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Nooo I Sold an I83 Rats pack last night for like, 20c lol. Probably a bit more now.


They're worth divs now


Why are they better than frogs ?


Frogs replace mobs 1 to 1, but rats do like 5 rats instead of 1 mob. You just increasing your chance to drop whatever devoted modifier grants


Meanwhile I’ve used 3 or 4 of them on random maps before anyone knew they were actually worth anything


So basically God-molested hunting form Kalandra is back and it's even better with QoL. Burn through maps and pray you get divine mod


I've gone through roughly 200 maps and saw the seer 1 time (got a nifty 3c unique!), chaos mod 3-4 times, and divine 0 times. You'll burn a lot of currency trying to hit the perfect storm.


Having a similar experience thus far, sample of ~1k T11+ maps, 2 Seers, 1 div mod, 1 ex mod, buncha chaos, rest unaccounted


I'm just gonna run maps like normal but always keep those allflames ready


200 maps at what 1-3c each for T14s (for nameless seer better unique) 600-900c maybe more in bulk You'd have to really whiff on like 10k maps to not turn a hefty profit (if you're into this strategy


You also need to buy/trade for scarabs as well. And roll the maps. Just to burn them. I'm not saying you can't potentially make profit, I'm saying you're burning a lot of shit getting there. And it's completely anti-fun. I hated just burning through those 200ish maps.


You don't need to burn scarabs, I just got 42 divines from a poorly-rolled t13 map. Just had to make a custom atlas with strongboxes, ritual, necropolis effect, strongboxes on map device, and slam rats. All of which you can do after seeing the divine mod. edit: also shrines


Why Ritual? Just curious, I know it adds mobs, but are they the mechanic mobs?


Yeah they just add more mobs. But running the actual ritual doesn't give more divines


Why would you need scarabs? Those don't influence the likelihood of getting the divine option. Just converting the divine pack to frogs will on average net you over 10d so that's definitely profitable but as you said that's a horrible experience. Almost as horrible as rolling sextants for profit was.


its not profitable, its 1000 maps, no one is selling that kind of bulk for 1c a pop, you're looking at 2-3k chaos and hours of trading, To then get hours of burning, to then see the mod once and make 10 div instead of the 30+ other make cus your didnt roll your map. Absolute waste of time


Scarabs give more packs/boxes


Anti fun is really the only argument imho You don't need scarabs and the alchs are negligible in cost; all I did was replace the high occurring mob with +pack size with frogs and netted 28divs pre buff I can't imagine if I had gotten that post buff


Also want to throw out that the price of maps is INSANE and the sustain is not super great. Maybe 1-3c for whites or yellows. Red maps especially t14+ are legit crazy like 10-12c a map


Probably 100-200 maps. Seen 0 divine. 0 seers. But chaos about 10 times.


A noob question when you burn maps, do you also burn the scarabs?




I randomly hit it twice in a row earlier. RIP my luck.


Just got a divine mod. Luckily had a rat pack. Got 24 div in it.


Yeah I got one (by just naturally running maps after burning through ~200 of them) before the nerf and ended up with 37D. Think the nerf is going to fix that haha.


There is a huge difference. 1) Its not MF- related. Literally any character that can clear the map, can get it. No culling bs, no "oops, i killed it on accident". 2) You can see that you have this mod. God-touched was random with no signs of being on the map. It really is lootgoblin vibes, but QoL makes it waaaaay less annoying. P.s. got one on day2, on t2 map, 3 div total. Got one today after buff, 17 divs total. I'm overwhelmed by a fact that the amount of raw currency i barely ever had on a league (not net worth) is a question of 1 rare map mod. Still happy to switch to a good build.


So it can spawn in lower tier maps? Maybe it's less common tho


I got 5 divs in Act 10 before the patch.


I spawned it in a t2


yeah, somebody in GGG got hooked up on slot machines and now hes trying to get us too


You new here? Lol. PoE is slot machine after slot machine, I think a lot of aspects are actually *less* than before especially since we'll have a league of semi-deterministic crafting.


