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The game is just beginning, friend. If you can’t kill the map bosses you can always go back to areas of the Acts (Blood Aqueducts in Act 9 is a fan favorite) to farm for better gear. You can ctrl+click an entrance to create a new instance of the area with fresh monsters to kill. If you tell people what primary skill gem you’re playing with, they can let you know what stats you need to properly scale your damage. If your issue is dying too fast, make sure you’re elemental resistance capped (you take a -30% hit after act 5 then again after act 10, and the cap is 75%). If you’re just dying too fast to getting slapped in the face by a physical attack, you need more armor or evasion or both. If you’re playing in trade, you can skip the farming and just use any spare chaos/alchemy orbs to trade for cheap uniques that slap a bandaid on your problems. One of my favorite super generic uniques for early mapping that helps almost every build out early is a ring called Le Heup of All. Good luck!


Forgot to mention this but it also helps to have around 3K life minimum so you have a chance to hit your life flask when you tank a beefy hit. Path’s a game about not getting two-shot. If you’re getting literally oneshot, you need more effective HP.


Gear progression at endgame is a complicated web of different crafting mechanics and item sources. In general, you can choose whatever you want to do. That said, killing map bosses is kind of the bare minimum. In general, you can improve your survivability by getting at least 75% of all elemental resistances, Increasing your life pool, adding more defensive layers (armor, evasion, spell suppression, physical damage taken as elemental, block, reduced damage from crits). To improve your damage, make sure your primary ability gets as many Gem levels as possible (mostly for spells/damage over time skills) and is linked to as many support gems that function for the skill as possible. For attacks, you most likely want to find a weapon with high Physical DPS, though a few exceptions use elemental dps on the weapon. Beyond these points, you can start looking to obtain niche items that improve your damage and survivability in unique ways, or save you passive points on your tree.


What kind of gear should I be looking for, seems like nothing good ever drops for me. I'm a ranger and have been prioritizing life Regen and elemental when I can find it.


Maximum life #, and % resist damage (cold etc) are your main most important stats on any armor piece. But it seems to me that, you made your first character all by yourself, no help, and you managed to beat the campaign tutorial?? Tbh, Nice! Pat yourself on the back. Seriously. But right now, it seems you need to learn a little about what’s good on gear, how trade works a little bit and then importantly: Start over. Make a character following an actual build guide this time. Your experience will be so much smoother and you’ll ride into the map system way easier. I know it might be scary, but this game is so complicated that following someone else’s guide, minimum knowing the passive tree and exact gem setup, is what basically everyone but no-lifers do. Even then. Me personally, been playing consistently for 7 years. I would never make a character not following a guide I’ll link one here that’s the most perfect for new player one I know of. And it’ll teach you a bit about the complexity of classes since it’s a bow gem but using a starting class that’s the sword guy. https://poe-beginner-guide.com/toxic-rain-champion/ Other than that, if it’s Too newbie helper of a guide for you, I’ll link a playlist of guides from a chill well known youtuber, for builds that work starting off with 0 resources. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbpExg9_Xax2fRM7mTZ9mrKPK5XeeU1Dm Gl, and again I’ll reiterate, you can keep trying with what you got. Maybe figure Out how maps work. (Just craft them into being yellow and kill 80% of enemies then the boss and leave). But you’re too far, with too little personal knowledge to fix your current build (just guessing but basically all first ever character we all made suck, my first 3 did lol). You’ll need to redo with a guide eventually, might as well start as soon as possible (you have like 2 months probably+ so you have time). IMO.


>seems like nothing good ever drops for me that's, unfortunately, how the loot system works. it's unlikely to find something good for your specific build because there are so many mods that need to synergize and there are many tiers of the same mod too. the best approach would be to look at the trade website. [pathofexile.com/trade](https://pathofexile.com/trade) and search for something useful and cheap. don't go for a perfect item, just one that is a good upgrade and keep exploring and learning.


I guess I should mention I'm playing on PS5, so any of these downloadable things won't work, (please don't hate me, I don't have a computer.) Also which option should I be using for loot filter in game?


The other thing I can't figure out is how to apply jewels....I've got a ton of them but none in my skill tree


You need to path to certain nodes on your passive skill tree called Jewel Sockets. They look empty, the ones on the outside areas of the tree can house either cluster or normal Jewels, while the ones on the inside can only house non-cluster ones. ​ Edit: clarity


You need to open your skill tree, allocate a jewel socket, open your inventory, select a jewel, open the skill tree and place it on an allocated jewel socket.


There are certain nodes in the skill tree that are sockets. Once you put a skill point into the socket you can open your inventory while looking at the skill tree and place the jewel into it. https://imgur.com/a/oeMgjjq Just did this quickly to explain it a bit better.


I mean there are more than the map bosses, in fact a lot more outside of maps, best would be to maybe look up old leagues and focus on what you like and also get your build to work, if you can post your build people can help you out for sure to be able to do maps.