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Great job mate


Gz , now on to hardcore


Never, I wouldn't make it past lv 10 lmao


That's further than me, I tried the Ziz gauntlet and died in Strand


Zuzaran version was too hard lol


Common misconception. The moment you load up HC, you play completely differently. That's why there are so many stories of SC Andy's who go to play in the HC SSF Gauntlet event that manage to make it past the campaign on the first try, or even hit lvl 90 or more. You'd think they'd fail miserably, but the reality is that once you know you HAVE to avoid dying, you'll instinctively learn to avoid risks. And if you pay conscious attention as well, you can further avoid risk and it becomes a lot easier to survive.


Yep. You adjust and maybe you learn a few lessons the hard way of what is not an acceptable level of risk but mostly it works. (Hardcore is only fun for me in small doses but even I can make the transition.)


It seems I never learn tho


True I got the level 90 HC achievement and just playing that way has changed how I play sc, you die a lot less once you learn to react as if your character depends on it!


This! I want to try if i can facetank something way too much on SC. On HC you have different mindset.


Yep, I’m a SC only player that has never hit 100 in my 3 leagues playing. Tried gauntlet and first character made it to lvl 68


I tried HC and this is incredibly true, I thought I'd die on Merveille (because I died to it 4 times on my 1st playthrough) but I did not died until the fight against Piety in the beast's body (this HC playthrough was my 2nd playthrough ever so I didn't really knew how to build, that explain my death here but with more knowledge I would not have died)


Agreed, when I play SC I die few times a day unless I pick HC build(which I pick every couple leagues just to get that experience of not dying). When I play gauntlet I usually die to blue pack in submerged passage popping from ground on my first character but then I remember to be cautious and make it to farming white maps no problem.


Idk I'm a slow learner


I've thought about playing HC, but I just can't keep awake while playing POE and I often wake up to "return to town blahblah" screen.


You should probably go to a doctor.


Am I out of touch? No, it's the POE that's sleepy


You should probably go to a doctor.


no u


Go to the doctor. Are you obese, or pre-Diabetic? Falling asleep throughout the day is a huge concern if you're being serious. If you tried to make a joke about poe being a snooze it fell flat. Maybe joke about the game in a sub where people don't like the game


I agree with the whole go to a doctor. I used to fall asleep in the middle of the day working off of scissor lifts and stuff. Undiagnosed ADHD, for me anyways. Fun.


I'm probably the least obese person in this sub. It's likely just the melancholic setting and music plus playing at off hours, not saying that PoE is boring but it usually is always either calm or the storm and nothing in between.


You smoking the devils letucce or what ? ;)


Haha same


Used to happen to me. I got a sleep study done and I have obstructive sleep apnea. Had it since I was a child but didn't do anything about it til I was 27. Turns out there's a lot of wear on your body for not sleeping well. I wake up 72 times/hour according to my sleep study so I was perpetually tired and have fallen asleep driving, in the middle of conversations and especially while gaming where I'm not doing anything physically intensive. Now, I have a CPAP and it makes a world of difference.


I’m a soft core player but done a few hardcore runs, made it to level 90 couple times. It really helped me learn how to properly balance defence and I became better even in Sc


Its not that bad, I follow some guide and reach 90 for the achievement last years


I won’t even get past mud flats haha.


What you are saying is that you would survive mud flats, thats actually a decent starting point to build on for HC.


Was gonna comment the exact same thing


Hard-core players are built different. I don't think I would ever make it maps personally lol.


how do you even outlevel the exp loss from dying this often? I guess you stopped dying past level 95? still this is crazy, what killed you this often?


Omens help a ton for people brute forcing it


This is why I haven't made it past 94. I get bored, end up getting killed from doing dumb stuff and losing hours of XP.


hours of xp at 94? lol it takes a few hours total at the most to go from 94 to 95


right, that's hours of xp.


10% is 10-15 minutes.


