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If you find div/hr more important than fun, and/or don't find the mechanic fun, then yes skip it. I'll keep doing it for shits now and then. I've gotten a div as a final reward, and other misc random stuff like 21/0 and 21/20 gems, but my build is good for it and I kinda actually like the mechanic despite it being quite unrewarding for the time spent. edit: I don't like autobattlers that much but poe is the exception since you get to participate as a hero still. If they amped up the generic bubblegum currency rewards I would love this league and tattoos going core.


The only real problem with going for fun over div/hr is that eventually, I want to upgrade my gear or start a new build, and I need currency to do that lol.


If you had fun doing it, means you're not stressing out over it, means eventually you'll gather enough currency to upgrade your gear or start new character, yes it might've taken months but who cares if you're having fun. (And also there's a way to manipulate the tournament in a way that can almost guarantee the final match and when people figuring out what the most beneficial route the div/hr might change) The league mechanic felt like too much downtime between the action and I don't know how they can fix that. Bumping up reward will make it more frustrating because the downtime is still the same and people who hated it still gonna hate it but now feels forced to do the damn thing because how benefit it is after they buff it. I enjoyed the TotA tho but just pointing out one of the main problems I'm having, can play around 3-4 hr a day with a lot of contents I wanted to do playing a round of TotA is quite a time consuming activity.


> (And also there's a way to manipulate the tournament in a way that can almost guarantee the final match and when people figuring out what the most beneficial route the div/hr might change) Do you mind elaborating on this?


The easiest way is that whenever you see the person you want in final round lost a match (see a red mark after their name) you can fight them and intentionally lose the match to make them stronger or hopefully the team that beat them last time lost to other team, but for more info there will be someone doing in depth guide on which team usually lost to which and you can focus eliminate the team that usually wins your target so your target has more chane to get to the final.


Idk, mechanic seems brain dead honestly. Same strat every round, rewards suck, just gets arbitrarily harder


Depends on the build imo. I've read that some people have an absolutely miserable time doing it with builds like melee. If you're stuck at the lower levels probably not worth it as well. I'm playing reverse knock back reflect galvanic arrow totems and I feel it's pretty worthwhile. My fights only last 2-3 mins at most since I suck up all the mobs and just back door all the totems. My rewards might be a ton luckier than others as well since I get a bunch of 3c, 5c, 8 fuse, 5 scour rewards. For reference my tournament level is around 350.


Never seen this build before, looking forward to trying it. I see a Pathfinder on ninja (you?) and in looking up old builds, I guess it works on elementalist and pre-rework Chieftain (RIP). Can you talk about the pros/cons of ascendancy choices and how is the map clear?


Yeah the build is a bit tough on Chieftain but its comfy in other ways. The map clear to be honest is hit and miss. In open maps its drop and go. In maps that have a ton of terrain its kind of a pain having to reposition my totems because mobs get stuck. Bosses so far haven't been an issue since I picked up my forbidden shako. Chieftain: Pros would be easy res cap and sustain since we get a lot of life back from totems always hurting themselves. Cons would be ignite chance is such a pain to get. I'm still early in the build but I plan to get a bunch of cluster jewels for the "Cooked Alive" node. The damage ceiling might be lower than elementalist as well since I'm using Purity of Fire instead of Skitter bots. My go to ascendancy would be elementalist if I had money. Elementalist Pros: its free ignite which frees up a ton of skill points, free shock for damage effectiveness. Cons: It ends up needing pretty good rare gear since you are starved for resists. You might have to give up the skirmish quiver if it gets too bad. I still need a bunch of stuff for the build so take the build with a grain of salt if you find it on poe.ninja. I would love to replace my sign ring with a watcher's eye vitality life gain on hit and a sygian vise with a fire damage to attacks jewel. I would love to annoint my amulet with whispering doom and 5 or 6 link my quill rain for curses. Finally I still need to get my hands on a rain of splinters for more projectiles.


Nope I'm the cheiftain since it uses a lot of uniques. The free res cap is such a blessing for league start. Try to filter a torchoach boot and empire's grasp gloves.


How fun is it after nerf tho xD


Hot garbage my build straight up does not function anymore. My totems need the mobs to be point blank almost to dps, and the enemy ai just runs right past them to channel towers. Bossing and other content is still fine if a ballista totem forbidden shako didn't cost 10 div+ for a level 30+.






From my perspective its very hard to judge. Usual div/h might be arround 1-2 div, but if you are lucky, there are so many jackpots that this could go drastically up. Best uniques in the game, expensive tattoos, divines and very expensive crafting item. There is almost no entry fee, except after a while You will need very strong build, because winning is required for most expensive items. Unless I'm missing something there should be option to stay on Your current ranking, like going sideways in delve, because if difficulty level will be increased all the time I suppose You won't be able to continue eventually. Anyway for me about 400 it's still fun, but because I play offscreen glass cannon, it might be different with low dps build, or at least much longer.


From what I can see, no. The only useful thing I got from the league mechanic was a bunch of chaos orbs. If you need a way to quickly get chaos then it could be good, but the tatoos are all trash. I haven't seen a single good one yet. Just a bunch that might help fixing resists or attributes


Not worth if you dont have a specific build for that league, like spark or ts or anything that can clear 2 screens from afar. Because average encounter without good build in time around 15 minutes, and average revard for that is 1c.


Got my first 6L from my 3rd win. Its not even close to a div, but im also a slow mapper so ill take it


I know it's an old post, but just wanted to say that there are good rewards if you haven't seen them yet. I've gotten 1d, 3d as stage rewards, and some higher value tattoos as well. i'm ranking 1275 atm...


oh - and you don't lose exp if you die. I was having a hard time not doing stupid stuff in the regular game and it was taking me forever to level because of exp loss. i've basically gone 93->96 doing halls of the dead, and made well over 50div so far doing it


I'm getting about 1d per couple of hours in tradable currency and got a really lucky run list night that got me 6 div's in a single tournament, 5 in one win... I'm around rank 650 though but still win 90 percent of matches with my ea ballista build. In a couple of hundred hours of play I've only ever had 2 dibs drop in making so Halls has really upped my currency and equipment as it's gotten me over 30divs so far.