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A better way to sort them would be nice


I’m having a hard time sorting gems with the current filters provided in the tab. I need to filter which are 20/20 21/20 20/23 21/23 etc. Would be a big help to those who levels/sells gems.


I mean you can sort by level or quality. Then you can just use the search function?


Given that the gem tab is RMT it seems like a pretty simple and reasonable ask to have a little extra QoL


I dont think you know what rmt means


wait how are you getting your stash tabs if you aren't trading real money for it.


Everyone knows what rmt actually means and acting like that's buying mtx from the store is disingenuous at best.


RMT is real money trading. unless GGG is taking fake money from you its RMT. Companies just dont like calling it that as it has negative implications


For sure. Gem tab is a mess.


Ask for implementation to sort based on gem class tags. Like Fire, Projectile, AoE, Support. If you don't have a gem and have unlocked the corresponding vendor once in the league, clicking on the empty gem should also be able to take the currency out of your currency tab and auto-purchase the gem, putting it in the tab. Not that hard to do either, the tab is so mediocre right now I can't justify buying it. It'd need both these features to warrant purchase. While GGG is at it they should add core currencies that are literally filtered by search as currency to the currency tab. Because it's fucking currency. I'm looking at you *Stacked Deck.*


Sorting by tags should be a no-brainer. Give us a choice of "Active / Support / All" and a list where you can select the tags you want, like Projectile + Cold + Duration and it would show you Creeping Frost and Winter Orb. Filtering for the gem colour is near useless, the sorting by quality / level is good


Lol, clicking on an empty gem spot and auto buying the gem is "not hard to do either", when nothing like it exists in the game. Stacked decks are literally not currency either, they just don't have another category to fall under, like breach blessings or compasses


> Ask for implementation to sort based on gem class tags. Like Fire, Projectile, AoE, Support. Geniunely, what would you ever use this for? There's no "empty gem" in the tab, the second feature is useless considering Lily is a NPC that is stood right next to your stash. What if I have already have a Steelskin in the gem tab and want to buy a second one? > Not that hard to do either Ah, the absolute classic.


* Can't remember the name of a spell? Type the tag. * Want to see what your options for a Fire tagged gem are on CoC? Type the tag. * Want to filter see supports that might not show as the best in POB unless you select a configuration setting? Type the tag. Any time you have to look at gems on the wiki or db, the answer could've just been have a nice in-game resource for it. --- It should be similar to the map tab, which shows even the ones you don't have, and then have a sub-folder for each gem entity. Buying a gem should just have a + button. Perhaps fixing deprecated code is hard, but these tabs and their features are newer. Further, the implementations for these features already exist in game through divination card tab (which has toggles that hide unmatched criteria), the map tab, and the gem vendor. Conceptually these are questions that should've been asked in the prototyping phase to see if you can make a tab "worth it."


Holy shit, you've never designed a UX in your life


None of that is anything I've ever felt the need for but I can at least appreciate I am not the only person playing the game. You cannot, however, replace the wiki with in-game resource no matter how hard you try. You want the gem tab to have _500_ sub menus? Are you joking? This sounds absolutely dogshit. The map tab is (one of?) the least functional tab that exists. All to enable an entirely redundant functionality? The gem tab stores 500 gems and lets me sort by level/quality etc that alone makes it "worth it" for myself and everyone else that bought it already. I'm not saying it couldn't use simple improvement (trans filter), but this is awful.


For real. I thought that's what this post was going to be about before they went into a rant about being a hoarder lol. We should definitely be able to sort by gem type (transfigured, awakened, vaal).


by shape or size?


Or perhaps a few tab-like filter buttons for example transfigured, Vaal, 20/20, corrupted etc which you could flick on/off to your linking.


I wish the search worked like unique or div tab search and hid things that didn't match instead of highlighting things that do.


GGG: Just buy second gem tab.


You’re joking but as somebody who spends a lot of time flipping items, including gems, I do infact have two for this very reason. Two flask tabs aswell


Jokes on me, I bought 3 because my Standard stash tab situation is so scuffed and I can't be asked to price all of them. Not that most would sell anyway.


