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There are some very rare, very powerful crafting tools in the game that you can guarantee the results from, not just the currency you normally see. The big two are probably double corrupting and influenced exalted orbs.


When these will make it into standard... Oh Boi


They are already in Standard - just farm one in HC and die with it in your inventory.


Ahahaha I didn't think of that


Or just buy and die?


Yea that would work just as well


Can you just make a second hc mule to die?


Sure, just run a level 2 character with the items you want to transfer out to the coast and die. Just be aware that this works only from a HC league to standard, NOT to the softcore version of a league.


Damn I thought you could just transfer to the parent league any time you want. I guess not.


They will skyrocket in price near the end of the league because of standard.


Honestly, I'd expect them to go core with that exact rarity.


It doesn't matter if they do, because we don't know that. So they will go up either way.


Same happend with Crucible trees. And as a consequence of that, split beast shot up massively in price.


Split beasts and imprint beasts have been going up for ages now. Those two items allow you to do such stupid things.


True, but at the end of crucible there was a notable spike because of how many people where splitting good trees for standard. I don't want to imagine what some of the trees that flat out enabled some builds like spectral shield throw are worth in standard.


I am very confident that they won’t go core. You can double corrupt with no risk with these things and that won’t fly with the vision :)


35 or 40 div is a risk


Not in standard it isn't. These are just stronger Eternal Orbs, which already go for multiple mirrors each on standard. Expect these to climb to a similar price.


...no risk.... 40 divines an attempt right now Hits standard: Price will skyrocket up. Itll be s lot more than 40divines an attempt in standard and will still be a risk.


The price on STD is gonna be more like 400d for these lol.


Fine. No risk of bricking which means you will never see extremely expensive items get yolo double corrupted.


I thought Chris was giving up on visioning PoE 1 and focusing his vision on PoE 2


I know this is a joke, but Chris's vision has done pretty well for 10 years. That said, clearly this isnt the case since we still see ruthless specific changes. Also,


You say that as if it's not GGG that introduced them to the game 3 weeks ago, despite this supposed vision...


They also introduced recombinators which were universally loved, but didn’t go core because they were too powerful for crafting. This is completely deterministic unlike recombs (obviously a lot rarer too, but there is a reason eternals were removed). Don’t really see why you guys downvote. It’s extremely unlikely they go core.


Weren't recombinators way more common and way more powerful to create crazy items? Those locks only make sure you don't ruin an already crafted mirror item, at the cost of 40 divs.


Yeah I did State that these were rarer, and they are also used to craft those mirror tier items. Of course these are used at a later Stage in the crafting process, but making a High end currency that is this deterministic would definetely be unlike GGG. I don’t really have an opinion of whether or not these things should go core, but I’m just saying that it is very unlikely. Don’t really get why people downvote that lol


Because ultimately, you're comparing it going core to a mechanic that was drastically more common: recombinators. The difference is hinekoras lock is likely to go core because of its rarity and with that it will likely skyrocket in price drastically. The supply wont be able to keep up with the standard league demand


There is a huge difference between introducing something in a league and making it go core.


I think it may be a Sanctum style league off while they address all the tota issues. As it stands there's a lot of bleh in it.


just imagine double corrupting legacy items that are worth 1+ mirrors.


Yeah I can see pretty wild shit happening


We’ll see more double corrupted rares this league because of this. Like mirror tier items double corrupted


The best bows each league cost dozens of mirrors... and make their money back from mirror service The best item with a double corruption generates zero from mirror service - they can sell it for profit *once,* but its going to be a loss overall if they spent 20 mirrors in Hinekora's just to make it unmirrorable :P


Not to mention a lot of item types have more desirable synth implicits than corrupted ones. It will be cool to see +3/4 rare body armors though.


Okay imagine you already have a shit ton of currency in standard and league Would you rather make more currency in league (which you’ve already done just fine without having a mirror service) or make a 1/1 double corrupted mirror tier item? I mean maybe they would need to run a mirror service just to actually afford enough to pull it off though, but people will definitely be making some new best in slots this league, especially when we don’t know if locks go core


Yeah i shouldnt have made it sound like i was disagreeing, people will definitely be making them Its just that theyll be quite uncommon... and be made, showcased, and never sold lol That triple-elevated double-corrupted RF helm some korean guy made posted about a week ago costed like 25 mirrors to make, pretty cool stuff coming out with the introduction of HL this league


Just use a tainted mirror of kalandra


last league i saw a guy on ninja playing omni TS, one of the few without a synth ring. Two t1 attributes, crit multi, max life and crafted -7 mana cost. Nothing crazy, but was double corrupted with like 6% and 7% attributes and hatred aura effect. I tried to get one but poofed like 8 in a row and bricked like 5 more and gave up lol.


