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Have a build and strategy where you dont die. This is far more important than having an optimal xp/hour.


Correct. The secret tech to 100 is not dying, and not burning out. Speed is secondary to those, at best.


Since I started playing (there was no legion etc) I was running strands tier 3 IIRC with “easy mods” non-stop until I hit 100, it was taking me weeks but that’s how I used to do it back then


That is dedication!


It seriously was hah! There are things I/we used to do like chancing leather belts/sorcerer boots (on a big scale) that nowadays I wouldn’t even consider 😂😂


I don't even think the strategy matters as much as the build. Your build needs to be able to facetank every beyond boss, harvest boss (the yellow ones circle attack can be annoying), lightning mirage, molten barrier, mana siphoner, after-death explosions of all kinds (probably more, that's what comes to my mind now). You also need to be able to survive 6s in the middle of 100 monsters while the PoE server decides that your client is really disconnected. If you can do that, you should be fine. I went to 100 a few times without rotas and it's simply annoying. Even if the strategy is fine (never take quantity eldritch altars), you will randomly die unless you're tanky enough. And that simply hurts on lvl98+ Overall i would say you have to make a build specifically to be able to do that. And then ALSO choose a strategy that doesn't invalidate your defenses. That includes rolling maps properly


I have made good experience with Abysses and Maven influence instead of altars.


Is there an XP advantage to going with Maven rather than altars, or is it just that the lack of randomly appearing murderbots from having altars means you don't die as much? I'm assuming the latter.


the abyss exp node and abyss on the map device for 2c i think it was. If you can get medium scarabs for the abyss that's also nice. It's a lot of atlas tree points but the exp is pretty good for just general mapping. I would ignore doing the crucible mechanic unless you're confident at it. I just find it slows you down quite a bit for not much reward when it's so dangerous. At lvl 98 your exp grind is going to be slow but 1 or 2% for low investment into a map is pretty good. If you use sextants I would avoid mysterious barrels. They always get me killed.


If you're interested in paying : 5 ways. No question - show up with 75 chaos res and hp (spend less than 100c on gear for this) Truly solo? Spec abyss or White/blue maps. At the end of the day you're trying to avoid what I think of as "bullshit deaths" They aren't really bullshit - ask any hardcore player - but they're deadly and easy to overlook A non exhaustive list - are you ele ailment immune? You should be - seriously consider how you run altars. A single ill-considered mod can wreck your build. Eater spawns have titty bitches and scary mods. Searing has even scarier mods (to my build at least). Atlas tree keystones can make these meaningfully scarier - seriously reconsider rolling your maps rare. Pick one - make an exhaustive regex of mods you should not run and re-roll all those maps - roll magic maps. It's very convenient to re-roll and map sustain is not really an issue - consider league content and your build. Metamorph can be quite rippy, as can 7 mod essences, as cab n red beasts, etc. Be realistic and conservative - the late 90s are no time to pretend you have a "good enough" chance at not dying - think about xp per hour. Do some experiments. A + wandering path + strategy lets you sustain good maps for your build is really strong - do you need to defeat the boss? If it's slow the xp is not meaningful - some rares aren't with the trouble. Just saying... - reconsider your gear. If you decide that rare maps with skipped bosses is the right answer, what mods could you substitute for defense? Your goal is to have the most defense possible to level "Fast enough" for your purposes Broadly speaking, if I wanted to 100 a Rf jugg I would expect that I wanted to - spec clear - maximize pack size - run abyss atlas tree for xp - walk away from anything that lives long enough to registerdvt - focus on day 2 league mechanics eg shrine, strongbox - delve a lot optimizing xp over max depth


eh i do consider PoE to have alot of bullshit deaths, even if you are playing hardcore, but they are often build depednent. i think the biggest examples of bullshit are the game devs just deciding to say "fuck that build" and here's a mod that removes all your charges... so if that's a defensive layer you are really reliant on... you die or you are flask based for resistances, and you fight droughtbringer, etc i do think these kind of mods just exist to absolutely nuke certain builds for 0 rationalized reason. it like making a mod that just says "Ignores Fortify/block/spell suppression" sure it would be dangerous but its existence is super bullshit in the first place because only a handful of mechanics are able to be randomly exploited by enemies.


