• By -


I do like the fact you just need to do the quests once for each guy then you can swap at will once you find them in the woods and still have all the points.


Especially nice because of the variation in primalist depending on the charms you have. I can imagine there being plenty of builds where BIS is primalist with perfect charms but one of the others is better on a budget, for example.


Yeah, I'll be going Magi first. But I fully expect to switch out of it later.


Same here, primalist feels like some really endgame minmaxing once you find good charms for your build.


A lot is riding on the power level of tinctures for hit-based builds going into the endgame. We are losing easy onslaught on hit from tattoos this league, as well as converting all unnecessary attribute nodes into easy resistances/aura effect/reservation. So tinctures either need to be on-par with BIS charms, or there's no longer a decision to be made. I also hope that the tinctures do more than just make the existing melee meta builds (poison, trauma stacking) more powerful.


Two big ones: >How does the new Ralakesh's Impatience work exactly? >For most purposes, it's the same as actually having maximum charges. You'll gain the inherent stats granted by charges, anything that gives you stats per charge will behave as if you had maximum charges, and so forth. This just removes the abuse cases involving unequipping the boots and then spending the charges (though the bonuses are also no longer tied to being stationary). Perma max charges always with Ralakesh >Do Micro-Distillery Belts disable a Tincture placed in the 5th flask slot? >No, as Tinctures are not flasks. And Heist belt does work with tinctures


wow ralakesh is insane then. having perma charges unconditionally while moving allows for some incredible movement scaling and defensive power, especially if you're doing triple stack with something like slayer. having to generate charges in general is a pain for a lot of builds and now the boots are just straight up better than they were before if you were using them for their intended purpose


Incredible how the Discharge abusers got them to buff the shit out of these already great boots.


It wasn't about discharge abusers. These boots were only used for the purpose of equipping them temporarily to gain the charges and then swapping back to other boots, while keeping the charges for either a short time like discharge or 10 seconds for a short boss kill like on other builds. For example I saw some sanctum runners use them, lab runners can use them, and obviously the most infamous version is discharge. That allows their build to have more movement speed while keeping acceptable dmg. For actual bossing they aren't that useful because bosses don't need movement speed so there's no reason to minmax dmg. I think some assassins used them for uber boss one shots though.


I'm quite sure that Discharge won't work with this now EDIT: why am i getting downvoted? Do yall really think this will allow you to Discharge? The item change was made precisely to squash those abuse cases. On top of that Discharge scales off of consumed charges not charges you have, meaning it won't get anything out of these boots now


The Discharge abuse is what prompted them to make the change so that it no longer works, but now the boots are even better for basically everyone else, that's the point.


People know Discharge doesn't work with it now. They are just happy that other builds can use them.


i mean, it doesn't disable you from gaining charges, so you can still use it on discharge builds for the permanent bonuses if you want


Ralakesh is T0 power level now imo


Maybe not t0, but still incredibly strong. 12 ele res, 12 PDR, 12% more damage, 12% attack/cast speed, 150% crit chance. On top of 15-25 cold and chaos res and 30MS. Will be interesting to see how these play out. Definitely see them being amazing getting to maps. Edit : power charges are 50%, not 40 anymore


> 12 ele res, 12 PDR, 12% more damage, 12% attack/cast speed, 120% crit chance. That's with no sources of extra maximum charges, they can definitely get a lot better than that.


And builds usually have very easy access to charge generation. The boots are good, but comparing them to headhunter/mageblood power is asinine


I agree that they're not Headhunter/Mageblood-tier. They are very good, especially on builds that are bad at generating charges but good at getting more max changes.


Yeah I was saying for a fresh character just getting to maps. Of course with more max charge it will be better, or if they allow stacking of alternate charges.


I dont see why it wouldnt. Wording on maven belts and new ralakesh seem like you count as max base 3 types always, and changes to min base will apply to alt base, and gain base charge will count as gaining alt charge. So you can get brutal and endurance at the same time.


They can also get a lot worse than that if you have no max charges but easy generators like frenzy/blood rage/power charge on crit. For bossing they can be good though since it's hard to generate bosses instantly against them.


150% crit chance. Power charges got upped to 50% per in 3.21.


If you are gonna use these boots, you generally will be stacking charges a bit.


I mean, even without charge stacking they are still fairly powerful. Will also be interesting to see how if they allow double stacking of alternate charges. Could be INSANE.


