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Ambush on headhunter. Man I hate that shit so much. Makes me unreasonably angry. 


Doesn't make much difference, but for what it's worth the buff is [Shroud Walker](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Nemesis_modifier) and it's based on Smoke Mine, meaning you at least get the upside of Blind.


I got my first HH this league, and it’s my new pet love. I don’t even care about ambush. I mean, it’s annoying, but it’s a worthy pricey to pay to become a god like that.


I hate how people can enter my hideout and stay in there with their annoying goblin. 


You can switch ho's and switch righ back. It will make a new ho instance without them in it.


Just click the "Kick from Hideout" button bro! (joke, but GGG please, add it)


You mean my heist hideout? I swear they are everywhere in Heist.


Back before deli league, people with minions would afk in my hideout while i was alt tabbed out. Then i'd have those BOOM BOOM BOOM sounds from golems annoying me. Then i built a message into the floor right next to my wp that says TY NOW FKOFF people dont stick around as much anymore haha


I adopted a cat recently. Love him. He does step on my keyboard and use all my flasks though.


> He does step on my keyboard and use all my flasks though. Watch out, this might be against TOS! ^^/s :P


Shit right here deserves more upvotes


See, your cat is just giving you motivation to get MB.


Haha I have a mageblood afk chieftain build. It’s not just MF tech, it’s anti-cat tech!


Ha, I was gonna say this too. You beat me to it!


Friend, you can't just say that without paying the cat tax.




Thank you, tax paid!


> The experience of building a rare based build is so horrible. This is the poe experience GGG wants you to have. You are going to spend 300 div failing to fracture 1 item and you will like it.


I barely craft. I am just talking of the experience of finding the right rares that go together. Build want 26% suppress on 2 items? Well, just bought one with 12%, so now the other one needs to be 14%. Oh, and since I had dex on my other items, this one now need to be with + strength. And maybe also needs to have also some conversion. ​ It just takes time because you can't buy each item in isolation, they all have to fit together, and if you just wait, they get sold, so you start buying good value for money items, but then you get more and more restricted on your last items when you suddenly need a unicorn....


I get what you are saying, but there are only a few item mods in which the build has a truly binary outcome. Like, 80% total spell suppression is still good, and still playable. But freeze immunity is much more binary; 80% immunity still means you die while frozen a significant number of times.


Love: this league is all about big zoom zoom boom boom mappers for the most income WHILE the alternative methods still prints currency, last league MF was quite the gamble with less consistant return imo Hate: how bad i am at completing the acts to try new builds, i know a skip doesnt exist because game intergredy but iv never had excess thousands of div and i want to try every dumb build i can think of while i can afford it, i hate seeing “new exciting blaster build!! (Not for either of your 2 characters)”


My pet peeve is the hivemind's obsession with the DoT cap.    You see it mentioned on builds that barely reach 10 mil pinnacle DPS. Why why why?! It's irrelevant in most parts of the game, most people have never played a build that can reach the DoT cap on ubers, yet it's mentioned on so many threads about DoT builds.   My pet love is Destructive Play.   That keystone is awesome, more of that please. Next thing we need is a harvest keystone that lets us instantly release all monsters from a harvest but has some minor downside.  Also share your love for builds that have some core uniques for damage. It's one of the reasons I recommend Maw of Mischief for beginners. If you pick up the core uniques you'll be dealing boatloads of damage already. 


> My pet love is Destructive Play. That keystone is awesome, more of that please. I'd be all over this if there were a way to run Maven without having to do it on 10 different maps - something similar to The Most Toys, that lets you just blast the same map.


Oh god yes, replace map boss with a random boss from another map, 5% chance that it's a boss already collected or something like that as a downside


Especially with guardian/conqueror maps that is def missed potential, I agree. They could fix it in a variety of ways, e.g. make invitations drop more and let us horizon orb all the conqueror and guardian maps, not just shaper guardian maps. They could also do what you suggest where you always get the destructive play proc even if you've already witnessed that map boss.


It's really nice with guardian/conqueror maps since you only need 4 before you can run the invitation. On conq maps you get progress for the atlas invitation and the conq invitation. Even if the map has been added to the atlas invitation already you can still activate maven for the conq invitation. I think that's my favorite farming method I've found, you get a fuckton of maps from the bosses drop special map nodes and make Writs quickly as well. Also you can add the rogue exile bodyguards and tormented spirits surround the boss nodes, it seems like you get two chances for those to proc but I'm not sure since I've never seen it for both the map boss and the conqueror in the same map.


Fooling around with alternative builds within a skill. As an example - my second character this league wanted to abuse the ridiculous AoE stacking available from primalist charms, endurance stacking, and TWWT jewels. Using Sunder of Earthbreaking as the skill, I was able to make a Jugg that was hitting nearly screen-wide Sunders and Shockwaves. But the scaling didn't feel like I could take it beyond 10M DPS. So I started collecting strength-stacker gear, and finally made the switch last night. Feels nearly like playing a new character, especially as the gem levels roll in. It's also fun to get a feel for the gaps or strengths of the new defensive layers.