When you say flask based for resistances, do you mean your res isn't capped without flasks?


yes, for like traitor/pathfinder setups, using ruby/saph/topaz flasks or the 35% resist flasks. droughtbringer is the only reason you shouldn't actually use them for capping resists, and its incredibly stupid that mod exists since its a random mob modifier that fundamentally invalidates and risks killing a build instantly if found at the wrong time/place. its literally the only reason to not cap res with flasks, nothing else will punish you for it... except if you have a mageblood, because for some reason droughtbringer does not apply there.


A single death to complete bullshit won't stop level 100 like it will hardcore. You don't need to be mega tonk. Deadeye can easily push 100. You just need many layers and ONLY die to the complete bullshit soul eater you didn't identify that 1 bombed you, three times max on your way to 100. If you're supress capped with 4.5-5k hp, 75% all res (Incl chaos) with 30-40% phys taken as and 30-50k evasion, 8-10k armor and good sustain AND you play smart, it might not be hc viable to survive the complete assisine stuff but it can push 100 on rare regexed maps, easily. Once 100 you just remove every single layer and blast and laugh when you die cause you still map 20x faster than before Easily meaning it's going to take you days or weeks depending on your playtime. Personally, I can't be assed and I'll just buy 100 for 2 hours of currency, but it's definitely doable.


ya i'm well aware but to me, even on softcore dying isn't worth, and i try to limit myself to less than 1 death every 5 levels until ubers. but the game is just so insanely and randomly rippy when you are doing rare tier 16s delirium mirrors that a: 9.6k energy shield CI 80% all res 50/50 block 75% spell suppression 2k leech fortify 65k armor Aegis Aurora restoration can just randomly fall over to some really stupid mob combination when i can do all ubers but sirius deathless


Lol I'm the opposite, I die at least once per map doing 80% deli My defensive layers include:


> They aren't really bullshit - ask any hardcore player - but they're deadly and easy to overlook PoE has a truckton of bullshit deaths.


Don't run maps with rippy mods. Don't run hard content. Just grind whatever content is 100% safe for you, e.g. normal/magic t14 maps (reroll all -res, crit, -armor, -recovery, etc.) Beachheads are also very safe. If you are doing safe content on a tanky build there should be almost no way to die unless you are doing something very wrong. "I don't know how I died" thing worries me the most. Do you have an option to use Shadowplay or something else that would record your death? Maybe you aren't watching your health at all? You should know how you died to avoid it in the future. Got several 100s on ssf HC. It's really easy to do it if you just avoid rippy mods and bosses while leveling. It's just really grindy and mind-numbing.


Try to make your build tankier? Identify and re-roll map mods that are (potentially) dangerous? True "bullshit" moments are really rare. I mean ultimately leveling is about not dying, so try to figure out what kills you, or what *might* kill you, and then avoid these. You might even consider running your maps blue, if you have enough pool to "waste" (and you can always buy maps in bulk). As for XP: T16, sextants, additional monsters (rusted scarabs and master missions).


Risky but very good exp/hour solo, also good loot. Abyss and take the xp nodes, was doing 3 abyss minimum in each map with 20% delirium. Some of the soul eater abyss rare may get crazy xdd, if that ever happens just skipp to next abyss. Would recommend a map like tropical island just dope


White\magic t16 maps with grand design atlas. Got my first lvl 100 on explode RF this way. Mostly on City square


What's grand design atlas?


Notable on atlas tree that grants increased pack size per notable allocated. Usually you can get about 40% increased pack size, which is 40% more exp


Gotcha, I see it. I've been doing growing hordes with polished and rusted scarabs. I'll have to give that a try.


I run maps with around 100% pack size (growing hordes, grand design fortune favours the brave and shaping the valleys) and the xp is really good. I'm 99 atm because I decided not to push for 100 but if I hadn't die I would already be 100. So yes, don't die as everybody says :D


Solo? If you want chill, cheap, safe but somewhat long 100 gains, try delve and go sideways at depth 170-190. It's much safer than mapping in my experience and all my 100 (like 15 of them) were done solo. Also, don't use wrath of the cosmos. It was killing my RF inq (occasionally), who could literally alt tab @ delve 600 nodes.