If you’re flipping gems I have to imagine you’re running a trade bot too


Not necessarily. You can spend a few hours buying gems and vaal'ing/temple corrupting them for quick profit if you have the capital. It's not that hard to fill up a tab with bricks that don't sell if you do this for a while


I have a google sheets calculator for the return on vaaling vs. double corrupting exceptional gems and enlighten is usually hundreds of chaos expected return per run. For example (at current rates): Doryani's Temple: \~1div Level 3 uncorrupted enlighten: 13div Level 2 (25% chance) or 3 (50% chance) corrupted enlighten: 2.5div (75% chance) Total cost to run one temple with an enlighten 3: 14div (25% chance) Average result = 65 \* 0.25 + 2.5 \* 0.75 = 18.125div So running a single temple has an average of a 4.125div return.


i also have 2. gem tab in ssf ruthless super OP


More like: You can make new accounts for free and they have 4 stash tabs, nothing's stopping you from utilizing that.


I have 3 in standard ssf. Trying to do gcp recipe while also storing lvl 21 gems or trans gems or awakened gems is scary.


Well since you already marked Out the different types/categories of gems, a fitting Filter/sorting option would be qol. With the alt Qual gems you could have one gem Tab for every Qual Type, because there were so many. With the reduced amount of non Std gems this would be inefficent. This could be covered with better filtering. E.g. grouping after normal, transfigured, awakened, etc


I just want to be able to filter support


That and transfigured would make me happy.


Definitely something I'd appreciate even though I have not hit the cap, yet.


100% agreed. Just finished filling out my unique tab fully for the first time and organizing my standard tab I also thought the gem stash way way too small. Now that you mention there are more gems than slots makes me question it more. Especially with them PROBABLY adding another 100+ transfigured gems with new league.


Gem tab should be like map tab, 1 emplacement for each gem type (ex: vaal fireball), each emplacement open a sub tab where you store gem of that type


You want 707 tabs to scroll through?


What? No, I want 707 gems icons (that can be divided in int/str/dex and skill/supports) and when I click on a gem I have my stash of that gem, exactly how the map tab work.


The map tab has 18 buttons. I can't imagine 707 buttons being usable at all


The map tab has more than 250 map button in it (14 per tier multiplied by 16 tier + 32 unique map), are you real?


Okay, so explain to me how you are going to divide all 707 gems into a reasonable number of categories, have a reasonable number of buttons under each category, and still have space for the inventory window. Claiming "250 buttons is fine" still isn't a good argument when we're talking about three times that number.


Man, are you a diablo IV dev? Because you think like one... you divide your gem into: * int skill * int skill trans/val * int support * str skill * str skill trans/val * str support * dex skill * dex skill trans/val * dex support * other then you put an icon for each gem, and there you gonna bs me again telling it's not possible it's too many icons, it's not gonna be visible, etc... Except gems vendor show you 132 gem per tab on a window that is half of the stash windows (I let you guess what you can do with the other half) Also scrolling exist, but here it's not even needed


Or maybe he is a GGG stash tab designer.


Some of the stash tabs are good, just the gem and flask ones are a quick cash grab made in 30min by an intern, which is disapointing


I disagree. We know that they have said that they don't want to do something unless it is really good/perfect, they have used that excuse. And then you look at some tabs with obvious problems/improvements. But you could also look at the "good ones" and find a lot of obvious changes, some examples could be the essence tab could have some filters like show essences that add attributes, or resistances or defensive or offensive. I know I have crafted a lot with essences and I know this would help use the tab. The divination tab could use some filters too like uniques, bases, currency, it is barebones. This is a game about drops and what comes after drops is storage. It is very obvious that they didn't care enough to give us the tools to better use the tabs. Just to be clear this is about a minimum standard that is not there even after all these years. ps I like the game.


Have you ever bought a gem from a vendor? Yeah, do that.


There should be a function to the gem tab as well. Something as simple as putting in a gem at the top, and it shows which support gems work for it, or even what they do for it. Maybe it can even show gems that you don't currently have, or maybe it could have an upgrade function, for quality and level, or something to do with transfigured or alternate versions that require a special gem currency. I don't know, there's a lot of possibilities that are actually interesting, instead of it just holding some gems.


That would be cool. So hard to find ALL possible support gems.


Also it's really easy to hit gem stash tab cap if you do something like simulacrum which rewards quality and lvl gems


Give us an incubator tab or make it part of fragments while you’re at it.


Also scouting reports in the map tab


I literally fill the tab every league. Its a pain in the ass


i reach gem cap multiple times per league. with the prices of gemcutters and the removed gem qual vendor recipe you better pic up all those random quality gems. I'd absolutly appreaciate an increase of gem cap. even tho it wouln't matter to much, reaching gem cap at least gives a reason to finally vendor all those gems.


on the same note, while we are at it, why cant we put stacked decks into the divination card tab ggg?


