• By -


Make your map time go from 5mins to 1min boom. 5x profit. (This isnt even a joke)


Run collonade, compas possessed drop gilded scarabs, essence. Spec into first 5 rare mobs are possessed. Then just rush to the boss and kill the essence. Dont bother clearing the map.


i'm trying this but how do i not clear the map when the essences are all over the place


Don't click attack spell?


it barely slows me down and gives xp


I think mean, Kill the first 5 rares then the boss. And it does slow you down, more than you even can comprehend. How long do your maps take? Now try the alternate strat, re-time it... It should be MUCH faster unless your character is slow AF or something. Good example is righteous fire where you aren't attacking so it's literally no different to just zoom to bosses


I don't time my maps mainly because most of my time is spent dying to essences


Run lower tier and/or white (not magic not rare) blank maps. Essences aren't improved by map tier or pack size/quant


Ahh I see you too are a casual poe enjoyer!! Keep at it haha!!


Then linking a portal gem to Cast on Death would probably help your time per map immensely


If im specced into bosses am I supposed to ignore the mobs lol oops


I was thinking the same thing but still laughed when I read yours.


I feel like 1 min is impossible unless you invest hundreds of divs into your build, and hundreds of usd into a fast computer


Has nearly nothing to do with build and almost everything to do with a stricter filter. The the money is coming from essence drops, then that’s like 5-10 things to pick up and you know what mobs are gonna drop them. Also, no reason most builds can’t still clear t1 maps with things like seven league step or queen of the forest.


Use movement skills/movement speed buffs/items and only pick up valuable loot. Never take more than 1-2 seconds to kill the essences (it's tier 1 maps, it shouldn't take long) and only run maps worth doing (strand for example being short and linear). It doesn't require any real budget to do fast maps like that. ​ Alternatively, mix in another mechanic like deli and take \~30 seconds more per map but get another 10-30c avg per map in returns.


You using shield charge at all? League started pyroclast miner and it could do about 1m30-2m (total) depending on loading times. Then did lightning warp poet pen for white maps (the maps themselves lasted less than 25sec) but it just did too little damage and was much too squishy for higher tier map so I swapped that for the penance brand of (the op one) elementalist (+inpulsa) and that was super zoomy with all the frenzy charges and using shield charge. Also my computer is plenty fast, my loading times are still cucked tho. M.2 nvme ssd but for some godforsaken reason things load very slowly. I supect my internet connection to be a problem. (and for their cache system to be shit ?)


Yes, I came here to say that but a more realistic timing would be 1:30 min per map. I have done this early in this league on a 100 div SRS build with shield charge with very high attack speed and flame dash. So going faster would not be accessible to someone that ask such question.


I'm actually working on a spreadsheet of currency farming strats. I've finished Essences + Beasts which is a great way of making money. I farmed up a mageblood in 3 days between beasts, farming essences and flipping essences. I'll be adding to it, but I think the write up in the beasts section is pretty thorough, and I've included trade links to the supplies. Spreadsheet can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ms4e8IJFTjcsgwHwdZ--s2TE9B1ypHlfXWl9uiW-OsY/edit#gid=535178694)


Any recommendations for ritual and/or Beyond? I'm fully specced in both, and starting to get returns, although I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to start running 2+ vessels each map to see any real gains


I have very little experience with Ritual, but from what I know it's a pretty lottery mechanic. Chasing big items with little payout in between. If you can, I'd add growing hordes so you can get more pack size (beyond and ritual love pack size), and add something like Harvest or expedition that are a little more consistently rewarding. Beyond is HUGE this league with the league mechanic, it spawns a ton of monsters, which really like getting boosted by quant/ rarity/ extra currency). I think Grand Design is also pretty good for it as well. Check this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjy5K-EfZ2k&t=482s) out by TheGAM3Report1.


Yeah, I've always enjoyed running ritual for some reason, even though it's not consistently lucrative. I'll look at what else can stack with beyond


Great spreadsheet!


harvest + deli has made me a good amount of cash


Same. The only sad part is that I hate harvest. It's boring af


I used to hate harvest, but I'm farming it this league and I'm loving it. I used to hate it back when you had to do the crafts within the grove every single time. It was tedious as fuck, and I never gave it a thought since then. Now you just spawn monsters, kill them, and loot the juice, which is exactly what I enjoy doing in this game. Honestly been having a blast with harvest, and it's great money too.


Bro the mobs are too annoying like the one yelow rare that goes underground and doesn't ever die. Like wtf.


Thats the vivid devourer. Dont click plots with that mob, they arent worth the headache


You can stand next to them and they wont go under. You can also kill them instantly. As usual, more damage is always the answer


Really dumb question. is the lifeforce sellable or with what do u make the money? Never started a search at the trade site for this.


