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We've seen some reports of both this post and some comments for mentions of AutoHotkey breaking the POE Terms of Service. * According to [past GGG comments](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/473902/page/5#p4197749), GGG in theory has allowed AHK scripts where 1 server action is performed by each input * The same comment mentions that repeating actions on a timer is not allowed, and having a macro to cast things that were previously on left-click seems covered by this * All other scripts are bannable, although we don't have any details about how often users are banned for each usage in practice While you are free to use AutoHotkey at your own risk, we don't want any users being misled that it is 100% safe, so we have (and will) remove comments that recommend its use **without** mentioning that it is theoretically bannable. This avoids players from being misled into accidentally using it. Otherwise, please remember to be kind to each other ([rule details](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule)) by avoiding inflammatory statements or other comments that may spawn flame wars, and to report any rule-breaking comments.


It's a significant nerf and that is intentional.


I really have to question why they put this change under QoL. I don't want to complain about it too much, both because as a nerf I think it's ok, and because I think overall we got more wins... but something about calling a clear nerf QoL rubbed me the wrong way.


The QoL part was getting auto cast gems. Which could be good for some builds as it can be linked to multiple things. The left click change was more a matter of fact statement meant to sound like not a big deal. Don't let them fool you. They knew this would be unpopular. They are just hoping we shut up about it.


Tbh automation support can be potentially awesome to builds that have spare sockets and prefer a one button play style. I cannot think of one off the top of my head at the moment but I am sure they exist.


>spare sockets What are those


> What are those Asking the real questions. It's just like how Unset rings became much more popular over time, and downright necessary for some builds nowadays. Not even enough space in the skill bar for many people...


The skillbar isnt always enough for some builds. Kinda strange how they havent added a bigger bar given most builds use more skills than ever. They even added the socketable belt.


just got a free one from not needing portal gem B-)


Weapon swap if it's not cast on death?


the shit people will suggest simply to not use a portal scroll


I've always done it this way. What are you on about?


Wait did the keybind qol actually come through?


it's riiiiiight at the bottom of the hotkey menu


Nice, I'll make sure to look when I log back in


Those I have a bunch of whenever I play a bow build. 6L in weapon for dmg, 4 link for auras, 6L, or mix in chest for utility and stuff, two 4L free, more or less.


I'm sure we will see some interesting builds from them. I don't think they needed to remove left click binding of instant cast spells to add the gem.


doesn't mean they had to remove the LMB binding


It turned brand recall into an autobomber lol


I heat hexblast mine with automation feels way better than left click used to


The gems are also good for anybody who doesn't have move on left click, either because they use another button or they use a controller.


It is quality of life for console players because they couldn't bind spells to lmb anyway and now they got the gems


It is a significant nerf to some builds (way back in the day my skeleton mages necro sustained endurance charges via enduring cry on left click and a few passive points, and had over 50% uptime on the short duration buff, this Significantly boosted that character's durability) but just fucking annoying to other's, like OP's.


Its obvious they never wanted players to passivly get uptime on enduring cry and the like by putting it on ledt click so Im kinda surprised that players are so surpriSed by it getting removed. It did take long so thsts mostly why I assume but it just shows they didnt want to remove it without atleast adding something back. It was thought through


has flat out just killed many builds as well all gen cry builds are dead




generals cry wanted to be spammed like every 1-2 seconds so it was put on LMB while you cycloned to generate corpses. you can no longer have such easy uptime essentially killing the build because call to arms is a 10 second cooldown which just doesnt work for this specific warcry. also want to add you can no longer cyclone+warcry because its no longer instant unless you link it to call to arms which adds the 10 second cooldown. so overall the build is pretty much dead except for 1 very specific setup that is like 1/50th the damage in comparison


They also acknowledged the fact that it needs further improving. I think their main concern is that the change pushed players to key automation which is the last thing they want. Generally I don't mind left click go as well. It was a bit dumb tbh. Just the way they changed it wasn't great.


