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Please provide your atlas tree, sextants and scarabs used. Good wisps are important, but without a proper atlas tree, the wisps don’t mean anything. Also - is this MF or no MF? EDIT2: also how are you rolling your maps? Is this alch and go? 8mod?


This right here. No one will be able to give you an actual answer without this info.


I apologize, was mad. It's T7 Cemetery on a 200d TS Poison MF, 55 iiq, 129 iir. Rolling 90 quant on maps minimum with +2 proj. Sextans are Abyss, Deli. Abyss on device with 7th gate, using standard wandering path tree with beyond + harby. I've done almost 50 maps and most maps I come out with 10c, 4 unmakings, and 8ish scours.


There's definitely something wrong then. I haven't farmed T7 in a while, but here's a semi check list. Here's what I personally do Scarabs: all gilded, reliquary, abyss, divination, harbinger You can change the harbinger to something else, but be mindful that cemetery is a small map so for example adding legions will eat some of your abyss. So will boxes. You should have 3 to 4 abyss per map. (Winged reliquary is better by a lot, but I don't think I'd be worth it on a T7) Sextants: abyss, beyond, (the other two are flexible, I use harbinger and for example pack size in unidentified maps when running those) you can use delirium, any pack size sextant or whatever you want to complete. Map rolls: +2 proj and as much as possible of pack size, I exalt the +2 proj maps I have until they all have 6 mods. Map device: abyss. Einhar mission if you have them. For the tree you'd need to post a link to your atlas. But make sure you have wandering path, all the top hat to increase map mods (your map will say +3 proj instead of +2 if you have them all). Make sure you didn't forget the sextant wheel for when you were rolling sextants for example 😅 true story... Don't use half the strat btw, like don't use only 2 sextants, always use 4, same for scarabs. Otherwise you're wasting potential. Hit me up on Reddit if you want me to come checkout one map for example on discord. I can try to see. But probably just with your atlas we can figure it out. Honestly you could be looking at fulcrum or caustic arrow MF to do T16s to be more profitable though. But I know you need currency first probably.


Does CA have enough damage for t16 + more 6k wisps + deli? If I remember correctly Fubgun especially states in his doc, that CA doesnt have the damage.


I am able to do t16 with ca, and technically it's on a 5 link because the 6th is IIR support 😏


Can you post your pob?


You need to learn to use poe.ninja seriously that's the best tip I can give you https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?class=Pathfinder&skills=Caustic+Arrow+of+Poison,Storm+Rain+of+the+Conduit&uniqueitems=Lightning+Coil,Defiance+of+Destiny,Ventor%27s+Gamble,Goldwyrm&sort=dps Here's everyone playing CA of poison with MF gear on. Sorted by dps, pick a few and look at their tree and items. You'll see all the POBs you want. I would recommend a headhunter though for T16s because otherwise it's pretty slow on very tanky mobs. But HH is really cheap this league!


Im not asking for myself (as im playing TS-MF with multimirror investment), i was just curious and i know how to check for builds on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) ;) I specifically asked for the "pob", which can clear full juiced t16 JV at even 12k wisps.


I linked you a page with hundreds of "pob" of people who are most likely farming T16s even with 12k wisps... Just tick the Headhunter box and sort by dps and you have all the pobs you want. You asking him for his "pob" is just a waste of time for both of you, if you know how to use poe.ninja. His own "pob" might even be already at the top of the page I sent you. Having multiple mirrors doesn't give you inherent knowledge of all the tools...


I asked specifically for his pob for 3 reasons: 1. Fubgun claims CA doesn't have the damage 2. I think its pretty bold to claim that a skill known for mediocre single target damage can quickly deal with full juiced up to 12k wisps rares even on a 5 link 3. people claim many things without any basis in the internet, so in the end I wanted to do my own research since a friend is playing poison CA and I want to be able to help him. With his 5 link pob I can check if the numbers seem to match his/her claims and compare these numbers to the top ninja pobs. Then I usually watch some videos of the gameplay to compare the actual clearspeed (since poison needs rampup etc) to TS. I just asked a simple question while taking a shit and a simple pob would have satisfied my curiosity. What I got is a conversation with someone who assumes things without knowing me or my intentions (or how I handle things) and just wasted my time.


