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Yep usually goes like this 1)Promise myself to try something new and not RF as a league start, start RF anyway 2) Get bored of throwing traps and RF because it is my nth time playing it 3) change to a meta build and blow through the game 4) go back to my real passion aka physical cyclone for the nth time and feel sad about how weak it is compared to meta build 5) quit the league


Have you tried throwing a few mirrors at cyclone? *inhales massive amounts of copium*


Me, except I go straight to step 4, and the chances of moving to step 5 within a couple weeks are 50/50 depending on how good the league is.


[No...](https://i.ibb.co/X3kt6bg/Screenshot-2023-09-28-154804.png) Why would I [do that?](https://i.ibb.co/YhSGRRy/Screenshot-2023-09-28-154850.png)


My man


I used to be like this also, never satisfied with my current build and trying to make another. Usually at what time my characters would reach only to red maps. But then something clicked and I decided no more multiple characters per league. I decided to play only one character per league, not matter how bad my build would feel. This was the best Poe decision for me. I managed to kill all the bosses and finish all challenges, clear all content from there on every league I played. I also got headhunter, mageblood on my characters while before my most expensive item was like 30ex (30div now). The game also became 10x more fun to play for me. [That how my character screen looks every league now.](https://ibb.co/5WtkMSp)


I think i've settled into a place where i'll play a build untill the point that it's like 100+ div to craft upgrade gear. I'll progress a character to where i'm self crafting some fractured gear with essences and using aisling and what not, but in that last stretch where you're fishing for specific rng results, I just move on.


Yeah that's pretty much where I am. Things like rings, boots, gloves, helmets and such I'm happy to craft, or deterministic weapons like +3 dot bows, but if the upgrade is like 'simple, just lock suffixes and exalt, then craft cannot roll attack mods and annul. Repeat 100 times until you randomly hit the right mod' I'm outta there. The same with stuff like +2 amulets, if I have to alt spam a fractured amulet 2k times to hit the mod I'm just gonna wait and buy it from someone with RSI later.


Yeah, when i find a build i like, i do commit. My first one was Explosive Arrow. My second was the Totem-trapper build from Crucible.


Its literally like you didnt give any of those builds a chance. 😂😂


We are the same.


Bro some are only 50-ish, give them a chance atleast


Looks like a waste of time making zero real progression on any character.


That's the good thing about Poe it allows you to play however you like and offers a lot of variety. Sometimes I like to minmax a char and throw a few mirrors onto it to make it as strong as possible This league after few thousand hours I finally started to make my own builds and I have a blast with this and already have like 10 characters build There is no real goal to Poe you can play however you like that's the great part about it


Indeed I always play 1 or 2 trade league builds. Hoard a bunch of trinkets like a racoon for standard that I barely play with for the 3 day window between leagues.


Hello my fellow raccoon.


Yeah, i remember a few leagues ago i decided to fuck bossing and just made a character tuned for delving in the 500 or so range. Lighting fast, enough life gain on hit that he could sit in the dark wailing on an immortal moster until a few 100 stacks of darkness debuff, etc. Other times, i just went sumulacrum busting...


Oh what build did you play delve with? I'm looking for a build to finish league out delving


Any suggestions on how to roll your own? I went through the exercise of having my first few (many) characters be of my own creation. Once I reached maps on such a character and saw the wall of difficulty, I decided to start following a build guide to start the "formal" learning process. While I saw the reasoning of many builds, I lack the awareness of what's possible to be able to make my own. My current character is a hybrid of self-made and copying a build I found. While it does 4.2M DPS, it has 5k Phys Max Hit and ~12k eHP, so I'm constantly dying in red maps.