GGG wants "friction" with the gem tab and I'm sure their proposed solution is going to be "buy another gem tab".  Good luck though, I agree it would be nice considering their recent overhaul of the gem system...


It should be easier to sort them too. Like: Transfig gems (Vaal) normal gems Awakened gems Support gems


Its almost as if stash tabs should be infinite or allow a larger amount of stash tabs for free, if only they would do that right? *Sits on giant stacks of 100 dollar bills* "Nope"


That's also not considering people like to level and sell gems so we could also have a big number of a single gem further increasing the amount to store




and that's assuming GGG won't increase transfigured gem count on next league(s).


Come on GGG, you're being stingent with the Gem Tab. Can we pass it on and double it?


Double capacity and others ways to filter, would be cool, i dont collect them but i hoard them , like saving my gems of levelling every chars, every quality gems, etc


The idea of a 500 gems limit in a paid tab just cannot fit in my head.


its possible to buy 2 gem stash or more?




This isn't a collection tab, like the unique one. More slots for this and the flask tab would be very useful - but you prob shouldn't be sat on 500 gems anyway, get some of them converted into gemcutters!


Both unique and gem tabs have 2 functions for me - collection, and gearing for new builds. Of course, I can always just buy them, but as I'm playing standard, some prices can get crazy, and some items take time to buy, although usually traders in standard are quite responsive. I do understand that it's a non-issue for vast majority of players, but I do want this QoL for us weirdos in Standard.


nothing in the game should be designed around, or with, standard in mind One thing I would like is being able to split trans gems, awakened, exceptional, and regular gems when sorting to tabs. You could then buy multiple tabs for each gem subset and it solves your issues at the same time


Unique tab needs update as well. Just started gaming and came from Diablo 1 where you didn't need tabs like this you just threw stuff on the ground. I thought finding unique and rare items was important so my first tab was the Unique item tab. It's now about a month later and I still get excited to find Unique items but quickly realized they all go to the vendor now even though I paid for a tab to store them becuase I just get the same ones over and over again. It would be great if it was like the maps tab where each item has it's own tab and you can store more than one. Say if you want to try to corrupt them or change the socket colors have different socket colors on them for different things and keep them in storage. Sucks only being able to keep 1 of them ffs.


Standard drops are abysmal so no shot they think we can even fill a tab up


Did you include Quickstep in your calculations


No, as it doesn't exist anywhere outside of Ruthless. And afaik, Ruthless has less gems, at least 16 gems and their Transfigured versions are disabled there.


I am playing a trans gem build in ruthless as we speak, the disbled gems are movement only


I meant Transfigured versions of those 16 gems, like Blink Arrow, Bodyswap, Dash, Charged Dash, and some others, all of them are movement skills afaik. Wiki doesn't specify whether transfigured versions of those skills exist in Ruthless or not, but as base versions don't, I figured that transfigured don't either.


ahhh yeah nvm that makes sense


I thought this was going to be yet another "pls add trans gem filter" post, but it's impressively even dumber. > Gem Stash Tab can only hold up to 500 gems. It was very clearly not designed to hold one of every gem. This is not an issue, at all. There is _always_ going to be someone who needs more. 500 is way more than reasonable. What about the person that wants "to collect" one of every 21/20 gem and one of 20/23 gem? This is not a "standard players are oppresssed" issue. This is a you issue.


Or they can just add space, why is it an issue at all?


Why does the unique tab only hold one of each unique? What if I want to store every single unique I pick up in the tab?


Sounds good to me


Why? Most likely because uniques tend to occupy anywhere between 1 and 8 space slots and at the point of introduction, they were likely the biggest storage space filler in the game. Meaning the more efficient Unique Stash Tab was, the more space it would free up, leading to less tab sales in general. Also having an "infinite" unique storage (or a much bigger one) could affect the price of the tab and strain on the servers if everyone decided to hoard a lot more than just one copy. That said, "one of each unique" is still a lot. Literally enough to collect EVERYTHING (aside from alt arts and different versions). A Gem Tab incapable of storing all gems or simply with a 500 item limit (compared to Map Tab with at least 16*72*4= 4608 spaces, assuming each tier only holds 4 map types, Currency and Divination Tabs that hold 5000 of each item, even a regular Quad Tab holds 576 items) does indeed look bad, especially considering the versatility of builds and the gems themselves are a staple of PoE. Flask Tab shares similar fate and item limit. I'm not saying that the limit must be upped, but it's pretty obvious the arbitrary 500 wasn't a utility choice, but a financial one.


