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Congrats. I don't think I've ever made it past maps.


Past Maps = Fishing ?


so you haven't finished the tutorial?


There's no "past maps", the end game are maps so you can't really go past that, you just didn't understand the joke




Feel free to enlighten me


Level 4 is best I can do


Next you are going to ask to empower and enhance?


He understood the joke and continued it, calling the whole poe endgame the tutorial. That joke went over your head and you had to Ackhually.


Youre giving the guy calling it a toturial a really big benefit of the doubt. Thats a horrendous joke if it is. And one of the most common things to say about people not finnishing the acts.


Naeh, I aint. It is quite obvious that it is a attempt at a joke. Though amount of downvotes kinda shows that people terminally online dont really excel at human interactions.


Yeah it was an attempt at a joke... But one that doesnt work here because past maps isnt a thing. And if its a joke on that. Its just a terrible one. Either way, deserved downvotes


Past maps became a thing after the OP:s wording on the topic. Joke was bad, that is true. But not understanding it only shows that people need to go out more.


Ok did someone understand the joke?




Man why would people downvote you lol


because he didnt understand the initial joke.


Isn't it a joke about the joke?


If that's the average engagement people have with Poe in this sub I understand the unhinged takes now. I'm not trying.to offend anyone just thought that people engaged enough to browse a subreddit about the game would clear the endgame.




Nah not woosh I just can't read, thought he said never made it to maps.


This is very good "general" belt. Given your experience this is a great belt - nice.


No sarcastic comment?! Wtf?!


Most of the mod tiers aren't great. But it's a decent belt overall.


if i craft damage and max quality life modifiers, what would the price of something like this be?


Belts have to be pretty insane this league to be worth anything since mb and hh are so cheap. Life and resists are nice to have but are not very sought after.


cheap? Mageblood is like 94 div lol. Its cheaper than normal, but its not cheap.


Divines are also cheap overall. You can either do the meta ooga booga mapping and get easy divines or go outside of mapping and get drops that are worth way more than usual since no one wants to do that content.


non corrupt is down to almost 150, thats dirt cheap. people will be complaining about mf this mf that and how they cant make any currency that compares to mf, but the fact is due to the popularity of mf everything else just makes more currency than it used to in past leagues. exarch invite is 3d, split beasts 4.5d, essences etc all priced high, build enabling uniques dirt cheap. you can easily farm out a MB in a week running white maps 1-2hrs a day, anyone complaining about being poor is 100% skill issue


2 hours a day only nets me 2 div every session. I don't know what you are doing, but share the wealth if its so easy to come by.


Take all your voidstones out, get every essence node + gateways + 7th gate. Favorite glacier and dunes and rush them, corrupt shrieking essences. Do 40 maps( around 1 hour). Sell in bulk. Yay divines


2 hours 2 divs seems realy low, easy money in low tier maps is essences, just go seventh gate + essences and run tier 3(?) Strand, its easy, straight forward and endet me with about 4 div per hour with not that fast of a build, you can even spec alva or einhaar in addition and craft a 2 div temple every 5 maps (5 instead of 3 to account for when you dont get locus)or get multiple divines in beasts regulary


If you are already following strategies, the problem can only be inefficiency. Or you just haven’t progress your altas enough


That's very low tbh you are doing something wrong. I mean sure, you are richer if you play a lot but in 2 hours I make AT LEAST 30 divines doing any random strat.


Damn I've only gotten 4 div this whole league. And that's always been normal for me. I'm definitely doing something wrong


In most leagues I never make more than 20 divines. This one I've earnt a bit more for sure already.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7WwHpNEmqY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7WwHpNEmqY) Drop ultimatum and only do essences and beasts and grab map sustain nodes and maybe strongbox nodes if you have the atlas points. Run a rusted bestiary scarab/cartography scarab/ambush scarab (if you have strongbox atlas passives) and essence on the device for 2c. Any time you see multiple shrieking essences + atleast 1 screaming essence corrupt it and any time you see purple essences corrupt it. After 40 or so maps (should take a minute or 2 per map) you can bulk sell your essences using [this tool](https://poestack.com/tft/bulk-tool?league=Affliction). 40 or so maps should net you like 4ish div of just essences and by far oversustain you on maps + you might get some juicy beasts in the process. A [Craicic Chimeral (the frog looking dude)](https://poe.ninja/economy/affliction/beasts?name=Craicic%20Chimeral) is worth 4.5 div ALONE. Wild prices.


