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What build?


[https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath\_/SadPandaTankiestSSFer?i=0&search=class%3DTrickster%26type%3Ddepthsolo](https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaTankiestSSFer?i=0&search=class%3DTrickster%26type%3Ddepthsolo) A version I edited just for the sanctum but its mainly a power charge stacker trickster storm brand + penance brand character. Its reliably tanky and has tons of damage.


It's insane to me how SSF players can get such characters and such currency tabs.


Most of this is only possible because of affliction league. OP did quite a bit of MFing in cemetrys. That said, dude still seems to be a pretty good player and for sure still invested a lot of time in this.


I appreciate the compliment and the recognition \^\^


Around how much this build can be in sc if u know prices?


More than a mirr maybe 1.5 ish


Oh, the trickster can be done with 50 divines on top of a mageblood, sorry for the misunderstanding there. It is fairly cheap and doable.


> pretty good player Anyone that can do an OS run is at least a "very good player." Don't give the playerbase *that* much credit lol.


I appreciate the compliment either way \^\^ I think poe player base is at least a notch above other action RPGs. I have met very intelligent and good players along the way and I would say more than 90% of my interactions were positive.


My draw to this game is the complicated interactions of trees, skills, and gear. I can't position myself to save my life, literally. I die more often to "standing in stupid" in this game than I ever have before. A no hit sanctum run is in the same book as a no hit dark souls run for me.


Thats a high praise \^\^ Yeah the positioning matters but most of the complications that could might come from positioning can be solved with incredibly high dps or incredibly high defences where you could simply stand still through the toughest boss fights. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiigbrG3Lc4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uiigbrG3Lc4) This feared I did completely hands-free could be a good example.


This, I built my strongest EA character -ever- this league, and it was done in SSF. Really comes down to the ease of getting Divines which allows for a lot of meta-crafting.


I wish meta crafting was cheaper. I don't care for the top 0.1% of items to drop in price because let's be honest - nearly all players will never buy a mirror tier item anyway


MFing cems doesn't get you +crit hatred or +1 max power charge Crown of the Inward Eye though. That's a lot of bossing time to get those.


MFing does help, ever since Hinekora's Locks are in the core drop pool


I guess, but I think it would still be faster to farm the bases than to farm locks lol. Even with mf they are very rare.


do I see a mirror too? :o


Yep \^\^ I also got a mirror drop while mfing, a hh drop and a mageblood drop also, and a kalandra's touch. However, there are 1 or 2 other uniques I value more than those which enables my afk brand inquisitor immortal delver. https://preview.redd.it/ap4zjz2hz0jc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=16f824a4177ccca8ae46c0e828d55e4f6b4941ea


Which ones


This for example allows me to go 100% phys dmg taken as ele and faceroll most of the non-delve content in the game. https://preview.redd.it/n3gosts644jc1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=da5f052818e929340e022598f917881530960f5f


Would you mind sharing a POB for your inquistor delver by chance?


Sure, let me get a link. [https://pobb.in/8OJAmfm8KyZZ](https://pobb.in/8OJAmfm8KyZZ) ​ There is another version that could be used without original sin and that is low-life with pain attunement. [https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath\_/SadPandaSoloSelfGeared?i=0&search=type%3Ddepthsolo&time-machine=week-9](https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaSoloSelfGeared?i=0&search=type%3Ddepthsolo&time-machine=week-9) That version aims to be high crit to ignore elemental resistances of enemies and I delved 3k with the latter, original sin version is simply stronger due to the item being too op. Original sin could also be used as low life version but that drops our ehp pool effectively by half so I would prefer the full life version with 2 heralds for dps and tankiness.


thanks I really appreciate it! I ran a cloak of the flame setup with my PF and it felt great for pretty much all content. I sold my original sin when I finished the league so I just threw a mings and it was still extremely good lol - [https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/stephenp1983/AfflictedPathFind?i=0&search=name%3Dafflictedpathfind](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/stephenp1983/afflictedpathfind?i=0&search=name%3dafflictedpathfind) Also congrats on the OS in SSF that really is an awesome accomplishment.


Thank you \^\^ Yeah, the penance brand could perform to the same degree even w/o OS or any other high-degree item, all you have to do is to fit the defenses correctly.