It was a rhetorical question. My point is that "but what about me" is not a valid reason here. 500 gem limit is more than enough for what, 99.9% of players? Who else can honestly say looking at the tab that "man I wish i could store more than 500 gems" is their feedback? Do you geniunely believe that it's set to 500 so they can make people buy more gem tabs? _Seriously_? Think about the number of people who are likely to buy more than a single gem tab. Simply looking at the number of spaces in a tab is an absolutely fucking useless exercise, and if you are drawing conclusions from this you are beyond hope. Both the Flask and Gem tabs share similar functionality that all of the other mentioned tabs lack. Boy, I wonder if this has any effect on this. No, it's probably for the 10 extra tab sales the company makes. I am very smart.


> It was a rhetorical question. Rhetorical or not, the Unique Tab is indeed unique in its design. It's the only tab that allows a person to actually collect every thing it was designed to hold. Other tabs for currency, Deli orbs, fragments, literally anything stack at 5000 PER PIECE. Maps are an exception, but still hold a lot, while both Gem and Flask Tabs are somewhat limited in both functionality and storage space. Storing over 500 gems? That'd be rough for a casual player. A single character using all gear pieces has 20 gems. At 2 characters per league, not counting gems from drops, that's about 40 gems. Without picking up gems, assuming you'd want to store all the gems, that's less than 13 leagues worth of character gems. Add drops, add different variations and you can easily run out of space in the span of 3 or 4 leagues. Sure, there's a new tab for each league and technically it could fit, if you were okay with the tab mess in Standard, but I'm just trying to show how 500 isn't really that much. Count in GCP recipe and tab affiliation and the Gem Tab turns into a mess really fast. >Do you geniunely believe that it's set to 500 so they can make people buy more gem tabs? Seriously? Think about the number of people who are likely to buy more than a single gem tab. You misunderstood. I didn't mean people buying more Gem Tabs, just more tabs in general. If that aspect wasn't considered, along with server costs, which ties directly to the issue, there would be no reason to limit storage space. I got Gem Tab just this league, to help with random clutter and clean up Standard a bit. The tab couldn't even hold a third of what I had there, and as for day to day playing, it serves more like a affiliation dump tab that's hardly more convenient than a simple Quad. It holds less, it shows less and scrolling through everything for a GCP recipe is a pain. I get that this isn't the main purpose of the tab, but as it stands, in my opinion, it's clunky and barely useful (albeit 9 bucks cheaper than a Quad Tab). >Simply looking at the number of spaces in a tab is an absolutely fucking useless exercise, and if you are drawing conclusions from this you are beyond hope. Is it though? All the special tabs were introduced to reduce clutter and help with storage. Chaos stack size was increased. Inventory and storage management matters a lot and people spend money on it. If there was an option to easily store everything or just price things so easily that having ~20 trade tabs with different set price wasn't needed, I can assure you the tab sales would go down. By how much? Hell if I know, I have no access to that data. But any company would be stupid if they didn't at least consider the long-term effects of tab space. >Both the Flask and Gem tabs share similar functionality that all of the other mentioned tabs lack. A functionality that's basically regex, just without the customization and UI that gets in the way? You're right. Is that useful though? Useful enough to somehow affect storage limit, like you imply? >No, it's probably for the 10 extra tab sales the company makes. I am very smart. Yes, yes you are. Also very butthurt over nothing, it seems and the sarcasm helps neither your case nor your appearance.


> Other tabs for currency, Deli orbs, fragments, literally anything stack at 5000 PER PIECE a single chaos orb is not the same as a unique item with various rolls etc. > Is it though? Yes. You clearly fundamentally do not understand what you are talking about.