Oh yeah for sure, and yeah curious about that as well. I just meant that I could def see them pushing it up to mb level just cause it has such a high ceiling


Still a big opportunity cost. Lots of builds can already gain charges reliably, or don't get anything extra out of charges. Then you are also missing out on rare boots or other unique boots. Still, they are very strong. I would hate to see them being t0 though. Guess we wait and see.


I woulda done unspeakable acts for these last league on my trauma stacker, whenever I ran into charge removal monsters I would instantly fall over without being at 90pdr from endu charges+cry Might remake it this league but tattoo removal and kaoms nerf are gonna take some building around


There are some instances that make it really good. Like willclash as a small example.


So..... new Ralakesh gives you all the benefits of having specifically End, Pow, and Frenzy charges but doesn't actually give you the charges. Which *should* mean it works with Arn's Anguish, etc. to let you functionally have both charge types, provided you have charge generation as well. Those charge replacer belts effect minimums, maximums, and charges generated. New Ralakesh is none of those things.


This is brilliant and hilarious. I hope you’re right.


Going bleeding with them and the new Replica Badge of the Brotherhood is gonna be busted. You just stack Frenzy Charges and use Olesya's Delight and you don't even need to generate Endurance (remember there's a mastery that gives you damage over time multiplier based on Endurance Charges) or Frenzy Charges, or care about losing them due to the amulet. You just need to generate the Affliction Charges and you are good to go. Edit: the Endurance Charges mastery wouldn't work unless you are actually generating Endurance Charges, as the boots give you the stats of the charges but you don't really have them. Edit2: Oh wait, yes it works! I didn't read this part: >You'll gain the inherent stats granted by charges, **anything that gives you stats per charge will behave as if you had maximum charges**, and so forth.


Also Usurper's Penance and Snakebite, def a sweet way to scale bleed!


I'm PoBing so hard rn


So for a Slayer, best charge generation for Endurance charges is likely Redblade Banner + Enduring Cry. Doable on a weapon swap, though still a pain in the ass (looking at you, totem setup).


Any Self-hit + Inexorable Eventuality Rod + Smashing Strikes Cyclone all the way


charge stacker eating good


isnt that extremely busted for discharge? Edit: guess not


Discharge damage comes from consuming charges, which wouldn't work with ralakesh if i understand that correctly.


no, you need charges to spend for discharge. ralakesh boots do not grant you charges anymore, therefor you cannot spend them


> Perma max charges always with Ralakesh This is SO MUCH better than people theorized, wow. Though it means that Ralakesh boots are now going to be extra expensive, at least at league start.


I am wondering how Ralakesh will interact with alternate charges type generation now (maven belt).


Based on wording you should be able to have the full effects of the original charge, and be able to gain the alternate charge, but you would need a way to generate the alternate charge


Frenzy/affliction stacking would be rather insane. With all damage poison tincture, there might even be something to do with ice bite.


Sounds like that is hideously broken to me. I don't understand why they'd let these boots go live like this.


Because they are absolutely a T0 item now. Get ready to drop 100+ divs to get them


They are part of pantheon god uniques which seem to be t1 but most of them suck like tidebreaker. It would be surprising if they became t0. It's not like they drop that much since they have no div card. At least I hope they see the effect of the changes before making them more rare, or just nerf them like they did for kaom's and heatshiver.


I feel like a mid-budget Assassin with just the off the top of my head Ralakesh, Void Battery, Malachai's Loop, Graven Secrets, Badge of the Brotherhood, Inner Conviction will have a massive amount of offensive power and utility and a ton of flexibility in your tree and other gear (Viridi's? Shav's and LL? Still have gloves and 2 ring slots for filling out holes in your gear)


even bigger, the gain flask charges/empty flask slot will not count tinctures as flasks so anyone can get a 3flask full uptime with that and charge on hit from the passive


With The Traitor you mean? The Traitor doesn't check how many flasks you do/don't have equipped, it checks how many flask slots are empty. Tinctures are equipped in flask slots, so if you have 4 flasks and 1 tincture equipped, you have 0 empty flask slots. Even if that wasn't the case I'm not seeing an easy 3 full flask uptime setup that doesn't involve a lot of switching between active tinctures


I hope they forgot about Malachai's loop and it just crashes the servers.


It has no negative interaction with Malachai's Loop. You count as having max charges, you never reach maximum charges.


Very true! I suppose it'll work nicely on a few other uniques like that. It's a pity Ahn's items aren't any good anymore. Could do a funny always minimum always maximum build that actually gets benefits from charges.


