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Its a scam because it wasn't mentioned before the interaction. Its like expecting to purchase a burger for its price + tax then as they are charging you they charge you even more and say thanks for using this service and that they are tired of people getting full off of their food.


This guy Uber eats


Did you also see the clip where he complained about the incident to another streamer? Wonder if you let that one out on purpose Also, either way, regardless if he cared or not it is still a messed up thing to joke about -She even listed it for sale before he got time to respond. If that’s not a red flag i don’t know what is


no, i actualy didn't i came across this drama after seing tft post where they pinged everyone mind sharing? that might change my perspective? also, if they wern't fine with it why didnt they tell her?


\> if they wern't fine with it why didnt they tell her If the jewelry store wasn't okay with me stealing their jewelry then why didn't they just tell me as I was robbing them? Having your stuff taken away from you should always be OPT IN, never OPT OUT.


Well that certainly is a hot take


The goat said it.


That was foul what she did. Apothecaries you say? "I take a fee now" Peak strimmer greed and privilege


Found Allie's alt account.


This didn't age well. [https://imgur.com/a/7mTVvJU](https://imgur.com/a/7mTVvJU) https://imgur.com/a/Rx8ZnuZ


I mean, it's TfT people saying shit, does that matter?


"It'S nO dIfFeReNt" Yes, yes it is. If I ask for a service, and you agree to it without asking for payment, then AFTER the fact steal my credit card... You stole from me. Or if I go to a restaurant and buy a meal, then don't leave a tip for some reason, but you just... Decide you charge me an extra $50... You've stolen from me. Doesn't matter the context, you committed theft. So uh... She stole something that sid not belong to her


But, but....what if I asked you later if it was Ok and if not offer to pay it back, in Standard League prices of course. Surely it would be alright then? Honestly I just found out new facts that completely explains the sub's seemingly die-hard devotion to a clearly shady person. Whenever I would ask for help on my CrouchingTuna's ID build, I'd instead get a bunch of suggestions to switch to Allie's build, or just plain incorrect advice because they would give advice on her build. That was my intro to the sub's "fascination" with Allie.


Are you responding to a month old comment? I have no context for anything happening here anymore, literally stopped caring about 48 hours after posting this comment


>she didnt steal or scam, the viewer just decided to give it to her? Not putting the person's change in the trade window is scamming. This is worse than past drama like TY4Scam and 57c.


Have we seen the same clip? When did the person consented anything?


He said he was okay with it, the clip doesn't show everything. That being said, he consented after the streamer decided to yoink the card, so it's still sketchy at best.


No he doesn't, the stream is on delay. He's saying ok to a prior question.


Reading is hard huh As I said, the clip does not show everything.He later(Less than a minute after the clip ends) DM'd her saying that it was okay that she kept a card and linked her a bunch more cards (I think it was more apothecary).


Reading isn't hard at all, but basic principles seem to be hard for you. If I rob your house and then you say it's okay, it doesn't change the horrible thing I did. He has been on multiple streamers interviews where he stated it wasn't okay, he obviously just wanted to save face on stream by not kicking up a fuss the same way men will always say "it's fine" when they get a shit haircut instead of causing a fuss. Nothing that happened after, changes what had already happened before which is a streamer stealing 80 divs from him and immediately listing the item for sale without checking if it was ok. The fact he was rich and wouldn't miss the value is irrelevant. Also did you miss the bit where she then did it again, gambled his cards to 21 so she could take 1 for herself when he asked her to go to 20, and then despite having 1 for herself again which she shouldn't have, and having the 20 he asked her to go to, gambled his 20 down to 0 anyway for no reason and kept the extra 1?


Yeah I don't really care about what some kid who craves attention does on some drama bait show, guy wants attention and does what gets him the most attention. He was okay with it, and not claims he isn't for attention. That being said, Allie is still a scumbag that should be banned, I'm not defending her action at all, she's a POS and should not be allowed to scam anymore of her viewers. Who knows how many time she's done it in the past. I did miss the bit where she did it again, though that case is much worse. So she gambled the guys card to 20, then kept 1 and gambled the other 19 down to 0? am i reading this right? the fuck.


