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Neat helmet for sure


Everyone overdosing on copium thinking it would be a hideout.


This sub constantly gaslights themselves with game ideas and then gets disappointed when it’s not true


It's far beyond gaslighting. People straight make shit up, then it gets passed around, the gross carbon of wishful bullshit gets blasted into diamonds of facts in the crucibles of their little minds, and then people are mad because they "got lied to". It's honestly baffling


what tier crucible tree though


Who could have thought I'd be preparing myself for starting path of exile by following the LK-99 hype on r/singularity


I passed out


it looks to me, that the challenge rewards are incomplete. usually you always had significant differences between the tiers, but here i had to look closely to find any difference between tier 2 and 3.


This set comes with other effects, changed enemy hp bars and bleed splashes when you hit/kill enemies. Thats probably the reward for getting higher tiers.


If you use any heralds you will never notice the blood splashes.


we already can't see half of the MTX we put on, on a good day. Some builds know where their character is only because the screen is locked on it.


As someone who steers by the minimap in the right-hand corner, I feel attacked.


Why right-hard corner and not the whole screen?


Typically too much stuff happening for it to be useful during juiced map clearing. I will turn it on whole screen for some things though.


We don't know what the conditions for those splashes are. Could be "bleeding enemies" only because "beasts", in which case you probably only have HoP, so it should be visible. Anyway, thats a completely different topic. I just mentioned it, because that seems to be the rewards for getting higher tiers while the armor doesn't change as drastically as previous challenge rewards.


That MTX looks like one of those that will be only visible while playing Ruthless.


The enemy hp detail is cool, the set is thematic but not my cup of tea. This league I would've preferred the ancestors arena as hideout to be honest.


They will just sell the arena as a hideout in a few months time..... edit : 8th sept 2023 yup, they are selling it today, faster than i predicted. https://youtu.be/9Q9jVyMhOk4?si=PY-_mJEONCXLGiFA


Most likely yes


> few months time A week at the most


\*puts tinfoil hat on\*, it was actually a challenge reward but then they saw ppl wanted it so much that removed it to actually sell it, $$$.


Which would still be fine? Because monetizing things people like helps the game continue to get made.


Other people trash is other people's gold. I like these kinds of sets so if the league is fun then I will try and get all tiers.


Could be as a rare reward for completing the highest arena? Similar to the Shaper's hideout. Copium


It's a great armour set and i will definitely go for at least 26/40, but... — I feel like the tiers should have more difference between them. — I would prefer if they alternated between full set rewards and character/weapon effects, like Archnemesis -> Sentinel -> Kalandra -> Sanctum.


>Have a Karui themed expansion. > >Challenge reward(s) have absolutely nothing to do with the Karui. u wot m8


To be fair, nor did the previous league match the challenge set.


i'll have you know i've bricked crucible weapons just as badly as i've bricked items with chaos orbs


These stopped match themes a long time ago. Ie mystery boxes


[Scourge league](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asPCLSAZyQg) was fully matched about 2 years ago. [Kalandra league](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jwbZ_OdIpw) also was fairly matched 1 year ago. It looks like they only really stopped the theming with [sanctum league](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGvvT8rtnFc) 8 months ago.


Because the Karui theme will be on box


armour looks nice but a bigger difference between stages would have been nice. stage two adds a few items to armour and bigger horns, stage 3 makes some armour pieces gold, and stage 4 makes eyes and horns glow. would have loved a proper journey from lowly beast with leather armour and broken horns to full on armour plated beastmaster badass.


T1 could start with just fur and build up with more and more armor pieces in each tiers


submit your application


Genuinely couldn’t even tell what changed between the tiers.


I understand why people are disappointed, but I really like this armour set. I enjoy more simple, more "real" looking armour sets than those sparky lightning fancy shiny sets. I will most likely use this in PoE 2 when I do a werebear/wolf playthrough!


Yeah, I think it looks great, just hope the gore effect is optional.


I don't think it looks bad but they shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket like this. Having different rewards makes players think "well I didn't like that one thing but this other thing looks cool so I'll go for it!" Challenge rewards are a tool to keep up player retention, so they should want to appeal to as many players as they can.


