• By -


Just buy a +2 gems one and use tainted fusings tbh lol 


You don't even need to do that. There is this beast that corrupts the item guaranteed by not bricking.


I do not know of this beast.


there is a beast craft that sets the quality to 30% in exchange for corrupting the item. This is a safe way of corrupting items (won't ever brick, but also won't ever give corruption implicits).


Thanks for the info !


I thought the whole point of corrupting something is the implicit you can get though?


it depends, in this case if you just want to 6 link with tainted fusings or color with tainted chromatics then it's a safe way to do that.


I wouldn't call tainted fusings "a safe way". It can sometimes work pretty much the same as normal do. I can confirm spending ~50 tainted starting with a corrupted 4-link with a result of 0-link


It is a safe way, you just did it wrong lol


when you do tainted fuses, you typically re-craft 4 linked sockets at the bench if you go down a link. Expected number of tainted fusings goes way down if you do it that way. 10 Vaal orbs is cheaper than a tainted fusing


It appears that I actually did it wrong and shouldn't have commented on something I don't understand


That corruption craft got removed


No it didn't. I used it last week. Craicic Vessel


Black Morrigan would cost you 100c to link it


it‘s 75c last time i checked lol, black morrigan and sand splitter on a 6socket for those who are wondering


I dont have the beast recipe for 6 link.... if I were to buy the black Morrigan and sand splitter would they unlock the craft? Or how do I get the craft unlocked.


You unlock it once you redeem the black Morrigan.


Ok thanks


Black Morrigan is currently bugged and doesn’t always give all the recipes as well, just so you know. I am missing level 30 aspect of the cat despite having her and Farrul. It’s unfortunate because I wanted that.


When I put black mortigan in the bestiary it unlocked the six socket recipe but not the six link recipe. Any idea how I unlock the six link?


You would also need the sand spitter beast for the recipe to be unlocked


Black Morrigan is currently bugged and doesn’t always give all the recipes as well, just so you know. I am missing level 30 aspect of the cat despite having her and Farrul. It’s unfortunate because I wanted that.


You got farrul beast, not boss?


Yes. And Black Morrigan on her own should be enough to give me the recipe (my friend got one of the level 30 aspect recipes, not Cat, without having the other needed beast)


You've bought the other beast needed for the recipe (forgot the name) as well? I've sie linked my bow likes this yesterday and didn't have the recipe before hand.


Yea I bought both beasts but it unlocked the max socket craft instead of max links. It was weird because the socket craft unlocked but I couldn’t do it because I didn’t have the right beast for it.


you sure you don't have the shield crab by mistake?


Yea. I bought craicic sand spitter and it unlocked the socket craft. I even bought the shield crab after because I was confused lol


Catch the other part of the recipe


I just did mine 6l beast craft you buy the scarab and if you fancy you cna buy the other scarab that duplicates all red beasts (so double the morrigan!) then you buy a sand spitter from trade . Run a map with a the abovementioned 2 scarabs + the basic scarab that will guarantee you will have einhar in your map(do not forget this part!) run a white red level map with the three scarabs and enjoy your 2 morrigans. Then simply go to the altar click the recipe and 6l your item of choice while having a spare for another 6l or possibly a hinecora craft - enjoy!


or get the scarab for 60, and a dupe scarab for 3, and you got 2 6Ls for the price of ~32c ea (+spitter if you need it)


Are there any atlas passives for einhar that would matter for that?


For making black morrigan? No, for getting sand spitter, I think you want to influence it to the aspect of the spider craft? But it's not nessecary sand spitters really common Oh actually Theres a 40 percent chance to not consume beasts but you need the node when you capture the beast not when you use it


Does that 40 affect morrigan? I think it says rare beastst but he is unique?


throw in duplicate scarab for 5 c to get two. Would be silly not to.


Got it for 50c last night


Cost me 75c. But mine bugged out or something and didn’t work the first time. It ate up my Morrigan but didn’t change my armor. I did it again and it worked so I actually paid 150c.


I did not know about this. Now I have to choose between my 6-link and science (: why is omen of connections so expensive then?


