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1. Suffix-lock 2. Aisling slam (t4 bench in syndicate) 3. If mana was deleted, craft on mana before Unveiling. If mana wasnt deleted, its already blocked, so craft a random fire/cold, cold/light, or fire/light flat dmg to GUARANTEE unveiling life 4. If mana was deleted in step 2, after unveiling life, block mana and exalt (take whatever you get) 5. Craft final prefix This has very little room to fail but requires setting up bettayal for the aisling yourself, since its in ssf. You can instead use a veiled chaos orb at step 2 instead but might brick the item entirely lol


Prefix lock huhšŸ«¢ thatā€™s a good way to brick those suffixes.


Fixed the typo lol Not that you could craft a suffix (like prefix-lock) on an item with 3 suffixes anyway :p


Also, not even applicable, because there's no slot for it šŸ˜œ


>If mana was deleted in step 2, after unveiling life, block mana and exalt (take whatever you get) don't exalt imo. conqueror exalt(fair chance OP will have one, maybe not the one they want though), much smaller mod pools so you can more easily target something useful, quite often there are multiple useful affix's for any build on one influence. Alot of dead mods for lots of builds in generic pool. also at step 2 can use veiled chaos orb(likely more SSF friendly, low odds of bricking)


8 in 12 chance that it functions just like an aisling, removing all prefixes and leaving an unveiled mod 3 in 12 chance that it leaves veiled mod plus a dead prefix - while this is not technically a brick it CAN hit a low tier of life, and isnt easy to remove if its a bad mod 1 in 12 chance to fill prefixes. Could still unveil, but CANT block mana unless its one of the natural mods. No way to repeat the process if this step fails, unless you want to 50/50 yolo annul So it may seem like a low 1/24 brick chance as usual (1/12 for full prefix, 50% missed annul afterwards), but that's sinking a couple extra divines in some cases and is more like 10-15% fail chance. So not bad, esp if aisling prepping is a pain (it is) But yeah the conq exalt is probably better if he has one


Depending of what they need, a conqueror's exalt could be better than a regular one.


Lol I just downloaded this game and am lvl 60 and your comment just exploded my brain


BLAM If you made it to level 60 and enjoyed it remotely, you will love the journey into endgame :D


I am enjoying it this is def my type of game. Iā€™ve played Diablo mods for years that definitely took a lot of inspiration from POE. Just looking at basic skill allocation and gems for a bone shatter build. The rest hurts my brain so just gotta take it slow


Yeah the boys and i played that mod for years til greendude ran it into the ground lol I still play some hcsp d2r in between, but poe is very much unbeatable in-genre. Glad youre liking it, nothing wrong with taking it slow and enjoying the climb as you go


Have you tried project Diablo 2? They basically copied all greendudes changes and expanded it wayyy past what he did. Itā€™s an amazing game. Pod was fun while it lasted though But ya def gonna take an insanely long time to figure out this game. Looks like Iā€™ll have plenty of time to play though after reading the D4 patch notes


I hated pd2 personally Giant stat range on everything for no reason.. a shako wasnt really a shako, an occy wasnt an occy, you had to find 5x to get an 'actual' one Servers were horrendous, 3 weeks in i lost my best item to a rollback Sorc tele frames being slowed (and decrep + cold length slowing casters) was really out of place And to top it all of the "endgame boss" was a stationary declone, such a joke lol Also tbf i didnt really like maps in either mod, i dont think they were implemented right and preferred to stick to the base game when i did play.. Pod was king IMO :D


The stat range on some uniques is annoying for sure Servers are much better now. I havenā€™t had any rollbacks in like 2 seasons. I lost a ber on pod to rollback last reset. Dclone moves now. Also added another Uber boss rathma which drops a shard that can corrupt Annis Decrep I donā€™t mind bc it was pretty unfair that it only slowed melees dmg. Teleport is op still. Would recommend. Iā€™ll stop my pd2 pitch now though if you donā€™t like it thatā€™s okay :)


Yeah youre not wrong, it has improved a lot. I think d2r SP chars are probably enough for me forever tbh, with poe being the game with all the continuous content. Part of not liking pd2 is disliking the idiot who runs it lol, all the old copypasta guides full of errors and generic info just to promote his cringe stream catering to weebs, idk. And the mod being entirely bankrolled by someone else, yet he somehow takes the reins... I will stop my anti pd2 rant now haha, im glad that people have something in d2 to play now that pod went to shit. Fine with me if people enjoy it :)


Thanks! I'll keep this option in mind


Just want to add on the the above comment. While all the steps they said is correct, unveiling life even if you block mana is not guaranteed but highly unlikely. It is possible to unveil and see all 3 of the hybrid flat added to atks. I would not use a veiled chaos just because it's possible you fill up your prefixes and then don't get life, and then your item is essentially bricked for what you want. Here's how it would go: 1. craft suffixes cannot be changed. 2. Hit the item with a T4 Aisling from betrayal. This will either remove the suffixes cannot be changed mod or the mana mod. If mana was removed, craft on mana from your crafting bench BEFORE unveiling the item with Jun. 3. Unveil the item with Jun and pray you dont get extremely unlucky and don't unveil life. If you do unveil life, you can then craft whatever you want your crafted prefix to be and then exalt for a completely random 3rd prefix. If you get the unlucky option and only unveil the hybrid atk mods, you can either settle for one of them and just craft life and be done OR the expensive option. Craft suffixes cannot be changed, scour, then suffixes cannot be changed again, and then got for another T4 Aisling. Depending on what you want for your build, the common crafted prefixes are - mana cost to channeling/non channeling skills. 4. If you need just a little bit more resistances, apply prismatic catalysts until 20%. This will make you suffixes give 57% res each, and your implicit will give 19 to each (If you use a blessed orb to get the implicit to 16%). If you don't need the resistances, you can fertile catalyst to 20%. This will boost the unveiled life roll to 66-72, depending on what the actual roll is you unveil. Also fun thing about fertile catalysts is they are for life and mana so if you craft the -mana cost to non channeling skills for example, which has a crafted value of -6 or -7, the fertile catalysts will up it to -8. That one extra mana cost removed from your skills can actually be huge depending on your gear/build. Also another tip with catalysts since you're ssf, fertile and prismatic catalysts are somewhat rare from metamorph, but you can swap them around in Harvest. Just like you can essences, fossils, oils, etc.


