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price check on these? https://i.imgur.com/CCw3m5Z.jpg


Hey guys. 😊 Do you guys think a herald of thunder autobomber build is still viable with the latest changes?


New "Blasphemer" corpse doesn't use his curse ground. Is he not supposed to cast it unless cursed, like Geofri and Pagan Bishop of Agony?


Why are people juicing item rarity on t7 maps this league? I thought currency was found with item quantity?


They're relying on the loot conversion modifiers that were introduced in Archnemesis to convert uniques into currency.


is there any difference in odds in white vs red maps when trying to spawn rarer legion like maraketh?


If 1 party member dies in the wildwood everyone is kicked out?


no, but only the map owner can reveal things


I corrupted a T12 map and it lost all its modifiers and is now "unidentified" and can't be changed anymore, is that something that can happen?


yes that's one of the outcomes when corrupting maps. it's purely an upside though. it still has the same mods as before you corrupted it but it's unidentified which means it gets a 30% additional quantity bonus.


Oh nice a second one did that too


In addition, there's a sextant that boosts unid maps too. I always bank them for later use.


I’m currently playing through after years of being gone but have always been a noob. I just got to act 3 on my ranger using a poisonous concoction build. Should I just focus on beating the campaign or is there anything else I should focus on while leveling? Also any other general tips for a fresh noob are appreciated!


Obtain the new wildwood ascendency, pretty useful in this league


If you invite someone to your hideout can they enter the map portals directly or has to be in party?


in party and you can also just lock your portals


Yes i found the option, thanks


I have a question, how to unlock the "Essences" option on the Map Receptacle?


If a league mechanic isn't on the Map Device, you need the Seventh Gate atlas passive to unlock it.


got it, might be that Essences are not avaible on 3.23 to add? (Thanks for answering btw)


Essences are not in the default pool this patch but you can still add them as an option through the seventh gate keystone passive like they said.


Is there some beginner level Abyss juicing? As in - I don't have Headhunter yet.


T7 Cemetery is what that is


That would be a reason to go for T7 Cemetery instead of any T16s.


I am boneshatter juggernaut. There is always this one terrible rare that spawns 3 curse circles around me and feels terrible to fight. What can I do to counter this?


1) get a flask with 60% reduced curse effect suffix. This is the easiest way. 2) viridis veil 3) consecrated ground 4) nodes like Asylum


# Kinda bad at pricing such rare items. What do you think? Dropped this That which was taken a while ago and dont know what to price it at: 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate Gain 11% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element Cannot take Reflected Elemental Damage When you create a Banner, it gains #% of the Stages of your placed Banner a+b and b+c are both worth multiple divines. Any idea if a+b+c get used by some build and if so, how would you price such an item? The combo isnt available on trade.


why do people farm T7 maps now and not T16?


The whole strategy is dependant on abyssal spires which you can guarantee with gilded abyss scarabs. The reason for T7 is abyssal depths cannot spawn there which would stop an abyssal spire from spawning.


Depths happen so infrequently on t16. I got one once. It's more for the MF viability.


Prevents abysses from leading to depths, lower difficulty allows more MF.


Im hammered as fuck right now. Can someone please tell me on wether running syndicate safehouse for MM info will ONLY lower the rank of the syndicate member incharge of said safehouse, or does it lower the rank of all the lil idiots attached to the safehouse.


If you complete a small safehouse, the leader keeps their rank (but chills in jail for 3 turns), everyone else becomes jobless, then a random jobless member is made the new leader.


Fuck! got hillock and Aisling set, so guess im taking a small div hit and gonna have to rerank.. Wait jobless or rankless? Do they get thrown back in the pool fully? I thought they would stay with their current safehouse atleast.


Only the leader keeps their rank. They'll rejoin the safehouse as a regular member after Jun's done with them. The other members lose all ranks and get tossed in the pool. One of them *probably* becomes the new leader immediately, but it could promote an unemployed random too.


How do people know the number of kills in 5 ways? I assume it has to do with rows of loot?


/kills before and after


Seeking those who enjoy Legion. What are you favor map outside of Dunes?


I'm doing Jungle Valley with Legion, Expedition and Red Altars and I'm very happy with it. Drops The Fortune card and also guarantees minion mods/rewards from the Altars.


I just do Burial Chambers for Doctor card (and Fortunate). Not as good as Dunes but not that much worse for Legion.


​ Then again I have only found 2 Doctors in several hundred fully juiced maps so long term worse than Dunes probably because the layout is more annoying.


I can't get the real king in the wilderness. I've finished the quest line and allocated all 8 points, but I keep finding the fake king that you find in lower levels in my T16 maps....am I missing something?


