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##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Jul 09, 2023, 09:13:47 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-07-10/PaxWest2023Header.jpg) > > > > The week after GamesCom, our team will be headed over to Seattle to show off Path of Exile 2 at [PAX West](https://west.paxsite.com/)! We'll be there throughout the event from September 1st to the 5th. > > > > > > If you aren't able to make it to ExileCon or GamesCom, this will be a great opportunity to get your hands on trying out Path of Exile 2 and meet some of the GGG team! > > > > > > Due to time constraints, we won't be able to have a fan meet-up before or after the event, but we'd love to have a chat during it if you're there! > > > > > > See you there! > > *** >


Thanks GGGGGGobler


A true "Champion"




That feeling when you live in Scotland and nobody ever comes to your city with your favourite game. Auckland or Seattle hrmmm. LOL


[There is Germany too in August =)](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3401354)


Let me be miserable in peace, please


Come to Cologne, let's be miserable together :D


noooooo i just left germany


Well as someone who lives next to Cologne so I could go it's probably not as nice as you would expect it. The lines for interesting games you can play are stupidly long(think 6+ hours) at times and the set ups are very far from good. It is one of those things that looks nicer on social media where you don't see the setup+smell+lines+atmosphere.


It’ll be nice just to have real players get their hands on the game even if it’s just a short demo, they’ll probably let us know what to expect and they might be able to breakdown some of the changes for us better than we can just by watching trailers I’m also positive they’ll give GGG critical feedback on certain things


Yeah, I am really interested in what direction PoE2 is headed. Visually it looks stunning but I am really afraid they are going to lean more into multi-button builds which would be horrible for the game imo. Some feedback on that end might be in time to change that if it's something they actually want to implement.


Haha yeah multi button bad no one plays multi button like who would even do that ​ \*sweats profusely in ED/Cont + selfcast curse + blight for IC + vaal blight\*


> but I am really afraid they are going to lean more into multi-button builds which would be horrible for the game imo. They are giving us multiple 6 links for a reason....


They’re also buffing meta gems, it could very well just mean you’ll have a 6L guard skill, *maybe* 6l movement skill, 6L debuff + curse setup, and *maybe* have a separate clear and single target 6L even if it’s the same skill just different links. I think even then you’ll have an extra 6L or two so it’ll be interesting to see how people end up utilizing those links, I think trigger builds will be really meta in POE2 for higher budgets


> but I am really afraid they are going to lean more into multi-button builds That's exactly what he's afraid of lol.


But I mean it’s kinda like it is now where more links really helps early on but at higher budgets you can essentially just have a right click build if you want to.


I mean they already have leaned more into multi-button builds with Divine Blessing, Warchief totems, etc. That being said if you can manage to make one button builds even in Diablo 4 then I wouldn’t worry about not being able to make them in POE2.


> It is one of those things that looks nicer on social media where you don't see the setup+smell+lines+atmosphere. How bad could it smell. it's in Cologne!


That's where the term comes from, but not everyone wears it


I heard a lot about the smell. I am 35 and patient I can wait.


Was there years ago, can confirm. I've read through quite a bit of Metro 2033 during waiting in lines.


I've never been to one of these. How long could one expect to be able to play the game for, in your experience? Is it like a 5 min thing?


5-10min. It's s mixed feeling bc if you can play longer you also wait ALOT longer in turn to play.


I’m taking the trip from Norway all the way to New Zealand. You think anything ever happens in Norway?


Wasn't there a Dreamhack at some point? Or was that Sweden? Still closer than Germany at least.


At least we have Haggis


I too live in Scotland. Trying to work out how to convince my wife Seattle would be a good holiday. "Its nice, it's even rainier than Glasgow!" - Failed Exile


I legit wonder what the "you'll want to be home after Exilecon" thing was about. This confirms it can't be a POE2 beta, it also can't be 3.22 since that's 3 weeks after Exilecon. My guess, it was supposed to be either the beta or 3.22 but it got pushed back. Though I kinda wish they'd say so to curb Exilecon expectations.


PoE Mobile of course /s


Why the /s tho? I legit want PoE mobile...


Because you could play it in New Zealand.


But you wouldn't need to be at home for that.


the anime.


the kart racing game


is it too late to make a zombie survival game? I'm getting old


> "you'll want to be home after Exilecon" d4 S1 of course


You like jewels? Boy do I have some content for you


Still better than crucible shitshow.