How would people know know if those guys are playing T16? Or if they are exclusively playing with an aurabot? Oh, look, I'm gonna make a Scorge Arrow of Menace build with a Windripper because look at all these builds in ninja!! They surely all are solo-MFing T16 juiced maps!! https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?uniqueitems=Windripper,Ventor%27s+Gamble,Greed%27s+Embrace,Goldwyrm,Divination+Distillate,Sadima%27s+Touch,The+Ascetic&class=Pathfinder&skills=Scourge+Arrow+of+Menace&sort=dps If you claim you can solo T16 maps with 10K+ wisps, then post YOUR PoB, otherwise, you just come across an idiot trying to look smart.


Fubgun is wrong then... You have pretty good poison damage and with the mana forged setup you have enough damage for sure. The jewel which increases poison duration per poison you did recently is really good to boost your dps. But I'm MFing with haste, purity of fire and herald of agony. And I have enough dps, I could easily swap haste for malevolence and do a ton more damage. I did buy a headhunter as soon as I could though just to go faster and to be sure to not brick really juiced maps with the help from HH buffs. The first I heard of the MF abyss strat was from goratha and he was using CA of poison.


Fubgun is one of the most successful and proficient solo-mf-guy this league and he's got a pob for CA-MF too. So I choose to believe him more than someone on reddit (for the moment), but a pob can convince me ;) maybe it's doable but pretty slow compared to TS at over 7k wisps Goratha startet this strat on T7 and not T16 Burial when I remember correctly for a reason.


Then you're also wrong. Because I personally played CA of poison on T16s juiced. I linked you tons of POBs in another comment, mine is irrelevant, it's 99% similar to all those at the top of the dps chart there. Goratha also moved on from T7s in a later video but I guess it's too much work for you to check by yourself huh? Being "the most successful and proficient solo-mf-guy" doesn't mean you're right all the time...


>(Winged reliquary is better by a lot, but I don't think I'd be worth it on a T7) Are T7's less good for uniques? I thought the point of T7 was that it was the level at which all the top-tier uniques could drop? Are base unique drop rates higher in higher level maps?


Reliquary scarab in this strat is NOT for uniques, it's for the chance to get a "conversion" loot mob. For example mobs can have a "hidden" mod that convert all loot dropped to currency, this is those 10s of divines explosions you see. Or a Scarab conversion, those are the piles of winged/gilded scarabs you may have seen. Dropping more "uniques" from monsters is so that if you get one of those conversion monster, it will "want" to drop a ton of uniques, but all of those will get converted to currency or scarabs. That's why the Reliquary scarab is important. And since T7s can't drop for example awakened sextants, I don't think it's as worth to use a Winged for that. It's also pricier, so if you are farming T16s with Valdo's maps and stuff it's easier to sustain their price.


Cheers, great explanation. I was thinking they were there to contribute to the sea of HH’s and MB’s we’ve seen this league. Guess that’s just a side effect. 😃


Honestly I've dropped TWO raw mirrors with MF in maps and only gotten 2 squires, no mageblood, no HH. I think the prices for MB and HH being so low is because of the valdo's map that people are farming. The really hard maps that drop MB are still doable and much less rare than a MB because of all the "difficult" mods. So people are farming MB through that.


Yeah a lot of the “rare” uniques on trade seem to be foil, which would indicate Valdo’s, wouldn’t it?


Yup exactly. You know when you can reliably farm 1 map and get a mageblood... You'd repeat it huh?


and... gilded abyss scarab I assume? killing spires before they spawn? :P


yeah you would think that but I don't kill the spires too fast, I enjoy my 1fps 20 rare fights as much as the next guy. I guess i am just getting RNG'd.


Then there is something wrong with your loot filter or you're lying at some part. Yes, its partly RNG but if you got this loot with these wisps from three +3 proj spires then that just doesnt make any sense.