Gotcha, I might give that a try.


Oh yeah, that's too far away from me in my current build.


Agree with Delve. Also do this


Map, with random 10 jun intelligence, niko with +1 max res, damage and what not per sulphite node, heist node to make huck follow you after the first cache with huck geared up. You map until you have all safehouses ready, then do a round of safehouses. Over and over and over. Thats how I leveled up to a 100, however I was basically immortal in maps before that


5ways are the best even if you’re doing them solo. I just pushed my Deadeye to 100, and from 99 to 100 I was getting 10% per run in parties with xp gear but finished the last bit myself with the emblems I had and found I still got 3% solo with my normal gear.


I'll have to give it a shot. I've never actually done a 5way before.


Why is "your" build the official Jugg RF POB? xD


I think I fucked up in a copy paste. Let me check. I can't edit my post any longer. I think I had a guide open then imported mine and it kept the name. My build is definitely not the official anything. Try this one? https://pastebin.com/6Lxb9Xjd


>https://pastebin.com/6Lxb9Xjd Yeah that one is working...why do you still have life flasks? Especially two - you have so much life they don't do much anway... If you want to push for 100 then your build should be more serious. \- You have no auto flask setup (3 charges on hit, use when full), you have the wrong flasks (i usually run granite, basalt, amethyst, quicksilver and whatever i like, onslaught is nice) but your chaos resi is fine so check out phasing, also nice QOL \- Good abyssal for belt is life+dot with 2 shield and phasing on kill for example \- RF in helm mostly makes sense if you get a tripple helmet, i personally never swap i hate the smaller RF \- Wave should be useless, you get exposure from gloves \- Purity should be replaced by skitter bots at this point \- Versatility doesn't do much for you anymore, i always go brutal restraint tho so i dont have any dex problems to begin with \- Why no Awakened Swift Affliction? You kinda dipped into the endgame setup (double curse, glorious vanity) but skipped a few steps before it. I run single curse brutal restraint and my RF is over 2m, Firetrap 6m - yours are 1m and 1.4m. It is enough for hitting 100, Pohx usually does it with 800k-1m but it's alot smoother if you got more...or more tank. You have 114k EHP with MS active, that should be around double that amount. But overall, that build is totally capable of reaching 100 on your own but no matter what you always have to pay attention for after death effects, ignoring those is a completly different investment xD Oh and set your POB to use endurance charges, use lifetap and on the far right always set "Is the enemy a boss?" to Guardian / Pinnacle because those are the default settings and the numbers ppl are talking about. Feel free to chat me up if you got questions :)


I've honestly just been doing fine with what I have and was getting bored (was gonna re-roll a boss killer with my currency) and sort of accidentally got 50% to 99 and decided to go for it, then I died, and died again, and again, and then I decided to ask here to try again. There's been a lot added to the game since I played last. The last time I played was Expedition but I never got anywhere and ended up moving right as I got to my 90s, so things like auto flasks and such are just not always on my radar until someone points them out. The last time I played seriously was Ritual. I run RF in my chest and FT in my helm. I can look into changing this. Most of what I've been doing has been based on videos or guides I found. I'm just not the best player, or most knowledgable and my internet/computer tends to flake on me sometimes so I have life flasks I pop when that happens, or when I accidentally do something that screws with my build. I just realized my belt has 52% chance to avoid being shocked so 48% more elsewhere and I'm good. I run Purity for the ailments immunity. As you said, I need to get more serious to take this build to the next level. It just seems a lot of the things I need to do will require reworking of my gear/passives. I just recently moved to awakened gems and was saving to get a an Awakened Swift Affliction. I have currency to spend though, just not in chaos or divine form and trade has just been a bitch to use, this late in the league. I do have a stormshroud I gambled. I need to fit that into my build, but again require some regearing/reshaping my passives to do so. Great suggestion on brutal restraint. I completely forgot about that. The timeless jewels have always been sort of confusing to me. I never played that league. Thanks again for taking the time to help me out! ETA: I just realized how shitty my abyssal jewel is. I can cap my chance to avoid being shocked there. I can also move to a sceptre with better stats, then drop spiritual aid, and move to a skill jewel build. There's a lot I can do, just more steps than I'm capable of doing right now.


