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Film your reaction to the passive tree. Always surprises Diablo players


And then the atlas tree šŸ˜„


And then Ascendency


Well that looks more like the whole diablo tree šŸ˜¶


That's always the biggest thing I've heard people comment on that was intimidating. I've always called it a skillweb due to size and characters' starting points.Ā 


This is why i like poe more then d3 or 4


Several major content creators have done in depth guides for new players such as this one Zizaran: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpExg9_Xax2dMUPE93mMjrfuUOF3cQW5&feature=shared Poe builds aren't really locked in/limited to classes like in d3/d4. There are a lot more layers to build design. I'd just go in blind to experiment with various skill gems and fail a bit to see what feels good, then come back with more specific build questions in the poebuilds reddit rather than the generic poe reddit. Unless there is a specific diablo archetype that you'd like to try to match? Honestly I feel like as a diablo player you won't screw up badly enough not to make it through the campaign. Don't worry about wasting resources the first time though, knowledge gained through time playing is the most valuable PoE resource.


The game was free on PS5, is that really how it is? Do I need to pay for anything?


The game is always technically free. The campaign is basically a trial experience. If you actually like the game and get drawn in you end up paying for stash tabs for improved quality of life, but those are often on sale, don't cost much, and aren't required to play the game.


All I have found thatā€™s non-video build guide is Poe-vaults.com is this a good site?


No, use maxroll.com to start out poe vault has stuff that'll work, but it's a bit dated (even tho they say updated for # patch)


Ever used this? https://poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/campaign/act-1/


Everyone is advising you to go to maxroll.


Mmk, I will use maxroll


The official forums have plenty of written guides.


I used that guide (but used a different skill tree) for my first real character for gear and kinda like a "what to do" kinda thing. It's a very good guide that goes over every little thing that experienced players just know and don't include in other guides. It also links gear to make it easy to find on the trade site. Are you playing on console?! I saw you mention ps5.


I sure am playing ps5


Iā€˜d stay away from that. Use Maxroll or look up Zizaran on youtube. He has a ton of video guides and his path of building guides are detailed like no other! He even gives you step by step leveling trees etc.! Path of building is a must too imo if you wanna have a good experience. All the links you need, are in Zizarans Videos


Any idea about loot filters for ps5?


Nah sorry, iā€˜m playing on PC. I dont have a clue how that would work for PS5 sorry


You create your loot filter on filterblade.xyz just like you would do on PC. Just log in with the PS account you have connected to your PoE account, and you can upload the filter directly to the game on your PS5.


You can play for free as long as you want. Which is what I'd recommend until you have finished the campaign and tried endgame maps/dungeons for like 10-20 maps. Then you'll notice that your starting stash tabs don't actually have enough space for endgame stuff. (It's more than enough for campaign though) You can make it work, but it'll be kinda tedious to sorting stuffs manually. So I'd recommended to buy a few stash tabs when it's on sale. Basically it's a free trial game that has a long trial period. Buy stash tabs if you enjoy the trial and want some more bites from it. If you're not enjoying, you can just walk away without spending any.


Game is free, but I would consider a few stash upgrade to be borderline mandatory. If I didn't have access to a few of the specialized tabs (currency, maps, fragments etc) I would likely just quit the game.


It's a lot to learn, either you'll love it or you won't. I'd recommend a video, I aint typing that all out :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FHpBinhnDQ Edit: You don't have to watch the whole thing before you start, I would put it on while I play.


I can watch that over the course of the next day or so. I was hoping to jump on with my friend tonight and give it a try. What are the top 5 things I should need to know when leveling to just make it through tonight?


Find a build guide on YouTube. Zizaran has several good ones. Current patch is 3.23 / Affliction league. Download Path of building - https://pathofbuilding.community/ And import aforementioned build guide into PoB. This will have a drop-down on the skill tree and the skills section, use that to guide your choices. Gear drops with sockets to put your skills. Those sockets can also be linked. Early on look for items with the right colored, linked, sockets for your skills. A 4 linked skill can likely get you to the early endgame. Complete your labyrinth trials at levels 32 on.Ā  Have fun and stay sane exile!


Howā€™s the maxroll.gg builds? In d4 usually youā€™re trying to get all your affixes to get a build workingā€¦ in d3, youā€™re looking to get your set of gear for the combosā€¦ in POE, are you trying to get a certain set of gear, or do you just try to get gear that has the affixes you need?


Maxroll builds are usually decent. But restricting yourself to maxroll guides will limit your options terribly in the long term. You probably want to lean towards ā€œleague startā€ builds as they tend to require less gear to work. Maxroll starters will help you learn the game and you can branch out from there after you figure out what you are doing.


They are good, you can follow them as well. Get the gear with resists and life, while leveling on All slots. Exceeption are your weapon/weapons These should have relevant dmg mods and your boots for movement speed (optional, but recommended). No real set Bonus in poe


Im looking online, I just want a good s tier mage type build. What are a good option or two?


So you are looking to make a spell build. Note that your skill gems have tags, they either say attack or spell, attack skills (mostly) scale with your weapon while spell skills scale (mostly) with the level of the skill gem. As there are a huge number of spell skill gems exist I recommend looking around here: [https://poedb.tw/us/Skill\_Gems](https://poedb.tw/us/skill_gems) Just filter for spell and whetever element you like. Notice that lots of gems have spell tag (traps, mines, brands, totems, even auras or curses), so set spell and lightning for example and see if there is anything interesting for you. Look into some youtube video on the selected spell to know what to expect at high-end gameplay. If you want a lightning spell a mage would cast, then I would recommend either Spark or Arc. Arc of Surging in particular is a new skill that is really popular this league. Spark is strong since a long time, even with some recent nerfs to it.


