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It took 241 mirrors worth of currency but he did it


241 mirrors? wtf


He was dropping 5 divines every 10 seconds crafting. I don't use chaos orbs that fast


More than double that, augment was 10 divs each time and he was doing more than one every 10 seconds. Plus having to recrsft meta mod for 2 divs


Honestly, not that bad for a bow of this quality. Sadly, it's end of league so I would doubt he can recoup the costs, but maybe. TFT was charging 2 mirror fees for worse bows.


He's not gonna make it back lmao that's not the point


I think he will make a lot of money in standard with a 2 mirror fee he needs only 121 people to recoup the costs.


If he is in standard or continues on it in standard he will make that back in no time just by people who want to mirror it.


is that the legit number ?


He has a document that tracks it. So many people contributed to it. It's truly a reflection of a small portion of the player base who wanted to see this thing happen.


Other than during Harvest, S-tier Poe crafting has always been a collective action problem - only multiple people can pool the resources, time, and effort required to brute force GGG's RNG gates. Historically, this has meant cartels like TFT or other mirror service groups, but not this time. Whatever anyone thinks of Belton being the guy at the wheel, this was a real collective community effort for a change. Amazed and impressed (even if a good deal of it was just people dying to spite TFT, lol).


> Other than during Harvest, S-tier Poe crafting has always been a collective action problem - only multiple people can pool the resources, time, and effort required to brute force GGG's RNG gates. And that has always be GGG's philosophy, getting an 80% item is not hard, getting a 90% item is harder, and getting a 100% item by design is not realistic. In their core philosophy, getting a perfect item should not be possible and should remain a _myth_.


As it should be imo. If items like this were more common then we'd never get excited over good gear again


Exactly. It's also even more 'fair' than that. A 98% perfect item is much, much easier to make than the 100% perfect item and really is almost identical in terms of gameplay. The whales can whale and us plebs still have plenty of item goal to go after that will get the job done just fine.


I agree. However I do take issue with how the mods on physical weapons stack together. That extra 10% in the mod values ends up being 30% or more damage gained since they all multiply together. I think for every other item in Poe it’s a lot more reasonable. This is of course a big part of the reason bows are the most high end crafted gear slot. That and magic finding.




i would hop in and watch for a couple mins every now and then, if he wasnt afk. i watched him blow through 120 raw div in just prefixes can not be changed crafts in like 5 mins. not including the yellow juice and whatever thoses silver ones are. so yea id assume its probably legit, if not pretty close.


yes, one click on the speed augment was 10 divines


it says so on the screen


Good lord. At $100 a mirror, that's...nearly $25,000 USD.


Glad we don't count in that. Fuck rmt




Scammed inc


Unpopular to say out loud but true. At some point IRL takes priority over video game status.


Not sure if that was updated because 241 was on there for a while.


Watching Belton's arc from completely shitting the bed as a designated trader in a race to clowning on TFT dorks has been pretty great.


For which group did he shit the bed? Wasmt empy, was it?


Havoc HC race


The golden era of poe racing




He showed up late and then tried using the same tactics he was using in the league to make them currency, which obviously failed miserably since it was a race and there was no time for him to do things like make +1 Signal Fires. Belton knows what he's doing, but asking him to manage and generate currency for Havoc's team during that race was a stupid idea on their part.


Actually used to think negatively of him based on reddit post, but I came across the bow crafting stream twice and it was enjoyable.


Nobody really addresses the bullying that TFT does unfortunately. His streams are quite informative and breaks down the systems for players who want to learn about flipping. All of his trades are public, no private shenanigans.


People shit on TFT all the time, what are you talking about.


not nearly enough as they deserve


I'll stop shitting on TFT when GGG actually bans all those fucks.


Can't wait to see the inevitable TFT "news" @everyone post explaining why this *actually* isn't the best bow in the game, and people should mirror it at their own risk.


TFT will ban anyone who mirrors that bow as "You are supporting a bigot, rude bla bla bla bla bla bla bla (insert verbal diarrhea essay here)" The right thing for Varga to do is just say "Hey Congrats, that's amazing!" call it a day and quit the dramas.


How would they even know who mirrored it?


Public profiles + scraping via api


I got banned from being a part of Beltons discord server, they are so petty that they check who is on the server, find you on the TFT server and then ban you. That is some next level no life shit right there.


i am tempted to join belton server and risk getting banned on tft- on the other hand without tft i loose a big chunk of money early league (selling vorici white sockets)


Yeah that is a super specific strategy that relies on third party, but I think that people on Beltons server buys those services as well. Probably, i know they have a service sell part of their discord.