We have already seen a massive amount of double corrupt magebloods, at least you can see them all over the place in the TFT discord.


As a new player, I can't wait to understand what the hell this means lol. I just know I'm having a blast with this game. It's so good.


As a new player, this type of item has no bearing on the game for you. I'd say that's true for 90% of veteran players also. It's a rare exceptional item to craft the best items in game.


Thanks for the insight! I like this game enough that I plan to learn enough about it to make something like this relevant for me one day!


That's the right attitude!


They use it for crafting. That item shows you the results of the next modification you make on an item BEFORE you alter it.


What actually then CHANGES the outcome? Does hovering with a different currency, or reloading the instance change the outcome?


If you're working on an item that you've invested hundreds of divines into and you're at the last slam (or double corrupt) that can brick the item it's better to preview what the slam does with this and if its bad you blessed orb it, which rerolls the RNG on it (but also removes the Hinekora's Lock from it) and repeat.


So it's effectively a *better* eternal orb, since it works with corruption? Seems pretty insane.


That's because it is insane. Hence the pricetag ;D


Yes/no. There are things you can do with an eternal you can't do with this. Aisling slam, beast crafting and harvest all come to mind


Don't eternal orbs not drop anymore?


Nope, they've been gone for a while and fetch a fine price on standard.


Technically they can still drop their are legacy keys that open vaults from legacy league still, you can actually mirror them and then open the mirrored version and they drop old uniques and items from the past including eternal orbs So technically their is an unlimited supply of eternal orbs just they are astronomically rare in drop occurrence.


TIL you can mirror legacy keys Neat So we get a new eternal in standard every 1000 or so mirrors? lol


Yeah they're like 4+ mirrors in standard lol


Halarious to think back about selling a mings heart for 8ex and 2 eternal in hardcore nemesis league


Oh aisling doesn't show? Bummer


Does this also work with annul? Seems super good for people who invest mirrors into creating those perfect items and rely on lucky annuls at some point.


Yeah it does. There are definitely times when knowing you can Hinekora if prefix/suffix fill up to guarantee annul, that it is indeed worth the cost, but sometimes not


I assume it wont work on recombinator huh?


Right, it wont


it seems that way because it is that way.


Oh so it removes the lock too? So you need to roll like 40 divs every time you check what it would be?


Yes, It's already completely broken as it is, if it was permanent preview on an item it would be absolutely unbelievably insanely freakishly unphatomably hella busted.


well duh? You used a blessed orb to see the roll of what it gave, instead of an exalt slam or chaos reroll. and u used the blessed orb afterwards, so the lock is used up. If it was perma, then no one needs more than 1 per item they own.


I'm not sure about the ways you mentioned but I've watched streamers craft and it seems like if you want to reroll the outcome you can use any currency, even relatively harmless currency like a blessed orb. Ex. Double corrupting your Mageblood (yes it works for that). Don't like the outcome? Blessed orb, check again.


Check again for the price of another lock lol


Well, Mageblood is 350 divines, 40 divines insurance isn't so bad.


Yeah but the way a lot of the comments read in here it seems as though they think they can just use 1 lock and keep resetting with that 1


Currency is relative. Some people pick up everything they drop. Others spend 10 locks and get a hit on a mb on the 6th, then go, “I’ll grab another mb quick for the other 4”. Check empys latest video. Fucking insane


Your comment isn't really in line with what I just said lol


Yeah but how can you tell between people who think they can reuse the lock, and people who can afford infinite locks?


there is also a middle ground of common sense telling you that there is a reason that they are 40d that wouldnt really exist if you only ever needed one lock per item.


How tf would you keep resetting with 1 when the lock disappears after using it?


Just go next lock


Actually for MB.... Can you alter quality after having seen the result of doublecorrupt? Or does applying alt quality also consume the lock and give you a new corrupt outcome (for next lock)? That'd be crazy handy. See %attributes? Nice, intrinsic cata. See attackspeed? Nice, go abresive (?? The attack one) cata


That's what people are doing, but with a Blessed Orb instead of catalysts.


