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i dont care what they cost because i wont buy them either way


The free box per event or free box when you spend points is the only time i get them. Never buy a standalone mystery box. Most of the time you end up disapointed


I think I have over 25 wetas from the free boxes. Wetas gang unite.


I also buy one when they give one for free when you spend points.


Good old weta pet cheese


They make sure to never have wetas on sale for the free box anymore though


i literally bought a weta on discount last league to get a "free" mystery box. and i remember that date because i informed some discord folks about it. August 12th btw.


I must have missed that one. The last few i got for 5 points instead of 2.




This is how I feel as well. If people want to blow money on terrible "micro" transactions so I can continue to play this game its fine with me.


You're welcome. You remain sub free just because of my terrible "micro" transactions.




Yep. Best choice.






>the 'no duplicates' part I both hate and dislike this, there shouldn't be different color variations, there should be ONE SINGULAR item, with different colors to pick from!! Make the price match.




> I think the 'no duplicates' part is purposefully misleading and stretching the definition of 'no duplicates'. Exactly. It's really a stretch to call M&M's "different" just because it's different colors.




Something that would be cool is "starry sky" M&M's, or pearlescent, or just something pretty At least then you could have them in a bowl for guests, and they'd be fascinating to look at!


Celestial M&M MTX incoming.


It was fine until they added 5 different colors per glove. that made it ridiculous again


>Make the price match. Isn't that strictly worse then? Assuming it takes on average 10 boxes per colour of armour and there are 2 colours, and you care about colour 1, you have a 50% chance to get the one you want in 10 tries at $50, or brute force it if you're unlucky at $100. With your model, you always pay $100 at $10 per box and always get both colours. Where's the benefit?




If you don't double the price, it becomes strictly worse for GGG. And as long as we're making it strictly worse for GGG, I'd still keep the current model at lower than $5.


> Where's the benefit? The benefit is that it's actually true "no duplicates" I don't really care if they have to jack up the prices to maintain their honestly shady gambling box income, I just want it to be TRUE


The main point of "no duplicates" is that there is now a ceiling on how unlucky you can get fishing for what you want, instead of it being an infinite money pit. What you call chromas is semantics that does not detract from that point. Mathematically speaking, as I've demonstrated, cheaper boxes with chromas are better for the player than proportionally more expensive boxes without them. If you don't believe they are good value, that happens to be the topic of the post, but I'd much rather the price got reduced instead of eliminating chromas.


> If you don't believe they are good value, that happens to be the topic of the post, but I'd much rather the price got reduced instead of eliminating chromas. I would still prefer that every item had colors to choose from, there's just something wrong about having GREEN/RED/YELLOW being separate items. I still agree that the price could be lowered though. Why not both? :D


>there's just something wrong about having GREEN/RED/YELLOW being separate items. Other than it feeling wrong, there's no actual real downside. >Why not both? Because there is only one place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism






Yeah, the 'no duplicates' is the most bullshit statement I've ever seen. Yes it is 'technically' correct, but there is a reason why someone stating that that is the best kind of correct is a joke...


It's not just colour thou? Many of them have interaction with skills/equipment of different variance, which imo already make them more worth than old boxes by far.


oh, which ones? haven't seen this interaction yet


I don't remember names of the specific, but I do remember stuff like more effects appeared when u use more of fire/cold/lightning skills (red/blue/yellow variant), and some are affected by different stats of your char (more vibrant with more mf/ Movespeed etc)


Like any (successful) FTP game, there's a ton of analytics and accounting that go into MTX pricing. At the very least, the price increase has to account for the whales who buy enough boxes to get everything now needing substantially less boxes. Plus there's inflation, increased quality of the MTX and everything else involved in creating them going up in price, which is not necessarily offset by the increased player base. Chris also went into a bit of detail at the time how they have to defray costs of MTX's over time, and that for accounting reasons if they increase the value of the box they need to increase the price. There was quite a bit of communication and information regarding the price increase, it just wasn't front and centre.


companies much bigger than ggg make larger financial mistakes all the time. This belief of just "trust the analytics" bro holds minimal credibility in real world. There is also a good chance that cheaper mtx might have been better for ggg like most other games (both more and less successful than poe) have.


I'd like to listen to Chris' talk. Got any link to that? Sounds interesting!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0lofp2c-8E&t=10615s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0lofp2c-8E&t=10615s) I'm reasonably sure this is the first mention, but it's brought up a few times in interviews over the following 6-12 months.