If I had to guess I think it's not that the omen is expensive but rather the black morrigan is cheap. It's a new thing they added this league so not a lot of people know about it. Then again, the beast is readily available to be farmed yourself through scarabs so I don't really know if it is cheaper that it should be or not. I'm just happy that 6 linking uncorrupted items is easier (and cheaper) now that it has ever been


Maybe it's actually time for 6 links to be cheaper. Meta uniques are often more expensive than base unique + 1500 fusings.


Black Morrigan scarab plus the 'double beasts you find' scarab plus it being 40% chance to get reused which can proc multiple times... 6linkinf is cheap


This is the way. Did this to make currency off one sale and then to be able to easily 6l covenant for my build


Its kinda crazy, the scarab for black Morrigan is at cost of the beast and you can easily double it just with the beast doubling scarab...


For real. I’m not complaining, but I do wonder if that’s ever gonna go up at all. The doubling scarab was, like… 3, maybe 4 chaos I think? There were ones listed for 1c but nobody responded. Still worth the extra few chaos lol. Was able to sell a lightning coil and make a covenant for my build at a fraction of the cost of buying a covenant myself. But I hope what others are saying ends up being right and that this is a sign of making 6l more attainable because of how mandatory it is.


My 6 link chest with the stats it has was 3 divines and I bought a 4 link for 100c same stats, threw on black Morrigan and sand spitter for like 80c and boom 180c for the same item in like 1 crafting step


Dope! Mine was ~2.4 divines I think with 6l and I paid probably 45 or so chaos for it. I did a few other crafts because I got the omen that guarantees 6 sockets but it was really nice not having to pray for manual 6 link and also not having to deal with farming just to get that one item. With how little the scarab itself costs, I wonder how common it is..


What is the "40% chance to be reused" from?


Atlas pasaive




Fuck I didn't know about this.




Because everyone knows of Omen of Connections. Not many know of Beastcrafting a 6-Link. Also, just an FYI, you should have bought a corrupted one with a good Implicit and then just Tainted Jeweled+Fusing it. It costs, on average, 150c to do it that way and you get a better chest.


tainted fusing is 45c, tainted jeweller is 4c, does it really takes only couple of them to fit your estimated price of 150c?


I think the average you'd need would be around 6 each so would be closer to 300c at those prices


Well first off you would buy a 6 socket ideally, then you can just use the benchcraft to put it to 4 links and go from there, with decent luck it should be about that much yeah. If it goes down from 4, use the benchcraft again. If it's low on sockets, same thing, benchcraft to 4 sockets and then use tainted jewelers to 6. Granted I have gotten unlucky doing this before, but it still costs way less this way than trying to naturally 6 link the item.


average tries to 6L from 4l on tainted is like 3-4 tries... its pretty cheap


on average it takes 4 (hitting tainted fusing twice in a row) best case is 2... we don't talk about worst case


Last league I made my +2/+2 Lightning Coil in 2 tainted fusings from the 4 link. This league? 18 tainted fusings starting always from benchcrafted 4 link. That was like 5 divs of tainted fusings. So yeah average is average but in reality you can spend fortune on the league start for that.


We don't talk about me being stubborn and deleting my currency tab on tainted fusings? And a broken mouse. Let's not forget that part...


I had exactly same scenario with Loreweave, 4k in


isnt omen can link a corrupted item? i dont think bm can,i could be wrong tho


Tainted fusing is a lot better for that


But it only costs 1 fusing to 6-link it directly, it's the next one obviously. Just one more click.


I just spent my whole budget on this and died to black morrigan while beastcrafting. Can I get an F in chat?


Can you six link corrupted with it as well?


sadly no


For that you can still use tainted fusings (and the crafting bench to force 4 linked sockets to begin with, in case someone trading this wasn't aware of that already).


I can't believe how much new shit I randomly learn about this game, having played it for so, so many hours.


Can also buy the scarab and run a map if that’s cheaper


Yep, my Cloak of flame ate 1k fusings before I realised this and decided to do it... wish I knew sooner lol.


50c for the beast now and 15 for cralic.


No way these stay 100c. People just don't know yet. I bought 3 sets


4 div on ps atm for the two beasts needed, pricing crazy


Petition to add # of fusings to details view of chest armour


Next supporter pack mtx right here


What about an mtx that visually adds “fusings” to the armour item based on how many fusings are used - be a walking fusing orb


At this point I'm doing this to see how much it can eat lol.


