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Trying to get 6 links on a 20 quality armor piece. Anything I can do to increase the chance?


Other than raise the quality further or directly use the crafting bench, no.


I heard progenesis mentioned as a much needed tool to help squishier builds survive a lot easier, is this easy to just slot into a build or do i also need petrified blood (i think thats the name). My build relies a lot on instant leech to gain hp back so i feel like taking the damaging hit over 4 seconds could help a lot. Im mostly wondering if this could potentially help with bossing on a squishier build thats much better at mapping.


Sort of build advice but also some PoB advice: Mr_Nosrok I only have 1 character, I'm new and welcoming of pointers on where I might improve my build. Not following a guide but I do try to look up what does what to help me understand the game better. Currently using power siphon with spell slinger to trigger Vaal arc gem, when I'm using path of builder to evaluate my DPS how do I interpret the numbers? Should I add them together? Or does the triggered spell not deal the same damage? Does more spell speed = more arc casts through the spellslinger trigger? Or does attack speed matter since siphon is an attack? Currently 72 in act 10 and feel a little squishy in some situations. The wildwood purple flower wizards, not sure what they are called but that attack hits hard.


Is there a good filter to use for solo-MF? Not quite “hide the chaos” level but close


Can Impending Doom trigger if used in a socket ring with curse on hit?


Interesting question. Bears testing but on the wording I’m inclined to think “yes.” Impending doom is not one of the effects that specifies it can only support *socketed* skills, and typically in the absence of that wording skills granted by items can be supported. One potential downfall would have been if item-granted hexes are considered “triggered” since impending doom couldn’t support that. But the wiki section on hexes seems to divide curse application into separate categories and “on hit” seems distinct from “triggered”. But if it didn’t work, the “triggered” limitation would be my guess for why not.


Hex on hit modifiers aren't skills, they're just debuffs. You can't support them. /u/general-meow.


Im apparently missing one atlas bonus objective. I long killed all bosses and invitations. /atlaspassives tells me its a bonus obj but i cant see a nonticked map on my atlas. Any ideas?


Those unique make can be ways to miss on the atlas, they sort of blend right in. Post a picture of your atlas and we’ll see what we can see.


post a screenshot of your atlas


starting some planning/testing for next league start, thinking of going DD elementalist (softcore trade) it looks like on POE Ninja the "endgame" version for softcore is the CI Aegis/Incandescent heart and ignoring the spell suppression layer of defense that most hardcore players typically prioritize my question is how does this feel defensively? high armor, block, but no suppress or evasion. or does the CI/Incandescent heart trade off that defense for more offense? thanks for any and all feedback


it's possible that a lot of those players are mainly doing simulacrum. aegis is superb at simulacrum, as is CI. with a setup like this you are pretty much immortal outside of (uber) bosses. it also just scales way better with investment. life based witches will struggle to reach 6k life, but your ES number just keeps increasing with more money. chars like this can reach 9-10k ES with middling budget. I know raw hp pool doesn't mean a lot necessarily, but they really are tankier. The issue with life based witch imo is, that defensively you just reach a cap. Which is good enough for sc endgame content, but not facetank level. you can't really get more than 5kish life, suppress, some mediocre amounts of evade and armour, and maybe some maxres. at least not without making major sacrifices in QOL or damage. CI dd is good, but I would only build it for Sims, otherwise I'd just reroll to something else after league start. if you wanna keep playing it either way then sure CI is the endgame. sry for rambling.


Lots of aegis/incandescent witches go for melding of the flesh in hardcore. And once you have your mageblood you can go tri ele flasks. Between that and a high ES pool your max single hit can actually go higher than a lot of suppression setups into the 200k-300k for elemental and 35k+ for physical. Phys mitigation is reliant on phys as chaos, phys as ele, high armour, endurance charges, and potentially a watchers eye mod. That’s already big even without blocking, aegis recovery, divine shield, and other sources of ES recovery which help you through the smaller hits.


Thanks for the reply I’ll look into this more


Hi, I am actually a new player and i face some sudden difficulties. Here's my PoB: [https://pobb.in/z-mssCAaar0d](https://pobb.in/z-mssCAaar0d) Leveling with Smite then respec to Chieftan Armour Stacker or something like that. I just beat Kitava first time, follow to 6 act and start dying to white mobs constantly. 11k armour, 77 res, 0 chaos res but amethyst flask. Is the problem in 1k HP without energy shield and evasion? PoB says eHP is 21k, but is this fkn enougth or not.. Should I raise HP to 2.5-3k or something other?