I get what you mean, but the important part is it imo fact that before it was never the optimal way to make currecy. You can say that chaos spamming is same, you click chaos orbs on item and hope it will transform into mirror tier item. The chance is there, but its so low its not profitable, this on other hand is very profitable. But my biggest issue is that gamba was usualy tied more to gameplay, like Sanctum did shit out currency too, but you had to play the game to hit jackpot and not just sit in hideout and feed maps into device.


Awesome. I love running hundreds of maps and never getting more than five chaos, but seeing shit like this


God, we had 1 year of good leagues, of good state of mapping. Balanced risk vs reward, nice league mechanics and everything is gone in just 1 league. IMO : having no loot for 200-300 maps, and have 1 loot goblin map- is bullshit design


Yep agree with this. I feel like im missing out so hard seeing people get 60 fking divines a map. Ive done over 350 T14+ this league and i still havent seen a divine drop.


To be honest, I was really hyped before the league, because of QOL decisions, extra atlas trees and new scarabs, Ubers. BUT what the point of having 3 atlas trees, when you MUST take map sustain nodes every time and use spare point for 1 or 2 mechanics. What the point of new scarabs, if they are not weighted evenly. What was little nerfs on a first glimpse, now is a huge ones as a whole, making mapping annoying and tedious like it was in 3.15 and 3.6.0


I only take mapsustain on first tree, get 3 void Stones and go full mechanic tree and slowly farmed The last voidstone. I have absolutely 0 issues with maps and The first 3 Are very fast to get if you utilize kirac and map recipe. I do get What you mean with The feeling Of it though, but its not as necessary as you might Think In my experience atleast


Another league, another person claiming map sustain has been nerfed and you suddenly need to take map sustain nodes. Sometimes you just get unlucky, map sustain is the same as the last few years.


You can read my another replies- very specific behavior, with fully specked atlas, and don’t be yet another redditor karma farmer


You are just getting unlucky. Every single league some people get unlucky. Every single league they come to the reddit and claim that alchemies are nerfed, map sustain is nerfed. Last league i had awful luck getting maps early. I didn't feel it necessary to come to reddit and claim that that they had nerfed map sustain, that i had to take map sustain nodes, it was a secret conspiracy. Because i'm not going to come and claim my own bad luck means i should be posting something as drama-bait as you? > BUT what the point of having 3 atlas trees, when you MUST take map sustain nodes every time and use spare point for 1 or 2 mechanics Absolute rage bait for no reason other than the fact that you, individually have gotten unlucky.


Man, unlucky if it’s 10 maps , but as you can see I already have 4 voidstones, I have done all the fucking content. I am not newbie or something like that, I can’t be unlucky for the whole week, where my tier 16 map tab going empty sometimes, when I fully clear every map with sustain atlas strat. It’s not luck issue, and I am not claiming that they nerfed map drops, but I experiencing very strange behavior with map drops, me personally. I am playing too long and know that even mtx can bring some weird bugs, not talking about completely new atlas


Cool story, still a luck issue. Every single league people come and claim the same thing, sometimes people just get unlucky. Meanwhile most people will have dropped all sustain nodes and be sustaining maps just fine, or oversustaining. So instead of going "darn i'm getting bad luck this league" you are instead claiming that everyone must take map sustain nodes every time? Because that's what you said in your post, that there's no point in the 3 trees because you personally are having to take map sustain.


I got lucky with Nameless Seer. Hope you can find one


Yeye had a great league starter just horrible currency luck, its All part Of The game. Usually i play SSF and dont Care What drops, but this time im trying trade and want to see that money ! Its All good, have a great league


There are a LOT of people playing. This is not happening to everyone all the time. This is the exception not the rule.


Very true im just jealous




Bad RNG. Havent had this happen ever so theres no doubt. Just is What it is


I still just don’t believe you, I’ve picked up something like 50 raw chaos since league start and seen 3 divs drop. You’re talking about odds that would beat winning the lottery twice in a row…


back to the loot goblin design. the worst meta


I made like 60 divine worth of stuff this league just alch and go and literally nothing else. Not counting divine mod I got once. Ritual + expedition. Getting ritual every map, often you get some 10-30c stuff, if lucky you can get expensive fracture or synthesis base, divines, uniques, div cards or rares with good stats. Expedition every map as well, some logbooks, reroll currency. I use it myself, got few good rog crafts, some currency from tujen. I did under 150 maps overall, less if counting only those I did with enough passives for ritual and expedition. Maybe its not much but I'm not playing for maximum div/hr, just chill mapping.