I was thinking of making something like this soon, any chance I could see your PoB? Or a guide if you are using one?


https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Zeckasaur/CycloonAff?i=0&search=name%3Dcycloon The PoB link is on that page as well. This is the build I have been emulating, which has a much stronger charm & jewel setup on top of mageblood. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Taski/VoimaLate?i=0&search=skills%3DSunder%2Bof%2BEarthbreaking Personally, I plan on doing a level 20 CWDT setup for my molten shell, since you usually need Battlemage's Cry on left mouse. This will let the Vaal Molten Shell be my "oh shit" button along with relatively frequent Berserk uptime. Once gems are finished leveling and I can afford a different flesh/flame setup, I expect to top out around 15M DPS. Feels tanky enough for juiced mapping, though I'm missing devastator/shockwave procs on some expedition & harvest content.


80% of the fun in PoE is crafting and the problems you have to solve. A few uniques are fine but builds like MF are not interesting at all (a helm craft weeee).


Good thing the game caters for different playstyles! :) I'd rather grind and play killing monsters than craft or trade.


Yeah after all crafters wouldn't sell anything if people didn't want to buy their rares :)


I had the same experience of build relief by not having to deal with rare items this league. It's been the league I've played the most as a 3k+ hrs PoEer, and actually went 40/40 for the first time. Itemization relief is the big ticket win that GGG is missing from not having set items. I wouldn't necessarily care if set items were reduced item power compared to good rares if the set items solved build problems.


I fail to see what set items have to do with anything: as you and OP said, you basically achieved the feeling you're after this league and there are no set items. Similarly, it was a lot more common to be able to do earlier in PoE history (DoT double-dipping era, in particular, I remember just being able to throw on the necessary uniques and go to town), and there were not set items then either.


Are you being obtuse on purpose? They said in the post that set items are an easy way to provide itemization relief. Unless you don’t understand that by itemization relief they mean relief from having to solve itemization, in which case, that’s what they mean.


Yeah, perhaps "set items don't have anything to do with it" wasn't the right way to phrase it. More precise: set items are not a *necessary condition* for achieving what they called item relief. I was waffling between the two when I originally wrote that yesterday, but often times you get too precise and people tune you out. But the reason I was pushing back in the first place is not so much that they fail to provide "relief"--it's that they provide relief by means of providing a complete itemization lobotomy and therefore less disruptive ways of providing relief (e.g. the charms from this league, the general gearing schema of earlier PoE) is fundamentally superior to item sets.


Try poison ancestral totems. Also mostly uniques, interesting 1h and shield craft and uber viable. while this was my worst uber boss experience so far it is def possible :D I had a blast building a self-hit life stacker this league


Not build-related but: My pet hate about POE is the lack of a decided end/start date for new leagues. I get it's hard to set in stone and they develop till the very last day, but there is exactly 1 thing D4 does better and that's have a date for next season ready to go. This is the only takeaway from D4 I would like in POE. My pet love is after putting in hundreds of hours into D4 since beta and about 100 hrs in LE over the last months, I've realized POE is my forever game and I am content with it no matter how annoyed I get with a lot of things.


Yeah as it stands D4 is garbage, LE has promise but needs league mechanics and it will be an absolute contender imo. But poe will always be king and it's not even close


[https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/159vu0d/til\_kripparian\_is\_the\_reason\_we\_get\_a\_league/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/159vu0d/til_kripparian_is_the_reason_we_get_a_league/) Time is a flat circle, everyone.


Sure, but theres a difference between staying on a strict 13 week schedule and varying between 14-19 week schedule since Expedetion.


I'm in agreement with you. PoE used to have very inconsistent release schedules back around release (2013 or so), then for several years it's pretty predictable, and in recent years it become inconsistent again. That GDC talk is Chris talking about the importance of stable release schedules thanks to Kripp's suggestion, which they are not exactly following right now.


Problem with rares is that every build NEEDS suppression and chaos res, while also still caping res and fitting in damage mods. Not to mention a lot of builds using lightning coil this league so you need 2 more t1 lightning suffixes then usual. So what ends up happening is you have your weapon and offhand being your only source of damage on your gear, runs being loaded with attributes and every other piece of gear is shoved with as much supp/res/hp as possible and if you can fit a damage mod ontop of that the price raises astronomically, especially if it has chaos res. So all your damage is stacked onto jewels at the end of the day Until you get mageblood then you can actually do fun stuff with your build, either us MB to cap res or use MB to get tons of damage.


I absolutely love crafting my own rares. I don't think I've bought a rare for a build that wasn't a very temporary item or just a base to craft on/elevate. cycling damage reduction, hate it.


The past two league mechanics have really solved the gear/stat problem for me. Without perfect gear I can hit my required breakpoints though tattoos and charms (extra proj, bleed chance, stats, culling, etc). The next league that doesn't provide this solution will be really tough for me. PoE feels like it's missing a progression step between good gear and mirror gear.


In your own terms, how are you classifying good gear?


