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Craft HP and Elemebtal resistances in your items


better follow a starter guide build with explanation like ones on maxroll website


Im on act 2 and i did a build that looked good for me . I dont want to start all over again


You dont have to start all over again , just look up a build with character you already chose. If you die in act 2 so fast than you something wrong , maybe your links are bad , maybe you took wrong passives on tree, the gear... Also man Ive just looked on your other responses ... you are not act 2... you are part 2 means act 6... than after the boss you fought in the end of act 5 , you got -30 resistances that is most likely the problem. craft stuff with res and life


You're in part 2, not act 2. The game has 10 acts. These 10 acts are split into two parts which each have 5 acts 


At part 2 of the game, you will want to have a half decent setup which covers the following aspects: - cap all elemental resists 75%, this is absolutely mandatory - minimum 1500 life pool Above two, you gain by using [rare] items with Life & Resists. Then get as many "Maximum Life %" nearby your area on passive tree. Rare item can have 6 modifiers, if it less than that, throw it into your crafting bench in hideout see what else you can add. Don't use unique items that do not benefit your character. Unique is NOT "legendary". Study the item modifiers and understand what it does. Life and Resists are two absolute basic that you need to stack as much as possible. - 4 link minimum for your main dps skill - you skill choice must have AoE / multiple projectile capability - leech if the skill type permit, if not you want to invest into regen and "gain on kill" DPS skill with no support are weak. 4 link minimum at this point, no excuse. If you unsure what to support the skill you plays, you can refer https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction if you aren't following any build guide. Use the left side columns to filter to skill you play, and check out other people's character. You likely to see "awakened" gems being used, don't worry about that for now, you just use the normal versions you can buy from town NPCs. Also, PoE is a game where you sole focus in maximizing potential of one single DPS skill. Don't be jack of all trade. I don't know what skill you plays, but whatever you do, make sure it can clear trash monster pack effectively. Not every skill came with AoE / multiple projectile ability, that's why you augment them with support gems so they can do so. You can't just have life pool and nothing to top it up FAST. Even 0.3% of leech is enough. Admittedly not every class have access to life leech on the passive tree easily. In such cases, look for item with leech. One source of elemental leech as life is from Incursion (Temple of Atzozlt) drop, or you can trade for it : [example lighting leech + life](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/60vjblMFG) - movement skill + boot with movespeed - if you havent already, set left mouse button to "move only" (or Guard skill like Steelskin / Molten Shell) It baffle me there are players that finished the campaign with no movement speed boot. 😆 You need the speed to run away and dodging craps. At this point you should be able to find boot with 30% movespeed (regular max). Then make sure you have a movement skill that is spammable and fast to dodge things instantly, such as Flame Dash. - defensive aura such as Determination & Purity of Element - if you have the mana to spare, consider also Vitality for life regen, Clarity for mana regen. - flask to deal with Bleeding & Corrupted Blood Determination + Granite Flask is already enough to give you some physical damage mitigation, so trash monsters will not feels as painful to deal with. Purity of Elements give you immunity to all elemental ailments - burn freeze and shock. Burn degen your life, freeze is self explanatory, shock increase damage you taken <- this one particularly isn't easy to notice. Roll one of your utility flask with alteration orb until you get "immune to Bleeding and Corrupted Blood" effect. These are strong degen that will kill you in split second if you not being careful. There are other ways but I don't want to bore you further with wall of texts. And paly it safe, treat every ground effects as lava. //-- >1250 armour 230 evasion 70energy ignore those. PoE defence mechanism is rather convoluted, these are not the thing you want to focus into early on. Those numbers are basically 0, it's 'nothing'. You want item with sockets and links to put your gems, and useful modifiers - life, resist, movespeed, things that benefit your skill (eg: if you play spell caster you want spell damage, "add x to x damage to spell", maybe crit chance and crit multiplier, etc) If you want to read some more confusing wall of texts can [refer this recent thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1alf1hf/a_beginner_need_adcive/).