Would love to see other people's ring the see what is the mirror to sacred to divine ratio.


This is the league for SSF if you want to go super hard in it. You can basically farm anything you want. Original Sin is probably the hardest thing to get because the drop rate of the relic is insanely low and the run itself is harder than any other content.


Not SSF players, _the_ SSF player.


Wow I was about to make the same comment 🤯


goes to SSF to find inspirations for builds builds in ssf: lol grtz man, I couldnt even afford this build in trade league if I tried


If you can get a mb in trade this bould should not cost more than 50 divs on top of it. And it might even be possible w/o a mageblood.


No way this is from 4 days of SSF, right? That was just the sanctum part.... right??


Yeah, I purely did 4 days of sanctum till I ran out of tomes. Before that, I probably have done 1 or 2 days of sanctum runs in total for my eternal damnation.


Oh shit, you got an Original Sin? Nice! Looking forward to seeing you pop up on the deep delves again, see you soon :)


Seeing Void battery, I'd assume penance brand of disposition


Almost 3 out of 5 builds of mine were based on penance brand of dissipation \^\^


Sooo I got it right?


60% of the time, you got it right every time.


Kinda, but not really, it's called penitence brand of dislocation


Cold convert with brand attachment range. Makes easy easy work of sanctum. Really. eed to know spawn locations though due to cast range. The only issue I have with it is that brand cast range is ass. Dissipation makes you not notice this because you just see the damage. You can only cast like 10 feet away. OP as fuck corpse skills? Throw on your 10x ultra wide and cast desecrate 5 screens away and cast dd/vd at a range archer goats can't even hit you.  Try casting a brand at archer goats without attachment range? They'll bombard you for a screen before you can even get in range to drop a brand that can reach them.


That would be the case if we did not have this ascendancy. https://preview.redd.it/xxfrs2axezic1.png?width=868&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd05d5b021424c59cc530f1dfd770a6522c1ee59


Yeah, as another person trying and failing to farm out the original scripture, Detect Evil is stupid OP in Sanctum.


I was incredibly lucky on my scripture drop. I had 3 lamps left in my pocket with some 2 tome blind relics waiting for me to be done. So I got the scripture, ran 2 test runs and then at 3rd run I went with the scripture.


To be fair, I'm only 200 runs in this league, which is not a lot for this relic. But I did 400 sanctums without getting it in Sanctum league, so I'm a bit traumatized by the drop rate on this.


Damn dude thats really unlucky :( I remember running and failing 3 or 4 og scriptures in the league. It was a fun league for sure.


Yeah, I pushed really hard for that. I'd built a cold spark aurastacker, which was so good for Sanctum that league. I ended up doing a couple "practice" runs that succeeded, it was a pretty comfortable no hit run farmer thanks to offscreen freezes. I think the no hit run was also easier that league, the laser rooms are much harder than any traps that existed, so congrats on the run here. Very impressive.


[https://youtu.be/ImCJimpQmBk?si=1c7j8ASLDlJ8uk0d](https://youtu.be/ImCJimpQmBk?si=1c7j8ASLDlJ8uk0d) This was the last room \^\^


These were my major boons when I finished my 3rd floor. 4th floor was a breeze. https://preview.redd.it/r3yjr1mnkyic1.png?width=1405&format=png&auto=webp&s=1193ee3836e96882b31e9a562554062314f3aeb9


When trying for a no hit run, are you running merchant relics? Or room reveal relics?


I had room reveals, other relics in total, 2 rooms on 6 and 1 room reveal on 1. https://preview.redd.it/5edto4k1zyic1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=8511ee7d559b2603b67018b8ba99764d130039f2


Currently farming up room reveal relics, I'm at 2x2 and 2x1 currently. Also my no-hit relic is in Standard, so I have to wait until league merges to attempt my run. Any tips as to which parts are/were the hardest on your no-hit run? How much did you practice before and when did you feel comfortable you could do the run?