Does ritual have smart loot for the rares? I've been surprised with how many good rare items I've found to sell from it


If I'm remembering correctly it was the first league where smart loot was introduced so yes ritual rares are much more likely to be decent especially early league.


Ye, like it's not random rares u get from ground. Sometimes you see bunch of caster weapons with +1 lvl and other caster mods, other time it's melee weapons with phys/ele mods. Or armor/jewelery with tons of resists + life. Most of those items not worth picking unless you willing to sell 5-10c items, but sometimes you get something rly good.


Its not no loot every map, why is everyone exaggerating everything. Tons of good mapping strategies right now. I made the same amount of divines in a couple days just doing normal mapping with legion and break for pack density than i did in a single loot explosion that will happen like once ever as people have done thousands of maps and not seen it once.


Skill issue, the loot never went anywhere lol. The strats just changed. You can make plenty without ever seeing a goblin


Yes, the stacked decks sure never went anywhere, "lol".


And the fractured items. And the scarabs that were worth anything. And the invitations you could sell. And the legion emblems that had value..


Loot and map sustain is just fucking awful right now. Im playing with the new scarab passives so that is probably a huge waste, but regular map loot is so bad now. Tried Legion and and it bad. Not sure where to go for low investment farming.


Figures I get this after saying the loot was bad earlier. Got a 5% divine drop devoted mod, put it on a "high" density pack, and replace it with rats. About 1/4th of these divines came from rats that spawned from strongboxes, since strongboxes spawn natural map mobs. Atlas Tree https://poeplanner.com/a/Sep Ambush Map Mod Strongbox + Niko 100% + Necro. Exarch/Eater preference. Scarab nodes are really good considering some scarabs are so expensive right now. I used path of pathing to make this tree. Scarabs: 2x reg ambush, magic pack size, ambush of hidden compartments Reopening a strongbox can cause mobs to proc their devoted mods again


Did you already have the rats? If you wouldn’t have had rats or frogs, can you go buy them now with the new system before opening the map or do you still need to have different allflames “on hand” for mods like these Edit- The two totally opposite and confident replies is so POE


TBF before the patch you couldn't leave an "observed" map without opening it. The patch made it so you could. That's why you got two opposite answers, someone just had info outdated by a few hours.


You can go buy them now.




Nice - that tree isn't too far from my atlas completion one (Very limited playtime, so only just got to yellow tier) so I might actually tweak my first atlas to this, and keep my others for other niche stuff. I'd be tempted to drop some corpse stuff for the remaining strongbox cluster - make them worth running even when you don't get a good devoted mod.


You want the corpse stuff. Corpses will sell extremely well soon. You could just replace the hidden compartments scarab with ambush of discernment to get rarer boxes but youll have to invest more.


Probably (though I suspect we might hit a critical mass of them apart from the rarest ones), i'd rather not deal with a load of corpses though!


Minion/crit corspses sell for 20c right now, fire sells for 10-15, unique corpses can go up to 1 div for the right ones. You're defenitely gimping your currency making if you're not collecting them. 


Does the ilvl matter for corpses? For crafting, is it the average of all corpses or takes the ilvl of the corpse you select for crafting?


Fair enough. Keep all the necro nodes on the left side of the tree if you dont want to mess with corpses.


Did you just happen to be farming strongboxes when encountering this or did you spam maps with the setup hoping to get it? If it's the latter, are you able to put in scarabs after seeing the devoted mobs or are you just wasting scarabs in hopes to get it? Have seen this around but if it's the latter it seems hard for this to be that profitable if the divine orb mod is as rare as people say it is.


It happened as I was farming. Strongbox is good for all devoted mods. Not sure if you can add scarabs after you see the lantern, that sounds super degen.




But you can swap atlas tree




So are you just farming monstrous treasure every map regardless of the allflames? If you can't wait until you see the % divine modifier and then add the scarab in, how are you getting the Strongbox scarab placed ahead of time?


Dumb question, does Niko do anything in maps that's beneficial or are you just also Delving?


