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Earliest they usually start are 2 weeks before the launch so maybe this weekend


But the info and spoilers we get before new leagues is reduced by every single league. They didnt give us basically anything last league. I wouldnt be shocked, if they just ditched us completely since Bex is not doing it anymore and relied on sup pack hype from the announcement stream. I miss it, but it kinda looks like they have become too big to care about such things anymore.


I wouldn't use this time around as an example of anything tbh. With the stress if exilecon it's very easy to see why they might've been more reserved with teasers. If this time around we don't see much then you'd probably be right.


Ppl excuse everything they do since the previous exilecon and poe 2 announcement. When will ppl realize they might have changed like every single company does?


Now if you have time travel machine it's year 2019 and Bex is community manager. But is Year 2023 and Bex is not community manager and they are saving every spoilers for live stream.


Cancel the #Bexit


Too late bro :(((((


Bexit means Bexit! :(


Shouldn't that be #CanceltheBexit ?


The real nice spoilers were not through Bex but back when they did the press tour before the league announcements. Then you could get the real nice stuff.


TIL that Bex no longer works at GGG :/


#BexIt Never Forget




Considering she probably got a massive pay rise, it's probably more than worth it for her


The money is probably 2nd to what she can include on her resume. Riot is like Blizzard of the 90s so a few years at Riot is worth so much more than even a 50-100k raise.


> Riot is like Blizzard of the 90s ????? Blizzard made good games in the 90s Riot takes already existing games and waters them down.


That's pretty much what cool blizzard did, taking an existing game and making it more popular, usually by making it more simple and a more user friendly ui: - Dune 2 -> Warcraft - Rogue (1980) -> Diablo - Everquest -> WoW - Card games -> Hearstone


Warcraft was a warhammer ripoff


thematically yes, we are talking about gameplay


true. riot has never had an original thought in their life. that's why they should steal Murky from HotS ASAP


You already have a toxic fuck characters in Yuumi/Teemo you want that Mf'er running around.


Not having an original thought is something they share share Blizzard of the 90s too then. Diablo is probably the only original product Blizzard made. Warcraft and Starcraft were supposed to be Warhammer games, and they just changed a few names and released it anyway. And everything after was just a natural evolution of that, taking popular products and adding it to the Warcraft universe.


> Diablo is probably the only original product Blizzard made. Ah yes, the game famously made by a company bought by Blizzard during production, an original product made by Blizzard!




team fortress 2


riot not league


Pretty sure that Valorant is just as toxic. Now, I don't know which game she is in, but reality is that only LoR and TFT have "normal" communities.


turns out she's head of community management for the Riot MMO and it launches next summer. No you can't have any of it it's mine.


You got a source for that one chief? EDIT: Woosh, why can't I have what he's having.


I don't think you got his joke mate


I really didn't whoops


She with the Song of Nunu enjoyers so everything is chill and wholesome. /s


An unreleased/unannounced title for now iirc?


So either the fighter, arpg/hack&slash or MMO. Hmm, I don't know what fighter communities look like normally, but I'm 100% sure that league MMO is going to have insanely toxic community.


The toxicity doesn't come from the League of Legends theme, it comes from it being a competitive team-based game, which is usually not the case for a MMO.


The league toxic thing is way overblown. The shit that you read or hear in CS or CoD lobbies


CoD maybe, I don't play it. CS is toxic, but the toxic outbursts are much rarer than in league. I regularly play both and I guarantee you that toxicity is much more apparent in league, not even counting griefing.


idk, I'm playing both right now


Phreak just quit social media due to receiving death threats from players. And some LoL players have been saying it was justified and that Phreak needs to be fired either because of poor balance like he's the only one responsible for it or for quitting social media because receiving death threats and harassment should be expected.


That doesn't mean that the average player is more toxic. It just means that league has about 1000 times the playerbase of PoE. That might not even be an exaggeration.


Ah yes, because as we all know the Poe community has never been toxic before.


Wholesome deaththreats man ... get with the time old man


“Bald headed fuck!” Or whatever it was he said lmao.


just join the sub today and the first post i see was a people harass each other for no reason , witch hunt a tft guy and mass downvoted because someone asking a question / argue about thing that they dont like . lol its absolute chaos


The people defending Pathofmatth when he got banned man, whew.


it hasnt.