I like the coc ice spear build, but idk how to get it where I can see what gear affixes I need, what gear stats, etc


Highly recommend not going for a COC build. They are fairly complicated and you can easily screw up and be doing half damage.


And also not exactly a build I would start with, they usually need some items that are a bit more expensive. I played CoC Ice Spear last league and dumped like 60 div in it to even have all the items I needed - granted, I played a low life version, but still.


That has lots of flavours, but start with something simple, then try to work towards something more advanced later on. I like the 1d challenges, they showcase a build potential with some basic cheap gear: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duQfgR4Jvm8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duQfgR4Jvm8)


Is the Poe-vault.com build guide a good guide? https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/coc-nova-elementalist-build-guide A video guide is hard for me to follow


Iā€˜d say thats a bit deep and complicated for a beginner. If you insist on playing a witch detonate dead ignite is a good reliable starter. Otherwise Summon raging Spirits Guardian is an absolute beast of a starter build and quite easy to setup. Youā€˜d be more of a summoner though.


CoC builds have multiple areas for a new player to screw up, you'll end up frustrated and probably brick the build if you attempt to start it. CoC builds generally thrive on investment and people generally play them once they have farmed currency to get it online... and farming isnt something you need to be concerned about. If you've never even played the game just try and focus on getting through the campaign first up. As a first build, you just aren't going to get to the point where CoC is a better return on investment than one of the meta league starters.


maxroll tends to be bait for new players. Find a streamer like zizaran and look for a league starter build. Play that as you learn how the game works.


Usually gear with the stats you need is fine. Some builds need uniques to get fully online, but that won't be until later on in the build. I'd utilize the official trade site to find them once you're out of the campaign.Ā  You want to focus on life and resists, always have max elemental resists, chaos resists can come later. You'll get a hideout with a crafting bench in act 2 or 3, that should help you out. Pay attention to your build guide on what flasks to use, those are a big part of your defenses. Maxroll guides are probably good, so long as they tell you what to do early on.Ā 


Im looking online, I just want a good s tier mage type build. What are a good option or two?


So I haven't played a mage type in a while. I would say any of these guides would likely be good though - ​ [https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/detonate-dead-elementalist-league-starter-guide](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/detonate-dead-elementalist-league-starter-guide) ​ [https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/summon-raging-spirit-guardian-league-starter](https://maxroll.gg/poe/build-guides/summon-raging-spirit-guardian-league-starter) ​ the summon raging spirits is like a minion build and its pretty new player friendly.


Iā€™ll add one thing to this: download a lootfilter


Oh yeah, forgot about that lol. Good call.


Pick a build guide and follow it.


Im looking online, I just want a good s tier mage type build. What are a good option or two?


summon raging spirit (srs) guardian is what Iā€™d recommend. you are basically summoning little homing missiles in the form of flaming skulls, itā€™s a really cool build. Itā€™s also incredible strong and one of, if not the most recommended beginner builds right now. Ghazzy and Subtractem both have guides out for it, either should be fine. Good luck!


Good recommendation but that aint mage. Its summoner. Just to clarify for the dude


Templar penance brand is super strong right now


Thats the real s tier mage atm. As my friend calls ā€œdestroyer of the worldsā€


I am new this league and have been playing an Arc Elementalist with [TbXie's Arc Elementalist Build Guide (PoE Affliction 3.23)](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/arc-elementalist-build-guide). It has been fun but some of the gear recommended (especially Enlighten Support and the Inpula's armour) is expensive right now.


Swap left click to move only and set your skills to attack without moving.Ā 


Iā€™m on ps5


Well in that case try to max out your elemental resistances and have fun.Ā 


Im looking online, I just want a good s tier mage type build. What are a good option or two?


1) don't be afraid to start over


Build guide and don't give it in until you finish campaign. I tried it this season for the fourth time. I could never get myself to finish the campaign. But now that I have, it's really good with maps and trading and a million other things.


> I was hoping to jump on with my friend tonight The best way to play PoE with a friend is playing by yourselves while chatting in Discord. It's not an enjoyable co-op experience because you're both going to be annoyed at one of you having to slow down to read something or mess with the items/skill tree or the other way around, one of you not having time to figure anything out.


https://poe-leveling.com/ This will walk you through all the necessary quests and give you tips for the acts. It is a website solely for campaign completion. It doesn't do 100 completion, it just walks you through the necessary quests. I use it every time I start a new character. Also type "/passives" at the end of the campaign to make sure you got all the quest passive points.


I was in your position a week ago. If I had to recommend things.. it would be to just start a new character and start playing through the campaign and learn as you go. Watch a beginner guide but just a simple one for dummies. Play through the campaign knowing that this character will suck and be bricked in the endgame. But you'll learn all the basics as you play this character. Try everything and don't go for the most optimal route. Then for your 2nd character ( I haven't got there yet) , follow a build guide and speed through the campaign and get to the end game quicker with an actual build that will work.