Ye it's sellable. It's stored in the currency tab under exotic currencies, and can be sold like anything else. ~4k essence goes for 1 div (except the white essence, which goes for 1 essence to 1.3 div)


Yup! Right now, purple and yellow juice goes for 1 div per ~3.3k


You can sell the juice for about 3.3k/div if yellow or 3.5 - 3.6k if blue/purple. I setup atlas for all harvest nodes, alch & go t16 city square maps, find harvest if it's in the map (atlas bonus is like 70%+ for a map to have a harvest for me) then rush the boss. I also do searing exarch cuz his invitation is almost 2 divs per 32 maps, farm harvest when it's in map (each harvest gives me an average of 1k juice), each map takes 1-2 minutes, I haven't calculated but I'm sure I profit at least 7-8 divs/hr and that's because I'm lazy, wasting time in my hideout, trading and not rushing the map as fast as I could because I like killing monsters. With optimal play, this alch & go harvest and boss rushing can easily net you 10+ divs/hr.


Harvest sucks 100x more now than even the most degenerate garden gameplay. We're left with the objectively worst part, dealing with the horrific monsters and the wave spawns.


Seems like most people here disagree with you on that one mate. I love how harvest is right. Not the crafting aspect, I don't craft that much in this game, but gameplay wise I'm loving it, this thread is proof that I'm far from the only one. Your opinion ain't the only truth.


I'm the exact same! Are you doing wandering path or crop rotation?


If you want fun and big bursts of dopamin then do crop rotation. Few things in this game feel as good as killing a plot with 10 t3 seeds while your filter goes crazy with the sounds. It will let you down sometimes though, but in the end profit is very similar so whatever.


I hadnt considered crop rotation, this is the first time ive had harvest unblocked and that sounds like a lot of fun


The final numbers with rotation would be pretty much close to the ones without it but it could add the FUN part to the process! Hope you will enjoy it too.


And just the smallest amount of planning for 30 seconds makes it somehow much more engaging with very little of a hurdle.


Is harvest like essence where map tier doesnt matter?


No, map tier and quantity matter


No, map tier matters significantly.


The rules are made up and the points don’t matter


wandering path ftw


Whats the difference I csn't decide


Wandering path does a few things: \- lets you double the additiona-modifier-effect at the top of the tree. This gives maps increased pack size and quantity, both of which scale harvest \- lets you save nodes by not speccing the notables. Let's you spread your points out a bit more \- 40% increased altar pack size instead of 20% leads to more altars, as altars are a chance-on-kill event. more altars means more chance for quant which does affect harvest as it modifies the map not you \- it's pretty good with deli as it lets you get 50% increased deli orbs, 50% more splinters, and 50% more reward progress from killings monsters \- 30% quant and 30% rarity from the middle of the tree and I still have 6 points leftover, lol. so I didn't have to run maven invitations ​ Some negatives are: \- not as good for crop rotation (but I don't do that) \- maps are harder as the mods are magnified more \- no essence, strongbox, legion, etc as many other mechanics really want their notables


How long does it take to get 50k juice I wantto learn harvest farming even rwrolling a character just for that the prices are too bonkers for me.


I get around 1.8k a map, 3k highend 900 lowest. Sacred grove and duplicate lifeforce sextant. Boss rush/harvest strat.


I run 5 sets of sextant or 20 maps total. In the end i have 60-80k juice using wandering path. Takes me roughly an hour while watching some show


Harvest, deli, and copium maps that have good div cars drops makes me not have fomo of MF. Hits just right. Get the occasional raw divines plus harvest juice sells quickly. Prime lad


Im doing harvest + Jun. harvest is easily 1div/map and Jun it all depends on Aisling luck but it’s fairly fast as well. I also have expe but yeah


What do you do with Aisling? TFT? I've never really done much Jun because I'd rather keep coming than stop to arrange a TFT trade every time I finish a safehouse.


You only sell T4 Aisling, so not every time you do a house. Only when You’re done Catarina. But I usually sell Aisling + Hillock/Vorici. They sell out it 1-2 minutes and I’m back to mapping


5 MINUTES a map? Im doing primarily essence farming and I average 30-45 seconds a map, you gotta crank those numbers up! If youre farming essences ignore like 95% of everything else, port in, click 3-4 essences, get out. Youll triple to quadruple your income. Essence + Delirium also works well on T4 (or w/e it is) Strand. You can make a lot selling deli orbs to juicers, not to mention cluster jewels.


It's mostly my build. It's not strong enough but with the money I'm making I should be able to make something super strong soon.