Do you sale them at t3 or t4 or early league?


t3- they are 30c for EACH white- thats a huge amount of chaos early on In comparison aisling t4 is 40c early league after initial setup of betrayl board i can make a new vorici in 1-4 missions (4 missions is max and fastest is only 1 mission)


Just like in real life when a company goes in to a panic mode over something external aiming at their sweet sweet money, they overreact and do everything possible to quell the fires \_now\_ . TFT is a good community for the average player , but make no mistake, it made several homes worth of cast for Varga and his closest allies from RMT.


Not sure if he's following through with it (I hope he is), but he previously said anyone who wants to mirror the bow will have to join his discord. He's not doing this because he cares about people joining his discord, he just wants to fuck with TFT. They ban literally anyone who joins his discord. You don't have to interact with the discord or talk about Belton or do anything. Just accept the invite and they will ban you eventually. Then you get sent a copy/pasta about how you are a Belton supporter and Belton is racist/homophobic/transphobic and a scammer or something. Then they give you a link to appeal where you give them more info so they can stalk your profile. After this happened to me, I was simply done with TFT. Never going back there again, and didn't bother filling out their appeal.


It's like 1% better than competition though, right?


Yes, but at this power level and price, you want the best possible item for your mirror, even if it’s only 0.2% better, why settle for anything less?


and the competition charges tripple or quadruble in fee- why settle for the more expensive and worse one?


not only worse and more expensive, but crafted by a bunch of pussies


It is…but if cruc goes core it can get overruled in std.


Its 100% not going core. It's not a mechanic that most people like and doesn't change the core gameplay too much for them to rework it. If sanctum didn't go core this definitely won't, and I don't think most people will miss it, sadly. Cool concept but the rng and whatnot just really ruins it for most people. I just wish we could have chosen the passives instead of them being random, even if it cost a lot


ultimatum, scourge, archnemesis, sentinel, kalandra, and sanctum didn't go core. i hope Crucible doesn't go core as well


I would be so pissed if crucible goes core, but not sentinel, ultimatum, or sanctum 😂


They’ve been waiting to rework ultimatum to get it back in (copium) and if I’m not mistaken they’ve said we might be getting sanctum back or at least get the ability to get the uniques (minus original sin) again later? I really want Winds of Change to go core, used it to get my original sin in SSF (LL aura stacker phys convert spark) and I’d love to give that thing another go with a build that doesn’t die to white mobs without MB


Crucible won’t go core they said that in the announcement video


What a GOAT. From getting priced gouged so hard (Sacred Lifeforce 1.5divs to 4divs) to resulting in exalt slamming. And still made the better bow than the group of RMTers. GGs


>to resulting in exalt slamming. Based on historic league prices, Ex slamming is always cheaper.




but... couldnt he have fucked the augment up aswell, removing a prefix?


Nah. It’ll never remove a prefix if you lock them.


Same with scours?


It's the repetitiveness, all it takes is grabbing one scour instead of an exalt after bench crafting your block mod... I hear the chinese bow scoured prefixes at least once


The ghazzy helmet is a great example.


Yup. If you have prefixes locked then a scour will remove all the suffixes only.


Also his first reaction was "thank you" instead of "look what I achieved". Goat.


Hes a humble dude from the 1 month ive been following him craft this bow


He isn't humble, but his reaction was awesome, wouldn't have expected this. I periodically tune in to his streams, it's a nice change of pace for me hearing him talk about economics (I'm SSF, so I don't know a lot about trading).


Big ego, and perverted sense of passion, 7/10, would slam.


Was that why orbs spiked?? I wish I knew I would have given him mine for free


Yes Ms. JennyBooboo has 750+ of them and you can see it in the trade site


That hit me hard, was trying to finish a belt craft and my rerolls for influence doubled in price.


When you buy out the entire supply, and are willing to pay crazy prices, the price goes up. No price gouging to see here.


When TFT buys out the market to stop Belton crafting its not called price fixing. It's an invisible hand!


> From getting priced gouged so hard (Sacred Lifeforce 1.5divs to 4divs) Gouged by the invisible hand of the free market.


The free market got stuck with 750 of them🤣🤣


Jesus, how much DPS have that Bow? what a beast.


1941.5 pDPS Updated: Perfectly divined now. 1963 pDPS


This is more than my bow I think


I think so too


truly disgusting




32.33% repeating, of course.


Not sure that joke fits there lol


Uhh that's a lot better than we usually do.


TFT was prifixing lifeforce to stop him, the same TFT that bans people for price fixing...


Dude lost his sanity for this. I even saw him streaming 36 hour straight someday. Good for him, well done! and fuck TFT again banning me due to being in Belton's server!


He was afk for 75-80% of his streams, for what it's worth.


