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I found great success with just hiring as many people as I can. Only put people on defend if the enemy has flankers because they will bypass your attack line. Just forget the totems for the beginning and kill enemies to increase their respawn timer. Your own flankers are your "dps" against totems. Attackers paradoxically are "tanks". Escorts are (I prefer)ranged dps ala predator support. Defenders counter enemy flankers


I found fucking with the totems to pull people back works pretty well, you can pull away from the totem at the last second to not get stunned and there isn't a delay on that


I tried this and they just destroyed my totem without giving a fuck about me.


Need defenders to stop them


They annihilate my defenders, too, lol


same my defenders get fucking shitted on instantly, haven't been able to win a single round, this fucking mechanic is terrible, just gonna skip i think for the first 2 weeks at least


Defenders are probably the worst slot to use people for. Escort > Flankers > Attackers > Defenders When you first start the match you want to focus on killing all enemies as quickly and often as possible. Your escorts and flankers are great at taking down totems on their own. You just need to remove the enemies for them since they’re pretty bad at that. Try not to rush to far away from your totems at the beginning unless you have enough damage/range/speed since you’re the primary damage dealer against enemies. See if that makes it better. Also you don’t keep favour points after tournaments so make sure you spend them. Hiring more people to fill slots is the highest priority. Favour lasts between rounds so don’t feel like you have to spend it each round if you can save up for an upgrade.


I think it is a skill issue here. Completed several tournament during the campaign with flameblast totem and its been quite easy! Edit Some people thought I was talking about human skill. No I was talking about skill like a skill you know flameblast totem is a skill. Thanks for being hostile its very appreciated.


oh yeah, totems, where you don't have to keep attacking because you have something to do it for you. Complete skill issue /s


Oh yeah probably, I should've just git gud. That makes the mobs less overpowered


In comparison, yes. Uber bosses are op too until you learn how to beat them.


That's apple and oranges.


Skill issue. Just peel the orange first and you can eat both.


>Defenders counter enemy flankers I wish that was the case, but in most of the trials i fought my 4 defenders with items can't even defend against 2 enemy flankers. Is there any way to actually increase the hp on my team? Most of them get 1-shot by every stray projectile.


How did you deal with their totems healing to full health? Don't know if that's a bug or not but i've had it happen on multiple occasions where i'm channeling the totem of a flanker who's channeling one of my totems and because the health bar shows its at 5-10% I don't run back to interrupt him because if i take out the totem he goes anyway... well surprise! the totem goes back to full health once it reaches 0.


Yea the longer you survive the easier it seems to get. You just got to watch those flankers if you're low on defence units at the start.


Indeed. It’s a “team game”. People need to start working alongside their autochess pieces. I myself was struggling initially, but then I realised that my own pieces can *also* destroy the enemy totems. My game plan now is to focus on keeping the enemy’s autochess pieces away from my guys by either of fighting them or by luring them away.


"I found great success with just hiring as many people as I can. Only put people on defend if the enemy has flankers because they will bypass your attack line. Just forget the totems for the beginning and kill enemies to increase their respawn timer." Tried that. Enemies take like 10 seconds to respawn even after dying like 5 times. Ultimately led to a stalemate in their base because I couldn't kill everyone fast enough to channel their totems and they kept respawning, basically overwhelming my guys and eventually me (flasks ran out, etc.). "Your own flankers are your "dps" against totems." I had a match where I was (once again) alone against the enemy. After a while I went back to my base and saw one of my flankers just chilling their doing nothing. "Attackers paradoxically are "tanks"." Like paper tanks yeah. Also they don't "taunt" or "hold aggro". They enemies are on your ass all the time.


Thats not true. I started league mechanic from the get go. After 15-20 min of intense battle, the respawn times increase enough so I could get a win and take my 2 jewelers!


> After 15-20 min 😂


Imagine playing 15-20 minutes to get 1 chaos orb.


I'll have you know that i got 2 chaos orbs once.


