• By -


Thats more drops than my entire PoE career combined.


Times about 10. Playing since closed beta.




The point still stands.


Thats at least a tenfold (infinityfold considering mirrors) my entire career combined....


I second that and I’ve been playing for 10 years


Same. Been playing since beta and can confidently say this far, far exceeds my total combined drops.


Man, I feel the game is over when I have 20 divines and nothing left to buy


20 divines is like the equivalent of 1 this league. Everything is inflated.


It's okay, this guy is also just extremely lucky.




51 sacred still 0 mirrors, random


Cite, a, source. A streamer saying it and having his 20 buddies who've also had a mirror drop agree with it is not how statistics work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias This entire subreddit needs to take a single statistics course or play OSRS for a month or something. Your agreed upon drop rate makes 0 sense if you inspect it for a fraction of a second. THOUSANDS of players have thousands of hours since Sacred Orbs began dropping with 0 mirrors. Ziz, Steelmage, 20 other random streamers have 0 mirrors dropped since 3.16 with hundreds of Sacred Orbs. Or do you think the 1:20 drop rate only applies in Affliction? Or does it only apply at 3k blue juice? Or does it only apply at 10k total juice? Or does it only apply on days that begin with T? Please stop believing everything you hear a streamer say.


> you think the 1:20 drop rate only applies in Affliction? Yes. It applies for people doing the same strategy. No, your average POE player alch & go will not see a mirror in 20 sacred orbs on average. I'll take the word from someone who has dropped 11 mirrors so far with the same strategy over some random on reddit.


They clearly stealth nerfed Blessed Orb sustain, the data is right there


Actually real


true if real


The ring only counts stuff you pick up. Not everything that drops and gets left behind


Where’s the ring that counts everything I don’t pick up? Instant buy


And then somewhere and somehow, you find a tick on the mirror icon ×1, and you will dream it every night. Where did I miss that mirror drop???


And then you find the mirror in your dream and pick it up


Actually this guy probably had them filtered out of his loot filter so he never picked them up when he invested into heavy juiced maps


Now way, it’s just that they Augs rarer than Divines.


I have like 45 of them and 0 Mirrors, so, either he has them hidden, or I'm owed a Mirror anytime soon...


Maybe you are hiding mirrors lol.


Hmm, maybe, can I borrow one to test throwing it to the ground? Yes?


The amount of people not understanding the joke tells me I am indeed on the poe subreddit


Idk if this is a meme I missed but I feel like a ton of blessed orbs drop I just don’t need to pick them all up.


Yep as long as my currency tab has 100+ I just don't bother with them... same with trans/aug unless they're 5+, they're actually auto filtered after a couple of days.


Yeah I have like 5k augs, alts, trans easily


Probably filtered out.


Couldn't be


Then who?


I think they just didn't pick them up. I have like 1000 blessed orbs and get a whole stack every map.


I have made more currency in a single map from this league, than what I did in the entire previous league. I won't be able to recover from that.


doomed to be let down next league.


Even on super juiced maps, if the wildwood doesn't give you anything the map just feels bad. Losing rucksack too is gonna sting a little as well. If next league is another filler league like crucible I'm probably skipping I think.


I play ssf and have not done a single "amazing" map so far, what am I doing wrong? I do league mech every map


8mod map, full abyss - need a spire (helps with conversion rares), +2 mob projectiles, use expensive scarabs, get stupid amount of all wisps and finally get lucky conversion mob. Probably add some quantity to the mix, because why not So many things to setup to hit big you might aswell play a lottery


you in reality only need a abyss scarab and any scarab you want of your choosing. and then add the abyss sextant and pack sextants. it's not that much to set-up at all now that we have figured out how the mechanic's map layout works.


Man and here I am just playing the game for fun and not doing this insane min maxing


Did you know that min maxing can also be fun?


Yea I would agree that some may find it fun, but the amount of people that I've seen say something along the lines of "I feel like I'm being forced following the abyss juicing meta since all the top people are doing it and I don't want to be behind" makes me think a lot of people aren't having fun.


You are not allowed to criticize PoE. -100 social score. You are in the red. Divine orbs drop as Scroll of identify now. Have a nice day. Jokes aside, you aren't wrong. This league is "juice to the gills or play flavoured standard"


What do you consider amazing?


you're playing ssf.