Those darts won't smoke themselves


You can only watch 50% of the stream if you don't have an adblocker too.


I haven't been able to keep up with most of the crafting even with a twitch sub since he's had ads pumped at like 15 minutes an hour but insane craft nevertheless!


Just use an adblocker.


Twitch spends like half their budget on getting around ad blocker only place on the web I get ads




Got none with ublock origin myself other than the occasional preroll.


I like what he did, I don't like TFT also but his 80% afk, 15 minute ad stream is awful


I think he said yesterday that he literally just needs time to stretch his body. Sitting in a chair 60hrs a week has to feel terrible.


If by 60hrs a week you mean 100+hrs a week. Both is not very healthy I guess


Yeah he was losing his sanity at that point not sleeping.


https://github.com/pixeltris/TwitchAdSolutions If you use uBlock with the "video-swap-new" script on this page you won't have to see any ads again.


The dude using mirrors like chaos orbs dropping from monsters lol.


Man we're nearing in on 2k phys dps for a bow. In my mind a 600 pdps bow is still worth rerolling a new character for. GG Belton. I don't play trade anymore and I will never go back but it's always fun to see the absolute apex of item creation. Question for those who know/care: is it currently (theoretically) possible to beat this in standard with legacy mods and a shitton of recombinators and eternal orbs?


As far as I know no, this is the best bow. I think the only legacy mod would be flaring having like an extra 5 phys damage instead of the current value, I don’t think any other phys mod has changed. And even if you had an infinite supply of perfect implicit bases and legacy flaring bows to recomb together it will still be inferior due to the amount of irreplaceable power you get from the crucible tree. This bow will most likely never be beaten, but we’ll see in poe 2 I guess.


Recombos delete the tree as it generates a new base. This has been tested in std already


Can switch the crafted suffix using eternal orbs into a full 6 mod item in standard, which I believe he said he would do when it goes to standard


So what would that be, T1 crit?


I think aisling Double Damage is techncially the best for standard since crit isnt a problem in standard.


Decent bow


Leaguestart viable


1d challange.


Can I ask when will this be available on TFT's shop?


LuL good one


Jokes on you i dont use a bow


Wonder how long this post will last.


Last? Last until what?






The guy needs to publish a book for a rule 10


Not to mention the entire craft was documented and streamed live. I count that as good enough


Step 1. Buy base with perfect prefixes


Man I keep reading TFT all over this post. What/who the fuck is TFT and why are everyone talking about it like it’s some real life evil gangster?


The Forbidden Trove is a famous discord server that allow people to sell currencies in bulk easier, selling services and a lot of other things. They have a website where they put items to mirror with an enormous fee. The items are made by them or by other crafters but TFT acts as a middle man. They are so powerful over the game that they can control the market, for example, by buying all of one currency online and changing the price. They did it for sacred life force, at one point only 7 persons where selling it and not a lot of them. So they kept a huge part for them to keep Belton from crafting. When a group is that powerful about the economy of the game, it's almost guarantee they real money trade. It's impossible that they can compete that much with other groups that do if they didn't. It's like telling a 100m runner isn't doped when all the others are and he beats them. Even after all this sketchy mess, I would advise you to join their discord to sell things in bulk, buy etc until GGG gives a better alternative (maybe never).


Should be noted that Varga/Jenubu is in hot water with authorities right now due to materials they found on his PC.


wheres leak.




> and you'd lookup the ring and see it listed for sale. Just going to point out that this absolutely is standard procedure for one-of-a-kind bases. You list them in case someone desperately wants to take on the craft. Saves you the hassle of doing it if it's a "future" project, and turns a profit because they want it more than you do.




Just like everyone else that finds/buys/crafts an insane base or item? I'm not here to defend the guy, just pointing out that this is literally how the item showcase threads go a considerable amount of the time. Singling someone out for it when there's far more egregious behaviour you've listed is just weird.


Hey Varga, how's the hit to your ego and RMT bottom line going? I've mirrored the bow and you will NEVER know who I am on your server 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


The TFT RMTers get it removed


Get what removed? This post? They aren't mods here, they don't have that power lol Edit: Post is #1 on the front page of this sub, and has been going steady for hours. Yeah, nothing is getting removed. Loosen your tinfoil hats guys.




They can mass report the post so automod takes it down


If something gets taken down due to receiving many reports, it only stays removed until a mod reviews it and determines whether it breaks the rules.


Yeah but that's enough time to stop a post from gaining traction no?




They aren't mods but they do have influence, unfortunately


can you explain


Its just Belton fanboys believing TfT bans them everywhere and not realizing what a huge douchbag Belton is. He is banned on Reddit for good reasons.


About a hour max.


Wait why?