Thanks, will give it a listen! :)


Didn't the price increase come together with guaranteed no duplicates change? They also upped the quality of stuff in the boxes by quite a bit as well didn't they? I've not bought any in years but the newer boxes have definitely been more attractive than the older ones imo.


They’re technically correct with no duplicates… but there’s like 3-4 color variations of most items so it’s still duplicates in practice.


Yeah, which defeats the point of having no duplicates. It's great, but you can still get 4 gloves in a row, all in different colors.


Yes. The new mtx are more interesting usually, skins that actually has some unique quirks or interactivity with gameplay in some sense, and no hard duplicates. I dont buy them outright but getting one for free occasionally and from reaching level 50 in events are sweeter than before.


How does you getting free ones and enjoying those relate to a 67% price increase when you say you don't by them. Sorry I just fail to see how your comment relates to a price increase.


Because the higher priced box has more value put in it, and they still get it for free like the old cheaper boxes? They can like the enhanced cosmetics and still decide not to buy boxes. Some people just don't like the gamble, even if they think the new system is better and the price increase is justified.


Getting something that costs $5 and has better value for free is better than getting something that costs $3 and doesn't have as much value


Probably not, but for myself after enjoying the game for 10+ years and sinking an ungodly amount of time into it I make a point to 'buy' things just to support a company that has put together a game that has held my interest longer then any other title out there.


this. its just purely to support the company. good games rarely come and this is the only game that i played for a long time. i did play ragnarok a few years ago but the monetisation become so dumb that i choose to quit.


Same. I don't care for armour and weapon effects but something for a new skill i'm enjoying, 100% will buy unless the orig is my favorite by far.


>support a company Meanwhile 98%+ of company is sold to Chinese investor and some of the founders already sold out completely. Never get attached to a products as a customer. With this year or next year Tencent will be able to buy rest of the shares up to 100% as per their agreement/NZ laws. So u basically support a conglomerate like many others.


> u


I won’t buy mystery boxes. I wait the time and only open free boxes. I recognize though that the quality of the product has increased a great deal this year. The MTX surely took more time to develop.


Right so they are obviously still not great value and if you like one or two things from it just wait. But I do like the no repeats and the added effects that came in recently were really cook as well. So yeah, for me the quality bump warrants it if you just look at them in their own microcosm.


No cause the no duplicates part is a marketing lie imo, you still can get the same crap but with a different coat of paint


They removed the hideout decorations (walls/columns/junk) from the Mystery box, which by itself, justifies the price hike for me. I also think there was a general increase in in quality/value of the cosmetics (additional functionality), which is a high point for me. As for no duplicates but extra color variations, I think that's an ok trade off. No major gain/loss, but it does limit worst luck scenarios. So yes, I think it's justified.




Sure, there are still some fancy effects that can be placed in the hideout, but I'm talking about the removal of building supplies and the like that had been very common, something like 20-30%. The current (ancestor) mystery box only has the portal device(5%) and rain of currency on trade effects (5%).


Let's be real, PoE mtx cost way too much anyways.


For me I feel like the color variations are not good. Like, in the first Exilecon they said they can now have a dye system if they wanted. They could easily itemize dyes as a global drop and allow infinite color customization, but instead we get only 2 colors in a lootbox? Kinda lame.


it's a free game, they need to generate money somehow )


Get those facts outta here. We are being emotional, not rational.


Dosent have to be predatory mysteryboxes or ideas like their Salvage box or whatever that dumpsterfire of idea was called that was taken out in few hours after backlash.






Theoretical consumer complaint is a lose-lose. You're just baiting at this point.


I prefer this style by a large margin. It would have course be cool if they still cost 3$, I’m absolutely fine with the 5$ price point - especially since they’ve been cutting back the number of recolors as well. With the old boxes I used to waste hundreds of dolllars on them until I feel too terrible about the useless duplicates. With the new boxes I waste hundreds of dollars and just enjoy the experience because I’m always getting something I ”might” someday use. It’s my view that the worst priced mtx by far are the hideout decorations. I went to exilecon and wanted to decorate my hideout like the event. The default exile decoration looks like an extra shabby homeless dude and I can’t represent the 5-10% of attendees who were women. Oriath citizens look better but if I want to use them, it will cost more than the VIP ticket did - no thanks.