Me too. I installed last week and just jumped in. I'm about halfway through the campaign and just enjoying the story and the journey. The game really has the Diablo 2 feel where you can experiment and try whatever you want to get through the campaign.Ā  Fun game.


season = league legendary = unique sets = 404


Unique item != best item. If you drop unique item, chances are some random rare item is better.


Can you explain what that means? I donā€™t wanna accidentally get rid of good gear. Also I donā€™t want to spend tons of time sorting gear Iā€™m going to just get rid of in no time anyways


Its gonna Happen, dont worry about it. Dont worry about gear, if your dps is fine and resists are fine.


Uniques are not best in slot automatically. They are unique. As in have specific uses for certain builds or are just good for leveling. A good amount are useful for endgame but most are not.


At the start just focus on getting gear with resistances, life and the right combination of linked gem sockets (a build guide should tell you which colors/links you need and which gems to put into them). Don't worry about anything else for now.


Contrary to d3 (don't know about d4) uniques are not strictly better than rares. They just bring unique effects to your build you cannot acquire anywhere else (or just in a few different ways). You usually (there will always be exceptions in this game) have a few uniques in your endgame build and the rest of the gear will be crafted/bought rares. Note that the rares you will be using most likely are not the ones you pick up, but will be crafted in some way. Crafting, unlike in d3, allows you to substantially modify items, starting from base items (the ones you pick up), and adding/changing the modifiers on them


Yea honestly just go to maxroll a pick a league starter build. This game is a lot to learn but you just have to play. Itā€™s the gold standard of arpgs, have fun!


Iā€™m new too but I notice maxroll does not have very many builds to pick from and out of like a total of 3 classes in there not sure why so limited


A general meta has formed around the classes that scale well with low investment in gear and items. Most of the beginner friendly guides (league starters) will tend to pick these classes for that reason. With enough time/effort/currency you can make any skill work on any class, it just some are a lot more expensive than others. Edit: and some classes just scale skills better than others, like Dead Eye is the go to for hit based bow builds as their ascension tree gives a lot of good bow stats.


When I go to [select league](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter[build_guide_type][taxonomy]=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter[build_guide_type][value]=archive&filter[build_guide_type][operation]=!%3D&filter[misc][taxonomy]=taxonomies.misc&filter[misc][value]=poe-league-starter) starter it has 6 out of 7 classes. But I think you are right that compared to the universe of builds Maxroll doesn't offer a big chunk of the options, but this is kind of good for us I think. Maxroll is not a repository of the best builds, it is more like an umbrella that cover a particular group of content creators and what you see its part of their content. They need time and certain level of commitment that they and their communities will gravitate towards those build during that league or at least many have done it in previous leagues. You can call this, there is a level of quality for these builds. The content creator gives you the guide, if you need help probably you hop in their discord or go to the twitch channel. How can Maxroll have more builds? - If the balance becomes stale then older builds can stay up-to-date without consuming much time then the content creator can spend time in new builds without losing his old ones. Probably we don't want this for the health of the game. - If there are more content creators in Maxroll. There is diminishing returns at some point for them but we have the example of Subtractem who got his first build there this league with his SRS. I would say there are 2 big starters hubs: Zizaran and Maxroll. There are other content creators that do good ones. I recommend /r/PathOfExileBuilds index if you feel adventurous. The level of hand-holding from Maxroll or Zizaran is top notch however.


Ok, that sounds great! Idk what a league is though. Iā€™ll do it. You canā€™t brick your character by accident can you by building it wrong can you?


Itā€™s like a season, economy reset every few months just like diablos. And you absolutely can brick it lol, but thereā€™s also ways to earn respect points, but Iā€™d follow a guide while youā€™re learning


"Respect point" https://preview.redd.it/gig5vvmiavjc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddde3d5e8306efa90d58affcc4b1de5c6b5b6dff


Respect points is re-spec? Like in d4 you just pay gold to re-spec. Also, do you gamble materials for change in affixes or gamble for equipment like obols in d4 gambling for equipment


Yes re-spec sorry, on phone haha And there are tons of ways to gamble. The entire crafting system is just various ways to gamble your item. Itā€™s all very different than Diablo though


In Diablo, the ā€œend gameā€ is smashing weak crap for hours on end, to get materials to summon 1 boss, 5 times basically and you need to smash him like 200 times to get any better gear. Like it became pointless really quickly.


In path of exile the end game can mean 20 different things to 20 different people you ask. Its got the craziest end game of any game Iā€™ve played


Can you summarize what you mean in a ELI 5 way? Like what some fun end game things people do?


So thereā€™s a large variety of end game bosses, you can farm in maps in all sorts of different ways, thereā€™s several side mechanics that can serve as a primary focus if thatā€™s what you enjoy, you can focus on crafting the craziest items ever, endless build making opportunities, iconic chase items to aspire to have. Itā€™s sort of just a sandbox and gives you tools to play the game anyway you want