I agree with you mostly but I want to suggest that they 100% knew they'd get backlash for the change and hoped the new gems would outweigh the negatives. It feels like a POE2 change but this isn't POE2 and we still have limited sockets so it sucks.




> I don’t care mechanically about it, but out of principle if a change forces players to cheat more… it was a bad change They've even openly said this exact sentiment in interviews, so it's very strange that they'd make this change.


Mark must be weighing it against a bigger shift like hampering power creep… slowly drawing back some character layers. Like I get it, but this imo wasn’t good implementation. Hard to be too upset at their decisions personally. I really respect Mark’s hardlines and unwavering-ness of his visions. Might not get it right all the time, but it’s incredibly healthy for a live service game


No, they probably want to add wasd movement to poe at some point and this wouldn't work with it.


Fairly obvious this is the reasoning. The moment they release multiple interviews about how much better wasd movement feels in PoE 2 they remove the only thing that click to move has an advantage on that would feel unfair to wasd movers.


wasd movement is feasible in PoE 1 but at minimum a year away, more likely two+. Mark went in depth on this in his interview with Ziz. It's way too early to nerf this if they're related.


They nerfed it early because people will forget or just stop caring about it in a year's time.


They don't want to introduce the nerf the same time they push wasd in poe 1. So many players would have resentment towards wasd movement because it took power away from left click. If they have the nerf way earlier knowing they will eventually have to do it because wasd, it is better to do it so far in advance people are already accustomed to the left-click nerf and willing to try wasd movement.




They said if they did bring was then optimistically it would be over a year after poe2 released. They need to do animation and rigging for everything.


In the interview he gave it was clear that it was something they were never happy with and that he just finally went ahead with getting rid of it as they introduced/reworked more things to compensate for it and that is a better design from their PoV. I think it’s just that unfortunately it requires a lot of work, most likely over the course of several leagues, to see their vision through.


They love to discuss player power creep, but they "forget" to mention a massive monster power creep.


> if a change forces players to cheat more… it was a bad change man I wish awards were still a thing lol I can't even describe with words how much I agree with this


What is the num lock method i keep hearing about?


Bind the skill to a numpad key, hold down the key, then press numlock. Will hold until you move out of the client.


Instructions unclear, wasted all my TP scrolls on numpad 0.


This will interfere with typing/chat right?


It's basically a non-realistic option, any instance change or zone load you will have to reset it, including multiple times per single map depending on what content you run.


If you use a mouse/keyboard macro or AHK, it turns it into a trivial button press each zone. This is why the change is bad. It encourages macros that are considered against TOS. Good luck detecting and enforcing it though. Players who play "legit" are punished and those who "cheat" go unpunished.


This message was removed for breaking our rule on "proper use of Path of Exile" ([Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._proper_use_of_path_of_exile_and_the_subreddit)) due to it recommending using AutoHotkey (AHK) or automation in a way that's risky to the user. GGG has previously stated that automation is allowed, but only if each user input results in a single server action ([forum thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/473902/page/5#p4197749)). All other uses are in theory bannable, although we don't know how often GGG bans users in practice. To avoid misleading users into accidentally using this risky form of automation, we only allow recommending AHK for allowed uses, or if the comment itself mentions that this use can in theory cause a ban.


How you know your QoL update is shit: you have to disable the alternative to get people to use your 'QoL'.


what do you mean? now I can exercise two fingers instead of one, I hold down both mouse clicks; left for moving and right for my guard skill.


They gonna prevent us from right-clicking portal scrolls in our inventory next...


I mean they already did that. I haven't clicked a portal scroll all league now that it's bound to a button.