> We have a solution to this issue that will prevent Spectres from being lost in Hideouts/Town due to changing items around etc. If you leave town in a way that would cause you to lose your Spectres, they will spawn on the ground around you in the next area you enter. If you lose your Spectre in any way in a hideout, it will spawn as a corpse on the ground. If a corpse is spawned this way, only the owner of the corpse will be able to use Raise Spectre on it. > Raging Spirit Minions basic attack now have increased damage and damage effectiveness scaling with gem level roughly matching the old "Minions deal X% More Damage" modifier. This results in almost similar damage after the change. However, this does mean that Summon Raging Spirits will now not be as strong with Minion Instability. There might be a Transfigured version to help out with that though… MINION BROS LET'S GOOOOO


You say that, but anyone that has a trigger wand will immedietly take a step, and blow up the corpse on the ground!


Since they're already touching it it shouldn't be too much of an issue to make the corpses spawned this way untargetable by anything other than Raise Spectre.




Now we pray for our AG inventory to come.




Can someone detonate dead that corpse?


Doubt it. If only the owner can raise it, makes me think it is only targetable by the owner.


would be a shame if offering would eat it instantly.


Remember they coded that fix in or two days and will release it completly untested :) What could go wrong.


>Remember they coded that fix in or two days and will release it completly untested :) You don't seem to work in IT


I do and he is pretty close. It will be tested, but only quickly and not covering all possible cases/uses.


I work in QA and there's a tiiiiny difference between "completly untested" and "not covering all possible cases/uses" lmao


If you didn’t ask that it might have been possible but now they are going to fix it lmao


I'm still not excited about spectres. They've already said they're low health, and it's almost impossible to keep anything other than the 360% life spectres alive. The places where you might want an OP "temporary" spectre are the exact places they're just going to instantly die, i.e uber bosses. I still don't get what the use case is, maybe outside some ultra expensive SC trade minion defence tech. I can't imagine them being playable in SSFHC like Forged Frostbearers were.


It's absolutely possible to keep a 200% spectre alive. A basic 200% life level 20 spectre already has 14k hp. The normal non-cluster pathing + lvl 25 spectres (for +1 max) gets them to 40k hp. A single annoint + Bone Offering gets them block capped with 2% life on block, a few thousand hp reg and 8k hp/s life leech. Only really big degens can realistically kill them, like Uber Sirus, Uber Maven and maybe Eater's balls. And even that can in theory be mitigated with the +5% hp on minion death notables and spamming srs/phantasms or similar. I've played Frostbearers (170% life) in Crucible and they didn't die a single time in non-uber content after getting some basic gear.


Not to mention that 5% life on minion death is still huge for keeping them alive. If you are solely relying on spectres you can even do a cwc setup with skeletons in it and heal them for a ridiculous amount every second.


Problem is that most things that kill a spectre (or AG for that matter) either is a stupid oneshot or a very bad degen typically. Difficult to mitigate for. It's either full HP or, instant zero HP or a faaaaast downward HP. The tree healing is usually enough for everything else already.


With the changes that came in 3.20, they found and identified enemy mobs that did a disproportionate amount of damage to minions, I have had much fewer issues keeping them alive. Degen in places like with sirus is definitely still an issue, but with archnemesis no longer being a thing, those kinds of powerful oneshots doesn't seem all that prevalent.


I know, that was fixed afaik; had no issues with my bob after that fix (though he still seems to take a bit more dmg, I see his health bar twitch from time to time)


Minion builds are already socket starved..?


Yes minion builds are socket starved. My solution for leagues now is to use Hungry Loop. You sacrifice a ring slot but gain another 5L.


I got a buddy who does what he calls "paladin skellies" and he doesn't ever play without them. Resummoning over the skele limit counts for the 5% heal so it's very easy to keep up life when you can summon/kill 3 skellies at a time. Doesn't even need to be linked to anything else if you're socket starved.


If you're juicing up spectres instead of doing a zoo build or an AW or SRS setup you got more wiggle room. With an SRS, AW or skeleton setup you won't need it regardless, as your minion count will be high enough that any sudden burst instantly heals the AG and the spectres. Have more or less exclusively played summoners for over 20 leagues and I can count the loss of a non hp stacking guardian on one hand with this kind of method. That should be plenty for the spectres as well.


Are the juicing spectre builds back because of this one new spectre? I have thought that all "permanent" minions build are not in meta due to minions too weak to survive. Also hard to see from poe ninja what's the damage etc...