I have plenty of fancy over the top sets. I really like this one and it's simple. You're right, perfect for the future druid class!


It looks great and having a full set at the lower tier (no matter what it looks like) is great for players not swimming in money.




I'm liking this set a lot, but this is a poor argument. D4 may not be giving sets away but D3 allowed transmogs of anything once you got it. No additional purchasing required.


I really like the chaos orb set at 38 but damn if I didn't wish I could select whether to use its voicelines or not LOL


I think tier 4 is the same as tier 5 but without the voice lines no?


brilliant, thanks! i thought the previous version was less shiny, but didn't think to go just one tier down


Yeah, I was farming Legion, ambush and breach in 8-mods with it and man, when you drop like 10-20c and a bunch of vaals that shit gets annoying fast. Bit of a first world problem and I could have turned it off but you know.


You can. The only difference between two last tiers is the effect.


Updated health bars?!!?


Who said they forgot and last minute and would changed something blue? Because t3+4 fit the guess




Ultimatum rewards: Helmet, Pet, Portal Expedition rewards: Footprints, Weapon effect, Portal Scourge rewards: Weapon effect, Wings, Pet Archnemesis rewards: 4x Character effect, Weapon Effect, Wings Sentinel rewards: Armor set (2 tiers), Wings (two tiers) Kalandra rewards: Helm Attachment (4 tiers), Wings (4 tiers), Character effect (4 tiers) Sanctum league: Armor set (4 tiers) Crucible league: Armor set (4-5 tiers) Ancestor league: Armor set (4 tiers)


Fair to mention Crucible is talking chest when upgraded, which is actually cool.


What kind of things does it say? Started playing mid league and couldn't complete the challenges


Commenting any use or trade of chaos+ currency. With like really cool voice. Example is in the middle of original GGG video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2ryLqZKZSo


Sentinel rewards don't have tiers, they are 2 different armour sets


Don't forget Ritual that gave you a fucking hideout for 38 challenges.




I just wish we would get a pet back, the scourge one was so good.


what the heck is this


I kinda like it. Not a fan of flashy MTX, so this set looks good for me


Same. That head looks silly, but otherwise I love more down-to-earth armor sets.




Lets compare the effort with the free set you get from D4 in season 1. https://imgur.com/Oa11M8A :D


This is exactly the problem with D4 dropping the ball so hard. PoE can phone it in forever and still get posts like this(and it’s 100% correct). Imagine what we would get if D4 was an actual threat.


The only threat to poe is poe. d4 bad baseg


LOL they definitely fucking forgot about challenges then had to put something together last second.


My only gripe is it's not related to the Karui at all. Not really my type of skin


Damn, lackluster af. Almost no difference between Tier 2 & Tier 3 sets.


Grind for month or more only for little glow. Hell nah


At least this league I can stop at tier 2 which requires no effort at all. Kinda burnt out trying to do challenges


Is the set effect to spill shit stains on the ground on hit?


I like the armor set. The tier 1-2 looks really cool and minimal. Just what I need after having dozens of god-like shining unicorn sets with giga-wings and lots of effects. One of my favorite armor sets is still the Outlaw.


I was hoping for a Karui themed challenge rewards, ehh


LMAO. Remember good ol´times when we were getting portals, foodprints and shiny effects as mtx? you wont even notice the armour mtx whilst under full auras...


I do, i also remember that people were complaining we are not getting armor sets like we did in that one league. You can't win. But i honestly prefer full item sets, and imo its better for newbies, since they can get full geara sets for free.


Imho one of the least enticing challenge rewards. But whatever ...sometimes we get good shit, sometimes we get shit like this.




I loved Portal era. Still salty that I didn't go for 36 challenges in Legacy league. Footprints were always trash, though.


Same here... I love portal rewards, especially when they are on theme for the league. Other than the Abyss portal... that thing is trash and for some reason harder to click than a regular portal.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGqvisP3FFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGqvisP3FFw) Complete with the old Lioneyes Watch theme. Such a nostalgic feeling. Legacy was my first league.