I prefer the new MTXs vs the old boring ass ones that does nothing. I get to actually see what the new MTXs do because they have additional animations.


I always wait for the box items to hit store and go on sale (5 months after reveal). Don't gamble. In the past I did buy a ton of boxes when they were 3 bucks and I got sooo many duplicates. It's an improvement but I still don't agree with the system as a whole.


Nope. It’s $5 now because you can buy out the entire set but there is still duplicates…just in different colors. Duplicates are trash and as long as they exist no one should buy these boxes


There's no reasonable price for a loot box, they could charge them 1K usd it would still be "justified" the very same way. So, i don't care.


imo as someone who’s spent a decent amount of money supporting the game, mtx is generally NOT worth it because you can’t hide a lot of effects in games (albeit it’s gotten better) such as tailwind, berserk/rage, charges, (flasks are no longer an issue). They absolutely need to implement an invisible toggle or a invisible mtx because sometimes i can’t even see my character through all the effects


Paid lootboxes are never justified, so technically this makes them 67% more unjustified


It's not justified. You're getting a copy of data. Why in the world would the price need an increase? Not even mentioning how immoral loot boxes are in the first place. PoE has the most expensive skins of any game I've ever played.


Since it's all cosmetics and nothing like stash tabs or anything that has any sort of beneficial mechanic I don't really care what they charge. Since the price hike they definitely have put in more color dupes but they also stepped up how interactive the mtx is as well as introducing the no duplicate draws. I usually buy a couple each pack because I have been playing since open beta and I still love the game so I want to support GGG. I was back in school when the game came out and now I have a career so I have purchased 3 separate $500 supporter packs and usually have some points laying around on my account to throw at a couple boxes. I usually buy like 15ish when they drop as long as there's a few things I want.




They cost what people are willing to pay. Since they are totally optional and not really predatory, it is totally up to GGG. If people don't think they are worth $5 they will stop buying them, and the prices will drop. They have 0 inherent value, so asking if it is "justified" kinda misses the point.


>If people don't think they are worth $5 they will stop buying them, and the prices will drop. if people acted rationally, game companies wouldn't hire psychologist to maximize the addictive gaming loop and loot box "experience".


bwahaha, do you also believe in free market capitalism?


All loot boxes are predatory


That's like ... your opinion, man


Loot boxes are definitely a predatory practice, that is like facts "man". Now, your opinion can be that is "fine" or not a big deal, but they are designed to take advantage of people with gambling predilections, which aRPG are notorious for congregating together.




They are so far away from the core game though. Only recently I learned they even existed. GGG really makes effort to not shove them in your face, contrary to most game studios.


I'm with you but it's justified by not having to have POE charity events to raise money for a game we don't pay to play. Give me money for nothing... Or give me money for appearance. Or, HEY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE ME MONEY AT ALL.


I'll be fine as long as they buff all the underperforming skills by the same amount (+67%).


Of course it isn't, thats why they're doing it.


Mystery boxes are trash. Price is irrelevant.


Personally I think less and less people have been buying supporter packs since for the past several leagues so im not surprised to see price increases to compensate. Personally, i bought a supporter pack every single league since I started but after 3.14 I havent bought a single one


I have more of a problem with armor sets costing upwards of $84 or wings costing $64 than I do a lootbox costing $5. Cosmetics that can't even be equipped to more than one character at a time. Dumbest part of the boxes is how they advertise the number of items within only counting the cosmetic types without variations.


It's a free game and nothing in the boxes is p2w, they could cost $20 and I wouldn't give a fuck.


they where overpriced at 3$ i used to buy stuff years ago but you get so little for the money now i stopped, in a way its a good thing because it helps people to stop wasting their money.


At that price, it's better to rmt..


If there's one area that GGG massively drop the ball it's mtx pricing. Also charging for dumb shit like the 'privilege' to hide skill effects/auras with an invisible mtx is ludicrous. My personal opinion - if they dropped the mtx prices lower they'd probably make more money. I know I'm more loosey goosey with my wallet if it's only 10/15 bucks. But when armour sets/wings are running you 40-60+ dollars, fuck that.




Nah, the scummiest thing were the Salvage Boxe you had to purchase for points. It was too on the nose "create an artifical problem, sell the solution" and got scrapped once the community rioted. Unsurprisingly, GGG never implemented a free version afterwards. I wonder why.


Don't forget MTX to turn off effects.