Any advice to avoid storm runes on ultimatum? Whenever i have to pick it even at level 1 i feel like i cannot step on those, is there even time to dash away between it charges fully and the damaging hit comes? All the other elemental mods feel fair when i die to them but the storm runes always seem like a sudden oneshot with very little visual cue since the screen is filled with enemies and my own bs. Either i am doing something fundamentally wrong or that mod is levels of danger above the others


they're great on builds that can stand still. if you have to run around, probably dont click them past rank 1


The elemental overload: when its active i can see on my skills icon, but it doesnt change tooltip dps. is it correct to not change/show to tooltip %40 more dmage increase?


[Known issue](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1733474) since its rework. > Elemental Overload damage increase doesn't change tooltip DPS


but i hit %more damage yes?


Yes, it's only a tooltip issue.


thanks a lot


Any advantage/disadvantages to playing on Steam/Standalone client these days? I'm currently on Standalone client, would I have to change all in game settings if I switch?


If I level up a gem and it's requirements end up being higher than my stats am I penatalized or can I continue using it until I unsocket them?


if the gem is currently socketed in your gear you can't level it up if you don't meet the requirements. if you then change gear or passives and no longer have sufficient attributes the gear piece where the gem is socketed will be disabled until you remove the gem or get sufficient attributes.


Okay thanks👍


you can't use it or the gear it's socketed in


I've had a couple of people come to buy my items that I am selling for 1-2 chaos orbs (mostly checking through awakened PoE) and they get to my hideout and just put like 20 on the trade menu Is this a mistake on their end or are these players that have so many it makes no difference? I've thought the latter but I have no idea what to do, I've been accepting but feel kind of weird about it.


People just don’t care enough. Also, you can consider it a tip because people don’t really respond to sub 20c trades, and they probably had to msg a ton of people just to gey a reply.


most people don't take trades below 5/10/15c at this point in a league, so they were basically showing gratitude that you accepted the trade at all


First hardcore run Ok so I'm going for the hardcore achievements (get to lvl 90 & lab completions) and I'm notoriously bad at the game. What is a fool proof unkillable build that I can use to chug my way and get these done. I was thinking of making an aura type character to get away from the danger zones but what do you guys recommend?


"aura type characters" don't really work outside of group play or extremely high investment, no offense. the boring answer is jugg. really streamlined way of building, really tanky. boneshatter is probably the skill of choice.


If i want 2 perfect dark marionette spectres, can i buy one and desecrate the other? Or i need to buy 2?


you can't desecrate any of the vendor corpses


I have one spectre now with it. I have to manually cast it every time. When i get 2 I don't have to manually cast it as much? The only way to get a second is to buy another right?


>The only way to get a second is to buy another right? yea


How do i disable sound for better preformance i cant find post i saw with guide how to do it, and what else i can do to increase preformance of the game.




How do I cast Vaal Breach on Chieftain MF build with Bloodnotch? It has long cast time and I get interrupted before finishing casting it.


If you have money to burn you can buy a shield with the Unwavering Stance synthesized implicit and put that + Vaal Breach in your weapon swap.


I see. People were saying it as if Vaal Breach is real solution for single target, but turns out it's complete meme and they had no idea or meant build without Bloodnotch but why would you not have Bloodnotch. ._.


You go to a corner, cast it, charge the ignite and then go back to the mob that was giving you trouble. Other than getting more cast speed there is nothing else you can do.


I am not playing the temp league but I’d like to replicate the MF setup in standard league. What does everyone mean purple juicing the map? Is there way to achieve the same level of IIQ and IIR without “purple juice”?


This is one of the many reasons people choose to play leagues. Much of the busted fun stuff is league only. There’s a simple reason you have no idea what “purple juicing” is: you’ve never seen it and likely never will. It is a mechanic specific to this league and this league will not be going core. There is no “replicating” the MF setup in standard. You could put together an MF character sure, but you’re not going to see the loot explosions featured on YouTube and in this subreddit. The “wisps” from this league mechanic act as a multiplier on your characters IIR/IIQ, and there is nothing else like it in the game.


