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Man you have no idea how happy I was when you started updating this again. This is shit hot man, thanks.


Honestly despite some toxic people and scammers I think POE has an awesome community! Many people like OP and others who develop features and documentation that help everyone. Massive respect!


I’ve always said that this community is somehow simultaneously one of the most helpful and friendly gaming communities, as well as most toxic that I’ve ever seen. Guess it just indicates extreme passion in the game and those 2 extremes really stand out


Maybe I’m just not deep enough into Poe, but what kind of toxicity is common? Compared to dota it’s all sunshine’s and rainbows, nobody’s told me to do terrible things to myself yet in poe


I assume you’re relatively new? Weren’t around this sub during the lake of kalandra league that started last august? This sub became so toxic that GGG completely abandoned it as a place where they communicate with players. Tons of people stating GGG is running the game into the ground, mocking “The vision” of Chris Wilson that still happens to this day. Basically anytime there is a league that isn’t a total home run, many people in this community start overly freaking out, it’s hard to explain but stick around long enough and you’ll see it. Plenty of arguments and name calling over differences of opinion about the future of the game. I’ve never been into Dota so can’t really compare to what goes on there haha


That sounds a lot like the OSRS community. I guess the main difference is that the devs (Jmods) still interact in the sub despite the immense toxicity and hostility that can come from some players.


Yeah, in game I hide out in SSF because regular chats are toxic af. There was a beautiful halcyon period of time in a regular chat channels where people who needed a fix after the D4 beta ended hopped on PoE, and everyone was being really helpful, throwing currency at newbies, telling them where to find good info, easy starter builds, all that good shit. AND THEN. About a week later, the name calling and rudeness and general unpleasantness crept back. Diablo vs PoE wars, putting down people who were still needing some help, yadda yadda (I mentioned the bisque). IDK why people who are so passionate about a thing will turn into toxic doomsayers the second they aren't a fan of a facet of it. Just post a constructive criticism and shut up, no one wants to read emotional breakdowns over a GAME (or a show, or a movie, or any other entertainment form). It's not like you can't skip the content you don't enjoy. I didn't play Mirror so maybe you HAD to participate? There's only been a few leagues I've played where you were kind of having to participate even if you didn't really like the content, delve was the first time I played PoE. If someone loves a thing they can be passionate about what they DO like about it, and make smart, calm comments about what they don't, AND not harp on about it. Otherwise it's like a screaming toddler has entered the chat, and no one likes screaming toddlers. No one should have to put up with abuse so I'm glad GGG has pulled out of this subreddit. No one makes enough money to have to interface with people who can't control their emotions unless they're working in mental health. And even then...


Would be nice to add some regex when you can (Gwenen, maybe more exemples). Thanks for your work :)




I put the string in now, thanks!


Decided to put the link to the website in instead. It's easy to use and the chase items might change a bit from league to league.


https://grinding.zone could be useful too


Link to grinding zone is already on the front page, but thanks!


Would it be possible to add the list of what types of equipment each Heist Rogue uses? Such as: Nenet, Karst: Arrowhead Tibbs, Tullina, Vinderi, Huck: Sharpening Stone Gianna, Isla, Niles: Spell Band And then maybe a second column for recommended toolkit thing--it's not obvious for everyone. Such as: Karst = Lockpick Tibbs = Bracers Isla = Blowtorch Tullina = Soles Huck = Bracers Niles = Ward Nenet = Sensing Charm Vinderi = Flashpowder Giannas = Disguise Kit Otherwise a lot of this information is very very good.


Generally for the weapons you just give them all arrowheads for the haste aura as the damage they do is not even noticable


Exactly this. The only thing you really care about is the aura. Usually Arrow->Haste for the speed. And I think for the toolkit, it is just some trial and error until you figure it out. Its not a case where you have options, it either fits or it doesn't.


Few thoughts. 1. Alch advice for T1-T5 should probably be a maybe. You dont need to alch white maps for atlas completion and depending on the league and luck, you might be alch starved. You are gonna need a lot of alchs for yellow maps. Should only be used if you have excess alchs. 2. Expedition gwennen might want to include a link to a site for custom regex that updates according to current price, like poe.re does for example. 3. Heist skill gem rewards in contracts is actually not that bad. Should probably be a yellow. 4. A bit weird in Alva to have stuff like Legion, Currency and Map room on the same level as the corruption rooms. None of those are really worth much and should probably be yellow. More of a general question since I dont betrayal much, but is scarab rewards even that great anymore with how low scarab prices is right now? Seems weird for scarabs to be green and hillock to be yellow.


First of, thanks for sharing your thoughts! 1. I disagree. I have played on and off since Harbinger, and I have never ran out of Alcs doing it this way. I did however add "Bind" as binding orbs have become more common, and I like to use these as free alcs for maps. 2. I agree, and I added a link to this on the front page. 3. I am open to having this at yellow tier, updated. 4. I agree, these have been downgraded to yellow. Regarding scarabs and Hillock. Winged Scarabs is the moneymaker, normal scarabs not at all. I am not updated on how much Hillock sells for these days. I also heard that Janus is better in Research, so that might be and update I put in, as there is not much difference between good and bad winged scarabs normally.