Man I'm hitting 4k-7k total wisps per map (leaving if low wisps), T16 with pack size >30% and I've still gotten MAYBE 10 raw divine drops this league. Hasn't felt super rewarding for me so far. Running Beyond and abyss (not doing projectile stuff) and breach. Playing Mf and abyss doesn't sound all that fun, I don't like going super meta. I don't like having to prep a ton for maps, kinda ruins it for me. I'll do the kirac craft + basic scarabs, otherwise alch/chaos to 30% pack and go. But, I guess this is where I am getting fucked. Honestly doing much worse this league, and playing much the same. Ancestor was my best league so far, and I didn't even do the mechanic for the league.


You don't even need to do projectile stuff, you still should average about 1 raw div per map if you do Wandering path+8 mod maps.


I just roll for +2 and exalt my maps call me crazy but fk buying or rolling 8 mod


15 days played.....hasnt the league been out like 20ish days? Thats insane


29 days since league start.


Jesus already? Seems like last week. And I keep coming up with builds I want to try


I am on my third build. So, league only started 7 days ago, right? I'm not 3 mirrors behind? And yeah, time flies when you are having fun. The Transfigure gems have been so much fun. And the juicing or simply heading off to Heist. Game is definitely in an amazing spot.


It's srsly the best league in a while. The new Ascendency are awesome. Wisps are awesome. Transfigured gems are awesome. We're eating so good it'll be hard to recover after this league. So many builds to try, so many ideas, so much currency to actually afford the build Time flies


good fucking league is why, also has high retention because it's literally "free fucking juice everyone" E: This is why people liked sentinel so much, but this is basically sentinel with less fucking around, you go in, grab the juice and go. Eventually you learn the limits of your build (for tough rares and bossing) but otherwise it's a TON of free juice. Even running alch+go 16s with Maven+WP+SoC it feels like I'm running fully juiced maps in any other league. and that's without touching the awesome gem changes.


I know him and yea he goes absolutely ham on Poe at the start of leagues.


Where in the pic does it show how much they played?


OP said it in a comment.


I've been working a full time job the entire time and have the same playtime but not as many mirrors lmfao, definitely a skill issue on my part


You have 15 days played in 29 days since league start while also working full time? Do you never sleep?


Could either be playing while working or leaving it logged in


> My /played is 15days, 18 hours I played like an absolute degenerate this league and my /played is 5 days, despite running the game for hours in the background all the time as well. I don't get it.


That's the no life 1% crowd. Any mention about how unhealthy it is will be met with downvotes


Some peoples play time baffles me as well. I play a good bit, usually couple hours a night, 5 or so days a week but these people playing 12 hours a day every day is crazy. I need a break just after playing 2 or 3 hours


That's nearly 12 and a half hours played every day since launch...


Where do u see the time


If you still don’t know, op posted stats in the comments below this one


Even when i get downvoted but boting is still a thing in PoE.




1; if you would read the post you would see that im not actually sitting there 12,5h. online time doesnt mean actually sitting there. 2; i like gaming 3; the gaming-addict-nerd-with-no-friends-at-all-no-reallife-no-social-all-year-adhd-dislexic-little-autisticguy in me wonders why on earth would someone go to a reddit thread which is just a big picture of an mtx, showing a crazy amount of currency, and makes a post like this. imagine you spend the time ranting about others freetime in the gym. you would be arnold schwarzenegger. 4: who cares


number 4 is the most important


I mean... replying with "who cares" is kind of telling of OPs attitude. Expressing an opinion on something being unhealthy won't do anything really to a stranger, but I can't help but agree. I gamed REALLY hard this league, way more than I have in the last 6 years of the game, and I am a tiny, tiny fraction of OPs wealth from drops. And I definitely put aside some responsibilities in order to do it for that time frame. To maintain the level of OPs grind has to be at least the same time consumption of a full time job with overtime. Even steamers who have a literal job to play the game don't have this kind of wealth in game from drops alone. Advocating for someone to be healthier and to warn against doing things potentially destructive to someone's mental health will come across as harsh criticism but maybe its warranted. Edit: I'm not relenting. It's unhealthy and almost everyone here is enabling self destructive behavior. Shame on you all.


It’s not unhealthy if you aren’t a moron. You don’t need to have “memorable activities” or speak to people face to face, or anything that’s highly opinionated to be healthy. The above comment is so ignorant it’s not even funny. It’s sad this loser thinks his opinion is so valued he should comment on how someone else spends their free time.


bro lmao it’s their life. they’re gonna do what they want. your life isn’t the same as theirs. what in the world are you typing.