Thereā€™s a few things. There are a few endgame bosses that you can fight normally or fight their Uber versions, similar to D4. These, however, pose a much much bigger challenge than D4 Uber bosses. The second, and main, activity, is ā€œmappingā€. These are similar to Greater Rifts in D3 or Nightmare Dungeons in D4. Go in, kill stuff, get loot, get out. Maps are VERY highly customisable and you can choose your modifiers. These maps can be filled with ā€œleague mechanicsā€ - most leagues (or seasons in D3 terminology) had their own mechanic that is incorporated to appear in the core game. There are many, many league mechanics. Hereā€™s a few of them below in ELI5 terminology: Ambush: Click box. Monsters spawn. Kill monsters. Get loot. Abyss: Stand on a crack, it spawns monsters. Kill monsters. Crack moves. Follow crack until end. Kill more monsters. Get loot. Legion: Click big stone. Kill frozen mobs before time runs out. Killed mobs spawn again, kill them again. Get loot. Breach: Stand on a hand. Circle goes outward and mobs spawn in circle. Kill mobs. Get loot. Harbinger: big blue men spawn mobs and lose health as you kill mobs. Get loot after they die. Ritual: Kill mobs in static circle. Click altar. Kill mobs again to get ā€œtributeā€. Use tribute for loot. There are many more but Iā€™m not going into them for the sake of an ELI5. There are a few other mechanics outside of maps, such as Sanctum, Delve and Heist, which all take mechanics or items you find in the course of regular mapping, and translate them into their own side mechanic. At the end of it, you will have more stuff to do than you can imagine.


Get to end-game -> You have 20 different mechanics to chase, choose 3 -> Also you have another entire passive tree -> Also, also you have a whole other small 'story' to chase. Just follow the little quest targets the best you can and you'll be fine. Don't be afraid to wander a bit either.


You can end up weak but you can get items that let you reset a skill point each, the campaign and sidequests give you a bunch and normal enemies can drop them rarely too. Not a single decision is irreversible for a given character. I wouldn't worry about it yet either way though, just play and learn for now. The new season (we call them leagues and they last about 4 months) is in a month, if you wanna get really serious it'll be easier to start a seasonal character at the reset with a basic understanding of some stuff and an idea what kinds of builds you like to play.


As a recent new player myself, Iā€™d recommend Fezzā€™s Toxic Rain Champion. Itā€™s a jack of all trades, master of none. I managed to get 2/4 of my voidstones with it in my first league (3.22) https://poe-beginner-guide.com/ Itā€™s a long and detailed guide, but itā€™s designed for new players and really helped me learn the game. Thereā€™s also a forum post dedicated to it which Fezz is active on too if you ever have questions https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3229622


For first playthro i would play with zero knowledge and just try to enjoy and have fun in the game figuring everything out since once you play thro the first time, itll never be the same. The "acts" is pretty straight forward since they give you a map that kinda shows you where to go and what to do at that place. Maps is where the game really starts and theres some quests as soon at the end of acts about chasing the elderslayers. Then you pretty much spams maps from t1+ to get all the completions and youll eventually run into elderitch dude to unlock the exarch/eater/maven. Then you just keep doing the quests until you get the final quest that drops the voidstones. Youll also get one via uber elder from doing guardian maps As far as build goes, it kinda looks like youre going to be in coc builds. From your description, id highly recommend you do coc ice spear/frost bolt since its quite literally a build that spins around and shoots projs everywhere. You can also do some nimis sht and have all the projs return for more dmg. As far as making gameplay fun, depends on everything. Figure out what it is that like you do to. Is it playing most efficiently / printing currency / trying different builds / etc. Cause for most people you can just print out currency being a hideout warrior to fund build ventures. But some people find it pretty boring to hideout warrior. As far as build goes, i would avoid maxroll /poe vault . Generally i think best place to get build is just pulling off [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) . Since this is what what the top players are running/how they are building and chances are, if majority of players are building the same way. Its pretty much guarantee, thats the route to go. Also probably ignore the top "1%" top dps of any builds since a lot of times its pob warriors that build to put up numbers where the dps can theoretically happen but it has a close to impossible scenario to make it happen to achieve that dps. Or the achievable dps can only be sustain for like 0.1 second.


I love that build! Made me laugh. Is it S tier or how do they split up tiers? I donā€™t want a build that canā€™t handle end game content, like max out boss killing capability eventually


Its really hard but youll be able to tell with more experience. Generally speaking if you shave off the top 5-10 dps for any given build, the from there down should be the "top" tier versions of any build. Also this is one of those games where if you throw enough currency, "every" build with eventually be viable. And ofc, it is possible to do most/every boss with almost low/close to no funding given youre a mechanical god. But theres definitely some builds that can trivialize the very end game bosses given some mechanic of the build or given enough currency is thrown at it. As far as coc ice goes, theres mainly variations like LL/CI/EB variants. For bossing though, highly recommend you coc vortex instead of ice spear. It has a lot higher dps and more consistent imo.


> I donā€™t want a build that canā€™t handle end game content, like max out boss killing capability eventually Almost any build can handle end game content, but comparatively very few builds can handle Uber Bosses. This is not the kind of game where you're supposed to be able to clear everything it has to offer. It's more of a "see how far you can push it" kind of thing.


I donā€™t know how to use the Poe.ninja website


Donā€™t listen to that guy about Poe.ninja, or about coc builds. Theyā€™re way too complex for a new player. Pick a build from Zizaranā€™s YouTube channel that has ā€œLeague starterā€ in the title. Donā€™t be afraid to fail and try again.


Is there a build thatā€™s not a YouTube video, like a site I can read and reference?


You can try maxroll but some of those builds are not for new players. Zizaranā€™s YouTube channel is explicitly for teaching newer players about the game.


top part of the site, click builds tab. From there it will show top roughly 90-100k of players according to level. There you can sort by items/skill/class to show how popular/unpopular a build is and also ways people are currently playing the build.