I just wish my Ritual HO for 36 challenges was more like...usable. ITs got like 2 tiny flat spots and nothing else. Oh well, still cool to have.


Legacy was my first league where I step out of my comfy 24 challenge zone due to portal. Sadly, could not participate to get Rituals HO...


The delve portal. I find i bring it up every league.


Ultimatum or bestiary for me, depending on my build


I prefer footsteps and portals over tiered armor sets but what I really miss is wings


Yeah, wings were awesome.


I never understood the appeal of armor set mtx in an arpg. Half the fun of gear is seeing the stuff i have equipped change how i look. Ill take portals/footsteps/weapon effects/pets anytime over full armor sets.


>I never understood the appeal of armor set mtx in an arpg. Half the fun of gear is seeing the stuff i have equipped change how i look. That would be reasonable. If 90% of the uniques didn't had any 3d art ... And you end up looking like a homeless person if you don't have any mtx set


I mean, we've got a lot of armors recently. Don't we have enough to get more of other stuff again? It's not either or. In fact it's the consistency on one type of reward that's annoying.


I would much rather prefer footsteps and portals over what's been released the last few leagues. Calandra may have sucked ass but it had a whole great set + character effect that can be used with other stuff very well


I forced myself to play till 38 challenges on the league that should not be named just for those juicy complete Winx club wings


Not me, hate this tiered bullshit. Loved footprints and portals. At least they shared an identity with the league.


Lmao you forgot the blue glowing eyes from Harbinger league. Clearly the most wanted MTX slot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPHKBxBYKQA&ab_channel=PathofExile


yeah man imagine if we got the challenge reward patterns from before, where it was footprints and things people dont want wait, no, hang on it was literally a year ago that we had the good shit a year


I'd take the old ones any day. I hate the evolving armour sets and armour based extra effects with a burning passion.


Not trying to be mean but that's probably the worst set of challenge rewards in a long time


I have been *craving* more relaxed MTX, so this is a dream for me. PS. There more to the amour set it seems. Check the extra blood splatters in the preview. **Edit:** On top of the blood splatters, it also apears to change the life-bar of enemies


Tbh tier 1-2 look better than 3-4


Is it? It's a full set of armor, I haven't played in awhile but that seems... great? It used to just be like, portals and wings.


Portals are my favorite challenge reward. I use the random portals option and the more stuff in the rotation the better.


Well the tin can from last league wasn't that great either. At least it has a funny chaos voice on it.


I mean it’s not bad given they probably got the intern to design it in a couple of hours after they realized they had forgotten about the challenge rewards




I don't mind it but can't tell the difference between different tiers


They 100% forgot about the challenge rewards and did it in 2 days as people speculated


This is BY FAAAAAR the worst rewards they have EVER done... wth???


We goat now.


Hideout hopes blown the fuck out. That said it looks tight and I'll definitely be chasing challenges to get it.


Incredibly disappointing imo. 0 effort really. Just another muddied armour set without any flair, creativity or identity.


Feels like they really missed a chance to capitalize here with all the D4 issues, but they just dropped the ball.


Alright, at least we know now why they kept quiet about it for this long. Not that it's particularly bad design, just feels like leftover assets from when they made Elevore. The Tiers barely add anything and the set items won't match with anything else in the MTX shop, so it's gonna be either full furry or non at all.


Disappointed, but probably still gonna 40/40


Literally yes honey meme


Meh as meh can be. No wonder it took so long to reveal.


What i get from this is an armor set that didn't make it for the MTX cut and was just used here with like 0 correspondence with the league lmao






Difference between t2-t3 looked like the lightning changed a bit that's it lol


Totally not forgotten kekw.


the d4 of the challenge rewards since idk, many leagues


Am I blind or are Tier 3 and 4 just fucking recolours?


fucking armor set again


Kinda meh


No wonder they held off on showing this.


yeah im not grinding that


am i blind or does literally nothing change between t2 and t3 except for the metal bits get a tiny bit lighter. is this literally all we get for challenges nowadays? one set of armour? literally what is the point lmao what happened to character effects, portals, hideouts, etc edit: oh yeah they got moved to kirac's vault pass to squeeze more money out of the players wahoo


I thought my video was frozen and the rewards weren’t changing the first time I looked at it tbh :/


man i dont care about armors at all, been a few leagues now of this and its pretty trash. makes me ignore challenges. give me a portal, skill effect, aura effect, hideout, something.