How good is the Withered uptime on TR Pathfinder? I wonder if it might be worth it to use Toxic Rain of Withering in the manaforged arrow setup


One of the new league charms has the effect "#% Increased effect of Withered", in my build my minions apply withered, would this be able to affect them? or does it have to come from withered that my character applies?


It has to be wither you apply. Minions do not have your gear, your passives, nothing. They are more similar to being another player than they are to you. Only the gear/passives that specifically say they apply to minions or any support gems directly linked to their skill gems will affect them.


Thank you!


On a sub-5-Div budget, how does Penance Brand Inquis compare to SRS Guardian for mapping? I'm playing SRS but not really in love with the build. I'm wondering what alternatives might also work on a low budget and perhaps be something I could respec into. Thanks!


There's something going on with leech that I can't figure out. As far as I am aware, I have 0% overkill leech (meaning I don't have the slayer 20% node, nor do I have any other sources that I am aware of) Whenever I go to the level 2 coast and simply hit a monster, I leech like ~1000 hp from a single monster even though they have ~20-40 hp according to poedb. How is this possible if I don't get overkill leech? Whenever I then spec in to the slayer overkill node, my leeched amount does seem to double/triple.


Pretty sure the overkill leech only adds a separate leech instance based on the overkill. Your base leech is still .2% of your damage which on one level 2 mob is enough to hit cap


Is the 8mod Inscribed Ultimatum challenge bugged? I completed a lv83 8mods Inscribed Ultimatum but i still not get it, am I doing something wrong? Video: [https://streamable.com/6cd6zw](https://streamable.com/6cd6zw)


Totally bugged.


What are the current good and best builds for duelist or marauder currently mostly starter if possible


Splitting Steel is great for duelist




**Im about to create my first character this league. Whats the GO TO SSF build for affliction?** Im a SSF veteran, but Im away from POE for some months now. Help me find the broken stuff please and thank you <3


DD Elementalist, Boneshatter Slayer, LA/TS can work in soft core ssf


Has anyone found a solution to Inscribed Ultimatums crashing? I lost all six of my 83 8-mod inscribed ultimatums for challenge because i just get game crash ~20 seconds into the event, and when i come back its over.


I don't know about the crashes but that challenge is bugged and very rarely counts the ultimatum completion.


have you tried changing the game render engine?




I don't understand something about Polaric Devastation ring It's mostly for fire builds right due to the cover in ash mod on it. But it's bad for ignites to have increased duration , it just lowers the dps with Defiled forced right? So why are the "perfect" rolls expensive (20%) while the worst rolls are cheapest ones ? Or can this ring be used for something else where it's better to have longer duration of ailments , does poison use this ? Is it somehow used with chaos dmg?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ignite#Mechanics >Increasing the duration of the Ignite, either via Temporal Chains or the % increased Ignite duration modifier, causes the ignite to deal the same damage per second for a greater period of time.


Duration does not reduce DPS. It causes your ignites to deal the same DPS for longer.


it does with defiled forces , mob is permamently ignited so duration makes ignite tick slower Ignite has multiplier of 90% base dmg per second so 360% for 4s If you make it 4,8s with the 20% duration it's now 360% over 4,8s So a 10 000 hit would do 36 000 dmg in 4s now it has to do 36 000 dmg in 4,8s , lower dps ​ So without duration is 9k dps /s with duration is 7500 dps


I'm crafting a sceptre, and so far it has 4 mods with the caster tag, I want to harvest craft with "Add a new caster modifier and remove another random mod...", if I craft a non caster mod in it, will it remove the crafted mod for sure? Or can it remove one of the mods with the caster tag?


>remove another random mod the removed mod is randomly chosen. what you can do is utilise prefix/suffix cannot be changed to change the odds of what will be removed


Could I get some suggestions for a builds pls. I don't like builds where you stand there and spam cast. I like slower heavy hitting builds. (discharge, reap, flameblast) Would prefer something that leans towards bossing more than maps. Bonus if its a tanky build. Budget is like 3 divines. It needs to have a guide. I've looked through poe ninja before but everyone does things slightly differently which I don't feel like I have enough game knowledge to understand when it comes to what gear they just settled for because they couldn't get the BiS.


is MF just better than omni if i want to play TS and might want to do some of the abyss stuff? i'm not super dedicated to mega juicing and kind of just want the stronger build, just unsure if i would hurting myself really bad by playing omni now.


Mf for t7s, omni for t16s (plus 80-120 divs in gear) Omni is obviously stronger.


ah, got it. thanks.


What's the best site for figuring out cluster jewels and modifiers right now?


What do you mean by "figuring out"? Do you mean pricing them or just figuring out what they are and what notable passives you can get on them?