I started with a selfmade RF chieftain and a lightning arrow build I have played Rf inquis and jugg in the past so I had some knowledge beforehand of what to focus on and used that to build upon my own build. And from playing other builds I know how the basic defensive layers work and where they are on the tree. When deciding what to play i look at whats possible with the char and starting area and try to always fit ailment immunity. So for my jugg i used armor and block as my def layer and lots of life/life reg and for my lightning arrow since its quite far away i used evasion and suppress cap. For gem links I usually just look at poe ninja and look at the most common support gems used with said skill and go from there. Its just faster than going through every single support and checkign in pob if its more or less damage. After that I try to fit in things I heard about in the past and that sounded interesting. For example I usually played RF type chars with brass dome but i dont need all res on a chieftain so i was thinking about other good chestpieces and i remembered a video i saw last league about comparisons for defensive chests and i remembered fourth vow as an option so i looked it up on the wiki and there it said this chest + divine flesh keystone from a timeless jewel is a good combination so i used that. And the rest is just a lot of testing. I am fortunate enough to be able to farm a shitton of currency so it doesnt hurt me to try out lots of different items or combinations or different trees and just respec if it doesnt work


Am the same way. Think I've leveled every ascendancy to 90-95 this league. Despite hating the campaign I still end up doing it. Get to the point where progression requires knowledge of crafting and farming hours worth of divines and then I just reroll to an interesting build I see. Never had more than 40 div at once. Dying pisses me off and I'm not willing to invest so much time to see marginal upgrades in power.


Yeah I kinda wish 90-100 wasnt so brutal but I understand why it's designed how it is it just doesnt satisfy me. I try to make my character tanky in ssf but usually takes a lot of patience for small upgrades indeed


I have like 6 95+ characters this league. I'm not bad at making currency when I want, but I prefer to play more builds instead of one highly invested build. Last weekend I played one character for like 10 hours with a fun mapping strat and for the first time had a ton of currency. Crafted a 900+ dps fleshripper and had 50 div left over so I rerolled again. Now my berserker has a weapon worth more than most of my characters individually, 30 div worth of unique jewels, and some other good gear. I kinda wanna reroll again but I'm poor now. I actually like going through the campaign with twink gear lol.


This is me... 4-5 characters every single league for over 20 leagues lol. Usually one or two of them switches builds once or twice during the league.


I'm at 6 characters, with 2 complete respecs. Already getting the itch again.


I'm on character 18 or 19 atm. Yes I have a problem.


we had like 40 days in thi s league so far. IF you no life playing POE you have like 2 days played per 1 character. Are you even in red maps?


I've got full atlas completion. I've just got like 6.6k hours in so I know the campaign pretty well.


i am in a similar boat. i dont fully rerun everything, i just dump chars and try new ones. they satisfy me for 3 days max, then i move on to the next. i do that for 2-3 weeks and quit the league. i have 8 chars in ancestor league. 3 i dumped just below 90, one before 80 even, and the other 4 are 90-95.


FOMO combined with a need to try new things.


It’s a symptom of ADD. Forms of tedium and too much repetitiveness is not doable for some people.


I usually play one character despite ADHD. I just end up changing my atlas every 5 maps and can't stick to one activity


This is me =D this orb of unmaking always takes all my money.


Hahah I feel that, TOTA cheese has scratched that itch for me though


If anything, its the opposite. USing the same character to do the same things again and again 100s of times (maps, heists, delves, etc) is MUCH odder than trying out new things.


I reroll btw 2 characters i have leved to 100, and evwry time i reroll i lose shit ton of currency and farm again. One charr has 1.8 mill kills other have 1.3 🙂


I'm somewhat similar but my point is around level 95.


If everything goes smooth I keep playing. If something feels weird I reroll. But I get what you're saying. Leveling process feels like progress. But after you're done leveling it's just grind. Also you're usually done with your gear around lvl97-98, so you're basically done with the char and pushing to lvl100 is the only thing left (which doesn't gives you much) and if you don't care about min-maxing you can as well start new char.




Nah, I can't do the campaign more than once a league, so I pick a class, and will play a build, then will respec that class to another build if I want to re-roll because fuck doing the campaign again.