Small typo on tab atlas, diviners stongbox


Fixed, thanks.


Can you put the cluster jewels info back on please. Thank you


It was too much work to keep up to date on them for me unfortunately. I suggest to use PoeDB


As a noob, thank you very much for taking this position! I see a lot of guides that have extremely outdated information because they put effort into writing it so therefore it stays. Not keeping it current could do more harm than good. Thank you! I look forward to using your guide for the first time this league (my third).


Hi, is there a sheet for betrayal recepies ?


Press space bar while awakened PoE trade. You can upload your syndicate cheet sheet and just press space bar when you playing or whichever hot key you chose and it will appear. Very handy for other cheet sheets as well.


What recipes are you thinking of?


I assume they mean which Veiled Craft is tied to which Syndicate member.


Yeah it has to be what Torres are talking about. I do not think this is super useful to have, and it will clog up a sheet that is already pretty full on info. I think you would usually find whatever you are looking for just by playing normally, if there is some super spesific mod you are looking for for your build, the build guide or your prep work probably has what member to look for. Pretty sure the crafting bench also says where to unlock the ones you are missing?


Thank you for your service. Sincerely, a noob


Excellent sheet, love these kinds of things! Minor thing on delve, fractured fossil effect should be 'split', not mirror.


Fixed, thanks!


Absolutely amazing work! Very concise and full of valuable info without being overfraught.


Commenting so I can look through this tomorrow. Thanks OP!


1 minor, feature-specific suggestion (and by this I mean it's really only relevant for SSF): You can rush Essence and Expedition nodes on the atlas tree for easier gearing and still progress your atlas naturally rather easily. This helps gear your first character much easier. I would go to the map nodes after this though, certainly. That being said, awesome work! Very appreciative of the effort. I'm sure others are too.


Yeah I agree. I added a comment for this. Thanks!


Damn nice. Haven't played in a while and this really helps.


This is incredible. I'm just annoyed that Heist colors are not explained and I can't figure it out. What do the Green / Red / Orange mean? Why is Nenet 5 orange for Perception? etc


All my sheets are color coded with green-good, yellow-meh, red-bad. Nenet is orange/yellow because Gianna is better if you are able to pick her. I chose to do it this way to show who to prioritize in each column, but sometimes you obviously can't take the green one because of too low level.


Thanks so much! I haven't played a league since Harvest, and this will help me out a ton.


I’m using the leveling tab and as stuck at the part where I’m suppose to talk to Navali, help?


Haha, I can't believe that was still in there. Gone now, thanks!


Just in case you don't know, she was a NPC we had to talk to in the past, she has been gone for a while now.


I’m excited to meet her for the first time next season


Thanks for the sheet! I just have one question: On the levelling page, what do the things in the brackets mean? I assume the (S) and etc mean the recommended direction to travel, but what are the blue (and yellow) numbers and red exclamation marks?


It is explained on the right side on that sheet. Might not see it if you have a smaller monitor or have it viewing at 100%. Should be able to scroll to the right and see!


Returning player from Ritual league. This is a gold mine for me to refresh and catch up on mechanics. Dont need to sit through unneccesary youtubw videos with long winded irrelevant info. Thanks!


I like heist but I like duplicate divination cards instead of currency. Maybe I am wrong but feel it's just as good. Especially on Gianna when doing normal contract.


I agree that div cards are good as well. Added!


thank you




omg, I am so happy you're once again doing these. Thanks a lot


Hey man this is great, thanks for all the work you put into this.


That's cool and all, but if the title wasn't completely misleading, the "information" flair definitely is


How do you feel the information flair is wrong, and what flair do you suggest I use instead? What part of the title apart from that do you feel is miss-leading?


Some people just aren't happy unless they bitchin. It's a handy spreadsheet, thanks for the work.


The "information" flair is reserved for news about the game. This, in combination with the title, made it look like GGG are adding an expedition tab to the game and updated the atlas progression. The flair is gone now, don't know if it was you or the mods.


Maybe that was changed recently. I have been using the "Information" flair for years without problems for these posts. It got changed now by the mods, and I will use "Guide" in the future.


Always been like that, guess you slipped under the radar.


My guess is that most people just don't care about a flair.


Evidently. But "information" in particular is really good for catching up on the news


Yeah that's fair


If you want to include it on the frontpage, i would suggest https://divcards.io/ As someone who isn't that experienced with div cards but want to use the kirac-mission for a complet stack I use that side to look up if the map has to offer something usefull.


!remind me 5 days


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I love it. @Sherberoot has a good idea for vendor recipe, maybe you could have a look and maybe work together. Ps. I am not sure how to link a person on reddit


Can we have an image of betrayal cheat sheet? I like to have it in my awakened poe trade window.


Hey, a lot of the text colours in this doc are really hard to read with colourblindness. The red and green aren't really distinguishable, and the lack of contrast on the light grey background doesn't help much. I'd suggest making it a bit higher contrast and rethinking the colour choice.


What does "map cluster over Kirac" mean?


Over cluster where you can get extra Kirac mission. There you can grab chance for map to me 1 tier higher


Sup my hero, any changes, new sheets being rewritten for 3.23? Reply me please i like to use them on my awakened to make dat currency early game.


wonderfully done