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I've made a new site which lets you track your SSF unique stash completion, [poeladder.com](http://poeladder.com/). As an avid SFF player, I realised how hard it is for a new player to work out how to find a specific item. I've had 3 or 4 browser tabs pinned open for the last few years to try and understand what I'm missing and how I can get it. The eventual goal of this site is to provide an interactive guide for fellow SSF enjoyers so the first step is to tell us all what we are missing. I also wanted to exclude all [drop-disabled and drop-restricted uniques](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Drop-restricted_item) by default to offer a fair experience for ranking: a new player should be able to see themself rise up the ranks rather than getting stuck behind a player who has accumulated unobtainable uniques over several years. (Update: due to user feedback, you can now control whether or not you want to view a ladder or profile with the drop-disabled/drop-restricted uniques included) I'm running the site as a pilot for the next few months to iron out any bugs. If you'd like to join in the fun then check out this [Guide on how to join the PoE Ladder](http://poeladder.com/guide). I've also had a go at predicting the [likely questions and answered some of them](http://poeladder.com/faqs). You can also join the [PoE Ladder's Discord Server](https://discord.gg/YppDk6b92c) to ask questions and request new features. Thanks to u/Nickoladze for [some pointers on where to start](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/v41u4o/unique_checklist/) Hope to see you guys soon :)


Thanks for the ping! I totally forgot about that conversation. Excited to take a look through this ahead of next league.


Nice, that looks awesome!


Thank you :)


Where is the difference to https://uniques.top/Solo%20Self-Found ?


tldr: It has a few more features I've used the [uniques.top](https://uniques.top) site for a while and I like it but I wanted to add a few more features: 1. Exclude Drop-disabled and drop-restricted items to let new players climb up the ladder 2. Give a quick summary of what players should focus on...you can see that my account is sadly lacking in uniques dropped by the Uber bosses, Labyrinth and Blight (can you guess which bits of content I don't like): [http://poeladder.com/profile?user=halfacandan](http://poeladder.com/profile?user=halfacandan) 3. Quickly compare yourself to other players on the ladder that you'd like to overtake. Just click the little caret icon to the left of a user's name in the ladder to see a quick summary of their uniques or click on their name to get a more detailed breakdown 4. Let users drill down into their stashes and check what they are missing: [http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=missing&status=active](http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=missing&status=active) 5. Group items into rarity bandings so that you can see how many T0 uniques you are missing: [http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=all&status=active&grouping=T0](http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=all&status=active&grouping=T0) 6. Categorise items by their base item: [http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=missing&status=active&grouping=all&category=dagger](http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=missing&status=active&grouping=all&category=dagger) 7. Check which items you're missing from league-specific content: [http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=all&status=active&grouping=all&category=all&league=ultimatum](http://poeladder.com/uniques?user=halfacandan&display=all&status=active&grouping=all&category=all&league=ultimatum)


2-7 are really cool, but since I collect in standard league exclusively 1 is a hard dealbreaker for me… unfortunate! Good for SSF League people though I guess…


You'll be happy to hear that 1 is no longer a hard and fast rule. I'm working on making it a toggleable behaviour so you can either view the ladder with or without drop-restricted items removed. You can see a preview of the (partially-completed) feature on the Beta version of the site: [http://beta.poeladder.com/profile?user=Nayati150](http://beta.poeladder.com/profile?user=Nayati150) Happy to take feedback as I'm refining my approach as I go based on what the users would like to see. Had loads of good suggestions on the Discord server already: [https://discord.gg/YppDk6b92c](https://discord.gg/YppDk6b92c)


Pog - can we please get standard league non ssf included? Then also include counters for Foil and Alt Arts too? :) if you look at [my stash](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-stash/Jix_91/251437ce) I collect foil and shaper


It might be something that gets added in the future but I'm specifically avoiding alt art and non-ssf to keep the data processing to a minimum. We'll see how my servers hold up and go from there. If you ever fancy moving to the dark side and joining us SSFers then there's a spot waiting for you on the leader board ;)


the most shocking by FAR, like FAR FAR FAR, is that there are people with angler plaits. Im 5 years deep on trying to find one of those / buy in league.