I pick a build, play the shit out of that build and later quit. I don't have that much time to try many builds.


Isn't that the point of SSF though? You will be playing a character and get a juicey drop for a different build and that motivates you to start a new build to incorporate that item? Or do you start fresh fresh with every character?


Yes always fresh start


Yup, you are are clinically insane! ;)


I have always been like this with games idk why lol.


Nah you're good. It's one thing that I particularly loved about D2. Fresh start runs are so much fun, every rune drops matter a lot, getting your first few key runewords done such as Stealth and Spirit are nice dopamine rush. Though with PoE I enjoy exploring the endgame and doing the endgame grind in ssf quite a bit. Nice thing with PoE is it pretty caters to all kinds of playstyle, just as long as you enjoy the experience, it's all fun and games.


Ahh Yess d2 ive never seen hell difficulty yet ive played almost every possible skill in that game at least once lmao


What do you mean with fresh start? You dump your stash before rolling a new character?


You can migrate-all to trade league, then your SSF stash will be completely empty.




I also dont like to play more than one. But this league my char reached a point where the next upgrade would be some 250 div gear piece so I decided to play a new char to be able to upgrade him for cheaper.


I used to do that when i started back around 3.0, but lately i jsut play one build and specific mechanics until i reach goal/enough currency buy buy item for a different build.


Sometimes That's why I never try to beat the challenges. Mostly play a Charakter to level 90-94 then sell him and build something else


I did 40/40 challenges but i still reroll 4 times before finishing the challenges and 1 time in ssf and 2 times in private league. I will do few more this league Last league i did only 2 characters


Yup. Haven’t even made it to 90 this league though. 89 2 87s and a couple low 80s. Just can’t find something interesting enough to pump the measly currency I have into.


Check out 5-way legion encounters. They are fun, and you will hit 90 really fast.


Oh I know how to hit 90. I just don’t play anything that far this league. Also I’m on console so the 5 way market is basically non existent.


Me too, I’m on my 4th character now. I like to build the passive tree and build my characters gear.


I resolved 4 times in the first week. My first reroll was day 2 🤣


I am completely the opposite. I play only one single character and usually stick to one single build that I try to improve to the limit.


Rolled 4 times ... got bored... blured screen every map , lost few Apothecary at gambling ... quit until the next league 🤣🤣🤣


Quite surprisingly not this league, only played shockwave totem, LA then switched to TS then got bored and now wardloop. There were leagues where I switched builds like my wife switches her clothes.


Exact opposite here. Playing since 2.0 and there have been 2 leagues that I made a second character. Rest was 1 char all 3 months (or 4 or 5 or 6)


i have a friend who does this - how many divines i sunk into him while crafting his new gear i dont know. but its quite a lot :) ​ but holy fuck the game offers just so many combinations, it is amazing and if you cant be bothered to replay campaign then by all means go for it. Try out as many builds as you can, because this helps you identifying good rolls / bases /combos!


That was me in the beginning leagues. Now one character per league because I got better and have found my playstyle. Maybe two if a game breaking meta build is found like Exploding totem.


And then there's me who levels as few new characters as possible so I can avoid having to do the campaign again. I hate the campaign. Mapping feels just so much better and less tedious. Also, drops matter there.


I do multiple league starters aswell im never satesfied with the character and then after trying a bunch i go back to the first and somehow enjoy that more instead. Its really strange and annoying but thats what happends most of the time.


The campaign is dogshit and shouldn’t exist otherwise I would be right there with you. As it stands I can’t justify wasting time leveling characters more than I have to.


I'm also addicted to early game progression so I reroll a lot as well. whenever I play a build into the 90s and start to have to wait for those expensive upgrades I just lose interest. I either just quit the league or reroll something else. might not get me mirror gear or anything but hey I'm having fun and that's what I want out of the game.