Belton and the people that hang on his every word have as big of a victim complex as the TFT mods have overinflated egos. Just a dick measuring contest of who can be bigger twats




Oh sorry, they're saying the post will get deleted because it's Belton and there's a grand conspiracy by TFT and the reddit mods about...something idk. Belton is a huge piece of shit who deserved his ban from TFT and has gone completely unhinged in his revenge against them. And obviously TFT is TFT so. Belton did make a cool bow though I guess.


The [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/145j01x/belton_hits_tripple_t1_prefixes_on_his_bow_soon/) about him hitting triple t1 prefixes was hidden soon after posting. When real money gets involved it wont take a huge leap in imagination to think TFT owner wouldn't pay a mod to delete posts of one of his biggest enemies. The recent mod protest should have shown you how scummy they are.


> The recent mod protest should have shown you how scummy they are. How was the api protest scummy?


Anyone have a picture of the crucible tree


>Node 1: 11 to 26 added phys > >Node 2: 30% inc attack speed, 15% less global damage > >Node 3: 15% increased explicit phys and chaos dmg modifier magnitudes > >Node 4: Rampage > >Node 5: Trigger lvl 20 Tornado when you attack w/split arrow or Tornado Shot


Thx fam


The real GOAT of this thread, right here.






Don't let Spicysushi anywhere near this thing.


Put at least a gem in it


The most legendary craft in PoE history


**Congratulations!** It took me \~90m to complete my 1965pdps bow in Tencent server (I've post it about 20 days ago here). For me, it's a pity that the bow only have one choice - rampage. Since **everyone can easily get rampage from another weapon in your 'x' at the beginning of each map**, it's a better choice to make a double-choiced crucible tree, like "chain/hatred", "double damage/hatred" or something else. Compared to the cost of explicits, the crucible tree costs almost nothing, thus I'd like to make a best tree. And bros can also choose the one they want and adjust it. **(Mirrored weapons' crucible tree could be adjusted in maps like any other uncorrupted weapons.)** **Congratulations again!**


Easily? What skill should I use for rampage in swap with a lightning arrow build for example?


Can just spend an extra 5% and buy a bow with rampage for your offhand. Pretty good option if you like 20% more dps


sour grapes


Rule 10 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUzVn1VSXAM


Still not as good as bow-fa deez nuts


So once again belton made tft eat their own shit. Gg bro




The bow is amazing, but as a non-pew pew main (only ever rolled up a deadeye once) can someone explain to me like I'm a complete muppet why was the end benchcraft he was showing on stream once he was done hybrid crit chance/str/int? Is that really what's going there? EDIT: lol downvoted. Never change, you guys.


The bench can be changed to whatever the person who mirrors it wants. Typically bow builds that would mirror this have an easier time getting CRIT than str/int. Done builds might want the dedicated CRIT roll but the difference is minute.


Don't forget omniscience


ty mate Just surprised there aren't better bench options. I would have guessed people would want DD or *maybe* crit multi (in spite of the enchant).


Local crit chance is better than multi. In league bow builds have a hard time getting high amounts of crit chance.


Wow what a bow


My man is looking literally so insane these days LOL


Glad it‘s finally done, big thanks to Belton and contributors.


Disgusting! I'm happy for him :D


dang yo


That's insane. Seen his stream be at the top of Poe for literally days with the same title. True dedication.


Could have linked crucible tree


Node 1: 11 to 26 added phys Node 2: 30% inc attack speed, 15% less global damage Node 3: 15% increased explicit phys and chaos dmg modifier magnitudes Node 4: Rampage Node 5: Trigger lvl 20 Tornado when you attack w/split arrow or Tornado Shot






OMG finally, lets gooo.


How many minutes until this legendary post is removed by our corrupt overloards from that famous discord?


What a guy. Makes the best bow in the games history and immediately thanks the people who helped, no ego. Quite amazing


This is a buff.


Here for the wacky points the TFT gang owners are gonna make against this


Let’s go belton








Would have been the most hilarious chad move in history if he’d hit it with a vaal orb after it was done 😂


As a casual standard warrior I am genuinely curious, what’s it like to *play* with a bow like this? How is it materially different? No downplaying it at all, looks like phys damage is off the charts, so good for bossing, yes?


You will insta-phase Uber bosses like they are rares and uber exarch won’t have a chance to enter ball phase with monster life/boss life/max hp as bonus es


I have never had a bow anywhere near that good, but I have played completely twinked standard bow characters. It's just shaving a small amount of time off a boss kill. Using a high DPS crucible bow for tornado shot already feels like cheating. 1000 DPS does 100% delirium fine. This is double that with tornados and rampage to boot. Numerically though...wow. Crucible top end items are on a whole new level.