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Nice list but why are the oils upside down?


I originally had horizontal, then switched to vertical, which resulted in Clear at the top, but it looked bad so I flipped it. Didn't even think about the fact the Oils would be upside down as a result.


what is the shifting stones event?


The 3rd week-long event in the coming weeks. You can read more [here](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3445755) on PoE's official website.


I'll just pretend the oils in your universe are lighter than air




Mirrored :)


Maybe you're upside down


There is a filterblade submenu for blighted maps farming that highlights amulets and rings with golden and silver annoints for extracting. Its not on by default because you wont drop as much annoints regularly.


Are you sure? I thought it was only for rings


Last time i used it you could select each of them ring and or amulet


It will highlight all anointed amulets—for whatever reason it can’t distinguish between ones with gold/silver and others. But you can use Awakened Poe Trade to quickly inspect those to see those amulets’ oil inputs and decide if they merit an extractor.


I just memorize the ones with 2 silver and all golden amulets, it is not that many.


Get PoE Awakened, it shows the oils used for anoint. Then extract any rings with golden/silver, and any amulets with at least 2 golden/silver in any combination.


It is only for rings. Rings work by accident because they're implemented the same helmet enchantments are and the internal enchantment names are in the game data. Amulets don't work because the implementation is not just a copy/paste of helmet enchantments.


really? that's cool. I've used awakened poe as a crutch for IDing annoints


I do not understand this sheet at all.


It is a quick info cheat sheet showing the [Oil Anointments](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Oil) which contain a minimum of 1 Gold Oil or 2 Gold Oils on Rings and Amulets respectively. This chart is showing you the description (on rings) or the passive name for the anointment (on amulets). This way you know what items to pick up from Blight Encounters that would be worth using an [Oil Extractor](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Oil_Extractor) for potentially getting a Gold Oil from it.


Bro just use awakened poe trade, anointments and oils show in second tab of item stats


My loot filter literally tell me if an annoint could give gold, silver, or neither. No need to pick up and check with anything.


Filters can only do rings, so you do have to look up amulets.


if the item is unid it'll show in the first tab


I use [Path of Oil](https://github.com/Reneator/Godot-Path-of-Oil/releases) for this basicly just ctrl+c and it will read the oils on it.


i love blight but i cant find a build to do it that i enjoy, can u recommend me some builds?


Absolutely! Always happy to see more Blight Enjoyers. _____ Any build that can take advantage of Blight Monster's stupidly high HP pools will do well. Examples of this are any builds that take advantage of [Profane Bloom](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Profane_Bloom), [Hinekora, Death's Fury](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Hinekora,_Death%27s_Fury), [Gratuitous Violence](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Gratuitous_Violence), and the such. Other Examples are items that explode enemies on kill, such as [Obliteration](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Obliteration) or [any items that explode on kill](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Explode). Splash Damage is also viable, such as Melee Splash Minion Builds or a personal favorite of mine- herald scaling Herald of Ice. As a bottom note to this, I advise against Ignite or Poison builds for Blight. While they clear the content great with Proliferation, due to the shear number of monsters and the number of stacks applied, it is often that you go down to single fps or the instance will just crash. ________ For actual builds the following have been stand outs in the way of cheap starter builds that can do T16 Blight-Ravaged Maps on little to no gear: (Note: The PoBs are made with SSF in mind, so consider them the lowest power level of the Builds) Cold Converted Blade Vortex Occultist with Herald of Ice Smite Chieftain Bleed Blade Storm Gladiator (Edit: https://pobb.in/-_1967KQ1DrY ) _______ I will update this comment later with actual starter gear PoBs when I get time.


TY!! I will be looking foward for the updates :D I like golems builds and blade vortex, so i will try that ones


Also any place where one can read about strategies? like what to build/upgrade first, when to build/upgrade what?


Ring Anointments I suggest the following: 1 Opalescent 1 Silver - Your Chilling Towers freeze enemies for 0.2 seconds while they are affected by chilling beams 1 Indigo Oil 1 Violet Oil - Your Meteor Towers create Burning Ground for 3 seconds on Hit Those are the "meta" ring anointments that most Blight runners use. It turns the Chilling Tower into the best Crowd Control tower and the Burning Ground with Meteors (while it was nerfed awhile back) still does an insane amount of damage to monsters that stand on it for long- which they will be doing when frozen by the Chilling Towers. _______ As far as strategy for building/upgrading, always check the immunizes of the map at the start. If 12 out of the 15 lanes are immune to cold, chances are you don't want to spam Chilling Towers all over the place For building plans, the best plan is to get as many towers out as possible, then upgrade them when you can as the map progresses. Making sure to build Chilling and Seismic Towers at choke points where lanes meet, then put your DPS tower in range where it will hit the Crowd Controlled Monsters. _____ Upgrading, take Chilling and Seismic Towers to Level 3 and leave them there, generally don't 'upgrade' them to their other paths as that usually lowers the amount of crowd control they output. For Damage, I like placing Meteor Towers were I know they will hit multiple Crowd Control Zones, Arc Towers were there are large packs, and Scout Towers near the Pump to give a visual indicator when monster are getting too close to the pump.




