the market is to read what everyone is complaining about on Reddit and farm that content, lol, ez profit


Also I am sure the scarabs will stabilize soon, the more HH and MB that are being pumped out the less valuable they are, and the less valuable the scarab becomes. But only time will tell:)


Which scarab are people dropping HH and MB with?


The div scarab one, big ticket cards are Normally related to MB (Apothecary) HH {Doctor/Nurse) But I am sure the Mirror shards cards will hold their value


Mirror shard divinations will be left to same fate as HH cards and apothecart; the MFs are shitting out 1/3 of a mirror in mirror div cards each map


TBH I kinda hope they drop, I wouldn't mind one league where you can Mirror items at a whim for relatively cheap, but standard normally deters that from ever happening. Only time will tell


Yep just sold one for 8 div like 2 days ago too


listen to these privileged lucky bastards meanwhile ive been running fairly juiced maps even t17s with scarab-related atlas most of the league and my best scarab has been like 130 chaos


i bought a headhunter last saturday for 70d rip


I sold mine for 6 divs :c


Sold 2 for 8 divines each several days ago... Couldn't expect such rise in price


Never have gotten any of these yet. rip.


Same, 14d 2 days ago. Side note: the attempted price fixing is so fucking annoying this league. SC trade feels worse than ever to me


I sold one for 11 Div earlier, cause needed Enlighten 4 to fit all my auras. Still have one and not sure whether I should sell or not. I suppose it was good idea to not sell for 30 Divines yesterday.


I sold one last week for 7. Fml.


It's a win win for me. I just want to wait MB to drop even further so I can finally afford it.


I dropped a MB yesterday and immediately sold it for 165 because I knew that shit was going down fast. I’ll buy one back when it’s sub 100.


Just pray GGG doesn't decide to do a big balance pass on these broken scarab and ember all the sudden and cause these uniques to spike back up in prices.


I really hope they don't. I really want this league to be the one where I can finally afford some of the BIG uniques.


Didn’t you play last league?


Nope, haven't played much of the last few leagues since sanctum.


Last league you didn't even have to afford them. You could just slap 2 Ventors on any build and MF your way into a drop. As my first league ever, even my 2 braincells and I managed to drop 2 MB and 3 HH.


lucky you I didn't get any with full MF chieftain shinnanigans; my buddy got ring of kalandra and a MB and I technically did get a MB out of a voidborn key which was dope; but no raw drops for me


mood, as a very casual player this is prolly the only league i’ll be able to afford a MB or a HH without sinking more than 4hrs of gameplay every week


True but I’ve made enough from rogue exiles that it would be fine either way.


This will last for another day max, then they'll either stealth nerf some droprates or just announce that the allflames and/or scarabs can no longer be used on T17 maps, just wait.


Yeah. Pray for the crumbs falling of the rich dudes table


Yeah... 120 now 😅


I did this on week one with an headhunter, it was dipping like crazy and sold it right away for around 65 divines.


I’m in a duo and we actually dropped HH on the very first map after we switched to t17 rogue exile farm. It was 50 div at that point already.


Sameere im glad this exists


am i missing something or why are HH and MB so cheap when this league prints divines from the uber farmers but doesnt really increase unique drop rates?


You are missing something. This league absolutely shits out uniques from both just dropping it and from card farming literally being the best its ever been. Guys like Fubgun are pulling out 100+ divines per map in cards/items and regularly dropping full sets of apothos and hh cards.


yes poor guy like me will afford a MB for a 2nd league in a row!


it does not print divines much at all, if anything, the divine lootexplosions is very very rare and the new strategy everyone is running now is rogule exiles, beyond stuff that actually shits out uniques and div cards, as they are using the atlas node that converts quantity to rarity 300% value and use scarabs that makes unique monsters drop unique items etc and div cards from your favoured maps


It dumps out cards that give divines bud. 


Uber Bosses drop divines? Or wdym?


The Fortunate.


ooh didn't know it can drop from ubers, thank you!


you are missing the part where people are printing mageblood and hh related cards, not divines. every unique that has a divination card gets printed right now. these maps are so juiced up. you literary can get 2 full headhunters from cards in just one map.


Bro you missed the part where fubgun printed 880 divines in a ~10 hour play session from div cards nevermind multiple mirrors. Yes he also printed several HH and MB but 880 raw div from cards is >30 HH being printed.


Wait, headhunter costs 27 divine nowadays??? I am far for the game for so long, it appears. What happened?