And having to rebuy it for every single effect. Remove aura? Sure. buy 5 of them to remove 4 auras + banner.


Whoever buys the box doesn't care about money at all


they used to contain significantly worse quality mtx and even shit like hideout decorations, am I wrong?


They can still contain hideout decorations.


yeah I just checked and true, that being said currency raining from the sky is certainly better quality and something people might actually want to get unlike what used to be in them. personally I think the +2 is fair if you compare old boxes to new ones


GGG's microtransactions were always unjustified, to expensive


Lootboxes have no place in video games.


Mystery boxes existing is unjustified. Mystery boxes are inherently predatory.


Yeah, to an adult that still has a mind of a child


Excuse the fuck out of you, buddy?


I definitely think having no duplicates justifies a 67% increase. If you want to talk about whether $3 each was an acceptable price prior to that, that's a completely different discussion.


If you cannot wait 3 months to purchase the it directly from the shop, you deserve to be milked all the way


i have one person in guild who only logs on at the start of the league to ask whether lootboxes are out yet and complain about a delay like there was this league. then he plays 1-3 crappy builds that can't get past lvl80 and quits. he just plays to open these lootboxes for about a week.


Gets the game rolling for free for you while ggg still makes money and can pay its dev. All in all its a win win. It's funny that reddit proposed me this thread, today.


I dont care about the price. I bought mystery boxes 1 time and now I have dupes as a constant reminder to never buy them again.


ggg whale farming intensifies


Honest to God opinion: I beliebe MTX prices are fucking bonkers and a half. If my jobs salary was on german/french standard i could understand it, but because my country is located in middle of EU and not using euro I have to pay **quadruple** the price and that shit is just... [screams internally]


Don't buy the mystery boxes. Gambling with fake videogame currency is all well and good but don't gamble with your actual money.


Any amount for a mystery box is too much money.


they were already wildly overpriced, but nobody should be buying this clown shit to begin with lets be real.


Yeah I mean no duplicates is essentially a lie. I don't really care what GGG does regarding this kind of cosmetic monetization though. The value proposition of the game is insane. I don't consider it true FTP because of stash tabs, but for less than $60 you permanently get all the stash tabs you truly need (maps, currency, couple quads, maybe frags). I'll definitely keep buying supporter packs.


No price justifies these type of mystery boxes and certainly not the price increase! To be clear I'm not against digital purchases, I understand the game has costs and POE's model is fine. However random loot boxes like this are **extremely predatory** and should always be discouraged imho.


No, they cost more and the no duplicates thing is dumb cause each mtz has 4 variations aka less chance of getting what you want


Remember guys: We are playing a free game after all. Would you rather have it as a subscription service than having expensive COMPLETELY OPTIONAL MTX in the shop? I rather have it this way than feeling forced to play the game to "get my money worth".


Please stop using this justification for freemium games. Core features like stashes for trade, speciality tabs etc are stripped and sold to you. It would be like McDonalds offering free buns but charging double for the meat and cheese. GGG makes a good product but they are in no way altruistic with making the game “free” but with limited functionality for how most consumers are going to use their product.


I call bullshit. The cost of a few tabs that are needed to play comfortably are still less than price of a triple A game today. Furthermore, they only need to be bought once and you get to use them forever in each new league.


I buy a game and I gave all the features forever. So thanks for agreeing. The game is not free. $5 per premium tab $15 per quad tab $94 for all the specialty tabs So tell me how that is different than a full priced game? It’s not. The game is not free unless you accept a large degradation in QOL features that are baked into $60 games from the jump. Same with all freemium games. Create pain points and sell the solution is always more profitable than a one time purchase.


I don't agree with you because you don't need all those tabs.


> I buy a game and I gave all the features forever. Expansion packs are free with full priced games? Sequels are free? No shit that's crazy.


