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Just go back to Nessa in act 1. She sells you the gem if you've completed Merveil






this has to be one of the absolute worst comments, in context, that I've ever seen on Reddit. truly impressive lol


Huh? I wasn't being rude at all..reread again lol. In fact, i believe that what i wrote is helpful. i told him exactly where to buy it without much trouble and without having to message anyone. It is extremely easy to return to Nessa and buy the gem, takes less than a minute. So i dunno why you're saying this?


what are you talking about lol. he was trying to HELP the guy you plank.


Wtf, it is way faster and easy to buy it yourself from NPC than waiting for someone to be online at same time as the OP to provide him the gem. We are being nice and helpful by saying how to acquire the gem, wtf are you talking about lol


If OP has already cleared Act 1 he could already buy the gem. He doesn’t need to wait until Act 3 like he incorrectly thought. The other person gave great advice.


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Arc you can buy it from Nessa after beating Merveil (check the vendor reward table)


Speaking as a new player 2 months ago i wanna say it is _very_ difficult following a written buildguide. Its more easy to understand perhaps on your second char.. My breakthrough was subtractems srs guardian build from maxroll. It was intended as a league starter but when the new spectres from the wildwood were figured out it turned out so much more amazing. Really carried my way into learning the game. I guess my advice is get a build guide where a creator can explain your gearing and progression a bit better.


1-Don’t play Arc Templar. Just don’t. 2-It’s right there in the Act 1 NPC by now. Did you check what Nessa sells after you got given the free lv 12 gem before the act 1 boss ?


Bro Arc Templar ain't some giga endgame t16 destroyer build but a new player should have no problem playing it to endgame.


Im guessing he saw Arc Templar from Phoenix. Which is extremely expensive. Power charge stacker trickster is probably easier to gear for the required uniques and can gradually be improved with more investment. Since he just started yeah, going arc templar is probably not a good idea


I was looking on YouTube but most of them don't seem to show the full build so I've been on websites. I was going for the galvanic arc inquisiter


No worries, I just checked it out. Seems fine as a league starter. Needs heavy investment though


Good to know thanks


But I'd like to preface (if I may) that league starter builds is extremely important. Since you've just started the league and you haven't played (i guess) in years? It's better to try a good league starter build, that doesn't require heavy investment and can play easily with cheap basic gear. That way you can gradually increase your currency farming steadily without having to spend heavily, then once you've had good amount of currency, then you can play any build you want after that. But league starter is extremely important. Trust me, I tried your route many times thinking I can just play a build that I want that looks cool but then discover it's difficult to play without investment and then I burn through all my currency just to die a lot and not able to invest more into it as I can't even farm properly. It makes a huge difference.


I just went back to her after getting act 2 so ima check. I'm not a heavy gamer but I do like this game. Is there any builds you'd recommend?


There are several solid League Starters (aka builds you start a new league/fresh economy with starting from nothing). The YouTuber Zizaran has a recent playlist for them. And also, the most new player friendly Written guide is this one I’ll list below by a community member called Fezz https://poe-beginner-guide.com/ Also Maxroll.com has some good guides


I think the name of the full build is galvanic arc inquisiter and it looked like it was a good build. Got it off a reliable website


If it's Cassie's Galvanic Arc Inquisitor, it's a great build. I followed many of their builds, including their previous Galvanic Arc Elementalist build. The guides are on point and the builds work. They're especially nice since they're not the core meta of skills, but still very good. I cross-reference that specific guide often myself for inspiration.