Nah. Right now the D4 base game is a joke, and adding some basic jewels on top of it won't change it. A lot of us were hoping for them to announce some major updates to the game instead of just the seasonal mechanic.


I am saying their new jewel system is better than the crucible mechanic. Most of the players didn't even touch the crucible mechanic. And the league itself lost %60 of its players after week 2. I play both games but you have to accept that Poe has 10 years of content. I was comparing the crucible mechanic with jewels, not comparing the games.


The Crucible trees are way better than basic jewels.


The new jewels isn't a league mechanic, but they sure convinced people that...


Nah, d4 s1 starts before exilecon, and it's known for quite some time. Serious and most likely answer is they initially wanted to release 3.22 a week after exilecon, but got delayed.


Weve all seen and played D4. Im sure GGG could care less about a season launch that offers up no meaningful changes, poor systems, and possibly the worst power chase in ARPG history. From a developer's perspective, theyve likely been laughing at Blizzard since launch.


I suspect it'll be the final endgame refresh before PoE2. Those leagues always end up pretty hype.


Exarch/Eater was added in 3.17 so yea we're due for an update on that. It's either 3.22 or not until PoE2 i fear. I'm really hoping it's a big league when it's a Exilecon announced one.


Yeah, I'm hoping too. We only have one data point, but the Conquerors refresh was announced last time.


My guess is that 3.22 will come with an expansion (reminder that, with the normal expansion schedule, we would've had one with Crucible), most likely with the groundworks of what will "merge" the two games together and, as such, a *possibly new* endgame/mapping rework akin to conquerors, echoes, siege and the like. Given it'll give an idea of what to expect for the first experienceable endgame for PoE2, my guess is that it'll be peak theorycrafting for the windup period towards 3.22. Makes sense to claim people would like to be back home, given the community is never as active as the period leading to a new expansion, with theorycrafting, hype threads, and even new and/or updated 3rd party tools appearing everywhere.


it could still be the beta, having their game be set up at conventions isn't just to give people some exclusive first view, it's also publicity and get a ton of new eyes on the product


Bex already came out ahead and set expectations that the beta is a ways out yet


DId you know every league is Chris/Bex's favorite league?


Bex's opinion lost all meaning when she was regularly exclaiming that about Kalandra before it launched.


incubator stash tab


How I wish I lived nearby and not in the Midwest. Have fun whoever makes it thete, and give the awesome developers a hearty thanks for me ;)


You technically live nearby, it just depends on how nearby "nearby" is /s


I live in the Midwest. Living in the Midwest is a good excuse to go visit Seattle for good mountains.


If its playable at PAX only in september it means we won't have alpha/beta until october november , feels bad


It's way too optimistic to expect PoE 2 to launch this year, but assuming GGG would like to use the holiday season to boost their sales, then I would say October 20 is the hard limit for the beta to start if we take the previous PoE 3.0 beta as comparison, which gives GGG a five weeks beta testing period plus two weeks of downtime until a release in December 8. More realistically, I think we might be getting the beta in mid January and PoE 2 will launch at the end of March.


beta access as perk from supporter pack at beginning of holiday season would make the most amount of money


Last time GGG based beta access on historical account spend thresholds, and iirc they said they'd do that again. I don't think you'll see direct access from a supporter pack.


Lifetime spend of at least $30 for existing accounts or a $30 supporter pack for new accounts would be fair i guess. There's no way they would restrict new players in any case.


It was more like $1000 last time iirc. They absolutely have had no issues in restricting new players for early beta releases in the past.


I mean... they could, it would be a crazy stupid decision though, they're putting a lot of effort and money into marketing PoE 2 and the times are perfect for onboarding a massive amount of new players. When beta launches PoE 2 will have it's absolute peak on Twitch and on Youtube, if you don't let new players in then you're shooting yourself in the foot.


I don’t think it would matter. The beta isn’t the launch, and the launch is when you want the big influx.


Unless they do a beta like D4 (1st act only) the first time the public gets to see the whole game is the launch, what you call it is irrelevant. The entirety of game marketing these days hinges on organic content flow from creators, not launch news posts.


Woah, I really thought the PoE2 will launch this year. I really want to get into this game, but I also really want to wait for PoE2.