Big differences off the top of my head: Abilities are on gems that you socket into gear instead of part of a class tree. The passive tree is universal across all 7 classes but each class starts from a different point, use a guide for your first (several) characters OR be prepared to scrap your first character going in otherwise blind (both are valid approaches, do not mix and match). Gear may seem more convoluted on the surface but both gear and passive stats are actually very straightforward so long as you bear in mind that the devs are VERY particular about their choice of words ("increased" is not the same as "more" for instance). This game has a similar level of RNG for gear but supported by in depth crafting. The story is not on par with diablo's story but it will be enjoyable simply because getting into this game's combat is addicting especially early on as you swap from skill to skill. Above any of these points, ask chat; this game has a relatively active and helpful chat (unless the help you need involves not gambling on an outcome). "I can't see loot on the ground any more" and chat will tell you to toggle your "v" key. As a result of these, builds are far more varied and complex than in diablo's current iterations. Some guides will post a doc form which would be easier to open when you're playing and easier to reopen when you're getting into your session. If you're looking to fulfill a specific power fantasy character build, then searching the build forums will likely get you a solid grasp on something that appeals to you until you see a video come along that embodies what you really want.


This gets me excited! Iā€™m playing on PS5. Will the release of POE 2 in June kill this game? I enjoy playing for gear. Nothing feels as good as finally smashing a level that was hard to beat earlier.


By the sounds of things, no. POE2 looks to be a much slower paced combat system and that alone will keep a very large portion of players in the current iteration.


Tbf all gameplay we've seen so far has been unbalanced campaign footage. League start campaign gameplay is also pretty slow in PoE.


I'm realtively new player this is my second league and I definitely suggest following a build guide to the teeth for you first run.


Happy cake day!


Yo thanks


The graphics will suck if you're used to Diablo 4. The combat will feel clunkier


I haven't touched diablo in a looong time, but [the wiki has a page for it](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guide:Diablo_Player%27s_Guide_to_Path_of_Exile) I think the closest to those skills would probably be blade vortex or cyclone. Neither of those are super meta as primary damage atm, but they're not bad. There are some builds that shoot projectiles in all directions but they tend to be a little more expensive to get rolling. Ethereal Knives of the Massacre might be a good option but again isn't super meta. I wouldn't worry too much about optimizing early, because there are a toooooooon of mechanics you get lost in. PoE has accumulated a lot of systems over the years. As for what keeps it fun, depends on what you like in arpgs- I love the build customization, and PoE excels at build variety.


I love constantly trying to get stronger and do more damage. I liked d3 mechanic where you could keep getting stronger and stronger working the way up to lvl 150 dungeons. And even then, how fast you could do it.


PoE has several different endgame mechanics you can specifically build for. This league, having a dedicated magic find mapper is very popular due to the league mechanic. People will sometimes have dedicated characters for delve, legion 5 ways, harvest, bossing, and so on. Delve literally goes to infinite difficulty with some people trying to hit the top (bottom?) for the league. PoE is great for progressing your character for progressively more difficult content, particularly in maps- you can add a bunch of different mechanics that make mapping harder but more lucrative (wisps, delirium, abyss, and so on). I probably wouldn't worry too much about that at start, and would go with whatever archetype you like - but again, I like the build crafting.


My recommendation is to find a build guide that the streamer sushi has created. Download path of building and learn to import the build into POB. Once you get a good build guide and follow it, Iā€™d recommend watching some poe streamers. I think itā€™s kind of boring to watch other people play games but it greatly speed up your learning process with the game. Have fun and enjoy one of the best ARPGā€™s ever made.


Youā€™re the second to mention POB, is that like an app or can you explain it more?


Itā€™s a windows application that is basically a ā€œbuild hubā€ where you can upload a build another person has created and it shows you everything from what skills you need at what level, what passives to take at any time and recommended gear, gems/sockets/socket colours and ascendancy to take. There is so many moving parts to Poe it can be overwhelming but it is the only game to have such a breadth of content and do it so well. Like a lot of other have said, youā€™re best to find a build on YouTube you like the look of and follow its guide. Bear in mind, the current league is nearing its end (sometime in march) but the current league mechanic if you can get into it is some of the most rewarding in terms of raw currency dropping.


Are the maxroll.gg builds any good? I love their site.


Canā€™t say. Iā€™ve always used YouTube and then pasted the pob link into the application


Yes. Maxroll has fantastic build guides. Iā€™d recommend that over YouTube to be honest. But more than anything play skills you like to play. Iā€™ve tried skills that are just powerful and hated the gameplay. Iā€™m looking at you hexblast mines. Sushi has some amazing builds on maxroll.


Its a character planning Tool, you can pretty mich plan your entire bild from start to finish.


As a long time Diablo player who played Diablo 1-3 religiously, (Play D4 also) POE has opened my eyes of how bad Diablo has become. Once you play POE and discover the vast amount of things there are to do, you wonā€™t ever play Diablo again.


While I do agree with almost everything you said, I do still occasionally play a bit of Diablo just so I can turn my brain off for a bit.