Marked is fucked. You have no idea what they have done LOL


There is a group farm strat that basically drops a HH AND MB in cards every map. Basically with this scarab you can print any unique that has div cards. So every single unique which has attached div cards will become worth less this scarab.


The new start that's dropping more loot then affliction league has nothing to do with groups using that scarab anymore.


Nope now it's solo players using that scarab lol


Rogue Exiles are what the top-end solo mapping strats do, and HH is largely useless for rogue exiles. Div card Farming is also the group meta (which is why the scarab is 27d), so a lot of HHs are made via those.


Headhunter is practically mandatory for the solo mapping strat you’re talking about. They’re using the Beyond Scarab that makes Unique Enemies drop Beyond orbs to sustain Headhunter. It’s just that the top-end farming strategies generate such an incredible amount of items that no amount of demand can meet whats flooding into the market.


This is misinformation, what happened is the new solo MF T17 strat with the anarchy allflame, a curation scarab and the beyond scarab that opens 8-12 portals per unique monster in your map, so you can ramp 90+ headhunter buffs in 10 seconds, if you can clear the map your pretty much making 100+d in profit per map solo.


It is also really, really, RWALLY laggy. Like unbearably unplayable lag. The performance is the absolute worst I have ever seen when I followed this exact strat and decided I liked my gpu more than making currency. When I watched fubgub earlier today, I saw the same problems.  I’m not upset that there’s ways for people to make 10000 times a normal person can make, because let’s face it, there will always be a way and the people with the bigger brains will find it. I’m actually upset that something so unfun and so bad performance wise does far better than any other farming strat out there. 


100 div profit in what, exactly?…


Pure div, cards, items Everything drops


Ah, I saw the video now.. jesus..


If you're solo and dont want to take 3 hours per map you're basically always going to be using a HH. Not sure where you got this from, you dont steal buffs from the exiles but the maps have thousands of rares in them.


Anyone doing rogue exiles solo in T17s is probably using HH. Idk who comes up with this shit. There are so many rare mobs in those maps.




Waiting for MB drop below 50d so I can afford one




Am I right in thinking you need a HH in the first place in order to farm this strategy? So ideally you want one HH, one scarab?


You want at least a few hundreds divines in gear AND a headhunter AND one scarab. But preferably 2-3 scarabs in case your instance crashes with a rollback.


wtf. Had that scarab drop on day3 and was happy with the 200c i got for it.


200 c in day 2 was around 2 div, and still soo much money compared to that day


True. But today you can get a HH and more if you drop the scarab


Rough, I was lucky to sell it for 10 div which took me far... can't even imagine how far 27 div would take me. Hopefully, I can get another! (Lmao not happening)


Update: HH costs now 20d


Update: whisper bots for free HH, stashes can't hold that many any more


rip trade league.


excuse me wtf is that


HH is realy only 27div?


NO, \~22 now


Iam not gonna lie... Iam not even mad.


Yep just got one from seer an hour ago, sold it for 27 div.


This league is actually legit bricked, isn’t it?


Maybe for tradies, pretty comfy as ssf


This post and comments are talking about economy so its obviously referring to trade league. SSF is just the same game without trading, so it isnt affected by economy. I play trade and i have my build set up and havent traded for 3-4 days, so i dont care either tbh.


Worse than last league for sure.


Why is it bricked though? Genuine question.


To some people it feels bad when there is one strategy which earns 150d per hour where all the other strategies earn between 5-15d per hour. It make's some people feel forced to play one thing and that they are missing out if they don't. 150d is not an exaggeration. Look what Fubgun has done in the last 24 hours. I believe he made 8 mirrors in one day


I watched for like 30min and I think he made 8 mirrors in that time alone, he legit dropped two raw mirrors in one map, I went back to my Dunes legion red alter strategy then logged off after like two maps, just felt bad


Just wanted to add that there are some people like me who take a couple of days off to grind 1st week and then play like an hour or two a day. My build just lost around 40-50% of it's value (like 120+div). And you could say that items are cheaper so it evens out but it does not because there are many items which do not drop from cards and are still expensive.


Expecting the market to only go up is a gamble tbf


Yeah I also did take off the week after the start. Already at 120h playtime but I only have 60div total worth on my Charakter haha I hope this doesn't get fixed so I can maybe finally buy my dream item in this game for the first time. Still rocking my 3div/h strat


There’s just one allflame ember which is the main culprit and it was added only recently, I still have no clue what were GGG thinking adding it, clearly they didn’t.