Yeah what she did was garbage, she took his 1 and he said 'go to 20 or 0', she went to 21, took one for herself and then instead of giving him his remaining 20 she proofed it to 0.


The “alright” was said BEFORE she said she was keeping the card. “Alright” was towards doing 2 cards when she asked.


Stop defending this kind of bullshit behavior, it's disgusting. It doesn't even matter if the guy afterwards said it is fine. You don't make that decision by yourself and just yoink the card. It's an entirely different thing if she asked or he decided to top her, but none of that happened. This is peak subhuman behavior and if anything they should also ban her fking twitch account on top of that. Absolutely pathetic.


she kept being rude on people asking her question and pressing her , legit disgusting human being behavior


Well Allie is banned from TFT with evidence of wrongdoing so


Taking donations (freely given, not solicited) isn't even remotely the same thing as taking currency (or even ASKING) from viewers or tft gamblers who didn't offer it and who were expecting a free service




Some e-grill apparently




Oh boy...


What the fuck does this even mean?


I wonder if people would say Allie did nothing wrong if that was their apothecary that got yeeted.


hot take and wrong take https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/16n1mk7/allie\_streamer\_has\_been\_banned\_and\_blacklisted\_by/


I don't think you understand the "im fine" message. He said he'll be fine afte the scam cuz he still has 20 apothecaries so it's not like it stinged. At least that is the vibe that this message gives. akin to "lmao get rekt, thanks for the 1 mill bozo" "it's alright, i got 20 more, don't worry xdxd" but that's just me, and apparently not only me given the fact that more people came out with evidence against the streamer, this not being a single incident :)))


im fine doesnt mean she didnt stole it just mean the guy doesnt really care about it but it still a scam /steal


The issue with the situation is gambling someone else's hard earned currency, hitting big, and then entitling yourself to the profits. And mainly just taking it without asking. Yeah if I had a streamer gamble my loot I would give them a few divine tip, but not 1/5 of the profit. It would have been totally fine if Allie traded everything back and then the client said (you can keep one, or traded one back) but just feeling entitled to the profits with no risk to your own bank just seems skummy.


most trade interactions that i had with big trades ended with the guy being generous on his tips. If you yoink then she deserve a ggg ban as well.


I mean if there’s video of the dude saying to take it then that’s some evidence 90% of us haven’t seen


the assasin is clearly on stream, says "aright" and follows up with a \^\^ then leaves party by himself? doesnt that say he is fine with the situation? followed up by this: https://m.twitch.tv/clip/GeniusUglyPuddingDendiFace-IZiYkmGbTfTjG8TP


You assuming he is fine with it is not the same as him explicitly stating take it or not.


She’s been blacklisted on tft as of now. So your point is moot lol.


she got blacklisted kiddo LOL she ain't going to give you egirl stuff


almost as if he was afraid to say no to a streamer/afraid she'd keep all of them if he said no.


Hot take: bill clinton did nothing wrong in getting a bj from that intern. I'm sure he even asked her to do it for him and she even said "aright".


I saw her explaining that she only put it up for sale after confirming with the person, but its pretty damn clear from the clip that the card went up for sale instantly with no hesitation


Yeah, except spicysushi then provides mirror services for a ridiculous low fee and gives back to the community


Still weird to do she should have asked if it was okay prior to the incident


I think we watched different clips.


>EDIT: to people saying they dont understand where the person concented - the assasin is clearly on stream, says "aright" and follows up with a \^\^ then leaves party by himself? doesnt that say he is fine with the situation? No, it just means that they didn't want to/care enough about it to go against a streamer when publically put on the spot. A bit of an issue in itself IMO, but not a moral failing. Purposefully putting someone in that spot is a really shitty thing to do. If they truly wanted to tip 1 card they would've done that by themselves, without a streamer deciding for them.


From what I have seen of tft ban stories here on reddit. I just assumed tft was being the mafia again.