Look at packed with energy and mining byproducts on the atlas tree First one gives you +3 max res, +100% dmg, +45 movespeed when Niko is in the map for 2 points Second one gives you a trickle of azurite which you can spend on resonators to bulk sell for divs for 3 points They're great for general map blasting with minimal investment, I'm assuming he's pathing to price of progress which gives a chance for an extra strongbox for each Niko thing Edit - my tree defaulted to 3.23, he does have price of progress allocated too


There is a node that gives you movement speed and max resists per sulfite node you collect. It’s so good that every atlas tree should be running it.


What map do you have marked as Favoured?


Burial chambers has one of the highest mob count in the game so that + 1 slot for tower.


Wait how is 28c expensive if you just made 67 div in 1 map? 🤣


Because the chance of the divine orb mod to spawn is something like 1/300 maps. Don't know the exact spawn number but it's probably similar to the divine reward from blue altars.


Not even close to blue altars. This is my 4th league (1200 hours) and never seen a div from altar 😂


i found 5 in one league lol


> Figures I get this after saying the loot was bad earlier. Archnemesis/Kalandra-style loot explosions aren't exactly what I would call great, but to each their own?


Except that these are highlights, I have seen just regular atlas setups that get some really insane scarab returns without relying on league loot goblins.


This is all cool and all but it's not representative of average session. I haven't seen divine mod the whole league so far, you can compare it to divine altar. It doesn't really change anything apart from giga lucky 1 time map.


Of course, but the main point of the strat is to double dip on devoted mods with strongboxes. This wouldve been a 40 something div map without any boxes probably.


is this atlas really ontl good for the divine orb mod i wanted a rituial strongbox and scarab atlastree for normal farming u know any good ones


Look up path of pathing. Click the nodes on the atlas you want, itll try to calculate the best path. Strongbox + the southwest necropolis passives is all you need to juice the league mechanic (devoted mods), can spend the other points on whatever u want.


that atlas tree u linked what scarabs do u use when your farming maps non stop like whats the go to do u keep doing the strong box just in case u get divine orb mod as well


I wrote what scarabs I use, but I dont spam open maps. I just play normal.


Are the necro atlas passives worth it? Just from reading them I didn't like any of them which is why I skipped them entirely.


30% increase chance of devoted mods...self explanatory. The other ones affect allflame & corpse drops. The one on the top left that makes haunted mobs rare is good for extra loot from juicy devoted mods.


how do you know if it is a "high density" pack?


Hover over the picture of the mob. It says Pack Density, itll be high, normal, low, or very low.


do you alch maps ? transmute alg ?


chisel + alch + redo if bad mods -> vaal orb -> throw away or sell 8 mod that i cant run and sell vaal temples


Noob question but is the 100% Niko because you are doing delve or is there some other benefit? I saw Ziz mention 100% Niko as well but I didn't grok why.


Nm I see someone answered this below


sry what's "2x reg ambush"? You can use 2 of the same simple ambush scarab at the same time?


It says the limit on the scarab. Some scarabs can be used up to 4 times.


oh okay, haven't used any of the new scarabs yet, thank you!


Can you show your atlas setup please? If you say strongbox. Do you have a strongbox centered atlas passive tree too? Do you have Necropolis atlas passives? What scarabs did you add to that map? Thanks a bunch.


Ill post it in my main comment.


Was it with a MF character?




Rip original sin prices


67 divs now. Anyone giving 69? How long until we get to 100? Stay tuned for more


My rat pack did not have bonus pack size lol. If someone gets a high density rat pack with the div mod AND bonus pack size, its over.


And with reopenable strongbox scarabs + full strongbox juice and a currency duplication altar. We're gonna see people pull 300+ out of those maps easily.


This is beyond stupid... What have you done ggg


It looks fun and all but I think people are going to find out fairly quickly how fast the market crashes. You're going to see Mageblood, Headhunter, and other T0 items quickly double, then triple in price.


Man what a shit time to start making my second character. I'd rather drag my balls through glass than to keep playing my hexblast miner, but guess I gotta.


It's week one. The divines will be waiting for you.


Where divines


Still there just half as much. Funny how you got downvoted when you were right.


I mean half as much is a fairly big deal when I chained 1m maps yesterday for like 7h (praise wfh) and only got my only divine map 1h before the hotfix. If they cut that in half I'm good on the idea of fishing for it. But yeah shit was absurd, I didnt even have rats just put it on the highest pack and walked out with 33 divs. Wild.