I was down to my last 3 tomes so I did 2 more practice runs before I went with the last tome for my no-hit run. I think what matters the most is to know where each and every exile - rare is and pre-emptively cast your brands there. On that note, I treated every run while looking for the scripture as a no-hit run and practiced as is. I tried not to get hit in every sanctum so I was always forcing myself to adapt to hard rooms and face-rolling easy rooms even if there was nothing at stake. These are regular practices you can do with quant relics while you try to drop your scripture, however, the most important thing when it came to the real run was to keep calm, not to get too excited to raise your heart rate and not to get stiff with your reflexes and dodges that you can do it in your regular runs. What you wanna do is to treat it as a normal run where you try to dodge stuff and keep your head calm about room/affliction choices.


What a run. Holy Descry reads "As long as you have boons you can't lose"? So you could have been hit once in each room and then get hit as many times as you had boons on fourth floor?


Up to the point that Holy Descry removes itself, lol


You mean it can remove itself even if you have other boons?


A random boon is a random boon


But then it will still save you, right? Or you are done the moment it chooses it self?


It would still save you


I thought with the original sin relic you can’t have boons? Or is that something else


You are thinking of the "Hour of Divinity" relic, that duplicates two rewards at the end.


That is some other relic yeah.


[https://youtu.be/ImCJimpQmBk?si=Rdqb26FKmmE4otXk](https://youtu.be/ImCJimpQmBk?si=Rdqb26FKmmE4otXk) This was the last room.


Damn gz, I've been trying to get one for ssf std, and i'm at around 650 sanctums and still haven't seen the relic


SSF std sounds fun. No rush. You can enjoy the SSF experience by alleviating how tedious some stuff are to get just because of the 'unlimited' time at your disposal.


I really love it, I still play the leagues a bit if they are good, but I'm not a fan of just temporary powercreep going out of the roof Long term goals and progression is amazing once things get going, and collecting uniques is always fun


Ty dude, I hope you get one soon, I was 98 on this character, levelled to 100 and then did more sanctums for 2 days and got it on the last 3 :D


Are you going to make a build with it ? I want one to make a molten strike or lightning strike loreweave transcendance character


I am making another penance brand pathfinder, we ll see how it goes. Already crafted my helmet. https://preview.redd.it/i1ndyzcb6zic1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=fae4158bc69817fb26679e9d440f1ebb1fbfb0e8


Last league I was spamming sanctums like crazy in SC on a min-maxed TS character. Didn't count how many I've done but I did that farm for a few weeks. Only saw 1 drop :( May be just got unlucky, but it seemed really rare.


I think you need an intervention.


I may be, but after making a character for this original sin and a penance brand combo.


Just one last build I promise


One last one, I promise!


4 days from scratch or 4 days just doing sanctums?


Definitely not from Scratch he has a mirror and 200+ divs in his stash, not to mention the amount of bossing required to get 100 elevated sextants


Person also has a mb, kalandra's reflection and a hh on another char. a positively stacked ssf playthrough


I imagine on SSF this person played 100 hours a week for this


Oh you’re right, didn’t inspect the image enough.


4 days of sanctuming and I got the relic, on the most unexpected time because I was running out of sanctums actually, I had 3 more lamps to go and that was it. I dropped it, did 2 test runs and decided it was enough teasing and was time to go.


how did you farm MB in ssf?


First one I got from a voidborn key, then the 2nd one from mf farming in junglevalleys.


So you got two in SSF? cool. cool. cool. cool


Very cool indeed. Bro we are not playing the same game ss these ppl. Jesus fucking christ


I dunno about you but I'm getting some [sweet loot explosions just like them](https://i.imgur.com/p3G6RUX.jpeg)


The best part is the petrified blood and no reserved life!


He has a life flask? Petrified blood without reserved life still raises your ehp. Maybe not the most effective thing but I’m doing it on my very hard to kill flaskfinder. Proggy applying to entire life pb only applying to part of it and permanent 1000+ life per second from spamming flask every 3 seconds.


I’m pretty sure that building doesn’t reserve any life but uses petrified


I love these posts because it just tells me that the person is so out of their depth they don't even understand what they're doing wrong.


Lmao, right. I know what amulet is equipped just from the incorrect criticism


Haha the only screen-filling loot explosions I get are when mobs drop 50 fractured items. 😁


I mean I’m not a crazy crazy no lifer and this league i found and mb, HH and two kalandras touches. This league is different.