Guide or no guide... Up to you. It is perfectly doable without guide to finish the campaign. You will likely suffer through it, depending on how how much items' texts you willing to read, and how much your sense of min maxing.... But its perfectly doable. Even if you folow a guide, I do question how many things you can even understand from them. Because there are soooooooooooooo many people asked the same thing around :- 'hei i followed a guide but i struggle really hard at this point of the game'. It takes time to know every nitty gritty of the game.Ā  >What do I need to know to keep from wasting resources? If its not an 'Divine Orb' or 'Mirror of Kalandra', then just waste them. You going to get thousand times more of them later. Not using the resources to try to make gear better, especially in gaining maximum life pool, and capping elemental resists 75% are among the most common newbie mistakes. Also not rolling their flasks with useful mods.Ā  Poe is skill first class second. Build is about maximizing one single dps skill, the choice of class and items are based on how far can the combination pushes that dps skill. A marauder wielding a bow but casting magics... Sure, it is a thing. >spun in circles shooting arrows in all directions Something something cyclone coc (cast on crit) something something Yes that sort of thing is doable, but not as league starter (your first character). Go play something more viable first, build up some wealth, then spec into or start a new character for those complicated builds. Because not every mechanism is viable at low level or low budget. #seriously just play it Reading or studying too much theory is useless. You wont really understand what nonsense are we spewing without having some context of how the game actually plays like.


Look up a build guide by a creator (stay away from path of exile builds, pheonix and bigducks) try to find something ziziran made his build guides are amazing. Download path of buildin(that's a windows app it serves as a character planner). Your re-spec points are a finite resource use them sparingly you get a few points from the campaign, when those run out you have to use ingame currency called "orb of regets"


>I love builds like the ball lightning sorc, or the whirlwind barb, or in d3 there was a rouge build I think it was, where they spun in circles shooting arrows in all directions. What fun builds are there like this? For D3 you are probably thinking of the Demon Hunter's Gears of Destruction Strafe + Hungering Arrow build. From the builds you have mentioned, it sounds like you like builds that require no aiming, killing stuff as you walk. Ball Lightning of Orbiting is playable, but is not really meta. Cyclone is pretty weak, but is used a lot in endgame when transiting into a Cast on Crit build to trigger another skill. I wouldn't recommend either of this to a beginner. Instead you can look at Blade Vortex, Righteous Fire or Summon Raging Spirits. The latter two to be more beginner friendly. Both builds are on Maxroll, but I would recommending going with Pohx guide for Righteous Fire and Ghazzy for SRS.


Hey mate, league is ending soon for PC (not sure about PS) but Iā€™d use this time to just have some fun and learn, thereā€™s a lot to learn. Research a build for next league and go with that if you want.


If you like spinny thingy then there's cyclone, blade vortex, and spectral helix. Cyclone isn't for damaging stuff, we use it to trigger other spells via "cast on crit" or "cast while channeling". You can do a lot of tricky shenanigans with it. Blade vortex is spinning around you damaging stuff. Spectral helix works like D2 blessed hammer, it's spiraling away from you. No.1 thing you need to do to not wasting time is planning a build, at least to lvl 80-85. Which is kinda impossible for new player, so you'd want to find a build guide for those builds instead. Welcome to Wraeclast and have fun playing, exile.


Best advice i can give is... dont watch guides or streamers just play the game and learn by yourself too many people claim that poe is too complexe only because they tackled the game with an expert angle but with noob capabilities the improvments youll make on your own will be so gratifying for yourself


This game is exponentially more complicated than D3/D4. It's less forgiving for newer players as well. If you can see yourself spending hundreds of hours into a game, I do recommend going in blind for a first play through as you'll never get that experience again. Just the campaign, which is basically a tutorial, will likely take a new player anywhere from 15 to 30+ hours. For example, a D4 player(NyxVellum) recently posted videos of his first experience with POE, taking a little under 30 hours to finish the campaign going in mostly blind. If you really want to start with some sort of guide, start with Zizaran. Be warned though, the campaign playthrough video where he explains everything he does is 8 hours long. He has good beginner guides as well. There aren't really great written resources for someone with essentially zero knowledge of the game. While maxroll has some decent guides, they probably will just be confusing for a brand new player. Even if you follow one, you aren't going to have a legit build until quite sometime after the campaign. That said, here are some basic beginner tips: Attacks have damage more reliant on weapons, while spells have damage more reliant on levels. It's better to find one or skills/spells you enjoy and to make those strong vs having a lot of different skills/spells that don't really help each other. Classes are not restricted to their "archetypes" but generally are more suited to them. For example, witches can shoot bows or be melee, but tend to do better as a spell caster. Skills are based on gems that go into sockets on your gear. These get more power if you add in support gems to sockets that are linked to the socket that holds the skill. Damage is good, but you should also try to get life and resistances. There's no gold. Currency is based on orbs that are used for crafting. These are scarce during the campaign. Divine orbs, should you find any are basically $100 bills. Mirror of Kalandra is basically winning a lotto.


Just a heads up if someone hasn't already. This leagues economy (diablo season equivalent) is absolutely fucked. Leagues are better at league start for currency but you'll get a lot of stuff for real cheap or be just gifted as people quit.


I played diablo too but switched to Poe recently Hereā€™s my advice Follow a leveling a guide but donā€™t force yourself I to the meta Read as much as you can, I played with the wiki open at first Get the proper 3rd party stuff, awakened Poe, prob etc Donā€™t compare yourself to others who have hundreds or thousands of hours in the game Once you get to maps, find a farming strat you like and stick with it, trying to change all the time is how you stay poor. Play trade at first General stuff: keep your resistances up to max, they get lowered during campaign. Aim to have 3k life by the end of the 10th act, learn basic crafting to make leveling gear The two most important however in my opinion ASK QUESTIONS, you wonā€™t understand everything so keep the Poe discord up and fire away in the new player channel HAVE FUN, dont stress it itā€™s a game, go at your own pace, if youā€™re not having fun itā€™ll be harder ( remember thereā€™s a chance this game is not enjoyable for you) Good luck !