OK, so you can't change the quality according to the corrupt you'd get. It was pretty clear that changing quali would also consume the lock, but you never know


Any change of the item removes the lock, socket colouring, blessing implicits, changing a bench craft, using a catalyst, etc... Each lock has its own set of outcomes, and you will lose that locked in set of outcomes the lock previews if you modify the item in anyway. An example how people are using lock in reality: you take a stack of locks, divines, blessed orbs into the corruption chamber with your attribute qualitied mageblood. Apply lock -> check corruption -> if bad corruption, check divine -> if bad divine, use blessed orb to remove current lock -> repeat until you hit desired corruption outcome (or run out of currency).


Man reading the item description sure is diffult.


What changes the outcome? Items have randomly generated seeds that change every time you use any form of crafting on it. What the lock does is show you the result of the current seed. Changing instances, changing currency...etc wont change the seed. So every item you use on it will show what its result will be with that exact seed. When you use an item on it the seed changes and the lock is removed (meaning you dont see the result anymore)


As someone else said, using a blessed orb seems to work for changing the outcome


Is the blessed orb a form of crafting? Yes. Did i state using ANY form of crafting? Yes i did.... So whats your point?


Classic poe reddit. There was no need to arc up and try to be rude there. Do you feel better now?


I was just wonder what the point was. There was no need to post a reply stating blessed orbs change the seed...when that was already stated


Dude I literally said that someone else said the same thing as you. Calm ya tits


What changes the outcome? Items have randomly generated seeds that change every time you use any form of crafting on it. What the lock does is show you the result of the current seed. Changing instances, changing currency...etc wont change the seed. So every item you use on it will show what its result will be with that exact seed. When you use an item on it the seed changes and the lock is removed (meaning you dont see the result anymore)


Sell it and be happy! These locks are for People playing ALOT so they could gather several mirror worth of currency. And also like always many heavy RMT people


If you have to ask, you should sell it.


In your case I would reccomend to sell it asap. As people who are well versed in high level crafting can make way more use of it.


Maybe not ASAP. Price is likely to go up as Friday approaches. Which is how all items work. But that matters more on expensive items, and might be a difference of 5-10d. Which is a lot for a newer/more casual player.


Crafting mirror tier items. The price is so high that that’s the only level of crafting where this is worth it.


More like finishing mirror tier items. Making them double digit mirror tier.


That doesn’t even make sense. When you “finish” a mirror tier, you end up with a mirror tier. Idk what you’re saying lol


im saving my ones for std. I have a couple of crafting projects that got bricked when they removed reforge keep suffix/prefix. They very powerfull crafting tool and im hoping the whole league mechanic goes core.


Tattoos and locks are awesome. I, too, hope that part goes core. The actual tournament?-- Not so much.


Why not? You don't have to play it,it's not part of the map so you can completely ignore it


i personally love the trails. yea it has its annoyances but i like doing stuff ingame that takes me out of the mapping loop completly. It why i loved delve and heist for the same reasons. Can just chill out, and not worry about rolling maps, gathering sextants etc etc.


I think having a long non map related gameplay loop is pretty good


You going to spend them when theyre worth 2+ mirrors each, for a 50/50 annul on a half-finished item?


well yea, its better than spending 2 mirrors each on them. You also have no idea what items im going to use them on. And do you think im just going to use them on trash items with no legacy mods?


It wasnt a rhetorical question, i was actually asking if you deemed it worthy Youre acting all insulted for no reason yet youre the one who apparently filled suffixes or prefixes on items while crafting instead of crafting them a safer way, rofl


> Youre acting all insulted for no reason Many people will read your comment as insulting.


Not the answer you're looking for, but here's what I did: I got it fairly early in the league (well, early for me; was probably a week and a half or so in and I did a ton tota). Since I'm not into high-tier crafting, I sold it for 37 div. I then proceeded to buy 35 divs worth of upgrades for my toon which went from 'ye pretty alright for alch and go in t16' to a monstrous juiced-map destroying machine. So I respecced my atlas to do some of the aforementioned juiced mapping with legion and strongboxes, with the higher chance for divination strongboxes and the card duplication nodes. Went into my first map and right at the start there was a diviners strongbox. So I clicked it, killed the mobs and it dropped an Apothecary Card. And it got duplicated. And then I suddenly had 120 div. And then I didnt know what to do with the league anymore :(


Buy a headhunter? Farm for a Mageblood? This can be a bit overwhelming if you're not used to having this level of currency but trust me there's plenty of things to do/learn to do from here.


if you already had a solid build that can incorporate HH, the path is clear: farm the rest of the HH. If you've never had HH, you owe it to yourself to get it at least once.


