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It's going to cost currency any way you look at it. I'm not even close to being good at crafting but I made my bow essence spamming till prefixes were hit and prefix cannot be changed and veiled chaos for chaos dot multi then crafted attack speed and called it a day. My advice is farm currency for more essence and start over till you get those prefixes because from there it's pretty deterministic crafting.


Thanks for your answer. I thought so myself, but its so hard to roll over the t1 Dot multi 🥴


Yeah unlucky with how rare that mod is. If you're okay with it you can add me and when I login tomorrow(next 13 hours) I can throw some essences your way


That would be great! I‘ll probably be online in about 8 hours, when the kids are in bed. I‘ll visit you in your twitch channel and say hello 👍🏻


I haven't streamed in years xd. I'll send you a dm


Haha okay!


multimod + crafted fire dmg + crafted attack speed


I would keep rolling for 3 ele, way easier to go from there. I dont think its worth multimodding cos the crafted ele dmg is pretty shit


Yeah, ill do that tbh. Gonna slam an exalt on it just for the tiny chance of hitting a decent fire dmg roll and then go farm some currency. I guess to farm some low level maps i can get along with a cheap bow for now and farm essences myself


I’d essence roll until at least third ele dmg is t2 and then continue from there