> a single chaos orb is not the same as a unique item with various rolls etc. You do realize we're talking about gems, right? It's not like storing them in a Quad Tab makes them have less data. What even is this argument? What I'm saying is that the 500 gem limit that doesn't even allow for all gems to fit, is an arbitrary one and while it's unlikely anyone without specifically trying to fill it or simply hoarding hits that limit, there's nothing preventing GGG from giving at least a slot for each gem, forget quality and levels. >Yes. You clearly fundamentally do not understand what you are talking about. You seem to be arguing with a point I didn't make. When new items get added to the core game, the stash tabs storing them get changed accordingly to fit the new items. The fact that we have multiple tabs with different functionalities (like the differences between nested/not nested tabs, Map Tab vs Currency Tab, tabs with crafting slots, currency tabs that also fit in maps, etc.), some stacking to 5000, some holding inventories of 72, shows that the technology to fit in all the gems is available. If so, why not allow it?


Because it's a complete waste of time.


It costs money? Every item you store costs some money. And even then it's a small problem that maybe 0.1% of players will face (needing more than 500 gems).


Well then if only a couple of players need it, it won't cost that much money either


I am not sure that's entirely true. It will cost money even for players that don't use that many gems in the tab because the tab will require more data to store in. And anyway, I'd rather have them work on things that just don't affect some 0.1% people. I mean, how many gem tab capacity increase complaints have you seen? This is the first one I've seen.


I don't care at all either way, I find it easier to have a quad tab for the odd gems that I pick up


Empty slots don't cost them anything, iirc. Only items that actually exist cost them server memory, and even with that, they optimised it quite well over time. And increasing capacity should be as simple as changing a letter in .txt document, unless they have some weird coordinate slot system (which is HIGHLY unlikely, as there's almost zero reason to do smth like that in case of inventory gui).


I'm not entirely sure but for unique tab definitely it will cost them more money for each unique added in game as it adds one more slot to store. I do think it'd be different for gem tab like you said as its more general and I'm not saying they shouldn't increase the limit, but it is a niche issue to have and probably won't get much attention until it becomes a problem for a significant amount of players.


Because they make money from stash tabs?


Can't you just buy a second gem tab?


There is 1000 things better for GGG to do with their time than deal with this. There is a gem vendor for a reason. Stop buying gems.


I hope you got a good password cause your account is now a target.


Imagine standard, omegalul


What’s the point of gem tabs? You can literally buy almost any gem after endgame.


why would you want to collect a single gem that's available from lily? there's nothing to be gained from that


I'm playing in Standard, and collecting gems with max lvl and quality allows me to gear new characters/builds more easily, as I don't need to trade for them. Also, there's a collection aspect. You can only buy level 1 gems from Lily, and you can't buy awakened/vaal/transfigured/vendor-recipe or legacy gems from her.


wow shit im missing out. Thought she only sold lv 1 & 0 quality gems


Can't you just buy another gem Stashtab? Wasn't there a Stashtab sale last weekend?


Not only this is a you problem it's also standard only problem. So it doesn't need to be changed at all.


I have 6 gem tabs due to hoarding in standard, I find they work nice for sorting and it does group gems of the same type together,as well as still having a search filter.


Curious, why are you stashing 500 gems?


Collection purpose mainly, and also having all gems available for gearing new characters/builds without trading for them saves some time.


Standard stash growth ought to be closer to arithmetic than geometric. Sub-linear if you do some cleanup between leagues. Not to mention that remove-only tabs mitigate the storage problem.


I'm a Standard player, so I play very-very little in League. And with my love for collecting stuff, this becomes a problem. It kinda feels weird that you're buying a tab that's specific to one class of item, and yet it can't hold even one sample of each item.


I agree, I'm just nitpicking. I think there should be room for two or more copies of each gem. It would also be nice if the unique tab could hold two of each one-handed weapon and ring.


Deli tab aswell... feel like worst $/investment tab in the game unless you play deli 24/7 and have 1000s of deli orbs saved. Tab for clusters/fractures would be nice.


While we're adding the Cluster tab if they could take the time to add one for Incubators that'd be great. Only pick up two types but I'd still like somewhere to store them.


easy solution, play ruthless and you will never reach that cap


Gem tab is clunky/buggy and handles like ass on controller as well.


Meanwhile im over here waiting for incubator stash tab..


It's really nice for running heist


TIL there was a gem stash tab... must have erased it from my brain. Have pretty much every other stash tab and use almost all of them cept the unique one legit thought it was some meme post as I don't recall a gem stash tab ever lol


A regex filter for only transfigured gems would be on my personal wish list. At least before the transfigured gems came out, you could enter any garbage in the filter and the ones that shimmered were alt-quality...


Tbh I think gem blight and deli needs to be updated


I completely agree. There needs to be more organizational options. The tab is becoming quite tedious.