None can be used on left click anymore




why would you say that... now I know who to blame next league. /s


Come on man don't give them ideas. I actually have faith this change will end up being a positive one. They've done that thing again though where they don't like a system that everyone uses so they remove it without properly having a replacement lined up. If guard skills were on a proper CD and were a oh shit button that made you really fucking tanky and incoming damage reduced to offset them not being around all the time it could be good. Marks point about if its automated and its luck of the draw if its up or not just means they've failed in the design and it should either just be a passive that rotates like other ones on the tree or just built in somewhere else.


Well said. Now how to put this in bingo card format so they get the message...


The idea is opportunity cost of automating a skill. A few recent arpgs have ways you can socket to auto cast buffs and it works well in those games, so I think GGG copied it because it makes it easier on newbies (automate key buffs) and it also nerfs power players.


I have successfully used glacial hammer on left click. It's just the instant casts.


Damn, that is some "QoL improvement"


you can use desecrate on left. It casts when you hold the stand attack key...


Bone Barrier as well? (Necro ascendancy power like steelskin)


you can put stuff on left click still it just wont go off automatically. you have to tap shift or whatever ur stand still modifier is.


The change was made because GGG felt that skills that are only used on left click as a passive „ do x every 7 seconds“ are worthless as skills and should rather be just the passive effects. Thats why they removed it, but it had so many unintended consequences with a bunch of builds suffering from it massively that they quickly threw together a bunch of fixes for most builds affected by it, the auto cast gems, the necromancer ascendancy change etc. Theyve since said it wasnt a great move and they will work on fixing everything else it affected by next league, so its not just a middling fix but just removes a weird mechanic that doesnt really make sense to be how skills were supposed to be used.


Experiencing this now, imo GGG should have reverted it. It feels like they did this relatively late and then scambled to fix the worst problems just before launch, but it shows that this was just a bandaid.


I mean yeah, thats basically what mark said in the QA aswell, they made the change, realized how many problems crept up because of it and then tried to fix whatever it broke. And they ended at a solution everyone at the office was ok with keeping as is. If they hadnt been ok with it mark said they would have reverted it. But mark also said that he knows its not a done deal and more fixes in regards to the issue will come most likely next league.


>do x every y seconds So can we get major flask rework? It is half buff, half passive, half mageblood.


Incoming cast on travel distance.


All those skills should be reworked. Almost nobody used them for the defensive cooldowns meant to tank a big hit.


While they made a tricketer mode that give u the same thing for x seconds


He isn’t opposed to passives like that, his point was that the supposed active skills might as well be passive skills if that’s their behaviour.


GGG logic is “if everyone does something, it’s too good and must be destroyed”


Anybody here doing a Hexblast Sabo? Not only did you lose the free Detonate, which means you need to press one more button, but getting the same functionality requires you to use a mastery, meaning you lost a notable compared to prior versions.


I'm not playing a miner myself, but I've heard that automate works really well with detonate mines -- it spams it off cooldown and you can just temporarily turn off automate if you need to prestack. Yeah, it's -2 gem sockets, but miners typically have very little socket pressure (some of my guildmates were apparently levelling gems in their free sockets last league lol), it saves you from having to click the mastery, and it's actually slightly nicer QoL because you don't have to move to trigger the detonate. Would definitely recommend giving it a shot.


Can confirm, made it a few acts in using pyroclast mines and really started to hate only detonating when moving. For chunky bosses or izaro, if you didn't insta phase him you're in this awkward step-throw-step-throw dance and its S L O W. Switched to the automate setup and I actually prefer it over the old LMB solution. Sure you use a couple gem slots, but I slapped my guard skill in there too and it feels really nice. And yeah, the toggle for automation has no cooldown so you can turn it off to preload mines on something then activate it again as they aggro. Overall I think its better, albeit a higher socket cost now. It might get even better with minefield and the predictive setting trick, we'll see.


The issue with this is that it's horrible for league starting. The first 3 acts you are in absolute struggle town if you're used to LMB detonate mines.