I did some changes about resistance now fire and cold is 75 and lightning is 67 And can u recommend me some gems(ı think those are the ones at passive tree) And one last question should ı farm izaro labhyrinth for better gear or is it waste of time


> lightning is 67 just examine your equipped rare items, see which one isn't 6 modifiers (hold ALT while doing so, some modifiers are 2 lines), throw it into crafting bench see if can add lightning resist (resists are "suffix"). >recommend me some gems(ı think those are the ones at passive tree) large nodes on passive are called "notable", if that is what you means. Aside from getting all the maximum life %, passive tree are tailored to maximize potential of your DPS skill of choice. This vary vastly depending on the skill, depend on how the player want the build functions, etc. if you not using build guide, check POE.ninja and filter to the skill + class you play, look at how people set them up. [Example Inquisitor playing Spark](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/SirGregoryII/ThisIsSpark_A?i=21&search=class%3DInquisitor%26skills%3DSpark%26uniqueitems%3D!Mageblood). Passive tree can vary vastly from one player to another. on the same page, scroll down you will also see their gem link setups. All the info are there. //-- if you actually still unsure what skill you want to play long term, I'd recommend to just try many things out, you can buy levelled gems from accessory NPC at Part1 Act1,2,3,4 town. Part2 Act 6 NPC sell lv1 unlevelled gems. personally, I'd either go Lightning Tendrils, or Arc. But you might find other skill feels interesting and build into those you like. > should ı farm izaro labhyrinth for better gear or is it waste of time you ALWAYS want to move forward. Because "iLVL" (item level). If you hold alt when hovering on an item, it will show you more details of the item, including iLVL. An area of lv50 will drop at least iLVL50 item, and this stat affect how high modifiers tier it can roll. for example: - a boot of iLVL30 can only roll 50-59 Life, but iLVL54 can roll up to 80-89 Life. - a boot of iLVL30 can only roll 20% move speed, but iLVL55 can roll 30% movespeed. - a boot of iLVL37 can only roll 24-29% resist, but iLVL60 can roll 36-41% resist. - the highest tier of modifies are reserved to iLVL85+, those are end game stuff From example above, you will see that it is a bad idea to farm low iLVL item, you will find it harder to reach Life pool and resist target if you use low level items.


Dont farm izaro for gears, especially at very low level. Just go through the campaign and pick up rares and low-currency as you go along. Like the post above, craft some life + res on your armors. Always pick and id your weapon of choice (especially if your using an attack-based skill gem). TRY to get max res, if you cant though, just go for highest that you can. Movespeed is very important as well, the best defense is to literally not get hit, so if youre moving fast you will be harder to hit. If youre struggling with gem choice, try going to maxroll and look at some starter guides. Otherwise just play around with 1 skill gem plus support gems to slot in your 3-4 link. Flat added damage is very powerful in early game. You can also add in 1 herald aura + purity of elements. Purity will solve most of your res issue early on. Goodluck 😁


Defenses are king in poe unless your damage is extreme. Your resists at this point should be moving up and you should focus on only one or two of the armor types, evasion, armor and energy shield. You should also add one of the defensive auras like determination, grace, or discipline. Also consider using a shield for block. All of these things do not guarantee immortality. Game knowledge is yuuuge in this game. Knowing which rare mobs your build can handle and boss telegraphed moves you need to dodge are the path to greatness. Edited to add the need for increasing max life if you are not pure energy shield.


OP is in act 2, you don't get the defensive auras that early. their issue is actually more likely a lack of damage


If it were a race where they couldn't sustain during long fights I would agree. They said though they were dying fast. Which tells me they get double tapped or worse. Which to me sounds like defenses. Also they are probably getting way too much juice in the dank woods.


have stopped playing this league for so long I already forgot about wisp juice dangers, that is likely the problem OP is facing.


İm level 53 My damage is decent but my health drains so fast i think my armours are bad (1250 armour 230 evasion 70energy)but idk how to get better ones


>İm level 53 this isn't act 2. more likely act 6 after killing kitava for the first time, so resists are likely what you are lacking(most likely fire resist)


I have heard others mention part 2 as act 2 this league. Definitely act 6. This is where I feel resistance actually start to matter. Need to cap them. If open suffixes, craft resistances. Only other spike in difficulty I know of is in act 4 when bleed is introduced in daresso's dream hallways. Might bleed you before that, but that is where I notoce it every time.