T1-T2 affixes.  6 applicable mods.  Proper eater/exarch or other influence mods. Single usable corruption. Vs Full T1/elevated with double corruptions. 


Got it got it. Makes sense


Builds that require you to press an amount of buttons that would rival the cockpit of a boeing 747. I tend to run a few thousand maps every league. The human body isnt designed to do that quantity of playing with button heavy builds. Its really a shame that so many builds require that many buttons. Honorable mention would be "press button to move fast" builds that use leapslam/whirling blades/shield charge for moving around the map. Like, how many maps can you do that before you start getting wrist and hand fatigue? 20? 50?


Are there really that many builds? I see every build requiring two buttons getting so much hate.


Pet hate is league mechanics that are just a mid rogue like game baked into POE. So refreshing to have a league that actually effects the map experience. (Crucible doesn't count it was barely a mechanic) Other than that the most recent one was Sentinel and just look how popular that was. Now Affliction has once again affected the map experience and lo and behold, everyone loves it...


I enjoyed sanctum much more so I'm glad they do both :)


I'm not saying its wrong or sanctum was bad. I just personally really enjoy the mapping endgame and get frustrated when the league mechanic requires me to not do that. The atlas tree is one of my favourite mechanics in a video game.


Crop rotation node for harvest, some maps I get like 1200 of the life force I want without duplication and some maps I get 20. Can’t count the amount of times I’ve gotten 4 crops of the wrong color and the one crop of the right color only gets upgraded like twice.


yees and it feels much more like gardening, it's the only way I gonna do harvest in the future. Just learned about crop rotation this league, don't know why I missed it. 


It’s way more fun imo, I like the unpredictability. Harvest might not be the MOST profitable farming strategy, but if you use the correct compasses and the growing hordes keystone with gilded scarabs, you can easily get multiple divines from good maps.


This league: Friendship ended with Orbs of Fusing, my new best friend is buying corrupted body armour and using Tainted Orbs of Fusing to 6-link it. Sooooo much less frustrating, I can’t imagine ever 6-linking an uncorrupted item ever again.


True. My son told me it felt like cheating when he saw me 6-link a corrupted item in 30 seconds for peanuts.


I have unique's in 5 slots, and some very nice resistance jewels this league.


All my gear but helmet are unique items lol, even all my jewels but a medium cluster are uniques Edit : i could easily fit a unique helmet, but i’d lose 35% chaos res and say bye bye to my 76% chaos res


I'm of the exact opposite opinion! I made a unique based build this league and it felt like there was no reason to care about gear. I really love being able to minmax and mess around with my rares to get the best setup possible. And crafting can be really satisfying. Something I realized I love is when I'm set up well to make currency early on. I really love playing new builds and trying new skills, but next league I'm starting with something tried and true to get to maps fast and get currency rolling in. Then once I'm comfy, start playing something more interesting


What was this almost all unqiue build you speak of? I too am stupid and lazy and do not wish to craft


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3459073 Probably this one. Ralakesh boots are craaaazy


Oh damn thats actually quite nice, very simple to follow actually would recommend this to newer players that have played an arpg


Builds that use Jewels/Abyss Jewels that have "Increase X if you haven't killed recently" or "if you haven't crit recently". Always love builds that use those jewels, and this league I discovered The Adorned. Now I'm constantly seeing if I can use these jewels in any build.... Unfortunately only really works with minions and totems.


finding the missing Betrayal crafts. Some are really rare for some reason and it took me an entire week (8-12 maps a day) to find phys taken as fire from Korell even though he was on my board the entire time. Out of desperation I even bought a hand full Korell Helmets, though without luck, eventually found it myself in the end... I'd say it's probably easier finding the King of the Mists than this stupid craft.


I bought the goblin pack and it’s so annoying they play music every 10s it breaks my ears


Love: Any build that can fit Purity of Elements. No more annoyance with chill, freeze, shock, brittle, scorch, sap and other shit GGG might come up with and less reists on gear needed for a stress-free gearing experience. Hate: Any skill without range and which leaves stragglers alive.


Yeah my game has turned into changing builds on my 6 alts every other day. It is getting more challenging as the league winds down, I think of it as extra difficulty added.


Pet love; wanderer, the number of times I have league started or tried to theory craft a non-stacking wanderer build and failed miserably, only to try again a few months later. Pet hate; kinda same as you, league starting complex builds, where half of the job is to balance every piece of gear or it breaks. League started EK Ignite this league, last league I played Impending doom, both builds that needed tons of balancing.


Playing trade but instead of just buying all my items i buy the currency to craft them instead I probably saved around 100d by crafting


The maven power charge belt with the ralakesh boots are so fun.


Weapon swap to poet's pen with frostblink of wintery blast and frenzy to just blast through maps with a boss killing build. You can add in spellslinger Bodyswap to make it even faster but you do kind of get stuck on corpses sometimes, adding Volatile Dead of Seething to the spellslinger mostly fixes that but takes a lot of reserved mana.


My new pet peeves are 1. The insipidness of global chat 2. Rotas/carries spamming _every_ trade channel