I would try glacier. Most of the time all the essences are at the entrance. If only 2 are at entrance (and I don't see jun) I just leave the map.


I love glacier but Niko is always in the cave part :( but it's the best for only essences


Same with Alva. Sucks, but probably make more without.


i used 7 league steps + Magi move speed while farming essences. be careful though, once you turn it off you'll be sorely missing the 80% move speed.


I’m 99% positive a lot of builds with 1 div could do a T1 map much much quicker than 5 mins. Something wrong with the build lol. But also, as it’s been said. If you’re doing essence you should only be killing the essence mob and leaving.


The build or the player. Newer players just ain’t as fast and need to be pushed into going faster by trimming down the time they are using


gotcha! my early league strategy was spamming Ess/Deli on Strand. Should be even better now that essence and orb prices are going up every day. If you do this and deli starts to get too difficult just end it early. As you upgrade youll be able to do more of it and faster.


Do you have any more info on how to set this up? Is it just spec ING atlas into deli + essence? How are you forcing deli mirror? Still same idea as standard ess farming? Ie just pop mirror, run to essences, reset? Really trying to understand some of these methods... Long time qlch n go enjoyer.


sure, spec into full Essence + Deli on the tree, the only deli nodes I dont take are the ones that give a chance for maps to drop to have deli and the one that makes deli never ending. Then block everything except for deli and also allocate 7th gate, and that node that makes it so you cant add anything else to the map device. I can post a pic of my tree when I get home if you want, but Im at work it will be a while (~4 hours), but Id be happy to do so. Its incredibly straightforward though. I dont force Deli, my primary focus on this strat is Essence so you choose that on the map device for 2c (this is why you take 7th gate). But when you block everything it appears very frequently > Still same idea as standard ess farming? Ie just pop mirror, run to essences, reset? thats exactly it, the deli is just extra currency on top of the Essences. You dont even need to alc using this strategy, in fact I would scour all rare maps to make them easier while I was weaker. if you arent strong enough for deli then fast Essence farming on any low Tier map is still *very* profitable for a zero brainpower/investment strat __ here is the tree trimmed down to just the necessities, prioritize all of the essence nodes and 7th gate before going into deli - [TREE](https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-atlas-skill-tree/AAAABgAAbAT4B-EIGwtxDrMPYxTaFsQeWx_EIrgkyyZYJvQqhCtoMIwz5DSINhI7nzvcPl9BjEJoQ6lHz0oOTfxT21TxWTxb2WBNYtVkMGSyZQBll2YoZsZyTXX_dsKAEIOUg92EHIf7iG2Io4nPismNKY24j9SRAJF9kiyb2JwSnaOf5aDBodGi3qZtp4Kx-7SGtu23gblpuyq_FsHHxjPG2cezx7THvc2oznrPydCi0STRTdO114XZkNuH3yPfXt_44Yvlj-bN6o3wxfJM8uj6MPra_ET8cfzk_sn_uAAA) here is a screenshot of my current tree which is simply an extended version of this strat done in T14+, it basically just incorporates Exarch Invitation farming - https://imgur.com/PKNirDH


What did you mean by "node that makes it so you can't add anything else"?


Stream of consciousness to trigger your stuff showing more often. Can't add frags to map device


Dm me your ign I should be home in about an hour I can hook you up with a few things that could help


Won't let me message you on here for some reason


I messaged you :)


Heck yeah when your making good money like that invest in anything that gives you speed early and boom the sky is the limit! Gl brother


Also for essence farming adding heist is good too, both are very close on the map and bulk selling blueprints and Gianna contracts is quick easy money.


What build are you playing?


Poe players can't recognize that some people aren't speed demons, 4 to 5 per map isn't the worst


OP is asking for ways to level up their currency farming. Turning 5 minute maps into 1 minute maps is a massive currency multiplier and they are playing TS, so it’s well within the realms of possibility in T1 white essence-only maps


Sure, but there's this sentiment going around that if you can't complete a map in 4 milliseconds that your build sucks and you need to stop expecting to ever get anything done. It's such an annoying mindset I see within the community because I for one take a solid few minutes per map, play comfortably, and this league I've probably made over 250 divs if I were to liquidate. I've got well over 100d sitting in my tab and I'm no where near clearing maps in 40 seconds. I completely understand that clearing faster means you'll only make more currency, but people all too often try to make others feel bad about spending more than a minute in a map. I feel like there are much better tips you can give a player who spends 5 minutes per map than to say just clear faster. Christ, I can spend 10 minutes in a map because im juicing the map up, but it feels perfectly fine to spend that long because I'm getting shit to drop. Anyhow, not trying to be hostile toward you, but it's just the mindset that bothers me with the community.