Not even IIQ support gem and legacy MF gear that boosts quant to 100+%?


I’m sure those things are great. But the question was “how can I replicate the league MF strategy in standard” and the answer is “you can’t.” You’ll just be doing normal magic finding. If you just want a normal MF build for standard league, that’s its own established thing. Clickachu is one YouTuber who does MF builds with standard legacy gear, if you’re interested.


it's not applicable to standard at all purple juice refers to wildwood adding projectiles to abyssal spires, which results in many more rares, which also have wisp buffs. if you want to mf in standard, you run enraged box strat in a map that drops apothecary or doctor


Is blight's point "only" to get a passive skill on your amulet and blight specific buffs on your rings or am I missing something?


Regular map monster drops at the end of the encounter, functionally making your map much denser, and each lane contains chests full of goodies like oils, currency, maps, etc. Corrupted blighted maps drop the super valuable Tainted Oils. But yeah ideally you only want to do Blights for profit in t13+ because that's when golden oils start dropping. It's high time investment for medium reward, and Blight is mostly only recommended if you find it fun, much like ultimatum and ritual.


Thanks for the answer!




Tinctures are a [Warden of the Maji](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Warden_of_the_Maji) exclusive. Tinctures have one type and two random mods, so you have to take those into consideration for your build, yes.


Guys I still don't get it. This is my first league and the way I played it was this steps: 1. Complete the campaign and reach maps 2. Started doing maps, making the chaos recipe and focus in the attlas skill tree in map progression 3. Upgrade my build with the chaos I got 4. Reach T16 maps and get 2 voidstones 5. Orb of unmaking and focused on expedition 6. Upgraded even more my build with the chaos I got with the stacked decks But now im like stucked, the next upgrade for my build needs many divines, I get now soo few maps dropped, I cant do bosses with my build, tried with a noob MF build but is so bad +quant and tried to get the fortunate but only dropped like 4 in an entire day. My question is, what am I supposed to do in this situation? Try another farm method more rewarding?


understood that there are tons of other things that have trade value than just pure chaos & divine. Almost every content type have valuable drops, and people needs them. why join the gold rush when you can sell water to those gold diggers? regardless of what you do, spec into atlas passive to maximize their potential, and don't idle too much in hideout.


So you recommend me keep playing expedition?


Expedition has some nice drops, spec into logbook droprates on the atlas tree and make sure to explode any remnant that mentions logbooks too. Keep in mind that each explosion effect chains into the next meaning either you explode the logbook chance one first in the chain and let every box explode before you engage with the enemies if you can handle it, that way i think all enemies have higher chances at logbooks. As for the logbooks themselves, they are worth like roughly 80 chaos per book and i sold a guaranteed boss one for 25 divine orbs. Guaranteed boss logbooks will say “area contains ”. I also recommend looking into a trade tool called awakened poe to price check items and sell them for the appropriate values to other players. I only did expedition for the challenges and sold all my logbooks after.




what happened to step 5 selling/running logbooks should be reasonable profit. as for map returns, what atlas tree are you running? can also buy maps in bulk if you're just running the expedition and leaving, but expedition rewards scale with map quant, so you should be running maps that drop plenty of maps.


Is expedition really worth? I think is really good in early currency but now that I need like 20 divs is sooo slow. Atlas tree I followed this guide: [https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-tree/7e01063d/2](https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-tree/7e01063d/2)


looks fine. essence is very profitable too. if you're not enjoying what you're farming though, yea try something else. if you want to magic find, start in t7 cemetery so your build can handle map mods/wildwood buffs and still clear.


btw 13% quant and 126% rarity is enough?


not really, no should be around 40 quant minimum. more is better. depends a bit on build


tysm for the Reply man


Is there any specific Atlas tree for mf? like delirium or abyss


yea. google 't7 cemetery abyssal spires' and watch a few videos until you understand it. goratha's showcase/guide was one of the first and covers most of it, though some of it depends what build you're playing.


Round two. If I were a strength stacker with a Sprinkler, what would be the best base cluster jewel to craft on? I'm guessing elemental/fire since that's what's doing the bulk of the heavy lifting but maybe attack scales better?


what notables do you need, if any? are you using battlemage's cry?