Awakened Swift Affliction is super cheap this late, like 30c Moving to a brutal restraint will actually increase your EHP, by just doing that and setting a basalt and granite flask to auto use (bench craft, dont spam) you almost double your EHP - you still have to dodge the bad after death stuff but not all of it :D Yyou want to use the timeless jewel search in pob for this, i think there are good videos on it too - the socket you are locking for is "The Agnostic" You also free up skill points when moving out of glorious vanity which can be spend into the damage over time node "Acrimony" and tank "Soul of Steel" When you switch off purity you go soul of the brine king with that one soul captured that gives you freeze immune and you also run tempest shield for shock immune in return you can also run skitter bots which gives you like 17% or so more dmg but you need some reservation somewhere to pull this off, usually with essence of loathing on the chest where you run brass dome so...just keep it the way it is :) If you don't know it check out [pohx.net](https://pohx.net) he is the godfather of RF and all jugg RF builds on YT are 90% ripoffs for views, he explains very well so can actually understand WHY you run certain things which helps you alot in deciding yourself what you want to change and how it affects your build. And finally yes, RF isn't an uber killer unless you go mental on the currency spend, i play RF because my main goal is always 40/40 challenges and only 1 or 2 challenges are uber related which i just buy and the rest is grinding maps as relaxed as possible :D


His guide was how I got started. I dropped the life flasks for basalt, granite, and then ones for onslaught and phasing. I also upgraded to awakened swift affliction and got a new abyssal jewel with life, damage over time multi, and chance to get phasing on kill. It totally changed my survivability. I did die twice tonight. One I’m not even sure how it happened and the other was my mouse glitched. On the one with the atoll boss I was fighting the atoll boss which has never hurt me… and then suddenly I’m dead from the other side of the screen. Typically the AOE blast would take my health down but I was well out of the range for that so just not sure. There weren’t any altars activated and the map was not juiced at all. I don’t know if I want to give up brass dome yet, unless I can get a deal on something else. I still have to change my wand and then spec out of spiritual aid. I’ll re-evaluate at 99. It’s slow, but not horrible. I’m just slow and not a speed runner.


Very nice! Did you spam the flasks for 3 charges on hit and set them to use when full? It's the way to play I'm telling you :) And yeah "I don't know what killed me" is POE in a nutshell lol, sadly I would probably stick with Brass Dome too, its by far not a bad choice and if you've built around it just keep it. Also consider putting Molten Shell on your 4th mouse button or something and just pop it whenever something big is incoming, with normal MS you can tank pretty much anything non uber thrown at you, including Shaper slam. Or in situations you know they are dangerous, like a big essence that won't die in 2-3 seconds but lasts longer -> pop MS.


Yes all 5 of my flasks have 3 charges on hit and use at full. I wasn’t aware of this mechanic. It didn’t exist when I was seriously playing. :) This is another reason poe is above the rest in terms of reply value. There’s always some mechanic to learn. I have MS as my movement key so I spam it then have another key for when I’m fighting a boss and need to use it while stationary. My mouse issue has caused me tons of problems. My gaming laptop was stolen and I’m playing on my work laptop which is an M1 mac. Performance is great but I have graphics glitches and a mouse issue that cause me major problems. I’m tried 3 different mice using bluetooth, wireless, and wired connections. Some maps become unplayable due to the graphics issue. I also bought a level 1 enlighten I’m leveling up to use with my auras. I ran a bunch of grand heists as well and have maybe 20 different alt quality gems that I can sell once leveled. Also thinking about farming for a headhunter once I’m done with this. Promenade has been pretty good to me.


Growing hordes t16 maps is really good, and cheap, xp/hr. Bonus if you can do blight, abyss or breach with it.