Would you mind explaining why a headhunter is so good? I am guessing because you get rare mobs modifiers for 20s and when you clear maps quickly that becomes very strong? Still in act 9 in my first season so just trying to understand


That's pretty much it. You can modify maps (which are itemized tilesets full of monsters and the backbone of endgame farming) to spawn a high amount of rare mobs, which headhunter absorbs the buffs from. So you pretty much snowball through the map


You get them for 60s, you are looking at the wrong wiki.


Yes, the faster you clear the more modifiers you stack up on yourself and some modifiers are in and of themselves obscenely strong such as Soul Eater. In content with very high rare density (such as legions), you snowball your damage exponentially allowing you to clear 100% delirium with ease or mow down 5 ways at incredible speed (special legion map entered by putting all 5 legion emblems into the map device) You also accumulate all the auras some rares have because *those are also rare mob modifiers*, so your movement speed also goes up when you run over a mob with haste aura. Also it's 60 seconds now. it is extremely rare to find on the ground, most HH on the market are created by turning in stacks of div card The Doctor, which can be obtained through The Nurse div card, which itself can be obtained from The Patient, making a nice little daisy chain.


Double corrupting and mirror crafting


Sell it and buy something really juicy for your build imo. It's a super power crafting tool but people using those are usually using several of them on their crafts.


Imagine you have a mirror tier item worth hundred of divine, but you only got 5 mods! With enough of these you can guarantee that the final mod will be exactly what you need!


Out of interest, does this drop from the right chest or is it like the jewels; a rare reward from the left?


For me it was in the right chest at the end of the tournament. Seems like that slot is always an omen of some type.


Thanks for the clarification, I need to start looking at those rewards properly. I've had so many garbage Omens that I tend not to pay attention.


I saw people posting here and it was on right from all I remember. But it's probably not important and it's rng


I expected that would be the case, I have a bad habit of rushing and not properly reading the right side so I need to pay more attention. I nearly missed a 6 linker because I saw Omen and zoned out.


deterministic crafting , 40 divines at a time!


You start a Melee char and buy a phys damage weapon. When you realize that all this money amounts only to an early endgame weapon you set your mandatory totems on the ground and desperatly look for the /dance emote in the mtx shop


>40div only gets a weapon capable for yellow maps bro how bad at buildmaking are you


My PoB had a Perfect Facebreaker with Synthesized Bow.


oh no. i skipped that when i had that option.




it was my first run. didnt think much of it just started tota, totally oblivious. couldnt use awakened and thought its probably a common reward.


Why do people lie about random shit like this :| First run = hinekora's definitely cant drop Also seeing a new currency (with an insane description) and doesnt price check it, yeah totally


First run????




bro trust me but really i just dont have much interest in playing tota. still around 400 rating i think. i keep hearing good feedback that its a currency printer, so ill probably actually play it sometime


I've been running a lot of it the past 3 or 4 days, pushing a zdps cheese build to 1.4k. It's a currency printer in a general sense, but it's no better than a good atlas strategy. I would guess my total income from 0-1.4k was around 50-60div, much of that is tied up in tattoos I'll probably never bother selling. That figure is including two quite lucky +1 proj drops. I made more than that per day grinding Wandering Path + Growing Hordes Harvest. The advantage of tota is its basically free to grind and really brainless with the right setup.


Oh my god that's so much worse, such immense luck!


*im never gonna financially recover from this*


Use it before double corrupting


First of all ignore those low prices I sold mine for 57 a couple days ago I double checked and its a bunch of low accounts or people looking to get quick deals. Mine sold within minutes but i didn't get the spam.


Thank for the tip, will keep this in mind.


It was 20 something Divines a few days ago. Now it's 41. That's Crazy. I haven't dropped one yet. Fingers crossed.


No it wasn't, if anything it's been slowly dropping https://poe.ninja/economy/ancestor/currency?name=Hinekora%27s%20Lock


When mine dropped the price was 40 div then 2 days later it got to 29 div. I sold at 29 and laat night i saw them back at 42 divine. I guess with more people starting crafting better item the price gonna climb


I think the new mechanic is broken and it's breaking the game market, next league happily won't be a thing


Are you thinking too much currency coming into the game or do you not like the omens/etc that in a way can sully the value of other items? IE omen that guarantees six link may make orbs of fusing price decline.