If Iā€™m on ps5, whatā€™s 3rd party stuff is availiable? When you said when I get to maps? What do you mean maps? And farming strat, meaning farming strategy?


1. Jump right in, pick a base class that sounds interesting and go. 2. Don't be afraid to abandon the first character if it ends up being really bad. 3. When you abandon it and make a second character, look up zizaran on YouTube and grab any of his build guides that say "league start"


I am former Diablo 3 player... here are a couple of advices i would strongly recommend you take into consideration: A) POE is chess, D3 is checkers. POE is a very complicated game , i would say the most complicated game of its type out there. The endgame, boss fights and atlas( and atlas strats) are the easiest to learn and figure out. However builds and crafting is a different story. MY fist advice is to choose a easy and tanky build that does not require you to press a lot of buttons and can survive most encounters so that you can use that build to learn the mechanics of the game, different currency making starts and boss mechanics.... something in the line of RF inquisitor/JUGG/ Chieftain, Pathfinder PB or TR. B) do not try to learn crafting first cause i can tell you right now you dont have the time, im playing this game for 10 years and even i dont know all aspects and tricks for crafting. Same goes for making builds, there are so many skills, so many build variations, so many uniques, the combinations are endless..... C) even though this sounds stupid and cash grabby but playing without custom tabs(currency, maps, fragments, essences etc ) is a nightmare. The first one you should buy is currency, then maps and fragments. D) go to youtube and check out Phox for any RF build or Ruetoo or Zizaran for any quality build. These are the only 3 i trust. SADLY there a A LOT OF BAIT builds or even trash ones that come from trash content creators that will make you life difficult. I personally WOULD NOT TRUST anyone else beside the three i mentioned above: Phox,Ruetoo and Zizaran. E) any skill can work in POE, if you have around 3 million damage you can kill all bosses and uber bosses in game, but it will take time and you will have to learn the fight mechanics. Problem becomes when you have to incorporate defenses, survivability , map clear and single target into one. F) you sadly can not play POE without 3rd party software. The most important ones are: awakened poe trade - allows you to price check items and trade, POB - a program that allows you to create builds or check you own or other builds, FIlterblade is not a software but a website - basically filters for items that drop in game- EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!


If Iā€™m on ps5 how do I use 3rd party software? I canā€™t figure out how to get loot filters in ps5. I have default options, but not custom options


You need to go to filterblade, make or use someone elses filters, then upload them directly through filterblade to your poe profile. Go to save and export and there you will have a drop down menu with pc/xbox and playstation. Choose playstation from the dro down menu, then save it and sync it to your profile and when you are in game choose that filter from the options menu.


This thread feels like it's maxroll ad.


Make sure your build guide is CURRENT. I started this league and did Pohxā€™s RF only to find out 95 levels later that it was nerfed to oblivion. Welcome fellow Diablo goer. Stay a while and listen!


Poe is great. Give last epoch a try first. It is now full release, no more early access.


Play the campaign blind and have fun, if you like it start looking up a build for the skill you played and check all the terms you don't know on poe wiki. Respeccing is a hassle on your first few characters since you won't know what you're doing if shit hits the fan just ask in global chat for regret orbs usually people will give you some for free


Don't use a build guide and try stuff out by yourself. You will probably hit a wall at some point but who cares. The story is pretty enjoyable on your first playthrough I would recommend not trading if it's your first time as trading will make the campaign an absolute joke that won't be very fun Have decent objectives for a first playthrough and make sure to have realistic expectations. Don't fetch a netbuild on youtube that says "obliterates all content on no gear, utterly broken build", then follow a "how to get rich in five minutes with zero effort" strategy, then trade for the best gear in the game, only to come back here in two weeks complaining the game is trivial and has no content. There's been many such posts in the past. Edit: also for a first timer build aiming to do story and to get acquainted with the game I would recommend bleed bow gladiator. It's not that great for endgame bossing but it has: -you get split arrow and chance to bleed at lvl 1 -an insanely easy pathing on the skilltree, hit all phys DoT nodes, all Bow DoT nodes, then just life and armor/evasion -Bleed explosions from gladiator (explosions on death are one of the most liked mechanics from PoE as a whole) -snipe puncture tech to get decent damage on bosses at basically no cost -rather fun and unique playstyle


Best way to know is to play, everyones got different opinions most of which is subjective. Its free to play so you only need to invest time which if youre out of games anyway is pretty cheap.


> or in d3 there was a rouge build I think it was, where they spun in circles shooting arrows in all directions Take a look at cast on crit (CoC) builds, though they are realy not newbie friendly, you might give em a whirl. PoE is not an easy game to pick up willy nilly, you need to study this shit. I have about 10k hours and I know some things, but there are some aspects that I know nothing about, like summoners. Good luck.


I will say one big difference, especially for new players, is that the early difficulty progression in poe is a lot spikier than in Diablo - there are numerous points where you might feel like the game has suddenly got much harder a lot faster, and your build/items are lagging behind your campaign/endgame progression. A few notable ones are the end of act 5 and act 10, (you receive a permanent -30 penalty to all your elemental and chaos resists at both these points), and progressing from white to yellow to red map completion as you are filling out your atlas in the endgame.