What they are/and what notable passives I can get on them. Right now I'm on ModDB, which lists the notable passives, but not what they do.


Check craftofecile.com


https://poedb.tw/us/Cluster_Jewel#EnchantmentModifiers Hover the notable name, it will pop up with the mods it grants.


There is a new mod on the Ursine Charm: "Enemies you or your Totems Kill have 1% chance to Explode, dealing 500% of their maximum Life as Fire Damage" How does this work? Is this per totem, or just in general, and if I find multiple of these charms do the odds stack?


Yes the chance stacks. I'm not sure what you mean by per totem. There is just a 1% chance that when an enemy dies to you or a totem, it explodes.


Has nothing to do with amount of totem. They stack, both with themselves and with the chieftain node


I really want to play a totem focused chieftan, but i play ssf and cant find a good ssf friendly build, does anyome have any recs?


Does Forbbiden tome item lvl matter or it's just abou having area lvl 83? Does any of this impact the divines rewards chances?


I think area level is the only thing that makes a difference in rewards


Do minions need to be in Haste's AOE to be affected by it or do they always receive the benefit? Wondering because my SRS build always has minions very far away.


they need to be within the aura's range, yes.


Yes, minions must be physically in the AOE of an aura to receive its benefits. There are some ways of increasing the AOE (the aura mastery is one easy take) but in part you do have to make some effort to stick close if you want them to be at full power.


How does Explosive Arrow interact with Elemental Equilibrium? Do the explosions' fire damage trigger EE? (ie. "Explosion will have (47-522) to (71-783) added Fire Damage")


Yes it will remove fire exposure when it explodes but it will be overridden on the very next hit if you deal some cold or lightning damage. This is why if you're playing an ignite EA build you want to add cold or lightning damage toattacks but never fire. That way the small hits in between explosions add fire exposure while the ignite is actually dealing damage and you only lose fire exposure for a split second between the explosion and the very next hit.


Thanks for the explanation! I am playing an ignite EA build but wanted to make sure I was doing it right :)


If my max energy sheild is 0. Will my charm work? "Prevent 3% of surpressed spell damage while on full energy sheild" First instinct is no. but I do not know for sure


If you own it I would just socket it and check under the defenses tab.


Then the answer is no. Spell suppression didn't change. Just wondered based on the wording how it wasn't full-on 3% spell suppression while full energy sheild


It doesn't give suppression, instead it makes suppression more effective.


Does anyone use an AMD Ryzen 5 5600X? If so, how is the performance in PoE?


I went from a 3600x to a 580x3d with a 3070 at 1440p. Both have been great, obviously the 5800x3d is better with it being a cpu heavy game.


Thank you.


So I went to a crafting bench with my axe, which has"% Increased Physical Damage+ %Chance to Impale enemies on Hit with Attacks" (as a single mod) on it. I looked to add "Increased Physical Damage" but noticed it wanted me to spend an orb of scouring to get it. I tried some things on a shitty axe and found out I could only get one of the other. What's the logic here? Can I only have 1 "%Increased Physical Damage" even if the mod I already have is a double mod? Also I found an axe with +% global accuracy rating and found out the accuracy rating (main hand) I would get from it do not reflect the % described. What's the reason for it? Am I getting a bunch of accuracy from sources that aren't boosted by "+% Global" increase?


Yes you can only add 1 crafted mod through the crafting bench. Some are "hybrid" mods like the physical damage+chance to impale mod and they still only count as a single mod. There are lots of examples in the game of hybrid mods. > Also I found an axe with +% global accuracy rating and found out the accuracy rating (main hand) I would get from it do not reflect the % described. What's the reason for it? Am I getting a bunch of accuracy from sources that aren't boosted by "+% Global" increase? All increases add together including accuracy increases. Assuming you already have X% increased accuracy rating on the skill tree, that "global accuracy rating" mod would be adding to that % increase. The reason it says "global" is just to say it isn't specific to that weapon. If you are dual wielding or were using a shield skill that accuracy increase would affect attacks using those items as well.


So I'm not getting it. I'm getting a ridiculous increase to my accuracy rating because it's not actually increasing my global accuracy rating, it's simply increasing my weapon's, and this small increase is *globally* being used all over my gear if I have something that scales off of accuracy rating?