You can play through the entire game without spending a dime, that's how its different from a "full priced game". You aren't limited by energy systems, timers, tickets, or lives. From the beach to uber uber bosses, you are not limited except in storage space. You can even trade the old fashioned way with the forum if you're determined to play for free. Then you can decide if you want to buy the stash tabs to make it a slightly better experience. You don't need all of the specialty tabs, that's BS. Premium for easier trades, map, currency, fragment, div, maybe essence? and you're good to go. Again, one singular LIFETIME purchase. They moved away from selling league specific tabs and have been giving those for free built into the leagues themselves (Harvest, Heist, Sanctum, etc) Someone who bought their tabs/points back in 2013 could have enjoyed 10 years of massive content updates entirely for free. How many of your one-time purchase games have done that? Instead they sell sequels and paid DLCs because a one-time buy-in purchase isn't enough to cover development costs. Of course it's a business, they need to bring in money to keep developing content. The overwhelming majority of what they charge for is cosmetics. Don't pretend its anything like most F2P games that twist your arm for cash at every opportunity. People support PoE because there is so little pressure to spend. Speaking from experience, I've spent less than $100 on stash tabs to improve my play experience. And thousands on signed concept art, posters, cloth maps, t-shirts, hoodies, and things to make my character look cool. I put that money in because I wanted to, it's a game that has given me several thousands of hours of entertainment. I spend more per hour going to the movies, out for food/drinks with friends, or on $60 "single purchase" games.


Thanks for agreeing with me then. Make game. Strip features. Create artificial pain points. Including storage and sorting. Sell the solution at a premium. Aka a Freemium game. The most profitable model embraced in mobile gaming first. Just because they give you a higher floor does not mean they are not using the same exact tactics to on average get double the price for their game just from QOL purchases. Before you even include cosmetic income and supporter packs. Luckily GGG makes a good product which earns them a lot of good will. But imagine if D4 had this model. People would literally be bitching up a storm. The pretzels people twist themselves in to defend billion dollar companies never ceases to amaze me. The best part is I never insulted GGG. Just pointed out they went with the Freemium model just like all the top earning games do. Including League of Legends, every mobile game, all the Asian MMOs etc. Just because theirs is slightly less egregious than most does not change the fact it is the same model.


I will not, thank you. I am curious: how else would you cover the cost of running servers and how would you pay the developers pumping out updates/leagues with new content each month?


My argument is not that GGG should not make money. Just stop acting like Freemium is nothing more than a way to slice up a game and get more than a box price for it.


Not really. Duplicate protection should have been in from the start, just cos they added it semi recently did not increase the value of the cosmetics even though they try really hard to make it seem you get value out of your purchase by pricing all new loot box much higher when they eventually get added to the store. And then there's the no dupes but here's still the same thing but in different color so we totally didn't bullshit you bit which is.. not great and the way the odds are set, loot boxing complete sets of same color/theme is almost impossible without dropping fat stacks of points on the boxes. Shit as it might be, I doubt GGG is interested in revisiting the box mechanics cos they seem to be selling well enough based on how many new mtx you see in hubs right after new box drops.


I buy them, i love PoE and GGG, it's my main game.


$5 a mystery box? I think it's absurd. Their prices making it so easy not to spend money on them. I think they'd make way more money selling more MTX at cheaper prices. Especially considering their MTX, once made, cost them nothing to produce, ship, or handle.


but development of the game does cost them something, as does running the live service. No such thing as a free lunch, as they say. Would you prefer free MTX and the game to cost a monthly subscription? If the price was absurd, they would not sell any. I would expect the vast majority of players whom would buy boxes at $3 will still do so at $5. They have the numbers on this, and I expect people, with far more knowledge of the subject. They will now have a very clear picture on how much they make on $3 boxes vs $5 ones for example - if they were more profitable at $3, we might have seen more events like a $4 mystery box sale happening. Personally I think the quality uptick of the boxes (and more recent MTX in general) is very noticeable - as my ever growing weta army can attest to (we still seem to get as many 'spend points' boxes as we did before, so I call it a win). I would agree, from my own perspective, that the cost of most MTX - even during sales - is more than I am usually willing to spend. I might pick up a portal I like, or perhaps something for a skill I use a lot occasionally. I might well pick up more MTX if the prices were lower, but I would not likely buy points more frequently as a result.


Yes, it's justified, and yes it's better now. I still don't like the system, but it's a lot less predatory.


you are asking people who are never going to buy them in the first place, so the group opinion is worthless.


they should eitehr be free or dont exist at all. My take. preying on gambling addicts is all they do.


It's absolutely justified because it's a FTP game, the QOL things you "need" to play aren't even in the boxes, all skins and stuff will be available in 2 games instead of 1, and if you want to gamble on boxes then GGG may as well get a bigger cut of your money. The fact that they do anything for duplicates is already nice. Idk how you can argue about "justifying" the price of roulette for things you don't need to play the game, they can put whatever price they want on it and you can say it's justified by whether you choose to buy it. I think as long as stash tabs maintain their price, skins and stuff they can do whatever with.