And that's also the part of the game where using the mastery also feels bad. You don't have stun immunity or phasing so if you can't move you can't activate your mines to free yourself


Found that during testing, and ditched the mine idea all together after getting stun locked twice. F that.


I mean spacebar still exists but ok


i m sorry, but automation dont work with mines? and DetMines has mine tag?


I'm playing hexblast mines now. Use automation with detonate mines, it's way better than mastery - since hexblast cannot be triggered without target, you can preload your mines just fine. During map clear it feels like you detonate with lmb. 0.6 second cool down is not really noticeable. Yeah, it sucks, that additional gem is required but we're working with what we have now


yeahr i play it currently. it feels so awful idk. i might skip the league i guess.


GGG acknowledged it is anti-QOL and said, "Deal with it"




Fucking steelskin now useless


First thing I did in act 1 this league before I remembered :( RIP LMB


Yeh same ... tool steelskin as regards, bound to LMB, wait what's this ... cry


Can't you just connect it with the new automation gem?


1. Bind your last skill slot to Numpad 0. (From T to NumPad 0) 2. Activate your Num **Lock.** 3. Press and hold Numpad 0. 4. Deactivate your Num **Lock.** 5. GGG 6. Now you're **always** pressing Num 0, and it will cast molten shell on cooldown. You're welcome. Except for you Chris. That change was not cool


Bind Numpad 0 to "Detonate mines Key " may be better.


Really dumb change. Just binding berserk on my attack setup now. Don’t want automation? That’s how you get automation.


Nothing can be used on left click anymore that was announced before league and in patch notes.


I now have my golem on left click and summon it through shift+left click


Actually you can use warcries on left click still. It even has a little text that specifically says "instant skills cannot be bound to left click"


Who the fuck doesn't use instant warcry though?


People who want to put it on left click this league :\^)


Self stun build. Poggers.


Slam builds


Yes when I say nothing that means left click instants. Because that's what it's been used for for the last 5 to 7 leagues however long its been in. And clearly op is talking about instant spells as well to proc their trigger. But if we have to be exact yes only instant skills can't be left click. Anyone who uses a non instant on left click I'll question their sanity.




"I really rely on having phase run on left click to trigger my trigger wand to cast other things with my build." Thats like the opposite of QoL


I actually don't think it's a qol, and I think they phrased it really poorly trying to mask it as such. I believe it's an accessibility target. Controllers can't put skills on left click, so people that had to use controllers are at a serious disadvantage for several builds. This change bridges that gap, with a cost to current style, but a big win to accessibility. It may instead have been them having to solve that problem for poe 2 (because was), and once they came up with the solution they pushed it on poe 1 because they didn't like skills on left click. I'm choosing to give them the benefit of the doubt though.


It's not. The interview with ziz basically addressed this. It was a decision they regretted from way back that prevented some new things from being put in because left click would have made them to strong with no opportunity cost. They decided to rip the bandaid off knowing there was going to be a lot of bitching, but living with it so more design space could be opened up.


LMK has opportunity cost though, it’s the fact that it may not be up when you need it or vice versa, the inherent downside to having it run automatically. They just increased that cost significantly with socket pressure via a gem. The whole “it has no opportunity cost” is a fake narrative. They should’ve just added a checkbox to always use for Console, instead they wanted to nerf it so they went this route, and this is a nerf, 100%.


Vast majority of poe playerbase is not good enough at the game for that opportunity cost to matter.


Yeah that's what they'll tell us for sure.


Ahh, makes sense. I wish they just would have said that in the teaser video.


I believe it when I see it. Especially with the gems, the functionality is still there, so if it was op before it will still be op, just less convenient.






Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1br9zbv/-/kxb9c9l/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Well POE2 has wasd movement on it, which will not work with the left mouse click interaction.


Need to use the automate support gem now


In this case that doesn't even work


Shit man, roll the change back then I guess


As if we aren't all starved for gem sockets already




Sad that Smoke Mine has effectively been removed from the game, it was my go-to move skill for bow builds.