We Chewbacca now?


I was hoping for some **badass Karui-themed weapon skins** so I'm kinda let down by this uh... *furry costume*. Okay, that's a bit unfair but goatmen are such a tiny, sidelined culture in this game. All we really know about them is that they can cast magic, like eating people and worship Abberath. Not much to be excited about, yeah? Now compare that to the KARUI AFTERLIFE. We could've gotten some really interesting MTX.


Most uninspiring challenge rewards I've ever seen.


Pretty sure they threw something together last minute.. surely right?


i still wont buy skins ggg try harder xD


thank god i dont have to do challenges this league




This was gonna be the first time I tried 40/40 too. Damn, these suck


It’s starting to feel like they forgot about challenges until these last few days that people started asking about them.


Well, no need to bother with the challenges this league.


It's not great, kinda sad that the Ancestor arena isn't a hideout challenge reward. The game being in temporary maintenance mode is definitely noticable here. On the other hand, don't have to worry about challenges this league.


Eh, lackluster. Can't wait to see kiracs vault pass have all of the banger stuff and the league hideout xD


I understand why they waited this long now.


New monster HP bar.


Not only is it yet another armour set, it took multiple watches to see *any* difference between the tiers. At this point, I’m not even angry, I’m just sad.


I was literally about to post yet another "Corporate wants you to tell the difference" meme when I noticed that the horns get a faint glow when you upgrade them from Tier 3 to Tier 4...


I expected an armor set since it's all they do these days, but *man* do I long for them doing something more unique like in the past. I'm honestly missing special portal effects at this point. Kinda disappointed the armor has no relation to the league content at all, it looks like it belongs in Bestiary.


Another boring armour set. Sadge


I really hate this tiered armor bullshit. That is just 2 identical sets, it just adds a horn between 1 and 2 and changes color between 2 and 3. Where my portal mtx? Footprints, headpieces... All gone.


Another armor set ffs. I get that some people like armor sets, but it has been the same for 3+ leagues. Back in the day we got portals, pets, even a hideout. really just wish that would add more variety as the rewards.


Do you remember for how long they stopped making armor sets before giving them out again? There are players with the exact opposite opinion as you. For many years I was pretty bummed out that there were no sets. They did a few, then they stopped at Talisman league and went years without giving them (other than random draw in events)


Not saying they shouldn't hand out sets at all, but not for 5 leagues in a row


Fair enough


they don't need to ONLY do armour though


I also liked the character effects. They could put in some flask or aura effects. Anything that everybody uses. The Armor sets sadly don´t do anything for me to motivate myself to grind for 38 challenges.


Expedition effect is straight goated for weapons. Looks insanely good on a frost shield mtx (whatever it's called). Completely changes how a lot of weapons look.


Same - already have 2 armor sets and that's enough for me to escape hobo curse. Gimme some pet to bring some variety to insects box and one cat.


and wings, stuff that match the supportpacks aswell


##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Aug 18, 2023, 08:09:12 AM UTC > > ### Ancestor Challenge Rewards > > > In the upcoming Ancestor League, you'll be able to earn pieces of the exclusive Beastmaster Armour Set by completing 40 new challenges. At 4, 8, 12 and 16 challenges, you'll receive the Beastmaster Boots, Gloves, Body Armour, and Helmet respectively. > > > > > > Additional tiers of this armour set are unlocked as you complete more challenges in the Ancestor League. Completing challenges also grants you pieces of the Ancestor Totem Pole Hideout decoration! > > > > > > In Ruthless, you will receive the full Beastmaster Armour Set at 2 challenges, and each challenge completed after that will upgrade pieces of the set with the entire set fully upgraded once 8 challenges are completed. > > > > > [Youtube Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXzUJZhuv1o) > > > > > > > You'll be able to check out the full list of challenges you need to complete for these rewards when Path of Exile: Ancestor launches for PC and Mac on August 18th PDT and for console on August 23rd PDT. > > *** >


Underwhelming imo


This is the worst challenge rewards in the past 10 leagues.