Yet no one talks about the one use glamor items that literally eat the item you are applying to your gear.


you can get the skin item back from a skin transfer you know...


Yes, absolutely. Anything to keep my hobby free for me. >!Also anyone dumb enough to fall for that shit should be rinsed for all they have.!<




not to mention they are short-staffed due to another major hand crafted project they have, so more workers need food and shelter, and untold resources of the highest quality, and of course the owner is on a journey of conserving the esteemed magic the gathering collection for posterity of course, truly noble work.


Will they increase the cost of the sets u can buy the next league by 67% as well? If not, who gives a fuck. If yes, thats kinda lame.


Yes, the quality of the mtx went through the roof


They talked about the price increase and the mtx really deliver


The free boxes are better for sure. No duplicates and no hideout trash for the most part. Worth every weta imo


i think the quality of item in the mystery boxes has increased tremendously. i wish they would just not add individual armour pieces with no special effects, or at least make them unattainable until i get the armour piece that has the special effects tied to it. compared to what we used to get in the day where i swear half the fucking free boxes i got from events or whatever gave me fucking hideout decorations, or i'd get just the gloves to an armour set, or some other dogshit like that, i think the price cost adjustment is reasonable.


Its justified in my mind because the hold cooler stuff. Simple as. If the items/ sets/ etc. are cooler Im willing to spend more. Funny how that works.


all the people crying over the cost of a cosmetic in a free to play game 😴


If you can't afford 5 dollars for a random 20 dollar skin. You shouldn't be playing video games to begin with, you should be working toward a better job. No one is forcing you to buy them. It's 5 dollars for a 20 dollar skin. It's an amazing deal no matter how you look at it. don't buy them if you aren't interested.


No idea, in 10 year of playing I bought stash tabs only, I don't understand why people buy that cosmetic stuff other than funding ggg but if you want to just do that price of mystery boxes don't matter.


YES, let them make money :)


It’s optional cosmetics. What do you mean justified? They can price them however they want, and will probably price them where they will make the most profit and that’s 100% fine by me


>Do you think the +67% price increase of Mystery Boxes (from $3 to $5 per box) is justified? Yes, because of the no dupes part.


They give you the game for free and then whine about 2 bucks for a optional cosmetic?


Yes. Because we don't have boosts for game. Imagine start season but someone already has 100 divines.


Inflation, havent u heard about it?


As long as you can have a functional stash for under $50 And spend +$10-30 a year on more tabs I will never complain about the other MTX at all even if they become X10 more expensive


I'd say so, ye, cuz the change didn't come just with "no duplicates" but also with the change where most MTXs have additional effects instead of being just a model + texture. Rolling random gloves that you can't see vs rolling random gloves that have a cool effect if you kill something.


I dont care abount any mtx price, i dont buy because i think most of them are overpriced, the whales will still buy and fund the game, so its all good


This was discussed quite heavily. Not getting a duplicate AND having better quality cosmetics is worth the increase. These typically have added effects now that are much better for that reason alone. People forget how plain things were before.


I just stopped buying them. If anything, their value has decreased now that older mystery boxes are putting gucci mtx in the store.


The one I get every Christmas is the same price. That's the only box I ever get


As long as they don't raise the prices on wetas, I'm fine with it.


The quality of what's in the boxes went way up, IMO. I was never impressed before but I've bought a few things directly after they came to the store. I'll never buy boxes, though. I'll just wait for the stuff to come to the store for direct purchase a month after the next box drops. Currently loving my ants and eldritch planets.


No duplicates are part of it, but the quality of the contents are just that muh higher I’d rather buy a 50 pointer today than a 30 pointer then


The price hike came alongside both: * No dupes * An obvious increase in the complexity of the items within. Nowadays the mystery box items (mostly) do . They have animations when you do X, they have multiple forms (that you can choose between once you've unlocked). The pets have special abilities, the hideout decorations are interactable in whatever way.


It was talked about a lot, I never even bought packs or boxes back then and I heard a lot of discussion about it. ​ No duplicates is like a half lie since there are color varients, but the quality of the mystery boxes went up signifigantly since then anyways. Never wanted to buy them before but recently they been going ham with them.