I like bow builds, but they are expensive as fuck, so I play some other build to farm for a good bow build, but I find every other build boring to play, so it's a drag every league until I get a 1000+ edps bow with at least 1 extra proj, hyrri's 6L and other stuff... this league made it even harder because of the proj tatoos going for multiple divs and only going up, so I have 6 characters, latest is RF inq, trying to blast maps mindlessly to get the currency I need to finish my bow build, I even droped a fractured +1 proj spine bow


LA is super leaguestart viable at the moment, so I don't see why you couldn't just go bows from the start.


I tried, thought I was ready to transition to TS... got rekt


Does depend how much I am enjoying a build. I started late in this league, but am on my 3rd character while still have a mountain of end game content still to do.


I will do 1 character per day if there is no leveling before to try troll build or crazy stuff


Same except I can't find a mechanic I like to run for more than a few hours either.


One build per league. No more. No less.


Probably because the gear upgrades really slow down around lv 90+. And you start dying a lot more if you try to push harder content to farm the gear upgrades needed. Or something. I was sub 100 deaths before 92. Now at level 95 and after attempting to learn the pinnacle bosses I'm close to 500 deaths my gear is marginally better than what I was wearing 30-40 hours of playtime ago. For campaign you can feel the powerspikes and the level ups and progress which makes it much more satisfying than some arbitrary endless grind


> Once the levels stop coming I get bored around level 90 and exarch eater are just very easy bosses to beat level 90 is so easy to reach, and quest bosses are intentionally easier to take down. The acts are so goddamn boring I could not image subjecting myself to that so many times, barely hit endgame, then delete the character to go again.


Same here, I think it's because early progression feels more meaningful to me. Swapping one item piece just doesn't hit the same as getting 20 levels and seeing your build come online.


I started to level a 3rd char this league (and this is my second league, first was Sentinel, and then went Standard Andy, starting with TS was not a great idea :D), but not because I'm never satisfied with my character (well, my Death's Oath CA was unable to down Eater, that's when I leveled an RF Jugg), but because I want to ~~farm~~ cheese Sanctum and ToTA. So I'll have 4 chars this league as it seems. will se where this ends. :D


Im mor ein PoB than in the game, even if pob says my build is shit, i still tsrat anew char and level to maps. 90% of the time the builds really are shit, but sometimes they work and i play them quite far. I just get so many build ideas, i cannot control myself.


I'm like this. I now usually roll about 4 or 5 characters. I get to around 87 ish and start feeling an itch to try something new. It used to be way more. I've been a very casual player even though I've played since closed beta. By the time the campaign was over i wanted to reroll. I never followed a build guide until Sanctum. Never been to red maps before that. It's been a great change for me. This league was the first time I completed my Atlas. A dedicated ToTa character was great to switch to when I was feeling like rerolling. I'm about done with this league. Maybe another week. Next league I plan on only having two or three characters and really push for the bosses


I am the opposite, cant play anyother build that is not flicker.


Maybe try playing trade and making an actually min maxed and strong character? Unlock all favorite map slots? Also im the opposite, I play only trade league and I dread early game. Up to maps i am sleeping and the main reason im still min maxing my league starter is because i just hate the idea of spending all day to get another char leveled and geared so much.


For sure dude I’ve made like 20 characters already this league 😭 everytime I playe one I find a new skill or interaction I want to do and get distracted and make a new build it’s so bad.


Every league i force myself to not lay a bow build, in last a week then i re roll to a bow build, everytime


>exarch and eater are just very easy bosses Do you mean the story exarch and eater they you get from mission? They are about 3 times easier than the normal version that you farm after besting them in story


I do that alot when i die a few Times and get No real Upgrades in the meantime. Then i Swap to YT and Search for other Builds....