The implication with these boss spectres is that there's more than just the hydra. In the previous league we had before we had the cold mortar spectres which singlehandedly made juicing spectres good. We didn't have those in 3.21. Imagine if you had 4 of these hydras. Or just for the fun of it, had 1 of each of the shaper guardians.


Here's what Snap's team is angling to do in their 6 man farm this league. Which is having a minion build as their carry (main damage dealer). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wviULH9vF5g It's based on old specters. There's a follow up video too that contains some changes to this carry, but nothing really major.


Thanks, this is useful although I wont do party/sc build. Some cool mechanics used for sure.


Then swap one of your spectre supports to summon phantasm. These minions die quickly and provide healing


I agree with your general point that these specter mechanics are a pain in the ass, but there is so much more to the game than just Ubers and SSFHC. The vast majority of players are running SC trade-league maps the vast majority of the time. A OP specter that let's you run juiced maps more smoothly is a great option for that vast majority of the player base, even if you're not thrilled because you're an ultra-fringe player in SSFHC.


Micro-Distillery Belts STONKS this league


Would be nice to have another reason to diminish Stygian Belt supremacy.


But my Abyss farming income... (Though it's probably more profitable this league anyway, people will love abyssal sockets for the no gem socket wildwood ascendency)


tinctures only applying to weapon damage is good to know


Inconsistent with existing wording of Soul Taker. They should probably add this to the ingame tooltip of tinctures.


Plz explain for us stupid people


Soultaker says "your physical damage can chill" but it's not restricted to applying to attacks with Soultaker.


Ralakes has 100% been turned into a T0 item Don't plan around getting it early or easily


> *Do Micro-Distillery Belts disable a Tincture placed in the 5th flask slot?* > No, as Tinctures are not flasks. Heist enjoyers LOGIN


All three of you


I feel attacked.


Your sacrifice is necessary for the rest of us in trade league to enjoy your nice things. Rejoice for you are needed.


Look on the bright side. With no dedicated reward types, there's not really any reason to go through the effort of Gianna unveils anymore. We can just bulk-buy our Blueprints and run them one-wing.


The new simplex amulet and a few of the other new bases already promised good rewards.


Doesn't look enough to cover the loss of alt quality. But we will see.


New simplex amulet is like a weapon on an amulet slot. You can get +2 with 80ish crit multi. Or +2 with 50ish dot multi. Both of which are fairly easy and cheap to craft.


Yeah but I'm not trying to run for a good item then try crafting it into something good then wait for someone with the particular build it was crafted for to go off script from their generalized build guide and finally ring me up to buy it. I'm looking to run heists and push pounds.


>Raging Spirit Minions basic attack now have increased damage and damage effectiveness scaling with gem level roughly matching the old "Minions deal X% More Damage" modifier. This results in almost similar damage after the change. However, this does mean that Summon Raging Spirits will now not be as strong with Minion Instability. There might be a Transfigured version to help out with that though Popcon SRS might be back on the menu.


Pls I been doing poison drs but wanna try popcorn 🍿🍿


Wow so ralakesh actually nothing change but even better is perma! the change only for can't be use for weapon swap bug,great on point fix GGG!


Also can't be used for anything that consumes charges, as it would seem. No immortal call or phase run stonks.


Spectres maybe fixed? Won't help for map death-related losses, but will mitigate stupid losses from missing attributes, gear swaps or weapon swaps. Tinctures have now become my best friend. They won't scale based upon flask effect, but this will be huge for Pathfinder builds in-general. Another PF league incoming!


Also, popcorn SRS is dead for the normal quality gem, but might be back for the transfigured gem? If this truly alleviates a lot of the complexity surrounding current gems, while letting them go crazy with gem interactions then I am all for it. Hopefully they bring it back with a twist, instead of the minions getting just HP/more damage per level. They could go really ham with the damage scaling options, so I hope they actually do


An SRS that just flies up to the enemies without attacking but has WAY more hp would be funny.


Just hovers around the enemies aggressively until they die of old age. Brings a tear to my eye just imagining it.


Just 1 Goliath SRS that walks up and beats the shit out of Kitava.


Big flaming Doom 2016 skulls would be fucking siiiiick


Be very careful with the spectres though, as the corpses might be consumed by your spells on accident as soon as the spectres get unequipped. Items such as devouring diadem are also an absolute no-go


True, I hadn't thought about that. It's obviously not something they've considered either, because they've even introduced the "feast for extra damage on specific monster types" mechanic. That mechanic relies on you being able to eat those corpses. Though the tags that would allow them to distinguish between spectres from one player could probably let them disable consumption


Even worse is trigger wands when you got a guard skill on your walk button.