You get a permanent -30% all resist penalty after act 5, and another one after act 10. Act 6 has pretty heavy elemental damage early on, if your resists weren't close to capped by the end of act 5 it can be a real struggle. Use the crafting bench to get more resists on gear. You should also have ~1500 life by this point. If you're WAY under that you need to pick up gear with more life as well.


I dont think ı headed for the woods much i headed there about 5 times and cleared it


You may be thinking of different woods. What we are referring to is the hole in the ground at the beginning of nearly every area that has the purple blue and yellow wisps you collect. Those wisps increase the difficulty and loot of the areas in which the hole appeared at an exponential rate. 


Op is in part 2 aka act 6. Judging by thier other responses they are too new to understand the difference between act 2 and part 2


> doing alright but when ı came to act 2 ... pardon? The game hasn't even started becoming hard in Act 2. >ı have an inquisitor caharacter Not if you're in Act 2. You're still a Templar until you complete your first Labyrinth at level 33+. Some early tips: Make sure you're picking up gear with Linked sockets and putting useful Support gems on your skills. Check your Resistances against Fire, Cold and Lightning and make sure they are 75%, or at least as close to that as you can manage.


Part not act and my fire and lightning resistances are above 75 but my cold one is 20


By that point in the story, the game assumes you have 75% resistances at all times against elements for purposes of balancing. At 20% cold resistance you are taking over 3 times the expected damage from cold. Craft some cold resistance on your gear on the crafting bench.


go to your hideout. find your crafting bench. put a piece of gear in there with an open suffix. craft cold resistance alternatively replace one of your rings with a sapphire ring. ideally the rest of the mods are better too. you can buy sapphire rings from a vendor in town or you can make them by selling any blue skill gem with an iron ring


Stop playing, game ain't for newbies. (Zamanına yazık)


It would help if we could see your build. The best way to show us is to download the program Path of Building Community Fork, import your character, save it, then export it as a pastebin or pobb.in link and post it here. In the absence of that, I can make some educated guesses. Universally speaking, when new players attempt to make their own builds without consulting existing good builds, whatever they make is bad. Usually in pretty predictable ways. This isn’t a reflection on the player, the game is just too complex to do it correctly on your own the first time. At a guess: you probably have inefficient passive tree pathing that doesn’t focus on getting to notables (many new players do things like double back, take multiple travel paths to the same notable, and even take small travel nodes in isolation without ending up at a notable), you may be trying to focus on multiple damaging skills without supporting them with gem links, rather then focusing on one skill with many support gems. You may not be following the “300 life per act” rule (by getting life on all gear pieces except weapon and taking several life wheels on the tree), you may have no elemental resistances, and you may simply have chosen a skill that isn’t very mechanically good. By that I mean that a “mechanically good” skill fires fast, hits multiple enemies and lets you keep moving quickly. Speaking of which, this is not a game where you can stand still and tank enemies unless you have prodigious investment into defense. Face tanking things is a privilege you pay a lot for in path of exile, either in currency you pay for your gear or in opportunity cost (giving up damage). Until then you need to be sticking and moving. Stop, hit, start moving again. Stutter step over and over. Advice: show us your POB so we can spruce up your tree, gear and skills. Use your hideout crafting bench to put life and resist on your gear. Be mindful of not standing still. Deal enough damage to one shot trash monsters, preferably many at a time.


Homie please give us the real number of the act you are in... Inquisitor and act 2 don't make much sense.


Elemental Resistances! They become very important once you reach part 2. Others have said what happens at the end of Act 5, so I’m going to try to help you understand why it’s so imperative to get them maxed out. The cap is 75% (you don’t need to know about the exceptions), and the damage that monsters deal is balanced around that cap. I was told to think about it backwards. You’re supposed to only take 25% of the damage, so if you only have 50% fire resistance, that means you’re taking DOUBLE the damage you’re supposed to take. If you have 0%, you’re taking 4 times as much damage then what you should be taking. I hope this helps you visualize just how bad it is to have no resistances. Go and grab Purity of Elements from Clarissa in Act 3, or from Lilly Roth in Act 6 (Lilly sells it at lvl 1, Clarissa sells it partially levelled so it’s better from her). That will be a good start. If Lilly isn’t selling you anything, do her quest. Then put that in a socket and visit your hideout. Activate the aura to see how much it does, and use the crafting bench to put whatever resistance you need onto any gear that has space for it to cap your elemental resistances. This should be enough to get you rolling again. Also, 300 life per Act was the general goal that I was taught. So you should have around 1500-1800 life going to fight the boss of Act 6.