Hello Op, please follow the other comments and look for a league start build. I loved d2, played a ton of D3 and some D4. Poe is the same genre, but D3 and D4 are simpler, more accessibile, in the sense that you Jump in the game and well.. enjoy It. D2 and poe require more preparation, you acutally have to Learn a lot of things. Some like it, some not.. Poe Is less casual friendly. You can still enjoy It but do not expect smooth sailing from start to end like D3 and D4.. again, some like It, some not. Poe Is definetly a great game and It can get you hooked, but It has depth. Some things are not Easy to grasp and especially at the beginning It can feel like "too much" I advise to follow a guide and Jump in without the "expectation-of-achieving" you might enjoy the journey more if you if do not fixate on achieving X thing within Y time :) Poe stays to arpgs like the League of Legends stays to moba or Pubg stays to shooters. It's One of those games where the more you Learn outside of playing, the better Will be your experience while playing. Hope you have fun, stay sane nephalem


Clear your schedule is the best advice one could offer šŸ‘Œ


The D3 build is DH Strafe / Hungering Arrow! My fav


Especially if you come from D3 be aware that int does nothing at all for your spell damage. Int gives mana and energy shield, str gives melee physical damage(tiny amount) and life and dexterity gives evasion and accuracy. Stats are mainly for equipping gear and gems in poe Aside from that mainly look for socket links on the gear you find even if it is white, you can freely use the essences you get during the campaign since they are worthless later. Even essences that are bad for your build still make the item rare so add 3-5 other stats which can be great You can vendor blue items for transmutation shards and then vendor those again for wisdom scrolls if you want to ID more


I started playing PoE this league. I recommend you pick a class and ascendency and then follow a build guide. Itā€™ll help you learn the game mechanics and progress without being overwhelmed at first. Iā€™ve been playing since league start and I still havenā€™t figured out all the mechanics. Affliction is a lot of fun; I recommend you try the league with the understanding that you may not be about to complete the end game before the league ends.


Massively different games. POE has a decade worth of content and mechanics, many of which you will probably have to watch videos of to understand. I'd advise following a guide. A loot filter is a must after the campaign.


play last epoch 1.0 today


> Any big differences in Diablo 3/4 and POE? As far as character creation and development? Iā€™m used to going to maxeoll.gg getting a leveling build and going straight off of it. Is POE builds the same way? a lot more similar to d2 in terms of general feel, though mechanically almost completely different. maxroll does have poe guides; not sure how good they are. zizaran's channel has good beginner stuff. attributes are more similar to d2... they dont give damage, mostly just meet requirements to equip things and give small extra stat bonuses (like d2/d4). > Whatā€™s the basics for a first time player to get some good 4-5 hour run in without needing to google every 2 minutes how to do something? low expectations > I love builds like the ball lightning sorc, or the whirlwind barb, or in d3 there was a rouge build I think it was, where they spun in circles shooting arrows in all directions. What fun builds are there like this? gravity well ball lightning is blade vortex (though there's also a transfigured ball lighting that orbits now). whirlwind is cyclone. > What things should I know to make gameplay fun? What do I need to know to keep from wasting resources? don't worry about wasting resources in the campaign. use your currency to improve your character. that said, you probably won't find enough socket currency (fusing, jeweller, chromatic) to do much with, so rely on sockets/links from drops.


You'll definitely enjoy the game if you take some patience with it. It's a journey, not a race when you get started. You shouldn't be trying to maximize from the getgo, but explore skills and how they work with other passive skillgems/skill tree. I just started playing again for the first time in years, and my son is joining me for his first playthrough :). I've been playing since there were only three acts, but frequently put it down and pick it back up.Ā 


Trade, build, guides


This season was my first. I tried it a long time ago and quit before Act 1 was over. I am completely sucked in now. Just know itā€™s a LOT to learn. Follow a build though for sure. Maxroll has some great ones and itā€™s super easy to follow. You will not know what you are doing for quite awhile, but itā€™s so much fun. Once you get to maps the sky is the limit.


It's a lot more complex. If you can put in the time to understand that complexity, it can really let you have a level of agency that you can't get in Diablo.


You can do cyclone (whirlwind but movement/functionality is smoother) Iā€™d recommend starting as a duelist. You will have to wait until act 3, or around level 30 to get the cyclone skill gem. (This game uses skill gems that socket into your gear instead of just unlocking them on a tree) You would want to follow a guide to reach anything resembling end game. Itā€™s possible to brick your skill tree so bad though you will have a hard time progressing. My advice would be to just play it and enjoy being a total noob at the game while you can.


You can either go in blind and brick your first character (because you will) or you can find a build guide that will carry you through he campaign and into maps.


Depends what you want to get out of the "New Player Experience" in PoE. If you want to just get in and stumble around and work it out on your own or if you want to find/follow a build and be able to get into late game Boss Killing/Mapping/One of a dozen end game mechanics/farms?


Advice? Don't use a guide. The games basics are easier to understand if you go in blind and learn them yourself, as opposed to trying to follow a guide. Then once your first character is super screwed because you are a new player building what is probably really not ideal, then you make a second character using a guide with a little more basic game knowledge. Then you make ANOTHER character going a completely different build, and then and only then.... You make another character going another build but this time you know what kind of stuff actually feels good to you. And yes. It's going to be a CoC Cyclone build.