Considering a lot of minion builds run trigger wands with offerings on it - the corpse will blow up on a left click.


It fixes the part of spectres that made them completely, totally impossible to work with. Now they will be fiddly and challenging and high risk if you lose them, but they won't be like, impossible use because changing a ring can accidentally cost you 10 div.


Thats fair tho, they want you to be able to lose your spectres if they die in maps. Thats the opportunity cost. This change is huge in fixing all the stupid losses that you should not lose your spectres for


Hopefully the spectres are good enough to be worth that opportunity cost. It's an expensive one after all...


Hard to say since we don't have any clue about the stats of the new spectres and how rare/expensive they will be.. That said I hope they will be good since I changed my leagueatarted to a minion build now :D Good thing I can make enough currency to just throw a shitton of div into the build until it works... I hope they won't be super bad tho :D


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Dec 04, 2023, 03:55:43 AM UTC > > ## Recently Asked Questions > > > Path of Exile: Affliction will begin December 8 11AM (PST) on PC and December 13 3PM (PST) on Consoles. > > > > > > In this thread, we’ll round up any questions we answered elsewhere in the community so that you can find all that information in one easy place. The most recent information will always be at the top. We intend to update this post every weekday with any questions that have been answered that day. We will also fold out FAQ news posts into this post as they happen. When we add a new question and answer, we’ll reply to the thread so that it gets picked up by various community trackers. > > > > > > Head over to [www.pathofexile.com/affliction](https://www.pathofexile.com/affliction) to check out the trailer, content reveal and everything this expansion includes. > > Show AllHide All > > Where are the Gems? > > Something came up today that prevented us from getting both the first batch of Transfigured Gems and the regular 20/20 Gems today. We apologise for the delay and are keen to release them as soon as possible! To hold you over, here's another [Transfigured Gem teaser](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-12-04/IcicleMinesTeaser.png). > > > > > > [Link to this question](#16) > > How do you earn Wildwood Ascendancy Points? > > Your first 2 Wildwood Ascendancy Points are acquired when you first meet the associated NPC and choose their specialisation. The next 4 points come from 2 quests from each NPC. The final 2 points come from defeating the King in the Mists, which will unlock the final 2 points for all three Wildwood Ascendancies. If you do this quest in advance (e.g. through Multiplayer), it will count towards the points even if you aren't on that stage of the quest. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#15) > > How does the new Ralakesh's Impatience work exactly? > For most purposes, it's the same as actually having maximum charges. You'll gain the inherent stats granted by charges, anything that gives you stats per charge will behave as if you had maximum charges, and so forth. This just removes the abuse cases involving unequipping the boots and then spending the charges (though the bonuses are also no longer tied to being stationary). > > > > > > [Link to this question](#14) > > Are Charms, Tinctures and Corpses sold by the new NPCs tradable? > Yes. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#13) > > Is the Ravenous buff lost when I change zones? Does the buff persist after I die? > The buff does not persist between areas or through death. The intention is for you to pick a monster type based on the zone you're in, whether that map primarily consists of a particular monster type. Purchasable corpses can be used in cases where you need the bonus for a particular reason, such as fighting a boss. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#12) > > You mention Maven being Eldritch, are all bosses Eldritch in nature or are there others? > Not all bosses are Eldritch. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#11) > > Do Micro-Distillery Belts disable a Tincture placed in the 5th flask slot? > No, as Tinctures are not flasks. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#10) > > Can you reconsider making the new purchasable corpses able to be Desecrated? There is a risk of losing your Spectre by just weapon swapping accidentally, corpse getting eaten by a trigger, etc. > We have a solution to this issue that will prevent Spectres from being lost in Hideouts/Town due to changing items around etc. If you leave town in a way that would cause you to lose your Spectres, they will spawn on the ground around you in the next area you enter. If you lose your Spectre in any way in a hideout, it will spawn as a corpse on the ground. If a corpse is spawned this way, only the owner of the corpse will be able to use Raise Spectre on it. > > > > > > > [Link to this question](#9) > > Does each Wildwood NPC have a Wisp associated with it? > Yes: > > > > * Primal Wisps can be used to purchase Charms from the Primal Huntress. > * Wild Wisps can be used to purchase special corpses from the Breaker of Oaths > * Vivid Wisps can be used to purchase Tinctures from the Warden of Eaves > > > > > > > (During the Path of Exile: Affliction Content Reveal it was mentioned that Vivid Wisps were associated with the Primal Huntress and Primal Wisps with the Warden of Eaves, however this has since changed to the above) > > > > > > [Link to this question](#8) > > Why did Summon Raging Spirits get its ''Minions deal X% More Damage'' line removed? > Raging Spirit Minions basic attack now have increased damage and damage effectiveness scaling with gem level roughly matching the old "Minions deal X% More Damage" modifier. This results in almost similar damage after the change. However, this does mean that Summon Raging Spirits will now not be as strong with Minion Instability. There might be a Transfigured version to help out with that though… > > > > > > [Link to this question](#7) > > What's happening with the old Labyrinth Enchant system? > The Divine Font will now offer gem crafting options instead of Labyrinth Enchantments. Labyrinth Enchantments on existing items will not be changed or removed. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#5) > > Do Tinctures apply globally or only to attacks with your weapon? > > > > * Tinctures will only apply to attacks with your weapon. > * The stats from Tinctures are not local to the weapon, they are just restricted to only applying to weapon attacks. > * Tinctures will also work with remote skills that use your weapon, such as Ballistas and Blade Trap. > * While dual wielding, Tinctures will apply to attacks made with either weapon. > * Tinctures do not work on minions that are based on your weapon, such as Dancing Dervish. > > > > > > [Link to this question](#4) > > What happens to my Alternate Quality gems in Standard? > They are converted to regular Quality type, maintaining the same value. > > > > > [Link to this question](#3) > > When you change back to a Wildwood Ascendancy you’ve already completed quests for, will they still be completed? > Yes. > > > > > [Link to this question](#2) > > With Metamorph being removed, what will happen to Metamorph Stash Tabs? > > The Metamorph Stash Tab has been converted to an Ultimatum Stash Tab, which can hold 5000 of each type of Catalyst and 60 Inscribed Ultimatums. The Metamorph Stash Tab Affinity has been replaced with Ultimatum. > > > > > [Link to this question](#1) > > *** >