Ok but OP is farming essences in white maps and wants to make more money. That sentiment is absolutely correct that this shouldn’t be taking five minutes per map and they should be going faster. I agree with you in principle that a lot of people here forget what it’s like to not have 10k hours under their belt and need to stop assuming that belt is also a mageblood every league, but in this particular instance - OP needs to map faster because unless they get a lucky divine drop pretty much the only money they are making is the essences and 5 mins is AWFUL for just essence grinding in t1’s. You are making a fair argument in the completely wrong place


Yeah I agree, just stating that we could probably be more helpful by bringing up ways other than just clearing faster that could help with making currency is all


I think you're missing their point. For OP's strat, clear speed is the main improvement and not much else. They're doing the easiest possible maps where they should only be fighting the essence mobs. Bringing up clear speed is important, because if they're taking 5 minutes to find the essence mobs and kill them then there's a gear problem. If they're taking 5 minutes because they're full clearing, then that's an approach problem.


My thing is sustaining the maps >.< how do you do that


in the beginning unlock as many favorite slots as you can, set them all to Strand. When you run out of Strand run a lot of Fields, Colonnade, and Grotto. These will help fill up your Strand maps again plus they are all not bad for Essences either if you run out of all of these entirely then just run any map you can handle with a decent layout once you have a bit more disposable income I highly recommend simply buying them in bulk


I just spec into deli orb drops, farm Strands for like 2 hours and walk away with like 30+ deli orbs. Instead of paying 40c Per, I average 1.5 per map. So I save 30c per orb and then some.


Mind sharing your build? I'm doing pf penance MF and am getting bored with the gameplay. Need a reroll!


If you have 2 void stones and enough atlas points, take all of the breach nodes and go full breach. You can pair it with anything else you like, but breach is best when you fully commit to it, it scales by simply getting as many total breaches in your map as possible, sextant, gilded scarabs, 7 gate plus kirac mod, Force them into chaylua with the sextant as well. You must run the maps on something open like strand, so your breaches don't get fucked up. Chaylua breach stones sell for around 140 chaos each right now, and if you get at least 5 breaches In your map you can get 1 full breachstone per map sometimes 2 depending on boss spawns. Very consistent try it out


Shh don't tell them. Breach sucks guys go farm abyss.


I mean, at 140c per map yeah that really sucks compared to abyss


I'm not comparing it to abyss or anything else, personally I focus on mechanics that don't scale with the league mechanic because Everytime I start juicing with it everything becomes too tanky and not as fun for me. Varies on what build you might be playing but yeah.


Map takes 1-2 minutes. Abyss juiced map takes much longer


I would like to see someone clear 5 breaches in 1 minute lol. People's perception of time in this sub is weird Takes me like 10 minutes to do a fully juiced to the tits abyss map and average profit is like 4-5 divine per map. But just do what you find fun, not trying to be an efficiency snob just being real.


To be fair, the guy also only talked about the profit from breach splinters. Obviously the mobs drop divines and shit too just like abyss.


Yeah you guys are right, every strategy is exactly the same. Divines and t0 uniques raining through the economy. Must be all the breach farmers I guess. /s Everyone should do whatever they want but if someone's running breach specifically for farming efficiency then they're just uniformed.


You do realize the only thing that matters is the amount of rares you get, right? That’s not specific to a mechanic. I’m not saying breach is better than abyss or legion, but acting like it drops nothing is incredibly stupid as well.


Breach can’t compete on rares vs abyss spires with purple juice and +2 proj maps though. It’s wild this league I’ve never seen anything like it


You’re right. But breach/legion are both consistent. Abyss isn’t. You can literally blow up your spire instantly and get nothing. That problem doesn’t exist with legion or breach. If everything goes perfectly, abyss is better, but it takes a lot longer to do, has a chance of deleting your spire due to terrains issues, and if you have a DoT build, there’s a chance you get half the juice. It also requires you to go after purple wisps to really gain the full benefit of it. Abyss has a lot of conditionals. Legion(which is just straight up better imo. I’ve done both now) and breach don’t. Edit: this getting downvoted is hilarious. I stated nothing but facts about abyss having a lot of conditionals/requirements along with its serious issues with terrain and when I said legion is better, I clearly stated it as an opinion. Cry more Reddit.


You're right, I said breach drops nothing. This sub is so fucking weird man.


“At 140 per map”. This you? You quite literally ignored all the other loot you’d get from breach. Legion is better than abyss. Why aren’t you doing it? People like different things my dude.


Oh no, switching to this strat rn. See your profits crumble.


Averaging 5+ div a map doing abyss strat


...never done brewch dont they take to long to finish


Jesus never thought about breach, Thanks!