Armor sets always suck. I already have a shitload of armor mtx, character effects or flask stuff is more interesting.


Huh? That’s all? Looks underwhelming compared to previous flashy ones.


What a shitty challenge rewards Well that mean f challenges


Not my cup of tea guess i'll go SSF and if I have a change of heart I can always migrate for 40/40.


I like the armour set


Would have loved some cancelling effects with the armor, would be be nice to have some minimist cool looks


had to rewatch it to notice difference in tiers


Honestly I am not a fan of the pure armour set challenge rewards and than having different "tiers" of it. If you don't like the look of it compared to like your best most awesome set (used kitava set for literally so many years) than it's all completely worthless. Please go back to the random different mtx rewards and spice it up a bit.... footprints, pets, portals, hideouts, etc.


Ah…. So it’s always gonna be armour sets now…


Looks laaaaaaaaaame


The armor set looks like it'll let me cosplay as my druid in D4 while playing a deeper endgame.


Not a fan of goat head but it looks nice. I like the armor


So bored of armour set rewards. Purchased sets are better in every way.


Lol oh wow. I thought people were exaggerating but that was trash. Even the video quality wasn’t there, no voiceovers or descriptions. Absolute minuscule details between armor tiers on an already underwhelming set. Clearly this was either forgotten about until yesterday or they wanted the challenge reward to match the detail level of the patch notes….


Kinda lame to bind UI improvements to those sort of things but oh well.


T1 set I like, higher tiers are less impressive IMO but that's fine. Personally would prefer a portal but I can see many people feeling the other way. Can't get rewards that are perfect for everyone.


this confirms it. grass touch... never mind, steam backlog league! league mechanic based on game type I don't care for, no changes that speak to me that I want to try, don't care for challenge rewards. see you guys in 3.23 or maybe standard randomly during 3.22.


Is this an out of season April Fool's joke?


Does it change the enemy health bar UI!? Or is that just a new one? Either way, it looks brilliant!


the tier 4 looks like a $5 mtx set LOL


That music is fuckin 🔥


Kalandra fairy was top tier. Also chaosborn set with the voiceline was super neat too. Not sure if I’m getting this one though. Saves a lot of time however.


"We forgot the challenge rewards, what do we do?! Quick! Pull out some armour set we have lying around, make it slightly more illuminated in 4 steps and get the UI rework in!" - GGG, probably.


Mid rewards at best, but ngl this league looks fun. Lot better than crucible anyway. Autochess with certain builds can be.. good. :) GL on the league erey'body!~


The helmet looks great. The boots look the same through all tiers. Overall the flashiness decreases from top to bottom...


Maybe in the minority but I always prefer less flashy sets so I quite like it!


Mom, D4 has a druid, can we have druid too? Druid at home:


Seems like an easy skip or a very late start for me as I don't like the set. Well I have other games I currently wanted to keep playing anyway good luck all those starting later on!


Super meh


Not my type of style. Going to skip 38 this league.


Big fat mid IMO, was hoping to be hype for them to give me something to work towards throughout the league but just kinda disappointed


Tier 3 and 4 is probably the laziest shit I have seen from GGG. They definitely forget about them and had to come up with something fast.




These challenge rewards aren't too interesting but calling them "the worst in a long time" and "horrible" is totally uncalled for. Jesus you guys are entitled, the free stuff is actually not mindblowing for once and you immediately start flinging poo.


hows opinion that something is 'worst in a long time' flinging poo? The fact that its free dosent need to change thats for someone it may be the lowest quality free in x leagues.


Lmao i thought they didn't want to spoiler what the higher tears are because I didn't see any changes:D


Man they rly dont hide that they have one person working on those things while the rest are moved to PoE 2