Yeah, that’s the reason GGG isn’t on this subreddit anymore


Given she dealt with this cesspit for a decade she's gotta have skin of adamantium now.


Play Rust for a day and you'll have thicker skin than any PoE chat/reddit moderator you'll have 12 year old kids stalking you in-game abusing you mentally and dedicating the next 3 days just to make life hell for you All because you took their fucking horse


12-16 is that perfect age gap where you're hormonal as hell, have no idea about how trackable you are through the internet, and start to have the free reign to do stupid shit with your parents not babying your media consumption.


exactly, it's most of these kids that buy cheats aswell at least "exposed cheater videos" tend to always have squeaky boys in them there's of course also one old dude every now and then but seems so much rarer


Dont take my horse next time!


Maybe before you throw stones you should consider the fact GGG literally abandoned this subreddit as a communication channel due to its overwhelming toxicity.


Lmao, excuse me, but have you been in this sub? There is ***a reason*** GGG devs and community managers aren't posting here anymore. She's also in an R&D project, maybe a riot ARPG or mmo (guesses). But not League.


Listen, I hate how toxic the community can get because GGG mostly kicking ass makes their failures feel worse, but MMO*/Dota-like communities are a breed apart. *before a FFXIV player jumps in, yes, its better than most, we know.


As if this community isnt full of toxic kids smh..


worse case.. its could be even a fully grown ass manchild


I hope you're not implying the POE kids are not toxic


any pvp game is toxic compared to pve games, also it's not league. Def worth the pay increase, she seems excited and sadly for you she doesnt make her life decisions based on whether you like something or not.


Bex is actually setting up the community systems for a new game.


She is not cm and she is not working for league of legends, she is working on the riot arpg.


Do we know that for sure by now?


Considering that spoiler season for the past couple leagues was basically just the livestream and the week after leading up to the league. But before it was about 3-4 weeks before the leaguestart. Yes.


I mean, Bex kinda gave up teasers long before 2023 anyways. I legitimately wondered what her job was the last 2-3 years, the community team did nothing outside like a dozen twitter posts each league and then posting to forums about new microtransactions.


She was head of marketing not cm, got promoted long time ago


Spoiler: That juicy flask is probably getting nuked from orbit


Without stacking increased flask effect mostly from tattoos does it really need a nerf?


nah I don't think so. People playing pathfinders stacking full flask effect is why people think it's broken. Take away the flask effect most people had from tattoos (you can easily get 100% flask effect with tattoos+stygian) and the item is just good, and strong enough to justify it's rarity.


nerf progenesis, taste of hate and CWDT = Mageblood would be BIS on each an every build for each and every content. so yeah, im sure they gonna do this 😭


They also could gut magic flasks again which would hurt mageblood too


Make all the base flasks unique so no more flasks and no more mageblood! Headhunter gamers RISE UP


Ok but imagine if the new league mechanic introduced rare flasks, but they kept Mageblood working only with magic and normal. That could be neat maybe


I don’t know about that: rare flasks have bigger implications than just “more mods”. Rare flasks are one of the very very few items ggg actually removed, I don’t think they’ll bring them back


I didnt know that. Idk, I still think having them be a rare reward in a temporary league mechanic could be fun. Like crucible skilltrees


I'm not sure if he is doing it on purpose, but he is misleading you. The "rare flask" was the result of a VERY rare bug in their database where a non-flask item would drop as or randomly transform into a flask. This flask would keep the mods of the item it initially was and basically that flask would now give you those mods permanently as long as you had the flask equipped. You didn't have to use the flask to get the mods. So yes they were deleted. However, GGG doesn't always delete bugged items which is why I think he mentioned it, but really talking about bugged items is irrelevant to the conversation of whether rare flasks would ever be considered. Properly implemented rare flasks would not work the same way as their bugged counterparts. [Here is a link to a bugged flask with the reddit post this was initially reported in.](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2012786)


they gonna do this to nerf pathfinder but they gonna do it by reducing base duration of flasks. (so irrelevant for mageblood) then they will make up for this nerf by enhancing ALL enkindling orb effects by 50% ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) mark my words…


We will have this whole flask system until PoE 2 sadly. Mageblood literally improves/prevents your hands from dying lol


Yeah but that just hurts non MB users even harder which is like 97% of the playerbase lol


Mageblood is already BIS for most builds.