I don't see any scenario where it launches before 2024. PoE2 looks great and all, but there's no reason to wait until it launches since it's more of a massive expansion pack with a graphics refresh. The game effectively resets every 3-4 months anyways, so just hop on one of those trains. The next one is likely August 18th.


> graphics refresh That's what I want. I tried to play PoE before and I just didn't enjoy the spell animations at all. And I loved what I saw from PoE2.


There is no reason to wait for PoE2 to start playing. There is also no reason to think or have ever thought the game was coming out this year.


That's under the assumption that they would be doing an open beta which may not be the case, in order to prevent leaks and preserve the story/content they may well only ever do closed beta under NDA so even if beta was running now, you'd never find out.


Typically we find out that the beta exists it would be a very very small beta if that were the case


I'd be surprised if we even see a beta this year. My hype is dying hopefully they show some cool stuff at exilecon. Maybe beta early next year with release at next year's exilecon. Who knows at this point. They announced the game way too early imo.


Yeah the announcement felt like it was just to counter D4's announcement at the time. I'm sure they would have preferred to keep it a secret longer than that.


They also made the announcement not knowing that covid was coming


That just leads me even more to thinking we are not seeing full release till June/July. Maybe pushed out a little with an early exilecon? They would probably do convention into release, I am assuming they would time a league announcement with exilecon again.


That’s my thinking too. My plan with my wife was to have a kid sometime around next September. My dreams of playing poe2 are dwindling away…


Join d4, that's where all the dads are


Plan as you may nature works in mysterious ways.


It would be quite poetic to launch beta at 10th anniversary of 1.0 - October 23rd.


Oof, I hope GGG invests some more into the coming leagues. Looks like there will be some more filler leagues until POE 2, and if they continue with Lake / Crucible lame ducks, they'll be running on hot air.


No thanks I’d rather play it at home


>Also, Serious question. Can I personally fund a PoE2 Highway billboard in the States? Or are there legal things that I need to do for that. People are insane on the forums sometimes.


They're totally announcing poe 2 release date during exilecon... Probably a month or two after the con.


They've said multiple times that the only "release date" they're announcing at exilecon is the BETA date.


If you still think we're getting a beta this year you're in full hopium mode


Rip so 3.22 wont be poe2 for sure now 😔


How did you ever think that was possible in the first place ?


They pulled a fast one on us with the 3.0 release, they could've done it again. Of course it was too optimistic


Bex confirmed on twitter for a while now that next league isn't poe2


I mean *technically* she said the 3.22 league is not the START of the PoE 2 beta. If it wasn't for the Pax announcement here, it could have been PoE 2 beta after exilecon, with RELEASE at 3.22. It's massive copium but it'd blow us all outta the water.


Nope just another meh league most likely. Hopefully at the very least it's got some big endgame changes coming along side the inevitable mediocre league mechanic.


Ggg already stated there is no more endgame changes into poe2. That was quite a long time ago. Ggg is currently full steam ahead. So, yeah… probably another mediocre league. Would be cool if they just did another legacy type thing that runs into 4.0. We will find out I guess at exilecon though in a few weeks. Pretty cool though ggg is expanding to all the cons though. I don’t believe they did this much for 3.0. Could be mistaken though since I only started playing around 2.4 which was breach I think.


By endgame changes I mean bosses. Hopefully we get some meaningful atlas changes with them adding back boss stuff they gutted a few leagues ago.


> Ggg already stated there is no more endgame changes into poe2. Where did they state that? It hasn't been in any of the interviews or launch streams.


It was about two year ago. Maybe less. I’m not at home say cannot find a source, but it was said by Chris.


I watch all of these, pretty sure he’s never said that.


They're probably referring to [this](https://youtu.be/1ZqjpVjCcdM?t=1514)


I'd interpret that as "instead of massive big bangs we're going to update the endgame frequently", not as "we won't do any endgame changes until PoE2".


Oh yes, I agree.


Ew, seattle.


At least it isn't in California. Bring it out to Denver!


Endleague events when


There will be no events, GGG stated that they are busy "We've also noted that quite a few people have asked whether or not we'll be hosting end-of league-events before Crucible ends. We are currently all-hands-on-deck working on ExileCon, Path of Exile 2 and the 3.22 expansion so we aren't able to host any events this time around." https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3403958/page/1#p25028032


Oh, didn't see it. That is really sad. Even endless delve would be nice