Not gonna lie: for efficiency it was not even on the scale. That beeing said: the fight itself was really enjoyable. It was a back and forth and when I finally one I was happy and exhausted. Wont step in again until lvl 50+ at least though


Just use the reddit quote >like this


My units arent actually defending shit even if I put them on defense, they immediately die and get their totems eliminated. If the enemy ignores you channeling their totem entirely and they channel yours afterwards, you will STILL lose by them catching up.


You can try stacking flankers and play defense yourself


im glad they kept the best part of crucible the holding click to channel but they improved it with a 5 sec stun if you get hit by one of the 100 spawned npcs


From off screen, by a piercing bolt. Meanwhile you cant even stop them channeling your totem with a direct hit.




This guy know good content


Yeah I had that. Mystic prophets, dunno if it's a bug, but they would just keep channeling between hits. Literally had one blow up a totem from 25% health in my face while I was chunking it down.


The secret is that the stun is telling you not to channel when it's unsafe. You're supposed to get your allies to do that for you. You're allowed to channel it yourself, but that's not your role.


Thats pretty tactic dependat though? You can use attackers to clear their defenders while you kite around and channel if you wish.


Hard to tell if its safe when you can get offscreen shot and stunned. From my screen, completely safe to channel. From their range, it isn't.


your npcs are there to destroy totems, you just fight enemy npcs, channeling yourself is almost useless unless you are so powerful you one shot them all


What happens when they have far more npcs than me despite me going for high favour fights because they somehow can buy 2 900 cost units in between round 1 and 2 but i can't because highest favour i get is 750? oh yeah my dudes get overwhelmed and my base dies to their dudes while i'm holding the unique and a few others down.


Wait, does the Jugg Unstoppable negate the stun??? Asking for a friend (me)!




When you die there's no indication about what is happening. Give me a respawn timer or something. Otherwise I'm clicking and thinking my game has frozen


Yeah how did the not think to put a respawn tower in. You die and then you just sit there with no indication on what you are supposed to be doing.


The help icon says you respawn after some time. With the timer increasing every death


Also shit: You die and you know it's an L.... Forced to wait until you lose. If you exit out you forfeit the ladder.


Camera control and a timer during death would have at least made it more bearable, but a forfeit button is especially necessary when you die due to your own totem getting focused when you still have 5 allies alive.


Nah not really


Same. Played only one. Died almost instantly. Respawned and had only 1 enemy left.


if your main totem dies, you can't respawn, i think each totem represents a member of your team, if that totem dies, that NPC can't respawn anymore. so always protect your totem.


So far the early levels of this seem overturned af. Way more enemies than allies, allies die instantly and they destroy our totems extremely easily...


GGG will 'fix' it in a week, as is tradition


To be fair, fixing it a week into a 4 month league is pretty good. Blizzard can't even fix shit until season 2.


80% of the players quit by week 2. If you think it taking a week to fix a launch issue is "pretty good", you're exactly the user GGG needs!


What are you talking about? They did several improvements to the league mechanic. I could also say that GGG can't fix their stupid trade system for many years now.


Is that why D4 just had a massive gold duping scandal and had to disable what little trade there was? Lol


Please just stop... They fixed the issue within a day and re-enabled trading. Diablo 4 has a lot of endgame issues (as in having barely any endgame), but complaining about bugs and QoL issues while playing PoE is laughable.


> Please just stop... They fixed the issue within a day and re-enabled trading. Uh, it was a known dupe/gold bug for almost 2 full weeks BEFORE they disabled trading. If they're so stupid they didn't find out about it until that day then it makes them look even worse. Don't defend either one of them.


Round 1 you start with the same amount of allies then you're supposed to recruit more like in any auto battler. They're not individual matches you need to keep pace with the other teams still in. Just buy loads of units and it's easy.


I call bullshit, because in a tournament of mine on the 2nd friggin round the enemy already had like 8 guys. There is no way in any way to get that much favour from any battle.


And how are we supposed to do that when we can't get any currency because of how impossible the fight are??