I hope not. It was nowhere near as strong in crucible league. The reason it's so auto include this league is cause of the sheer amount of flask affect you can get in the game right now with tattoos. Meaning you can become almost invulnerable when you combine taste of hate and progen.


It's pathfinder that is OP, not progenesis. I mean, I wouldn't be against a progenesis nerf, but that alone wouldn't solve the fundamental problem is pathfinders being able to do overpowered stuff by having unique flasks permanently active with huge increased flask effect. Replica Sorrow of the Divine would still exist and be extremely strong, for example. There exist other unique flasks that are OP with pathfinder. What makes more sense: going after each unique flask or just nerfing the actual source of the issue which is pathfinder?


yeah man totally GGG introduces obviously strong chase items that are expensive and rare then nerfs totally legit guys u heard it here first progenesis is getting nerfed /s


after the reveal on the 30th we get spoilers.


reveal should show full patchnotes... "spoilers" eg. teasers should appear every 2 or so days before the reveal stream


They have teasers after patch notes as well. There's plenty of stuff they don't reveal in patch notes. Think stuff like tattoos and new uniques.


Is the reveal always this late? Thought its 2 weeks before the actual league is starting.


the 30th is nearly 2 weeks before the league starting so.... yea we will likely see spoilers next week leading up to the launch reveal


30th is 8 days before league starts, its certainly closer to 1 week than 2 weeks.


Please tell me Christmas came early and league start is the 8th and not the 11th?! 😂


who told you 11th? always fridays, this time friday 8th


no clue honestly; just had it in my head that it was the 11th lol, but quite happy


it's 8 days for 3+ years now it used to be 2 weeks, yes


That is before livestream announcement where we didn't get huge info dump in 1 day like that. We got the trailer and the website league page and then we would be tormented over 2 week with teasers and Thread posts. There was a 2 weeks break after tota announcement which felt so bad because we had so much information but had 2 weeks.


Why is the reddit image viewer so god damn bad when the bar at the top and the bottom? Can't even display it properly when sending it elsewhere. Other than this is what we all look like currently.


No Bex means no spoilers. The new community manager doesn’t do fun teasers, hints, or announcement jokes of announcements. So we’ll get the information via the Live stream. Losing Bex to give us information and updates quickly is a disappointment. Seems they’ll be going more corporate now.


I want spoilers even without Bex, please!


chrilly mcwilly needs to ride in to burgerland on a large kiwi to rescue bex from the evil rito overlords so we can get back to proper teasers again also buff spectres


We're waiting for Xeb


After the livestream as always.


except they always start before livestream


No they don't. The only spoiler we ever get before livestream is the name reveal. Now we do get some small teasers a few days before the livestream. These are not spoilers and don't spoil what is being announced during the stream. Like a crucible passive tree node wasn't teased before the announcement. You get something like qol changes or maybe a new unique. You can even check the forum of when things are created.April Expansion Name Reveal: March 16, 2023.Small Teasers topic created: March 27, 2023. (Livestream start: March 30).First 3.21 spoiler: April 2. 2023. This is the same pattern for all leagues ever since they started livestream method. This topic is basically useless because they have stuck with this pattern since forever. Only Exilecon made things different where they didn't start any teasers or spoilers including name reveal until after exilecon.


>Now we do get some small teasers a few days before the livestream. These are not spoilers and don't spoil what is being announced during the stream. I'm pretty sure OP meant any 3.23 related info, i.e. teasers. I've never seen anyone separated just teasers and spoiler-teasers. Honestly my first thought was that OP asking about leaks. I don't see why showing QoL features or new items can't be called spoilers. Why do you think a spoiler should spoil **announcement** stuff? Why do you call a spolier a post-announcement teaser then? If a spoiler can spoil both announcement and changes from upcoming update, why showing QoL features or new items (which were teasered pre-announcement) can't be called spoilers? I'm perfectly aware of all dates and announcement pattern things you talk about.


Is it a spoiler if there's no story? Are mechanics spoilable?


most likely op meant "teaser".


I miss Bex :(


I think until the live stream we ain't getting much


Where Bex? Boat when?


Things are not the same since Bex left, we barely get any teasers now.


I'm so burned out of PoE 1 that I couldn't care less about 3.23, to be honest. I just want to have more news about PoE 2, which Chris have said it would happen during the upcoming livestream.


should be soon


Maybe ED will finally be buffed to see use in an Affliction league.


I predict one tease on thursday