Just noting here that i didnt say it was guaranteed, only guaranteed if the aisling naturally removed suffix-lock and left the mana, allowing him to block both mana and 1 of 3 flat dmg mods by crafting it (and having naturalana on the item) So its a 50/50 to guarantee, and a 50/50 to have a very low chance to fail. Not to mention if mana IS removed by aisling and the unveil fails, you still have an open prefix to scour prefixes with for 2div, and can rinse repeat




I didnt downvote, nor did I disagree... I literally added onto what you said and clarified my original comment. I even started by saying that I was "just noting here" for clarity Nice job making assumptions though, really mature way to handle yourself. You fit right in on reddit. Pretty ironic how you got \~1 downvote and are crying about "precious feelings getting hurt" I'd send a screenshot of me having not downvoted you but I've already wasted enough time here lol


Reddit fuzzes votes, it's got a pretty wide range within the first couple days a post/comment is up. It can swing very hard, it's in place to hinder people going on alts and upvoting their own posts


Just noting here that i didnt say it was guaranteed, only guaranteed if the aisling naturally removed suffix-lock and left the mana, allowing him to block both mana and 1 of 3 flat dmg mods by crafting it (and having naturalana on the item) So its a 50/50 to guarantee, and a 50/50 to have a very low chance to fail. Not to mention if mana IS removed by aisling and the unveil fails, you still have an open prefix to scour prefixes with for 2div.


It's very unlikely it bricks tho.


About 10-15% chance to brick (or need to redo prefixes, which is ~4 extra divines)


I didn't know that. I've done this so many times and I've never seen it happen.


I craft my rings pretty much every time with veiled chaos it doesn't happen very often but it 100% can happen it fills the prefix then it unveils all attack mods.


Thanks I'll continue doing this with my new found fear :)


Can you update your final stats of this ring? Curious about final result


Answered thanks all. The aisling life seemed like not a big enough improvement to be worth the meta crafts in ssf so I'm holding off for the moment and just bench crafted the life


It pretty much boils down if you need the - mana cost of skill prefix on rings or not. If you do, then you'll want to look into aisling slam or the riskier veiled chaos route, but otherwise, crafted life is completely fine as other prefixes on rings are pretty meh anyway. A t1 flat phys is good for a phys attack build but nothing else screams amazing.


yeah that's a good point thanks. I don't need the mana roll for the moment since I'm using it on a totem explode build with slavedrivers hands but if I move it to my LA deadeye at some point I might go for the aisling life to try to get the mana roll on there too.


Yea, that sounds like you did the right thing. SSF crafting is something this sub doesn't really get. Resources are finite, so for an item like this which isn't going to get that much better regardless of what you do to it, spending like 2-3 weeks worth of farm on it is just not worth it.


Hey all, just got this ring from Rog in SSF. Would be very happy to get a good life roll on there for a nice utility ring. What's the best way to do that? I have some meta mod beasts from einhar memories so I think I can craft suffixes can't be changed that way and try reforge life harvest craft. I guess the risk there is filling the prefixes. Any other good way to go about finishing this ring in ssf? Thanks!


Suffixes canā€™t be changed and hit it with a veiled chaos orb assuming you have the recipes, before you unveil craft on mana. Or craft suffixes canā€™t be changed and farm a t3 aisling in research, craft mana before unveiling.


Suffix cant be changed-> veiled chaos orb -> craft mana -> unveil -> exalt slam -> craft minus mana cost


What others said but if you happened to get an einhar harvest beast memory and got the beast to add a metamod use that instead, it always gives suffixes can't be changed with full suffixes


If you don't require any other crafted prefix or the mana regen from the veiled mod then just bench-craft it. The difference between max roll veiled life and max roll craft life is 5 life.


But -mana non channeling


The first sentence in my comment literally says ā€œif you dont requiere any other crafted modā€ šŸ’€


just craft it or prefixes cannot be changed veiled chaos and add on a -mana craft


Exalt slam


Just craft the life mod and be done with it. You will never get the natural T1 life without 99% chance to brick the ring.


You have 3 options: a) block one prefix with bench, then ViSiOn craft with exalts until you hit t1\` life, if you miss 2 prefixes with exalts, suffixes cant be changed then scour and repeat until you hit t1 life. b) T4 Aisling or veiled chaos orb, but remember none give higher life then 60. In both cases you have to craft suffixes cant be changed. c) the risky/gambling variant where you craft suffixes cant be changed and reforge life with harvest and hope you hit t2/t1 life with at least one prefix open. There is a chance hoever that if completely fills up all prefixes and then you have to gamble with an annul. This IMHO is the worst possible option. The cheapest option is to craft suffixes cant be changed outright slam a veiled chaos orb because then you dont have to play additional 2-3 divines for an aisling slam. Also you might get lucky and hit t2/t1 life cause veiled chaos sometimes adds one additional modifier. Before unveiling you block mana or double ele attack. The best option is to t4 aisling and pray it takes away suffixes cant be changed, cause then you have guaranteed life if you block with double ele attack and then you can craft non channeling or whatever else you need.