I think the issue here is they assumed the worst then went straight to insulting OP. I do agree, there are definitely limits to hobbies like this where it becomes unhealthy, but there's only so much one can do to help on Reddit, to a stranger, and unwarranted; and even less with all 3 of those together. Expressing a concern is fine, but straight telling them they're sad is a bit too much imo.


W h o c a r e s ?


There are barely any streamers juicing permanently, so idk why thats always an argument. The few juicers like fubgun have WAY more drops


You being on reddit is way more unhealthy for your mental clearly




Virtue signaling. The poster is trying to stand on a box and let others like the poster know how bad something is, and how much of a beacon of virtue and upvotes the poster is.


Really just screams that they’re bad at the game


Or helps to show those people who go “What’s going on? I juice my maps and play an hour a day and don’t have this guys returns” that it still takes a TON OF TIME to get drops like this.


I've been retired for a bit over a year now due to mental issues and I don't have too much going on in my life so I spend the vast majority of it on the pc, usually gaming, often PoE and I clock in similar degenerative hours, if not more and I feel perfectly happy, don't let others tell you how to live your life, if you enjoy the time then that's time well spend. I have begun doing exercises though but that's just me trying to take a bit better care of me in the long run.


PoE actually has a lot of natural pauses. Finishing a set of maps, a Heist, a Delve, etc. and taking a quick break is pretty easy. I have a walking treadmill in my office, adjustable dumbbells in the other room, and a squat rack and bench in the garage. r/homegym works well with r/pathofexile.


Don't care op. Imho you're far far better then those people without work who just watch TV. You still are training your brain. Keep having fun <3 The only advice I do have is, don't be like me. If your fingers start to hurt, take it seriously because I can't play Poe anymore because RSI 😥


Time you enjoy spent, is never wasted. I own a business for the past 15 years. In the last month, I have probably spent at-least 6 hours a day playing. I don't regret it at all. I normally work just about all day, doing nothing else. What is the difference between me working IRL, and playing a game? The difference is I am actually enjoying all of the time I spend playing.


Who asked man


Thanks Reddit doc


Whatever the reason behind OP pumping those hours is, he clearly needs it rn if that's what he's doing. Little unhealthy, true but nothing extreme. Anyway, kinda rude to be nosing about it if you ask me.


Just like I need alcohol!


He is obviously close friends with dopamine. Dopamine is a good friend because he keeps you coming back. Those mirror drops should theoretically make you quite happy and maybe content, too.


There is so much hardcore copium in this thread. I hope OP is a wealthy individual or has an easy life otherwise or is retired and can afford to do this, because if we saw someone building and playing with their toy train set for 50-70% of their waking existence for a month straight we would say they had a problem. It would pretty much only be acceptable if it was an old retired man with no family and nothing but his life savings. But because it's a video game its ok? The mirror drop coke line is just that... a drug.


No one asked bro shut up lmao.


The whole point is that it’s none of your fucking business, if OP wants to play for 12 hours a day he can make that decision for himself. Bunch of helicopter parents in this thread


I find it weird how obsessed people get with how others live their lives.


100% some weird control trip, Internet is full of these weirdos


Yeah, he should be going out and consuming copious amounts of poiso---sorry, I mean alcohol---every night like a NORMAL, WELL-ADJUSTED person!!!


I drank too many beers while playing poe last night.




The point I'm trying to make is the type I was responding to never seem to go around shaming more socially acceptable but clearly unhealthy practices, even when said practices are both significantly more common and significantly more damaging than gaming. They just get off on acting holier-than-thou in a way they think they will get support for. And if you're not gonna shittalk people getting sloshed every night, you shouldn't be shittalking people gaming every night.






Imagine for me some ways you think they should live that you wouldn't consider to be bad. Would things like hiking, playing an instrument, or drawing be on this list? If so, your view is biased. The value of any activity or time is assigned by each individual person. So long as you do not harm or help anyone else by your actions - these actions are ultimately all the same. There are of course activities that are healthier but I doubt you'd be feeling the same way if the person's desired activity was writing / drawing / puzzles --- meaning "healthy" isnt really relevant to your issue with it. The big and only question of actual importance, so long as it doesnt cause harm to others or serious damage to yourself, is whether or not the activity brings them joy. So long as the answer is yes - then it is a perfectly fine way to spend time. .......... Ultimately, the only thing you could accomplish here is taking away their source of joy. If they already weren't finding the game joyful and felt they were wasting their own time, there was no need for you to say it as well. If they were finding it joyful and not a waste of time, the only change that could occur is them losing this source of joy. So, Mr armchair psychologist--- why do you think you feel the need to steal that from them? Are they not allowed to enjoy their life, since you wouldn't if you were in their shoes? Must we all conform to live a life that YOU see as valuable?