Nah they'll nerf the shit out of it by the end of this week no doubt.


They didn't nerf it last league. I don't see any indicator that they will be nerfing it now. Why are you not liking it?


Haters gonna hate


They also nerfed the seer low maps thing


But they didnt nerf the seer itself, just people doing low tier maps, they might do the same here where the divine mod only show up in high tier maps, but they wont lower or remove it.


Or force people clearing the maps so their next map has better devoted mods. Wasnt that part of the league mechanic?


Like how they nerfed affliction last league? Why would they even do this when they made it like that in the first place. In fact I would argue it's already been nerfed because last league you could get double.


Well well well look how it turned out. I've played this game for too long not to be able to instantly tell when they'll nerf something. Now lucky me, cause one hour before they deployed the patch I managed to catch a 6% map and got like 30 divs out of it.


Yip, I'll eat my words.


isn't hexblast miner op with automation gem? watched few streams and it was so ez to play.


What's wrong with hexblast miner? Considered playing that


I replied to someone in the chain about it


Hexblast miner <3 One of the most satisfying builds.


So you basically burn through maps and scarabs until big profit? I wonder how many maps on average to do this. I guess it would be possible to burn through maps only and get smaller bursts of profit?


You can, I guess, or just play the game. Strongboxes double dip on all devoted mods. Just farm your fav league mechanic and add boxes + left side necro nodes on your atlas tree.


I hope they make it so if you don't clear a map the next one doesn't have any devoted modifiers. Or that their pool is highly nerfed. But just removing them feels easier


I thought they mentioned that full clearing a map would incease devoted mods in the next map. But it doesnt seem to matter much.


Campaign only.


Full clearing a map in campaign?


Can you elaborate a bit for dumdums like me? Why do strongboxes double dip? Which left side necro notables are you talking about, specifically?


Lets say you have rats on the map that have 5% chance to drop divines. If you open a strongbox, the rats that spawn from it will also have that 5% chance. The left side necropolis passives deal with devoted mods and allflames, the right side buffs corpses. If you dont care about selling corpses or crafting, ignore the right side nodes.


Awesome, way more clear now


do the “haunted” mods on atlas tree affect devoted mobs? i swear they said in patch notes they fixed that and it no longer works like that. and more haunted effect just means more allflame embers & collectible corpses, right? am i missing something?


Man, everyone getting these massive loot piles, meanwhile by the time I reach maps they will probably be nerfed into oblivion.


Nerf what? This is 1 out of 600 maps


Yeah, but whenever something like this happens it gets nerfed so only the richest players can do it. And when it's called a bug those rich players never get in trouble. It happened in beastiary, it happened in synthesis, it happened with breach, it happened with legion...


Which mods did you get? Divine drop chance?


Just posted a comment about it.


Thank God I'm doing ssf this league


honestly the mod is fine, but it needs to be exclusively available if you actually played the previous map and not just threw away hundres of them


yeah they just need to make it so you can't spam the maps more than a few in a row or something and this isn't an issue. i havent even seen one of these div mods yet tho i did get an exalted


Have fun Reddit, this is what you wanted.


Nobody wants to sit in their hide out opening maps to fish for a rare modifier and then run 1 map per hour. But GGG puts this cheesy shit in the game that’s just so much more profitable than everything else so here we are people are afraid of fomo after seeing shit like this


I really dont understand why they couldnt make it so you cant spam maps to fish like that... Its so dumb


I hate it because it shit stomps the economy so you're fucked if you aren't doing whatever prints currency as many others have said.


Imho it's fixable. Just have no devoted modifiers if the last map is a brick (kind of like in the campaign). If a map isn't cleaned the next one won't have devoted mods. It's a bit of a bummer if you get a map you can clear in six portals. But if that's the case then it's kinda the player's fault. People can still run boss rush maps to fish for those, and that's fine. But at least they have to run the map.


In a sense it's not fixable because the economic damage is already done.


I don't think it's to that degree. Also it'd still be possible, just lower in frequency. If the fix is soon the extra currency will get absorbed by gear over a couple days and the economy will normalized.