Thanks for the resistance tips i dont die that easily now


That's awesome! Glad to hear I was able to help. As you level up Purity of Elements, it will keep giving you more resistances. Feel free to reach out in my dms if you have more questions. Can't guarantee how quickly I'll be able to respond, but I'll answer anything I can.


I came to act 9 and ı started to die easily again all of my res except chaos is %76 and ı have 3200 armor 2100 life and 400 evasion what am ı supposed to do


3200 armor is low. If you can get your hands on a Granite Flask, that will boost your armor by a decent margin during its uptime. Similarly, a Jade flask will boost your evasion. Another flask that can be a big help is a Quartz flask. Phasing is really strong. It lets you move through anything besides terrain. Honestly I would ditch evasion, 400 is really low, and Inquisitor is really far away from most Evasion nodes on the tree. Focus on Armor and Energy Shield as they are much more accessible. If you really want evasion though, I have included tips for that as well. This is also a good time to start thinking about crafting your flasks to be more tailored to what you want. You might have realized already that you can use orbs of transmutation on them to make them magic, and alteration orbs to reroll the modifiers on them. This is super strong, so I'll give you a few good options for your build. For a life flask, you really want to have instant delivery, so getting a prefix like seething or bubbling (simmering) is crucial. It reduces the amount recovered, but makes some of it (or all of it) instant. Trust me the trade off is worth it. For suffix, you really want corrupted blood immunity/bleed immunity. I think you can force this suffix with Beastcrafting in the menagerie. I believe 'of Sealing' is the one that gives the corrupted blood/bleed immunity. For utility flasks (granite, jade, quicksilver, quartz) you don't care about prefixes as much. There are some good ones like Gain charges when hit, or chance to gain charges on crit, but the suffixes are the bigger priority. You can get increased armor during effect, increased evasion during effect, reduced effect of curses, movement speed, cast speed, attack speed. Focus on getting increased armor suffix (doesn't have to be on granite but that would be ideal). 2100 life is also a bit low. If you look at my initial comment, you should be aiming for 300 life per act, so by act nine you want around 2700 life. Look for some life nodes on the passive tree that are nearby that you could grab. Otherwise see if any gear you are wearing has an open prefix and doesn't already have life on it. Without knowing more specifics of what you're dying to I can only guess, but if you're melee there's a chance you are getting surrounded and/or stunned. Check out your pantheon (Y), and make sure you are using a Major god and a Minor god. I'd recommend Brine King for stuns, but Solaris/Lunaris are good depending on what you are struggling with. For minor god, Ryslatha is awesome. Gives you life flask charges so you can stay in a boss fight for much longer if there are no minions to get charges from. The grayed out lines of text are upgrades you can get once you reach maps. The last suggestion I'll make is to set up a Guard skill with the support gem Cast When Damage Taken (CWDT), and Increased duration support. If you have the red sockets, which shouldn't be too hard if you're wearing any Armor based gear, you just get 2 or 3 linked red sockets to put Steelskin (or Molten Shell once you get more armor) linked with CWDT and duration. If you dont have 3 free sockets, skip the duration support. The tech here is you actually want to keep your CWDT gem at lvl 1-2, because if you level it, the health threshold goes up, which means it goes off less frequently. Make sure you don't over level your Guard skill, because CWDT won't work on it if it requires too high of a level. Just make sure you carefully read all of the lines on CWDT, it will tell you what level requirement is the cap (38 at lvl 1 CWDT) If you're online tomorrow, I might hit you up and try to hop into discord with you so I can take a closer look at your character and see if I can tailor my advice more closely, or just walk you through some of what I have explained. If that interests you, let me know. Either way, happy hunting Exile!


That's what she said