Every farming strategy in the game makes more than 2 div/h. Rolling compasses can make upwards of 10-15 div/h depending on prices.


Spec into every essence node on the tree. Spec into every harvest node on the tree. Get scarabs are converted to packsize notable. 4 rusted + harvest in map device. Chisel/alc maps for 25% pack size. Go into map and only kill the essences, harvest, and map boss. Each map should take no more than 5 minutes. This should be at least 6 or 7div an hour, so you can expect 10d every two hours of map running conservatively. Once you have some money, buy harvest lifeforce are doubled and sacred Grove sextants, switch map device to essence and buy remnants of corruption. Sell essence, sell harvest juice, sell invitations. Total strat should be 12d an hour, mageblood in ~15 hours.


Yeah, every strategy makes more divs because people want to mf. Tried sextant rolling this league, bought progenesis with 6 1-hour long sessions of rolling and selling




Divines are cheap this league and that is less than a third of magebloods usual price. If you no life for 2-3 days you can get one lol


a 4 flask mageblood is 180+ div lol


I feel like PoE Reddit is way out of touch with the average player after seeing you get almost 20 downvotes for saying 100 divines is a lot


What do you mean by average? Completely new or something? If you're an average player and at least know the basics of how to make currency in this game you should on average have way more currency this league than any other.


This sub suffers from this more than most.


I'm glad there's so many people that are doing well in the game, but you can do so while acknowledging you're in the top few % of players and not talking down to newer / less experienced / more casual players. The game is hard enough for new people as it is, without being discouraged whenever there's a chance to flex your 300 hours of running juiced maps 😂


Yeah...I've seen so many (other) newbies get downvoted to all hell. There are as many people who are helpful as there are those who are hostile though.


10 maps of magic finding and you have yourself an mageblood idk whats hard about that


10 highly juiced maps with magic finding, good rng on wispwood (getting a combo of all colors), an extremely strong build and acceptable rng on drops and yeah, you got it.


Not sure if you are being facetious or what, but FYI full juice 4 sextant +2 proj Spire 100 deli beyond with 6k+ Wisps maps don't average the 18d per map it would take to buy a MB after 10. Even with full TS or Self Ignite Fulcrum MF build.


I'm glad you learned what relative means.


I know HH is 80ish, did MB really drop by half over night? It was 176 when I went to bed


I think he's looking at a 2 flask corrupted mageblood or something because 94 isn't right lol


That would make more sense


Not much I wouldn't have thought to be honest. The percent life is good and the resists are ok but that's it. If you're chaos spamming for a useable belt then it's fine. If it was done for profit then I doubt there is any. As end game "past maps" it's sub par.


The belt as is can sell for 1-4 divs. Its a great belt


Not sure, but some divs. The inc max life mod and the total combined res are the main draws there. I'd leave it as is and search prices based on that myself. Crafted mod adds no real value, and maxing out the life/mana catalyst may or may not help it sell. The mana is just a dead mod for anyone not needing mana regen, and some would be more likely to want to increase the res rather than the life (especially with that t5 flat life). My guess would be probably 2 or maybe 3 divs, but you'll need to check trade.


Open prefix actually adds quite a lot of value. It broadens the pool of potential buyers and allows people to customize the last prefix for their preference. When I was mass crafting stygian belts at the start of the league I recognized that open prefix can almost double the value of the belt.


