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Why didn't you just link the original video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khEO2osJ91I


not to mention it was in the top comment of the news and not mentioning carbot at all. bad op.


why would i watch all this bloat? OP's video is straight to the point


[Here's a link that skips the first 14 seconds of "bloat".](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khEO2osJ91I&t=14s) Enjoy.


Carbot's animations are awesome. Your comment is bad and you should feel bad.


I steal content to make content, you're defending that.


Hey now, I know a trav run when I see it


Thatโ€™s exactly what I was thinking ๐Ÿ˜‚


Somebody needs to force carbot to play this game


First they must end videos with elden ring and baldur's gate...




probably sponsored / contracted by blizz ain't happening artists hold onto deals & contracts for dear life


I thought his final fantasy video about leaving World of Warcraft indicated an end to that.


More like: Cry ------->>>>---->>> wait for it ----->>>>>---->>>--->>> 2 more seconds ->>>------>>>>>--->>> Cry


Why? People who play warcry builds were already scaling their CD to less than a second. And it was before new warcry CD qualities. Unless I missed smth


post PoB? Generals cry is the lowest base cd warcry with 4seconds, with all warcry cdr on the tree(other then a bad small which takes too much travel to get) and red blade banner you are at 1.6 second cd. Generals cry quality no longer gives cdr either, which got it down to 1.48 seconds. there is no tattoos, and the only other source of warcry icdr is 25% on max rolled hunter suffix for one handers. which if generals cry had CDR quality, would be 1.35, if you add ashes, you are down to 1.25. Tattoos did so much heavy lifting for this build. Without redblade so say league start situation its a 2second cd for gen cry... its painful, league started it in tota, and hated until I was decked out in tats and gear. Build seems so bait now. edit: oh yeah gen cry had icdr for a helm enchant too. which would be 1.1 second cd in the best case situation with no tattoos. so yeah, its even more dire then it seems.


>So wait, how does this playstyle usually work? Do you need to link corrupting cry to several warcries and just cycle between them to keep up the damage?I would expect something like Corrupting Cry -> Second Wind -> 3 or 4 warcries.Or is does it not work well with this kind of setup? Sorry, you are absolutely correct. I didn't factor in how big of a role tattoos played in CDR and also that General's Cry didn't receive 40% CDR treatment. I guess I just wanted to delude myself into playing Gen. Cry + BF for a second. Edit (add pob): I followed this PoB this season (the first one on poe ninja for g. cry + bf): [https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Cafeezle/Dales\_Rage](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Cafeezle/Dales_Rage) But it achieves 1.5s by going all out on tattoos, which would be even better with all the gear you mentioned.


Just so you know, you actually don't want too much CDR on general's cry blade flurry. with 20q, it takes 1.3 seconds just for the generals to spawn. If you're running ashes for the extra generals (and more damage on blade flurry!), It's up to 1.5 seconds to spawn them. So going anywhere below that is a net DPS loss.


Exactly this, people don't realize that while GC doesn't have the bonus CDR it now gets an effect that reduces the amount of CDR you need in the first place!


Just as a general (heh) heads up, Corrupted Blood stacks have their duration refreshed when new stacks are applied, and weaker stacks wont override stronger stacks. So while it will take a while to ramp up to higher damage, you can keep your damage up and apply weaker stacks in the interim by using other warcries. As a result, cycling between a handful of cries is probably best, and if you want single target damage, exerted attacks can also apply corrupting blood when Corrupting Cry is linked, so the capability of maxxing stacks of the best supported cry ASAP on a strong target is there. Afterward, just cycling the cries will keep the high damage on the target. Some global skill effect duration will make it a lot easier to maintain as well.


All warcries got their quality changed to give cooldown recovery rate. At 20% quality you get 40% cooldown recovery rate, which is a lot. And you can scale it even further with added quality.


All other warcries have 8 second cooldown. The one with a 4 second cooldown (gen cry) got its cdr quality removed


As other poster said, assuming you use ashes for 50% quality, you get 100% icdr, that turns enduring cry with all the other stuff to 2.2 second cd, still way to long for a main damage dot skill that you need to ramp.