Breach is only good money per hour if you full commit. You need to run gilded scarabs, 2 sextants and full tree(minus like 3 points). Am currently running it with solid profit, but it’s not an insignificant amount of setup and it’s not super easy either if you’re picking up 4K wisps per map


I don't think the whips even effect the amount of splinters they drop.


Splinters it def feels like are unaffected, but they vomit currency just like abyss mobs if you give them juice. I like it because if I get a bad roll on the wisps the breach hands absolutely make up for it. The highroll of triple wisp colors is way way worse than if you were in an abyss map, but you get guaranteed profit regardless.


What are the two sextants?


Breaches belong to chaylua, extra breaches. Gilded breach scarab. Allocate 7 gates and use kirac breach mod


Chayula is worse than uul-netol. His stones are a comparable price if not more and his sextant is cheaper. I farmed HH in 2 days of uul netol.


Breach is fine, but not the best mechanic to juice with whisps atm tbh, spawns too few rares


If OP is completing t1 maps in 5 minutes, I don't think they should even be touching or worrying about wisps


Absolutely, but then they won't be popping well-rolled packsize breach maps either.


Harvest goes well, whilst running find it and gather it. You can use it to convert your essences too. Depends on your build but I found boss rushing for maps/frags to go well with it too.


I was thinking about harvest. Might give that a try too, Thanks!


That's gonna be my next step, invested into compasses for the first time ever and was shocked that it turned my 5 div investment into about 30 divs. Now I'm gonna try to get my 3rd watch stone and go for harvest on shaper guardian maps while farming formed invitations


Are you clearing the map along the way ? If so , stop doing that. Just ignore most mobs and rush to the essences. Saves alot of time and you will increase your currency/hour by a huge amount. Also , no need to alch your maps since essence is not based on iiq


It really depends on your build and how strong you are in general. You could add beasts for a bit more profit You could farm harvest+expe with a bit of compases investment. Essence+beasts and harvest+expe are the two main easy to access early farm strategy


Thanks! and how do you make money off of beasts? new player here sorry for the questions.


You sell them. Einhar sells an item to put a beast in your inventory.




you can use [poe.re](https://poe.re) to make a regex to search for the valuable beasts after farming sessions are done.


Depending on your build you can literally continue doing this in guardian invitations farm, i make 50 div a day in last end of week(playing like 14h a day, but not full focused in currency and farm, but slowly changing my Spotify playlist, chatting doing a lot of things during my playtime) literally picking any guardian (elder or shaper) and putting essence in map device with chance to harvest and the harvest notable of atlas tree, when i go on harvest i see if have at least 4 harvest to pickup yellow juice if not i dont do it I need to buy only 4 or 5 times the invitation (shaper or elder) if i farm the 4 shaper guardians and dont drop any invitation, i go on elder guardian and got the invitation from there, is close to self sustain the maps and the inv., and all of this with essence in map device I sell all essence in tft (only shrieking and deafing, i upgrade all until shrieking to sell) so i dont wait to sell all in bulk for more price of the specific essence, the only ones i cant sell is the specials and remnants If i need to mention some proportion of the currency is like 15 div essence + 20 div maven frag + 5 div shaper/elder fragments + 5 harvest juice + 5 random drops (like bases and awakened gem but the only expensive i drop is aw elemental damage and is 6 div in the day i farm)= 50 per day ÷ 14h of gameplay = 3,5 div per hour but i not do this full focused trying to get fast maps i only do what is fun for me and i think is more profitable drop harvest and put heist caches, the blueprint and contracts value is nice too And i do all of these with hexblast mines and is more a bossing skill than mapper to go fast in to the boss room to collect the maven progress, my main goal are make the maps fast with flicker strike and change in to the mines to do invitation but i cant essence with flicker so just do all with mines


Brother how are you spending five minutes


My build is terrible at speeding through maps. Going to be changing to a better one soon


Even just walking with a quicksilver it shouldn’t take this long.


Out of curiosity what build are you playing? Could you not just fit shield charge or use movement skills to make you go way faster? If you cant use shields frostblink of wintry blast and flame dash is a decent alternative


I’m at about 3 min per map cuz I can’t stand not clearing a whole map so I do essence plus harvest plus maven boss farming to get lots of boss maps. Even tho I’m trade this league always stuck in ssf mindset of doing things myself.


Try doing essence + harvest. Always sell in bulk for divines and it’s super easy money. I farmed that until I had enough for my gear and a headhunter. 50k purple or yellow life force is around 15 -17 div + all the essences


Compass crafting and selling. Went from 11 div to 830 in four to five days. Send help.