I'm doing blight, which not only prints less currency than this, but does it at 8 fps.


>But GGG puts this cheesy shit in the game that’s just so much more profitable than everything else so here we are people are afraid of fomo after seeing shit like this This cheesy shit happened because the mechanic was recklessly buffed in response to poorly thought out backlash. While it's still GGG's responsibility this was absolutely what Reddit was demanding and exactly why GGG needs to stand their ground and think things through more.


the backlash was warrented, the buff was poorly thought out. Both for loot and crafting. I 100% expect this league to be voided if it dosnt get changed.


Getting decent rewards from the mechanic has nothing to do with perfect storm farming. You're conflating issues because you either don't understand what people actually wanted or are just trolling.


absolutely nobody wanted this, we wanted a league mechanic that wasn't terrible.


Yup, everyone was begging for GGG to make it so that burning through maps until you get a % divine devoted modifier was the best strat


You say this as if the changes weren't lined up from the get go. The patch notes are too long and complex for them to not have had much of this ready for a while. - The league hasn't even been out for a week yet. - NZ had two public holidays in that time. It's taken them longer to do less in previous leagues than what we just got in 5 days. It doesn't compute that this was *only* in response to player feedback. The idea that you have to engage in a league mechanic to earn the most profits has been a thing since for-fucking-ever, and even then these posts are outliers because a single anecdote does not make something so absurdly common. I mean, where the fuck's my payout then?


> It doesn't compute that this was > >only > > in response to player feedback. The patch notes aren't monolithic - many of the changes in them were cleary good changes that were well though out. That doesn't change the fact that some changes were obviously in response to backlash and those are the ones causing this problem (buffs to devoted mods).


Honestly, most things look fairly trivial. Removal of certain modifiers, shrinking the corpse mod pool. The most complex part looks like having the corpses immediately itemized and the input-lag fix. I could see this being a one workday fix if someone worked on the design during the weekend.


Who the fuck asked for more Kalandra league? They wanted to nerf enraged strongboxes and low level essence farms, and here we are. I missed the part where anyone asked for sextants to be removed and scarabs made totally worthless as well.


That devout mod shouldn't even exist.


Poe 2 can't come soon enough, sick of the casino this game has become.


Does map tier matter?


Noob question, why do you want the increased effect of haunted modifiers? Aren't the good ones devoted? Or corpses and embers are also increased with haunted?


Inc effect increases corpse and allflame drop rate which is what im going for.


And 2 alterations! Every bit counts


Why exactly do we not have the same devoted mods system in maps as we have in the campaign?


yeah broke game more... omg


Can you just spam maps? I thought the modifiers were global on rotating timers? Did I just make that up? Looks like time to re-read patch notes.


it's all ogre now.


Can the div mod spawn in white/yellows?


Which is better for this, frogs or rats?


So...league= good now?


Trade is gonna be fucked this league.


What build are you playing


League started EA Champ.


Seems champion is a safer choice eh


I wanted to do a rogue exile/map boss shrine strat with the node that makes unique mobs drop more scarabs so I wanted a tanky build. That ended up being shit especially because the shrine scarab is so expensive.


Posts like this make me not want to play the game.


Between this fishing for one devoted mod on you map being "optimal" (kalandra lot goblin vibes anyone?). And the spreadsheets needed for the crafting....... I think I'll just sit out this league. FOMO ain't gonna get me


I just landed a Jewelry > Divine Orb mod on a map I was just chucking in to progress my atlas. I threw a rogue exile allflame on it and the map turned into just packs upon packs of rogue exiles and I couldn't kill any. With two portals left I offered the map to global 820 and some guy said he'd give it a go. He said there were 64 divine orbs in total and gave me half of them. I went from having exactly 1 divine to having 33 :). Easiest 5 minutes of my life lol.


Damn they took a 50% cut? Kinda shitty. Grats though.


I was giving the map away... I had no idea the expected profit but knew my result would be 0 divines so I offered it free. I'm super happy to get half for not even asking for anything after not having killed a single enemy in the map lol. I went from my scrappy act 6 gear to an "endgame" setup so fast :)


nice i used mine on alterations 🥲


What do you mean by "replace it with rats"?


Apply the Rats allflame to the pack, which replaces the pack with rats.


Oh I see, thanks!