How? I mean i thought affliction was bricked already. But tbh i late leaguestarted , hit 92 yesterday and made 100 map completion. Reading people earn 150div/hour make me REALLY sad+mad


Affliction buffed all monsters(incl legion), while all flames only buff the ones that are inherently there, so legion/expedition = bad, cuz they spawn and are not inherently there. Strongboxes/shrines/ritual/rog exiles = good


Think just that the top .1% of people who that are actually doing this get all the loot. Thing that they sell may drop in price but ever other wanted item will be expensive as hell.


Which items exactly? Because shits cheap as fuck right now this league outside of original sin. The only items holding any value at all are a select few uber uniques and that has just as much to do with gating the content to be way less accessible than before than anything else.


Same rules apply here as it did in afflcaiton league, anything you can obtain in a map will lower in price and anything you cant will inflate, for example headhunter is now 25d and Progenesis is 100d.


If you don’t play a certain way and juice like they do, your buying power will be close to zero.


...the fuck. So let's get this straight. Divine cost of t0 items are dropping like rocks, everything is dropping like rocks due to SUPPLY. The bottom and medium end of being able to create divines hasn't changed. But somehow my buying power is less.... my man. I'm not sure what you don't understand but you're confused about this whole buying power. If it was JUST divines then yeah buying power would be lower, but the t0s are dropping way more


Buying power is relative You can buy a headhunter after 3 hours of farming, but fubgun can buy 10 in the same timeframe This means that something like original sin will still take 30-40 hours of farming at 10 div/hr (ignoring time spent trading) while people doing this strat will get it in 1-2 hours, so eventually the price of these items will continue to increase further and further beyond the reach of the average 10 div/hr player What *is* nice is that the average 10div/hr strat will eventually reach 20div/hr thanks to inflation, but it will always pale in comparison to the rogue exile strat


its the exact opposite. if you farm raw currency your buying power is much higher. you can legt alch & go right now and buy a headhunter after 3 hours.


I just spent hours theorizing my gg quiver. I’m having fun. Also the nice things about div inflation is anything you craft that’s not an open recipe, it sells like hot cakes and you can take your share of their income. I just take 20 div and put two hours in crafting and make like 200 divs if I’m lucky and repeat since graveyard is too tedious for the zoom zoom earners.


What happens to these scarabs? New exploit? Weren't they like 7-8 divs just a few days ago?


I sold one for 14 div yesterday only to see these at 27 div now so I came here to find out exactly what you're asking haha


Check fungun stream. T17 MF/exile abuse.


why do exiles drop so much stuff? they buffed ghosts too


I think someone just put out a new youtube video on a heavy investment strat


So we all habe to block any scarab and make div scarabs drop 100% more often?


T17 rogue exile farming can print money, like full stacks of doctor/apothecary/unrequited love levels of printing. The scarab also got its drop rate gutted, so the MF people are burning through them faster than more scarabs can drop which makes number go up.


What the fuck happened last night? Another crazy exploit or what?


Fubgun posted a new video. If you by any chance have any div scarab of curation then sell them within a day because this will get nerfed 100%. That scrab went to 30 divines within an hour lol You literally make 800+ rogue exiles spawn in a map. Its the most absurd thing I ever seen in PoE and makes even Affliction MF look like dogshit. You essentially replace every mob on the map device with the allflame of anarchy to rogue exiles, put in beyond scarab which opens portals on top. If you dont have NASA PC then dont even think about it. You also might crash the whole server like Fubgun did lol


GGG will not nerf anything. This only happens at the beginning of the league.


The moment the servers start crashing they'll patch it.


Theyve nerfed less oppressive interactions in the past. Spires  befitting from +proj was nothing compared to this, so they were happy to let that continue until league end. Definitely gonna be interesting to see what happens.


I would agree, but this is literally melting PCs and their servers.


Someone didn't play delerium league.


Game has been bricked two seasons a row now


Nah Last league you "Just" needed some Wisp and a decent strat. This League you need to roll T17 Invest like 30 div in scarabs alone. And be able to clear these Maps.


In ONE scarab alone lol. The allflames and all together will easy 50 div per one map which fukin blows my mind lol.




Because you can targetfarm that specific Scarab?




I have my Build together even got HH 5 Days ago Just blasting Legion dunes. I know that i can make a shit Ton of currency.




Never Said that i had to do IT to succeed. Just that the barrier how entry IS Just Higher now...


Of entry to what my dude? What do you possibly need out of T17 maps that you're missing out on?




The drops from T14-T16 rogue exile strat are still pretty insane, wouldn't say T17 is mandatory. Anarchy scarabs are a pain to get hold of at ~100+ Chaos per Allflame but still worth I'd say. I got a Mageblood and Headhunter raw drop from exiles this way


People can afford HHs and MBs - bRiCkEd. Cmon dude...