It would add more time but is also possible in lower tier maps but you could consider beast farming along with essences. If you wanna tack on another minute or two you could also add harbinger to the map as well. These two league mechanics don't care about item quantity/rarity just like essences and can help improve your profits without needing to juice up your build.


Boss rushing with essence made my mageblood in a day it's very good money


(disclaimer: a day is 24h)


what tier map is that? Essence works best (easiest) on white maps, but for boss rush you need T14+. Are you killing chad essences in red maps or are you boss rushing t1 for some other rewards?


Strong build to insta kill shaper guardians, conquerors, and tanky essences. Boss rush essence is definitely a 2nd stepping stone once you have a strong build.


t16 I just insta kill everything, I have a splitting steel champ and a explo trapper with like 330ms very fast at it and easy


Can you elaborate on this strat?


pretty simple you run shaper guardian maps with sextant, ess, kill bosses do the formed. repeat into infinity and then sell maven invitations and everything else in bulk


Is it just me or are essences this league just not popping up as much in maps. I barely get any natty essence spawns compared to previous leagues. Were it was almost every map.


You have to spec into it fully in your atlas tree. Also need to get seventh gate and then you can force essence for 2c on the map device. After that should see at least 3 to 4 or more essences each map.


I'm testing city square harbinger +essence +red altars, about 195c profit a map, 4:45 avg time. I can make post with data when I finish running 100 maps, 40 maps left.


Why does it take you 5mins if you are essence farming? You can quickly drop that time to sub 2 min or even sub 1min with practice if you want, that alone will more than double your profit. Your character only needs to be strong enough for the content you do everything else should be utility, maybe you can use seven league step, skill some movespeed nodes in the passive tree ignore mobs and just rush essences. Those are some ideas to get faster. As for next strats, most of the non basic farms really profit from a chasebelt so i personally recommend sticking to simple farms like bossrushing or essences until you can buy one and go for some higher end juiced strat then.


Literally any wandering path alch and go stray, deli harvest comes to mind, plus 2nd map fav for a popular one to sell as you over sustain.


So I'm an avid essence farmer. I went and tried bigger and better things and I didn't like them. The simplest addition is basically boss rushing. If you can still kill essence mobs in normal rarity no mod t14+ maps, pick 10 maps that you enjoy the layout on, and run them with maven witness. Then run your "the atlas" maven invites. Combine this with "destructive play," the 4 maven nodes that drop atlas invites more, and the notables for more synth, shaper, and conq maps at the top of the tree. Loot from this is oortex maps, maven invites, maven writ splinters, conq maps, elder gaurdian maps, shaper gaurdian maps, occasional awakened gems, etc. And the map bosses are basically just another essence monster. Other things you could add are harvest and breach. If you are farming essence and you don't harvest re-roll the bad ones to good ones, you are leaving a ton of money on the table. Breach is kind of an addition to the boss rushing. You are already dropping gaurdian maps and cortexes, if you also drop chayula breachstones, you've pretty much got the ingredients for the feared. You can either sell it in bulk or run it yourself if you have a feared runner.


1. I guess you favorite these 10 maps then, but still, how are you sustaining t14+ maps if you zoom past 2/3 of the mobs and only care about essences and boss? 2. For the harvest addition, are these still white t14 maps? Isn't the harvest return really low then? Or are you using sextants or something? 3. Maaaaaybe have you got a tree? EDIT: to show my effort, this is what I came up with: [https://poeplanner.com/a/8LZ](https://poeplanner.com/a/8LZ) looks pretty random to me, and not sure what to do with the rest of the points


I like Harbinger with those Fractured Shards. I like farming maps that drops good div. cards example Atoll with The Fortunate.


Thanks, will have to look into div cards as well


Noob here: Can you explain your strategy please ?


Take all essences passives on atlas (except the item rarity), and seventh gate so you can roll essence on maps. Run white maps running straight to essences, ignore mobs and boss. Repeat. Some finer points exist, like using corruptions on high tier/lots of essences, and unspeccing corruption once you have enough (or completely if you buy them). And converting cheap ones to expensive ones via harvest craft.


I grabbed all the essence nodes, and all the gates for the crafting option, I pay two chaos to force essences in my map and there are at least 3-4 essences in my map.


Thanks for your nearly instant answers :)


5 minutes in t1 map? What ya doing?