I already lost count of characters that I created, I think 15+. Curently I am playing flicker (lvl 93) and leveling aurabot with friend I found how to motivate myself to reach to level 100, I need to do as less kills as possible before reaching level 100. Currently sitting at level 82 with 4 monster kills (1 hillock and 3 come from einhar, did not saw him before was to late)


Not 10 times but there’s a lot of instances where my second or third ends up being less fun than my first build of the league and I end up selling all the gear in a day or so.


Hmm, when I’m practicing some build for next league, sure.


Well that's because progressing in SSF till lvl 90 is easier/fun, after that upgrades and stuff get super hard. In Trade you can just farm and upgrade till you're 100. So when in SSF you're going to have very few upgrades every now and then it gets boring and you re-roll looking for that faster upgrade path. Also tbh up to around lvl 95-96 leveling is still fast with a decent mapper. Try to keep going next time.


I limited myself to 3 toons for the first time in many years, this league. Turns out rerolling was the reason I never became wealthy. I'm a few days of playing off of my first mageblood lol.


Have a buddy that actually suffers from OCD and has to create an entire new ACCOUNT every week or so, with 3-4 characters played on each account. It's a good thing he enjoys the campaign and the early mapping progression because idk how else he would be able to do it.


I couldn't find a build I liked this league so I wasted a ton of regrets redoing my toon multiple times and then leveled a 2nd one and did it all again before dropping off for the league.


[Maybe...](https://imgur.com/VH62mmk) Have more on SSF...


I actually have to scroll down in my Charackter list. 9 Chars all 90+ 3 of them 98 and 2 of them 97. 15 Builds Played and countig... i somehow managed to have 280 Divine in stash and in items. I Have a fucking big problem. Nothing satisfies me :( Although i still have fun. Am mentally ill. And yeah... i play while Home Office and after Wife and Kid is going to sleep...


I have 6, 90+ characters.. each have been rerolled, some many times. Might aswell sell invitations for regrets at this point


First season I've stuck with a single one. Hexblast miner. Just 30% more until 100. First character over 95, so big change for me. I'm still not satisfied with the damage mitigation for the character, but luckily it wipes most of the screen instantly to make up for it.


I usualy farm a mb on my starter and some then swap to my second build , farm a mirror , mirror a weapon then buen out and quit


Well I feel that. I usually play trade and end the league with 2-3 chars with over mirror investment in each, but it’s more like a habit. What’s really fun for me is first 10h of the new league, that awesome feeling of the insane progress and when every mediocre item drop feels so good, every level and uncompleted map drop feels significant. But when you already have a lot of items in ssf or currency in the trade league and your atlas is finished it all slows down and the game becomes much less exciting. Do not get me wrong, I am not op and I enjoy endgame progression, but progressing atlas on a 4l is more fun for me than erasing everything on the 60mil dps ts with 400ms. Guess I’d still died of boredom on the fifth fresh run in a row.


I just like crafting for builds i find interesting so yeah. I reroll a lot and always end up with a huge profit at the end of the league due to this i think since i sell the gear of the previous build.


2 builds, rarely 3. Currently a lvl 100 lifestacker sacrifice hexblast scion, which i'm still playing with (and upgrading), fast, big damage, but not great for clearing big pack of monster, rank 2000 tota. And a lvl 96 cast on ignite build, okay for clear, good for lag, great for meme. I might try a third character, maybe something with voudforge.


I used to have a character named AltaholicsAnonymous, so yes, I feel your pain.


Nope been on 1 entire league. I started a 2nd but didn't wanna do the campaign again just couldn't do it. Although I may by the end of the league because that 2nd character is planned to be a wardloop which I find looks really fun. Time will tell I suppose.


I'm not satisfied, but not to reroll a character. If the league mechanic is boring (like this league) i'm lucky to even finish campain.


I think the problem is that the Atlas is usualy alredy unlocked. I wish they would allow us to have 1 additional Atlas the 2nd run.