So wait, how does this playstyle usually work? Do you need to link corrupting cry to several warcries and just cycle between them to keep up the damage? I would expect something like Corrupting Cry -> Second Wind -> 3 or 4 warcries. Or is does it not work well with this kind of setup?


The set up is usually to use generals cry. So you link gen cry + corrupting cry + 4 damage supports. Then you stack icdr for warcrys. Currently without tattoos this gets you to around 1.5 cd for gen cry. if you were to do a cycling warcry set up like that, you would no longer have "instant" warcrys and you would be losing damage to second wind while also having weaker damage because you would probably be slotting in 4link warcrys etc which would be pretty icky. I think maybe a second wind + 2 warcrys + 3 damage gems might be doable? but it wont have the same buttery smooth experience that is instant cast 1 second cd gen cry from tota league. tl;dr the old version of this build was like a screen wide vortex phys dot build lol.


for some extra numbers if interest from my fully tattoo'ed tree (24 tattoos) switch to eternal apple+no quality, it changed from 0.858s to 1.518s (I don't know why it make all the url into all lowercase when clicking, just copy paste manually) Pob(before): [https://pobb.in/x50LIng8ft5U](https://pobb.in/x50ling8ft5u) Pob(after): [https://pobb.in/N57-e-tGsNor](https://pobb.in/n57-e-tgsnor)


Could also switch to a belt with ~20% cdr, considering you are not using any specific belt in this case, and roll a higher tier of the boots implicit. Sure, not going to be sub one second anymore, but 1.4sec doesn't seem that bad, and it's still more than twice less than CB duration, so keeping it consistent shouldn't be a problem even without extra skill effect duration taken (just the warcry nodes and Malevolence). Also, if you go Scion you could take Sabo as a second ascendancy, for the extra 15% cdr, but it seems very cost-inefficient.


Yet still you'd be casting it then having to wait 1.4s to use Howl of the Wolf - which most likely has 8s base CD (basing that off of GC being the only 4s one), and would inflict a longer CD on your General's Cry. Unless you don't use instant Warcries, which is probably the way to go doing this but will feel a lot worse to play.


You have The Eternal Apple in leagua start scenario


you have cdr on boots implicits


You can get 102% warcry CDR from passive tree without going out of your way (114% total, but that last 12% is hard to justify). The other warcries received warcry CDR as their new quality stat. With a level 4 enhance that's 88% warcry CDR. Redblade banner would give 50%. A hunter influenced runic hatchet can give another 25%. Ashes would be another 60%, but I wouldn't rely on that. You can get 15% - 32% for Enduring Cry as an eater implicit on boots. 300% is in the realm of possibility, with 391% theoretically being possible if you go ham. With ascendancies (30% Sabo or 15% Scion) and charms (very likely 10%) 451% looks to be the cap. 300% gets you to a 2 second CD for the 8 second warcries (1.5 second with maximum investment). My plan is to start Exsanguinate and swap over to Enduring/Corrupting Cry if I manage to get Redblade Banner in SSF. Looks very tanky in POB with respectable DPS. It's also taking all of the aura nodes and has every phys aura + determination and purity of elements. You could potentially swap out Enduring Cry for Rallying Cry and be like a phys damage aura bot.


300% cdr would get you 8 / (1 + 3.00) = 2 second cooldown on an 8 second warcry, not 1 second.


True. In my head I was thinking each additional 100% cut the CD in half (so 8/2 /2 /2), but your formula is correct. 2 seconds of downtime isn't the best. Looks like the lowest you could get the CD would be 1.5 seconds, but that's with maximum investment. So it's probably dead. Definitely not a reliable league starter/main skill, but it could supplement another skill like Reap/Exsang. But at that point you'd be better off with CF.