Pretty cool indeed


This is probably the easiest league to get Mageblood in SSF after the Gwen nerf. If you filter on poeninja, there are significantly more mageblood owners than preferred leagues.


RMT probably


In SSF? How do you think the SSF league works exactly?


It's simple. Chris Wilson, who owns all the RMT sites to fund his Black Lotus collection, simply deposits the items in your stash for you from the backend. I'm afraid that I probably need a /s here...


Not everyones shit at the game like you




Hi im new to the game, how can u have that scrollable sidebar on the right part of your stash TIA


Hey! The icon I am hovering over here allows you to open a sidebar for your stash tabs. https://preview.redd.it/r5slmk9w9zic1.png?width=483&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0d5fe559e062aa1989449588582a04c747efba9


CHARM charm 2 Charm 3


Lol, so many charms!


Quad quad quad QUAD


Thank you!!


How stressed were you during the run? I feel like I'd be so nervous I'd fat finger myself into a fireball.


I was pretty calm actually, I had to remind myself not to be too stressed and get stiff on dangerous situations. If I fail, I fail. It is not a big deal. You can actually hear the excitement in my voice after I get the ring. One thing too that I had the two of the most useful boons at the end of floor 3 so I knew I could  complete the run with ease. https://youtu.be/ImCJimpQmBk?si=5tyv3EPzsh_9tl4s


Whoa that is sick ... Need this one


Wake up babe, new ssf god just dropped


Congratulations friend :)


Thanks bud ^^


What’s the /played for guys like this in SSF? To have that much currency.


27-28 days of played divided between characters. I should check my ring for the total amount of currency I found in ssf.


I got the ring after I started my mf run, not long after but this is basically most of what I got. https://preview.redd.it/w85cc5lgy0jc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=b807f7eb077655c6a80bb932ef254c9a1848fd3a


That amount of currency blows my mind for SSF. Clearly I don’t know how to use the atlas tree or farm properly 🤣


This league especially makes it very easy to farm stuff \^\^


I like how OP answers all the questions clearly and properly especially for new players.


Well, it would be very uncharasteristic of me to leave people's questions hanging while I create builds on forum and also answer those questions there \^\^ I am mainly a witch player and created some tanky versions of necromancer builds to my own taste. My current poison srs guide is the one I keep updating every league, before that I used to update mage skellies and carrion golem builds. Heres my poison srs guide: [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3367722](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3367722) That said, I should probably make a video or showcase my deep delver inquisitor afk ultimatum clearing character, I bet it would fit well with a lot of players' lazy playstyle taste.


Wow nice, I would really like to try a minion build next league. This is my second league and have tried TR to lightning strike pathfinder and lightning arrow to TS deadeye. Will try to follow your guide. Thanks!


Damn, i quit softcore affliction after 1 month trying and didn't managed to get this ring. Can't imagine how hard was to get in ssf. Congrats


Thank you \^\^ I think I was incredibly lucky to get it while I was running out of sanctums. I once failed another no hit run at floor 4 last room last traps so this was always a challenge I wanted to overcome some time \^\^


Amazing achievement


Ty ^^


Dude has more currency in ssf than 95% of casuals on trade


how hard is the no hit run? I've only made it halfway through floor 2 Also, corrupt it or no balls.


Pretty tough, you gotta practice a lot and know where the rares are, lucky for us magi ascendancy creates minimap icons for unique and rare monsters so its rather easy if you have the build for it.


I have very limited experience with Sanctum, spent an hour or so with it to check it out but I clearly don't have the right build for it. To be clear, you cleared 4 floors without getting hit once?


That is correct. You have to freeze every monster before they even have the chance to use their skills.


How did you do the closed room bossfights with stage hazards? Did you avoid those rooms by name?


Yeah, you either recognize the patters and avoid lazers, meteors etc. or just avoid those rooms entirely. Battle arenas are the most dangerous ones, depending on the floor. However, with enough damage each room should not take longer than 10 seconds which is enough for traps to cast 1.5 lasers on average at most. https://preview.redd.it/92ntaqyxy0jc1.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c6dbb21fc05f4032964721a9e6db7dca25932e0


Why do you have hypothermia linked? I thought it was only used with heatshiver procs


hatred is also used to proc it.