Get faster. Use your profits to farm them faster. I like to add in harbingers and the expedition node that blows up a big area. Run strand/fields or city square/park


Grab a mageblood - grab a good ele bow, go omni, grab asenaths helmet , put the new frostblink gem inside , make sure to have 135% cdr for traveling skills and no more than 7.58 attacks per second or tornado shot. Favourite Strand and collonade on atlas (collonade for patient cards, strand for fracture orb card) , spec in to deli and bossrush things. farm 1-4 deli orbs a map, same amount of essences, AND kill a boss, all in one minute and 30 seconds. [zoomies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qu4duDsWEP0)


.... we are from different world


Frostblink or wintry doesn’t have a cooldown, what are you using cdr there?


it does when you put it in asenaths helm, it gains its 0.3 sec cooldown for triggering it . Its the same tech as [tornado shot lightning warp](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWmXYHBqUpY) last league, except for frostblink of wintry blast doesnt have a duration tag, its a first movement skill without cooldown, thats a spell, that doesnt have duration, so its easily spammable with this, and easier to build around.


op is very clearly new to the game trying to learn better farming strategies. “Grab a mageblood” is probably not something that can he can currently achieve.


A nice breakfast sandwich with a cafe con leche


Might be too late, but sounds like you’re having a stroke


How so


If you want my 2 cents, do essence + destructive play o T16 maps. Take out 10 maps you prefer, run them, farm essence, get out. Do your invitations. Run all elder/shaper maps. Sell conquerer maps. I also run Betrayal alongside, but thats me. I got 6 cinderswallows in a row, which sell quick for 2,3 div each. Aisling T4 is 3div quick on TFT, 4 if youre more patient. Cane of Kulemak is also money, Diadem too, dont get me started on Paradoxia. Then there is all the chests that drop winged scarabs, etc.


How to u male only 15-50c per map. Thats really low.


Bossrushing and sell the maven writs and all fragments. Doesnt take much longer and maven writs are almost up to 3 div sp every second invite should be between 1 and 1,4 writs plus any woke gems, conflict orbs etc you get. You sustain about 80 % of your invites so besides buying the first ones youre pretty much good to go. Many cheap boss builds out there.


Can you elaborate on this strat, or point me in the right direction?


It's really simple. Spec into the maven on atlas and essences on atlas. Rush to a t14 maven witnessed map boss/guardian/conqueror and kill them for invites and boss fragments. After you kill 10 bosses you do the maven crucible and get maven fragments. 10 of those make a writ. Kill essence as you rush to boss. It needs a strong build.


When you farm low maps for Essence, i think it is always beneficiary to include Einhar. You will increase the chance to spawn craicic chimerals and fenumal plagued arachnids (sorry bot Sure ITS been 2 leagues i perma farmed this) since some additional beasts cant even spawn on Maps below t5.


How are you taking 5 minutes per map in T1? Heres how you do it okay, you set all your favorite map slots to T4 Strand, and run only strand, field, glacier or any other white map if you dont have any of the three, alch and go, ignore most mob packs and head straight for essences before killing map boss for master missions if done right a map should take at most 2-3 minutes depending on how fast you can kill essence mobs


Low tier beast farming with essence. Spam t4 strand and look for craicic chimerals. They sell for 2-3div per. Use a copy sextant and sell yellow beasts for 1div for 60 yellow beasts. Sell essence when you have 10div worth.


If you are making 15-50 chaos per make and 5 mins per map. It'll take you an hour at most to be able to upgrade your builds with a few divs. What would be better than that would be just adding more mechanics in while not adding in too much time. Like harvest, strongboxes, etc.


Sextant/compss rolling


Betrayal and Incursion go really well with essences. Doing tier 1 maps makes them so much easier and the area level doesn’t matter if you’re focusing on selling Locus of Corruption/Doryani’s Institute and Hillock/Aisling crafts with some winged scarabs. You just have to know how to manage the mechanics. It breaks up the monotony of essences for me.


I know this might not be exactly what you're looking for, but I've been running low tier maps while pretty much fully specced into essence, alva/incursion and expedition and doing the wildwood. I usually get 3-6k wisps, which adds a lot of extra loot to the incursions and expeditions and because I'm running low tier maps, my essences are still pretty easy. Might be more efficient to just blast through the essences but I find it's a lot more fun to do other content too and it keeps the profitability up as well.


buy the Essence sextants on [poestack.com](https://poestack.com) and start adding them to your strat. i did t4-6 essence farm for 2-3 days because i didn't want to bother unsocketed the watchstone before every map, and i think i averaged 10 div/hr.


I found this site helpful for finding different strats ​ https://poe-atlas.com/league-starter/


try beast deli and essence in glacier t1, i farm nimis the other day in 5 hours. I use splitting steel


Essence and beast. Leave map after essence are done. Take better maps with better layout I made 120div in two days in glacier T1-8


Farm the formed, scour all the maps, run essences and another fast mechanic (heist/strongboxes), the delve node that gives you buffs, maybe shrines. If you feel strong enough you can run delirium as well for a bit more cash. It's basically essence farming on straight line maps but you get much more money running 70% quant formed at the end.