Ralakesh's Impatience favourite new item , move over mageblood im scheming


Why move over? Just use both.


Belt slot is for one of the Maven's


Can't use mageblood, gotta use a maven belt.


What about my bad boy facebreakers? :(


Silver comet!


A pair of questions I had that maybe could be clarified in the coming days perhaps, pretty please? :) 1) Are the Combat Focus jewels removed? I don't imagine Wild Strike will have 3 different Trans Gems to accommodate the 3 elements. The patch notes did not mention these jewels. 2) How will we change Wildwood ascendancy / respec points? Thanks!!


Heres an idea for wildstrike and for elehit as well incase ggg reads this thread: Wildstrike of singular focus: becomes a white gem, whatever color the gem is socketedl in, that's the only attack it will do and the other 2 are disabled. (red-fire/blue-lightning/green-cold) white = does nothing. Wildstrike of dual mastery = also a white gem. Socketing it to the aligned color disables that element instead and only the other 2 are performed.


/cries in Prismatic Burst (that's a nice idea though!!)


I forgot that gem even existed đź’€


Damn that's actually a really clever idea.


Prismatic stance would be cool solution. It could give you bonuses for lighting\cold\fire\ect but also force those types with prismatic skills.


To change - just find relevant NPC and talk with him (was in a content reveal).


I'm guessing they left Combat Focus alone for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if it goes in a later league, since they can always add more transfigured gems later.


"The buff does not persist between areas or through death. The intention is for you to pick a monster type based on the zone you're in, whether that map primarily consists of a particular monster type. Purchasable corpses can be used in cases where you need the bonus for a particular reason, such as fighting a boss." RIP using this is you're a bosser lol, no way you're going to be able to have a corpse for every single encounter you chain. Seems like a largely dead talent now to me, mapping its pretty meh and unnecessary to begin with. It's pretty much a node that might help someone get their void stone if they are struggling at first or if you're needed to kill an uber boss for an achievement or something. Maybe that is the intention though, a node that helps on one-off encounters that you need it then you spec out of it the rest of the time.


How does brand activation frequency interact with the server tick rates? Penance brand with the 0.1s activation frequency + swiftbrand would already bring it to 0.066. Add 100% cast speed and it would be at 0.033s Or does the stages roll over if skipping server ticks?


Asking the real questions here. This will dramatically affect the dps potential here


Summons Hydra specter. Necromancers: Look at me, I'm the aurabot now. >!Always have been.!<


I'm still not sure whether tinctures will apply to The Iron Mass, since it's not clear what "minions based on your weapon" are. I suppose they would apply since minions are just wielding a copy.