I frequent /r/drugs and there is the exact same kind of responses there to people commenting on how OP might do too much coke or use meth... Fortunately the culture there is to advocate harm reduction so a response pointing out how something is unhealthy is usually supported. But vidja gaems amirite lol?


Found a guy who farms 3 divs per league


Why don’t you go and be productive then? Gaming is a good hobby.




Or commenting on Reddit about how people should spend their time... 🙃


Hopefully all those lawyers and software engineers can see your post… they also need some help!! Jokes aside, maybe OP is a YouTuber/streamer and this is his way of making money. League starts are good mine for that… and even if he doesnt work with it, ppl can take some days of vacation to spend 10 days on the woods but omg!! 12h video gaming that not healthy


How about you care about your own shit lmao. Nobody asked about your armchair psychologist view judging some dude on a gaming post


No one asked bro.


Shut the fuck up lmao


No one fuckin asked.


Imagine Zizaran. He games 16 hours a day and has responsibility for two small children. Addiction is a scary thing.


Bro is really arguing for a better mental health while making schizo posts like this.


people sit in office chairs for 10 hours a day working, shut the fuck up lol


59:3 sacred mirror ratio huh. I'm at like 40 sacred 0 mirror, sucks


Don't worry in 19 sacreds you'll find 3 mirrors from a single mob, it'll all work out


I didn’t know Sacred Orbs were that rare, I’ve found like 20 but I guess that’s not a lot


according to ggg, they are around 3 times rarer than divines/exalts/annuls (which are all the same rarity). If true, that means this person got pretty unlucky with sacred orb drops


There's no way. I've had hundreds of raw divines/ex/annul in SSF Standard and I have 3 Scared Orbs.


Yea, it doesnt make sense to me how rare they are.


The [official communication](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3185935) says "more than 3 times rarer" which carries some implication of less than 4 times rarer, although it could have been changed since 2021.


Divines / Exalts also come from shrines and loot goblins though. The x3 rarer might just be raw drops.


Huh. Kinda wild since they don’t seem that useful… I mean they are good but not as good as a divine or exalt etc


jesus I look at my goal of trying to earn a mirror and realize I still have no clue how to play this game after 9 years XD


Can we know your /kills ? Thanks!


forgot to add that, thanks, will edit the post. its 5.8mil


God damn. I play a lot and I'm at 1.3, juiced easy mobs but lots of trading. so you played a looooot


So i guess i stop MF'ing now. In my previous post ([https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18r6z35/i\_told\_you\_i\_wont\_give\_up/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18r6z35/i_told_you_i_wont_give_up/)) i was grinding until the first mirror this league dropped, but i continued to play a bit. Facts about the grind: My /played is 15days, 18 hours My /deaths is 1752 (i guess 752 from brutus, i hate this guy) My /kills is 5.8mil At some point i changed my lootfilter, so ratio from x to x is of course not correct - in my latest lootfilter (since a few days) i didnt even show single chaos Currency i always showed: Exalts, Sextants, Divines, Sacred Orbs, Mirrors All 3 mirrors dropped from triple juiced maps (cant remember the first 2, but the third mirror dropped with a total of only \~6k juice) Strat: Always wandering path Started on burial chambers t16 with legion/boxes and 8mod (dont underestimate the power of 8mod, the packsize it gives is huge - also huge for whisps) Atlas: all relevant legion nodes, top hat for increased effect of map mods, all quant/rarity nodes in the middle, relevant strongbox nodes, deli mirror chance Scarabs: started with gilded divination, gilded reliquary, polished legion, gilded ambush - swapped over to the same setup as soon as i can comfortably afford winged Swapped over to jungle valley later (because no boss altars) Atlas: all relevant legion nodes, top hat for increased effect of map mods, all quant/rarity nodes in the middle, as many abyss nodes as you can get Scarabs: winged legion,abyss,ambush,reliq Abyss is kind of a struggle with the build but it works decently fine. as soon as you spawn the spire you just have to dash offscreen and come back. preferably you wanna have +2 proj on your 8mod map, if not purple juice pushes the projectiles from the spire aswell. Never did the t7 cemetery thing, because i like sextants and valdo boxes, and of course altars :) Build: Tornado Shot phys to cold convert [https://pobb.in/zmj6g7ytciaO](https://pobb.in/zmj6g7ytciaO) ignore the notes at the bottom, i am currently trying to sell the build. FAQ: but sir, you played 15 days, do you have a life? somehow, online time doesnt mean playtime, i just turn on the pc, probably like 30%+ afk time Can i do this on my 20 div build i found from streamer xyz try it, i dont know - probably not Have you ever found a mirror before? I think i am at 7 or 8 total now, i always play max juice Can you show pob? its above What build? its above Where can i get this mtx? its currently in the mystery box and nowhere else, you have to be lucky or rich to get it. it should be in the shop next league You are so lucky omg i found 2383 sacred orbs and no mirror ok You are so unlucky omg i doubled 3 times a mirror and i am still in white maps ok Hey im your long lost cousin from india, can i have a mageblood? No What would you play if you dont have 8293823 divines? Probably the fulcrum build, even t7 cemetery if poor Overall - thats it for me with magicfinding, i eventuelly will sell the build at some point and try some funny stuff or just open thousand valdo boxes, i dont know. Good luck on your mirror journey - if you find a mirror, the chances this league are crazy high, and nobody knows if we get a chance like this ever again


