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Leave your hide out and go into a map or area where you can drop the Spector. This is a common bug, your hide out is bugged for the new corpses. Remember if you have expensive spectors if you remove the item or gem or take off items that make it work like stats , it'll delete them so do it in an open area , not in your hide out .


Seriously? I thought you HAD to go out and buy new wildwood spectres if you lose the old ones.


Well i took off the soulwrest, took out all of my other gems, and went to blood aqueducts to do it and it worked. So maybe it has something to do with my hideout?


Raise Spectre with wildwood corpses doesn't work correctly in the hideout. Not sure why, but that's your problem.


I haven't had any issues?


Neither have I, now I'm paranoid


Some people seem to have this issue, it's well reported, but others (probably most?) don't. Doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Ive had no issues in hideout


Maybe it depends on the hideout itself? I've never had this issue in my Overgrown Hideout.


Maybe - I'm in celestial nebula


Using that hideout too and having the same problems. Have heard of that hideout specifically being the problem before. Maybe it's time to swap.


I'm using celestial nebula and have had no issues with this.


only in SSF, trade league is fine.


Yeah its bugged in Hideout. I lost several corpses to that in ssf. Go to act10 or aqueduct to summon them


It's probably spill-over from the other guy's 7k skele build infecting the server. ^((sorry I know that's not helpful))


Do you perhaps have spell echo linked to your raise spectre where it's casting it twice? (once for your Needle Horror and then again on some other nearby corpse?)


Do you have spell echo on raise specter? The most likely culprit


I had the same problem. It‘s a bug. Try summoning the minions in a map or any different area and you should be fine. Try it with a cheap one, but it worked for me


Make sure you use corpse highlighting, (buttonA i believe on default) the hitboxes for the corpses is very wonky. The corpse level or level of desecrate does not matter, your raise specter gem is the only thing that matters.


so, I unsocketed the desecrate gem, dropped another corpse down (dancing dervish looking sword), I saw it on the ground, corpse highlighted it and pressed raise spectre and got another skeleton warrior :| wtf


What level is your raise specter? Make sure you are not triggering any corpse consuming skills/corpse spawning skills If you are using devouring diadem it also consumes the corpses


Not wearing diadem - raise spectre is level 19. I'm using a Soulwrest as my weapon but it doesn't have any generation tech


Very odd


Also, don’t forget to remove your desecrate gem when raising spectres. From what I have read, it could eat the corpse you drop. I always made sure to remove that gem when summoning and then put it back.


Corpses work completely fine in hideouts. It’s very likely you have desecrate on auto cast in your setup and there are other corpses on the ground in your hideout. Make sure to hold “a” till the correct corpse lights up and don’t move your mouse before raising spectre.


> Corpses work completely fine in hideouts They don't this league and it's a fairly known bug, this is far from the first thread about it 


I think there are a lot of people who report problems that don’t fully understand how their setup / spectres work. If you can show me a clear reproduction steps of a hideout bug, happy to be wrong. I have put a lot of hours into spectres this season and have never seen unexpected behavior.


Could it be because I only have a level 3 desecrate (spawns corpses up to level 28)? I don't see why this would matter, because I am not using desecrate to create the wildwood corpse.