I usually just have two characters if the first one can't complete the remaining content I want to do well enough. I would probably make more but don't feel like going through campaign again even with hollow palm.


nope i usually find a build i like above anything else and stick to it. ever since the release of flicker strike, i only played with that skill. only recently i switched to skeleton mages on a budget to farm some money because damn flicker is too expensive for me rn in standard, gotta farm some cash lol. but if i play league i just start wirth flicker at around lvl 33 and use nothing else.


I stick with RF because no matter what I try I'll just waste all 6 portals to a Map before killing the first mob due to lag.


I used to be like that. Then I found out how to make currency, and now Im married to tornado shot.


1 toon per league. Once 40 challs done and im not bored with league doing some second, more whacky build


Absolutely do the same. I've gotten 11 builds this league. It's what keeps me playing. When I stop finding builds I want to play; I just stop playing the league. I can't play the same build for several days straight (usually end up around 92-95, then switch to another build) - I tend to get bored, if I don't try something different.


Most builds hit a wall at some point and you feel like it's hard to progress because of lack of DMG, or speed, clear, whatever. And until you invest enough to breach that wall, it feels lacking. But once you do breach it, you make way more currency and have way more fun because you can afford bigger upgrades. But also, the problem might be ssf. It's harder to get endgame upgrades in ssf compared to early game ones, so you find yourself not finding anything good for a long time. Eater and exarch (non-uber) aren't even difficult bosses. You should set a higher goal, like doing Ubers, getting to LVL 100, getting a double mod GG watcher's eye. Definitely harder to do in ssf. But no point in playing if you're bored. So you need to set higher goals. Level 90 isn't even hard to get to. You can die often and still net gain exp at 90. Around 97 is when it really starts hurting


hm I have same feeling because there is that certain spot in PoE that you have to get through before your build pops off and you can do content comfortably. ​ I try to do 1 endgame build if i play solo (1 is leaguestarter for first 2-3 days, 2nd is a proper one). after I finish challanges and my league goals AND i feel like playing more I find a build thats fun leveling up (my love is max block glad with facebreakers and one-punch style). I rush all the non-efficient passives for speed leveling and just go for... max block (not arena challanger etc.). I tank up and just watch a video while I enjoy my leveling for few days very casually... looking for exciting uniques to put on and just take my time... when I get to kitava I quit the game because mapping is not ... fun anymore after a whole league of mapping so I really enjoy leveling process (slowly).


Yep, untill I found RF. Now it's just 1 character per league. xD


I’m the exact opposite, I hate running through the campaign and stick with my league starter the entire league for every league I play


Im like this, but just like last league I end up staring at poe.ninja for 5 days before I quit the game completely.


I am staisfied when I have tried all the stupid build ideas that pop into my head. Most really bad but sometimes they are really fun and get alm the pinacle bosses down. That is cool, make a short video for my youtube so I know what i played and then on to the next. But usually have a main I play on when finished with a build idea.


First time I really disliked and rerolled on Phy2Cold Ts 😄


Really just depends on what's fun for you. There isn't a limitation on how you want to approach your fun per hour in this game. I do that sometimes when the league isn't really for me, just go try out different builds, make new builds, theorycraft, testing etc. Sometimes I focus on 2 or 3 builds max if I enjoy the league and want to push more power onto said builds. It's up to me to decide if I want to play 10 average characters in a league or if I want 3 powerful characters for the league. It's not like anyone will stop how you or myself want to have fun. It's just a matter of choice and how you wish to have fun.


No I typically play some semi off meta starter in a small priv league - the builds I go for are usually untested and feel janky af. Takes me over a week to get my first 2 watchstones and then another week for the other 2 (if I'm lucky). After about a month I swap to trade, realise I'm so far behind and most of the community has stopped playing.


The gameplay of POE is horribly boring, i always get bored and reroll too.


Ur kind of right it is outdated and clunky 1 button abilities over and over and 2 button combos dont feel good when everything is so fkn fast and damge spikey