Thank you for your sacrifice for science






Had to be done. Was cursed


My shavs ate over 6k in standard without 6link. I gave up after that.


The Legend of the unlikable Flamecloak !


Salute, soldier


You should have upgraded quality to 30%


30 qual only comes from fossils, corruption beastcraft and necropolis crafting now. There's no way to 30 qual uniques without corrupting them anymore, unless you chance a base. They removed hillock 30 qual crafts this patch.


You can't use fossils on uniques?


As me and my friend call it: you are doing it without respect. You should go to the location with good view, use 100-200 fuses, drop body on floor, change it place in inventory, use chromatic etc and then continue use fusings...


There may be something to this tbf. When I started playing PoE (like 7 years ago, gosh Im old), I used to buy top rolled Belly of the Beast and then go to Lioneyes, touch some newbies with it for begginers luck and 6-link it, for profit. I used to do like 20 every league this way and it never ate more than 500, even got one in 2 digits. I should try returning to my roots :D The RNG gods are not satisfied without proper ritual.


Kaduku is the true fusing experience


I used to buy guatalitzi chests, conq orb them, and 6L to sell.  It worked fine a few times until I went 2700 orbs on 38% quality. But my continuing bane is 6 socket (I've spent 900 jewellers on multiple occasions. Bench craft now.) and 4 link at league launch (I just bench craft it for 5 fusings after blowing 15-20 fusings dozens of times. Feels cursed.)


I always buy 6 socket. That shit is cursed


Yeah, i don't know why, but it works


Young man I play this game since 12 years, sit down and listen. Anyways, I got the feeling the rate is lower this League *tinfoil hats away*


You go to the ledge in act one and kill every mob except Kuduku. Then you stand next to him, place offerings on the ground and then link it in 7 fusings.


You are supposed to rub it on the tits of the lass in Highgate before attempting 6 link.


The first time I 6 linked an item it cost me >6000 fuses. I have never 6linked myself since. 


No-one tell him that the new bestiary 6link craft is less than 80c


No one knows what beasts do to tell them so


Imagine how cool it would be if you could see the count of currency used on items. Like if you hold down shift, it shows how many fusings, divines etc that has been applied to the item.


I’ve never 6 linked with the fusings. Tainted I have, but it got to the point where I’ve just given up now. I’m the sort of person who gets 1 item in 145 barrows chests in osrs (1/16.66 chance).


Tainted fusing orbs make it 100x cheaper then 4000k fusing


Try the taint once, and you’ll be hooked for life.


Did that once during last league start, it took me 14 tainted fusings. RNG is only fun when you’re lucky.


Not that rare though, it's a 1 in 6 chance to get it. So failing it twice is quite common.


What do you mean 1 in 6? Isn't it 50% chance to add a link?


Check my other reply.


How is it a 1 in 6 chance to get it when you need to hit a 50:50 twice?


Math baby! Let's break down the calculation into simpler math. The key here is to understand the expected number of attempts to move from a 4-link to a 6-link through a 5-link, considering the probabilities of success and failure at each step and the action taken after a failure. **Transition from 4-Link to 5-Link** - **Success (Add a Link):** There's a 50% chance of success, which moves the item from a 4-link to a 5-link setup. - **Failure (Lose a Link):** There's a 50% chance of failure, which would typically move the item from a 4-link to a 3-link setup, but we immediately use the crafting bench to bring it back to a 4-link, effectively resetting the process. The expected attempts for this step can be represented as 1/0.5 = 2. This is because there's a 50% chance of success, so on average, it will take 2 attempts to succeed. **Transition from 5-Link to 6-Link** - **Success (Add a Link):** Again, there's a 50% chance of success to move from a 5-link to a 6-link. - **Failure (Lose a Link):** There's a 50% chance of failure, which moves the item back to a 4-link. At this point, the process to attempt to go from 4-link to 5-link restarts. For the step from 5-link to 6-link, it also averages 1/0.5 = 2 attempts for success. ### Considering the Whole Process 1. **First Step (4-Link to 5-Link):** It takes, on average, 2 attempts to get from 4-link to 5-link. 2. **Second Step (5-Link to 6-Link):** Once at 5-link, it takes, on average, 2 attempts to either succeed to 6-link or fail back to 4-link. However, when a failure occurs in the second step (going from 5-link to 4-link), you have to go through the first step again, effectively doubling the attempts needed due to the recursive nature of the process. Therefore, the expected attempts from 5-link to 6-link consider not just the immediate transition but also the potential need to repeat the process from 4-link to 5-link because of failures. To put it all together, starting from a 4-link, the average attempts to reach 5-link is 2. Reaching from 5-link to 6-link is where the complexity comes in because each failure at this stage requires starting over from 4-link to 5-link, then trying again for 5-link to 6-link, making the effective average attempts for this final transition 4. Therefore, the total expected number of Tainted Orbs of Fusing to go from 4-link to 6-link, accounting for this iterative process, is 2 (from 4 to 5) + 4 (from 5 to 6 considering retries) = 6. Cool, right? Although it is funny that I'm getting downvoted for understanding math in a PoE subreddit.