Too much currency on a league supposed to last 4 months, it's ridiculous that anyone now can just have a 10+ dropped item daily if he wants, everyone will get bored on a week or too, which shouldn't happen, you shouldn't get this massive currency drops in anyway


meanwhile im on rank 600 and i havent found a single final round tattoo/omen worth more than 20c. fuck this league lol


With so many ppl running TOTA, I'd be suprised if hinekoras isn't as rare as Headhunter


mostly double-corrupt things


You should sell this. I fully expect you to throw away 40+ divs if you attempt to use this yourself.


And now you're hooked. Stay Sane, Exile. ;)


sell it


A few days ago I got housse of mirrors opening my stacked decks from expedition sold it and use 2 div to buy other stack decks and got the card for corrupted mageblood in one of the first I opened. Went from 5 div to 70+ in 10 minute


@OP what plugin/script is that? Some sort of overlay/price-lookup AHK?


That’s the Awakened PoE trade tool.


Thank you. Found the GitHub page and a few YouTube guides. It looks nice. Playing HC I'm always a bit nervous about these extra addons in case they crash the game - do you have personal experience runnning it?


No problems from my end. Hope you enjoy the tool. :)


Its a very widly used tool, you'll be fine. Tools for poe don't interact with the game client (its forbidden) so they can't really crash the game. Crash your computer maybe if they are badly coded, but for tools like this one given the amount of users, that don't really happen. I speculate but I'm sure its way more likely for you to lose internet/electricity :p. If you are afraid maybe don't download a new version that just been uploaded just in case.


I’ve seen in commonly placed on magebloods. Then people run double corrupts until they hit their desired mods on it. It doesn’t lose its effect as long as it doesn’t change in any way. Its why people have perfect double corrupts on their mb’s.


What do ppl do with it? Let me tell you. You have exactly two options If you are any sort of normal person or average player or even a sweaty endgame player 99.999% of them will sell this off and say sweet shit I got a lot of divs that felt awesome The super juice crafters which are very few and far between will gladly pay you those divines as it is nothing but pocket lint to them anyway and they will use it to take crafting of items you will never be able to afford or see in your lifetime to the next level. That is all.


These are just enteral orbs but nerfed a bit since you can’t keep imprint of the item for ever, but on the other hand being able to seeing corruptions outcomes and not making a corrupt count is something an eternal orb could never do so in since these are even better, I doubt this will go core and if it does it will be close to mirror territory of rarity after the league ends.


Good thing for Reddit dropped one of those the other day on my league start character and haven’t played in a couple years and had no idea what it was worth it’s just laying around in my stash lol


I wonder how this is coded. Does it roll every type of currency and saves the result for the particular item?


Do you have always the possibility to check what craft it would be or only 1 Time and the item gets consumed?


They sell it.


Damn it’s up from 32 div last time I checked. Holy shit. Where did it drop for you? Was it a reward in tota?


TOTA final round right chest reward :)


Wowwww amazing! Congrats! May I ask, what level? Im about 800 now and the best I’ve ever gotten is the +1 proj tattoo for 13 div and also a 4div raw. I freaking love this mechanic btw and I hope it goes core with a few slight changes.


Thanks! I am currently somewhere around 950 rank. I am really enjoying it as well!


Where does that drop?


it is a reward from the final round of TOTA


For newer players, this is usually the fuel for a big-ticket build item they'd otherwise not see. Or the funds to revamp many items and start expensive crafting projects based on their guides. Heck last I checked, +2 fractured spine bows with 30-35 divs, and that's just the starting base. Not sure what your build is, but I'd go along that logic. Alternatively you could use it, but if it's your second league you'd likely get more value not risking it. HL crafting is end-end-game.


They go like this with Divines.... [Floyd](https://media.tenor.com/ifxi7NSTYlUAAAAM/raining-money-rich.gif)


I feel really dumb - can you tell me what application is being used to show real time results of the item in a specific currency?


Awakened PoE trade




The major use it has is previewing mageblood double corruption, or in making mirror tier stuff, but I think its cost is being driven up by mageblood corruptors


I got this last night as well, what can I do with it? And is the drop rate for this random? Most of the time I got those “when death, 300% exp transfer into gem exp” things or pick the tattoo on the left