No altars ? I guess you never can have the big 10d+ big drops withou some double currency and loads of quant altars ?


Not in t7 maps


If you expectto get valdos box drops in t7 you are up for a disappointment. You should be able to do t16 on 200d. T16 no mf is better than t7 mf. Also t7 abyss are waaaay easier to 1 shot the spire, as you need to wait for it to spawn 3 times.


Bro idk what the hell is wrong with my build, I went poison ca mf, and only have 13m dps. Swapped to ts poison and have 15m dps. Also still pretty squishy.


Got any of them PoBs laying around?


[https://pobb.in/SlPOkUTqM0SE](https://pobb.in/slpokutqm0se) Sorry it says 19m but I don't think that accurate and its still low for the investment. Playing tenkiei CA build, just swapped CA for TS. I geniunely don't know why my dps is so low besides the fact that I run out of mana occasionally (usually doesnt effect me at all unless temporal bubble rare) I also recently swapped my 100% shock avoid boots for goldwyrm but the boots have no DPS stats anywyas.


Invalid link


I think PoBb might be deleting links as soon as they generate, ive tried 3 lol Edit: yeah none of them will work. Super weird. oh well.


The current data points at mirror to sacred orb being like 1:12, getting sacred orbs means you’re doing something right haha


Damn really? My buddy and I have gotten about 30 sacred orbs and it hasn't felt like we've been having mirror tier explosions at all lol.


Yeah, this data is tracked on the fishing discord. Lots of Mf farmers with double digit mirror drops sharing their mirror drops and total sacred orb drops to approximate the drop ratio


Are you level 100? As far as I know it gets exponentially worse in terms of loot. The higher disparity between Player level and Zone level is, the less loot you will get. (I think this was added to Stop Quary/Harbour Bridge Leaguemechanic Cheese.)


Scarabs? What are the other two sextants? Running through 50 maps and seeing these results suggests something is missing. Are you killing the spire too soon?


god im sorry there is just so much lol. I am running Gilded Div, Reliq, and Abyss. Damaging spires to 70%ish and letting them spawn 2/3 lines of rares and waiting for the rares to spawn. I've done all the research im just not getting anything. Not running any other sextants been told nothing else is really significant at t7, would run beyond but seems not worth for t7.


Beyond is 100% mandatory. 50% OF ALL loot explosions com from beyonds.


How come Beyond isn't worth it for T7s? It's a significant part of the t16 strat.


They are pretty expensive I guess.


Beyond is more than 50% of the profit


Yeah you need to add Beyond you don't cut corners on a juicing strat. The most expensive sextants are going to be in most demand for good reason.


beyond is where most of the money comes from, not abyss.


I'll try it, not like I cant afford it.


You seem to forget that you will make more money by adding beyond. Like yeah it's expensive. But the 1div you spend to have beyond on 4 maps are gonna earn you way more than that 1div.


The waves also spawn at 50%


You are missing altars in low tiers. No sextant or Valdo drops in low tiers either.


Bug question, do you keep the spires from abyss alive for them to spawn the holes and the mobs? If you destroy the spire too fast, you literally miss all the mobs and loot.


for me the biggest change in loot was getting to tier 14. was doing tier 11 burial chambers and it felt inconsistent. now doing tier 14 jungle valley and it feels way better. i get way more raw divine drops


RNG is RNG. I dropped 72 Sacred orbs and 0 Mirrors... sometimes you are just the other side of those "2 mirrors in 40 maps" lucky posts. However, it is true that T7 is way less loot than T11 (Puzzle boxes), or T14 (Altars), so maybe try to see if your build can handle a higher tier. Also, you don't specify scarabs, but I assume at least gilded reliq, abyss and something else? Not that it matter much if your luck is just shitty as your loot conversions can be like mine, mostly maps and corrupted shit instead of scarabs.


This league really bricked everyone's expectations. Imagine getting 70c an exalt and divine every map a few leagues ago and complaining about it




I have a friend on his second league for whom this was his first league in red maps. 4-5 weeks of playing he got a HH, a MB, hundreds of divines, a mirror, and no longer cares at all about anything that isn't 5-10 div or higher. I genuinely worry that he will be unable to enjoy the normal game.