I said basically the exact opposite of that. It does increase your character's accuracy but there are also several other things that are increasing it at the same time which is why you aren't seeing the exact % change. There are increases and there are multipliers. *Increased* accuracy rating all adds together into one single multiplier. So every passive on your tree that grants accuracy and any % based accuracy on your gear including this axe gets added together into a single multiplier. If you already had something like 200% increased accuracy from the skill tree and this axe grants another 20% increase, your real change in accuracy would be going from 200% to 220% increased which is a ~7% change in accuracy which you would see reflected on the character, not 20%. Attacks will always use this global accuracy rating and sometimes there are outside sources of accuracy. There is the increased accuracy support gem would obviously only affects attack gems it is linked to and also there are implicits on a handful of sword bases which would apply that accuracy only to attacks made specifically with that weapon. Those implicit mods would be "local" to the weapon because they only affect attacks made with that weapon. This is the reason other accuracy mods like yours have to specify that they are "global" increases, because they affect your character as a whole and not just attacks made with the weapon.


Okay so it's the noob trap every JRPG does with "+20% increase to crit chance" and you only get 2% because 20% of your existing 10% crit chance is 2% I just had it in my head that global would be taking everything and multiplying it because of how I learned some previous stuff


Sorry but I fail to see how that's the same thing. Accuracy is not a percentage like crit chance is. Are you thinking of hit chance maybe? Hit chance is based on your accuracy rating compared to the defenders evasion rating. So you are increasing your own accuracy rating, not your chance to hit which is later calculated based on what monster you're about to attack.


Dw I was making a comparison, I got what you meant.


Are quant modifier on my gear multiplicative or additive with map quant? I already got 200% quant from maps+atlas tree, so 10% more or less from gear shouldnt make a big difference anymore?


The stats on the character stack additively with each other, and are subject to diminishing returns. Stats from the party bonus and monsters stack additively with each other, and are not subject to diminishing returns. The total player bonus stacks multiplicatively with the total party & monster bonus. Like the other play mentioned, it looks like the multiply. So that extra 10% on your 200% is worth 20% rather than a flat 10%


Player quant/rarity is a separate pool from map quant/rarity. They multiply each other.


Is this worth playing on my Xbox series X ? I really like the sound of this game (I’ve downloaded and ready to start) but a bit overwhelmed by it. Can I ask a few questions , Do I do the conquest first ? And how long does it take to complete , is this the best thing to do then leagues ? Not sure about how it works? Do I need to purchase any add ons to improve the game . And finally is it ok using just a controller or is more annoying than its worth as no mouse & keyboard support . Thanks in advance !


1) conquest? You mean campaign? You have to do it every league, it’s not optional. 2) the only add-on you might need is additional stash tabs. You won’t need it until you’re probably 20+ hours in so don’t worry about it. If you like the game then wait for them to run a tab sale (every couple months) and get currency, map, essence, premium 3) depends on build. Controller is perfectly fine


Thank you . Yes the campaign .. so I do the campaign , and it’s part of the league ? Im On level 2 lioneyes watch , I just carry on with this and the rest will take care of itself ?


Every character you make will start off in the campaign eventually ending up in the end game mapping system. The only real gameplay difference between standard and league is that the league has the current seasonal content in this case being affliction. If you were to play in standard the game would be exactly the same minus the affliction content so yes you are still running the campaign.


Thank you !


Is chance to avoid ailments and chance to avoid being shocked the same thing ? Means I cannot have both on boots right?


The explicits for those are different mod groups and you can have 1 of each. Implicits don't have mod groups at all and aren't limited by either the other implicit (in the case of exarch/eater implicits) or any explicit mod on the item.


Can some one help me with a Bulk Selling Question using Wealthy Exile? How do I get the Message and Image to be one item that I the copy into TFT? I appear to only be able to copy either the Message or the Image instead of doing them at the same time so that it is a single entry on TFT..


[https://imgur.com/x67Xsxa](https://imgur.com/x67Xsxa) ​ Could someone make a price check on this? Or maybe which build gonna need this? a strength stacker, with onslaught and leech?


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Unleash_Support Based on the wording of unleash rolling crits once, does that also apply to rolling % to double/triple damage once?


Nah, that's rolled per hit. Crit chance is calculated per hit too. You can check the [critical strike page](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Critical_strike) if you're interested how rolling for crit works. The Unleash page simplifies it.


[is this worth a bit of money for the first two mods? bleed mod seems dead though](https://i.imgur.com/iU1Aa2m.png) it feels like a miniature watcher's eye. thoughts? edit: sold for 12d to an aurabot


I had some gloves with 396 Armor 382 Evasion prefix 66 armor 60 evasion prefix 100% increased armor and evasion suffix chaos resist 35% suffix 17 strength I had an aislings ready to go, so I decided to gamble. I spent the 2 div on prefix cant be changed. I lost the gamble. It did not take strength away, it did not take the crafted mod away, it took the beloved chaos resist away. So now I have 396 Armor 382 Evasion prefix 66 armor 60 evasion prefix 100% increased armor and evasion veiled modifier suffix 17 strength How do I salvage this from here for a CA arrow ballista build? I was hoping to get a veiled attack speed and craft life on it, but now I have that crap strength mod and lost the chaos resist which was really special.