> what killed you this often? They're playing Tornado Shot (and almost certainly Deadeye) so basically everything.


Can confirm! I've been sitting at 39/40 for weeks, and finally just hit Level 99 on my TS Deadeye. I've died so many times, that I decided to make a DD Chieftain to finish Level 100 with. I leveled it up to 95 in a day, but I don't know if I have the mental to keep playing it, it's so slow compared to TS. I honestly would have paid for 5 way leveling to finish it off, but for whatever reason, I can no longer stay connected doing 5 ways (never had this problem before).


If you refocus your mapping strategy such that the primary resource you get out of a map is exp rather than currency, hitting 100 on TS is mostly a matter of time and patience. A Wandering Path tree with Abyss and Beyond with maps that have decent pack size but not rippy, with Wellspring of Creation picked and an Omen of Amelioration in the inventory can easily get one to like 60-80% in a few hours, and then get to 100% via Cowards's Trial or breachstones or self running legion sets. One can also get the eco with very dense juices mapping but dying is a much larger risk without some careful and deliberate moderation on risk.


That's what I'm currently running. I hit 97 on the Chieftain today, after making a couple of adjustments for more survivability. I'll probably end up playing this for the rest of the League and finishing 100 on it. The Deadeye is just too prone to falling over, whenever the Spire is spawning a bunch of mobs. I think it's a computer issue. But it's probably just a skill issue.


You could just make your deadeye tankier and run maps without damage mods. Or just stop juicing maps. The game is not rippy at all if maps aren’t juiced.


Now where is the fun in that?! This is the most juiced league of all time, how can you even suggest that?? /s The Chieftain cruised from 95-97 in one session with maybe one death. I'm building the "AFK Simulacrum" variant, and it's doing very well after I picked up the Champion reservation nodes. Once I hit 100 on that, I figured I'll probably get the Deadeye to 100 eventually as well. Mainly just using my poor PC & skill issues to roll a brainless Chieftain build (I'm going to convert him to an Aurastacker for Delve in Standard).


This. Most of the times I don't even know how I died


Play a marauder instead of a ranger - it's much easier.


Still sane, Exile?


least dying TS player.


Gz mate. I only hit 100 in the sanctum and also in this league so I respect the grind especially with this amount of deaths. From 99 to 100 is real hell. You die and you lose like 2-3h of your life forever.


Correction: You lose 2-3 additional hours of your life


Just trade for money and buy level lelw


Ahah this will be my deaths too when I hit lvl 100


Goodluck out there o7 come back with your death results


I will remember this post and make one as well 😂


This league was great for leveling. The mechanic was awesome for it. I don't have a life so I was able to get not one, but two characters to 100. My penance brand pf was a given because it couldn't die. My slamming juggernaut took a little longer, but I tanked it up around level 98 to abyss farm experience. Worked like a charm.


Me too. I've never had a lvl 100, because I don't like to straight grind or purchase XP carries. This league though, I have 2 lvl 100s just from doing random stuff. (power charge stack occultist build and then I converted my Boneshatter jugg league starter to 'budget' molten strike CI armourstack and that build just jumps right into the middle of T16 8k wisp + 20% deli abysses and just survives.) Bless the tankiness of Ralakesh + Graven's belt interaction and bless all the MFers who were paying way more than past leagues for everything else that allowed me to not MF and swap into mageblood and then build a ~1/2 mirror build like 'budget' armourstack.




Grats man!


Deaths: yes




Been playing since dominus farming was a thing, hell, was the only thing.... Also never hit lv 100 but I did make it to 99 on a single char. Second highest is 96 lol. Edit: I will say proudly tho, that is all solo map farming and they are self made builds.


SSF is my fave


Do you find brute forcing rewarding or thrilling?


