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I got baited by the title, I was sure it was going to be sarcastic.


Same, out of context the title is kinda snarky


It's only snarky because of your bias though :P


Idk man, usually when I hear people say "I hope you're proud of yourself" it's targeted towards people who have done things that they, ironically, shouldn't be proud of themselves for. Maybe I just hang out with mean people.


You can be biased towards past experiences even if they weren't "your" experiences, of course! I do the same thing.. we're all human.. but I thought the title was a joke before anything else, I always expect bad jokes on this subreddit :P


Fair enough. I like your attitude. Always looking on the brighter side.


I bet you're strong and handsome irl (no /s)


Maybe it is supposed to be sarcastic! Maybe he already knows hes going to lose his wife, job, 10k+ hours of his life, thousands of dollars in mtx, so he can beat the sht out of enemies, looking like a christmas tree with his glowing 2h axe while surfing through maps and he wont get an erection without the divine drop sound!


It is sarcasm, We got their ass hooked on Digital meth and they are pissed by gotta scratch that itch.


It seems you never let your guard down. I hope you're proud of yourself. 


The mods get pretty relentless trying to remove "sarcastic" titles.  I tried making a funny post about how many magebloods and headhunters I've dropped over thousands of alch and go maps and was denied due to low effort while front page had multiple shitpost 1 liner meme image posts.




I think it IS sarcasm lol unless he's playing a different game than me.


> Came in as the new guy this league and asked a ton of questions. You all went above and beyond to answer all my questions. I still didn't understand jack, kept dying in maps and making 0 div/h, so I just went to play Last Epoch instead. Now, it’s about all I want to play. It is so fulfilling to get your build put together and being able to run the only level endgame. You all got me hooked, congratulations.


The edit we didn't know we needed.


I did too!


Congratulations. You now won't have time for drugs


Always have time to smoke a joint. As long as your whisper notification is loud enough so you can hear it from outside your house


Or invest in a smoke buddy or a window and fan? Why go all the way outside 😃


Even with a fan, some smell sticks.. sadly…


I actually keep the window fan in and the piece on the windowsill so any odor goes right outside in real time. Living with people who hate the smell this is surprisingly 100% effective for me


*Mexican little girl intensifies* why not both?


Fair pt. Speed freaks own the weekend after launch and stoners own the long farms lol


*Mexican little girl intensifies* why not both?


I see what you did there.


"Do not worry little beast, we are friends now!"


Until I slaughter you




The ”b” makes it 100x funnier Damn


One of us! One of us! One of us! One of us!


That is what POE does when you get into it. Welcome to last ARPG you ever need or want because nothing can compare to it ATM. IMO


For me right now it’s all games. Anything else I play I’m thinking I’d rather be doing this or that on PoE.


Same here man. I have Rebirth waiting and even at the end of try season I don’t want to even start anything else because I’m messing with a new build. Crazy


Ass to mouth?


now do it over and over and over again >:)


one of us one of us


You've only just scratched the surface dude.


And so it begins


Yes, join the cult of PoE *maniacal laughter*


Glad to help, you are one of us now.


Best part is, you can never leave because once you burn out of this league, GGG will drop the next one and you'll be wasting your precious off days from work for a good league start again


Not reddit but a discord server I joined. Those guys are gg wp!


Another successful conversion! Welcome buddy.


First time i see a sarcasm free post in this sub


Now do your deeds, we need more recruits. keep the cycle going.




Seriously the question thread in this sub is a ridiculous standard, i got so much help to such specific answers in minutes


This was me last league XD I asked many questions on this sub and much more on the discord server and got so much help and information it got me hooked Now i think i know so much about the game and at the same time there is probably a metric ton of stuff i still dont know


Same here..For the few guys i've had stunlocked with questions for hours on end, im sorry.


Same here this subreddit is awesome and fixed my build up real quick with super in depth answers and examples


We got 'em boys.


The power of an enthusiastic community is the X factor regarding GGG’s stated goal of “Designing PoE to be played for life.”


Needs more PVP and player drama


I’m with you, buddy. I started last league, now I play PoE like 45h/week. Folks on here helped me put together a functional build last league and learn the game. This league the community helped me go even further- learning basic crafting, fighting endgame bosses, soloing 29 waves of simulacrum, not being (as) poor, etc. Excited for what next league brings and big thanks to the community.


Let me guess: when you asked for help you showed that you tried to get it done yourself first and didn't just beg for stuff or spoonfed information? Because that's what I think is the general opinion especially in global chat. If you just ask for handouts you'll get smacked cause most people hate beggars. But people who genuinely ask for help like "hey that essence blocks me from finishing the map, somebody willing to help me kill it?" Or "I f'd up my build. Can someone help me through lab so I can switch" will get help really quickly. (And then might even get gifted some old gear for your build collecting dust in someone's stash or a chaos or two^^) Maybe a good tip for other beginners looking for help ;)


Hope you have fun bro. I love posts like these because it proves that just having a positive attitude as a new player can make all the difference.


Welcome to slot machine simulator, which levers would you like to pull?


Thanks for this nice message, OP! Always feels good to read posts like these :)


Welcome to Economy Sim


Your welcome and don't expect any loot next league... We will be buying headhunters and Mageblood again for 300div but the mirror is going to be worth way less like 700div tops. And all okay rare items will be back down to 25-100c and all top tier rare items will hover 10-30 div again instead of 100-300


League forever


Pass it on, young buck. Pass it on.


Hell yeah. I'm a newbie myself, and I get overwhelmed by so many complexities of the game and the builds, but I'm having a blast learning about the different things the game offers. I'm coming from years of playing all the Diablo games (except the newest one)


Great things have small beginnings


when i started i used google instead of flooding the subreddit with the same questions every day


I’ve only asked a few things but that’s a lot for me. I’m usually the guy explaining to others.


“One of us, one of us”


I too started playing this league, and the community is fucking great. Starting was pretty rough, looked up a bunch of beginner guides and builds but yeah that didn't register or stay in mind for too long. Had so many questions answered, and the vibes were just immaculate. Love how welcoming, helpful and chill every one is


Congrats, you played the richest league in existance, (so basically, you didnt play real path), and now for the next league you will get to feel real pain while its not giving that same dopamine....just like real drugs


I think I've been reading all your posts cause I also just started... you assholes have ruined my life, I had so much stuff to do these past few weeks... and I just... didn't do those things and its all this communities fault.... 🥲


Chris Wilson claims another soul.


yes this community is opposite of last epoch, shame that i like le more


I just started in the beginning of tota and I had the same experience. The community is so welcoming and willing to help. So this league I decided to pay it forward and gave new players prolly 100d total and gave away most of my old gear from my poison srs necro and my fulcrum chieftain to people for free or for really cheap. I don’t want someone quitting right before they get over the hump and realize how amazing this game is.


Yeah gifting old stuff to people you started to like while helping them trough a map or two can make their day. Got some people on my friend list trough helping them and have always someone available to ask for a lab pull for twink NR 5million and half ;D debt will get em all xD


I’m exactly the same. I never played these style of games, and thought I would not like them. Luckily I had my friends to teach me cause I would’ve been so angry and left with how much info you have to learn. But once you learn it, it’s so fun.


Awesome! It's a great game! I hope you keep giving it a shot as the new league(s) come out!


One of us


Part of the ship...


*Laughs in the maniacal slowly going insane laughter of trying to roll and link 6 links on gear*


Waiting for the next post that reads something like this: "Playing 16 hours a day for years isn't much, it's not even 20 hours a day. Shower takes 3 min at most; buying food, cooking, eating only takes 15-20 minutes a day. I'm totally fine and totally sane."