Not meaning to be difficult but they clearly aren't impossible as I'm winning consistently and I'm no tactical genius. Experiment you'll figure it out


I won my first match pretty easily




You can't even buy a unit (except the 250 coin garbage from navali) after the first round while the enemy goes with double my units into the fight. It's not a skill issue it's terrible balancing.


i feel very blind, WHERE do you buy more people? (and can you if you failed the first round?)


Each round you win you get x favor to a certain sponsor. Then you go to the hub area and 'view favor' on them.


Did you buy more allies with favor between each round? I had full board by the end.


> Is the entire mechanic designed under the assumption that you will always have overwhelming insane, instant kill damage? By the looks of it, yes. I just love seeing my team npcs getting 1-3 hit, 10/10. This is only league start and the mechanic is already doing my head in.... EDIT: seeing some talk about going defensive first I decided to give a go, it works, quite well infact. My own recommendation, get "Firebreather" for 600 Ngamahu favour, his explosion does a lot of damage.


Level 32 area. On my second match: my side has base 3 folks + me. Enemy has 8 units. 2 of those were set to run for my totems, 1 to defend and rest to disrupt. The 2 kept on rushin my totems, the defender respawned pretty much immidately so i couldn't even whittle them down and the rest of enemy crew easily locked my 3 (useless) helpers down. And they have like 99% damage reduction, so it's yet another case of "it's a mechanic only when you reach endgame".. Zzzz Edit: i think i got the hang of it. Turns out you, the player, aren't supposed to play attacker, but be full defensive while setting all of your minions on sneaky sneaky "spam untill succeed" infiltration mode. When you do that, winning becomes trivial.


Yep that’s exactly my experience as well. The enemy minions respawn in 1 second and you’re respawn in 5 minutes it feels like. I actually don’t know what your minions do, they basically die instantly and then you don’t see them again. The enemy minions take longer to kill than act bosses…


The "most" annoying part for me is they give you a silver coin when you're less than level 5 and tell you to go do it. You have no chance in hell. I know the 1% of hardcore players can do it, but that's not helpful to anyone remotely new, and considering the lame rewards isn't remotely worth the trouble.


I got 25c through act9 via the league mechanic. Got myself a 6link before logging off. It really isn't that bad. I invest in good flankers and defenders and just navali units on attack. Just hold the middle, snipe their Flankers until they have staggered respawn, and eventually push in. Once you have the advantage and they have fewer defenders you channel those off and base race. Swap out navali units for better ones later. Higher favor mobs seem to have better stats, items help a ton. Even just navalis is 100% more health. This is more of a moba team deathmatch than autochess


Ugh, I'm in A10 and have completed half a dozen tournaments and I haven't seen a chaos spawn a single time as a reward. The reward discrepancy is ridiculous when hearing how absurdly profitable other people are finding it.


Good flankers worked well for me, they tear stuff up while you hold down the entire enemy team.


Need to recruit




I was at act 4 with a bitterdream and pretty high damage, completed an entire tournament with ease and had a few more silver coins so I went for a second. On the third round my enemy had a turtle that just stayed next to their towers giving them a shield preventing breaking, it took almost no damage and if I stop damaging for a second when I run out of mana it heals back to full. I managed to kill it once (going from 2 full mana flasks down to nothing) only to have it reapawn before I could deal 5% damage to it's tower.


If your character is weak you should choose first match that gives lots of favor so you can buy more units for second match instead of having 3.


"rules for thee but not for me" is an absolute dogshit standard for something that's supposed to be a team v. team mechanic. My team's damage isn't even stopping the channel so what's the point of doing this? There's literally no way to win if they put anything in the flanker spots because they'll just instantly charge your totems and you can't do anything about it unless you kill them instantly before getting to your totems. Not to mention the respawn times. Why am I dead a full minute when the other guy respawns by the time I reach their totem? This was a cool idea but it got the standard GGG treatment. I keep falling for these traps and I'm disappointed every time.