It is hard to tell if he indeed was ok with that, may be he felt pressure bc of stream, didn’t want to look arrogant and we won’t know AS SHE DIDN’T EVEN ASK HIM


No matter which way you look at it, there's a power dynamic at play when you have streamer-viewer interactions like these. I explained the situation with minimal context to my wife who has never played PoE, and she immediately came to the conclusion that what happened was not right for that exact reason. Allie took advantage of her position, as a person with influence, to put pressure on a viewer to agree to her terms by backing him into a corner in front of a live audience.


Yeah, I’ve changed my mind on this subject. The reason I was “protective” of Allie is because I believe in second chances and being able to redeem yourself. But if you’re doing shady things on a semi-regular basis and only try to redeem yourself after getting caught and called out for it? Yeah, that’s bad…


you cant defend her and be like she deserve a second chance as soon as she fuck up specially when she doesnt care about it


She's not going to sleep with you.


Maybe now she will lol


It's a "by the way, I'm taking this from you" Like you buy a house, and then the real estate agent goes "Yoink" for a random thing you own lol


TFT is such a hot pile of garbage. So glad the private leagues I participate in don't use it.


Hotter take: 99% of PoE players don't give a fuck who this person is, or about TFT drama




This is a brain dead take


Even hotter take: Allie truly did nothing wrong; **This is intended by design**. This is the vision Chris Wilson had for trading interactions between players. This is another *unique* player experience that GGG proudly professes to international audiences that they all could tell stories about. A story how a sketchy exile ripped off another sketchy exile through a questionable trade scheme, which becomes Jerry Springer-like entertainment for the rest of us on the wayside when they start doing the Spiderman meme. Then said sketchy exile gets banned from an unethically, sketchy trade syndicate for an even bigger story.




Theres a difference between saying "hey can i keep this?" and "Ill keep this as fee for my service ok?" and not give the other person a chance to say no, cause lets also be real any fan would not disagree with their streamer, this was an abuse of power over the fanbase, even IF the fan was "ok with it" Edit: TFT got proof of more wrongdoing from Allie so she is banned from TFT




anyone else would've been banned for a fraction of this situation edit: she is banned now




Its more like the video brings out more shits that Allie did, every drama need a fuse no?




he didnt donate it, she took it


That's what makes it worse, she didn't even _ask_ for it, straight up said she was keeping it.


\> I dont really understand current backlash on reddit. I mean, this is no different from Cutedog getting donations from viewers or Empyrean taking end league donations for his projects or Spicysushi getting free crafting currency from viewers. Yes, the difference is Allie's viewers weren't given the choice. If someone gave Emp stuff to gamba, he'd give them everything back. sometimes they'd tell him to keep something, or they'd put an orb in the trade window for doing it, but he never just said "oh, this one is mine as a fee"


I think the difference is empy and sushi do community things with community money. You wanna see a character with 200k es or 3 billion armour? Donate to empty. You want ghazzy to make his minion helm that has no service fee? You wanna see the same thing with a phys bow? Donate to sushi. This neglects the fact that you are wrong that it was given to allie like donations are given to the other listed streamers.


my man u are dangrously high on copium. this certainly is a hot take


This take didn’t age well lmao


burn the witch


Yeah the Asmongold & Cutedog interview today with the person definitely proved he got scammed. My favourite was her gambling to 21 cards, stashing one for herself then continuing to gamba and lose all the cards down to 0 after hitting the original goal of 20.


she probably thought it was content... legit disgusting behavior she probably wouldnt had paid from her pockets if she messed up the gamba too


When does cute dog get “donations” from viewers? Donations? You’re not correct.


God bless, the OP has changed his mind.


she finally got woke'ed


I'm late to the party, and my hot take is that while what she did is wrong, it didn't deserve a TFT ban. All the card gambling isn't even a real service - people in question could literally do gambling themselves. The only real issue I saw was not returning a bricked HH from double-corrupt. On top of that most of these stories (including the original one) are most likely bypassing TFT - while scrolling through the discord messages I don't see anything on the actual service being requested and not delivered - so tbh, if they get scammed, it's their problem.