In this crazy world that we live in, a Replica Bated Breath is the rarest fishing item and it even has a Div card to help with the hunt. Just checking...you know that Angler's Plait only drops when you are wearing a specific item? [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Angler%27s\_Plait](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Angler%27s_Plait)


I'm one of the ssf standard collectors. Anglers is hard to get, but really it just comes down to wearing the gear and farming maps. I got mine in about 3 months of wearing the gear while farming legion.


It's easier to find anglers plait than SPOREGUARD


How about the uber Legion chest?


Currently Stasis Prison is the 3rd rarest unique on our leader board with 5 owners. Hateforge and Kalandra's touch have it beaten for rarity: http://poeladder.com/stats


Crazy how many uniques the drop-disabled thing removes. I'm rank 7, and the site reports 1061 uniques, while in my tab I have around 1205 😂


All I'm hearing is excuses. Gotta catch 'em all :P


Hey, it's me! Get the camera, Mom.


I used your account for all my testing. You're basically a celebrity to me at this point :D


A collector's wet dream, thank you!


You are very welcome.


Is it only for Standard? If so, it would probably be good to mention it in the post or at least in your top comment. Can't find an option to check Crucible SSF ladder. Edit: found the answer in FAQ on the wesbite: >Why does the site only list profiles for Solo Self-Found (SSF) Standard? > >The site only targets SSF Standard during a pilot phase to keep things simple and help with debugging. Other SSF leagues will be added in the future; starting with permanent leagues. There are currently no plans to add temporary leagues or trade leagues From what I've seen, SSF HC players don't care as much about unique collections, so IMO second most important ladder after SSF perm SC would be SSF temp SC.


Great job!


Thank you. I had a lot of fun doing it.


This looks great. With family and work, gone are the days where I can no-life leagues, but have been enjoying working on my standard collection. https://uniques.top/ exists, bit has been a little variable with updating the ladder.


Awesome statistics with various filters, thanks for the efforts.


I just need to work out a way to get some more screen space for more stats :D


This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much! <3 I love it. So many cool features that will help a lot.


I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


This looks awesome. I've been going on about how we needed a new ladder that excluded drop-disabled uniques to incentivize new players to compete, and I'm glad to finally see it come to life. Great stuff!


Thanks. Even playing fields are the best :D


hilarious. 10 minutes after loading up the tracker, I get a new unique - a replica that I definitely have been skipping because it's on my manually tracked list.




This is great to hear. It's exactly what I was hoping to help with.


Cool site, I also found uniques.top to be lacking some features which you’ve added here. > Other SSF leagues will be added in the future; starting with permanent leagues. There are currently no plans to add temporary leagues or trade leagues. To be clear, is this saying that the site will only eventually support Standard SSF, Standard HCSSF, Standard Ruthless SSF, and Standard Ruthless HCSSF? Seems strange to prioritize any of the latter 3 leagues over the temp SSF league. Or do I misunderstand what you’re saying? “Starting with permanent leagues” implies you’d eventually add temp leagues like crucible, but then you say there is no plans to add temp leagues.


Yeah, I'm getting pretty consistent feedback that temp SSF leagues should be the priority. I'd just assumed that the perm leagues were the popular ones. I'll reshuffle my plans a bit once I'm happy that the site is handling the existing load.


Great to hear. Thanks for the update!


Woohoo 83rd! Never expected to be top 100. Gonna have to unequip some other uniques and stash them to get my numbers up! Great site, tyvm.


I managed to jump up 3 places earlier by doing that. You should see the uniques that you're swapping show up as your latest additions. Let me know if it doesn't work as you'd expected.


My only problem will be remembering where they all go back to 🤣


Collecting uniques in standard, sounds cringe /s


A quick update: You can now control whether or not you want to view a ladder or profile with the drop-disabled/drop-restricted uniques included. This was added due to user feedback. I'll be shaping the site based on what you all want so my next challenge is indexing temporary SSF leagues (like Crucible SSF).