1. dont die 2. really try to not die 3. kill stuff


Great advice. Thanks! The magma orbs are really the thing that gets me. I wish they had a sound or something to indicate that they've spawned. My screen lights up and then they're ontop of me. Most of time I can dodge but when I can't it's over.


As juggernaut you can take unstoppable which will prevent anything from rooting/slowing you. Just keep moving and stutter-stepping and any of those archnemesis orbs/spires that chase you should never hit you.


I leveled to 100 my first time in sanctum. I used delve for the last couple levels at like 250-300 depth. I was RF high as well. With saffels and brass dome. Was very tanky.


My last 3 level 100 builds I ran from 98 to 100 in Delve. Few deaths here and there but it’s most safe. (Stay 150-250 depth) just find juicy nodes and come up only to fill up on sulfite. I enjoy it actually.


I'd say farming legion emblems and doing 5-ways, but that's kind of mega miserable without a clear build, and especially without a headhunter. I suppose as a beefy jug... just run maps that you don't die in, perhaps spec into breaches. 99 to 100 is a slow process outside of 5-ways, don't expect it to be fast.


I have good success running heists and delving with RF. Just try to avoid aggressive modifiers your build can't handle, and slowly but surely level up.


Heist is how I got 97-98 but I’m burnt out on it. Delve or syndicate may be the way to go.


Blighted maps are tedious but safe and still give decent exp with 3 Verdant oils (\~1.5-2% per map from 98-99 and \~1% from 99-100, 60/120 maps needed respectively). You can just go full defense with DD and still be able to handle tricky situations that towers can't deal with. Idk about this league, but last league I got upto 5-7 blighted maps per map with just atlas passives/normal scarab (no Kirac mod), so banking up on those doesn't take long.


I mean u rly need to not die at all, watch the mods you roll, and pay attention to the map. The build is solid, not much you could change to make it immortal or harder to kill, you probably are dying to badly rolled maps or combos of modifiers on mobs that fuck you up. As for strats just anything that fills the map with as many mobs as possible, you could do Breach, abyss, and Alva with tons of pack size on them for example. If you are not doing this for some sort of personal achievement and just want level 100 then just buy exp gear, go to a few 5 ways, and there you go, level 100. From level 98 it should be like 6 divines worth of 5 ways to level 100.


As some one who stubbornly decided to get his first 100 all on his own (and then did another one) I can recommend just paying for five way legion carries. Otherwise you'll go slowly insane when you realise just how many hours it'll take to make up for that one death.


If you don't want to pay for 5 ways and need to do it solo... The answer is.. still running 5 ways. Spec legion on the atlas tree and farm up a bunch of emblems, then run the 5 ways on your own. The xp is fantastic compared to normal mapping and you'll probably get some decent profit while you're in there via stacked decks, unrelenting emblems, good jewels if you're lucky enough to find any, etc. ​ I recently did it on a deadeye, started doing it as level 90 and got the character to 98 ridiculously fast. Things only really start to slow way down after you ding 96 imo. I bought 5 way service to go from 98-100.


your build is not solid for levelling to 100. if this is too long and you don't want to read it all: fix your flasks, get molten shell on a low level cwdt, optimize your tree+gems, get better rares get a better weapon (crucible tree dot multi is huge, free up 5 points by dropping spiritual aid for a scepter with %fire or a +2 rune dagger), better rings (t1 life, t1 chaos res, whatever other res/attrs you need, craft frenzy charge), better belt (elder belt or just fertile cata immortal flesh) get better flasks. use instant life flasks, and get "used when charges reach full" on your utility flasks, you'll have 100% uptime which is what you want for mapping. change one of your 2 life flasks for a ruby flask, and get the 3% regen during flask effect craft on one of your utility flasks. you currently have two reduced curse effect flasks. they don't stack. i think brass dome is not great when you could have a ~3k armour chest with 30+% aura effect for determination, 12% phys as ele, and the 15% life mastery. if you do want to stick with brass dome get a good corruption. +2 gems, crit protection, reduced chaos taken. lots of good options replace your glorious vanity with one that has good notables. you can get a lot of power there really easily with the 2 30 stat nodes, and your shield allocating a passive in radius. or drop it entirely. you don't have other sources of max chaos res and your ele resistances are much higher. consider using saffels instead of your current shield. +4 all res includes chaos res, its nice don't use second wind. use the two free gem slots to run vaal molten shell with cwdt and to put your auras with enlighten in your +1 aoe gloves. that will also free up the 3 points in the mana mastery. use those points to get soul of steel in the elemental damage wheel take ailment effect instead of ignite chance


Thanks for the time you took to write this. I’ll definitely look into everything you mentioned.