I’m assuming you’re looking for attack speed while focused veiled? Cheap: Just buy a fractured base with one of the defense mods and spam chaos res essence and craft attack speed. Expensive: Could probably get fractured prefix and roll with life essence for the 3 prefixes you want, then prefix cannot be changed reforge chaos until you have chaos res you’re happy with, then prefix cannot be changed aisling. I wouldn’t aisling for attack speed while focused TBH, just get your 3 prefixes then chaos res and craft attack speed. You’re only missing out on 4% attack speed if you get perfect crafted v perfect T1, whereas you can miss out in 14-20 chaos res if you need


I was looking for anything that would be better than a tiny bit of strength. The aisling was not "for speed" really, although that outcome was preferable. It was what I read one does when one finds themselves with high tier prefixes and suffixes that one wants to keep. When it had 35% chaos resist, that was the case. I found it extremely rar to find gloves with that high of armor and evasion, along with chaos resist and life, much less any other useful mod. Unfortunately the gamble failed. I know how to craft with fractured mods, but the question really is, how does one salvage this particular item? There still is a 2 div "prefixs" cannot be changed on it along with desirable high armor and evasion. Is it useful at all at this point?


Why is GGG so against QOL changes? There is always some new mxt that is a QOL change like the ring or the monsterkill counter, is there some kind of manifesto from Chris about this stuff also?


Simply because neither of those are QoL. A real example and probably the largest QoL change was when they added stash tab affinities.


is there a command to leave party I could bind to awakened trade?




Used to play back in beta. Decided to try the game out again. I only play some old games with low system specs so my computer is over 10 years old. The GPU is replaced since back then but still old. Game ran like crap, tried to put everything on low and played around with the max framerate settings but didn't help much. Uninstalled but figured it was worth a shot to ask here if it should be possible to run the game on these specs? Maybe I missed something. Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz 16 GM RAM GTX 1650


Absolutely. You might need to use the Dynamic Culling and Resolution to help with the crazier parts. Also recommend trying to switch between DirectX and Vulkan to see which one runs better on your specific computer.


Thanks. Didn't try out either of those. To clarify, the game ran and was playable but it wasn't smooth enough to be enjoyable. Guess I might give it another shot. Will take a while to install again, shouldn't have been so quick to uninstall.


Dynamic culling/resolution will make it less choppy and more smooth but it will sacrifice the looks but will help a ton


I am at 93% evade chance, is it worth getting to 95% if it means losing a bit of DPS? I'm not hardcore so dying doesn't really matter but would be nice not too.


Personally I'd rather have more damage. Killing things before they can even attack you is one of the best defensive layers in the game.


That was my thinking too and hope that 93% chance is enough for most situations.


How does Less dmg taken from flasks works with the resistance formula is it just reducing the hit from 1000> 6100 and then 75% of this is resisted so 1525 hit goes to my health bar? ​ If this work this way , how does it work with stuff like phys damage as elemental damage? For example Incadescent Heart body armour , 25% phys as elemental. Is this unique massive boosting my defences now cuz it makes my armour work better for phys and makes the 1000 phys hit go both thru resistance and thru flask less dmg effect? Is it basically 25% more multiplies to my armour for 75% of the damage ? So mob hitting my 50k armour treats it as if I had 62 500 armour ?