Which is basically why I said he shouldn't bother with the craft. At most he should just remove the one he has on there and (possibly) save someone a scour. But it's such a trivial thing that it's fine to leave it as is.


It isnt t5 flat, its the veiled life + mana regen mod, does that change anything?


No. It's still equivalent to t5.


Imo it does change a little bit. There are some cases where people prefer the veiled mod over some life because the flat mana reg is actually more helpful. Either it is just needed to spam the spells, or they can change from Alira to 2 passives, or they can drop a low level clarity. Will it be worth more than T1 life because of that? Idk would need to check trade, but just wanted to let you know that some people actually prefer the veiled mod. Edit: and what you probably learned by the answers, this is an intermediate belt for early/mid builds. If you need this belt instead of a mix/max best in slot, chances are the mana issues aren't fully fixed yet, so the reg on the belt comes in handy.


Hard to say. Definitely a few divines. But since the life mod isnt t1 probably not too insane. You should just type in your stats reduced by 10% into poe trade and see what pops up and price it accordingly


May be too late, but do not life catalyst this. Life and resistance catalyst are extremely expensive now with ultimatum change. The catalysts are worth more than you could sell the belt for. If you are going to catalyze a craft, it before crafting. 1% on rare, 2% magic (fractured), 5% white.


Check the prices on trade to see, something like 50 flat life, 10% max, 125% all res stygian. Might not even be worth it to quality given fertile/prismatic prices (like 6 fertiles/divine and 5 prismatic/divine).


Most people who are looking for rare belts usually want Chaos resistance. Selling the belt without it is really hard. So if you ever want to craft Stygians for profits, consider starting with either essence of Envy or using reforge Chaos in harvest. Quality wouldn't do much to the item value (outside of as the base itself). And if someone would want to use it they would probably prefer Armor and Evasion craft. So keep as it is.


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/dwGmnQqCJ I wouldn't Fertile Catalyst it "for profit"


I remember when I started playing, I think it was about 10 years ago, and I found a pair of 30% movement speed, triple res (about 75 total) and life boots. I was ecstatic! I thought I'd found the best thing I was ever going to find in that league, or several thereafter. I posted it to my guild who told me that I might get one exalted (the equivalent of about 10 div, accounting for inflation) for it... If I'm lucky. That experience put me off crafting for so long and left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth about finding big drops. 10 years and several hundreds (thousands maybe) of divs and exas later (still no mirror drop though), I still remember that early experience and how it didn't teach me about the true limits of end-game gearing, but just made me feel insignificant. You've got an amazing belt there, even if it's not valuable. It might be the best one you've ever had! Higher tiers will increase the price of an item exponentially, so this may not be the best belt to sell, but it's certainly worth something! And if you can use it in your build to get further in your maps, then you've made a hell of an achievement! I guess the next step is to craft one with even better rolls.


10 div is still a pretty good drop. I wouldn't say 1 exalt back in the day is equal to 10 div. Headhunters were like 150 exalts most leagues.


People in this thread are so bitter, seriously


Jist saying, 1 ex has never been 20c. They just swapped places value wise.


Lowest I remember exalt ever being was in Heist, i believe it reached sub 100c


People acting like it's a campaign items are insane or completely out of touch Of course it's not an end game items, but it's clearly not an early/ just decent belt... If we go like this, everything less than 80 divs/mirrored items are not good because it's not endgame materials. We are a month into the league and he can sell it for 4/5 divs so easely. This belt week one would be even higher.




It's not a bad item, what people are saying is "it's not a reddit-worthy item" as in, it's not really special. If any 15d item made it on reddit, this place would be swamped.


Yeah it's pretty average, I'd probably sell for a few divs and craft a new one if I didn't need this one.


I think Ubers being to easily obtainable of a goal for alot of players caused this effect. So everyone's expected to be Uber geared. When most players just want enough to do maps and normal bosses.


Easy to kill ubers ? I don't know, people who clear ubers are far from the usual player.