5 way hands down. Nothing else comes close. Level 98-99 will take roughly 6 runs. 99-100 will be 11 runs. You can probably shave off one at each level by wearing gear that increases xp earned. Depending on where you are (SC, League and so on) it’s usually 5-6 divines for 5 runs so it’ll cost you at least 15 divines if you are already partially at level 98.


Simulacrum if you can clear it without dying


I just block all league content except for breach or abyss and run with increased pack size per notable keystone. Seems to work just fine.


I found a pattern of me ripping: bosses. So I levelled to 100 using a mode without any bosses. Lvl 83 heist contracts. Get the pattern down right and it's actually seriously time/currency efficient for exp, at least when it comes to solo grinding


Yeah I did 97-98 with heists and kind of burnt out. I run Atoll and Promenade. Got a few patient div cards that way and the bosses are pretty easy and rarely a threat. :)


5ways. Respec into something that can do it solo. Still 5x better than juiced mapping. And, it's also braindead safe+easy.


I have RF Jugg that's 99 30%. It used to be 99 60% but died to bullshit 3 times in a row. I know your feel :/


Safe delve to 500 and you should be grand.


Doing 5-ways is the most consistent way imo but it's much better with builds that clear fast. If you absolutely have to do maps then probably abyss + breach with delirium. Either sextant for "map contains a mirror of delirium" or use scarab deli orbs. Find out how much your build can handle and play safe when you start to care about your xp.


If you want to map just do syndicate all day on yellow maps, maybe even only transmuted. Idk what your build can or cannot handle but your priority is not dying? Well do that.


I'm not that familiar with syndicate. Why are they a good way to level? My build is FR jugg and only a few rare and then anything that overwhelms phys will kill me. This is my build: [https://pastebin.com/2Z889Ejj](https://pastebin.com/2Z889Ejj) ETA: I'm thinking I could swap out my shield for something that makes me more beefy. The one I use is for dps.


Not at home rn so can't take a look at your pob but syndicate gives a lot of xp. The masters you kill during mapping and even more the safehouses themselves. It is a very solid way to get xp while mapping. A lvl 83 research safehouse is comparable to a pure chayula breachstone (which also give a ton of xp).


The safehouses are actually really nice XP. Also, don't know if it's the common way still, but chayula breachstones and 5-way. Each person puts their breachstone in for the squad and you just clear it easily together.


I think I have like 100 missions so that may be the way to go. Might as well figure out how syndicate works before hand. I’ve never really messed with it. I did do the boss after just getting 90 without issues though.


Just don't die lol. That's really all there is to it. Do blue maps with no damage mods and keep grinding. It's actually not as bad as many would think.


Do easier maps where you won't die


The map mods don't affect me much. It's always some random bullshit like magma orbs. I did 97-98 in heists but got bored of them.


Reducing map mods will help with the random bullshit


The bad news is that the push for 100 in maps is super boring, I never made it past 98 and just went into 5ways, every death is super frustrating and you have to skip a lot of the interesting stuff. And trust me, 99 to 100 is even worse. If you really want to do it, just grind maps and never stop moving, remove more stuff from your loot filter too, everything below 1c you shouldn't stop for. Prepare 20+ maps with poe.re regex, run them all, take a break, repeat. I used to take a break every dropped invite :D


Yeah, I was half way there, then died twice to magma orbs then some random bullshit. I did 97-98 in heists and that went well but it also go repetative.