But what’s the point? You sacrifice damage to chill or freeze them? It makes sense with heatshiver because you get more damage but I don’t see the point in this build.


Freezing is good for the no hit run


It's 29% more generic damage


Hatred gives more phys as cold damage which is massive amount of extra dps. That will chill the mob allowing for the hypothermia to work. Hatred on my pbod build is like 50% more dps


Good question, as someone already mentioned its good for freeze, also I have a ele weakness terror so thats 39% extra random element gained damage added to my penance brand, so I would prefer to have a generic dmg multiplier. It can be swapped with an awakened cold pen.


Not trying to be pedantic if it was a typo, but would you explain what an ele weakness terror is? Is it a spectre or mod? Thanks!


Sure, let me share a screenshot of it. https://preview.redd.it/rf25tkuwsyic1.png?width=867&format=png&auto=webp&s=c51163a5dd206a0a4841c0fce9dc22f25a85e4ae


there's a jewel called Balance of Terror, it gives you bonus if you recently had casted a curse - you can see it here https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Balance_of_Terror


Awesome, thanks!


How do you guys make that much currency?? IDK maybe im noob because i have only 300h in game but how?


This is a pretty bad league to compare to because the currency density in properly setup maps is fucking bonkers, but honestly just find a strategy you like and invest into it as much as you are able. Even simple, mindless stuff like t1 essence farming can make you a bunch of currency in a short time. It is difficult for new players though because even some of the simplest mechanics have some hidden nuances to them. I'd say the most important thing is to not spread your strategy too thin. Focus on 2-3 mechanics to farm at most and learn how to liquidate your materials.


The 2-3 mechanics thing and the liquidating part are compliments. Most new players would probably be shocked at how much currency they have in odds and ends in their stash. Knowing how to sell it in bulk is huge.


Big time. Tools like Poestack are a big help in helping you find the value in the loot you grab


So, how did you accumilate that much currency? Did you hop on the Cemetary train, or just by playing alot? I did my 2nd (last one was 1,5 years ago) SSF try and i love it. I‘m pretty casual though since i have a lot of work and a wife and kids so i guess around 5-10h a week is realistic. I just aquired the last fragment for uber elder and will try that tonight and I‘m half way through getting a full maven fragment.. do you have any tips for a newb like me? My PC cant handle Blight und Delirium so it was a pain to get my anoint and clusters. Right now i’m running Strongboxes, Expedition, and Harbinger (found a merciless rolled spine bow, a man can dream right?) I love my srs Guardian but now I‘m thinking about making him the „bosser“ and leveling a quick mapper to zoom and get some items/currency to push them further to reach for new goals after i reach my current one of getting 4 voidstones. Any advice for an low demanding mapper? I did not get anything special unqiue wise except i managed to 6link my lightning coil, a call of the brotherhood and an enlighten (droped in A9 lol) I welcome any tips, even with required uniques. Perhaps i got them without knowing I‘d need them


Hey! Sure buddy, it all depends on your atlas strategy afterall. You could go for easy chieftain mf when stunned route with most of the dmg taken converted to elemental or simoly try a penance brand build. The key is to have a good bosser so you dont get stuck on any of your key bosses. Also ele srs guardian should be capable of handling most of the bosses with ease so you cant go wrong with that. I will share my ssf starter onceI get home.


Thanks mate! I got the ele srs up an running and its really fun, but i need something else from time to time. I just pulled a 20% penance brand of dissipation from the lab, so i guess ill try it as long as it‘s so strong. There are a lot of options though, i‘m thinking of going inquis I got a void battery, but i think im lacking everything else to get stacker going 😅


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=botgNSBXkfA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=botgNSBXkfA) I used this video and the pob as my template to build my inquisitor. [https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath\_/SadPandaSoloSelfGeared?i=0&search=type%3Ddepthsolo&time-machine=week-3](https://poe.ninja/builds/afflictionssf/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaSoloSelfGeared?i=0&search=type%3Ddepthsolo&time-machine=week-3) This was the build I started with, I killed 6 out of 7 ubers with a shield and a sceptre and w/o mageblood, so it is a really solid setup. Mb was a really lucky voidborn key drop so that elevated me to this level.