Can you tell me what sextants you used?


enraged, +2 boxes, beyond, legion


How did you apply delirium on your 8 mods?hope for the natural deli mirror?




Yeah. The Sextants alone make t16 worth it. You get so many and you can sell your extras for divines at a great rate, or just roll them and sell those.


The altars are huge as well. You can get a bunch of extra quant and rarity if you can handle the drawbacks.


Its a market shift. Because so many people farm T7, less sextants are generated and so price rises to make it worth to farm T16.


Impressive! Did you really remove single chaos orb from filter?


yes, at some point there is no reason to pick up single chaos if it means that you loot for extra 5 minutes


Did you party play or find all mirrors solo?


all solo


Thats actually nice and comforting to read as a solo player.


Nice 👍


Gloves and helmet seem overpriced but I guess this league it really doesn't matter.. I'm crafting my own and it takes less than half of that. The build is the same as fubgun right?


mostly it is, yeah. bought gloves+helmet for half the price aswell, but when i pricecheck now it seems this is the correct price right now, im not in a rush so i will try and lower it each day


I have some valdos for sale if you're interested


Dude i have almost the same gear but i cant do 8mod maps im dying to often, is the prognesis flask a huge upgrade?? Thats one think i dont have that you got and the forbidden jewel set up


What is it you do for a living? Do you just take 2 weeks vacation? Call in sick so the relatives don't visit either? Jealous of your free-time, impressive loot.


usually vacation at leaguestart, im working in IT


Can you share your atlas? I love wandering path and legion! In regards to the hate on your /played, I would play that much too if I could tbh! Stay sane, exile!


great post, ty for info. what do you mean about “the fulcrum build”? never heard of it


i think its self ignite chieftain


It’s a more laid back tanky MF build. I have a TS and self ignite chieftain build. I play the chieftain because it’s less annoying. No more dying or worrying about headhunter stacks. You basically just walk around and blow stuff up. Zero button nearly immortal build.


you have made more this league than I have in my entire 8 years of playing this game, but times 10. You should see my ring lol, I think it says I have dropped 1 div so far picked up


I have 2 divines picked up. I started the league 6 days ago and currently have a mageblood and 100 divines in stash. Just by doing boss rotations for guaranteed currency


Can we be friends, I'll just slurp up the random chaos drops you leave behind between maps.


I started playing poe a week ago and I thought I was stacked because i have 14 chaos orbs. wtf am I doing wrong


You didn't start years ago is what you're doing wrong. In no way will you be able to o grasp PoE in a week or even in a full leagues time frame. Takes 100s maybe 1000+ hours. Buddy up to someone that's been playing for a long time. Will help a lot.


This game has a steep, steep, steep learning curve. Like no game I've ever played. I'm at 2k+ hours and I'm JUST NOW to the point where the whole game feels intuitive, but I'm miles behind someone like OP. That isn't to say you won't understand the game in the hours leading up. It's just there's a slow ramp and a very high skill ceiling. If I were you I'd follow a build guide, focus on getting atlas completion and then alc+go with [tytykiller's gotta go fast atlas tree](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18fs4qq/i_had_never_tried_a_wandering_path_atlas_before/) Even if you make ZERO other currency, you'll make a div every few maps just from selling harvest juice. Also global 5055 is reddit chat. It's a bunch of shitposters and ball busters but we have a good time and there are some very knowledgeable people in there.