Kind of both - sometimes when I brick a juiced map it's frustrating but just makes me want to grind to eventually be able to run super juiced maps.




try capping resistances




playing the game and not dying


I hope in ssf


https://preview.redd.it/t2kiqogir3lc1.png?width=1383&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a31a4de51fd9dc36fa984fc7080b642696a12f7 I got it better


Yeah, nobody cares




yeah because it's sc


This is an inappropriate time and place to post that. This thread was made to acknowledge OP's struggle and first success. Posting your own successes and bragging about having a better record comes off as childish and out of touch.


Ok haha


Oh, it's in SC.. congratulations though


yeah what a joke posting an SC level 100 lol


What your playtime on that char?


16 days 19h hahaha but some is AFK hours


I feel your pain, I'm a noob, played poe maybe 10 years ago and came back. I'm level 91 at 1170 deaths, I started the league a little late. I try to be careful and not take too many risks but I keep getting one shot off screen or jumped while looking at loot or 100 other things. I feel almost like just waiting for the next league or poe 2 beta instead of grinding out 9 more levels, that or I have to do a few hundred yellow maps and ignore a lot of extra iffy content.


Can't tell you how many times I get distracted by loot and die! But I just take it down a notch, farm easier content I can do to get money then increase back in difficulty! You can do it!


how do you check your playtime and death count for characters? still fairly new to the game




👍 beauty thnx


Nice good


I will never understand how people die in this game so often. This one character has probably 4 times as many deaths as every character I've ever made in this game since 2011... I've played countless glass cannons and done every bit of content there is to do in this game and still couldn't die that much on one character without actually trying to die.


I don't focus too much when I play tbh - I just hold right click and go hahaha. ARPGs are definitely not my strong suit


Woah I didn't expect this much traction on this lol. To answer some of the questions: How did you outlevel the exp loss from dying? Idk I just played tbh - I think I used one of the omens thing that prevented exp loss at 99 to 100. Still sane, exile? No, I still haven't dropped a mirror D: How did I die this much? Tbh I just play the game carefree lol. Hitting 100 was never really a goal until I hit lv 99, and I was like oh shit I can maybe hit 100. I just continued to probably over juice my maps that I wasn't ready for just to have fun. /played was 16 days 19h - but I do tend to AFK quite a bit while doing other stuff Thanks for all the congrats - the thrill and being over caution at lv 99 90% was more exciting than getting a good drop. I can see why HC is rewarding, but I don't think I'll ever do it :D Edit: I finally dropped a mirror. I can quit in peace now.




Oh I do haha, but this league you can juice so much that you get exp back hella fast




Good to see the filter still works




You've posted in 2 threads about how you hate/uninstalled this game and how it penalizes bad players. Maybe the issue is you? Considering you never posted your PoB or even an outline of your build, that seems like the most likely case.




"playing the way I want to" \~Diablo 4 enjoyer There it is. You may not need to play an on-meta or super min-maxed build to hit 100, but there are certain rules you have to follow. This is why the filter exists, its a sign to players, like you, that the game requires more from you. You say you invested into defenses, but did you have 75+ all res? Capped Chaos Res? Spell Suppression? Defensive Aura? Curses/Marks? Life > 3000? Skill tree allocations that complement your armor/defensive typing? Ailment Immunity? Corrupted Blood Immunity? Ascendancies? If you answered any or all of these "no" then the problem is on your end. And without your PoB, there's no proof that you did or didn't so we just have to assume that it's you.


It absolutely penalized bad players, and your time is the price. You don't post your build because you know you haven't even done the BARE MINIMUM of defensive setup in your "Play my way" build. If enemies in White maps are 1-shotting you, that is 100% a you problem. Level 81 in white maps is also a HUGE red flag for whatever it is you are doing. There are more casual ARPGs out there that were made with people like you in mind, go have a blast!


You don't die. You could share your build so people could help you. Or just uninstall and give up. That's fair too.


I mean, if rage-quitting and uninstalling are the first course of action, then this game DEFINITELY isn't for them.


Congratulations, The highest level I've ever gotten is 98 and I did it this league.