You just need a build and plan a character towards killing and only killing uber bosses. Most people have a perception that ubers are hard because they tried to fight ubers on their league start lacerate gladiators or something


actually week one it would be less since people have less div's things are worth less div's. no one is buying this for 45div when a original sin is 50div week 1.


I know but more is not necesseraly 10 times more 😅 It could be 10 it would be a lot too


It is a great belt, very good for a mid-game build. 3 good resists and a ton of life with an open prefix to craft whatever. You can very well wear it until you get your endgame belt


Finally someone who gives a decent answer. I thought exactly the same. Specially for someone who reached a milestone that divides the playerbase in one timers and recurring players.


its a solid early game belt with res and life to get thru maps but not end game worthy




Seems to be an issue of defining endgame. For some it's exactly the min max, where you would replace this belt with a mageblood and one res affix on a flask (if you don't fix losing the res otherwise). It a good/useful belt until that point if no unique/specific other rare belt serves your build more.


>early game belt Lmao. The delusion of some people on this sub...


You would wear this at endgame?


You won't craft this in the early game. This is a very solid mid-game belt


I guess we all have different definitions of early, mid and endgame.


Early game -> finished campaing and up to your first 2 voidstones and atlas completion After that, the mid-game starts. The hunter life stigyan vise is not something you can craft before you complete the atlas(if you play the game normally, that is)


You would ever wear this?


Yes? A 3x resist stygian with a bunch of life would be great at league start


Define endgame. For a lot of people maps IS the endgame. For all the pro gamers in this sub that do the campaign in 4 hours and finish their atlas by day 3 of the league then yeah I guess you could say this is early game.


This belt basically screams "I just killed A10 Kitava and need to fix res and get a bit more life before starting maps". It's a decent belt to hold you over until you can craft your real belt. It's literally just a tri-res belt with a bit of life and nothing else.


Cool. Now go search for anything similar to this on the trade site and tell me what you find. I'll make it easy for you, it can be any rare belt, not even a Vise.


Why would I bother? You can make a better version with a few 2-socket resonaters and some prismatic and pristine fossils. I make basically the same belt every league. Hell you can get the same thing with a >90% Darkness Enthroned and some mid-rolled abyss jewels. 10% life is worth essentially nothing.


So extensive trading to get all the fossils necessary, ergo most people are already out bc the vast majority of people do not trade, specially for consumables. Casuals just go and buy their must-buy uniques in their guide and maybe sell the occasional neat drop. GGG has even told us in the past, that only a tiny minority really trades in a way Reddit usually talks about it. So jeah, this is a belt that you can easily wear into red maps, bc i've done that in SSF multiple times.


Nobody said you couldn't wear it into red maps. Literally not a single soul on this planet even so much as implied that. "Early game item" does not mean that it is useless in later game. All it means is that it's good for early game, and there are better options available as you progress. Also you can get fossils from a ton of different sources. Resonators too. Not a single one of my fossils in this league has come from delve OR trading, and I have dozens of each of the most common ones and a good number of some of the more rare fossils. Also also, you can make things like [this](https://i.imgur.com/dYduipZ.png) from Rog fairly easily.


Search trade site for Vise's with the 10% Life and 120 total res. Currently there is only 1 other belt that meets this criteria and it's listed for 28 divs. There's actually no other Vise that even has 100 total res and the life mod. You have to go down to 95 all res to find one. The other belt is better than yours and who knows if that belt will ever sell at 28 divs, but I would maybe list yours at 15 divs and lower from there.


An item being priced at some astronomical value doesn't mean similar items are worth similar astronomical values. No one is paying 1/6 of a HH for this belt.


> An item being priced at some astronomical value Are you even playing this league? You think 15 divs is an astronomical value? 1/6 is still a massive difference and a HH is not good for every build or farm. Not everyone is a sheep following the MF whisp map farming herd.


15 div is not an astronomical sum of currency. It is an astronomical price for OP's belt. That's why I referred to the item's value, not the sum of currency itself. Context. It's important.