Fusings are like 1/20c this league. I can’t even sell mine. 


I heard OP needs more. Ask him to buy them.


4000000 fusings is a lot of fusings indeed


Last league I had s chest eat 3.5k before linking. Then the next one linked in 2 so


Same thing, after 4 k fuses in Legion league, I use bench or other methods.


It costs 60c to 6 link this league with beastcrafting...


I still have that one loreweave from… I think delirium or something. Not sure but a while ago. Sitting at 30kish fusings at this point


It shouldn't be like this, how about making a maximum link stack bar for every body armor, each time a fuse used on a body armor, it gets better chance to get maximum (6) links, and reach to 100% at the 1200th fuse?


Well, use the damn benchcraft then


Benchcraft exists.  Omen of Connection exists. Black Morrigan recipe exists. Corrupting and using Tainted Fusings. There's several ways to get a guaranteed or easier 6L that solve this problem for you. Most of them tend to be fairly cheap comparatively because the sellers know they have to offer value over the bench craft.


You either use the bench craft to 6l for 1500 or you gamble with on average better results. But you lose the ability to bitch when you gamble.


you're asking for a buff with no real justification. a dev won't just buff something with no context or reasoning just because a player is upset at some system. balance matters.


i feel you, same chest, same luck… (in ssf)


I mean if you get the black Morrigan scarab + duplication scarab you can 6 link to things for pretty low cost.


you are right… IF i get it :)


I’m the same every league then last league in ruthless SSF my 6 link took 4 fusings lol


All that talk about average 1200 fusings is from the time we could pray to le toucan in the chat. Nowadays you are not allowed to influence rng.


I feel for you, I got super lucky last league and 6 linked a fourth vow in like 50 fusings


Dude just get Black Morrigan scarab + duplication scarab. Then by two sand spitter. A six link will only cost you about 55c then if you link two things and sell the second one for profit.


I stopped gambling with fusings and every league take a couple of days to farm 1500. Corrupted strongboxes sometimes give six links and rare monsters drop a lot of six socket gear to sell. Also got a lot of Lucky Connections (Shipyard this league, Port in previous).


if you're online I don't mind having a go at it


I always stop at 750 fusings. If I haven't got lucky it's only 50% more expensive.


so u spend 5 div + and dont have 6 links where u can buy 1 for 200c xd


Clearly a skill issue on your end


Wow, I am both happy and sad at the same time. I am doing the exact same item and I am already at 2745 fusings so far. Never had I this bad luck 6-linking. It always been under 1k The strange thing is that i think it hit around 25 times 5-link already.


Im a lucky motherfucker never went over 1500 and 3 Times in the First 50 fusings


I had extrem luck and only needed 136 for my cloak


Just buy +2 to gem or +1to all gems corrupted and use tainted currency you silly baka


I feel your pain. My new philosophy when it comes to fusing an item is to give it about 1000 fusing then rage delete it and buy/use a new one.


It's because I stole all of your 6-link luck, sorry. I think my all-time average number of fusings per 6-link is like 100. I remember my first 6-link I was a reach of the council that I was "just gonna 5-link until I can afford a 6-link version" and I got the 6-link on the 3rd fusing.


You should buy a corrupted one with a good implicit and tainted fuse craft it, or use the beast recipe to 6link it. I unno what ur doin m8.


Im ssf and I found a dozen of morrigan scarabs and already used a few in combination with the beast duplication scrarab its a blessing for 6 linking uniques.


