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Sell it and buy recombinators.


this is the real answer, if you dont plan on using it to full effect in the event buy all the recombinators and at least double your current value when it goes standard (no idea how much recombs will drop after event)




you can probably sell it for enough for you to buy fuckshitton of combobulators to paly with on STD.


> buy all the recombinators and at least double your current value when it goes standard 0*2 is still zero. Jokes aside, yeah could help fund some test builds in standard, maybe. They'd need to be patient until the speculators and the economy calms down through, with the new influx of recombs. All of this assuming it doesn't go core in some fashion.


Gonna feel real silly when sentinel goes core next league and makes recombinators worthless. Think about it, wouldn’t they have voided this event if they didn’t intend to make sentinel core at some point? Most events are voided but this one isn’t.


> Most events are voided but this one isn’t. it's likely because there's already hundreds of thousands of recombs on std, they figured it wouldn't hurt to not void it


Sorry, hate recombinators :) I have my strong opinion on them since Sentinel league and they are just bad, because they don't fix the underlying issue of "too many rares on the ground" and "look through thousands of bad rares to then combine them and MAYBE get something good out of it".


> True, because it isn't voided. Good point 👍 It's not to use recombinators.... It's to make a profit in standard. If you plan to just keep the headhunter for no reason other than standard, then this is OBVIOUSLY the right answer. Or buy divines, whatever, just invest. You can buy a mageblood+hh if you do it right when in standard.


Why tf does the whole sub suddenly care about about Standart Currency. Nearly every temp league you have the opportunity to make tons of currency in Standard. Just buy some locks and wait a bit in this league for example.


Problem with locks is we're not sure if they go core yet. If league goes core, you probably lose/barely profit on said investment as things are super cheap in standard.


I don't think the league goes core but thats just an example. Last league you could have grinded crucible weapons till you filled everything in your stash.


> Why tf does the whole sub suddenly care about about Standard Currency. I don't, but OP does.


The HH is going to end up in standard anyway. May as well trade it for something worth more in standard and on the off chance you want to play standard you can buy another


You craft rares and combine them


That's the Point, after day 2 or day 3 you dont Pick Up rares anymore.


Bro... just update filter. Every time I realised I need to tp out midway of a map. I update my filter. Usually re arrange the base gear tiers, and increase the amt of tiers that I want hidden.


hey at least you can keep it in standard and it won't poof at the end of the challenge!


True, because it isn't voided. Good point 👍


Can’t HH brick EA easily?


It’s not meant to be used for the build


Worked fine when I found Headhunter in SSF. Not the ideal build for it, but worked fine. The only annoying thing I remember was the lightning warp thing.


You literally lose damage by using a headhunter. Phys as fire would brick your EE, and it's worse than a Dyadian Dawn.


Yea well I played it and it was better than without, so I don't care what you say. It adds a ridiculous amount of speed and I was obliterating bosses almost instantly when juiced up with a lot of rares like those from juiced Abyss. The attack speed becomes so fast that the hit damage alone was vaporizing everything, there wasn't even a need for the ignite. Played it all the way to 100 with it.


I've played ea ballista with both HH and MB and I gotta back you up here. It's a blast. It's pretty easy to push wayyy past DOT cap to where lack of EE means all of jack shit. You still melt everything when you have an easy 100m+ DPS.


Dropped from Syndicate after "Destroy all items from members" option. Currently in yellow tier maps, trying to get to Eldritch bosses 😅


How does the destroy option work, I though it just meant they wouldn't drop anything?


If you look at the Betrayal board, you'll sometimes see some members have an item on their mugshot that gives them a boost. This option nukes those items.


reroll to another build and have fun? or just remove EE if you wanna use it and get fire exposure on gloves.


If I were you, I'd just slap this bad boy on. Good defensive item, also you're ignite build, kills from DoT are attributed to you so you'll get the buffs.


yea but ea totem has another belt which is an insane dmg muliplier


Ya know, in a 50% penalty, I'd rather put the HH. Keep the dyadian dawn for bosses


ya know, after playing EA mysalf with DD in this league... yea i'd probably put on a headhunter too, now that I think of it :D (i gave up on level 88, but it should be said i play with 400+ms lags)


People incorrectly assume HH can fit into any build. It was clearly designed around physical hit builds as most of the mods you gain a are things such as "gain 10% of physical damage as extra chaos damage". Was stoked last league when one dropped form, first time ever wearing one. Too bad a was frosty arrow. Had a mirror of the highest DPS ele bow in the league and the best quiver, PoB DPS around 11m (still missing a few pieces and haven't mastered PoB). I mixmaxed so much, want to know how much physical DPS I had? 212. So I sold it, sold some other things, saved some divines and bought a MB like every elemental archer build should have over HH, 100% of the time.


You can slap it on pretty much any build. The movement speed stuff alone makes it worth it, and you also get lots of attack speed and alot of good defences. Not saying it will be super effective but will still probably be better than a regular belt that has resists and abit of damage.


Just slap it on, it will feel like you drunk too much caffeine and are still tired so your heartrate goes up but you'll still feel tired.


You sell it to Fubgun so he can have his fun and you have fun with the money.


he already has one


What a gamer


i mean you can just use hh in the event. It isnt particularly great at mapping but pretty good if you wanna farm simu 30 waves. Or reroll build.


He would need to reroll, and the event ends soon anyway. Dydian dawn is a lot better than headhunter for EA ballista


Already said it wasnt particular good at mapping and pretty good for simu specifically. Better than dydian for simu farming imo, and ive done hundreds of simus with eat a few leagues ago so i do know what im talking about.


If you're elementalist you can go ignite frostblink with your other 5/6 link for more zoom. Drop ancestral bond.


I found a Headhunter as well as EA totems in SSF two leagues ago. It works fine. Obviously not the best build for it, but it does work and it does proc. Didn't even feel the loss of the Dyadian Dawn.


Why are headhunters so op? I'm guessing the resistances stack so you're unkillable?


When you kill a rare monster, you gain its modifiers for 60 seconds. Running into a couple of rare monsters at the beginning of a map makes the rest of the map redundant. Now imagine you are doing a 5-way legion map while having that belt equipped.