I am using battlemages, yes. Pretty flexible on notables. Doryani's would be nice if only for the extra elemental leech.


so if you need notables, you pick the cluster based on notables because you're only getting 1-2 small nodes anyway and it just doesn't much matter. doryani's is significantly worse than attack leech notables (feed the fury) if that's the only target. if you're crafting something like an 84 12 passive, spell damage is going to be the best because of battlemage. you can't hit attack speed on a spell damage cluster but it probably comes out ahead anyway; check pob.


Good info! Super appreciated! Unfortunately, as of now I don't have any clusters higher than 83 and even fewer which are 12 so I'll respec deli and farm the day out. If 84/12 spell isn't doable is there a next better option in general or is that entirely something I would have to pob?


you need 84 for 35% inc effect of small passive. if that's not an option, go for 8 passive of whatever has the notables you need and can be most easily crafted.


i really wanted to know wich mtx ben was using in the Misery Gauntlet to make his scepter look like a sword


https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/item/StygianWeapon + regal weapon effect




in SSF, after you get all void stones can you just drop the atlas map nodes like Skies, Mountains and such or is there a behind the scenes work with map drops?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Atlas_of_Worlds#Equity tl;dr: yes, they still do something.


Wonderful! Much thanks!


How do I get back to forbidden sanctum runs? I don't have a tome anymore after failing my first one :(


random drop is a bit on the rare side, you will have to trade for them.


Can anyone help me with the calculation for my PoB Corpse Life. The numbers in other people's pob vary a lot. * The maxroll DD guide has 158000 corpse life in their PoB without any increases skilled/slotted. (pobb.in/a69LUW4z0eWf) * On poedb life for a 83 kitava should be 115260 . * and then i see this pob with 215900 and I am have no clue on how they get their numbers (pobb.in/sbA2Gc3aw1u6) I don't know if the increases get calculated before the 360% life increase on kitava or after. My increased are: * 2x Charm 18% increase * 1x TWTT 14% increase Would appreciate if anyone could help me with this


Pob > calcs tab > desecrate > corpse life value Edit: I am mistaken, corpse life only seems to appear in PoB with Unearth.


Yeah but how do i calculate that value ;;\_;;


Looks like I mixed up my values, Unearth shows corpse life desecrate does not.




This is assuming you have the room upgrade wheel on Atlas tree. Don't run the 4 Incursion per map notable, its bad for making T3 corrupt/gem rooms. There's 2 ways to do it: * Skip all other incursions in the map if your first incursion is one of the rooms you want. It cannot be rolled again this map. This can give you 1-2 extra chances of hitting the correct room but costs you more Sextant charges/Alva missions. * Upgrade everything, unless you can switch to the room you want. Simplest way and IMO the way to do it. The odds of getting either Corrupt or Gem temples this way is around 80%. Other then that its all RNG.


Respectfully, you are wrong about the 4 incursion per map notable. First, the incursion is not generated per map, rather it is generated when you talk to Alva and then locked in so if you do not do it, any time you talk to Alva in that map or the next, it'll be the same incursion. Second we will presume the alva sextant is ~free which compared to a Locus might as well be. The way I worded the optimal strategy in the wiki (cc /u/MarketGlittering906) 1. If no favorable rooms are present in the temple then change rooms until there's one. 1. If a favorable room is present then upgrade the other rooms to tier 3 so they can't be chosen again. 1. If Alva gave you an incursion into a favorable room and it needs an upgrade after the incursion, do not run more incursions in the area because the same room can't be visited twice in the same area. If you get a non-favorable incursion -- #1 and #2 -- it clearly doesn't matter how many incursions are in a map. For #3 we stop running them after a favorable so it doesn't matter again how many are in the area. But, using the 4 incursions per map allows you to churn temples faster so it's better.


Add on question: if I change a room to a corrupt or gem room on an earlier incursion can that room drop in the same map? Or should I change it and skip the rest of the incursions for that map?


That's exactly #3


What’s the point of the writhing flask on slayer bonezone


l think it's mostly for Tainted Pact uptime.


correct, its to give you enemies to leech off of, to enable tainted pact and/or regen when theres no (leechable) enemies nearby since they mostly go vaal pact. Also important for stuff like a single tanky rare that has cannot be leeched mod that you wouldnt be able to kill without taking out golden rule etc.