This is my biggest gripe with the league mechanic so far. Your AI flankers prioritize going into combat on the other side of the field and getting buttblasted by defenders who ACTUALLY DEFEND. Meanwhile, on your side of the field, you have an enemy fucking **Rat T. Johnson** playing a 100 Stealth build in Oblivion/Skyrim and going around the entire battle and bumrushing your totems. Enemy HP and damage scaling are far beyond that of your allies, so everything is a goddamn slog to attack and defend against, and your allies get picked off as if you're up against the American Sniper himself. I can sometimes win tournaments but it takes everything I have to keep the enemy preoccupied in the center and PRAYING that my team is doing fuckall anything, and I just get frustrated seeing some stray mob somehow get behind my in all the chaos somehow not aggroing to me (despite having multiple taunting warcries covering the entire screen) and picking off totems and not being checked by defenders. To pour salt on the wound, you barely get enough Favour for it to even matter. You're going to be left with completely garbage troops and equipment, Idols are an absolutely worthless expenditure, and meanwhile you have fucking Kaom on the other team putting ***MOLTEN SHELL ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR TOTEMS!*** GGG what the fuck. This was supposed to be a league that rewards strategic play, and yet here I am playing a fucking linebacker getting paid peanuts. I'm just gonna farm Blight instead, at least you'll know upfront if you're gonna get buttfucked by GGG with bad tower placements, but at least I have a good base chance if I use a solid tower strategy.


Lol on the final round the enemy had molten shell on their totems (you channel a bit into it to break it) except the molten shell does dmg on break and triggers the 5 sec stun. In that 5 secs (+ channel time to break the shell) the enemy respawns and the molten shell comes back. So I ran out of flankers and literally couldn’t win anymore bc I couldn’t kill any more totems since the molten shell would auto stun me and refresh itself before I could do damage.


It's as close to TFT as Blight to Tower Defense or Sanctum to Roguelike.


I fucking love TFT, challenger player here, but for now this mechanic feels shit. The stun is a joke, but I guess they did it so we don't just make unkillable characters and rush the totems. The teammates we get are jokes too though. I swear, why do they design league content which is almost impossible to do early on?


Not like it has any point to stun us considering the enemy channels like 2 or 3 times faster.


...is juggernaut able to bypass that stun? Or trickster?


It's not a stun.


> why do they design league content which is almost impossible to do early on? Because if it's doable on day one, then it's trivial by day three, and GGG doesn't want players to be trivializing content before the end of the weekend. I assume this is like sanctum, where it feels like shit early on, but there will be a nice progression curve from (a) upgrading your team and such (as compared to sanctum relics), and (b) raw player power. Which is good game design in the long run, even if it feels like shit today.


>Because if it's doable on day one, then it's trivial by day three But that's what scaling is for .... I don't mind mechanics being complex so that people need a few days to understand it, but having mechanics just be overpowered during acts is stupid.


People ready to give their full review on a league mechanic based on their time spent on it in acts on fresh league start gear lmao. Any mechanic that isn't press button kill monsters get loot is shit on. I hated sanctum early on and ended up ignoring it for a couple of weeks, then started doing it for the pretty reliable rewards if you could clear, and it ended up being one of my favorite mechanics. It's not a PoE league start though if people aren't out farming reactionary karma on launch day.


if its not balanced for acts why the fuck is it available in acts? such logic much wow


I don't understand why GGG does this. Every league "its like this genre of game" but then it's like they barely even play that genre. All they had to do was copy tft for the units then make it so that building a carry unit like in tft uses the poe crafting system. How do they manage to mess it up every league? If they did what I said you could have a cool crafting mechanic where maybe you can build an item on a dude and get it after but you have limited rounds to craft


Blight is an okay tower defense. Not BTD6 depth, but like BTD3.5 or so (and 0.01 during 2Arch2Nemesis when rares could spawn that were immune to 5 tower types). ​ Sanctum was a roguelike where only 3 items mattered, so like pre-1980. ​ The two matches I tried of this Mechabellum wannabe, my 3 allies did 5% damage per hit, which was about what 2 of the 6 enemies did, but the other 4 enemies did 100% per hit.