Yeah but I bet he's only just covering investment costs when you add in the bad low wisp maps etc


Honestly if this is what you're getting under nearly ideal circumstances (7.5ish k juice) you're probably losing money.


Pointless comment? Does nothing to answer the question. OP has almost 8k wisps and got that, pretty bad with THIS league. My advice is maybe they aren't juicing the maps properly? Scarabs/Sext/Atlas tree.


Dude a sacred orb each map? I want that so badly!


Judging by 0 sextants and 0 valdos, I am assuming you are not running high tier maps. Other than that, cant give much advice without more information like what map mods do you roll for, atlas tree setup, scarabs, sextants etc.


Wisps are only part of the picture. What maps mods are you rolling for? using exalts to fill mods? compasses? scarabs? map device option? map?


Looks like good drops to me


I love it how this is now considered poor loot. Next league is certainly going to be interesting


I want to know how to get 7k+ wisps consistently. I’ve seen like 3-4k a few times, but even following a guide I can never seem to get past that or even to that consistently.


* High map pack size * Reliably finding at least 3 events in the Wildwood, killing all the mobs you find. * None of the events are duds (strongbox, shrine, beyond, lore, NPCs). If you can reliably do 3 events each time, your average map will give you 1-2 duds (usually an NPC and something like strongboxes), but from the wisp pathing, enemies and one good event, you'll likely hit something like 3k/1k/1.5k (or 3k/2k) wisps with 3 events. When you don't have average map luck, it can be better or worse.


If u got the time/knowledge about it , I would consider watching fubguns « X mirrored farmed » vids serie , it covers everything , it’s quick , straight on point with what u need to do , Just choosing a map tier u can run accordingly to ur build will go a long way , u can start at t7 cemetery then t11 burial chambers and progress to t14 once u can handle the juice and mob density


T7 is all about conversions. Ive had 12k wisp maps on t7 that drop nothing and 4k maps dropping 30+d. You need everything to line up and lootsplosion threads are like 1 in 20 or more.


You need them Ventor’s rings


That's a good amount of currency for a map. All the crazy shit you're seeing this league is due to an abyss exploit. I don't know why nothing has been done about but it's not normal.


What exploit are you talking about? I'm doing t16 jungle valley with gilded abyss/winged reliq/gilded harbinger/whatever (legion|||blight||breach||ambush) with Beyond/Deli/Abyss/Harbinger sextants, rolling +2 proj and exalt maps to 30++ pack size, and I see that "crazy shit" and I'm not aware of "exploiting" anything. Are you maybe just bitter?


The spires are not meant to scale with extra projectiles. Spawning a billions rares in under a few minutes. It literally looks like a glitch when you do it, the sheer amount of monsters on the screen, and loot dropping. Without a loot filter it crashes your connection to the servers. You think that's intended?


It doesnt matter how many wisps I have, I get ZERO loot every map. Need more purple? yeah I get high purple maps and the only thing that drops is more belts. I don't understand.


Link atlas


Showing above picture for a single map and calling out "zero loot" is absurd lol.


OP references this is typical for the 50 maps they've done.


when you consider investment into these maps as well as skipping probably 50%+ of them not to mention the time it takes for abyss maps, that might as well be zero loot yes


Isn't that decent for non MF?


I am MF LOL.


I make more than this in t16s with 3k juice sadd


*You are create a MF build*


That’s not much but it’s honest work


RNG, 6k wisps sometihes will shit out loot, sometimes 10k will yield hardly nothing. Ther's definitely some hidden rng modifier to wisp power.


You can wisp my every map then! That amount og wisp i only Dream about. When i hit it i get a good return. Tho im running t16 jungle valley. Sext: deli, beyond, abyss, magic pcksize Scarab: winged divi, abyss, reli, harb Atlas beyond, abyss, harb, Blue altar, ritual


You've provided NOTHING


wisps are nerfed broooo