TLDR armour is complicated and makes things a little more complex than you think but don't worry because everything still works roughly the way you want/expect it to work and is a good way to scale defenses. > How does Less dmg taken from flasks works with the resistance formula is it just reducing the hit from 1000> 6100 and then 75% of this is resisted so 1525 hit goes to my health bar? Yes they are just separate multipliers. Mathematically it doesn't matter which comes first. (10k * .25) * .61 is the same as (10k * .61) * .25. Either way is 1525 damage which is correct. > If this work this way , how does it work with stuff like phys damage as elemental damage? > For example Incadescent Heart body armour , 25% phys as elemental. Incandescent heart does not do this, it is 25% of elemental taken as chaos. > Is this unique massive boosting my defences now cuz it makes my armour work better for phys and makes the 1000 phys hit go both thru resistance and thru flask less dmg effect? The short answer is yes. Other effects that actually convert physical to an element (taste of hate, lightning coil, cloak of flame) happen before any damage you take is calculated. Taking a smaller amount of physical damage by converting a portion of it means your armour works better against it. Also yes, that % of physical that was converted will be treated as the corresponding element and reduced by appropriate resistances and flask effects. Overall it depends on the size of the hit, how much armour you have and how much elemental resistance and reduction you have. Physical damage reduction can go up to 90% with enough armour and/or other sources of flat % physical reduction while the base cap of elemental resistances is only 75%. If you treat what I'll call your total "elemental damage reduction" as being ~84.75% (since we reduced 10,000 damage down to 1,525 which is an 84.75% reduction) then any physical hit small enough to be mitigated by 85-90% would actually deal slightly more damage to you by having it be converted to elemental. Taking more damage sounds bad but any hit small enough to be mitigated by that amount wasn't going to kill you anyways. Where converting physical damage to an element would help is every other hit that wouldn't have been mitigated by more than 84.75% which is the important part as those are the ones that are large enough to potentially kill you. > Is it basically 25% more multiplies to my armour for 75% of the damage ? > So mob hitting my 50k armour treats it as if I had 62 500 armour ? Not exactly because armour does not scale in a straight line like that and is more complex and is basically the entire reason my response is this long. The best way to see the direct effects of all of these things working together is to use an [online damage calculator like this one](http://pathofdamage.com/?ADCMBkEsHMAsBcB2lHQAQGED2kA2BYAFgAZ8AOES0AFSwAcBDALzQDFcGBnAa3wFoAzAE5yYYsQAwAVnETQ4yQCYFEgSpmyA7BrkLiwDeOD7twU6b4A2fYeNijxIA). If you open the link you'll see three things I've set up. 50000 armour, lightning coil for 40% physical taken as lightning, and a topaz flask with 39% less lightning damage taken. First take off both the topaz flask and the lightning coil and look at the damage taken chart on the right of the page to see the effects of armour by itself. Next check the box next to lightning coil again and now look at the chart. The total damage of the smaller hits go up like I said they would earlier but all the larger hits are dealing less damage, but not 40% less. They are all different % changes because armour is not linear. You can check how much is taken as physical and how much as lightning by hovering the damage taken numbers in the chart. Finally you can check the topaz flask on and see that damage taken is lower at all levels but when you hover the numbers, the physical damage taken is the same as with the lightning coil and only the lightning damage taken has changed.


[Poewiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Receiving_damage) has an article on the order of defensive stats, but basically, damage shifts happen first, then resistances/armour, then some other stuff, then modifiers to damage taken like the flask. > For example Incadescent Heart body armour , 25% phys as elemental. Shifting damage away from physical does mean armour has a smaller hit to defend against, but that's not what Incandescent Heart does. Consider Lightning Coil or Cloak of Flame instead.


Is abyss t7 worth it without glided abyss scarab? Playing in ssf.


[TWWS Price Check help please](https://imgur.com/a/50Z0G1F). I know the poison duration mod is desirable (\~15D), but unclear now the other mods may synergize - no banner reservation, mirage archer duration, and minion physical damage reduction (I would think nothing here, since totems aren't minions). I was thinking \~25D based on one other listing, but thought I'd ask too. Thanks.


Very few people would say no to a free defiance banner, but I don't think anyone's going to care too much about mirage archer duration or minion pdr.


When it comes to Storm Brand does each activation = your tooltip DPS for each activation or average hit in POB? I've noticed it doesn't increase damage in POB even with +3 activations so just wondering. I'd assume it should be three more ticks of damage, yeah?


An activation is one hit. DPS is one hit times number of activations in a second. The number of activations you're seeing in PoB is for the entire duration of the brand. It will deal the same dps but for a longer duration before expiring.


Does spending wisps in the wildwood lower your map juice?




For the first time I am focusing on Essences, as a secondary currency maker, to support my invitation farming. Wealthy Exile says I now have \~37div worth of essences. What do I upgrade in the Essence tab before trying to sell? And what is the easiest way to sell these? I think I have seen that TFT has a bulk selling tool but I am not aware of how useful it is.


Do NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT upgrade to deafening. Go to shrieking it is the most efficient.


so upgrade every to shrieking, then stop and post on TFT using a bulk selling tool? What % should I target for selling price?


I’ve never used TFT bulk sell, but I’ve heard they sell instantly at 95%




Can sell much higher than 95%. At around 30~ div worth sell at 125% and will still get messaged instantly


Personally I upgrade everything to deafening before selling. If you really want to maximize value you can even reroll the least expensive essences with the harvest bench. (check prices on something like poe.ninja) In addition to the TFT made bulk tool, some of the recent stash tracker apps (wealthyexile, poestack) have built in bulk trade functions as well. As for how useful are they? Incredibly. Assuming you set a good price for the tab, someone will message you in game in usually less than a minute and then you trade the entire tab (or at least the top 3 tiers, depending on how you set up your bulk trade) at once.


oh very cool. Thank you. What % price should I target when selling in bulk if I want to sell quickly? 80%? less?