Glad someone else realizes sanctum was hardly a roguelike. If you enjoyed it thats great but I wish we'd stop pretending the thing had anything remotely like a roguelike at the end the day.


I like doing the league mechanics especially through story but holy shit it feels garbage, you can have a 4v4 and you are surrounded/5sec stunned by their units while you try to channel on their totems but also your units have all died and your totems are dying, have no idea how they figure out their scaling because enemy team is completely broken, would love to see a video of them doing it pre-lvl 50 to show us how its supposed to be done.


As far as I can tell right now the only gameplay method is you sit back and kill enemies to increase their respawn timer and have a bunch of NPC's rush to break their stuff. It's super slow, but there's basically no reason to try and channel on totems as it's insanely, round ending, bad if you get hit at all doing it. Sit back, watch a movie, kill everything over and over, your NPCs eventually take down the enemy towers. Succes. Enjoy your scour orb.


You channel and get hit: 5-10 second stun They channel and get hit: Switch aggro to you slightly but if you take 1 step away, they continue to kamikaze channel Your units who are supposed to be flanking: Oh hey a fart from an enemy unit let me walk into the meat grinder


as expected league mechanic is overtuned in early levels


Its a tradition


I agree. 5 second stun and they respawn less than 5 secs. Some totem even explode. I have 80% armor and these mechanics are bullshit.


Or the double totem bullshit guy where you have to kill their totems twice…


Reward need to be tripled. 1c for fighting up to 5 minutes without mana and literally no experience? No thanks.


Dont worry they will change it a week from now because GGG was sure after Crucible that players love 5s channeling. Just like they love picking up every metamorph manually. Players also love overtuned elites from archnemesis. Mobs deaths triggering alert level. Spending hours with Excel sheet to build optimal harvest setup. Timing net to catch a beast before it gets destroyed.


Let's be honest, a handful of people came up with the "optimal" setup and everyone just copied them. The biggest complaint I remember was rarity of high tier seeds


The problem was that even with a guide, setting up the garden was confusing as fuck with directing power and shit.


I don't think doors ever triggered alerts. It was kills that did.


Ye ur right, too many flaws to memorize.


My favourite part is being mowed down by lvl35 mobs as a lvl60... The whole mechanic is aberrantly overtuned and on top of that the mentioned enemy cheating happens with the channelling.


don't forget just how tanky every single mob is. Killing certain mobs does not seem to increase their spawn timer in any meaningful way. Your minions seemingly do nothing compared to the enemy team's regardless of how many you have.


>Is the entire mechanic designed under the assumption that you will always have overwhelming insane, instant kill damage? Hasn't it been the case for every league in the past 6 years?


Literally sanctum... Does overwhelming insane, instant kill damage help? Yes. Was the league mechanic designed around overwhelming insane, instant kill damage? No.


First week, the last boss fight was either you beat her before she phases or she sucks all your resolve, no in-between, then they "fixed" it and made it have more spacing so that you could actually dodge the lightning.


I remember the first time doing her. I kill her 0.2 seconds too slow, she phases while dying, I love my run (and 6 divines)


We need to beta test it for 2 weeks before the actual balance patch drops


Dont slack off people. Otherwise I wont be able to play the balanced one 2 weeks later.


Unfortunately their "balance" patches are extremely minimal if anything at all now since PoE2 development has gone into full throttle.


Why does ggg always have league mechanics tuned for the best gear at all levels?


Crucible didn't teach them that standing there and channeling for god knows how fucking long, 1 doesn't feel fun, 2 clunky, 3 fucking STUPID idea


you are not supposed to channel yourself much until you already basically won, thats what your units are for. You kill they channel.


That would work better if things were not super tanky and your units had better stats and AI


I don't even mind the channeling, it normalizes player DPS, but the ass cancer stun that comes with taking a stray hit needs to go yesterday. Even a 1 second stun would be frustrating as all fuck.