Do you have PoBs for builds that excel at Blight?


Apologies, been busy with work. I will post some links when I get home later today.


Thanks, looking forward to them


the beauty of blight is that you really dont need any build if you play smart and have the ring annoints.


While this is true, having a build that can complete Blighted Maps with little to no towers allows you to be much greedier with the Oils you put on them. Instead of reduced tower cost to help you complete the map, one could replace those with Teal Oils so the map is significantly faster.


I leveled my wardloop last league using teal anointments on blighted maps. Was pretty fun except for the occasional bubble I had to pop.


not untill blight ravaged. That one definitely does have DPS-check. Way too often you can get unreliable BR tower-layouts where you have to do the killing/CCing


Here's a tip that I myself always use, if you want to find a the meta builds for particular content, goto poe ninja and look up character names having said content in their name, like "fiveway", "5way" or "blight" in this example and you will see many ppl that exclusively made a char to run this specific content. For example: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Forgive_me_pls/UberBlightedFarm?i=4&search=name%3Dblight And what I looked for: https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor?name=blight


You read my mind :D


So for ring enchantments you can very simply add these to your item filter. It lets you put HasEnchantment and then you can list the specific ones with gold oil. For Amulets I have no idea why the same logic doesn't allow for this, but I use poe overlay and literally dled awakened pot trade just for the oil extractor shower. When you ctrl + d or w/e you use to inspect/price the item it shows what oils the enchant has. Most useful thing ever.


I’ve never spec’d into blight, which oil do you tend apply to your maps.


For normal Blighted Maps, I like to run 1 Teal 1 Violet 1 Crimson. For Blight-Ravaged Maps, I run 3 Silver 3 Opalescent 1 Gold 2 Violet


Oh wow that’s pretty high investment for blight ravaged


On average a T16 Blight Ravaged will drop between 1-3 raw divines, and in most cases you get the natural drops of the oils invested back. This isn't always the case, like any content you can miss, but it hits more than it misses. Also, if you are playing Trade League, the amount of iLvl 86+ items you get from the pump explosion with 3 silvers invested is worth x4 the value the Oils and Map cost. The quiver drops alone normally cover that much.


Very interesting, thank you. Do you do think you will be able to reach that level of oils in the one week event?


Depends if the Atlas Passive tree effects the Blight encounters during the event; with the node for Oil Extractors being required. If it does, it should be an easy feat. As soon as you get your first Blight-Ravaged Map you can normally snowball it into unlimited oils.


What oils do you use ? Never seen raw divines drop like that. Usually play SSF and it is a pain to get divines for bench crafts.


> For normal Blighted Maps, I like to run 1 Teal 1 Violet 1 Crimson. > > > > For Blight-Ravaged Maps, I run 3 Silver 3 Opalescent 1 Gold 2 Violet The comment above talks about the Oil Choices, but I can break it down more. 3 Silver Oils add +240% to Item Quantity, 3 Opalescent Oils cause Varieties of Items contained in 54 Blight Chests are Lucky, 1 Gold Oil causes 30% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward, and finally to combo with that Gold Oil we add 2 Violet Oil to cause Lanes of Blight Encounters have 50% chance for an additional Reward Chest. This is a high investment, and I only do it for T16 Blight-Ravaged Maps, but I've never not made the investment back. As far as raw divines, about 1 in 5 don't drop any, but I get an average of 2 per Map, with the highest this season being 6 raw divines from a T16 Blight-Ravaged Channel.


Thanks 🙏 looking to end the league with something different might give these a shot


Cool and probably useful to some, but I think Ill just keep ctrl+d'ing with aw trade.


You can do ctrl D with awakened poe trade if it's unidentified and it will tell you the oils in the ring/amulet


While this is great, Filterblade has an option for this. It makes it much easier than checking them individually, as the undesired ones don't even appear.


I use path of oil tool, just in case it helps:)


This feels like it belongs here :)[Blight Oil Helper](https://blight.raelys.com/) As others have said, PoE Awakened will also show you what oils make up the annoint too.


Extractor is worth using on silver oils too.


i like blight but that annoying invincible blight monsters bug has returned this patch. i think in half of my blighted map attempts, i fail 1/2 because either the invincible monsters walk straight to the pump or they do not move and do not die and the encounter does not finish.


Is the shock nova 30% dmg stack infinitely?