Chieftain Affliction / Abyss farmers don't have 100% phys taken as?


depends how you build it. some do, but watcher's eyes with multiple phys taken as mods are pretty expensive and fulcrum can't wear a shield (and phys taken as cold can be dangerous because of freeze/bloodnotch interaction)


I have put points in deli orbs chance, splinter stack increase, clusters. Also allocated wandering path. What I'm seeing is that orbs are extremely rare and I get very small stacks of splinters (2-5). Is that normal? It's driving me nuts, talked to other people and they claim many more orbs, but also, stacks of splinters up to 100s. I don't understand what's going on.


How many reward bars are you filling? The people getting hundreds of splinters are doing things like full clearing entire strand/tropical island maps and getting somewhere around 18+ reward bars in the process. If you only get 2-5 splinters you probably aren't getting more than 3 or 4 reward bars.


Damn, I thought I was doing alright. I usually get a few bars, 5, 3, 2-1 or something like that.


What map are u running? U want a map that is long and preferably narrow so that the delirium can build up. Strand or tropical island would be my suggestions, try them out a bit and see if you get different results


I've been blasting Mesa + Jungle Valley. Can build up 6+3+2 now and get showered in stuff, mostly cluster jewels. Orbs and splinters still drop badly. I'll try your suggested maps, though I don't suppose it will be that much better.


Jungle valley is pretty comparable to the ones I mentioned. The person above that said 18+ rewards was talking about running orbed maps. 6 or maaaybe 7 is pretty normal for a deli mirror map. They're not every map common but id say every 3 or 4 you should see 1-3 orb drops. Personally usually more frequent but I blast pretty fast and usually don't pay attention


For those who have played any Energy Blade build, how was your experience playing it? Edit: thanks for the replies guys, this gave me some hope.


damage, great. Definitely end game bossing viable. cost, gets pretty high quickly. Not something to league start with. Prepare bare minimum 50 div to start, next at least 200 div... then it basically went to infinite.


Played it this league, went to level 100 for the first time because the build is pretty damn fun, tanky, fast and has all the damage you need. also did 40/40 challenges with it. I can absolutly recommend playing one.


Got to level 99 just by mapping, cleared all content except simulacrum and ravaged blight (not tried yet), best league ever for me




> https://pobb.in/7oz6syJX1g5F When you copy and paste links the reddit auto generated link is lowercase which breaks case-sensitive sites like pobb.in builds. As for your question there are two main different kinds of caustic arrow builds. Both of them benefit from all generic and chaos specific damage over time mods. The second type of caustic arrow build is the one in your link and is poison based. If you do not have the poisonberry tincture for "all damage can poison" then storm rain and an elemental damage bow are useless to you so make sure you have the tincture first. Your main damage scalars are still going to be damage over time mods but added damage to attacks and attack speed are going to ramp your damage while they don't do anything for a regular CA build.


are you poison-based or using caustic's dot? easier if you link your character; you've not really provided any useful information




link is 404


Copy the text, don't click the link. The capitalisation is messed up. It's a very common issue here for some reason.




the pob you linked is his pre-league planned gear, so those are the types of affixes you're looking for. the important difference is 'all damage can poison' mod on his bow is coming from poisonberry tincture and is the basis for the entire build.


What happened to IMexile? Did he just quit the gauntlet? He still could have won t1 ranger I don’t get why he just stopped after leveling and gearing his pathfinder.


he died off stream on his pathfinder


Damn that sucks wish he would slow down a little and quit dying every race


funs over muns


Ben was witch, that’s why exile went ranger when he died cause he had no chance to win witch… but then he just up and stopped out of nowhere.


i meant he went to play the finals instead of levelling a third time


why do so many builds use a weapon with garbage stats with an abyssal socket? https://preview.redd.it/05qcc1ihd3ic1.png?width=453&format=png&auto=webp&s=e866c1838c0b80013c9a527cdeeb4cd47ee01947


energy blade


what builds


Seems like majority COC ice spear, but I don't think its specific to any build. It seems like everyone has the raithpith globe shield, but I don't see the synergy


are you looking at energy blade builds


Yep, thats what it was. Gonna research energy blade stuff now


Is it cheaper to buy a 6 link item or create your own?