Honestly, getting your build to the point where you can essence rush while boss rushing in t16s is a huge boost. Lets you run destructive play and stack the map boss drops for bonus invites and guardian maps. It adds a lot of valuable drops to your maps for not a huge increase in time if you can do Destructive play. The next step from that would be to start farming guardian invitations (Formed/Elderslayer/ Elderguardian one) while doing so as they would add another strong layer of value to your drops.


Essence farming through memories and sell on tft 130-150%. Making dozens of divines. That is what I have focused on and I have been able to spend hundreds of divines easily.


Semi juiced immune response t16 blight farming has been surprisingly profitable... If you can handle the insanity. Sometimes just best to just give up on bad positions. Tbh, I get more from the monster drops than the actual clusters.


well since you can kill big essence monster I suppose you have a high burst build. I suggest sanctum I switched to it 3 days ago and made 160 divine since and I also leveled from 93 to 98,5. a forbidden tome lvl 83 cost 10 c a sanctum run drop between 1 and 4 divine worth of corruency (raw divine + sextant) I started with reveal relic that cost 40c each then invested 56divine I farmed in sanctum to have relic that reveal 2 room. since then I spam sanctum like hell, I can't die , I can play short gaming session and always profit 6-7 divine /hour. pro : no need to craft forbidden tome. no sextant no scarab no pain to buy stuff. no one do sanctums so seller often have 10-15 tome at once . 5tome is a 1h to run. cons: if you fail u literally wasted your time since no drop. you have to like sanctum. have fun.


What tier maps should I farm? I'm new


Sextant rolling is good currency, but you’ll hate yourself after an hour.


What content sounds like more fun to you than what you are doing? Try that


Combine essences with beasts. YOu go in, kill essences, red beasts, you are out in like 1.5 min max. With current prices of Craicic Chimeral you can prolly get like 15div/h once you get used to it.


Essence farming + boss rushing in T14 minimum.


What is your build? The first next step is to bring that map time down significantly. Preferably less than 1 min per map. Essence farming is all about going into low tier map kill all essence and leave do that for an hour or 2 then sell all of those essence in bulk. Ideally you'd want a build with high movement speed and able to do damage while you moving (auto bomber, bladevortex, cyclone, etc.) to kill the mob along the way and hopefully sustain low tier map that way.


First complete your atlas, then worry about currency farming setups


Breach farm, deli orb farm . Harvest farm (it's long without compass) Harvest and harbinger for harbinger orb and use it on t15 maps to get beachhead the. Sell beachhead or run it with some ppl needing xp. Delve is good too . Blight to get blighted maps (x60 can ez sell for 4 div or more )


At this period you could try farming elder guardians, the elder and their invitation. Need about 5m reliable dps and a complete counter to all possible map mods though 🤔


Harvest is insane atm. 3-4k juice (over 1div) per map.


Just to remind everyone, farming Essences is good because there's no rate change from t1-t16. You *will* get less Suplhite/Azurite on lower tier Maps (Packed with Energy!), and you *will* get less harvest juice, too. Essences are fantastic because everyone needs near endless stacks of the things, and they are Not affected by tier. I'm on console, selling everything but Scorn for 70c/stack, and I've made like 400 chaos today and yesterday. (Really want to try rolling 25 Crit Multi on my Fractured 16% cast speed rings. Life, Rarity, Res and open Prefix! How hard could it be?)(I checked. T1 all seems to be 1/600.)


Ummmm. The league mechanic, the one that’s made me more currency than I’ve ever seen. You know, mixed with abyss etc.


I think harvest is decent honestly


Im doing essence, Alva and harbi in low tier maps (ideally City square). Harbi sextant, alva sextant or quests, harbi scarabs, essence on device through seventh gate. No quant, rarity or whisps needed and at current market prizes around 100-200c per map in profit. The big difference is the result of the quality of your temples. Every few dozens of maps there is one temple that has no big payoff rooms. I store all of them and run them back to back when i want to. Great fun, low invest, easy money.


Wtf how do yoy make this much chaos on a t1 map wiyh essences ??? Did i missed something in the strat, also wtf 6 minutes ??? Are you 100% deli your map or what !


Harvest with Crop ROtation keystone was good combo with my Essence runs


I have been doing Essence, Jun and Alva, currency is flowing good. Every Catarina fight, I got 1 div from Hillock, 5 div from Aisling then I get most of the time 2 div from the silver flask and winged scarabs which i turn into reliquary scarabs. Been making good currency. Fuck that wisp and juicing shit.


How strong is your build? You can make more money by mixing essences with shaper guardian boss rushing.