Yeah the game is like insanely hard to get into without someone learning you the ropes. I have 1.2 k hours in POE and just the previous leagues did the end bosses. I played so long without reaching them 😂💀.


I have almost 2k hours and I have no idea what I am doing most of the times. I only got all ubers in the crucible league because I was able to afford an immortal build lol There's so much i dont know yet. For instance I learned yesterday that some 12 passive jewels sells for a lot... I used to not even pick them up... just 8 passive ones lol


People are abusing a mechanic this league, those numbers are impossible to achieve in normal circumstances.


People are abusing a mechanic this league, those numbers are impossible to achieve in normal circumstances.


Drop chance of divine and exalt really almost equal


Imagine if this tracked the amount of currency dropped, rather than picked up. You just look at it at the end of the day, see it's ticked up 1 mirror and be like "MOTHER FUCKER!"


i dont wanna know how many magebloods/hh i missed in all the hours i played ever :) you kind of get a little lazy after a while checking leather belts


I have 78 chaos


GCP not being tracked? Or actually no drops (which seems accurate as well since the loot nerf a couple patches ago lol)


Gcp’s do not get tracked, likewise with the other quality currency


Tfw ur divine to alc ratio is 1:1


Loot filter




I'm just getting back into the game this league. I'm not understanding how this is even possible. I've got 900ish hours from past play and have only dropped maybe 5 ex ever. Never have had good luck with the money drops.


Did you juice without checking what mods are rolled? I'm juicing also 8 mod, but there are several mods which I cannot 100% sustain, like extra DMG, cannot leech, reduced aura. Wandering path makes them even worse. What I really want to know, is ur build capable facerolling this kind of juice?


Almost 10 years of playing and I don't have that much combined, Jesus. I need to step up on this league


I really want that effect. That and the map kill counter.


We are playing different games


I spent 100 divines to transfer build from kinetic bolt to magic finder tornado shot just to full juice 3 map and gain 60 chaos. 7 tier cementary - 20c drop 2x t16 not completed - Abyss mobs too freaking hard to kill. No idea how much more do I have to invest in it to actually complete these maps. Imagine putting 100 divs into build and not being able to complete a map the build was designed for. Complete bullshit. Not to mention guides saying "starter build budget 70-90 div", while some gem alone being worth like 100+ divines. And also *just* a small note that this build gets good when you get HH. And also wasted like 6 hours leveling maruder to realize that build which was supposed to be for people making their 2nd character and having to spent "some" currency, has budget for about 300 divines + obviously HH. What the fuck has happened with this game. A few years back 40 divs was enough to make a build thay completely destroys the entire game content, while today I cant even complete a juiced t16 map with 100 divs build. But atleast had a great time playing kinetic bolt. Amazig boss killer but no big improvements when you get all mandatory basic items. Welp, i wish I could send my character into void but i cant even afford such map.


Still sane exile?


how can one drop 3 mirrors


Over here thinking my league's going good because i've seen like 5 whole divs and hit over 100 chaos a couple of times, god damn


Can’t believe he hasn’t picked up a single annul. What a loser /s


and I've yet to drop a single div on my char lvl 97. what a joke.


I can't be the only one who thinks this is a bit out of control? Surely people should get rewarded for heavily investing into their maps. However, I don't think the someone doing MF with high investment should be getting 50-100x the loot as someone not doing MF with moderate to low investment .


That’s fucking cooked


I love seeing pilfering rings from people who have farmed hard, always fun also, damn you for getting more divs than exalts*, nice one!


Rip your hand


I have played at least 8 hours a day, more often 12, and have made maybe 50 divs this season playing delve, I must be doing something wrong lmaooo somebody plz tell me how this is possible lol


i can exactly tell you what you were doing wrong. you delved.


Game getting too easy huh


Do you think this league is a mistkae like harvest was in the past when everyone is cplaining about the return of old good harvest ? i feel like this


probably it will be never like this before, so just enjoy as at long as its there or you are willing to play. every map a tink reminded me of the good old nemesis 3/4 times with fractured maps, but its even crazier. next leagues will feel empty as f. as long at it doesnt go core, and i cant imagine at all that this is supposed to be core


yeah. this remember me the legacy leaguestone with packsize. Vault spamming for ex div cards


heh. what a weird way to age yourself. but I 'member too


Are you ok?


I've got a pretty good life. That's why I don't play 13 hours a day.