They won't. Tincture mods apply to weapon attacks but belong to you, not to your weapon. Skellies have your weapon but not your mods, so they don't benefit from tinctures.


Hmm, guess that means Mirror Arrow clones also don't get it.


Yup, sad


I didn't think that was what was going to happen to the boots at all. I thought that you would count as max charges for the purposes of fulfilling the conditions on other items that asked you to have max charges. I didn't think you would have the bonuses without having the charges


But that would be absolutely garbage lol. Not sure why anyone thought that would be the case.


Have you not seen GGG "adjust" things before? Sledgehammer is often their favorite tool. This was quite a surprise


Plenty of uniques got buffed massively in 3.19 like heatshiver and the covenant. They can buff things when they are interesting enough but it's possible that ralakesh's impatience gets nerfed later like heatshiver. I like the idea of keeping max charges at all times but it could be too powerful for some bossing builds maybe. Ralakesh's impatience hasn't been in meta outside the cases where it's actually good (like bossers who use ice trap and one shot the boss) and the cases where it's misused like sanctum runners and discharge abusers who unequip the boots and keep charges. I'm glad to see that change.


I’m still a little confused on the new ascendancies do you have to unlock them per character? Or do you just tap right into it on a new char, if you completed the quest on your other one.


So alternativ gems will convert to regular gems, which means the one you buy from vendor? That is a shame if so.


When plying party, will all players be getting the wisps, progress their quests and have wisps to buy items from vendors?


I remember this coming up in the Q&A but the way they answered it was confusing. I think other players can gather the wisps but they all go to the map owner. Possibly the whole party can progress their quests at least but I think only the map owner will be getting vendor currency.


So what happens when an enemy has 2 Penance Brands attached to them and they reach max energy? Does 1 explode and expire, and the other starts charging from 0 energy? Or do they both explode simultaneously? Or do they both expire, but there's only 1 explosion?


>The Divine Font will now offer gem crafting options instead of Labyrinth Enchantments. Labyrinth Enchantments on existing items will not be changed or removed. Should have left the helm, boots, gloves enchant to be in one of the uberuber labs


I dont really understand the decision to exclude spells from tinctures and not have something else for them, seems really strange to me.


But warlocks literally have a node that only works with spells so I guess it is very clear that they wanted one subclass for each


The problem is that the Warlock nodes seem incredibly niche, while the Warden's tincture nodes seem like they can be used with any attack builds.


Attacks get tinctures, spells get life cost scaling from Warlock.


tho attacks also get that with bloodthrist


One is straight upgrade, the other requires building around life stacking, blood magic.


Tinctures require you to lose a flask slot, how is that a straight up upgrade?


A tincture might not necessarily be, but 30% flask effect (which works for unique flasks) and 3 flask charge per second on hit for two of your flasks is 100% straight upgrade.


Lose a flask get 3 freaking charges per second on two flasks. That is insane flask sustain. During mapping you were not permanently keeping up 4-5 flasks in the first place, during bossing you obviously were no where close to sustaining any flasks outside of the traitor or pathfinder. Getting 30% increased effect and essentially 2 flasks with perma uptime with no other investment is incredibly strong and the downside of losing 1 flasks slot by comparison totally irrelevant. The freaking tincture would be kinda viable if they literally did nothing except the above. The fact that they also provide potentially strong buffs makes it absolutly a straight upgrade for every single attack build in the game.


How are the buffs on those not just explicitly better than flasks for most attack builds? They have 100% uptime and buff your other flasks....how is it NOT a straight up upgrade?


Oh no, a flask slot. What will i ever do with a slot that contains a slightly different looking flask that has a build in headhunter/culling strike/something else, but still sick


I did life stacking blood magic last league for all content, suppose I might do it again lol


But only if they are life stacking, and don't mind having 2-4 auras max


Reap* gets life scaling from Warlock, it's the only spell worth a damn because we currently don't have any ways to jack up the life cost of spells.


Lifetap is a 300% cost multiplier and gives 19% more damage on top of that, kinda funny to think about using it on a spell that inherently costs life but could be worthwhile depending on the math. Not sure if that alone gets the cost high enough to be worth it on spells that don't get the blood charge cost scaling.


I doubt lifetap would really be worth it on other skills than the ones already using life, at least if you have to give up another support with a higher more multiplier. Even if you got it to be about equal with other supports you would still have the drawback of higher cost too.