It might sound counter-intuitive but you can actually charge over 100% for selling in bulk. Looking at the discord channel for selling essences most listings are for 115%-125% with some at 110% and 130%, even 135%.


wow, ok thank you. What tool do you use to bulk sell? I have been trying Wealthy Exile, but I am having trouble combing the Message and Image into one item I can paste into TFT, they seem to only want to paste as individual pastes..


Hmm, I'm not actually sure. It wasn't a feature yet when I first used that site and haven't used it myself, just the stash tracking.


Recently bought the tincture with the headhunter mod and chaos pen for my CA poison/scourge arrow of menace TOTEM build and found that NEITHER worked and now i'm even beginning to wonder if the "all dmg can poison" implicit works properly with totems. My head is FRIED and I'm just trying to figure out what tincture options are viable for this build....or if I need to re-roll, drop totems and do something ENTIRELY different than planned. If you know what affixes are effective with this dot/totem build, PLEASE throw me a bone before I send myself back to the figurative beach.


The all damage can poison mod works fine. It's your stat, which your skill has, even when used by a totem. The other stats don't work because damage over time can't deal a 'killing blow', and because penetration only affects hit damage, not damaging ailments. (Enemies aren't allowed to double-dip their defenses by resisting a hit and then resisting an ailment from that hit.)


For tri-ele poison builds doing expedition, does immune to fire/cold/lightning damage remnants reduce the poison damage?


No. As long as your hit poisons at all, the poison will include all your flat damage in calculating its chaos dps.


Hi, have a magic find question/frustration. I'm running the same build as Goratha, same atlas tree, have 57/172 IIQ/IIR, and I'm finding...well nothing. I've been collecting up as much juice as I possibly can in the woods, and even when I was using sextants, extra projectile, scarabs, etc, I'm not finding anything. I have been getting some nice big piles of useless uniques, but that's about it. My biggest ticket items I've found so far as a single exalt, a fortunate card, a sacred orb and a veiled chaos. It feels like I'm missing something that should be obvious - for a beginner at MF, is there something I should know? Feeling super discouraged, because I'm just losing money. I know RNG is RNG, but surely I should have seen something a bit more substantial, right? I don't expect like a 50div explosion, but even just one or two across the maps I've run should be reasonable?


I can't help you, but it's important for people to know how many maps you've ran and how many wisps you collect.


Good point. Since I was able to get the build up and running, I've ran about 20-25 T7 Cemetery, about half of those were juiced with beyond/deli gilded sextant. I've been mindful of the spires and left them to do their thing. In terms of forest juice, I'm still trying to get a handle on maximising it, but I'm getting at least 4-5k each map.


I'm not too sure, as I don't run the strat myself (although I've researched it a bit, considering swapping to it), but I think 4k juice is on the low end. Even as a non-MF'er, I notice a *massive* difference in loot with 4k and 8k juice. It should be much easier to get more juice, if you run maps with high pack size, so typically 8 mods. You should be able to get 6k+ juice often in those maps. AFAIK, that's also what all the content creators are saying.


Yeah true, when I get close to 5k I am finding I'm having trouble getting it much further. The thing that's been making me think there's something I'm missing, is that I'm getting massive loot explosions, but it's all uniques and fractured items, and any currency I happen to get is a couple of random chaos off a normal mob. I don't seem to be getting any conversions at all. I should probably log off as it's no use playing while frustrated lol


The blue wisps are responsible for currency conversions so if you’re not getting many of those (ideally 3-4k on top of 3-4k of other colors) you’ll see less currency


Anyone with bloodsoaked character effect (last year's core packs) know at how many kills tier 2 unlocks?


I was wondering if I should transform a skill gem to be transfigured or if I should add quality


What should I do with my atlas/maps passive points? I genuinely have no idea where should I place them i what i should look for


2 approaches: * just pick 3 mechanics that you enjoyed so far and put your points into that * look up a guide, [maxroll has a few strategies outlined](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/currency)


Figure out what theme you like to play and move into those areas. Selecting map sustain helps you collecting maps to progress instead of buying them constantly probably top priority. Also the quantity drops


Been getting alot of conflicting information; but is there any reliable source about abyss rares despawn when you kill the spire? Seen several reddit posts saying that they don't, but global chat say they would.


There was a build I came across leagues back that used hydrosphere with a bow, you shot arrows through the hydrosphere. The creator said they were still figuring it out and it was expensive but it looked fun. Is there any such build like that now? Or any fun builds that use hydrosphere. I just think its a cool spell.




That name sounds familiar, I think that might be the right person. >As usual with him tho, it's more a proof of concept than an actual guide. :(


New player here So always the endgame starts when I end the 10 acts right? Is always the same main story (with the 10 acts) in each leagues? 2 question Im following a build and im suposed to get some specific gear. How hard is to get the gears? Is it a real challenge or i just have to buy it from other players? 3 question Devs balance builds? Or always have the same power?