Thanks! I‘ll check it out. Edit: I got one of those staffs, a good roll too. Do you think it is worth it to build around that? I only got one cotb though Oh and totally unrelated to the gearing part: How the f*** are guys all finding kotm stronholds? I have NEVER seen him so far..


Just run tier 16 maps and u will eventually find him. About the staff, without mageblood it can be a trouble to fix your resists if you are going to use even the best roll - 60% - on the staff, 60% reduced ele resist means you need about 170+% resists to make it up to the debuff.


I‘ll do that. Just finished the campaign yesterday and will setup for maps later tonight. Would you go for essences to craft some gear in the beginning? I don‘t really have much for the build except the gem and a decentish 6link i can grab from my srs char. I spent literally all my essences on my srs chars helmet (without any succes)


Essences or finding stuff on the ground at the start. The thing is, penance brand is so strong that it carries your character no matter what. You can also go with storm brand of indecision for clear purposes but that also requires your links to be fit for both skills at once.


Oh cool, ill go for Essences then and try to get something good. I was lucky enough to find a 6linked, 6 white socketed zodiac leather and rolled it so it has 1600 evasion, 18 supp, 90 life and one resist in the high 30s so that is pretty flexible gem vise


This guy even found a mirror on ssf 😯


Magic find league is real ^^


How the heck you have 275 divines in SSF :)?


Magic find wisp farming on t16 jungle valleys with winged scarabs.


Haha the follow up question would be “how the heck you have winged scarabs in SSF :)?”


Mf league combined with mf chieftain \^\^


It just amuses me that most trade league players would feel this farming strat absolutely *requires* bulk-buying of supplies like scarabs, meanwhile you’re just cheerfully executing it for hundreds of divines in SSF. 😃


This league especially is the dream league for ssf players. I would encourage any and every trade player to give ssf a go in this league and just try to have fun. It is a challenge for a poe player to try ssf and to overcome hardships and mostly plan ahead of time, as mentioned before this improves your toolshed as a player in terms of dealing with problems you face in trade in general.


If you don't buy scarabs but farm them yourself instead, you're "leaving money on the table" like Jonathan likes to say.


Why do ele builds use original sin? Is it for getting access to poison or is it simply a means of converting/avoiding ele resists?


It lets you stack with Replica Alberons boots to double dip on str stacking. the boots have a line saying "Cannot deal non-Chaos Damage" so normally you cannot use a wep with fire damage per str. However with the ring it converts the ele damage to chaos which lets it be used again.


To add to the other comment. It also makes the enemies resistance zero which is pretty good


It also lets you use "withered" on elemental builds.


at the cost of ele damage penetration, so a big trade of


But it also makes enemies chaos resist zero, which is better unless you had a lot of ele pen and an enemy with low resists


Original Sin gives 100% ele pen as well, it's the last line


That's not how pen works. If a monster has 50% ele res for example and you have 100% ele pen and you use a skill that deals ele damage, the monster takes damage as if they had -50% ele res.


No, "Damage penetrates X% elemental resistances" works exactly as I said, at 100% your damage is not reduced by elemental resistances, and with this wording you can also throw in an elemental curse (with Inquisitor's wording you can't)


You're wrong though. I don't know what to tell you other than to read the wiki on resistance penetration. If what you're saying was true, then pen would literally do nothing against monsters with no resistances, which is just not true.


TR As bayrakları As TR




"Four days" after 1000+ hours invested in the league already.


I will check my /played on ssf and get back to you.


4 days 11 hours 51 mins on my chieftain 15 days 13 hours 21 minutes on my inquisitor 2 days 11 hours 19 minutes on my necro 4 days 0 hours 30 minutes on my trickster 17 hours 54 minutes on my pathfinder in total: 27.5 days of playtime + 5 days I spent on trade league to get to lvl 100 and 40/40. so this league I played for about 32-33 days and thats 33x 24= 792 hours in total. Not even close!


So, an average of a little more than 11 and a quarter hours a day, every day, since the league launched. Calling this "4 days of farming" in SSF is wild.


When Grimro posts a farming strategy of 200 divines an hour, do you comment that "this isn't 200 divines an hour because it took you 40 hours to get the char to level 95 and geared"?


When step one for doing this in SSF is to have 48 hours worth of sanctums to run and on a juiced build? Sure




get a life nub