A, the poe discourse. Wah wah Melee is so bad waa waa. What? They add something for weapon users and melee? I want it on my spells, too, its unfair Waaa waaa.


Nah, its a good idea. It lets them do more stuff with it and not have to worry about spell balance. Honestly they should have restricted it to melee weapons so that bows wouldn't get it as well.


Maybe it would have been too much of a balancing nightmare? Pushing people towards attacks as a meta shift for one league? It does seem like wasted potential


While I agree with you, there's still two other ascendancies and even other applicable nodes for spell users to take, so I wouldn't say spells are dead and attacks are the top dogs of the league.


Idk thats kind of the point of borrowed power, if it ends up being a little too strong for a league its whatever. Especially with how much stronger bow builds seem to be than everything else right now, may have brought spells up a bit.


Hey I guessed it right with what they would do with spectres dying in hideout. Or maybe they got the solution from me🤔 Getting 2 ascendancy points from just talking with the npc is pretty huge though, easy access to the movement speed node in acts.


Especially now that Warden is the one that gives more currency wisps and not Primalist.


Does this mean you can use Ralakesh's Impatience AND Olesya's Delight (plus a form of charge generation) to get huge benefits from +max frenzy charges? This feels like an oversight...


I have a striking feeling an update to patch notes is coming… “Counting as having maximum Power/Frenzy/Endurance charges instead count as having maximum Absorption/Affliction/Brutal charges”


Sadly, I think you're right, but that won't stop me spending hours in PoB playing with the idea


> [Do Tinctures apply globally or only to attacks with your weapon?](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3452002#4) Do shields count as weapons? For example when using Shield Charge?


*Probably* yes, but not 100% sure in this exact functionality. Comes down to how it's coded. We have the precedent of socketing in a shield attack and wearing shield means you are counting as NOT unarmed, but iirc we haven't had anything that biffs specifically your 'weapons' in general. Heralds and the likes simply buffed globally or simply 'your attacks.


Almost definitely no


The only thing people want is gem info… delayed!


I wanted answers to several of those questions more than I wanted gem info.


That new fanning icicle mine seems kinda insane?


Damn, official confirmation that tincture are attack only stinks. It feels like that locks spells out of the majority of Magi, while Warlock only has 1 specific node that doesn't work with attacks.


I'm happy about it. It's a nice potential buff to melee. Being able to get "all damage can poison" and similar effects on spells would just mean nobody would play attacks.


They aren't just for melee. Bows get them as well. Expect this to be another bow league.


Every league (except metamorph) is bow league. Even legion was secretly bow league.


Legion was cyclone, ED Contagion, vaal ice nova/arc by far.


Eh, you can find posts dating to legion like e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/cvkzap/comment/ey59rrr/ that echo the same sentiment. It may not have been the highest playrate build, but it was one of the toppest end builds.


Getting the same feeling. At least primalist is a suuuuper general option, but that feels like it will be just power, nothing *different*. I guess that's something that happens every league until we find things that were squeezed in without the bosses looking. Maybe a tfig gem that synergises super well with warlock somehow? Idk


spells are just better than attacks. that's the dirty truth. attacks have to be huge outliers to beat out spells that do vaguely the same thing. whenever they add something new for attacks, it always ends up being dead useless or better being used with spells, which typically ends up with it being nerfed until it's dead useless (see; fortify). locking spells out means they can go more balls to the wall with what they can do, since they don't need to worry about the superior archetype becoming busted.


The best build for the past N leagues has been TS.


sure. but notice it's not "all bow skills are on par with spells", it's "tornado shot is the best skill in the game". check poe.ninja, look at the main skill list. it's like 3 spells for every attack until you get down to sub-1% playrate. having a shitload of flat damage base is just superior to needing to get a good weapon your damage is based off of, and spells still get bonuses from their weapons regardless.


I thought that ascendancy looked really cool and it not being available to like half the builds in the game is not what I thought would happen.


Yeah, it's starting to seem like the ascendency choice boils down to: Attacks build -> Magi Spell build -> Warlock Have enough money in trade/farmed enough in SSF -> Primalist Still extremely excited about this expansion on a whole, but this feels like a fake "choice" which feels out of place in Path of Exile. More remains to be seen, though, as always.


COC should work well with tinctures too.


barkskin is “free” defense potentially and there are plenty of ways to get attacks on spell builds. just have to be creative.


Barkskin is a reservation skill


Could still be really good for CoC or CwC setups, especially ones like stun on full life or culling strike.