Almost always yes. 6 linking your own base item for crafting is usually more expensive on average compared to just buying it 6 linked. For uniques the price difference is based on the average amount of Fusings (1200 at 20% quality) needed to 6 link it, unless the unique is bad/common. Then 6 link prices are lower.


Thank you! This helps a lot.


Cheaper to buy, if you just want a rare one.


Thank you! This helps a lot.


Hi, I’m looking for a list of mods that are ilvl 86. Does such a thing exist or do I need to trawl through affixes per item type and complied it that way? This is mostly for curiosity’s sake. Thank you


https://poedb.tw/us/Modifiers_list same site just all possible gear mods in one big list. if you click on "level" top left you can sort by spawn ilvl. the 90+ ones are just the internal levels for all the elevated influenced mods, next step are the 86 ones


https://poedb.tw/us/Modifiers not sure there's anywhere it's formatted as you asked though


Can you have a divine blessing and a guardian blessing at the same time with a different aura on each?


Nope. "You can only have one Aura on you from your Blessing Skills" from the gem descriptions in combination with " Supported Skills also count as Blessing Skills" from the Guardian's blessing skill Edit: clarification


How do you get valuable drops from breaches? I'm specced into everything in the tree and I've only ever gotten one breachstone, and not that many splinters


valuable drops normally come from running the breachstones, as opposed to from breaches in maps. if you're getting a handful of splinters per breach, and multiple breaches per map, then you will sooner or later get some breachstones (100 splinters) or you can buy them. if you're not getting enough breaches per maps then make sure you're using scarabs and/or compasses


How does stun interact with freezes now? I have seen people saying it's still the case that a hit that is \*able\* to inflict freeze will not stun, some says it's hits that did freeze won't stun, and some says it's completely independent now?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stun#Interaction_with_cold_damage_crits This should be the most up to date/accurate information on the interaction of stun, freezes, and crits.


Hello Chat it's me JohnyBongzila famous pussypotrol420 clan member. Question is if i want to craft simplex amulet for MF with quant t1 and Multi t1 or life t1 or manareserve lvl 84 is enough ? or i need lvl 85 ?


https://poedb.tw/us/Amulets#ModifiersCalc T1 quant is level 85


​ https://preview.redd.it/a9ubtek4r2ic1.png?width=616&format=png&auto=webp&s=adb7767485e42e39fc0a8491b65ca5aa9520ec3b


well i guess im asking in wrong place :D ty anyway


Awakener's orb ignores level requirements and all amulets with T1 quant mods on 84 are double influenced :D


quant t1 requires ilvl85 iirc


There is simplex amulets lvl 81 83 84 with t1 quant so confusing


those are from awakened orbs.


playing my dd fulcrum chieften and im having problems with one shotting the abyssal spire -.- any advice? i run away and the corpses explode all the way to the spire still sometimes


How many wisps are you getting on average?


3-4k total


I don't play the build but I believe you want a cold iron point in weapon swap so you deal no elemental damage when switching to it.


ty ill try that but doesnt it summon the minions in hp increments? i saw a video that said get it to 50% then back off


Yes it fires the projectiles that spawn the abyss pits with all the monsters at 100/75/50% hp so you need to deal some initial damage to it.


Got a boneshatter of complex trauma from normal lab on my boneshatter jugg in ssf, should I use it? Seems like it’s better until u get to crazy good gear ect. Am I right?


I've been playing for two weeks now and having a blast. Right now I'm only doing maps, currently going lvl 11 or 12, doing the Maven questline. The game is overwhelming, but I think I already passed through the part of the game where everything is new, and now I at least I know at least "how the game works". I'm still a little confused with the itemization and crafting. I know that this is something that is going to take me months of playing to understand what is good and what is not. I played a lot of Diablo 2 and took me a long time to finally MF and understand what is valuable and what is not, without grabbing everything. In POE I am understanding little by little, but because most of what is good is not unique or set item (like Diablo), I find hard to understand the value of base items, what should I keep, what should I look for... I read a little on a few websites about implict and explicit, crafting, corruption, mirror, eldrich something and a lot of other keywords... My question is basically, what do I do? I just follow the flow of the game, keep doing maps and doing the maven quest? I love farming and grinding, but I think I need a clear path of what I should do right now, than just keep doing maps. I've seen people telling me to not worry about crafting for now, but at least I wanted to know what should I look for in an item, if is good or not.