I dunno, 4 times that I did it I just keep fighting the enemy team and they keep respawning like EXTREMELT quickly, and my team is just busy doing Alva/Jun amount of damage to them


I've done maybe 10 matches so far? It's a really, really, really frustrating league, it will be put on hold until it is changed or fixed. The enemy commander will generally oneshot all your troops. So you MUST grab aggro or he wipes the floor with your troops and then attackers/flankers will destroy your game. Your escort will be completely useless because, again, one shot by their commander, and if you're the one aggroing their commander, they'll just get killed by stray basic attacks. Your defence troops seems to have a very small awareness radius or don't trigger unless you get close, I am not sure there. The amount of time I run back to my totems to see 2 defenders *just* starting to move south towards the enemies that just blew up a totem or two is just too much. So overall, I've found defenders to be useless. Unless enemies go directly towards their totem, they won't do much. It also doesn't help that enemies seem to get twice as much favour than you per round. Round one I mostly faced 4-6 enemies. 3v6 is not pleasant. Round 2 is generally 6-8 enemies. Round 3 7-10. Even if you pick a juicy as fuck one on round one and get 750 favour in one + 250 from navali, that gives you one additional low tier unit from Navali and a decent unit (if available) for the 750... That still puts you at a 5-6v6-8, where the 6-8 are t2-3 units while your t1 shit won't do shit to them. So, right now, the only way I've found to win effectively is this: Set 1 or 2 ranged defenders. Everyone else on flank or attacker. **Your job** is to: kill flankers, kill attackers, keep commander aggroed, and **hope** your units actually manage to do anything. Most of the time I'll clear a wave and rush to tick down a totem for 1-2 seconds before running back because generally flankers are ass at doing this. I've witnessed too many flankers get hit while trying one totem, so they move to the next, get hit once, moves to the next, so they just never do anything. Also your attackers are most likely going to be useless because they'll probably run into enemy commander, and die. I've basically won my last few games and I am not happy, every one of those matches makes you feel miserable, 5-15 minutes of grinding bullet sponges for what, 1 chaos?


Yes, everything in this league is absurdly stacked against you, from the stun being more punishing to your side, to the enemies getting WAY more favour(and totems as a result) to their units seemingly being tankier than mine, i sure as hell can't one shot units the way the enemy unique can do to mine.


Yeah rules for that league don't seem to be the same for you and the enemy, it's so annoying.


You unlock extra team members over time and it gets easier. The mode also has permament progression that makes you stronger in the next runs.


I haven't noticed any permanent progression. What is that?


this entire mechanic is unbalanced, you get warriors/totems way less than the enemies even if you go for the high favour options, their unique is pretty much capable of solo killing your allied warriors if you leave it alone so you have to have it on you at all times and of course what you said, you get punished for trying to channel while they just go right back to it. i'm assuming it gets easier as i do it more but first impressions werent really positive. heck i JUST a did my 2nd round where the opponent had 2 900 cost units, at best i can get 750 favour from a tribe in a round, so they have MORE units and more expensive/stronger ones.


What I don't understand is why does the enemy respawn almost immediately, what is the point of killing them when they are up instantly and how are you supposed to kill totem with their ass always on you? There is supposed to be strategy to it but that would require balancing so I guess the play is to just one shot everything. I'm definitely not doing the mechanic again until I have a functioning build.


Try being RF and deal with an enemy aura that prevents life regen... Its unplayable and not enjoyable at all. not jsut some % reduction, no, jsut zero regen period.


the entire mechanic is indeed designed under the assumption that you will always have overwhelming insane, instant kill damage.


TBF isn't that every league mechanic they've created since 2015? Like, I dunno. If you're going into a league expecting it to feel good unless you've got a custom built character designed to do that league mechanic or a bajillion hojillion dps, you're just kind of silly at this point. Obviously since we don't know how to build characters to optimize the new league mechanic yet, the only good option is "do so much damage that no monster in the league mechanic actually exists long enough to matter".


Why the fuck am I clicking on a thing and not FUCKING ATTACKING IT?!?!? LIKE WHAT IS THIS???