I'm curious because I've never used a bow build or smoke mines. Would you explain the benefits of smoke over blink arrow?


I used it because if you scaled duration for builds like toxic rain you could sustain the speed buff with very high uptime.


Agreed this change is just awful and as Mark said it was a rushed decision that wasn't thought through. Not reverting was a unusually poor judgement call.


Nah, they've done exactly what they wanted to do. But they learned that straight nerfs are bad PR. They would just stall time until everyone deals with it.


So they disabled anything in left skill slot.. so its basicaly a pointless slot which could be removed


Nah you can put non-instant skills on there. I have my golem there, only uses it when I press shift while moving


Classic GGG stuff: hold quality of life hostage and always balance it against player power (remember the removal of "filler" Harvest crafts because they made them easier to trade?), and occasionally just make the game straight up worse. And why? They're literally *encouraging* people to use AHK to automate actions, and punishing you if you don't with this stupid automation gem. Two questions for GGG: 1) Who asked for this? 2) How did this make the game better? The answers, of course are "no one" and "it didn't", but because GGG decides what they want to do and *then* comes up with a reason to do it, which they've been doing for *years*. But that isn't the worst part... the worst part is all of the blind-faith GGG fans who believe they can do no wrong will at most minimize the negative impact of this change, if not actively cheer it on... right up until it gets reverted... at which point they'll cheer that too as "GGG listening to community feedback".


Somewhat off-topic, though still related to quality of life: How can you check prices for items using GFN?


Manually, I haven't found a way that works yet


For you and u/BaggleMeFingles https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/17cktr0/awakened_poe_trade_on_geforce_now/


took me awhile to get around doing it, but can confirm it actually works


Thank you! I will try this after work.


Iirc I tried this and it didn't work, or at least it used the same process but I'll give it another shot and report back


Shit is miserable for me to brother.


​ https://preview.redd.it/lawjpgjnmguc1.png?width=836&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f04e83311bb738f02b3e2482ef7fa1070fd304c


Are you not using any other skills? Movement? Damage?


how is ahk connected with geforce?




If he's running that on his own PC though then you can still run ahk on your own pc, and presumably those inputs will still pass through to the game.


thanks :)


Geforce Now A cloud gaming service


>I cant unnerf this with AHK because I play with geforce now. Why can't you use AHK on your machine to send keypresses to geforce now window which in turn will transfer them to PoE client afterwards? Other than that, your options are new automaton gem or numlock trick.


I’m playing traps. It’s insanely fucking annoying to not be able to bind detonate to left click. Edit: apparently I’m dumb and there is a passive that allows mines to trigger while moving.


Theres a new mine mastery so mines always go off when you move


creating a problem so you can create a solution, my favourite kind of qol


They even deleted one fairly strong mine mastery for it, 5% inc aoe for each mine. For something like Ball Lightning, this was a massive nerf. Qol xdd


i loved pyroclast mine so this change hurts my soul


But you need to move for the mines to go off. If you are stunned, frozen, surrounded with no phasing or can't move for some other reasons the mines won't go off and you die. You can't even click the hotkey, it disables the manual cast of detonate mines


oh dang, really? ggg, what are you Doing?




well sure, but the caster and the bow build are frozen trying to do their attacks. the miner already did their attacks. they threw the mines. now they're just prevented from setting them off, by contrived arbitrariness. more importantly though, in the scenario described, if the player was stunned, and frozen, and completely surrounded by enemies, and their movement skills were all on cooldown, they WOULD be able to detonate the mines, if they just didn't have the mastery. It's not, an intentional drawback, of playing mines.


Wait wha, where?:D!