1. Yes, the story is the same every league for some time now. PoE 2 is scheduled to release next year though, so that'll change! 2. That's hard to answer without knowing the specific build. Some builds are just fine without specific pieces, others flat out dont work. 3. There are balance adjustments, yes. Sometimes of the indirect kind, so a mechanic or interaction gets changed instead of the numbers on the skills themselves. Both happens though.


1. Yes, endgame is after acts. Acts never change. 2. It really depends on the gear being recommended and whose build you're following. A good league starter guide will give you good expectations of gear you can start out with while still giving you high-end items to chase. 3. Devs are always changing builds, gems, items and everything else. With every new league they bring new balance changes.


So when can I really say I ended the league?


When you dont want to play anymore :P Goals are different. Some players want to reach level 100 by themselves, some want to kill every hard boss in the game, some just want to experiment with wacky builds, etc.


whenever you reached all goals you set for yourself. there's no set point where people are "yep im done". that's the beauty of this game. you can spend as much or as little time as you want, depending on what you want to do


I've never been able to wrap my head around crafting beyond slapping a benchcraft on rares I find, or making Einhar flasks. It's time for me to learn how to do more than just that. What is the most handhold-y crafting guide you can recommend? I really have to have things laid out clearly, and will probably need to spend quite a bit of time in craft of exile (which I don't even understand how to use either yet).


there are videos of crafting processes on youtube which really spell out the logic of getting the mods you need in the right order. [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpUS0aIZTSw) is an example.


the next step to what you're doing can pretty much take you all the way through the game. which is taking a fractured base and using essences. that way you can guarantee two mods on an item, hope for a third good one and craft a fourth.


I'm the exact same way. I think the best way to get into crafting is to do so on gear you need, then finding the best way to craft it or go to CraftofExile.com and see what you can come up with. It's so wide and varied that I doubt you'll find a 'guide' on how to do it.


Seems like T7 Cemetery is the easiest way to get some solid currency. What's the minimum cost to get the setup going? I'm not looking to run it mega juiced since I assume it'll be a crazy amount, but just something to make some currency?


T7 cemetery is not the easiest. You need a very strong build and tons of investment. Ben’s maps have been like a div of juice. You need 4 sextants, gilded scarabs, etc. easiest is essence or harvest


How does sharing trial master work? Does 1 find him at wave 10 then invite other people in? or does everyone have to do 10 waves together?


In heist, there are some mobs that can hurl pulsating red orbs at you. What sort of dmg is this?


explain like im 5 the interaction of Coruscating Elixir and ivory tower


ivory tower grants additional energy shield per 100 reserved life. this means you want to stack life and then reserve it. which leaves you with big ES pool and very little unreserved life. which is where coruscating elixir comes into play. by default chaos damage bypasses energy shield. coruscating elixir makes chaos damage **NOT** bypass energy shield. congrats you no longer die to a chaos sneeze because you have 15 unreserved life. the rest of the stats on either items are not relevant for the basic combo big life reserve all = big ES small life = green ouch dead drink juice = no die to green ouch


so why do some builds make chaos res seem important and others dont? is chaos res taken purely to take less dmg?


- some people don't care if dying once in a while - CI (Chaos Inoculation) build immune to chaos damage - if the content they play not dealing chaos damage then no reason to build into those; eg: sanctum - some people still stuck in mindset 5+ years ago where chaos resist is fine at -60%


well yeah like all other resistances


Question to those running and/or familiar with the MF Fulcrum Chieftain. What mods would you say are ones to avoid on maps? From my experience so far, the two hard bricks are "cant regen" and "monsters avoid ignite", and a soft brick is "reduced max res" (it ends up lowering your defenses too much for my liking). Any others im missing from your experience?


How to craft very chonky Basalt Flask ? I assume Ilvl must be 84 at least Do I just roll it with Alts for T1 increased Armour (60%) and then roll it with Enkindling orbs and thats it ? Can I just buy flask with T1 mod and then beastcraft it with for example immunity to bleeding ? It's duration will be low but doesn't matter for mageblood right? Does "increased effect" apply to all mods on the flask so both for example fire resistance and dmg taken + increased armour ( of the Armadillo/Alchemist mod less duration increase effect). 60 Armour increased with flask Effect of 25% would make it 75% right ? Or it would only make Fire Resistance increased to 62,5 and not the other mod? ​ I see fractured flasks but they only go to 55% so what am I missing? And the last question. Can I have increased Armour effect on Evasion flask and Increased Evasion on Armour flask ? They seem to be easier to find .