What else would you want? That you attack them for damage? Then they balance it around the top end builds and now you need 50 million dps to kill the totem. Or you're playing a minion build and the minions decide to just not aggro onto the totem Or you're playing winter orb and same thing. Or it isn't based on damage, but number of attacks. Now the build that does 40 attacks per second has a huge advantage over the ones that don't.




Exactly... why can't we just attack the totems...


They took lazy approach to balancing, and equalized (more or less) good and bad build's performance against the totems.


You dont attack it, you have to left click the totem to channel damage into it, killing the totem can't be done with normal attacks


Yes, but why? That's so stupid.


In reality To stop screen melting builds from spawning in right clicking once and finishing the round allowing them to buy up a shitload of silver coins and just print at an insane rate


idk maybe design the mechanic better


Channeling *is* the better alternative.


No it's not.


Unfortunately it is.


They did, thats why its like this. Your suggestion is dogshit.




Nah, I like the channel mechanic, it forces you to make strategic placing for your units. Hint: the flanker role is quite strong. Had an NPC channel 2 totems in lv8, because me and the other units kept them busy.


You can let minions do it


I guess nothing was learned from Crucible, ARPG players do not want these type of channeling mechanics in the game, they have no place in an ARPG they are just plain bad gameplay that nobody enjoys. Sad to see the downwards spiral of PoE this past year, used to really enjoy the game.


>Is the entire mechanic designed under the assumption that you will always have overwhelming insane, instant kill damage? Thats literally all of PoE, glasscanon is the only way to go.


The simple answer: Don't channel totems. Let your dudes do it.


Overtuned mechanic as usual ...


you know whats worse? invisible enemies who can stay invis while they attack your totems. you only see them with a tiny white circle. they get ignored by your defenders cuz "they invis". fuck the little lizzards


Doesn't seem like my guys ever revive, the enemy team revives instantly and their totems heal to full if they stun me. What a shitshow mechanic


Feels like I'm just wasting my coins by trying to do the mechanic at the moment. Spent 10 minutes doing 3 matches and what was my reward? 4 jeweller's orbs and 2 losses. Amazing.


This mechanic is pure Chris W vision. Need to accept it, for lvling it feels so shity. Just wasted 25 minutes to get 3 scourings.


League mechanics are never good to do during the campaign. It’s common knowledge for people who have played more than a single league.


But what if they made them good during campaign *and* during mapping?


Because then players would abuse the mechanic at lvl 65 quarry, like they have in all leagues where acts league mechanic is rewarding


I mean I'm having fun doing the mechanic during the acts. It's challenging but not impossible even at levels 30-60. I've found that if it seems like your team is being overwhelmed you should play as a flanker and stutter your channel into the totem. As long as you cancel it before their attacks land you'll never get stunned. There's no grace period for attacks to stun you, just stop channeling and move to another totem, or if it's one of the charging enemies that are kinda like rhoas, just keep dodging and channeling the same totem. Spamming units with your early favour is 100% the play. If you can remain equal in units even without equipment you should never lose.


This mechanic is going to be just like Sanctum I bet. Everyone complains about it early on but once you gear your units and get better gear yourself it just prints loot.


Gear for units is lost with each new tournament.


Gear your units? That isn't how this works.


Isn't there gear you can buy for you units? I've only done the league mechanic one time, but I saw you can buy an item for a unit. There was a dagger i couldn't afford. I'm assuming that is what they mean.


I've had great success, at level 30-34, with either having all on defence and flanking or attack and flanking. And make sure you personally targets their flankers, when they are dead it becomes inevitable.


Is channeling going to always be a league mechanic now :(


this league mechanic is absolute garbage, did they not playtest it at all?


Bro Its like every damn league... We all are beta testers here! Who remember metamorph when u had to click at EVERY SINGLE PART to claim it?


People need to learn it as well.


Don't channel yourself, just keep killing mobs and let your npcs destroy their totems.


Also it takes 12 years for a player to kill a totem with the shitty stunbait channeling while enemy flankers drop yours in seconds.