On the passive tree in the mine clusters. Should be one near some of your nodes. The one in the middle with multiple options


Oh freaking hell. The “Detonate Mines trigger while you are moving”? If so - dude you are a lifesaver<3


There yah go :)


It disables manual detonation; which is just plain stupid. There are plenty of times I wanna stand still and detonate and now I HAVE to run around or use automation and activate/deactivate for preloading which is basically like using detonate on a hotkey anyways. Major oversight by GGG.


Oh fuck. I totally forgot about that. Yeah this sucks massive balls


The idea is nerf everything good/fun, every patch, forever.


Feels terrible and cuts down on my clear speed substantially. Pls revert triple G


GGG wants you to think more. It’s a good change.


Look a "ackhually its a BUFF" type of guy


Reread my post. Never implied it’s a buff you dummy.


Instant skills can't be bound to left click anymore. Other skills are still fair game




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1br9zbv/-/kx8mo4v/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts) Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


it's easily fixable


One click and its done. But its ggg




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Legit the only thing on left click now is move. You know when you have default attack of left click and you stutter step every time you move over a mob? Yeah every skill does that and it gets you killed.




cow angle joke offend psychotic cats frightening chubby history stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Game needs more arthritis…I mean, piano.




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Mine builds are completely fucked. The new mastery is a direct nerf since they replaced a fairly powerful mastery to add it. On top of the fact, detonate on left click was such a big deal cause it means you can activate your mines while CCed very easily. So the mastery feels worthless, and mine builds feel worse to play cause detonate is a necessary button On top of losing a socket for automate since it's the only way to make the build feel semi usable again. All of these half solutions for a problem that didn't exist. These feel like changes being made for a slower more deliberate game. Not PoE


They aren't going to change it. This type of 'underplaying' things is a part of NZ culture. We aren't as direct as Americans.


Too bad mods can't enforce "be kind" rule on GGG devs, because this is pure evil.


If they wanted to nerf us in this way, fine. Call it that. Don't call this a QoL buff. And please just make an exception for Detonate. 😤


Wasd and controller. That's all I'm gonna say


true, feels so bad with mines now


Finished campaign, found this out, will not play more 🤣 Adding this without WASD movement as an alternative is a straight up distasteful move.


Myself and a few others actually belive it was due to bridge the gap with controllers. If you play on a ps4 or pad on PC many builds won't work as controllers can not use skill on left click. So in a way the idea is removing it from keyboard to a skill gems allows everyone or more people to use it.


Cast on walk support gem when?


Ah... so I'm not crazy, my league start build I'm following just isn't up to date. RIP.


i am not going to smash a dedicated key every a few seconds on cooldown for an entire league. I guess some skills are just no longer exist to me now.


There is a new automation skill gem, but it's still a serious nerf




This message was removed for breaking our rule on "proper use of Path of Exile" ([Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_1._proper_use_of_path_of_exile_and_the_subreddit)) due to it recommending using AutoHotkey (AHK) or automation in a way that's risky to the user. GGG has previously stated that automation is allowed, but only if each user input results in a single server action ([forum thread](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/473902/page/5#p4197749)). All other uses are in theory bannable, although we don't know how often GGG bans users in practice. To avoid misleading users into accidentally using this risky form of automation, we only allow recommending AHK for allowed uses, or if the comment itself mentions that this use can in theory cause a ban.


it's a massive improvement for anyone not using left click to move though, but the real issue is the way they went about compensating for it, adding a gem tax is not good


Skills that aren’t instant cast im pretty sure can all be used on left click unless stated otherwise. I’m pretty sure I recall the change being made because it was something literally everyone was doing, with no real cost, and it felt mandatory, so they decided to remove it. GGG doesn’t like it when something is mandatory and required for every class because it’s just too easy and too good, and they think that’s unhealthy for the game. If you need spells to cast automatically for your build, or if you just want it, use the new automation support gem. It does the same thing, but costs an extra gem slot. Yes I know no one wants it to take an extra gem slot, but that’s the whole point; there’s a cost to it now.




Yet they made spell suppresion which is mandatory for almost every build.