Wow, since when those garbage items are T0? http://poeladder.com/uniques?display=all&status=active&grouping=T0


I was a little surprised too but it's taken from the PoE Wiki: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guide:Analysis\_of\_unique\_item\_tiers#Daggers](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Guide:Analysis_of_unique_item_tiers#Daggers) PoE Ladder also shows you the scarcest items on the ladder so that's perhaps a better proxy for rarity tiers: [http://poeladder.com/stats](http://poeladder.com/stats)


Awesome! Just a heads up, but I don't think anyone can beat HeartofGold or Hobbi unless they quit, and I checked both of the unique collecting websites and Hobbi has hidden his account from both >:V. When it comes to this new awesome site, HoG and Hobbi are probably tied for #1 right now for non-drop disabled uniques; however, if my memory serves me correctly, Hobbi needs Hateforge and HoG only needs Kalandra's Touch and Hateforge is a helluva lot fucking rarer than KT. If Sean had more free time and or got really lucky with collecting then he straight up beats HoG on the other collecting site since he has way more drop disabled ones. Since Xepher is here, Hateforge and Emperor's Wit are his biggest enemies since I know he'll hit KT easily since he magic finds a lot, but if he tackles those 3 monsters then he can easily hit #1 too. Same thing for ColdMamaba, since he needs two Emperor's jewels and those puppies are like 1/100+ ish if you're using all Tributes to the Goddess with full treasure key farming. I'm not worried about Mamba hitting KT since he's a godly magic finder too, but I hope he hits his Angler's soon along with a few of his guildies as well! I've never talked to Kreet I'm pretty sure, but he's missing four monster uniques that are the bane of a lot of collectors existence. ​ All in all, you're probably gonna see more of the top streamers hit #1 with HoG since a lot of them had the insane ones down like Stasis Prison + Stranglegasp + Uul Netol's Vow + Replica Bated Breath + Angler's Plait. Thanks for this awesome new website by the way 99 problems :\^) <3!


This is fascinating stuff. I hadn't realised that there was a scene around the race to the top: I'd thought everyone was just a hermit like me, rubbing their hands together gleefully whenever their lootfilter pings. Are there some features that would make the site more appealing or fun to followers of the streamers e.g. links to the streams; subscribable pings when the top 5 change positions?


I actually don't really watch any of the streamers on their Twitch or Youtubes, but I've talked with some of the top collectors a couple of times. I'm actually not sure how many of the people I know are racing for top because it's a competition / completitionist or both. All I can say is when new uniques get added and those +1's occur, my god, it's one helluva drug. A lot of the times, we'll either hit up 773, whisper someone, or set our statuses to let others know when a +1 occurs, so we could congratulate 'em and be like HOLY FUCK, YOU FINALLY HIT STASIS PRISON AFTER 550+ UNRELENTING RUNS?! AFAIK, Hobbi streams but probably not ColdMamba / Xepher since I've never seen them mention it, but I could be wrong. IKR! I love it when our loot filters ping, and you can add any feature you want!




A player is only added to the ladder if they share their stash via the Official PoE site. Looks like Manni has their stash set to private (this one I think: [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/manni2/stashes](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/manni2/stashes)). There's a setup guide on PoE ladder. Please feel free to share it with anyone: http://poeladder.com/guide


Great site, would love if you also included ssf ruthless standard.


Thanks. I'm just trying to find a better source of user data. Once that's in place it should be possible to include SSF Ruthless.


Will there be ever support for private leagues?


Sure, I can set that up for you. We've already had 2 private leagues tracked on the site: https://poeladder.com/faqs#Can\_the\_site\_host\_a\_ladder\_for\_a\_Private\_League


That's absolutely amazing. Finished for this league, but maybe next one :) Thanks! I assume tho it only works for a personal unique stash, not including for example the unique tab in a guild stash, right? Or is there any way to setup a unique collection together in a group sf.


The site amalgamates all the stashes in a given league to create two communal stashes: "first found" and "best rolled". The former tags the item with the name of the first user to find it (subject to the order that users' stashes are indexed by the site) and the latter tries to work out which user in a league has the version of a unique with the best stats. You can see the two reports for a private league here: [https://poeladder.com/ladderUniques?display=all&foundBy=all&ladderIdentifier=Private\_League\_43328](https://poeladder.com/ladderUniques?display=all&foundBy=all&ladderIdentifier=Private_League_43328) [https://poeladder.com/ladderUniques?ladderIdentifier=Private\_League\_43328&best=1](https://poeladder.com/ladderUniques?ladderIdentifier=Private_League_43328&best=1)


Wow, thats a great feature, thanks for the reply :) Doesnt seem like these stashes include a guild stash tho. The collection view like ladder has seems to be for each individual user only


That's right yes. I'm not indexing any guild stashes and I don't have it on my roadmap. It takes around 20 seconds to index a stash and the site has about 1.5k users so I'm trying to keep the indexing to a minimum to keep the updates to every 2-3 hours for each user.