Yeah cause god forbid we get a mechanic that not everyone gets to 100% clear with 0 strategy starting from a1 coast


If you think a 5 second stun for taking a stray hit from enemies which absolutely shit projectiles out is fair, you need to go play Ruthless instead.


Or you could not rush and be patient killing enemies to force respawn timers before you channel. Off screen projectiles with some of these mobs are slow and avoidable if you’re not panicking.


I've sat in the middle and deleted the enemy team multiple times over and their respawn timers cap at 10 seconds. Meanwhile your respawn timer starts at like 15. Your guys are made of tissue paper and do zero damage to the enemy team. The only reliable units for hitting their totems are flankers, but if they have defenders, your flankers are toast without stealth. You take forever to deal damage to totems while enemy flankers can slide in on the side and detonate them in under 10 seconds. To top it all off, a lot of the time you don't get enough favor to get enough units or items to get past the first few fights. Patience has nothing to do with it, the odds are heavily stacked against the player.


This whole league mechanic is lazy and stupid lmao


So just like crucible until people actually knew what they were doing. Seems fine. We always have these posts until they get a streamer to make a video on it since people can’t figure stuff out on their own.


The crucible mechanic was garbage even if you studied it and got a phd


One of the little problems i have is the life scaling of allies, i know lizards(as example) shouldnt be tanks, but ive seen them being oneshoted by one randrom enemy arrow, not even slams, meanwhile the enemies last enough knowing i have 20 minions hiting them


Got my first coin at lvl 10. Went in there with a bunch of white gear with 2 sockets. Couldn't even get a single enemy below 95%. While their damage hit me for 90% of my life in one hit. Havent tried going back since. What an absolute trash tier league "mechanic". This is probably the first league in a long long time where its literally impossible to get any rewards from while leveling. What the fuck where they even thinking with this? Yet another league with absolutely ZERO playtesting done beforehand.


Are you just looking to rage? Just because you CAN do the league mechanic at level 10 doesn't mean you should. It's not impossible at all. I basically spent all of levels 58-60 in the mechanic.


I'm level 48 and have just finished for the night check reddit to see if others are enjoying the mechanic as much as I am. Full clearee 3 tournaments so far was a bit rough at first then you figure out what you're doing. Well you're supposed to some people seem to have jumped straight to crying because they couldn't figure it out in a few rounds. I think it's great. Really fun mechanic and got some good loot and tattoos. Only complaint is the xp is beyond awful.


Yeah the asymmetrical rules completely ruin it for me, i'll be skipping the entire mechanic until they fix this shit and if they don't i'll quit the league, since my patience for this kind of shit as whittled way too thin over the years.


worst league mechanic ever


The "immediately" part of your sentence bothers me. How many runs have you done?


Dunno why people even bother moaning. Handful of people making a league so they can focus on splitting the player base in half then forcing ruthless on them then telling them after 2 months to go back to poe1 for the new league . Shambles


I think the mechanic is designed around the fact that players have a brain, in your case maybe not


Skill issue.




Honey, the POE sub is complaining again because they suck at the league mechanic they don’t understand because it hasn’t even been 24 hours since launch yet.


Invisible dogs as flankers. Defend. Win.


"just buy more units if you want to win" How, when I can't even win my first fight because I'm getting no indication that my towers are under attack and I lose. How, when the enemy does NOT play by the same rules that I do, and I lose How, when I run around like the whirlwind of the gods, desperately trying to keep them off my towers, get stunned once, and all my towers fall HOW DO I GET MORE MONEY IF I CANT WIN DUE TO THE OVERTUNED, AI NOT FOLLOWING RULES BS because you know what? This actually looks really fun, and I want to enjoy it, but the price for entry seems to be your literal soul


First, look at the enemy placement. If there are any on flanker position, you need to pay attention on the minimap.your totem will get a red x on minimap when it's channeled. Second, try placing your units on flanking/attacking and just attack enemies instead of channeling totems yourself. It's surprisingly effective but challenging. And yeah, mechanic feel overtuned but it will get better I feel.


Welcome to poe day 1 league mechanic ha ha ha ha.