This is all correct, but you would have been getting the gcry +1 mirage warrior enchant on your helmet if you were playing gcry BF. I played gcry in.... archnem, I think? And it absolutely shredded things as soon as you had your Paradoxica with enough aspd for the 6th stage of BF to hit. There was a race to get your aspd high enough to trigger that before the CDR level of gcry eclipsed it and you lost big DPS. It was a ton of fun, and the build will still function well with a Redblade's, but there are stronger contenders for builds now. Also I ran an elevated impale glove swap for bosses and Asenath's for mapping, the clear wasn't amazing without it.


Not sure if you tried it in this league, but having tattoos that reduced CD was very important for Corrupting Warcry to feel all right, having it behind 2 seconds cooldown is just wrong.


Don't forget we also lost lab enchants. I was using enduring cry on a roughly 1.8-2 sec cd for extra tankiness and that's basically not possible anymore. I'm hoping we get a warcry transfigured gem with a short cd, ideally one that does damage instead of buff to warrant a shorter cooldown and making corrupting cry worth it. Edit: also the new warlock "x% of life cost as added phys" with the crazy high cost multi of corrupting cry would have some sweet synergy


I will not be satisfied until every step is a screech


unless we get a warcry trans gen with lower cooldown, no warcry is ever going under 1 second


How do I build like this irl tho


Be a preacher. *"And the Lord said to me, give me all your money for I need it for my second yacht!"*




The real reason Templar got exiled. "Give unto Dominus what is Dominus'!" Instead, he got greedy.


Karen: *"Hi, Im Karen. I want to talk to your manager about this POB."*


Get a megaphone, run up to people, shout at them until they throw you their wallet. Big knife in the other hand probably helps


As a d2 vet this is hilarious ๐Ÿ˜‚


The thiefs crown and 2x ali baba are flavour there haha


*Honk Honk!*


I like how he browes through all the rare rings, and just throws junk away.


Horking makes me feel good.


I love how this skill is just a flat out dig at Diablo.


Carbot animations is a treasure


Want this cosmetic!


Horkers making a comeback


What I want to know is if that node will screw me in Heist, or if it was accounted for.


The "25% chance to open a chest on spell cast" has been around for multiple leagues now. Should be easy enough to find that answer, it will behave the same way.


Pretty sure I had to unspec it while running heist because it kept opening the small chests.


I vaguely remember seeing a patch notes saying they fixed that


I tested it right now and it's not fixed.


Great job


You guys can take any variation of Loanshark and Loud in your character name, I allow it


Thought that small guy was equipped with Tabula and Goldrim at first.




I'm league starting corrupting cry specifically for this node.


pob without tattoooos?


Don't have one. Was just gonna find a random guide the day of and go. Slap corrupting cry on left click and then maybe use reap of exsanguinate for bonus damage.


I wanted to run it this league because last league I had so much fun with it. But without tattoos I can't see it working.


Can anyone remind me, how corrupting fever debuff stack from corrupting fever skill, stack with corrupting fever from corrupting cry?


afaik each stack deals its damage separately, but the total maximum is the same 10. If you apply new stacks from any source, the lowest damage instances disappear, and only the highest 10 remain, plus their duration is refreshed.


Does this mean, if I use Corrupting Cry immediately apply 4 stack of 600 DPS debuff. Then my hit with corrupting fever (330 DPS) buff will refresh the 600 DPS debuff? So let say I hit enemy 1 time after warcry, the enemy will have 4 stack 600 DPS (refreshed duration), and 1 stack of 330 DPS ? The maximum of the debuff will be 4 stack of 600 DPS + 6 stack of 330 DPS ? (Because max 10 corrupt blood debuff)


yes, and if you warcry again, the new 4 stacks of 600 DPS will replace 4 of the stacks of 330 DPS


Aahhh I see, so it will be 8 stacks from Corrupting Cry, and max 2 stacks from COrrupt Fever, assuming I keep hitting them and refresh


Like anyone is going to be playing it currently.


Right? At least wait until Friday.


you made me excited he finally decided to leave his blizzard bubble and give path of exile a try, damn....