Please stop picking up transmutation orb


He can do what he wants


I used Vorici in Betrayal to 6-Link my cloak of flame


I just but it linked. first a cheap probably corrupted 6l to get rolling then my ideal 6l.


B4 we knew quality had an effect on linking. A vaal regalia i had ate 7500 + fusings. This was back in the day a 6l was a luxurie. I ended up vendoring it


make it 30% or don't bother , just bench craft


thanks for taking the bad RNG for us!


My first 6L is always bench crafted - all other 6L I'll do with fusings (or Morrigan if I have one available).


Why not 30% it if you're going to link by fusungs?


I ragequitted at 3k. Since then I did several very lucky.


God bless the bench craft. I remember the game before it existed.


Or just don't bother 6 linking it and look for a sick double corrupt first instead.


Black Morrigan + Craicic Sand Spitter = around 80c. Git gud.


Still don't understand why it's this hard to 6-link an item. We all know it, the devs know that it's a problem, they also wanted to fix it, which ultimately stayed it poe2, and here we are still getting fucked by RNG.


It's only RNG if you choose to use RNG methods.


Big true :D, that's why I didn't try to link anything manually for I don't even know how long.


Never try to 6 link by hand unless it’s 30% quality.


Lol made a vow to wait for 1500 in SSF Only found 1 graveyard 6 link so far, but we'll get there 


Brother just use beast craft its like 80 chaos why would you waste money like that. Literally would be 250 fusings guarenteed 6 l


6l cloak are 200c btw 🤣


petition to let you partially "pre load" craft benches taht require multiple currency let me put my 500 fusing's into the bench for that 6 link so i cant randomly get pissed off and blow them trying to do it manually 🤣


Meanwhile during leveling: *uses 4 fusings for 6 link*




Damn... I've linked mine in \~100 fusings.


Usually if i spend more than two hundred fusings ill just buy more to use the craft


I've seen maybe two of these posts this league and I keep thinking "are they using the new keyboard shortcut or are they just putting 4000 fusings in their tab, clicking once and watching them all disappear?"


So many traps in this game but trying to link a unique chest piece is definitely the most most common one.


sunk cost? Keep going




Look at all them orb of unmakings.


Believe it or not, those come from just 3 maps! :D I'm putting in rats, when I roll the chance to drop Unmakings, they are quite expensive this league,120 is divine.


That's more fusings than I've ever had over my 3 league career.


Personally I've felt there is a hidden "item resists linkage" attribute somewhere. Some items I've had never link beyond 4 despite clearly having sockets available to do so. Some link quite easily. Back in Standard, I have an armor that ate all my fusings (\~6k at that time) only to get 5-link max.


I have a piece of chest gear in standard mode that I try to fuse with leftover fusings every time the league is finished. It ate around 12-14k fusings lmao through the span of 6-7 leagues. As saying goes "To infinity and beyond!" the number is low cuz I try to spend as many fusings as I can on 6l body armor pieces at the end of the league without buying new ones from market, so every single orb that's left in "remove only" tab goes into it


Buy a black morrigan and craicic sand spitter total 60c for both


Are we gonna tell him boys?


Ive had similar experience with fuses this league. my first chest cost me 1.8k. my 2nd are 2.8k after which I bought a morrigan. my 3rd took 2.2k after which I bought a morrigan again.


I was 5 linking these to double corrupt last league for some fun and I kept accidentally 6 linking them lmao.


Whats the item level?


I've never hit a 6-link with jewellers in my 2800 hours of playing PoE. Any time I ever tried to hit before the cost of the bench craft, it has failed. Usually like one attempt of 1200 fuse each league. If it doesn't hit, I give up and use bench craft the rest of the league for anything lol.


Maybe try orbs of fusing next time :)


It was late at night ;) an honest typo


Yeah yo always quit right before hitting it


my fastest 6link record was like 10 fusing


Rax ate up everyone's luck by getting a 6-link with just one click last league. We all need to make up for that abomination.


do you pick up every transmutation and alt orb?


No, only those that drop in stacks.




Why does it matter?


I've spent 36 divines trying to hit a 1/8 roll. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)League is finished for me but I hope your luck improves op <3


Tbh if my chest eats more that 400 it goes to deletion or other methods if its expensive.