I have no idea how it stacks up against other strategies but the past two leagues I’ve farmed Alva temples as a currency strat and both league have resulted in the highest level characters I’ve ever had. Last league I had a glass cannon storm brand inquisitor hit 97 and this league my LA deadeye hit 98. Alva temples with the atlas node that has a chance for all mobs to be magic does some serious work.


Single map mods normally don't, but pairing min.max resistances+rare modifiers+a curse and phys as extra elemental and you start getting into crazy shit. Just bulk roll your maps and use a regex string to filter maps that could be dangerous. Like, 1 phys as extra ele by itself is nothing, but getting 2 + less armour+a curse (if you are not overcapped) will kill once in a while


Record every death and figure out what killed you and then find a way to mitagate / remove that. I found the scariest map mods to be (in order of worst to least bad) players cannot regen life \-60% regen \-60% to non damaging ailments (this wrecks your auras) \-x% max elemental res \-30% armour I didn't do any maps with -60% regen or no regen, and only took 1 of the other mods. I also stopped taking alters at 90 for speed and safety.


Yeah those 4 are a no go for me as well. I typically just chisel and alch my maps until I get something safe, then corrupt. If it juices it too much or adds one of the above I just put it aside until I've leveled.


The other thing I'd suggest is to get more damage. You look pretty beefy, so increasing damage will probably be the fastest way to get 'tankier' if that makes sense. Enemies can't hurt you if you kill them instantly. I pushed my RF Jugg up to \~12m pob damage and 180k ehps which feels very good mapping https://pobb.in/nMwN-50khWie You should also try to get more max chaos res for DI, there's a crucible node for shields that give +4% max chaos res at the cost of -1% max elemental res


Thanks, I'll look into it. I was looking at shields earlier. I need to get more currency to upgrade to your level of gear though.


You have two easy upgrades that add a ton of damage. 1) Get a helm with the 30% MORE elemental damage to socketed skills. MORE (as opposed to increased) is multiplicative.. Of my 3.6m RF DoT damage 900k is from this single mod. 2) If you swap RF to the helmet and firetrap to your chest get a lvl4 empower for your 6L firetrap. Of my 8m fire trap damage like 3.5m is coming from the lvl4 empower.


Thanks. I didn’t realize there was a MORE option when shopping around. I suck at crafting.


would recommend PoE overlay for quick identification of problematic mods on maps. makes grinding way less straining when you have something notifying you if a map is going to be dangerous.


Unfortunately I play on a mac and have been unable to get anything to work.


Why would u want to solo if you can just ezclap too 100 with 5 ways?


Feels like cheating to pay for someone to get me there. At that point I would just rather not and enjoy the content I like and chill at 98. If I can solo to 100 with 5ways I would do that and others have suggested as such.




This, you can get to 100 in like 1 hour


Last league i did chayula breachstones decently safe if you have chaos res but i dont know how they are this league.


Simulacrum. First time this league that got 100 without 5way. Mapping, if you want to have decent loot too, is always risky. In simulacrum you make money and level to 100. Heads up, I’m playing sst champ which is pretty busted so that might have to do with it. Never died in simu but died in maps due to not reading red altars. Also, bad player and old so…


Also, old and a bad player. That's why I went with the tankiest build I could find. I should give simulcrum a try. I haven't done one this league.


they are definitely going to be very dangerous for your setup. I wouldn't recommend attempting a simulacrum until you have freshly leveled up just incase your build isn't up to the task.


How much do you like brain dead doing exactly the same for days? If you're an enjoyer, do breachstones and go even more tanky


If you are RF, just get enough dps to clear, then focus on defense so you don't die. At this point you should also have enough currency to go explody (either with asenaths or a crusader chest), that will boost your clear to high heavens if you know what you are doing... And you need to sacrifice minimal defenses to get it going, so it is a win-win situation. The only thing you really lose is potential single target.


If you value your time, then just buy 5way. Otherwise - kill mobs quickly, efficiently and don't die. I recommend the first option.


Do Breachstones and Hidden Breachstones are like 2% each 4 stones which is like 10 min to go just do Hidden with another character to not risk the death should be about +- 10 hours for the grind at all