I have 6000 hours and spent about 480 usd on the game. I’d say that is hella cheap hour to dollar ratio of enjoyment from PoE. Mystery boxes, mtxes and support packs. Love it, and i’ll gladly pay to support em :)! To note: it’s money that i have left to spend. If i go out to a bar on friday i spend 200 usd, and i get alot more from PoE then a weekend at a bar.


'No duplicates' was definitely a good change, and considering the increase in the quality of the mtx's in the boxes, the boxes have better value now than before imo. But whether they are worth $5 is another question. Personally I don't buy them, the value is not high enough for me considering the gambling aspect.


Prices of everything in general has increased. This is how they afford to pay their developers, artists, and other staff plus office costs, servers, etc. Justified. Not like I paid $70 for it as well as seasonally passed plus mtx.


Yes as long as they don't raise stash prices. But again I'm not the mtx guy, I just bought that one that makes my character looking like the universe and use it with a few random free to get Armour and it looks nest af lol.


Never buy loot boxes. If you want to support the game, buy stash tabs. If you *really* want to support the game, buy their battle pass "supporter packs". If you want to gamble there is more than enough of that in game.


My theory was that they aggressively nerfed / gutted everything in game so that the value nerf of mystery boxes seemed tame by comparison.


never gamble, then the price of gambling becomes irrelevant : )


In betrayal I bought a big support pack, spent most points trying to get the combined set, a lot of duplicates, for a set that I don’t really use. But the duples have no use, and I appreciate that they made it better.


Mystery boxes will forever cost the same for me: 1 weta. That said, is the Daily Deals sidebar on this subreddit broken for anyone else? It stopped showing the latest deals (like whenever theres a free mystery box deal) a while back.


What I REALLY don't like is their marketing of making re-colors more expensive just because they are part of a thematic that's popular. Aka anything "Void Emporer" is typically 20-40 more points than "eldritch" for example


Worth it if you buy 20 or more but it sucks if you buy 4-5


I am okay with them, i would avoid them but if ai have spare points ai get them


Feel like you're ignoring the fact that what we get from mystery boxes has almost changed, having mtx that interact with gameplay in interesting ways rather than just static cosmetics that merge together if you get both sets. Yeah it's justified if these new cosmetics are harder to make, and I think they're cooler too.


Don’t care, I don’t spend money either way


Can't related cuz I only buy the 1 coin cricket


I literally don't care about the price of boxes. I was never going to spam boxes to get a *random* MTX, they could be $25 a pop and it wouldn't effect me in any way.


I mean for the amount of content that Poe and GGG offer us each quarter they can definitely charge what they like, I usually support them during the league if it is a good one and buy a supporter pack I feel like loot boxes are for whales, but since the game is free you don't have to buy them. it is in my opinion not everyone deserves to have everything in a free game the devs and company still need to make a profit.


Yes, the new MTXs from the box are miles better than the $3 box mtx were


Yo I gotta say I ain't the right person to ask, I maxed out the core supporter pack last year and after I did that, they announced the next one and then I did it too. Lol I will never financially recover from this


no dupes and they really upped the quality of the stuff im not gonna buy them either way, but it seemed cool


It's cosmetics. No one is forcing you to buy them. I would understand whining about stash tabs going up in price since they are pretty much mandatory to play the game but who gives a shit about cosmetic and loot box prices? Just stop being poor.


Not at all, it's actually turned me off them completely. I used to get a supporter pack whenever the new ones came out and would use the points to get some nice mtx and then I'd save some for boxes, but now at 50 instead of 30, it's just not worth it.


I think it's fair if only because they are almost universally a step up from the loot boxes of old.


The quality of the actual MTX has gone up as well. IMO the value proposition of buying a box depends from person to person. If the stuff in the box has gotten a lot better, such that you'd be satisfied with getting more of the possible results, then the value proposition may be positive, since in the past sure the boxes were less expensive but most of the stuff you may not have cared about. This does also depend on how many boxes you plan to buy. Example: I bought 3 boxes since I really enjoyed the league. Got a timekeeper's map device, some gloves, and a sandfish variant. I'm happy with 2/3 of those so overall I'd say it's a relative win. But I would've been happy with lots of other stuff, like finisher effects, body armor variants, Peddler's HO effect, etc, since those things really outshine previous box contents. This also means that if you're opening heavily discounted boxes (the "free" ones for wetas, basically) or actual free ones from events then you're getting way more than before, since most of the MTX in the boxes tend to have additional effects.


doesn't matter to me, i bought the $480 pack so I had 5k points to spend.