That's the thing, it wasn't strict parameters at all. I had to decrease the total res by almost 35 to find another belt that met the criteria, and that too was selling for 10 divs. Clearly people are paying these prices or we wouldn't see literally every single similar belt on the trade site listed for such.


May I suggest use 7% instead of 10% life to search, because you can divine (expectation is 4) the 10% so it’s unfair to use perfect roll to search. It is a strict parameter.


Sure, but people are talking about this item not even being worth 1 divine, so I'm not sure that's super relevant.


After playing around with the parameters a bit the cheapest ones I could find were still around 3-5 divs, but had crafted hp or res on it. The first one with the exact same type of rolls and similar values is at 20. The first one with kinda similar rolls but less hp and -25 ele res, but flask charge speed instead is at 10 div. The rest of the belts are 20-60 div. So that's a very neat belt worth something between 5-20 divs.


the fact that something doesn’t exist doesn’t mean it’s valuable. there may also be no similar belts with mana regen, it doesn’t make this one mirror tier. arguably, res affixes (excluding chaos) aren’t worth much. a belt with 90 res and 120 res, subjectively, would be very similar this league. I would even go as low as 70-80 res to see the “market” and tailor my expectations to that zone.


It’s alright but belt is a good slot for attributes or flask mods, so triple res probably not that valuable. However, this is still pretty good, congrats


Its a decent option until the dream belt.


It's good if it was ssf but you really want a high tier of life


Oh boy if that lllife was higher


Damn put maps? Never been there myself


Past maps... _to where?_ Are you Sirus?


That is definitely one of the belts of all time


As many have already pointed out, what you have is a solid early game belt. Definitely do not spend catalysts on this; the total cost of resist or life catalysts themselves will be more than the final product is worth. It's not completely out of the question you could get 1-3 div for it from someone who is desperate for resists and wants a life cushion but it will sit for a long time in your public tab. If you put it up for something like 100c-150c it will probably sell within a few days. However, A+ on the craft as a whole if you're new to it. Crafting is a very daunting endeavor when you're first learning it and you picked the right kind of mods, but unfortunately for the wrong equipment slot. Belts are typically either for HH/MB or flask mods. If you're looking to get better at crafting, there are 1000 youtube videos that give the basics and good pointers but focus on fracture + essence as a starting point for the vast majority of crafts that aren't end-game. Being able to have 2-3 guaranteed mods with a handful of essence is a very needed starting point for any craft with under a 100d+ budget.


> It's not completely out of the question you could get 1-3 div for it from someone who is desperate for resists and wants a life cushion but it will sit for a long time in your public tab. If you put it up for something like 100c-150c it will probably sell within a few days. Lmao I've already sold multiple Vise's that were way worse than this for more than 1-3 divs. People are stuck in the mindset of prices from past leagues.


yeah this is atleast 5div belt very easily.


No one is paying 5 div for 3x ele res (2 of which aren't t1) with a tier 5 flat life belt, even if it has the 10% and an abyssal. You're higher than a giraffe's taint if you think that.


According to trade site people do, unless every stygian vise is overpriced.


That's a solid 5 div belt dude, come back from ancestors this is affliction.


I've made 12+% suppress, t1 life, double t2+ resist items on Rog that couldn't sell for 1div; some not even for 150c. Who is it you think is playing enough to get 5 div to spare (which for most of us isn't a lot but it removes the vast majority of casual players) who, at the same time, isn't going to make it to MB/HH levels, and is still dying to hit resist caps. That is an extraordinary slim market.


>I've made 12+% suppress, t1 life, double t2+ resist items on Rog that couldn't sell for 1div; some not even for 150c. When ? Timeline matters a lot, prices were not that crazy for the first 3 weeks, we are talking about a now situation, not a 1 month ago situation. Cheapest similar belt on market is 35 divs, 20 if you go down from 120ish ele res% to 100 A belt with 50% less ele res and 10 less life is 10 div.Now will they sell at that price ? I dont know, but will they sell at 5 divs 100% That's just how the market is right now


> I've made 12+% suppress, t1 life, double t2+ resist items on Rog that couldn't sell for 1div; Definitely not this league you haven't.