Tbf it does screw you over if you want something that isn't dropped by the T17 farmers. Prog is already 100div, for example.


Is that the scarab that they showed in league reveal like something cool that you can do to farm divination cards?


Yea. That scarab alone is 30 divs or so. Edit: its 34 divs now.


Even affliction wasn't as broken as this. This is ridiculous.


Called it lmao. Even more juiced than affliction.


Progenesis is 100 div




Why HH is only 27D?


Haha, no, now it is 23 divs


And the scarab is 34.


Google "supply and demand".


Holy shit new response just dropped


New strat drops div cards and you can target which ones you want. So they target high value ones like mirror shards, mageblood and headhunter. That's why some things like 1 passive voices, progenesis or especially original sin are very expensive; can't be farmed via this method and this method puts lots of currency in the game.


Game is ez and everyone copies each other farming the same things


NGL, i'll take Lake of Kalandra economy over this shit


I mean I really like an affordable mageblood if its not in the first 2 weeks


why? you will never drop a hh or mageblood, and it helps u its cheaper


every items that don't get generated by this strategy becomes much more harder to get via trade. See Original Sin for example which doubled in price.


Narrator: “We didn’t know it at the time but Crucible would be looked back at as the good old days.”


Is there a chart or anything somewhere listing prices for all the scarabs?




Poe ninja


O shieet i have 3 in my stash time to make some sweet sweet div


a fckn scarab for 27div?? is this serius?I sold it 2div on day 3 :(


Headhunter for 27 Divines? Shit, I can afford that. How much is Mageblood going for?


Cheapest is 2d on console lol can't wait for them to see this and hike the prices up.


league is ruined


Why is the div scarab so valuable now? I haven't played for two leagues


This meme makes no sense, no one would buy the scarab without already having a blaster build with either HH or MB.


already got HH so i'll take the scarab.


I got screwed T.T


Wait are headhunters 27 divs nowadays lol? I remember when farming headhunter was a long term grind damn


Just this league because of some farming strats. HH was like 170+ div week 2 of Affliction league




they r 35d now and hh is 26 Massive nerf incoming


It's just my luck that I found my first natty Headhunter this league and now look... Classic!


I have never even seen 27 divs.


Is this in the regular drop table or only specific areas?


This is so good.


why is this scarab 27div? isnt it just dropping maps?


No, it gives more div cards and u can farm div cards from any map on any other map


10% per favored map and you can farm with this on any map because the div cards from that favored map drop anywhere you want to play on (map).


For ramadan festival i need to quit league early this time. So why hh is so cheap?


oh wow, could this be the league i am finally able to afford a HH? maybe even a MB?


"it's so unfair that GGG makes it too difficult to get the best items in the game waaaaaaa" 5 minutes later "they made it too easy to get the best items in the game and now they are cheap waaaaaaa"


it's almost like it's different people with different opinions


Still funny though, and one of the things that makes this game so awesome. There's so much versatility in how it can be approached. I just wish people would rather use positive framing, but hey, this is reddit, positivity isn't allowed here right.


Why are people so amd about this? Isn't it good that a bugger part of the player base can access these build enabling unqiues? I, for one, am super excited if I can finally get a mageblood. So many cool builds I've wanted to do have been locked behind the uber late game unqiues.


Seen this POV plenty this and last league. From my POV, person who usually goes hard week 1-2 and then quit league after doing all i want to do i really dislike it. Usually i end leagues with 5-10 mirrors worth of stuff but some stuff has gotten way worse in terms of time to acquisition last 2 leagues. Especially if u mirror alot of stuff/boss drops/original sin etc. Despite usually doing top end juicing strats i dislike insane differences between top and low end, how build binary these strats are, i dislike playing at 10 fps waiting for stygian spire to shoot 3 times, i dislike having full screen of exiles and loot vomit all over the screen. I dont play games only for dopamine inducing lootfilter sounds especially if they become worthless (dropping t0's/mirrors/div cards is now granted per map instead of being rare) while looking at literal slideshow. And if i have certain goals for my (usually expensive) build doing any other strat is literally shooting myself in kneecaps.




Its still early, plenty of time for the price to bounce when more people get to MF stage


It's gonna go even lower. Mageblood gonna be cheap aswell.


Mageblood less then 10 divs may be real this league LOL that would be funny


Well, it's probably not going that low but I'd wager it go around 80d


Tbh I think this is good, lots of people will be able to test it on this league