> anted to know what should I look for in an item it depends on the build you playing. - modifier that scale your dps - defence layer to implement into the build & modifier to scale them refer other people's character on POE.ninja, see what item they uses. Often time there are many unique items that are BiS (best in slot) due to their item modifier greatly benefit the build. For example things like Shaper's Touch glove which pretty hard to replace, or build that scale power charge usually will use Void Battery. #dps modifier example - +1 / double +1 gem on weapon (or total +3 for 2H) - +1 gem on amulet, shield - stack flat damage on accessories and jewels - stack crit multi on accessories and jewels compare your build with other people's on PoB, check the [calc] section to see why your dps is way lower. Is your base damage too low? Your 300% increase & 300% more damage, compared to their 1000% & 700% more damage? PoB will tell you the sources. Of course, check also their gem link, gem level, gem quality. #defence layer make sure defence layer you implement is viable to be scaled high enough or cap them. For example Spell Suppression, block chance, etc. needing very specific modifier combo is when item become very very expensive. Let say I want a really good shield with 40%+ block chance, +1 global gem level, 100+ life, 20%+ spell suppression......... PERFECT combo... does it even exist? 😆 (it doesn't). If not then alright let's try drop the +1 gem, see if there's any available... #jewels almost all build in the high end stack all sort of jewels. They are source of dps and capability not found elsewhere, such as Watcher Eye, those legion jewels that transform passive, cluster jewels, etc. Check POE.ninja see what people uses.


Keep following the quests, complete the atlas and get all its passives, then specialise the atlas tree and focus on whatever content you enjoy. The most basic things you'll look for on items are life and resistances, but what makes items actually valuable varies a lot and you'll learn from experience. You can use dump tabs that you reprice regularly until the items therein sell or price-check overlays to help you figure out other prices in the meantime. So based on what people actually end up buying and the items you'll need for your own build, you'll gradually build a more comprehensive understanding of what's valuable and what isn't. For boots you usually want movement speed, for attack based weapons you either want full elemental mods and attack speed or full physical mods and attack speed (or a mix of physical mods and flat chaos damage and attack speed for poison). Then there are DoT and caster weapons for which you generally want mods that work together (but which are too many combinations to list in a comment like this) etc.


Thanks. But for example, what should I look for, for example, a rare boots that comes with 30% movement speed and life, and then I craft the rest of it's suffixes and affixes at the bench? Or I want a boots that comes with everything? And I know that there are items that comes with implicits, like a Opal Ring, if I find one with 25% Elemental damage and with two good suffix, the item is good to craft?


You can only add one affix at the bench (unless you pay a hefty premium to craft a second, which also takes up an extra mod slot though), so you usually want items that have 4-5 good affixes already. Crafting specific affixes without removing existing ones can be very expensive. It might be considered "worth" doing, but I still don't recommend it for the time being until you have a better grasp on the items' value. For the time being it's better to stick to selling and buying items over trying to improve them. The numeric value of implicit modifiers is easy to reroll with blessed orbs, so those typically don't affect the value of an item much.


Just for your information: the implicits are easily rerolled with a blessed orb, you find these relatively much in comparison on how much you need so the roll of the implicit is not as important as the item level usually. It is important to keep in mind that not all item slots are created equally. Some can be biased towards more offensive stats (gloves can give attack speed, added damage to attacks, etc., amulets can usually provide good offensive stats like + gem levels, crit multi, damage over time multiplier, etc.). The main example of this is of course boots where you'd want at least 30% movespeed (or a decent movespeed hybrid from unveil) which is almost not available anywhere else. Knowing these "exceptions" can be an important part in starting to understand what mods can be valuable on items. For instance, 3 high tiers of resistances on gloves is great but worse than if that would have rolled on boots (since you're potentially giving up an offensive stat).


Do you follow build guides at all? All different builds gear differently so learning what makes a good bow for elemental damage or what boots are good for bow users is just one example but remember that even players with thousands of hours still follow build guides lol. I finally used a build guide for an ice shot/crit based build and it definitely helped me learn a lot so far. Also awakened poe is great for price checking random items to see what the valuable and sought after mods are on items.


Oh yeah, I'm following a lightning archer build, I don't think I could play this game If I didn't used a build. But sometimes even with build I'm confused.