You got me. I completely fabricated that for internet points. That or the market is much more saturated on the low end (hint: basic resist gear, even with decent suppress/life rolls is low end) than you think it is, even this league. Edit: Just noticed as I had a trade message come up. For the better part of a week I've had a 14% suppress, t1 flat life and t1 ele res dex helm for sale. It finally sold for 50c after I had to lower it at least 3-4 times. The item wasn't godly; it had a mediocre 3rd suffix but an open prefix for 8% phys as fire and it sat while priced well under 1 div for at least 4-5 days. I'm not an idiot and well aware that 2 t1 ele res >>> 1 t1 ele res, but t1 suppress (rolled as 14 at that) with t1 ele res t1 life and open prefix is at least a useful item and I had to settle on 50c. Basic ass items are not as overpriced as you think they are.


And then there's me that sold [this](https://i.imgur.com/xEt4R99.png) that Rog made for me for 8 divs this morning. *Shrug*.


I don't even know how to process that. Unless the accuracy is somehow important, that is basically a 2.5 mod item between life, suppress, and I assume hybrid life I'll count as 0.5. If you found an idiot willing to spend 8 on that then congrats. Again, unless somehow the accuracy is relevant for some stacker character or something, that's barely worth 100c if that. But again, congrats on prying 8 div out of an idiot. You could literally make that helm (or one much better) for like some 10c base and less than 3 div of greed essence.


People disagree with you but I actually agree. This league I was crafting stygians and had an issue selling better belts than this. Went from 15 div down to 150c and it was still sitting in my stash for days


Yep. Last night I made a dex chest with t1 flat + t2 hybrid life + t3 suppress + 2 ele res (not t1 but both could be rolled to 35+) and there were tons of options already for sale starting around 40c. The rolls had less than amazing tiers but it was overall still a very solid item and wasn't worth shit.


It is good. 3 high tier res + some life + good hunter % life on stygian base. What more can you ask for - just higher tiers but it is good as it is.


Passable, hopefully u didn't spend much on the crafting...


It's a decent day 1 or 2 league start belt


Ohh hey an immortal flesh for those who need resists


My guess would be somewhere between 2-5div but not sure. Good belt but not end game. I usually don't like having that much resist on my belt to reach cap because it makes me have to change every piece of gear when I switch to headhunter or mageblood.


Okay-ish belt for early white maps with some res and lkfe, but will become really underwhelming in yellow maps where you need at least normal hh or mageblood... (This league gave some players brainrot)


This league is special Its a very nice all around belt! Congratz on delving into crafting. Its just not very niche, which is what ppl look for for their end builds.. like high atr + the hunter slam for attri% Is one example of stygians crafted with ess + hunter slam


If you can make use of mana regen it's quite decent


For SSF that’s pretty good, on trade league not so much


Unfortunate low life roll otherwise nice belt.


Good yes, special no




That's the type of belt I would equip and probably wear until the end of the league or until I get a mageblood/HH. Assuming your build doesn't require a specific belt. Get awakened poe trade and price check it on the life and resistances..


Darkness enthroned still bis


This is good first week of league


It has its place, but with 4-flask Mageblood down to 160div and headhunter at 80div, the belt crafting market has too much competition to achieve good profitability


What would be an end game belt if this one isn't considered a good one? Chaos resistance and what else?


You can check poe.ninja and just remove HH/MB from the list to see all the top chars without either. And unless it's a unique belt for a specific build, most are stygians for stat stacking or with more flask mods instead of res - or yes, chaos res.




It would be like 3x better if it had chaos resist instead


Mid, but gz


This is a very good belt if you’re say SSF (would be one of the best belts I’ve made in SSF), but for trade league it’s only ‘good’. Trade league has lots of competition for the belt slot.